Ships meant to replace the Star Destroyer

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@GuardianComplex 11 ай бұрын
"That ship is stupid and I don't feel like talking about it." Literally all that needs to be said about the Xyston.
@casbot71 11 ай бұрын
That can also be said about the entire film.
@ryancarrell3186 11 ай бұрын
There was so much good concept art for TFA that should have been reused for it, tbh.
@XedricPlays 11 ай бұрын
@gundam2jimmy 11 ай бұрын
@MarleyFett 11 ай бұрын
@zachpaterson2585 11 ай бұрын
I love the Imperial style of ships (and corresponding Old Republic Predecessors). The ISD will always be one of the coolest looking ships.
@JeanLucCaptain 10 ай бұрын
It has way too many stupid weaknesses and feels too much like a 19th century pre Dreadnought for me to take seriously.
@macwelch8599 11 ай бұрын
My favorite is still the Nebula Class Star Destroyer/Defender
@carsoncasmirri3874 11 ай бұрын
It was definitely a sign of the New Republic that Legends got right and Canon really hasn’t. The Legends NR while not perfect learned. They saw what worked and what didn’t and tried to adapt to become more effective. Canon NR seems not just toothless and incompetent but afraid of any little improvement to doctrine and equipment that might make them seem “too much like the empire”
@solastro5595 11 ай бұрын
My favourite is the Pelleon class and in some case the imperious class (similar to pelleon.)
@majesticmsfc 10 ай бұрын
Same it's a beautiful design. Plus it's smaller huge ships have never been my thing.
@casbot71 11 ай бұрын
The Resergence did have the issue of JJ Abraham's obsession with negative space. Both the cut out near the front in silhouette and the superstructure with "girders" that was sandwiched between the layers. But the biggest issue of course was that it's standard Tie fighter was visually identical to the old L/N Tie, despite being a vastly superior upgrade with a different design philosophy.
@merafirewing6591 11 ай бұрын
At least you got to admit, those Ties are very cool and the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer itself.
@merafirewing6591 11 ай бұрын
@@Blodhelm yet the special forces version had a turret and a second pilot for it. Like I know the original TIE Fighter never had those kind of upgrades.
@rohenthar8449 11 ай бұрын
@@merafirewing6591 But it was even more unrealistic as the original TIE when its comes to "usable" space (hyper-drive, life support, fuel, shield - where all this was packed, under the pilot seat?).
@merafirewing6591 11 ай бұрын
@@rohenthar8449 the wookiepedia would have the information on the special forces TIE fighter. Just look up the TIE/FO, it's a completely different animal to the original TIE fighter.
@merafirewing6591 11 ай бұрын
@@Blodhelm I looked it up, and that TIE fighter is way different to the original version. The TIE/FO is completely different.
@casbot71 11 ай бұрын
A purely practical upgrade would have been to eliminate the external bridge superstructure ect, and have an internal bridge using Acclimator style holographic displays. As well reverse engineer Mon Cala dispersed shield generators and spread them around the entire ship - C,mon the Empire must have been able to capture at least one smaller Mon Cala ship using ion cannons. Just add in as much point defence as you can and then you have a far more robust ship that doesn't have any real exploitable weaknesses. Yes if it loses power you can't look out the bridge window directly, but if you have no power what's the point?
@thomaswilliams9930 11 ай бұрын
The vast majority of imperial officers and leadership were far too arrogant and prideful to incorporate the ship designs of another species into the imperial fleet, otherwise I’m sure they would’ve done that
@thesupreme8062 11 ай бұрын
How electronic warfare in star wars? If you only have holographic displays wouldnt that be a big weakness in and on itself,
@sternguard8283 11 ай бұрын
@@thesupreme8062good enough that Knife Fighting range was normal compared to how space battles would normally be BVR, Beyond Visual Range.
@Theology.101 11 ай бұрын
I always wished we got to see the mini star destroyer the empire made in Dark Nest. I liked how they were adopting smaller, more refined ships like the Turbulent class to compliment their heavier hitters like the Megador And the Nebula is just a god damn beaut!
@crazyjds 11 ай бұрын
@Theology.101 11 ай бұрын
@@crazyjds Yes! Thank you! I googled it to confirm and it was the Turbulent class! I kept on thinking it was ‘tempest’ class in my head so google was showing me nada
@sumukhvmrsat6347 11 ай бұрын
Megador wasn't only heavy hitter(obviously being super star destroyer) It had Very long range Turbolasers with 5 imperial Broadside damage And had hangar facilities enough to act as primary refuel and reload platform for a battle (maybe vong or later GFFA battles)
@zipzeolocke2 11 ай бұрын
The time code for each class of Star destroyyer 0:53 the Resurgent class Star destroyer 2:52 the Xyston class star destroyer 3:02 the Imperial class Star destroyer 3:46 the Nebula class star destroyer 6:18 the Sovereign class Star destroyer 6:47 the Turbulent class Star destroyer 7:27 the Pellaeon class Star destroyer 8:29 the Chis Star destroyer
@brandonhaviken4680 11 ай бұрын
I would love to see a video detailing New Republic legends ships, I only vaguely know they had some new destroyers, the mc90 and mc80b
@jessehorn6180 11 ай бұрын
Thay need to canonize the New Republic Star Destroyers, along with other ships and stuff. And The Star Deadnoughts also.
@podemosurss8316 11 ай бұрын
They kind of did with the Starhawks? Different design but with a similar concept.
@jessehorn6180 11 ай бұрын
@@podemosurss8316Ok but still.
@allenfitch2996 11 ай бұрын
The Venerator Class was foolishly dismissed by The Empire. That class had a lot of good points that could have been incorporated into the ISD.
@hitandruncommentor 11 ай бұрын
The venerator was the rebels biggest miss. The ship could have been a moving base which they badly needed. Darn you meta reality!
@maxrander0101 11 ай бұрын
@@hitandruncommentor they did have a few in the early yrs of the conflict while they were not a united force but when the rebel groups that had them were hit hard by imperial forces they were lost as they did not have the needed shipyards to keep them repaired and fueled this led to them being lost and abandoned by the time the rebels became a proper force against the empire
@SignoftheMagi 11 ай бұрын
The Venator-class was not a great warship by any sense. It was underpowered for its size, required a massive crew, its regular firepower was limited to broadsides (which rarely happened) and its one key feature required starfighters to fly right into enemy fire without any protection. Of course the Empire dumped it for the far superior ISDs, and the Rebellion could not use them due to manpower shortages.
@pepperedash4424 10 ай бұрын
@@hitandruncommentor The Venator would have been a detriment to the Rebellion: not only had its production run ended by nearly two decades before the formation of the Rebellion Alliance; the only production facilities that could service the Venator were held by the people warring with the Rebel Alliance. If a Venator were to be destroyed, which was likely given its comparatively weak hull, so would its fighter compliment and crews that Rebels could barely afford to lose, let alone muster.
@pepperedash4424 10 ай бұрын
@@SignoftheMagi I thought the Venator could fire its guns forward? We see that occur in conjunction of deploying its star fighters in TCW.
@kansastagai9081 11 ай бұрын
A common fanon design you will see in Role-playing forums, Mods and other fan made media is the Imperial III. I'm not really a fan of most Fanon ships because they tend to be too powerful and have a lot of super duper special properties to make them unique. But I'm actually a fan of the Imperial III because most of the time, it's just a base Imperial design with most of its ground compliment removed in favor of greater Fighter compliment and a slightly weaker but more rounded armament including more capable point defense guns. It feels like what the Imperial always should have been and doesn't use any weird or overly powerful technology. It could easily have been the Mark I.
@maxrander0101 11 ай бұрын
one i see in my ongoing game is a salvaged and modified venerator the player group found a crashed and badly damaged one on an unknown outer rim world and without telling me the GM were funding an entire group of people and droids to repair and get it flying again i first heard about it when i had captured their YT-1300 in a tractor beam and was in the process of boarding it this thing jumped into the system and totally wrecked the SD trying to take them in the reason for this is they also found a wrecked droid control ship and tactical droid on that planet and had had it reprogramed to be loyal to them and the entire venerator had be filled with droid ships and had added cannons and other things that to this day have made my life hell we are now in the start of the galactic alliance era and that thing is still causing me a dam head ache everytime i hear about it
@seawind930 9 ай бұрын
Kind of reminds me of the Allegiance class, which was just an Impstar but more.
@rmartinson19 11 ай бұрын
I'm convinced that the ISD-I specifically is an absolutely superb warship that was tragically misused by basically everyone post-Endor. It is literally everything any navy could ever want in a peace-time warship to serve as a backbone and workhorse of their fleets in a time where they had no peer-level enemies. It has the speed to outrun most things it would want to catch, the firepower and durability to outclass any pirate or local PDF that ever lived, enough fighter/bomber carrying capacity to handle most carrier-based mission profiles, enough troop-carrying capacity to serve as a reasonably good planetary assault platform, enough personnel and internal volume to handle any number of humanitarian aid, evacuation, transport or resupply missions, and enough cruise endurance for long-range patrol and exploration missions. Much like the Galaxy-class from Star Trek, the ISD-I is the perfect "jack of all trades" starship. But like any jack of all trades, it is a master of none. Put one up against a Tector-class SD in ship-to-ship combat, and the Tector (as a dedicated battleship with significantly more armor, shielding and firepower) will thrash the ISD-I every time. Compare it to a dedicated carrier spaceframe like the Ton-Falk or the Venator, and it starts to look pretty underwhelming as a fleet carrier. Compare it to an Acclamator, and it's obvious that it's a hideously inefficient troop transport and assault ship. Basically, it was a first-rate second-line vessel. During wartime, the Empire should have kept their ISDs back to patrol, police and defend rear areas, while fleets of specialist warships like Tectors, Ton-Falks and Acclamators served on the front lines. Instead, everyone from the Galactic Civil War onward kept hurling fleets of unfocused generalist warships like the ISD at each other, and wondering why they weren't getting the phenomenal results they expected. Then there's abortions like the Galactic-class Battle-Carrier which sought to completely change the game of naval warfare... by being exactly like the ISD, just in a slightly different hull-frame.
@chadmueller6128 10 ай бұрын
Agreed. ISDs served their purpose for the Empire pre-Endor very well. Reconstruct the bridge to make it less vulnerable, equip better starfighters (improved TIE Interceptors with shields for example) & operate them as part of balanced fleets and ISDs would be more viable combat vessels post-Endor as well.
@rmartinson19 10 ай бұрын
@@chadmueller6128 Mostly, yeah. But unless your enemy is thoroughly inferior to your own forces, I think using them as frontline combat vessels AT ALL is a mistake. That's not really what they're designed for. Use Tectors, Ton-Falks and such for that kind of thing. ISDs should be used to anchor fleets of patrol ships for anti-piracy and anti-smuggling operations, or to escort large convoys to protect against enemy frigates and light cruisers pulling deep-strike raids. They can also be outfitted for heavy-duty exploration duties, with a serious complement of probe droids, survey craft, and small hyperspace scout ships. With that setup, a lone ISD could chart out an entire subsector for later colonization and exploitation. Or if exploration isn't what's needed, repurpose their ground attack force capacity and most of their hangar space to carry supplies or people for humanitarian aid missions. Basically every rear-line mission you can think of, the ISD can do really well, and is flexible enough that it can do one of these missions, then stop by a local naval base and completely change its loadout and mission profile on-the-fly. If you're ever using one as the centerpiece of your battle fleet, then you're either too poor to afford to field additional dedicated line battleships like the Tector, or you're just plain doing it wrong.
@chadmueller6128 10 ай бұрын
@@rmartinson19 Agreed but there are just too many of them & it will take far too long to replace them all to not use them as part of your combat fleets. They just should not be THE main element of combat fleets.
@elizataylor1726 8 ай бұрын
I never thought of it this way but yeah, it really is an amazing second line ship. The one issue I have with it in that role is too many turbolasers and no laser cannons for fighter defence. Which we see in the series over and over is their biggest weakness against rebels. I have to imagine any pirates or pdf would use fighters, but I figure tie fighters would have been able to deal with them. But after encounters with rebel x wings, they should have cut the turbolasers down by about 30% and mounted laser cannons. Replace some tie fighters with interceptors and you create a big effing problem for any rebels, pirates, or any other irregular force trying to take down your star destroyer, since interceptors were faster than anything the rebels had except I think the A wing.
@rmartinson19 8 ай бұрын
@@elizataylor1726 It depends on which continuity's version of the ship you go with. The Disney Canon version has no anti-fighter weaponry, but the Legends version of the ISD-I class drops 2 Quad Heavy Turbolasers, 3 Triple Medium Turbolasers, and 2 Medium Turbolasers, and adds a full 40 Point-Defense Laser Cannon mounts. In both continuities, the ISD-II has no point defense capability, but if you prefer the Legends version of the ships like I do, then the Imperator/Imperial-I class doesn't have that particular weakness.
@michaelanuradha-khufu74 11 ай бұрын
I would love to see a better designed Star Destroyer and Super Star Destroyer by Eckharts Ladder
@古明地恋-s9c 11 ай бұрын
I second this
@古明地恋-s9c 11 ай бұрын
Well for both I would just 1. enough air wing complement
@ButFirstHeLitItOnFire 11 ай бұрын
Technically speaking, the otherwise derided Xyston star destroyer “is” a better Death Star… At least in that the Superlaser has been slimmed down in size and operational needs to be able to initiate a Death Star scale blast (on the lower end of course). Lacks the range and nigh-indestructiblity of the DS or Starkiller, BUT every singe ship with 1 is an existential crisis, and the only planets that can feasibly survive a full blast of even the 1 would have to be VERY VERY heavily shielded, which said planet likely wouldn’t be unless it was already menaced by cosmic natural disasters or massive invasions on the regular anyway.
@jeffagain7516 11 ай бұрын
Film wise, gotta give sincere accolades to the great folks IC of SFX and CGI for their wonderful depictions of some very cool ships (and other visuals)! Too bad they were used in the 3 worst SW films ever made... :(
@Tyrone-v2r 11 ай бұрын
Even if the ship is better it could never replace the Imperial Star Destroyer. One of the most iconic ships in all of fiction.
@gundam2jimmy 11 ай бұрын
I have comissioned a friend of Fractal Sponges, Simon Coles, to make a render of an upgraded ISD after a conversation I had with Timothy Zahn. It will be ready probably by Christmas, if you want to do a video on that..... Thrawn class Star Destroyer
@sumukhvmrsat6347 11 ай бұрын
Eck :No shp to ship combat where the Resurgent loses Me :what to ship to combat?
@violetlight1548 11 ай бұрын
Kudos for mentioning the often-forgotten Chiss Star Destroyer. I used it as a basis for my own design for an ISD for my AU, where the Empire of the Hand is a much stronger and more important faction: *Spiral-class Star Destroyers* Named for the magnificent ringed gas giant Spiral, the fifth planet in the Nirauan system, around which the Empire of the Hand’s main shipyards are built, these slim, daggerlike ships are smaller than Imperial-class Star Destroyers (1.2 km long compared to an ISD’s 1.6 km) and take a lot less crew (only about 5000). As is standard on newer Hand ships, the Bridge tower is eliminated, with the bridge itself nestled deep within the structure of the ship. They are powerful for their size. Like a “mini-Renaissance”, (though they are, in fact, the basis for the larger ship) SpSDs are equipped with both Imperial and Chiss Ascendency weapons, featuring banks of turbo and spectrum lasers, deployed in retractable turrets, tractor beams, ion cannons and/or plasma spheres and breacher missiles. Some, though not all (usually 1-2 per battle group) have interdiction technology equipped. Like the Hand’s ISDs, SpSDs also focus on starfighter deployment over ground forces, even though their TIEs usually consist of hyperspace-capable TIE Defenders. Spiral class ships are predominantly assigned to Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro’s Seeker Fleet, whose primary mission is to patrol the Galactic Rim hunting for any signs of the Far Outsiders. As an added bit of psychological warfare against the technophobic Far Outsiders, Seeker Fleet ships are usually named after fictional machine lifeforms from a children’s novel and ani-holo series once popular in the Core. They also perform limited exploration duties (at least until the dedicated Explorer program is implemented) and plant hyperspace beacons. They are slowly replacing the aging ISDs to become the premier battleship in the Navy of the Hand. Spiral-class ships use the designation “HMS” - “her Majesty’s Ship”, in honour of her Imperial Majesty, Lexx’elarra’nuruodo (Xelarra), Empress of the Hand. Known vessels in the class: HMS Starscream CO: Fleet Admiral Karyn Faro (2 ABY +) Flagship of Seeker Fleet, for a short time Flagship of the Navy of the Hand, during Admiral Faro’s tenure as Supreme Commander. One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. HMS Thundercracker CO: Captain Rae Sloane ( 5 ABY) Thrawn’s flagship while assisting the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet against Ssi’ruuk incursions (“Reunion”). Captain Sloan was personally mentored by the Grand Admiral, and is considered Admiral Faro’s protégée. One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet. HMS Skywarp Torguta CO Equipped with Interdiction technology, its smooth lines are broken up by its spherical, gravity well generators. One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet HMS Shockwave CO: Captain Kyra Pyrondi Captained by a long-time crewmate of both Grand Admiral Thrawn’s and Admiral Faro’s, this ship serves as a testbed for new weapons developments, with Captain Pyrondi herself often participating in the design teams. One of the first four Spiral-class ships built, and founding member of Seeker Fleet HMS Grievous Kaleesh CO Named for the legendary, deified leader of the Kaleesh and General of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specializes in long-range “hunting”, and preemptive strikes.
@SuPeReZ23 11 ай бұрын
It's a great comment.
@doncalypso 11 ай бұрын
Any ISD follow-ups that used FUGA Music for their theme song were bound to fail...
@nathaniellazo5912 11 ай бұрын
Never been this early. Lets see ehat you got for today Eck
@Voltaic_Fire 11 ай бұрын
Triangles are inevitable.
@aliteralpothole9205 11 ай бұрын
I love both imperial and republic ships, but they have a tendency to be just giant Doritos. The CIS has some of the coolest ships in all of Star Wars imo: the malevolence and providence are my personal favorites.
@Youda00008 11 ай бұрын
Love to see that Empire at War still stands strong within the community.
@truemagolord1318 11 ай бұрын
Don’t let the stupidity of the Xyston or the beauty of the Nebula distract you from the fact that you should never work with FUGA Music.
@SignoftheMagi 11 ай бұрын
Personally I see the Resurgence-class as a bit of a joke. The weird underbite front with its useless gap made zero sense, except to give it an unfinished look...which is likely why they dumped it in TROS for the traditional look. On a personal level, I always liked the Pelladon-class. It looked like a mobile citadel in space, was tough as hell and fit the role of command ship nicely.
@boi905 11 ай бұрын
“Or if you’re trying to slim down for the holidays” please leave the fatphobic rhetoric out of your videos, thank you.
@B_Crypto-l3y 11 ай бұрын
Amazing video already watched it
@RyleaLynn706 11 ай бұрын
Anyone else think the rear profile for the Pellaeon class looks like a gigantic snowspeeder?
@rafaelnishizumi6330 11 ай бұрын
I actually want to hear your Opinion on the MC90. It was the 1st purpose built Mon Calamari Warship and also ment to have system so other races can command it, not just the Mon Calamari.
@chancegarrison7636 11 ай бұрын
The New Republic Needs an Additional One gigillion Nebula class star destroyers every 24 hours in both Legends and Canon.
@shellbot69 11 ай бұрын
Bro the Starhawk
@ethanp8842 11 ай бұрын
Keep these videos coming!
@connormarlin6429 11 ай бұрын
7:00 what's happening here? Ships clipping through each other?
@NerdInTheAtticProductions 11 ай бұрын
Do you think that you could do comparison between the standard ISD and the Anakin Solo?
@Benz2533 11 ай бұрын
for some odd reason, I feel like having ship like starhawk capability over these star destroyer. The ship could use more armor and more weapon as well.
@tickleMYballs69420 11 ай бұрын
hey eck, just wanted to say how much i appreciate your videos, youve helped me so much in my life, keep up the great work man, even thougn you just make videos on scie-fi things, you truly change lives, keep it up man!
@paulsteinhauser434 11 ай бұрын
Once again another missed opportunity.
@Dragon_Werks 11 ай бұрын
There's an earlier Star Destroyer that uses the same general hull as the ISD/ISD II, but it dates from the Old Republic. I'm talking about the Tector class. It doesn't carry fighters, so there's more room internally, allowing the reactor to be completely encased within the hull's protective armor. It also carries about twice the firepower.
@noirmilkshake 11 ай бұрын
In my opinion, the first order being a crazy cult that like burns people and whatnot would have been really cool and different for the sequels. Would have been a interesting difference between the "organized authoritative" Empire with this zealot group. Not to mention the name, First Order, sounds like it would fit that kind of attitude.
@generaljimmies3429 11 ай бұрын
Have yet to hear of the Imperial III Star Destroyer(Empire at War)
@TylerRayMattersRUAC 11 ай бұрын
I'd make the front wider. And triangle indents on the front of the sides. If you actually wanted it to enter an atmosphere airfield. I don't think you'd want all that heat where you're at to the bulk. If it was launching into a planet. Not for long distance travel. You'd just burn up in its design.
@enisra_bowman 11 ай бұрын
i would even go so far and say that the ISD is even one of THE MOST Iconic Ships in all of SciFi! Maybe Side-by-Side next to the TOS and TNG Enterprise and maybe the Discovery from 2001, in that sense that you could go out and find a random Normy on the Street, show them a Picture of the ISD and the chances are very high they recognize it as "the Ship from Star Wars", even if they never seen one of the Movies. Shure, under a Video like here that wouldn't work if you show someone a Picture of the Normandy, the Heart of Gold or the Bebop and you know them
@enisra_bowman 11 ай бұрын
@@Blodhelm yes, i thought People would understand it and not confuse it with other Namesakes
@Abandonsoyciety 4 ай бұрын
The enterprise and Isds are imo the two most iconic ships in all of fiction, with halo ships being right there.
@enisra_bowman 4 ай бұрын
@@Abandonsoyciety i doubt that, since you need to have played Halo for that
@bsgfan1 11 ай бұрын
How to fix the Xyston-Class: Make the ship actually be an Imperial-I class with a jury rigged superlaser. This would explain every fault: 1. It would explain why the design took a step backwards from the Resurgent-Class. 2. The size of the fleet would be explained as unused Imperial-1’s that the first order inherited and pressed into service. 3. The jury-rigged cannon was such a massive drain on the Imperial-1’s outdated reactor, that the ship couldn’t use shields or hyperdrive until it was in space; any remaining power was dedicated to the engines 4. Again, because the Imperial-1 was never meant to house a superlaser, the direct and improvised connection incidentally destabilized the reactor core. Therefore, destroying the cannon destroys the core, and by extension the ship itself
@matthewmohri9990 10 ай бұрын
Eck you haven't done something like this in a while, very cool and nice to hear this kind of vid again.@GuardianComplex I am 100% with you. LOL
@Slider93 6 ай бұрын
Honestly, Resurgence is pure garbage. It's an "almost" dreadnaught type of a ship with a large carrying capacity. The answer to both was known for a long, long time - called the Venator. Decrease Venator capacity to something more reasonable and slap some ion weapons or just more turbolasers, shields and armor and you will have a bunch of multirole fast strong relatively inexpensive ships that can cover X systems at a price of one. Resurgence doesnt fix the main issue of an ISD - its massive size and cost, and just makes it way worse by turning it from a Earth naval battleship with a very niche battle role into a battleship-aircraft carrier hybrid that does everything, which did exist irl but it was dumped for obvious reasons. What's the point really, just make a modified ISD or something like modern Bellator class at this point for frontline fights, which will be almost indestructible in normal combat anyway and a bunch of long range light\medium support carriers. A massive ship that does it all makes no sense, it never had and will never make
@jeffagain7516 9 ай бұрын
Interesting that ol' Creamy Sheeves wanted to rule the Universe but he couldn't even find a way to effectively handle The Hutt Empire. Yes, the Hutts were dug in so deep in every aspect of the known galaxy that it would have been a long and tedious undertaking but hey, if you're gonna set your sights on the BIG picture, better figure out how to handle your home turf first, just sayin'..... ;)
@UNSSC01 11 ай бұрын
Also let’s get eck to 1m subs!! He deserves it
@ScottMcMaster-er4xj 9 ай бұрын
Those Disney fan fiction films are both trash and not Star Wars. There is no authentic Star Wars without George Lucas, just as there is no Lord of the Rings or Middle Earth without J.R.R Tolkien. Artistic Integrity and Original Authorship cannot be purchased with all the money in the world. Some things just can't be bought. Disney is nothing more than talentless hacks playing in a much more talented writers sandbox.
@Pantherblack 18 күн бұрын
Resurgent remains my favorite and I remain salty someone decided on a scaled-up ISD-2 for episode 9 when they were holding perfection for two films.
@thethan302 9 ай бұрын
I don't think the Star destroyer needs to be "bigger" i think it needs to be "better", which is why I always wondered why they never updated the star destroyer to a MK III. I imagine KDY adding more point defense, spreading it's weapon complement around it's hull for better all around coverage. They need to better protect the ship's shield generators by moving them into the hull and probably beef them up as well, it could use an armored up bridge but that's honestly not as much of a weak point as people seem to think. There would be other augmentations like better automation, allowing for smaller crews; probably rework the fighter complement with next generation ties etc.
@Marsyas01 9 ай бұрын
The thing that always confused me about mounting a super laser on a ship: regular Star Destroyers can already render a planet uninhabitable. Actually giving a ship the ability to destroy a planet outright, with a few specific exceptions, just seems stupid and wasteful. Once you can crack a continental plate, anything bigger is just showing off.
@HegeRoberto 11 ай бұрын
I wish the sequels would've used the Conqueror as the main enemy for the trilogy. Imainge a Deathstar, that cannot destroy planets but still can 1 shot any of your capital ships, and its small enough to use a fleet of regular ISD for cover. I think it would've made a far more original story than "and they built and even bigger Death Star"
@dardell2001 11 ай бұрын
Still think Star Wars capital ships should have a strong mix of ballistic and energy weapons for offense and defense. Think adding BSG weapons to a capital ship. Flak cannons would shred starfighters that don't have shields so would the mini guns.
@matthewpicchu8232 5 ай бұрын
Maybe a controversial opinion, but I don’t like the Resurgent class all that much. I think it’s too big, and I think the weird cross-brace design between the hill sections makes it look like a railroad truss.
@paulniederstadt4891 11 ай бұрын
In the commercial clip where you talk about what happened when Vite Ramen lost a day of production , I know what caused the machine to break , it was operated by the Swedish Chef . He’s the one that “ Borked “ it ! 😅
@beagle3247 11 ай бұрын
The U.S.S Daedalus in Stargate will always be the best. The very shape of the ship means that it will always be better at being a star destroyer than a star destroyer. It's not debatable either I put it to the test in trailmakers and started killing entire servers with a near unstoppable capital ship that has 5 massive bomb bays and stabilization thrusters for perfect bombing run accuracy and so that it can go from full speed to slowly and controllably floating over your head. None of that would work very well without the ship literally just being the shape it is.
@nekophht 11 ай бұрын
Let's be fair. It's a little hard to replace a class that that had 20-25k ships in service at once. By the time you actually managed to replace them all, the replacement needs replacing. :D
@nunyabeezwax6758 11 ай бұрын
I would have done similar to the Zyston/Xyston actually... though it would have been an in bay weapon in the ship like what Anakin did with all those artillery tanks...
@palpadur1112 11 ай бұрын
i see a video about ships in Star Wars, i click. it's a thing of beauty when Star Destroyers are on duty.
@mr.snot_water5870 9 ай бұрын
why don't star wars governments use heavily weaponized light freighters? like the ghost?
@zarander 11 ай бұрын
Nothing could pass the Zarander-class Supreme Cruiser for firepower or ego supremacy.
@alexanderkidonakis9185 9 ай бұрын
You said this ramen company is your friend. Do this mean you hang out with them or knew them before they sponsored you? Or are they paying for your friendship like you’re a high class escort Both are cool
@AC20sAkimbo 8 ай бұрын
Didn't a single xwing run circles around one of these despite their extra cannons? Also hundreds of fighters? BS.
@bradenhagen7977 4 ай бұрын
The resurgent looks so boring to me. Just a simplified ISD with stuff bolted on for texture.
@nielsenricky 11 ай бұрын
Always enjoy "legends" content. For many the sequel movies simply don't exist in our headcannon.
@michaelanuradha-khufu74 11 ай бұрын
I do prefer not having trash in my head 😂
@notthedroidsyourelookingfo4026 11 ай бұрын
Question for a video: Is the Bulwark too ugly to be viable as a main line battleship, or can its repulsive appearance be seen as an analogue to the Tarkin doctrine?
@wedgeantillies66 10 ай бұрын
Nebula Star Destroyer dies the best job of replacing it in legends matched by the resurgent class in cannon verse.
@tamkin007 11 ай бұрын
The first order was real! I thought I had a fever dream! Wait was the rest real! Did the Emperor really somehow return!!!
@kurtralston7902 11 ай бұрын
the Resurgent kinda feels like a Updated Harrower Class Dreadnought but updated to the teeth
@neves5083 11 ай бұрын
I've always wanted to try this ramen thing but i don't live on USA :/
@muffin2007 11 ай бұрын
Just so you know, Vite is like 4-8 weeks behind on orders... they dont seem to be up front about it at all
@Jdjsksjdhdj 11 ай бұрын
what if you could replace one star destroyer with me how would you do that. what if i could destroy more then one star destroyer completlet by myslef ?
@cwalker228 11 ай бұрын
What game is playing in the background of this video?
@BoxerActual 11 ай бұрын
I love the Chiss Star Destroyer from Thrawn’s Revenge
@qtar1984 11 ай бұрын
Looks like an Iron. I hope Medical Mechanical isn't behind that.
@redblupootismann 11 ай бұрын
What game was playing in the background?
@tk-6967 11 ай бұрын
0:25 This picture just looks so goddamn awesome!
@JeanLucCaptain 10 ай бұрын
The resurgent isn't the most famous just the most recent.
@Raso719 11 ай бұрын
Im glad you're doing more ship breakdowns and lore vids. I really don't care about how Disney or EA are bungling the franchise this week or next because, frankly, there's nothing we can do to make them get their shit together.
@RocketHarry865 8 ай бұрын
The resurgence class is the one thing about the sequel trilogy that I like
@thebatt6183 11 ай бұрын
My favorite sd replacement is the MC 90
@savagethebest234 11 ай бұрын
I love the empire alot in star wars.
@GiovanniCamacho121 11 ай бұрын
Can you do another video about the Venator class star destroyer?
@void2258 11 ай бұрын
I have Jewish roommates so any non-kosher food is a no go in my house.
@Yarpon 11 ай бұрын
What about the Bothan assault cruiser?
@gamingguard5895 11 ай бұрын
what game is in the background?
@johncameron6110 11 ай бұрын
Please put first order at the end of your video’s
@MrSmithSAH 11 ай бұрын
Video idea based on thumbnail: comparable ships from other universes that could beat the ISD or vice versa
@ag6778 11 ай бұрын
the xyston is a good concept, but a bad disingn
@UNSSC01 11 ай бұрын
What’s the game he’s always playing???
@evilmotorsports5076 11 ай бұрын
I forgot Eck did Star Wars content.
@sardonicspartan9343 11 ай бұрын
One of the better looking post OT ships.
@Comicsluvr 11 ай бұрын
There is something to be said for a 'do it all' ship that is actually good at most roles. Like the wet navy destroyers, they grow and evolve to be all-purpose ships that can do lots of things.
@altragaming5021 11 ай бұрын
Do a video on Fractalsponge’s Dictator class Cruiser which would of fundamentally be a better Star destroyer in most aspects.
@jackolantern147 11 ай бұрын
Can we do the CSO vs Executor full video? You said we might and I want to see a full breakdown.
@beagle3247 11 ай бұрын
The thumbnail ship is actually pretty good it's no Stargate ship but the hangars look like the perfect platform for a phaser array that I've been looking for a new hull design for. Should make for a very indestructible but powerful main gun and the bridge shape is perfect for a weapon mount or turret so the missiles should be pretty hard to disable as well.
@intellectualyad5485 11 ай бұрын
Dude you almost to one million subs
@carsoncasmirri3874 11 ай бұрын
It stands to reason that if a good chunk of your personnel are Imperial defectors what better equipment and ships to give them than what they were trained on and already know better than most. From my own experience there is a whole hell of a lot less of a learning curve when you’re already familiar with certain weapons platforms, this is true for anything from kit and small arms to ships and vehicles.
@willyjakob8630 11 ай бұрын
do they deliver to canada?
@recurvestickerdragon 11 ай бұрын
I love the 5th Fleet so much
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