Рет қаралды 14,032
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Endaro Mahanubhavulu
Ragam: Sri
Talam: Adi
General meaning:
In this gem of a poem, Thyagaraja, described the greatness of the devotees through the ages. He pays his salutations to the great men who live in all the ages, A yogi attains and enjoys paramananda by reaching the stage of samadhi when in the course of sahasra chakra the power of kundalam and maheswara are joined together from where at flood of nectar is released. In the soundarya Lahiri , Shankara Bhagwat Sahesrarey praises ambal as “Padma Sahahasi, Padya Vihase”. True devotees are persons who have attained this stage.
Rama is handsome like mannada, He has a majestic walk, and we should see him clearly. Those who are engaged in Samagana should do Rama's bhajan through music based on ragam, bhava and laya, The poet says that devotion means to surrender you lotus like mind at his feet,
We should understand that paramatma lives in all the living things and therefore we should live with love and friendship. We should understand the meaning and greatness of the religion after careful study and praise the glory of Rama with a peaceful mind There will be many men, Who knowing the greatness of Shri Rama, have understood that religion without bhakti is meaningless. There will be any devotees who fall into the above category who by means of true bhakti are able to derive boundless joy by meditation on him.
I bow to all these great men and my salutation are to the immortal men who through bhakti are totally devoted to Rama and who are close Thayagaraja. My salutations to his dear followers and worshippers
[Word-by-word meanings: Ramesh Panchagnula]
Pallavi :
Endaro Mahanubhavulu
Andariki Vandanamulu
Endaro mahaanubhavulu: There are many great men
Andariki: To all
Vandanamulu: Namaskarams
[Meaning: My namaskarams to all those great men who have attained dizzy heights in their spiritual experience and who have lived in all the ages.]
1. ; ; S R Rgr S ; | ; sn sn P P s n S ; ||
En da ro ma haa - - nu bha - - vu
2. nSn S R Rgr S ns Rgr | S sn r s np P sn S ; ||
lu - - En da ro ma haa - - nu bha - - vu
3. nSn S R pm R R gr S | ; sn r s np P sn s g r s ||
lu - - En da ro ma haa - - nu bha - - vu
a) nSn S S R m r r m P | ; M p m R R G g r rs ||
lu - - An da ri - - ki - - Van - - da na - mu - -
4. nSn S R pm np mr R gr | S ns Rgr snP P sn s g rs ||
lu - - En da ro ma haa - - nu bha - - vu
b) nSn S S R m r r m P | ; m p n n pm p p m r r g rs ||
lu - - An da ri - - ki - - Van - - - da na - -- mu - -
c) nSn S S R m r r m P | m p N pn S sn pm r g r s ||
lu - - An da ri - - ki - - Van - - da na - -- mu - -
d) nSn S S R m r r m p - m | pn - pn s- nsr Srs Nsn PnpMpm|| Rgr sn
lu - - An da ri - - ki - - - - - Van - - - da-- na - -- mu - - lu --
Anupallavi :
Chanduru Varnuni Antha
Chandamunu Hrudayaaravindamuna Juchi
Brahmanandamanu Bhavimchu Vaaru
Chanduru: Moon
Varnamu: Colour
Varnuni: He who has the color of the moon
Andamu: Beauty
Chandamu nu: style
Hrudayamu: Heart
Aravindamu: Lotus
Hrudaya aravindamu na: In the lotus like heart
Chuchi: See
Brahmanandamu: Eternal Bliss
Anubhavinchu: Experiencing
Varu: They
[Meaning: These great men keep the shape and form of the lord, who has attained bliss and power of the yoga in their lotus like heart and derive great happiness.]
1. ; ; P M P ; R mr | rm P M ; P ; ; ; ||
Chandu ru Var-- nu - - ni - - - -
2. nnpm P M P ; R mr | rm Pnp pmM ; P N P S ||
Chandu ru Var-- nu - - ni - - - -
3. nnpm P M P ; R mr | rm Pnp pmM ; R G g r r s ||
Chandu ru Var-- nu - - ni - - an - tha - -
n s r m pn pm r g r s n S n | s r m r r m p m p m p n P ; ||
chan-da- mu - - nu -- hru - - da - - - ya - - - - -
; P R R Rgr S n s Rgr | S s n r s n p p S n S ; ||
ra vin da mu - - na - - - ju - - chi Brah-ma -
; ; R S S rs N Nsn P | Pnp M Mpm R n n p m rg rs || nS n
nanda ma - - nu - - - Bha - Vim -- chu - - -Va -- ru -
Charanas :
Sama gana: The Hymns of the Sama veda
Lola: immersed in
Manasi ja: Born from the heart
Lavanya: beauty
Manasija lavanya: (here) Manmadha
Dhanya: Blessed
Murdhanyulu: Best among the blessed
[Charanam-1: Oh Lord! Thou art very interested in Sama veda gana. All devotees who have meditated on you with devotion.]
1. S ; ; ; ; S sn n - s | n n - sn P ; ; P mpns ||
Sa ma ga - - - - - - na lo la manasija
R ; ; ; ; ; g r r - g | r r - gr r- g r r S ; ; g r || r S n
La van- - - - ya Dhan- - - - ya Mur