how pumpkin spice became the epitome of consumerism

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@MMHay16 Жыл бұрын
We really gotta normalize the "having one forever sweater bought as an investment piece from a small business and/or thrifted"
@lithopheliax61x5 Жыл бұрын
I think that thing is a myth - the sweater will get holes in it and unravel - the more natural the material the quicker, in my experience... Also, where do you live that like one sweater will suffice?
@Ineverusemychannel Жыл бұрын
@@lithopheliax61x5I think that can come down to proper cleaning and maintenance. If you’re spot cleaning material and only fully cleaning when necessary it doesn’t wear out as quickly. Wearing layers (as is necessary in most places during the winter) can prevent the sweeter from getting dirty, too. As material gets thin or gets holes, you can patch sweaters or even knit over the area in a matching yarn so it’s seamlessly corrected. They should also be stored in containers that keep bugs out and if possible prevent significant moisture. Synthetic fibers in clothing is a new invention and past generations who relied on natural fibers maintained their clothes significantly longer than we do now. Capitalism and our societies modern values play a role in this but the quality of synthetic fibers most retailers are using don’t keep up appearances and have more seams that fall apart, even with equal maintenance to natural fibers. Aside from recycling pre-existing synthetic fibers, we’re not really in a place to say that these materials are better than natural.
@The1Dragonprincess 11 ай бұрын
Realistically not one but certainly enough to get by and not depend on laundry to always have a fresh clean one. And of course just keep reusing the sweater until it’s worn out and unfixable.
@stellar3746 11 ай бұрын
@@lithopheliax61x5 I think that one more of an exaggeration for the concept. But also I get what you mean - it can be hard to balance living life and taking excellent care of your clothes. I just aim to shittily sew my sweater holes before they get too big -- otherwise I'll have to learn how to patch lmao.
@sk8razer 11 ай бұрын
I understand that this message is not directed at my demographic. But I do want to mention how the conversation around sustainability can unintentionally come across as pretty classist. I'm 35 and I've never been able to afford any "investment" items of clothing. I've always relied on buying fast fashion, clearance items, and thrifted items that I repair and ultimately wear into the ground. Years of use out of items that were engineered to last one season. It's really really hard to save money when you don't have any. I know you're not speaking to me. But this type of wording can make it feel like you are. Also, when thrifting is trendy among higher income people, it really limits lower income people's ability to access high quality items. Thrifting tends to put people with expendable income into this mindset where it's okay to overconsume, because thrifting is better for the environment. Plus, we really do rely on your higher quality hand-me-downs. So the cycle thrifting becomes super trendy, higher income people start buying up everything which limits supply and increases prices, stores like Urban Outfitters start capitalizing on the trend thereby further limiting supplies and driving up prices, less newer high quality stuff gets donated, higher income people abandon the trend for a bit. Meanwhile, lower income people are trying to make it through the few years of the thrifting trend without an important resource.
@Scrugglebus Жыл бұрын
It’s absolutely exhausting how capitalism has ruined holidays. Fall season is my absolute favorite and fall has become so short in Montana. I remember how beautiful they were with the changing leaves. They still change but it’s just not the same…reminds you of the global warming problems that capitalism is trying to make you forget. Thank you so much for making this video! So many great points as usual!
@sierrarmcclain Жыл бұрын
Yes, Montana doesn’t even have a fall now. Or if they do it’s less than a week! So sad.
@TheKnallkorper Жыл бұрын
When I lived in NJ, I was beginning to notice the trees didn’t start to change until November, and I don’t remember it being that late as a child
@Yeyee23 Жыл бұрын
Yes, now before summer was over they started putting Christmas stuff in stores 😢
@snapdragon9386 Жыл бұрын
@@FloatingLeaf1111r u ok?
@maize3239 Жыл бұрын
Ugh climate existential dread
@YKKY Жыл бұрын
I am in Slovakia and we have Christmas decor in shops already, it's insane. Autumnal decor is about leaves from nature, few branches and whatever you've had for donkey years! Don't be buying new sh*t people. Cherish your sweaters for the memories they bring. Autumn is not about being cute in orange.
@discountpeachesyt Жыл бұрын
Australian here! I went past a shop the other day that already had Christmas decorations out too. Also, the day after Christmas all the shops start stocking Easter items. It's a lot!
@TheKnallkorper Жыл бұрын
Yep USA also has the Christmas stuff up. School just started here and now we gotta think about Christmas?
@Yeyee23 Жыл бұрын
Last year I tried not buying new decor for the seasons and I was surprised how ok I was with it lol it was nice not having a ton of clutter and spending money on stuff that will only be used a couple times then put away, saved a lot of stress from going in the stores too
@mari_3kyu Жыл бұрын
Germany here. We also have christmas stuff in some stores here (mostly grocery and tj maxx). But I worked retail for about two years and it was crazy how people came back every year to buy the same christmas decor shit they bought last year (and then had the audacity to complain about spending money on it because they HAD to get it - like no sis, you did this to yourself. I assure you your kids don't care) That's also crazy to me - using your kids as an excuse for it? It happens more than you'd think. When I was little we had a box of christmas tree decor my grandma had collected throughout her life and now a lot of people seem to wanna match whatever outdated pinterest aesthetic they saw reposted on Facebook this year.
@mari_3kyu Жыл бұрын
OH AND THEN they just throw it away???? Buy it and throw it away and then complain when they *need* to buy new stuff like it's the retail emoloyee's fault Babe, you can store thingssssss You can reuse things, if they're old and don't look too good anymore you can touch em up or repaint them. That's a fun activity for the kids! Repainting little pumpkin dudes, there you go, made it fun for the whole family.
@FateWorseThanDeath Жыл бұрын
When I think of Fall I think of leaves first. That's what makes me heart happy.
@tangledkelpp Жыл бұрын
Same here
@ardansh7745 Жыл бұрын
Me too!
@thatstreaminbdoee.7985 Жыл бұрын
@lauraann7816 Жыл бұрын
Ditto 🍁🍁🍁
@expensivepink7 Жыл бұрын
@BelleChanson0717 Жыл бұрын
I am from and live in New England, and I enjoy fall mostly for SOUP SEASON. It's hard to enjoy hot soup when it's 90°F, so when fall rolls around it's perfect to bring out my favorite recipes. I love to bake during this time of year as well: I start out making honey cake for Rosh Hashanah, then pumpkin bread using my grandmother's recipe, gingerbread, and cranberry muffins.
@le4905 Жыл бұрын
Honey cake 🤤🤤🤤
@scallopbunny Жыл бұрын
Yessssss I love soup season! Soup is also a great eff-you to capitalism since you can eat so well so cheaply with it!
@thatstreaminbdoee.7985 Жыл бұрын
YES. YES. YES. I'm from New England, live in upstate NY now. New England and New York falls are the best falls.❤
@des.leighb Жыл бұрын
Yes!! When she asked what comes to mind when you think of fall, I immediately thought “Soup and grilled cheese” 😆
@karensmithduh Жыл бұрын
Off topic but I adore your pfp idk what the story is with it but it looks dope
@TheFlamingoHouse Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: pumpkins are a “winter squash” that actually grow throughout the summer. They are harvested at the end of summer (fall). They are called a “winter squash” because they store very well and will last/feed you throughout the winter. I am a new gardener that has yet to successfully grow a pumpkin! 😂 Going to try more local/heat tolerant varieties next year. Edit: I do believe the heat waves and lack of rain are why I don’t have pumpkins this fall. 😢
@matildalitsey143 10 ай бұрын
I Knew they were a squash! I didn't know they lasted very well though. Thanks!
@harryportfelikartakredytow8907 Жыл бұрын
That's why I love being obsessed with a season by focusing on what you can DO more than BUY. Focusing on the action instead of the product. Like changing your wardrobe (putting away summer stuff, like in the back of the closet, taking out scarves etc.), foraging mushrooms, harvesting autumn veggies/buying them in the market, sitting under a blanket (the same one you've had for the last decade) and drinking tea/hot chocolate, cleaning your space, watching your favourite movies, inviting friends to cook autumn food together, observing the world around you changing (you can take photos or draw what you see), DIYing something (crochet, knit, collages)... and switching decorations BUT! Make it really meaningful... like for me, i make leaf bouquets, collect chestnuts, and i have two porcelain mushrooms but only because my friend got them and they remind me of her. I only keep it for the given season and then put it away, so that as the year passes i miss it or even forget that i had it and i'm pleasantly surprised when i take it out again. You dont need another pumpkin. You need one meaningful thing that you take out every year and feel happy that you get to see it again. And that applies to every single decoration you have - buy it when you're on a trip, DIY something, print out photos, show off your book or music collection... it's what i do as a student with a small space for myself, anything can become an expression of your character or be a meaningful object that people will ask you about when they visit you and you can tell them a story about it. You cant do that with new plastic pumpkins you buy every year!!!
@girllittlemorbid Жыл бұрын
Yes! This is what I've started doing! I switch out my decorations with the seaons (not buying new, just rotating what I have) pull out my pressed fall leaves (so pretty), making pumpkin muffins, switch from lemonde to apple cider, switch to my Fall playlist, pull out my Fall movie list. I have a little terrarium that I switch out to match the season too. lol I really like it, it keeps the year from blurring together until you wake up & it's December... You know what I mean? I hated that "where did the year go?!" feeling.
@harryportfelikartakredytow8907 Жыл бұрын
@@girllittlemorbid exactly! Switching decorations and "moods" for different seasons really helps to get through these transitions during the year, appreciate the changes and stay in the moment for longer. Especially if late fall or winter are kinda ugly (gray, cold, windy, wet, dark...), all those little things help to look at the world optimistically and create a cozy, friendly reality. Thanks to these decorations and little traditions, you feel excited for every single season, and even when it's tough you're like "I've been there before, this and that helped me get through it, there are reasons to love the place and time I'm in now!" Btw thanks for your comment, it really made me smile :)
@Noinin92 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with your comment! I also love celebrating each season to the max, but for me that's typically something that happens in the kitchen or it affects the hobbies I pursue.
@CLJlovesmal Жыл бұрын
Yes! I've mentioned picking up leaves and pressing them between sheets of wax paper with an iron for fun and not only did my nieces and nephews not know what I was talking about...neither did some adults. I used to love finding the best, most colourful leaves. I think it's better to do activities in nature during the fall season, so many harvest related things that can connect you.
@sustainfem Жыл бұрын
@@CLJlovesmal Great idea! I haven't done that for years but remember how fun it was.
@AerynKDesigns Жыл бұрын
For me, I'm FULL ON into Halloween on September 1st, but that's because I despise summer, despite being born in it (late june, when it actually starts). But yes, as a sea level southern californian, we have no seasons where I am. It's summer, lighter summer, mild summer, darker summer, and the popup random "fire season" sprinkled in as well.
@meep2253 Жыл бұрын
Don’t forget thick morning fog summer when the weather is cooler 😂
@idonotlikefours Жыл бұрын
you mention 'ignoring' and being 'out of touch' with the seasons towards the end there but I think there could be something to be said around climate anxiety with this. Rather than ignoring atmospheric changes, perhaps we are noticing these different weather patterns but there's a sense of wanting to 'make the most' of our experiences of our favourite seasons out of concern that we won't experience them in the same way for much longer
@cristoaldantes3222 Жыл бұрын
It's really ironic. When there's more seasonal marketing, we become less connected with the seasons of nature.
@stephhernandez7772 Жыл бұрын
That's what I think of. In Illinois summers are harsh but shorter now feels like...... the winters are less snow now and more negative zero cold 🥶
@greengerms5847 Жыл бұрын
i think you are totally right! there is that breath out we take at the "end" of summer, where we are like... okay maybe the climate is okay, maybe everything will be fine... It's unprecedented for us to be worried about the climate. It's not normal behavior for humans to have so much anxiety about something that we cannot control (independently). Our parents certainly didn't have this in their emerging adulthood, and it really feels like young people are the ones who care. So, yes I think this obsession with autumn is indicative of just how much we are trying to cope.
@maize3239 Жыл бұрын
I definitely feel pessimistic about this. I don't think humans have the long-term planning ability to actually address climate change. If we haven't decreased global emissions yet, even though climate science is 50ish years old, wtf are we even doing. Maybe we will just have to pretend seasons in the future. =(
@TeaCupCracked Жыл бұрын
I think it's important to clarify what pumpkin spice is; Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg, Allspice. I know that's a knit-picky detail to bring up, but I feel like part of dismantling all of this polluting modern human behavior is acknowledging/demystifying things. "Pumpkin Spice" is something you can conjure from your spice rack in the first world without specifically buying it as a pre-mixed package; if you look at cooking recipes, going back several hundred years, the ratio differs all over the place depending if in one era Nutmeg was more popular or if Cinnamon was more available. One of the "roots" of how terrible modern consumerism stems from is a lack of education; not higher education - literally just word-of-mouth sharing of knowledge. Pumpkin Spice is a brand; instead of us seeing it as a spice blend that exists outside of needing to consume anything specifically, it has been packaged as a mystery box others must provide for you instead of it being some accessible piece of information that once understood can then be replicated by you as an individual anytime you want it. I really think the more we just step back and try to learn about our own daily lives more, get a basic grasp of how things are made or function, we start to see things for what they are and not the spiritual identity that's being attributed to them. A well-designed sweater that is both functional and fashionable is, at the end of the day, just an object. You may never want to knit your own sweater, but gaining a sense of perspective about what goes into the creation of a sweater and how a designer either invented a new method or borrowed a forgotten historical method, then empowers you as a consumer to better assess the value of that object to you. Once you know you can make a seasonal spice blend at home; how often do you want to pay someone else to prepare it for you? Maybe there is a bakery that makes a cake exceptionally well and you want to pay them for that service; but maybe if you can easily re-create something at home without impacting your life... Well, having that knowledge might help reduce pollution by a few points.
@sierrarmcclain Жыл бұрын
Same with meat and vegetables. Some people think of food as something they buy at the grocery store, not something that is planted and lives and grows and is harvested.
@sonyaberry9805 Жыл бұрын
My grandma grew up in the depression. She told me pumpkin spice was a waste of money & what ingredients you need to make it at home. I never got the ratios right, but if someone already has those spices at home it can be easy to make. I am trying to work with my kids about where things like food, yarn wool ect. Come from. Thanks for your comment. I agree
@Yeyee23 Жыл бұрын
This 💯 Imagine my surprise to find out you can make your own butter by whipping cream with a handheld blender lol it takes like 10 mins but I had no idea you could do that I just bought it at the store my whole life
@sarahrosen4985 Жыл бұрын
@@Yeyee23 in my country, making butter is a common youth group thing. Picture a bunch if kids sitting in a circle outside in a field or forest. A teacher or counsellor is about to give a lecture or demonstration. Before they start, they pur a carton of cream in a clean soda (cola) bottle. Then they give it to the closest kid and tell them to give it a shake and pass it on. Round and round with shakes. At the end of the lecture, the bottle is cut open and the butter served on fresh pita. It isn't a coincidence that the average person doesn't know how to make butter anymore. Industries are quite happy for you to be dependent on them.
@the_Pons Жыл бұрын
Also, the flavour profile of pumpkin pie spice is very culturally dependant. I live in Sweden, and here those spices in pumpkin spice have been used in christmas beverages and food for way longer than the US influence of pumpkin spice. So to me, it just tasted like christmas 🤷‍♀️😛
@BB-ny7sl Жыл бұрын
I have a base wardrobe, but also 4 different vacuum sealed bags that have "seasonal" clothes to spice up my wardrobe. I still get that exciting rush of getting to open up and refresh my go to outfits every season without buying new clothes constantly
@livingvicariously5108 Жыл бұрын
How did you build a base wardrobe? I’ve been trying but I’m a little lost.
@molliefofollie Жыл бұрын
Love everything about this video. I'm so tired of people being so oblivious to the destruction happening all around us. They see all of these disasters, but can't seem to wrap their head around the "why" of it somehow. At what point do we wake up???
@beautibrew Жыл бұрын
I actually recoiled when you brought up the pumpkin spice scented toilet paper 😱 that is a yeast infection waiting to happen, I'm disgusted. Great vid as always ❤
@paigeknickerbocker8335 Жыл бұрын
I like that you mention fomo marketing. I realized awhile back that I was no longer doing things for my own enjoyment, but to post on social media. I was so concerned with making my life look exciting and like I was doing all of the fun things you’re supposed to do. Taking pictures was no longer about capturing memories but bragging to other people. Now I try to just take photos to keep on my camera roll and things are just so much more enjoyable without the pressure!!
@sawsanalh2802 Жыл бұрын
For everyone who wants to celebrate the beautiful autumn season, have nice stuff and not engage in excessive consumerism: start crafting your own decorations and stuff! It takes longer but every item you crochet, knit, weave, sculpt, paint, embroider, wittle, is not only unique and handmade, it's also considered and yours truly. Arts and craft is also a very relaxing hobby. It's not totally consumption free ofc since you still need materials, but definitely more considered consumption.
@BouncyBrown Жыл бұрын
I love crafts but it's often just as wasteful as buying stuff new, especially if you go to the big craft stores like Joann's. There are things you can do to minimize the waste like getting second hand yarn or fabric or "up cycling" old stuff.
@sawsanalh2802 Жыл бұрын
@BouncyBrown you are rising a good point. I think the more you do from scratch, or from upcycling, the better. Autumn is also a great time to find beautiful leaves and press them to use, or other treasures of nature.
@CocoKitty19 Жыл бұрын
Maybe it's because I'm not from the US but autumn makes me think of leaves becoming red then falling, temperatures dropping, less and less sunlight, things like that.
@Gabby-kc2cm Жыл бұрын
I’m from the US and I also think of those things when I think of fall
@SusanChristmas Жыл бұрын
Love the short days
@Merrybethable Жыл бұрын
It's spring in Australia. A country that treats pumpkins as a savoury food exclusively. I could get a psl at Starbucks right now.
@samanthagwynne Жыл бұрын
Random side note about growing pumpkins, have you ever tried Seminole pumpkin? I'm in FL and it's the most heat hardy squash, you can even grow it over our crazy wet and hot summers. Personally I love the taste of pumpkin spice 😂 I don't decorate seasonally though and if I ever did, I would thrift items and store them for reuse every year.
@Gumbi4ever Жыл бұрын
Ironically, it is likely the places that are most closely tied to the seasons now - the ones with the most true nostalgia - that also have the highest desires to cling to these cultural manifestations. Being a New England millennial, I acutely feel the human side of this. I love having distinct seasons and I do feel real nostalgia when I break out the same gear year after year. (It's generally just more practical to change over your clothes every year - those bulky coats just get in the way in July). As a result, I feel real loss every year I have fewer of the clear, magical frigid days in February (breathtaking in multiple senses). This loss of course makes me want to escape into Christmas cookies and other cultural attributes - to manifest the feels if the weather won't do it for me. Our cultural evolution needs to happen faster. More cookies in winter, less man-made snow.
@fiveplanetsaway Жыл бұрын
Its actually crazy you uploaded this video today!! I live in Athens / Greece currently 30 celsius / 86 f sunny no fall to be seen yet. and I went to Starbucks to get a coffee before work and yes pumpkin lattes and fall decoration in a city we still go to the sea and we as culture and tradition do not celebrate fall or Halloween or anything such!!! Its crazy!
@blackstarninja6785 Жыл бұрын
That little pumpkin place was very cute, I’ve never been to a pumpkin patch that wasn’t just a field of growing pumpkins, but maybe that’s because they grow well here? My name being Autumn meant that people used to occasionally buy me things with “my name” on them in the fall. Now I have to ask people not to because I end up with so much crap because it’s everywhere. It gets worse when the Christmas stuff comes out and the fall stuff goes on sale, even if I tell people not to, they cannot seem to help themselves.
@sydneyjo1039 Жыл бұрын
amazing, informative video! i would love to learn more about how being community focused has changed your life. the section of the video where you pointed to individualism as the reason why people feel the need to engage in these trends to find a community was so interesting. it’s so fascinating (for lack of a better word. maybe also terrifying) that individualism is pushed, yet community is what’s hard-wired into our brain, so while attempting to be individuals we also seek out community. would love to see a video on this!!
@jordypordypuddinpie Жыл бұрын
Love your point on seasonal consumerism fostering more disconnection from actual environmental seasonal cycles. Seen so many vids of people making jokes about wearing their new knit sweaters in the summer heat because "it's fall." Which just shows that we can buy our way into cognitive dissonance. I wonder if people would start to naturally realize that the seasons aren't what they used to be if stores stopped carrying cinnamon pinecones every year. The concept of seasons become more nostalgic as they become less predictable and familiar. People can synthesize the season with products the less it actually feels like fall outside.
@CrystleDragon Жыл бұрын
Living in New England, what makes me think of fall primarily is the changing of the leaves and the cool, crisp air. That's all I want in life. I look forward to it every year. Summer is too hot, winter is too icy, spring is good, but autumn is *chef's kiss*. And it really is getting shorter; everyone here seems to notice it whether they care about climate change or not. It'll be a tragedy if we lose it, and hopefully more and more people will do what they can to protect it. I know I need to take more steps to do so if I'm being honest.
@thecolourfulway Жыл бұрын
Im thankful that im crafty and the thought that "hmm i can probably make that" stops me from purchasing seasnal decor. Not that craft supplies cant also be wasteful, but at least handmade items stick around for a lot longer
@cookwithdrbrooke Жыл бұрын
I’m blessed that my uncle has a very productive pumpkin and squash patch. I see him in early October every year for a family get together, and he brings dozens of pumpkins and squash. I put them around the house as decoration but will cook and eat (or freeze) them so, eventually, our fall decor has been eaten-up and then I know it’s time to put up the Christmas tree :) gilt-free fall decor!
@senflyer- Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting how there seems to be a trend of replacing reality with artificial in this video. A sense of detachment. Pumpkin spice is detached from the context of pumpkin pie and added to various things. Pumpkins are detached from being a food in favor of becoming a symbol that can be sold. My personal favorite example you gave that I didn't consider is the concept of nostalgic clothing. That the nostalgia of an old fall sweater replaced with the idea of buying a new sweater every year. And the largest one of the very concept of Fall itself being replaced with an artificial Fall that begins and ends as it pleases. I really miss having 4 seasons. I'm not even sure if we'll get Fall this year. Summer was the hottest yet and I find myself begging that we get some relief before it's back to the heat again.
@Patchouliprince Жыл бұрын
I live in a rural town so when I think of fall the first thing that comes to mind is harvest season- But yeah that does indeed involve a lot of squash, so pumpkin included, there’s also apples, and corn. Oh and soup. I always spend all summer eagerly awaiting soup season I love soup. Pumpkin (and other squash) goes great in soup. And baked goods
@gailfoster8696 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making me feel like I'm not the only one who was horrified to see Halloween decor in stores at the beginning of August 😱 My favorite things about fall are the natural changes: the fall color, pumpkins and apples from my local farm, etc. It's one of the many things that keeps me committed to sustainability--I don't want to see fall continue to heat up and be unpredictable
@TuesdaysArt Жыл бұрын
I'm more concerned about Christmas Creep. I should not be seeing Christmas trees in August or September. Goodness forbid they start playing Christmas music in October...
@gailfoster8696 Жыл бұрын
@@TuesdaysArt that's definitely of concern too. I've seen a number of stores having overlap of Halloween and Christmas decor at the end of August (?!?!)
@eh337 Жыл бұрын
John Hodgman always says, "nostalgia is a toxic impulse." Though I don't think he is referencing consumerism, he is more speaking to living your life to get back the feelings of the past (impossible). The fact that nostalgia can be used to manipulate us by marketing strengthens his point. Just a thought.
@kasironi Жыл бұрын
My husband and I went to the ceramics shop and I painted a little leaf trinket tray for our wedding bands and he painted a ghost holding a pumpkin! So fun to have decor items that will come with a memory now each year we pull them out.. I’ve been scouring my thrift stores for a Halloween or Christmas throw blanket because I always have blankets on my couch and I’m so tempted to buy a themed one but I’m holding out.
@catherinelois8996 Жыл бұрын
Shelby! You're literally always speak exactly how I feel. Thank you for putting into words the reason why this is a problem! ❤ Great to know there are people like you!
@graedewey4864 Жыл бұрын
YES!!! Shelby killin the game | Tiffany Ferg killed the game *chef’s kiss*
@jq27272 Жыл бұрын
From the east coast - fall is the beginning of the school year and my favorite weather. I'm not a fall girly beyond all the larger scale friend & family activities that populate my calendar.
@elenad8712 Жыл бұрын
I was anticipating this video, so glad you're talking about it. The editing in these videos get better every week, I swear, and with the different sounds! Love it, thanks Shelby! My husband and I decorate every fall with decorations his mother saved, combined with things we bought when we first met. We tried shopping last year but the prices were to much and made us realize we have plenty to use.
@lunarcollective4271 Жыл бұрын
Thanks again for such an interesting, educated, and inspiring video! I'm in Australia so Fall really isn't a thing here. We don't even call the season "Fall". And our "spooky season" is in our Spring so although the pumpkin spice analogy doesn't directly relate to me I totally get it and it can relate to any season with the nostalgic consumerism. I don't think I had ever thought of the fact that with all the hyper consumerism we are distracted from our natural environment and what the season truly is about! Mind blown! What a different way of seeing things and like you said absolutely the scariest part!
@marieosuna9281 Жыл бұрын
I planted carving pumpkins in my garden this year for Halloween and I have one pumpkin I knitted with thrifted yarn last year. That’s the extent of my fall decor.
@raining-tulips Жыл бұрын
I work in marketing and had an hour long meeting today to start planning holiday campaigns. We’re going to launch mid-October to meet “deliver for Christmas” demands. It feels wrong. I haven’t decorated for fall yet because the leaves have barely changed here in Maryland, and the mornings don’t have that crisp-ness. It usually doesn’t even feel like fall on the Autumn Equinox these days. It scares me because if we can become so easily disconnected from nature and from each other, and our reliance on artificial becomes to high…what’s the say they won’t take it further? What’s to say we won’t end up in our tiny, too expensive apartments without windows, being broadcasted virtual realities of fall? Maybe that’s extreme, but it feels too close to a possibility. Every morning I sit and eat breakfast on the balcony and the leaves are just barely turning orange. Every fall and holiday season I reconsider my career in marketing… I wanted to be creative and celebrate the seasons and nature and community. Instead I’m selling expensive gold-encrusted golf clubs. Love your videos, this one obviously conjured lots of thoughts 💗
@danielagasparini6095 Жыл бұрын
I love the way you talk and how you connect topics. For me your videos are the perfect balance of both useful information and fun. Love your channel and the message you’re putting out🫶🏻
@ILoveLamp_1995 Жыл бұрын
I started putting away my winter/fall clothes during the spring, and only taking them out when it gets cold, and you're 100% right! They feel like brand new outfits, and help fight the urge to buy a whole new wardrobe every season
@shugarysubstances 4 ай бұрын
5:42 raking leaves and the smell of loamy dirt, the large plot of land I grew up on and one particular afternoon in fall time spent outside after school. without fail, everytime.
@depilou Жыл бұрын
fall = cooler weather and pretty leaves to me.. but I've been following you for a few years and I'm a practicing witch so I'm closely tied to nature, and creating distance between myself and consuming bullshit.
@Sunglassesforannie Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making a video on this! It’s so important.
@jen_chaos Жыл бұрын
I’ve been following you for a while- love your channel! Can you do an analysis/reaction to the horrible Temu and Shein ads and their guaranteed use of sweatshop labor? I’m so frustrated with my loved ones who support them.😒
@karine9770 Жыл бұрын
Two of the more recent videos cover Shein and Temu :)
@harmonyln7 Жыл бұрын
I'm in Scotland and we've seen haloween and christmas stuff since August! I hear you about the climate and messing with the seasons too. September is the new school year, so we had to start wearing coats in early September. This year though everyone is wearing shorts and t-shirts except for the last couple of days. Last year I only bought a doormat with the words "merry christmas" because there no others available.
@TigrisAquino Жыл бұрын
This video was so reassuring!! Glad to know my husband and I are not the only one that talk about these things 🙏❤️
@nyurr2196 9 ай бұрын
What is extra interesting is the new USDA growing zones changing. My area went up half a zone, which means we do not get as cold and our seasons have moved. It feels horrid, but also matches my lived experience of the most mild winters I can remember ever having.
@rilzthrifted Жыл бұрын
When you say "fall" I think of leaves. I'm glad it's something from the Earth 😄
@muddy_spaghetti Жыл бұрын
I love your rants.
@ellenmontague8425 Жыл бұрын
Fall has always been close to my heart, as I’ve always lived in upstate NY. Coming from a small farm/orchard town, it always baffled me that people bought apples in the grocery store instead of the farm stand because we had 5 orchards within 3 miles of my house growing up. Even now, I refuse to buy apples out of season! When the first apples come out I get excited that fall is coming, and I’m so grateful to to have grown up this way. Artificial “changing” of the seasons is horrible and I love how you phrased it, that it’s pulling us away from the reality of our natural world.
@perthfanny3017 Жыл бұрын
Artificial changing of the seasons: you couldn't have put it better. People are connected to what consumerism is telling them to buy and when instead of being aware of what is going on outside
@sophieyodels Жыл бұрын
I also love the tiktok of the bunny eating the long dandelion
@ritar8209 Жыл бұрын
I grew up eating pumpkins as a savory food. Having it in a baked good was so weird to me until i hit High School. Then it just seemed like a vehicle for whipped cream and cinnamon.
@Draggonny Жыл бұрын
Apples are the superior cinnamon delivery fruit.
@takentoinfinity Жыл бұрын
fall makes me think of autumn leaves & apple cider, yum 🍁
@dokehannah Жыл бұрын
I personally love pumpkin spice! I also love the changing leaves, the freshly picked apples, the recipes, and the decorations which I reuse every year. I think it's important to get high quality decorations so you can keep them for a long time. Every year, I get a couple high quality decorations to add to my collection that will last for many years to come instead of the cheap ones that fall apart at the end of the season and have to be thrown out.
@paula5540 Жыл бұрын
I'm so jealous of all the plants in the background 😢
@erikao3982 Жыл бұрын
I love your idea of putting the fall sweaters away so that you can pull them out when fall comes and get the same dopamine rush as buying a new sweater, but also getting more of the nostalgia feel we’re looking for. I really want to thank you for your videos. I am not perfect with my shopping habits; today I bought myself the pumpkin pillow from your thumbnail as a treat for going to the doctor and I’m a little ashamed. But I am getting so much better. I almost exclusively thrift my clothes now and my impulse shopping has gone down 95%. That used to be a huge problem for me. Every video of yours that I watch, I think I get a little bit better, and your voice is in my head more and more when I see ads or go out to a store, so thank you! I thought you should know that your audience has some people that are actively learning and growing from your help!
@laurena3460 Жыл бұрын
Once I was asked to build the "first Christmas display" on the 16th of August in the shop I worked. I just got back from my summer camping trip.
@alyzu4755 Жыл бұрын
Having grown up in New England I always think of colorful foliage when I think of Fall. Even thpugh Ive been living in California for 29 years. 😊. Also, when I hear pumpkin I think of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown". But I also think if the Corgi online who ate a pumpkin from her parents ' garden, pooped out the seeds, and the posed proudly the fallowing autumn in front of the pumpkin she "grew". 😂❤️
@pasitheathanatosasmr488 Ай бұрын
I do that with my sweaters!!!! I have 2 vintage homemade Halloween “ugly” sweaters and it’s sooooo good to pull them out *cough* in mid-September *cough*
@Spicylolipop Жыл бұрын
Virgin: buying a starbucks PSL Chad: Making pumpkin spice syrup from scratch and making your own PSL
@kilendil Жыл бұрын
The first thing I think about when I think of fall is leaves. Vibrant orange, yellow, red. We used to go to the mountains every fall and collect leaves (and then realize when we got home that they were full of bugs). I’m not into pumpkin spice, but seeing the fake orange leaves do try to get me and fires those nostalgia neurons.
@marialuizacordova5834 11 ай бұрын
other good example of the capitalization of seasons, is that here in Brasil (we're in spring), supermarkets are selling pumpkins, because that is what we see online and that's what people "want"
@LeBasfondMusic Жыл бұрын
This video essay nails it.
@amandaski Жыл бұрын
Fall is the sound of leaves and acorns crunching under your feet, the slight smell of plant decay all around, the crackling of the bonfire as you gather with friends before the weather turns biting. It's the sound of cans popping in the kitchen as my grandmother stores the last of our small harvest. And even though she's been dead for almost 10 years now, when I can my small garden's harvest, it's almost like I feel her. For a brief moment, I forget that she's gone. Fall IS magical for me, but not because of consumerism. It's sad to me that the season is shorter and shorter. That this is probably the longest autumn of the rest of my life. That you're constantly told to just consume, because the only way to find joy and happiness is to purchase it. That the void you feel from living in a hyper individualistic society can be filled by surrounding yourself with useless junk. It can't. Stuff is not a sufficient replacement for human connection.
@Klp0414 Жыл бұрын
I made my own pumpkin latte with real pumpkin and spices. I dont let retail ruin my fall season. I dont do decor anymore, at all. Having pumpkins in my kitchen of pies I'm going to make is enough.
@thegrimlooper Жыл бұрын
I do agree that some people just buy new things every single time, and that’s frustrating. Growin up with my grandma, we would make our decorations and then do crafts out of the leftover products. I wish i had her talent though, she has since passed away and I wish i had taken notes.
@supriyapokhrel2548 Жыл бұрын
okay ur fall sweater thing was genius i'll do that
@supriyapokhrel2548 Жыл бұрын
not that i am a heavy consumer but i want to appreciate my clothes and things more
@allthestarsthatshine Жыл бұрын
We definitely already have fall/sweater weather where I am in Canada. It is crazy how seasons are now consumerized so much, particularly fall. It's hard to resist it due to the nostalgia factor of growing up with tons of decorations for every season/holiday, but it's not necessary.
@Scampwick69 Жыл бұрын
I'm so ready for autumn because I'm ready for it to not be 100 god damn degrees outside
@RubyLetsPlays Жыл бұрын
fall - crunchy leaves
@anonymous-dirigible Жыл бұрын
Shelbi, I don’t know if you’ll find this at all comforting, but my husband and I have regularly discussed the concept of “calendar seasons” vs “solar seasons.” So, personally, my whole life I’ve counted the seasons by the months (i.e., Fall is Sept/Oct/Nov, Winter is Dec/Jan/Feb, etc) even though going by the solstices/equinoxes is technically more correct. And I know a lot of people who count by months the same way I do, even before the recent trendification of Fall! So yeah, at least for me it’s “appropriate” for people to start decorating come September 1 and not necessarily a sign of capitalism manufacturing Fall early to maximize profits (though people buying their sweaters in July is obviously a different problematic thing)
@AprilCMango Жыл бұрын
From a Pennsylvanian: The longer summer PLUS the spotted lanternflies are making my maples go straight from green to red and brown. These leaves used to have a full spectrum. There's a poison sumac on the next lot, so they come to my maples when that tree is full.
@AyaaAcademia Жыл бұрын
sweaters are the stuff that I really just buy once tbh, unless I have a need to replace existing ones. I tend to gravitate towards warm autumn colours so my sweaters are versatile. Still have my sweaters from 5 years ago. Every time it gets colder, I whip em out and re-wear them. Really there is ZERO need to get new ones. Unless you live in a country where winter is most of the year and wore out your sweaters, your existing ones are just fine!
@teekeylahnc2021 Жыл бұрын
I been subscribed to you for years and I never comment, but this video was worth a comment! Everything you said was on point. This video was everything! Thank you! 👏
@Cartoonandanimelove1 11 ай бұрын
I just discovered this channel and wow, this girl spit FACTS. She didn’t slip once. We need people like her to run the US. Don’t even get me started on how Halloween decorations were on sale at Michael’s and home goods in JULY. It drove me insane. I was looking for some summer items and the entire store smelled like cinnamon and pumpkin candles. We all know by mid-October, Christmas items will already be on sales. I also don’t get how people can buy NEW decorations every year. Hellooooo, Reuse your old ones??? Buy quality items and keep them for years? I haven’t even gotten a costume this year and Halloween is in 2 weeks. Great video.
@thesentientsword8480 Жыл бұрын
In Japan the seasons are felt deeply. We don’t do a lot of heating in the winter or cooling in the summer. So even inside you dress for the weather. But seasonal food is very important. The ingredients are best enjoyed in their season and a lot of packaged food is only available in its season
@ayanaasuna Жыл бұрын
The fact that companies cant decide between halloween and christmas decor at beginning of september is quite funny ngl
@auggie9438 Жыл бұрын
We didn't plant pumpkins this year, but our Red Kurri Squash is just getting ready now. I made Thai curry with it but we had a bit of squash left over so I made it into puree and used it in a pumpkin spice syrup for lattes. Celebrating fall and fall flavors is great, but it's so much more fun when you're celebrating with clothes and decor you already have, and food that you make yourself
@jewel3032 Жыл бұрын
i totally agree that brands have been pushing fall earlier and earlier!! i distinctly remember going into a couple craft stores earlier this summer and seeing fall decor before it was even the fourth of july 👁 i was like???? this is not normal. at first it just annoyed me because it makes time feel like it’s moving faster but for some reason i never made the connection that it’s the brands pushing fall to capitalize on people’s love of it 🥴 i also agree that a lot of marketing makes me feel icky…it’s gotten to the point that some of it almost feels patronizing?? like it’s so obvious they’re trying to manipulate me/us that i immediately get turned off 😭 i also love your insight about how people are now relating to the consumerist aspects of a season rather than the season itself! great video!! 💗 (btw i got an ad for a pumpkin spice product while watching this 😶)
@Jon-pr3ki 11 ай бұрын
as someone that loves autumn, and honestly LOVES the autumn aesthetic, I'm so tired of how seasons change so quickly in the eyes of corporations. I'm so tired of consumerism making everything feel exclusive and short. I literally just want a pumpkin chai latte and I can't get one now because it's November 2 and corporations are telling us it's Christmas now. some people don't LIKE christmas and don't really want it shoved down their throat as soon as November 1 hits.
@call_me_velvet_thunder Жыл бұрын
Fall--the first thing that comes to my mind is the crisp air/smell of crisp air (Colorado here) and Football.
@isabellaross1472 Жыл бұрын
We grow pumpkins in our area in Minnesota and they do truly grow like weeds 😂
@isabellaross1472 Жыл бұрын
We then have plenty to feed our chickens and pigs🎉
@rebeccaly Жыл бұрын
So good when you said capitalism + the artificial engineering is ruining our connection with the actual seasons and nature overall.. I get so shocked every year when the fall decorations are on the shelves and it’s still hot as heck outside (it’s still summer… but every summer it gets hotter and hotter! This is so alarming!!) I live in the PNW and we have very beautiful distinct 4 seasons, and fall is definitely one of the most beautiful but there’s such a disconnect between the actual season the consumerism that is based on the season.. you said a lot of things I felt but didn’t know how to put into words!
@jubingkem Жыл бұрын
I don't live in the US and I remember my friend who lives there told me that one day after thanksgiving is black friday, which is ironic because thanksgiving is suppose to be the day where you give thanks after one year of blessing, and the next day is literally the "consumerism" day like wtf lol
@LilArrowInkorperated Жыл бұрын
The leaves changing color and that crisp wind! The spooky season and the harvest! I love me some real pumpkins but no pumpkin spice. I prefer just cinnamon or apple pie spice. There's a difference to sho! I may get some cheap Halloween decorations but I totally don't fall for their autumn core traps. Good video girl! P.s. I ordered once on Temu and everything smelled SO TOXIC.
@lawlitachi Жыл бұрын
Makes sense why i couldn't “feel fall” until the very end of October in Washington because of how hot it was
@jeanettemullins Жыл бұрын
In the UK pumpkin spice flavour has never been a thing but we're starting to see products with that flavour/scent. Its a bit odd because we dont really have a strong idea of pumpkin spice but we've heard of it through social media so people know its associated with autumn through that.
@carolinerambles3885 Жыл бұрын
It's in our Starbucks now 😢 not sure if just yet for this year but it's starting to be a thing
@Rose-pk6ss Жыл бұрын
20:20 When I became more community focused my family noticed that I stopped using my phone as much. I became so social like I can literally go talk to anybody about anything, which is crazy because my whole life I thought I was an introvert when in reality I was just isolated because of social media propaganda.
@kalliemj Жыл бұрын
I've never really been into fall or pumpkin spice. I like a good pumpkin pie on thanksgiving but that's about the only time of the year I have anything pumpkin. I do, however, agree with how making something a "limited time" item does contribute to increased consumerism and impulse shopping. I have purchased a few food items in my time that were limited time and I always regretted not getting more because the next time I looked for it it was gone. I've learned my lesson not to even try them because I'll be too upset if I like it and cant find it.
@caitrionakatos4164 Жыл бұрын
In Ireland, our seasons fall at the mid-point between the equinox's and solstices instead, so here Autumn actually does begin in August. ^_^
@nataliesimone5450 Жыл бұрын
wow what an amazing video. i really appreciate the quality of your videos and all of the research that goes into it! such a unique channel & perspective that i am grateful to have come across. just subscribed keep up the great work !!
@johannemontvgue702 11 ай бұрын
I would LOVE about being more community focused! It’s what I try to do in my small town right now
@cashjones6997 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this deep dive!
@caitrionakatos4164 Жыл бұрын
Would LOVE a community involvement focused video.
@gangsta_meg Жыл бұрын
Yes please do a video about your community!
@beatapivarcihajdu2221 Жыл бұрын
Yesterday I was eating salted pumpkin seeds from my brother in law and was not able to stop until my whole mouth was hurting and now this video popped out :D haha (he grows his own pumpkin, then cooks the seeds and sells them in the village). Homemade seeds are the best
@rachiboo14 11 ай бұрын
I’m pretty good at avoiding consumerist culture, but even I was questioning recently should I buy fall decor. I stopped myself as I don’t even celebrate Halloween 😂
@ElnewGlass Жыл бұрын
I grow pumpkins. We plant them in the spring they produce all summer until late fall..
@anthropomorphicpeanut6160 Жыл бұрын
When I think about fall I think about orangey leaves and rain, but I'm not from the USA. In my country we are not that much into Halloween
@latristessdurera8763 Жыл бұрын
Due to global warming I’ve bumped off September and the 1st of October to 31st December (Q4) is autumn for me (Nick named the “silly season” due to 10 birthdays, Wedding Anniversary, holidays such as All Hallows’ Eve, day of the dead, Bonfire night, Christmas and New Year)
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