She Used to Be Friends With JD Vance

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New York Times Podcasts

New York Times Podcasts

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Senator JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, and Sofia Nelson, his transgender classmate at Yale Law School, forged a bond that lasted a decade. In 2021, Mr. Vance’s support for an Arkansas ban on gender-affirming care for minors led to their falling out.
Sofia Nelson, now a public defender in Detroit, discussed Mr. Vance’s pivot, politically and personally, with The Times.
Background reading:
• JD Vance, an unlikely friendship, and how it ended ( .
• Nelson shared with The Times about 90 emails and text messages with Mr. Vance. Here are some of the most revealing moments in their correspondence ( .
• How Yale propelled Mr. Vance’s career ( .
For more information on today’s episode, visit ( . Transcripts of each episode will be made available by the next workday.

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@janetttyminski7295 Ай бұрын
My mother used to say “Never put anything in writing you wouldn’t want to see published on the front page of The NY Times.”
@katiehettinger7857 28 күн бұрын
@agt1234567890 23 күн бұрын
Am I missing something? Seems like he’s a nice guy.
@sharongillesp Ай бұрын
SAYING you care and SHOWING you care are two very different sentiments. Vance is another lost soul. . . when you’ve bought into power and money above all else you’ve lost your soul . . . here’s hoping Vance finds his again one day.
@agt1234567890 23 күн бұрын
Maybe he’s still the same person he always was and just changed his opinion on one person (trump) and now everyone is losing their minds
@kiaba360-4 21 күн бұрын
​@@agt1234567890 People can change, sometimes for the worse. Trump has been the same person since he became a career politician. If Vance has completely changed his opinion on someone who hasn't changed for the past decade (Trump), then it's obvious why Nelson reaches the conclusion that Vance is no longer the same person she once knew. To say that Vance is the same person then and now, is not a compliment to Vance.
@harsharam541 Ай бұрын
I am so impressed by Sofia Nelson: her ability to speak from a place that is profoundly vulnerable yet lucid and grounded. I wish we all had her clarity and compassion.
@CarlosIowa Ай бұрын
How very interesting. Thank You NYT. And thank you, Sophia, for sharing.
@alexisarouge Ай бұрын
What a brave, thoughtful and incredibly sharp person. I wish we could hear more of her voice. Imagine if she was in power. What a better world we would live in.
@johnegan5967 Ай бұрын
Proper grammar!
@Rootingaroundwithkara 15 күн бұрын
I'm curious. They use the pronouns she, and also says they are trans. Does that mean they are female? Born male? Or male born female. I'm just curious because either can't find the answer anywhere
@sarahcarder7076 Ай бұрын
I am impressed with how well Sophia communicates her experience and feelings. She strikes me as insightful and honest and a good friend.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
Me as well actually. It just seems like he continually was nice to her and kept their opposing viewpoints separate from the friendship. But now she has not. When his conservative views went political she couldn't help herself
@macncheese9026 29 күн бұрын
She didn't say he hid opposing views from her, quite to the contrary - that's the point. You make it sound like he was dishonestly humouring her throughout their years-long friendship.maybe you should listen again
@Wolfy776 Ай бұрын
Sounds a lot like Tulsi Gabbard too! How do you flip a switch like that, run as a democrat and 4 years later endorse Trump?! Political chameleons are the worst
@HickoryJ Ай бұрын
Profound and deeply sad. Thanks for sharing this
@Rain_Reign 27 күн бұрын
So sad and terrifying. I really wish this episode, and Sophia’s story, were getting a lot more attention. These are things We The People need to know about our leaders. And the irony of Vance calling Harris a chameleon…I know that “projection” is a bit overused right now, but I can’t think of a better word.
@benedixtify Ай бұрын
Maybe he was just as much a chameleon with her as he is in public now
@kv_5238 26 күн бұрын
That’s exactly what I was thinking. He got something from his relationship with Sofia and then discarded her when he didn’t need her anymore.
@peggymulligan7228 Ай бұрын
Power is what JD Vance wants at any price!! You're very brave Sophia!
@kentuky1233 6 күн бұрын
Isn't them a they/them?
@everydayispoetry Ай бұрын
That Vance's response was written in the third person, whether by himself or by a staffer on his behalf, is so deeply sad and quite telling about where he is now. About where he has gone. About the seeming loss of his humanity.
@starsiegeRoks Ай бұрын
Exactly. She wasnt even worth a personal reply from him. Just a boilerplate statement from a staffer. Its a very pointed lack of familiarity. J.D effectively pulling a Trump by saying without saying "i dont know you, your not worth my time."
@macncheese9026 29 күн бұрын
He's made her 'the other', pushing her into the dehumanized separate collection of 'not normals'
@JanetLClark Ай бұрын
In short, he sold out for power.
@michelebella677 26 күн бұрын
I'm so sorry that Sofia has had to lose what seemed like a genuine person at time. When you lose a friend to a hateful ideology it can be extremely confusing. I'm glad he's speaking out. It can be extremely intimidating to go against someone who potentially has the power to bring harm to you. I support Sofia for doing this 100%.
@tammiepulley7167 Ай бұрын
Sofia you were brave to go public with your experience with JD Vance. It’s true that his public opinions do embolden people to attack trans, blacks and single women.
@cwidd1929 Ай бұрын
seriously a profound interview - in a just world, this interview would be enough to discount JD as a politician altogether, demonstrating the focus of his interest entirely.
@patrickmccurdy8688 Ай бұрын
It's hard to know who you are when you're a phoney.
@bascal133 Ай бұрын
DD Vance is even worse than a a true believer, he’s a charlatan. He doesn’t believe any of this stuff
@annewilliams8221 Ай бұрын
Powerful. Thanks for this. It took great courage for Sofia to share their story knowing fully what would -- and has followed. (reading some of the comments makes that plainly clear.) You can choose to align yourself w/ Vance or not -- but seeing him in the fullness of what he is (or isn't) should only inform that choice. To say it was a betrayal to disclose the nature of him belies the fact that this is a man who has put his whole life on display in every possible way. As such, accountability to truth was/is inevitable. We are all complex people, no doubt --- full of paradoxes and contradictions informed by different lived experiences that move us either closer to... or further away... from our true nature of goodness. I hope Vance someday resolves what has moved him away from that -- for his, and for potentially all of our sakes. Much love and strength to Sofia.
@sharongillesp Ай бұрын
This all reminds me of the horrific civil war in 1994 Rwanda where neighbors murdered each other ( Hutu vs Tutsi) - and interestingly enough it was INSTIGATED by the CATHOLIC CHURCH. People who had been neighbors for years. The murdered figures were as high as 1 million people in 3 months!
@Rain_Reign 27 күн бұрын
Exactly. This is where horrors like start, and it’s happened way too many times in human history not to take it seriously.
@Evelyn_the_OG 26 күн бұрын
Sofia is so brave! Thank you Sofia for helping us to understand JD Vance and putting into words what many of us suspected
@FloriaG777 Ай бұрын
I really appreciate Sophia sharing this insight. It is interesting how loyalty is a concept that is individually interpreted. Vance indirectly suggests that Sophia sharing these conversations was a betrayal. I would argue that the betrayal stems from him. It is not just a matter of disagreement. The quest for power at the expense of others especially using hate that Vance and the Republican party pushes is the true betrayal.
@mikewilliams6025 Ай бұрын
Your uncharitable interpretation of everyone else's motivations is the real hatred. And Sophia has proved herself as an untrustworthy person and not a real friend. I would trust her with no personal information. I'm guessing after this, no one else would either.
@JZK-vg8it Ай бұрын
​@@mikewilliams6025 lol Nothing wrong with exposing a hypocrite who has sold himself out in his quest for power.
@Isewein Ай бұрын
Precisely. I'm not a fan of Vance as a VP pick, but this public airing of (not-so-)dirty laundry only makes me sympathise with him as a human being. This is not what a true friend does - to quote the bard: "I may not evermore acknowledge thee, but mine is thy good report." It's quite a jump for her to come to the conclusion that he betrayed her in a personal way because of a law specifically addressing minors.
@ribbrascal Ай бұрын
Bit rich from the side that hate made hatred of white people its moral foundation and operating principle. /ex-liberal
@FloriaG777 Ай бұрын
@mikewilliams6025 Frankly, if Vance was my friend, he forfeited my trust when he began to engage in manipulative behaviors that served to justify discrimination, bigotry, or violence against me or other marginalized groups for the sake of his own interests. What kind of friend is that? You speak of charity? Why should I give charity to someone who so effortlessly is willing to compromise his values for political power? That is exactly the type of person I do not want to have power. Charity is rooted in the idea of compassion to alleviate the suffering of others. How again is Vance encompassing kindness and generosity or emphasizing the importance of caring for others? He doesn't.
@terryarmstrong8598 Ай бұрын
Political ambition is a helluva drug.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
Maybe she plans to run for politics
@Rain_Reign 27 күн бұрын
@@itsallminor6133if she does, I’d applaud her. She seems like an intelligent and sharp person with good ethics. Edited for she/her pronouns as it seems that’s what Sophia uses.
@lcr7479 Ай бұрын
A lack of moral courage to not come forward. Such a strong set of words. I hear a friendship that changed and perhaps even hurt. 🤔
@jayeisner8849 Ай бұрын
Sophia is so thoughtful and kind that her opinion carries weight for me.
@ribbrascal Ай бұрын
She is a disturbed and mutilated woman and a betrayer of friendship.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
​@@ribbrascalthe betrayal is kind of true. He did nothing to her. And she says he changed but if you really listen to her she didn't say exactly how. She admits he was conservative, nice to her, sarcastic at Yale. And he doesnt seem to have changed. All she has really verified is he changed his mind on trump which he admitted already. She says "transforming on every conceivable issue". Yet can't specify what. It actually contradicts her own statement. If he was conservative in college he's conservative now. What changed? She contradicts herself
@luskvideoproductions869 Ай бұрын
So...Im going to make a bold prediction, a sad one, but I think it's likely now: JD Vance's marriage will not survive this election. And I say this because...Trump made this ideological switch in his politics and betrayed his own prior political beliefs because he's basically a clinical sociopath...he lacks internal empathy to other "humans," so making that flip-flop (and profiting off of it) was easy to do. JD Vance on the other hand, has some kind of empathy and soul (or had at one time), and the flip-flop he has made is only just going to create a greater and greater cognitive dissonance in his mind and soul, and its going eat him up...until he confronts it. And that is going to exact a serious toll on him and his family the longer it lasts. Thanks Sophia for bringing this to the fore....I really feel for you and your loss of your friend.
@vinista256 Ай бұрын
I don’t see how Usha has reconciled herself with the “new” J. D.
@garnerjazz58 Ай бұрын
@@vinista256 JD is already sleeping on the couch you can be sure.
@calebrum Ай бұрын
I wonder this too. Melania can run and hide (though you can see she's really not happy), but I just don't see that same coldness in Usha when she appears publicly. If I were in her shoes, I'd be thinking hard about whether I was living a life that I could be proud of.
@LornaharrisonLornaharrison Ай бұрын
@@vinista256 she can reconcile herself because apparently she has become a part of the power and wealth elite. I find her strange as Indians do not behave that way. With her level of education and marrying a blue eye white boy shows that she has also shifted the focus from being from humble immigrant daughter of Indian descent to the American dream. She has even resigned her job to join her husband on his campaign. And that is to show you how certain she thinks she would be the wife of the next VP of the US. May be she has even measured the draperies for her new house already. She has no soul just like her husband. Birds of a feather flock together. She will and it seems has "sold her birthright."
@Marcus-ok2jy Ай бұрын
I do pity JD's family alot. Usha doesn't seem like a bad person and JD didn't seem like a bad person till he became corrupted by power.
@janaka861 Ай бұрын
Very thoughtful… I have been confused by his behavior and this is an enlightening discussion. Thank you so much.
@patriciaperdasofpy3974 Ай бұрын
Such a powerful conversation. I admire Sophia's courage in sharing her story and living her authentic life. I could hear the pain in her voice over the loss of her friend. I share her question and frustration with the lack of a clear answer as to; how does her being, impact and make harder, the lives of "normal" people.
@kentdenero Ай бұрын
As I listen to her, I thought about every municipal Black politician (mayors and council members) I ever met, along with Trump and Harris. The key and common denominator is alienation as the other among them all. Vance as the chubby, rural, white kid wanted to be accepted by the elites who looked down on him, so he did what Gramsci and Kruse predicted and said what would happen to people like him. He joined his oppressor(at least as he saw it).
@Iquey 8 күн бұрын
😭 where did the chill JD go?! Was he ever genuine back then in his support for causes of justice?? Damn! Thank you for doing this interview Sophia.
@macncheese9026 29 күн бұрын
Thank you Sophia, JD can say what he wants about this, but to stay silent is to be complicit in any harm caused by MAGA extremism. Mary Trump talks of having regrets for not coming out sooner to tell the world about her uncle. I'm sure there were also descendants of 1933 Germans who wished more people had not just gone with the flow.
@whatsupdate Ай бұрын
Is it possible that the person you thought you knew early on at Yale was every bit as much of a construct as the one that appeared at or around 2020?
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
My guess is he was a nice guy and conservative then. And still is now. But when she pulled the "friend card" texting him over the children surgery she broke that. He kept the political views they had separate from their friendship. Perhaps she tried to pull that card to sway him. She already knew he was conservative at Yale.
@maemorri Ай бұрын
What would I ask JD Vance: "Can't we all just get along?"
@kojirosasaki6200 27 күн бұрын
“Everything Trump touches, dies.” If Trump loses, it does not bode well for his campaign staff. Vance will be pretty much be done.
@chioj36 Ай бұрын
I came here to comment and say just how well this interview and Sofia’s responses were beautifully constructed and conducted. Great work NYT✨
@georgechris8796 Ай бұрын
people change, obviously. that goes without the motivation for power like this.
@NoWay1969 Ай бұрын
Vance believes that parents should be given the right to vote on behalf of their offspring, and he's extremely patriarchal so we have to assume he means that fathers should be given a vote on behalf of their child. He's also said that women should be forced to carry a pregnancy due to rape to term, so someone really should ask him if he thinks that rapists should be given a vote on behalf of the children he helped them father.
@albertharum-alvarez4381 Ай бұрын
@@NoWay1969 Property-holding men were given the right to vote with the clear understanding that they would vote the interests of their household. Gentlemen who were abused or cuckolded by their wives were punished and publicly shamed-instead of their wives-not in order to”blame the victim” but because they were held responsible for all of the men and women and children they supported, even when those men, women and children attacked them. Even today, women spend 85% of consumer purchases, yet husbands are co-responsible for these purchases, whether they are aware of them or not. Voting is a responsibility that is still today mostly performed by the more responsible: older folks more than younger, employed more than unemployed. Research shows that unemployment permanently scars the exercise of voting, even after people return to responsibility and work. If it makes you less unhappy, please know that rapists don’t end up being dependable voters. Voting is indeed an issue that is experienced very differently after you’re a parent, and after military service. Both are deeply sacrificial acts. And JD is right: things like parenthood change us in a way we can barely fathom. And parenthood could have been one of the ways that Sophia and JD grew apart.
@carolevolcy7608 Ай бұрын
He hides much from his own self and definitely those around him.
@mystery79 24 күн бұрын
I also lost friends over politics. We didn’t have an outright argument but they just ghosted me for supporting Bernie Sanders. At this point I don’t see much in common with them anymore and wouldn’t want to be friends again.
@kentuky1233 6 күн бұрын
Oh, yes. I'll trust a they/them on anything they/them say. Just as I trust in my schizophrenic brother when he says the earth is flat.
@joanyoon4672 Ай бұрын
Thank you Sophia. We need to accept eachother for who they are.
@ribbrascal Ай бұрын
Trans-identified people can't accept themselves for who they are.
@meh4062 Ай бұрын
This makes me sad. Thought JD Vance would have made trump at least less extreme.
@terry9238 Ай бұрын
@@meh4062 But that wasn’t likely-since Vance has turned out to be even more extreme than Trump.
@michaelhermiston 26 күн бұрын
it seems that an exploration of his new inner agenda, would be a good conversation to have with Vance.... it's wonderful to hear the compassion and thoughtfulness in Sofia's is so hard to understand the Trump cult.... hopefully America's democratic structure can weather the storm 💙💙💙🕊🪺✔✍🏽🇺🇸😎
@michaelhermiston 26 күн бұрын
it would be fascinating to watch as Vance listened to this interview...with pauses as he commented
@deathendings6313 Ай бұрын
Wow. Just wow.
@strings2wood 28 күн бұрын
Seinfeld looking at JD drag photo -JD Trans George Costanza: "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
@KatefilmNYC Ай бұрын
I don't agree with sharing private conversations, especially only segments. They only way I can justify it is that he discussed her in his memoir, making her a character to present himself as receptive to diverse viewpoints. Still it feels wrong.
@amelemon9318 25 күн бұрын
I have empathy for people who suffer from traumatic experiences as Vance supposedly has. That being said, I do not believe that they have a place in leadership roles over others, especially as high ranking officials in the US government. Vance's decision to be a sell out to himself translates into his ability to be a sell out for the American people. Just as Vance believes that people without children should have less rights than people who do, the same can be said about a person who suffers from mental health issues being permitted to run for or hold any political office. This is a question all Americans should carefully consider, but I wonder if Vance would appreciate such an application?
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
Thanks for telling me JD Vance hasn't really changed. He was conservative, nice and somewhat sarcastic before and still is
@r8chlletters Ай бұрын
Trust me honey you were potential material for a book he wanted to write.
@robbriner9575 Ай бұрын
Haunting. Haunting. Haunting. Vance is sad, sad, sad.
@jacquelinewilson2279 25 күн бұрын
Vance is emblematic of people who are influenced by the internet. Russell Brand is the same.They are both intelligent but easily led. They also seek power. A dangerous combination.
@jenniferwong1196 Ай бұрын
I applaud the courage it took for Sofia to share the particulars of her friendship with JD Vance. Could it be possible JD is just talking the talk/walking the walk to get "into the club", but when push comes to shove, he will do the RIGHT THING?? Clearly, the friendship he had with Sofia and their many exchanges remains in the landscape of his mind and could hold sway.
@lpsynth3570 Ай бұрын
Sharing private messages. Classy.
@missd369 24 күн бұрын
Power holds more sway.
@Marcus-ok2jy Ай бұрын
Life now feels like a very sad movie.
@hannahem8604 Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@jennysteves Ай бұрын
Interesting and moving interview. I also worry about Vance’s integrity but I don’t think revealing personal correspondence is a wise method for eventually healing the divide or encouraging better communication.
@anthill1510 Ай бұрын
This is not about healing a divide or encouraging a conversation. This is about exposing how much the person who might be second in line to the presedency has sold out to get power. This is to warn the people who will vote about him. This is not about some fluffy undivided world that doesn`t exist. This is about warning people of danger that will come for them in form of extreme and regressive policies promoted by that man second in line if they don`t pay attention.
@anthill1510 Ай бұрын
This is not about healing a divide or encouraging a conversation. This is about exposing how much the person who might be second in line to the presedency has sold out to get power. This is to warn the people who will vote about him.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
​@@anthill1510reading between the lines. She says he was conservative and sarcastic and nice at Yale. He's still the same. It appears more she became upset when he ran for political office. And by the text message she sent "gender affirming care for children" that's not really a hill you want to die on when pulling the "friend card" knowing they are conservative and you are far left progressive.
@anthill1510 Ай бұрын
​@@itsallminor6133 JD Vance advocates for a national abortion ban, the ending of no-fault-divorce, defunding of the public school system, defunding of all kinds of social programs and he is backed up by a detailed plan written down in Project 2025. To me it seems like he pivoted in his believes to gain power, but it`s not really important if he always was like that or if he personally believes in these policies he wants to write into law. The policies itself are the actual problem.
@Brian-os9qj Ай бұрын
So much here can be explained as, pandering. Being disingenuous in word and action is never attractive. Changing position, through new information and reasoning, is a growth supporting process. If turning one’s back, for political reasonings, on a friend/cohort is another matter. Parsing the bs/truth, for the righteous, is never ending. Imo, both of the featured characters here have axes to grind and are now playing in the big game. They are both still learning. Being, or representative of way left and way right achieves little in the conversations that have to be had. This is little more than pointing fingers. Our world has way too much of that already in the political arena. I want more from the generation I am so waiting to represent the future.
@srulypearlman8713 Ай бұрын
Yuck, politics aside, sharing personal correspondence without the other person’s permission is just disgusting. Luckily all Sofia’s acquaintances now have fair warning…
@jab78c41ql6 Ай бұрын
Our country's future is on the line. Why wouldn't she when one could see the drastic shift in his philosophy for his political ambition?
@loganemmert1392 Ай бұрын
I'm sure all of her acquaintances that plan on becoming fascist will take note of that.
@ArmHope Ай бұрын
@@jab78c41ql6likely she was paid for this, don’t make it out like there is a hero, just another yale grad making a buck
@dr1903 Ай бұрын
It is important before Americans vote to know our possible VP is (as she said) “willing to turn his back on his core values in order to amass money and power.”
@craigpoer Ай бұрын
She doesn't know how the cha ging society is affecting people?
@txnmia8613 Ай бұрын
Why don't you explain?
@daviddascanio777 Ай бұрын
JD has adopted a maturity to his views based on life experiences. Is a free and thoughtful person allowed to change there ideologies as life experiences add to insight in being a public servant. Trying to please everyone pleases no one but as a public servant should serve for the betterment of the society, which is up for discussion
@maryhobbs4183 Ай бұрын
That you see it as more mature is laughable.
@lcr7479 Ай бұрын
@bevtaylor5466 28 күн бұрын
You think t’s mature for Vance to say married women should have to stay in abusive relationships and to characterize childless women as unhappy cat ladies? ??
@tanyawilliams8254 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your story,💙 Vote Blue America 🇺🇸
@DaisyHollowBooks Ай бұрын
Power stuff. Please ensure her well-being.
@user-dx3bg1qf7y Ай бұрын
This sort of palace intrigue is beneath actual journalists.
@arthurshort4291 Ай бұрын
It's such rat fuck behavior
@DavidPerry-pm1hk 8 күн бұрын
@fanbernie5818 Ай бұрын
With friends like this who needs enemies. Just wants to get in the spotlight since he was selected as Trumps running mate. What kind of friend is this that is so jealous of his success that old emails of their conversation were published. 😑
@ag-cs4gd Ай бұрын
Feeling mixed about these emails being made public. But I definitely think your expectation of privacy drops when you decide to run for Vice President of the United States. It's part of the deal. Would the same commenters have complained if an old acquaintance of, say, Hillary Clinton had released some of their emails during that campaign? Call me cynical, but I doubt it.
@laurastutt3442 Ай бұрын
Fascinating account
@user-ed4xh9ut7r Ай бұрын
Ohio State grads are just as fabulous as ivy League scrubs
@yoyomama101 Ай бұрын
@confus1tron Ай бұрын
I started listening on spotify and wanted to share my frustration, so came here to leave a comment. After a few minutes it became clear what this was, and I stopped listening. It’s an old uni friend of Vance, who had made private correspondence public. Am I the only one who finds that unethical? Shame on you New York Times. I hope that Trump and Vance won’t win the election. But going through private correspondence from like a decade or two earlier, is ridiculous. Maybe it’s because in the US’s news media isn’t unbiased, but this would be looked down on in most of Europe. Bad look for Sofia Nelson and NYT
@DDCrp Ай бұрын
Did you expect something different? These are campaign wings of the dnc
@DDCrp Ай бұрын
A hit piece brought to you by the American Stasi... Unethical and *weird* story.
@franklopez4028 Ай бұрын
Babaro is legitimately the worst interviewer. Somehow Sophia carried him through that.
@vcab6875 Ай бұрын
JD Vance revealed his Heart to Sophia. One’s Heart does not change absent severe trauma. Vance is the same person he was at Yale.
@mikewilliams6025 Ай бұрын
You think the only way a heart changes is trauma? Yikes. Listen, get out of therapy. It's leading you down a dark path.
@anthill1510 Ай бұрын
No, he is not. Or at least he acts like he is not. It doesn`t really matter what "his heart" says, it matters what kind of policies he promotes and implements as a politician. The kind of policies he promotes now are clearly extreme and regressive, he is not searching for a balanced worldview any more. It doesn`t matter if he actually is convinced of what he says, it matters what laws and structures he promotes that will influence everybodys life.
@quackslikeaduck 26 күн бұрын
I'm not a fan of J. D. Vance, and it's my deepest hope that he and Donald Trump don't infest the White House. With that out of the way, I'm feeling ashamed at joining others here in snooping into correspondence that, I'm guessing, was written with the assumption that the contents were -- and would remain -- private. Yuck. I stuck around long enough to write this comment and now I'm out of here without listening to the entire piece.
@MrLachlan1903 Ай бұрын
Breaking that bond of friendship and leaking personal correspondence simply does not sit well with me. You've sacrificed a principle, and I don't think Vance would have betrayed you in such a way. I find it ironic when Sophia says he has a lack of integrity, while not having the integrity of confidentiality.
@joanstepleton1637 Ай бұрын
He broke the bond when he aligned himself with Thiel and Project 2025. He is trying to enact policies to hurt others. Why is he trying to hurt others? That is what this is about.
@QuietRefl4378 Ай бұрын
It's a tough call, but I think it serves the public interest to know about Vance's radically shifting views. If he is elected, Sophia likely views this as a threat to her and other transgender people. I don't think she's wrong about the threat, and I respect the fact that she did not leak this information anonymously.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
​@@QuietRefl4378what exactly shifted? She says he was conservative and on the opposite end of the political spectrum than she was at Yale. I see no change. . He was nice to her then, probably would still be. I think she did possibly throw a wrench in it texting him over the child surgery bill. He probably thought she crossed a line pulling the "friend card" , I only speculate . If he was conservative at Yale. She was tran progressive at Yale. What changed? Other than he ran for office. The fact he was so nice to her, having completely opposing views makes me actually think JD is probably a really good person.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
I agree here. Trust was broken I think. For what purpose? I don't know. If he was conservative at Yale and he's still conservative now I don't see a difference. My only question would be how much of his writing to her was to placate her being nice to a friend to avoid arguments
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
​@@QuietRefl4378I don't see a shift. She says he was conservative at Yale on the opposite end of the spectrum and he still is. What shift
@Salipenter1 Ай бұрын
I feel immense sympathy for what Sophia has gone through with what clearly was a close friend. But this has also made me more sympathetic to Vance, and I think I like him more now.
@TheKittyDrago Ай бұрын
Not challenging you, but could you please expand on liking Vance more
@craigpoer Ай бұрын
Good point, didn't know anything about Vance. His friend Sofia used him for fame.
@joanstepleton1637 Ай бұрын
What makes you like him more??
@TTTrouble Ай бұрын
A person who would forsake the safety of those he considered friends and sacrifice their human rights in a naked pursuit of power is something that you find endearing? To each their own I guess. I personally find it morally repugnant.
@TTTrouble Ай бұрын
@@craigpoeryour opinion of this woman “using him for fame” seems to disregard a fundamental idea. If your friend commit a high profile crime and got away with it, and you felt it was your duty to notify the police, and then reporters reached out to you. Are you preying on the victims of a crime for fame? JD Vance is on a path to strip this person and other trans people of their identity and access to modern healthcare. Perhaps it is not a 1:1 comparison with my “crime” analogy, but for many people, it is incumbent on them to prevent harm to society when they are able. To say it another way. If you see an impending train wreck, and take action to stop it. You’re not “using the train” as a pathway to fame. In fact, even if no one else in the world knew that you could have stopped the train wreck, most people would live with a heavily guilty conscious if they let countless people suffer when they could have intervened. Sofia is speaking to avert what she believes to be a personal and societal disaster that would lead to the harm of many of her what I suspect is her closest friends. For you to perceive that as “using Vance for fame”…it’s hard to understand. I don’t even have to agree with her positions to understand that her speaking out is a very understandable action.
@Bolt_Up562 Ай бұрын
What's wrong with the changing point of views on politics? As I grow older I turn more conservative. I mean she changed her sex, people change and evolve. Making drama out of nothing. The people who demand tolerance are the least tolerant.
@lpsynth3570 Ай бұрын
Cringey podcast scripted from the beginning to end.
@sybodson6929 Ай бұрын
Being tolerant of Vance’s intolerance would not prove noble character. He was clearly ok with allowing people to live their own lives until the temptation of money and power became too irresistible. The difference between how you portray this conversation and someone who is seeking a rational understanding is that one side is taking away rights and the other side is heartfelt about ‘live and let live’. Just so we’re clear, Vance only talks about taking away rights. The fact this conversation makes you uncomfortable enough to try and shut it all down tells me that you know there is truth in what I say and “drama” is your security blanket. Find your bravery, the world doesn’t have to be an ugly place.
@kristaselene Ай бұрын
I’m a lifelong liberal Democrat who walked away from the party in 2017. Not everyone in MAGA is out for political power and opportunism. The hypocrisy of wanting the world to accept your complete change in gender and appearance but not giving the same courtesy to someone who has evolved in their own pursuits and opinions is the reason people are over the Democrats.
@bevtaylor5466 28 күн бұрын
What Vance is pushing now would take away her rights and the rights of others in that community. What is hard to understand about that?
@JonathanWest001 Ай бұрын
The betrayal of trust is more telling of her than him tbh.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
This made me realize JD is actually a very good guy. Despite opposing viewpoints politically, ideological, he was still very nice to this person. It's appears to me the person became upset when jd put his personal views into the political machine. My guess is he's the same person that went to yale with her. She said he was a conservative then. I don't see the change. I also suspect some of his response was to placate her, trying to be nice. Other than that she is upset now using a political card to throw a wrench. It's also interesting to hear and understand that JD really does know the progressive left from first hand experience. So he is knowledgeable about the situation and both sides. He just didn't stop being a conservative.
@bevtaylor5466 28 күн бұрын
He stoped being conservative when he started seeking political power to take away the rights of people like his former friend. He is extremist, not conservative. Most conservatives want little government interference in people’s lives-live and let live. That’s why many traditional conservatives are now leaving the Republican Party.
@ArmHope Ай бұрын
Another Yale grad making a buck off of betrayal…. Sofia Yale taught you well
@paulkern7229 Ай бұрын
lame post
@user-di7ek4rq7v Ай бұрын
Nice hit job. Unsubscribing my subscription.
@loganemmert1392 Ай бұрын
"unsubscribing my subscription" lol I love it when people reveal how stupid they are in such a succinct manner.
@NoUploadJustComment Ай бұрын
Vance is a monster who has no real beliefs. He is a tragic story of Faust
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
Can you explain please? She says he was conservative in Yale. He's still conservative. I'm not seeing a change. It does sound like she misses him
@loganemmert1392 Ай бұрын
​@@itsallminor6133did you even listen to anything that was said?
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
@@loganemmert1392 entire thing. Twice. I'm actually beginning to wonder if she like him and he rejected her. "He was so nice" and then he changed. No explanation into what really changed
@mariechhandover817 Ай бұрын
If Jesus had to chose perfect men as his disciples he would had have zero disciples.
@mathdadclt3683 Ай бұрын
But Judas was the only one to completely turn his back for self-gain.
@aidancollins1591 Ай бұрын
And yet he chose people with a good heart. Tell me, because I'm very curious, what actions taken by Donald Trump indicate that he has a good heart?
@ninagrace-lee8323 Ай бұрын
Sofia was right to speak up but wrong to leak messages. And let’s get real - gender affirming care for kids isn’t the hill to die on. Most people don’t agree with it across the political spectrum
@Tina06019 Ай бұрын
I am a progressive Democrat who has a lot of concern about the health problems that the medical and surgical transition of minors cause.
@BahubaliSamraat Ай бұрын
The only thing i learned from this episode is that i cannot trust my 'liberal' friends. Sofia is a untrustworthy backstabber
@orion6372 Ай бұрын
All is fair in war, and we are fighting for our freedom
@BahubaliSamraat Ай бұрын
@orion6372 Freedom to brainwash children and mutilate their bodies? Or the 'freedom' to censor 'freedom of speech'? Or freedom to jail political opponents on bogus charges that'd put even Putin and Xi Jinping to shame
@bevtaylor5466 28 күн бұрын
Real friends do not try to take away the rights of their college friends by gaining political power. The betrayal is on Vance’s part.
@BahubaliSamraat 28 күн бұрын
@bevtaylor5466 The fact that you've to lie to support this backstabbing means you know as well she is wrong
@TennesseeJed Ай бұрын
@_surreal99 Ай бұрын
There's a very Deep naivety in full display here.
@patrickmccurdy8688 Ай бұрын
How so?
@sirjdt Ай бұрын
22:34 "I am a normal person. Queer people are normal americans I supp... whatever"
@Calmseagull Ай бұрын
Is the title of this video misgendering Sofia?
@AmandaQuinn-ww8dc Ай бұрын
Please change the title of the video to not misgender Sophia! They use they/them pronouns
@ribbrascal Ай бұрын
Woke cultist.
@itsallminor6133 Ай бұрын
Bwah ha ha ha ha
@DDCrp Ай бұрын
So stupid. This is gross and creepy. - feels like a piece by the freakin Stasi
@NoHairMan Ай бұрын
You use this name, but have no idea what it was and meant.
@DDCrp Ай бұрын
@@NoHairMan so profound of you I'm blushing
@NoHairMan Ай бұрын
@@DDCrp just annoyed by Americans using these terms out of context and often wrongly. Don't use "Stasi". Don't use "Weimar", If you have no clue.
@dj0ai Ай бұрын
My sympathy is for Trump. But actually her private emails have given me a softer, more human, impression of J.D. Vance. So in my particular case her mission to thwart J.D. Vance has had the opposite effect. I simply like J.D. Vance more, after having heard her private conversations. The real problem for herself, is that no friend can ever feel safe with her. Revealing private conversations and emails is a no-go, even if you disagree politically.
@peggymartin1997 25 күн бұрын
What a way to get rich. How much are they paying you girl? I’ll gotten gains.
@jaysteve4442 Ай бұрын
Mr. “Hmm” is back 😩😩
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