Should doctors offer M.A.I.D.?

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Chantal Huinink,
Chantal is a city councillor, motivational speaker, author, and social justice advocate.
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@100huntley 6 ай бұрын
Choosing to end a life, even to relieve suffering, deeply challenges the Christian belief that only God decides the beginning and end of life. In hard times, like when dealing with terminal illness, seeking God's comfort, strength, and guidance is crucial, trusting in His perfect timing and plans for us. We approach this delicate topic with hearts full of compassion and understanding, ready to offer support, prayers, and care to those hurting. If you or someone you know is grappling with these difficult questions and needs a listening ear and prayer, please call our toll-free 100 Huntley prayer line at 1-866-273-4444. We're here to help. Psalm 139:13-14 reminds us, "For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." This verse highlights the profound value and sacredness of life as seen through the eyes of God. ❤
@lucindamobley5492 6 ай бұрын
This upcoming July will be 7 years since my Meemaw passed away. She started to develop Parkinson's when she got older and her health declined over the years until she was too weak to fight off a severe intestinal infection. I first noticed something was off when I was 11 and I was holding her hand and it was trembling. Years after that she started to get worse, she couldn't stand up by herself, she needed help in the bathroom, she got tired really easily, and she dropped a lot of weight. Then one year at Thanksgiving mom went to go get her and Tanti (my great aunt) to bring them to eat, and she had to call an ambulance because both of them were so sick they couldn't get out of bed. Meemaw had to be taken to a long care facility for rehab after that and she never was the same afterwards. She could barely talk, couldn't walk, had to have a feeding tube put right through her abdomen, and she kept vomiting on and off when she was having a really bad day. They gave her a motion sickness patch to help but they had to keep moving around her skin because it made red marks. I hated seeing her in so much pain, but if there had been somebody that had offered to end her suffering through M.A.I.D. I would have either gotten so mad and thrown something at them, or felt so much fear and panic at the thought of losing her that I would have cried my eyes out and ran 10 miles in the other direction. Even when she was in that state I never wanted to her to die, but the Lord decided it was her time on July 15th 2017 just four days after her 87th birthday. I loved her so much and I know that she's in heaven with God and Jesus.
@hi_kayla_ 5 ай бұрын
if his perfect plan requires the irrecoverable extreme suffering then your God is a compassionless cunt.
@zoebidwell720 5 ай бұрын
But not everybody has your believe system. Therefore, they should have autonomy to choose their own end. If it goes against your believe system, then it is for you to refrain from.
@lucindamobley5492 5 ай бұрын
@@zoebidwell720It's not for us to decide whether you believe in God or not. We don't get to decide when our lives start so we don't get to decide when our lives end either. That's completely in God's hands.
@AbdullahAzrael 5 ай бұрын
I completely agree although I'm not a Christian I am a Muslim alhamdulillah in issues like this we can't be afraid to stand together
@andyhu7205 6 ай бұрын
This feels like eugenics! Telling disabled people that it’s easier for them to die than take care of them is pure evil! We deserve to live just as much as anyone else!
@ollie7597 5 ай бұрын
It is eugenics when you make suicide easier than getting actual help
@Dkthearn 5 ай бұрын
It always makes me think of the Spartans throwing the disabled babies off the cliff think of all the different savants that could have resulted in a technological leap forward
@natharn4974 5 ай бұрын
In the name of liberalism etc etc
@alexism5687 6 ай бұрын
I'm a Buddhist and I completely agree with this woman's argument. I am not disabled but I still feel that it is important to value all life regardless. I hope she lives a fulfilling life and can help others do the same.
@fredthejunkman 6 ай бұрын
I pray you will turn to Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of eternal life.
@alexism5687 6 ай бұрын
@@fredthejunkman my practice is free and my life eternal. I don't want to follow Jesus. People are free to choose the religion that's best for them, that's the point of religion in the first place. Just like this woman has chosen her beliefs and doesn't want to be forced into what others think 'best for them' I am doing the same with my religious choice.
@fredthejunkman 6 ай бұрын
@@alexism5687Sadly, your life will be eternal but it will be eternally tormented because you have rejected Jesus Christ. Buddha did not resurrect. He died. Why do you think Buddha is your savior?
@alexism5687 6 ай бұрын
Exactly, he died. He was an ordinary human being. He showed that not even himself could escape the four sufferings of birth, aging, sickness and death. He taught many doctrines but later stated that the Lotus Sutra was his ultimate teaching. Later on a monk in Japan named Nichiren Daishonin spread the same teaching but he embodied the intent of the teaching and helped his followers overcome their various problems whilst facing persecution himself. He taught that in the midst of the inescapable sufferings and problems that life brings one can attain a lofty state of life. So the teaching I practice is about living fully even in the face of lifes obstacles and suffering. And Buddhism also seeks to resolve the ultimate problem of death, which many people tend to avoid the question of.
@fredthejunkman 6 ай бұрын
@@alexism5687Jesus Christ was also a teacher, but most importantly, He was God in human flesh. Have you ever truly studied Christianity? Why do you reject Christ and His teachings?
@sylviacontreras9768 6 ай бұрын
She is a perfect example of why her life is important as others in similar circumstances. May God continue to giver her the strength to speak for the lives of all to help them not want to end their lives through M.A.I.D. or any way but only in His time. In Jesus name Amen 🙏🏼
@juliahempstead9237 6 ай бұрын
Many blessings to this woman. May God have mercy on those Canadian rulers.
@real82it 6 ай бұрын
You are awesome! May God Bless! Keep pointing people to Jesus.
@LoriBarnes13 6 ай бұрын
You have just as much right as anyone to live your full life.
@carly106 6 ай бұрын
Amazing courage! Your beauty is astounding. ❤ Thank you for your wisdom. 🙏🏼 God bless you.
@selahr. 6 ай бұрын
Perfectly said. Thank you. I have major (and extremely expensive to treat) medical issues and I fear this coming to my country. Yes there are times my pain and lack of adequate medical care and support have made me wish for death, and yes those times will happen again, but I between those times there is life I’m glad to have the opportunity to be alive. God doesn’t need or want MAID, He will take us home to Him when it’s our time to go. Until then, we trust He has a purpose for us being here.
@amyrosey1474 6 ай бұрын
If you’re dying a painful horrible death then that’s not an issue to use MAID. She’s not talking about people who are DYING she’s talking an out people who are LIVING with disabilities. People who are told their life isn’t as important because they’re going to struggle more. People who are only turning to this option because they’re not being helped any other way
@nschlaak 6 ай бұрын
What an amazing woman. Thank you so much for this interview.
@PyrPupMom 5 ай бұрын
God bless you, precious sister! No person can determine whether someone else's life is worth living! Some people who have everything don't want to live, and some people who are extremely limited love life!
@sheilam1130 6 ай бұрын
A wise lady! Thank you and God bless you. You brought sunshine to my day ❤
@rosalindquinones2791 4 ай бұрын
@piccolosan19 6 ай бұрын
💙My heart aches for the ill and handicap Thank you for speaking out You are brave and kind Maid is pure evil It is being used under guise of medicine Its a genocide
@genesissalmon8837 5 ай бұрын
Wow praise God for her strength and her voice ! May God continue to use her !
@Banjodewulf2 6 ай бұрын
I think it should only be done as a last resort, when (Under certain conditions) no other medical options are available and death and suffering are inevitable.
@lou-andreachauvelot1423 6 ай бұрын
Not only medical !! Material support and care
@robertbutler1681 6 ай бұрын
This woman is an amazingly inspirational person. Her heart is great and her wisdom is profound. I’m speechless beyond that and just bow my head in gratitude to God for her.
@LoriBarnes13 6 ай бұрын
Every life is valuable. God put you here. God will take you when it is time. That’s not for anyone else to decide. You are very brave. I’m so sorry for your suffering you do have. God bless you!❤️
@bossmom522 6 ай бұрын
Your amazing woman ! God is using all of you!!God Bless you!
@makeupbytajlia 6 ай бұрын
Praise God! No one has the right to take a life other than God. May God bless and keep you in your journey to inspire others to stay alive and support others on living ❤
@thin4mint 6 ай бұрын
God bless you. You are a beautiful blessing. ❤
@musicforall4407 5 ай бұрын
May the Lord Jesus intervene and bring life to those who need his mercy. Only him is able to take your life or give it back to you.
@woodrailking 6 ай бұрын
. Thank you, Chantal, you're such an inspirational and precious child of God .
@violentneighborhood 5 ай бұрын
That is so hard to hear; that lack of services or length of time it takes to get approved for life changing resources causes people to choose maid.
@patti3855 6 ай бұрын
You are an incredibly beautiful woman and as one Christian woman to another ( I have cared for my mother and husband until their deaths) I would say keep looking to the Lord Jesus Christ. I gave myself to Him 60yrs ago and it was undoubtedly the best thing I ever did. He considered us all worth dying for.
@ScottySmac 6 ай бұрын
This lady is full of truth! God bless.
@wasupdoc1738 Ай бұрын
Her life as of any other human life, whether disabled or abled, young or old, strong or feeble, healthy or ill, poor or rich, successful or unsuccessful, birthed or unborn is of great value as it is made in the image of its creator God and it should be protected.
@My.Savior.Jesus.Christ 6 ай бұрын
@Olga____ 6 ай бұрын
Чис 6:24-26: "да благословит тебя Господь и сохранит тебя! да призрит на тебя Господь светлым лицем Своим и помилует тебя! да обратит Господь лице Свое на тебя и даст тебе мир!"
@soulthriver-oz6470 6 ай бұрын
Absodamnlutely it is!
@ginalapinskas2111 6 ай бұрын
God bless you darling! Keep fighting the good fight!
@sleepingdog334 6 ай бұрын
Beautiful woman. Beautiful soul.
@RicaquelRochelle 5 ай бұрын
She’s strong ❤
@danieldomiense196 6 ай бұрын
This touched my heart 💝
@genesissalmon8837 5 ай бұрын
@msssarahg 6 ай бұрын
Ofc life has value but to us with very little quality of life should be allowed to decide when we’ve had enough suffering. Too many people (esp in the U.S) suffer bc we cannot access supportive care or can access it only to be met with egotistical, gaslighting medical professionals… who decide for us whether our suffering is “valid”.
@shortyylu 6 ай бұрын
Only the person who would be passing should be the one to make their life go or not! A doctor shouldntttt have the choice. I’m allll for letting people take their life for certain things but not a damn doctor making that decision
@ReijiNakashi 5 ай бұрын
I don't know mates, we tend to romanticize life with disability. Not only for the disable but also for the ppl who take care of them. We're talking they need to take care of them for all their life and what happens when they're gone? Life's not fair sometimes
@bananablisss 5 ай бұрын
I believe that everyone should choose for themselves whether or not their life is worth living. I respect her choice but what gives her the authority over mine?
@ewwwobbie 6 ай бұрын
Every life is valuable! People who offer M.A.I.D. will answer for that when they come face to face with their Maker. In the meantime, we must stand up for those who have no voice!
@soulthriver-oz6470 6 ай бұрын
Yt won't let me comment. Gives me "an error occurred" !
@natharn4974 5 ай бұрын
Everyone RUN FROM CANADA....
@Jennifer-qo4kz 6 ай бұрын
@craigwolfe249 6 ай бұрын
Well god isn't real so let people do what they want with THEIR lives.
@amyrosey1474 6 ай бұрын
Regardless of whether you believe in god or not, MAID tells people with disabilities that it’s easier they die than it is to give them a life with independence and dignity
@Glow_Vlogs 5 ай бұрын
There are thousands and thousands of people who have died and seen heaven and Jesus. Muslims, toddlers, kids, atheists, addicts, murderers, Buddhists, people who never knew God before and never trusted in Him and they all have the same theme in there NDE, most of them had no inclination to even think about seeing heaven. They simply can't all be making it up. People from every corner of this earth have had this happen and live to tell about it. I have multiple books I've read more than once, watched countless testimony videos of tons and tons of different stories of people some died and came back, some in vivid dreams, some just openly alive and awake not on any drugs, some in groups all being able to verify and confirm as a group, all having an encounter whether it was seeing Jesus, seeing heaven, hearing Jesus speak directly to them, most of them never even believed or believed in something false, the common theme is that it's Jesus they speak of, a look in there demeanor, tears that run down there face instantly, and most importantly a peace, joy, glow and surety that they all share in there stories and this insane endless equal hope in them all. Heaven is very very real and so is Jesus.Nothing in this world has given me the internal peace and joy that Jesus has given to me. I cant explain it, I could not muster up this kind of peace myself, believe me I've tried. This kind of peace is not circumstantial, its not of this world and it cannot be replaced. Jesus is not a religion, He's not a theological concept, He's not an angry boss, He's not an energy, He's not a consciousness, He's not a respecter of persons, He's not a genie, He's not a tyrant and lastly He's not one of many ways, He's the only way. Jesus is a personal loving Father who created you, loves you and knows everything about you. Heres a really crazy fact...the chances of a one man fulfilling 8 prophecies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 and Jesus did that and not only that but He fufilled over 300 of them!! Only Jesus did that. No one else in history has ever come close. No one else has ever given there life for all of humanity and showed a unconditional love and forgiveness towards all, be nailed on a cross and being laughed at, spit at, brutally beat, bullied, etc. All the while showing patience and crying out for forgiveness for those around Him, mocking Jesus and spitting on Him. The whole time He showed grace, mercy and never spoke a mean word and before His last breath...He cried out that His sacrifice for us was completed and finished. He never gave up, He could have left and said no but never relented. I know you'll have an encounter that will change you forever, that's what you need to understand what I'm saying. No one else can make you believe and religion won't pierce through to your soul. Only Jesus can awaken you to the truth. Ask Him to prove to you what I'm saying. Ask Him to help you believe and that if He is real, to show you. You'll realize instantly the difference between Jesus and religion. If it's real, wouldn't you want to know and be on the right side? Jesus has been with you and He is using this as your opportunity to encounter Him. I promise. God bless you my friend. You are so valued and precious. You hold so much worth and are so so so much more loved than you know. Hope you take this advice and I have a huge urgency and excitement for you, for what is going to happen in your soul. 🙏🤗🕊🛐🤲
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