Should I care about the Trinity? Does the Trinity matter? w/ William Lane Craig - Podcast Episode 99

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Got Questions Ministries

Got Questions Ministries

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@maxspringer01 9 ай бұрын
William Lane Craig has been one of the intensely sharp apologists who helped me get my head on straight when I realized I had been born and raised in a cult which discouraged critical thinking or questioning, so I owe him much gratitude for that. On the doctrine of the Trinity, however, I must disagree with his opening answer that, essentially, a mere man could not die for all the sins of the world, and that it had to be an infinite divine being instead. I often hear this expressed as something like "only an infinite God could atone for infinite sins". The problem is, the Bible doesn't say this at all. Nowhere does it explain or hint that the reason Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient was because He was God, or a God-man. Rather, it says the opposite! In Romans 5 we get: Romans 5:15-19 15 But the gift is not like the trespass. For if *the many died by the trespass of the one man,* how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came *by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ,* overflow to the many! 16 Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification. 17 For if, *by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man,* how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness *reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!* 18 Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. 19 For just as *through the disobedience of the one man* the many were made sinners, so also *through the obedience of the one man* the many will be made righteous. So what does this passage say? It says that it is the trespass, the disobedience, of one man (Adam) which brought death, therefore, it is the obedience of the one man (Christ) which brings life. It is one man and one man. Not one man and one God. Not one man and one God-man. But one man and one man. This passage even addresses the objection about how His death could cover the "many trespasses" (all of mankind's sins), and the reason it says that Christ's death is sufficient is not that "only an infinite God can atone for infinite sins"; rather, it says it is the grace of God which overflowed, allowing Christ's death to bring life even following so many trespasses. Additionally, saying that it had to be God who died on the cross in order to be enough for our sins goes at odds against the common Trinitarian assertion that "only Jesus's human nature died on the cross; His divine nature didn't die". If a Trinitarian says that, then it cannot also be true that it had to be God who died on the cross, because the assertion is very clearly that the God part of Him is what did NOT die, thus rendering Jesus an insufficient sacrifice on the Trinitarian's own worldview! I have heard some say "well, something about His dual nature meant that His humanity was affected in some way by His divinity, such that it made His humanity sufficient", etc..... but then we run up against a problem that 1) the Bible doesn't say this, and 2) we have a man who is said to be a man like us in every way, and yet, He is somehow a man "affected by divinity which we do not have", and then He's not really a man like us anymore. I do not know how Dr. Craig would handle this particular problem, or if he has already addressed it somewhere. From what I have heard him say in other conversations, he holds to a bare bones Trinity, e.g. "there are three in the Bible properly called God", without all the intricate webbings of orthodox Trinitarian language, so maybe his thinned out version wouldn't have this issue, but for some Trinitarians this would be a sticky situation in need of a solution. Either way, Romans 5 is clear that it is just one man who died, and it is not because He was God that His death was sufficient, but is because of God's grace which overflowed to us following so many trespasses that His death was sufficient.
@NewCreationInChrist896 2 жыл бұрын
Amen, gratitude. Luke 10:27 💝
@leroybrown9143 2 жыл бұрын
I was dismayed at this ministry hosting William Lane Craig and wrote to ask if their hosting him on their official ministerial platform is an indication that they are stepping away from the faith. They respectfully responded and the conversation went as follows: I was told that you can have a conversation with someone without necessarily agreeing with what that person believes. I reminded them that this was not a personal conversation with someone you may disagree with, but was providing a platform to Craig from an official ministerial podcast, which is akin to a pastor allowing Craig to speak from his pulpit. I was accused of "making assumptions," I reminded the responder that I made no assumption, I was dismayed and concerned so I asked, and that the actions of the ministry made the question necessary. I reminded the responder that we have many holy commands not to associate with false teachers, even by way of greeting them (2 John 9-11). The responder affirmed that Got Questions accepts genesis as the word of God and rejects so-called theistic evolution, but insist that Craig is not a false teacher and wasn't invited to speak on Genesis but the Trinity. I was accused of having too great a "zeal," for defending genesis. I reminded the responder that Craig's beliefs on the trinity are every bit as disturbing and non-biblical as his beliefs on Genesis and that he is indeed a false teacher, a wolf in sheep's clothing and is not of us. I reminded the responder that if anyone weak or immature in the faith is introduced to Craig through Got Questions, looks into his teachings and accepts them, that person will never be on the path of salvation, but the path of perdition, by way of Got Questions Ministries. The risk is so eternally high as to be entirely unacceptable and that both myself and the ministry must simply follow the Holy commands and keep one another straight and not deviate from them even if accused of "dogmatism," or "zealotry." On the Trinity Craig teaches "partialism." He likens the trinity to a cat. The skeleton of the cat is not the whole cat, it's part of the cat. Likewise the muscles of a cat are not the whole cat, but part of the cat. Also the blood of the cat is not the whole cat. None of these are the entire cat, but you cannot have the whole cat without all of these. This is what the Trinity is like according to Craig. The Father is not fully God, the Son is also not fully God, the Holy Spirit is not fully God. They are all "parts" of God, without which you cannot have the fullness of God. This is a damnable heresy that Craig teaches and Got Questions, at least by way of association, defends. The ministry specifically invited him to speak on the topic of the Trinity. Remember that Balaam, like Craig, taught rightly about God, except for in the places where he didn't, and what we are taught about the "spirit of Balaam." Because of the lack of discernment in hosting such a man and defending it even to the extent of suggesting it's overzealous to question their decision I must urge caution in regard to Got Questions ministry. This, to me, represents a chink in the armor, so to speak. They are not wearing the full armor of God and you have to wonder who they might host next. I'll remind you that, by way of association with non-believers, the world that then was- was destroyed by water. By this same association Israel was destroyed and scattered, and by this association many professing Christians engage in the spiritually profane, are not saved and are incurring the wrath of God. Be zealous for the purity of faith through the whole word of God, be dogmatic about the Holy commands of God and do not allow yourself to be lured into a fictitious faith.
@josh2kange 2 жыл бұрын
This is deep. Learning. Thanks
@shamounian Жыл бұрын
kudos to you brother, since Craig is a false teacher and a heretic. May God grant him repentance and purify us from own sinfulness.
@MarvelGamer2023 Жыл бұрын
Craig is not a false preacher. What he teaches about the Trinity is biblical and true. You need to repent, you modern Pharisee.
@leroybrown9143 Жыл бұрын
@Marvel Gamer I truly have the joy of the assurance of eternal salvation in Christ, I'm beyond seeking, needing or accepting the approval of men like you. Craig is definitely a false teacher for the reasons I've enumerated. Childish name calling by his biblically ignorant, Christ denying fans does nothing to counter the fact of his false, anti-biblical teachings, those are who his teachings are for, so it's to be expected from them. His teachings are for the false church, those in the false church are for his teachings. The true church has enough discernment to reject both.
@bjornegan6421 Жыл бұрын
To the OP, how is someone saved?
@Dandymancan 2 жыл бұрын
Wow your actually inviting some very intelligent people!!!! This is great! Hope to see more Christian’s open their mind to intelligence and letting faith runs where faith is necessary and where intelligence runs where intelligence is necessary.
@mrsgregfrank2912 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you I think I finally get it. It's so simple! We are physical beings with 1 one soul. God is a spiritual being with 3 souls. Everything else just falls into place for me!
@bengochea64 2 жыл бұрын
Great Vid! WLC dropping knowledge as always 💯
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
I think you should be aware of of some of the things this man teaches and believes.
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmarshall956 I don’t think they do. This guy thinks the creation story in Genesis is not true
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmarshall956 well I disagree. This ministry has a lot of great content an probably doesn’t know his background
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmarshall956 you’re correct they do know his background maybe they are going down that slippery slope too
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmarshall956 what makes you think I wasn’t being a berean by questioning why they have this guy on their channel?
@rdd7919 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmarshall956 I didn’t watch the video. Just saw who it was and know what he teaches
@user-dj6rk2yv7i Жыл бұрын
I really wonder if WLC has ever studied the writings of Plotinus and Proclus. Cause the diversity within the Unity seems super similar with the relationship between henads and One. From a Christian perspective the writings of Dionysius the Areopagite are critical.
@maxspringer01 9 ай бұрын
Regarding Dr. Craig's example of "one cluster of grapes" in Numbers 13:23 showing that the Hebrew word for "one" (echad) can refer to a compound unity, this is simply not true. It's not echad that means compound unity in that verse, rather, it is the word "cluster"!!! Cluster is what indicates there are many in the one group, not "echad"! Echad in Hebrew functions to refer to a singular item or a single GROUP of items much in the same way as it does in English. It does not have some secret meaning of compound unity, or many in one, or anything like that. While I respect Dr. Craig, given just how sharp and discerning he is in other areas, it is surprising to me that he wouldn't see the immediate problems with what he said here. I'm not singling him out as I know there are plenty of others who make this same "grapes" argument, but it just doesn't hold up to scrutiny.
@eddieyoung2104 5 ай бұрын
God took one (echad) of Adam's ribs. And echad being supposedly a compound one, meant the rib actually consisted of all the ribs in Eve's rib cage!! Of course you're right, it's the word 'cluster' that refers to the plurality, not the word 'one'. I'm sure Craig knows this very well, if he's honest about it. But, I suppose he has to put forward the Trinitarian case come what may. Also, regardless of the flimsiness of the argument, many still give it credibility because of such prominent people promoting it.
@Jesusmyhopeofglory 2 жыл бұрын
Molinism that’s what Craig believes. Out and out heresy.
@noralg3081 2 жыл бұрын
He mentions his book systematic philosophical theology is it in print ? Where can one purchase it ? Thanka
@martygough 2 жыл бұрын
Molinism is not heresy now? He is outside of orthodoxy on his definition of God. It is very dangerous to give this man credence. A ministry that purports to fight for the importance of orthodoxy has a man on who denies orthodoxy.
@LilacDaisy2 2 жыл бұрын
It always makes me stop and pause when I read the Bible say that Jesus is sitting or standing next to God. I picture God the Father, but it just says God, which makes it confusing. I hope this is touched on. :-)
@dorothyross9392 Жыл бұрын
How to answer the oneness pentecostal.
@glory1ministries734 2 жыл бұрын
Great explaination. Yes, the Lord Jesus must be God to become a Savior. He must also be clothed with human nature as that of Adam before the "Fall", to be a perfect and unblemished offering for the atonement of sin. Though within Him He is an "Eternal Son of God" as His Father, the LORD God Almighty. 🌅Let me share a testimony of the vision of God I saw that reveals a Light on the Wisdom of God in a mystery concerning God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 📖 1 Corinthians 2:7 📜 Within few days after I received the justification of God and the New Birth, the LORD gave me a vision of Himself. While praying in the middle of the morning in that certain day, suddenly I was caught up in a trance, and being in the spirit, I saw myself in Heaven kneeling before God. A typical picture of a man kneeling on his knees with his hands on his breast and bowing down his head. Above in front of me were God the Father and the Lord Jesus who was on His right hand side. There was One at the left of the Father, but I cannot tell you at this momemt. Let it be for an appointed time. All three of them were sitting on their pure white Thrones side by side. They were pure white all together and have shining pure white diamond crowns on their heads. They were in their "shekinah glory" of excellent and majestic purity. Their faces were as the sun shining on its might at noontime of a perfect day, that what I could see only on their faces were a line of their chins. But, it was so obvious that as they looked at me, they were smiling in a great delight. They were in dazzling pure white clothing from neck down to their feet. Then I saw just below them and in between us, the Holy Spirit in the shape of a dove formed out of a shining pure white light spreading its wings just above me. Rays of white light emanates from Him towards me and all around Him. I am also in pure white all the way from head to feet and in pure white clothing. The whole scenario was in pure white that shines. There was a pure white angel who was steadily flying horizontally, rejoicing and blowing a trumpet on the middle right side. 📜 Then God the Father, the One on the left of the Father, and the Lord Jesus raised their right hands one by one towards me and said something, which I cannot tell you at this time. 📜 The place, the Heaven, was so glorious, white and full of peace and harmony. I could feel happiness and joy everywhere. I did not see a tint or spot of any color in the whole scenario of shining pure white. 🕊 I hope this testimony may give light of understanding concerning our God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit being God as "One", but of "separate" persons. 📖 You may refer to the following scriptures that support this revelation and testimony, though there are a lot more in the Bible: 💎 The Lord Jesus Christ "Sitting" on the "Right Hand" of God His Father 📖 Colossians 3:1 | Hebrews 1:1-4, 13 | Hebrews 10:12 | Hebrews 12:2 | Matthew 26:63-64 | Ephesians 1:20 | Hebrews 8:1 | Hebrews 10:10-12 Hebrews 12:2 💎 The LORD God as the "Father" of the Lord Jesus Christ 📖 Ephesians 1:3, 17 | Ephesians 3:14 | Hebrews 1:5, 8 | Hebrews 5:5, 8 | Colossians 1:3 💎 The Lord Jesus Christ "Calling" the "LORD God" His "Father" 📖 Matthew 11:25-27 | Matthew 16:16-17, 27 | Matthew 18:19, 35 | Matthew 24:36 | Matthew 26:29, 39, 42 💎 The LORD God "Calling" the Lord Jesus Christ "His Son" 📖 Matthew 17:5 | Hebrews 1:5 💎 The Lord Jesus Christ as the "Son of God" 📖 Matthew 26:63-64 | Matthew 27:54 | Colossians 1:12-19 | Hebrews 1:8 | Hebrews 4:14 | Hebrews 5:5, 8 💎 God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Being "Two Distinct Persons" 📖 Ephesians 6:23 | Philippians 1:2 | Philippians 2:11 | Colossians 1:2 | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 | 1 Thessalonians 3:11 | 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2 | 2 Thessalonians 2:16 | 1 Timothy 1:1-2 | 1 Timothy 5:21 | 1 Timothy 6:13 | 2 Timothy 1:2 | 2 Timothy 4:1 | Titus 1:4 | Titus 2:13 | Philemon 1:3 💎 The Holy Spirit or the Spirit of God being a "Separate Person of God" 📖 Matthew 3:16-17 | Mark 1:10-12 | John 1:32 | Luke 1:35 | John 14:16-17, 26 | John 15:26 | Acts 2:4 | 1 John 5:7 | Genesis 1:2 ☝To God be the Glory and Honor alone. May the Blessings, Graces and Peace of the LORD our God be to all who read this testimony. In the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. 🙏📖👑🏅🎺✨🕊
@rogerjohnson833 3 ай бұрын
THERE IS NO TRINITY ! God is not 3 persons as many have been erroneously taught. He is one person, revealed, manifested and operating in various titles. STUDY TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED. It is written, get wisdom and knowledge, but in all thy getting, get understanding. Trinity believers lack understanding.
@kM-ij2ly 2 жыл бұрын
The Godhead is a fact
@johnbyb3414 Жыл бұрын
Is GOD the HOLY SPirit the Mother side of God?
@1618927 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn't the concept of the trinity originate from Hermeticism? God is One, Jesus and God are one.
@JudeOne3Four 2 жыл бұрын
No such thing as Trinity in Scripture AT ALL. You will find that mess only in the occult. Trinity means 3 in unity. Three *what* in unity? 3 gods, period. The Bible DOES NOT teach mysticism nor polytheism. But I guess people LOOOVE false prophets, exactly what the Bible predicted.
@dboulos7 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, a sane response. The doctrine of the trinity is from the devil!
@JudeOne3Four 2 жыл бұрын
@@dboulos7 Amen and so is Modalism or any ism. The Devil has done a great job deceiving grown up people to reject the basics of grammar.
@dboulos7 2 жыл бұрын
@@JudeOne3Four Yes, an absolute embarrassment for them!
@krissybrockman6990 2 жыл бұрын
Ask WHO God is not WHAT God is because we are a part of the “Great Controversy” Satan accuses God of being something other than who He is. The CHARACTER of God the root of truth and lies. For me believing in the trinity brought me to love God. This rather new truth was revealed to me a few years ago. Everything else hinges on this understanding and builds from it. So do not take it lightly. Please pray over this concept if you are opposed or struggle with it. Give this trinitarian monotheistic God a chance. He is called in Hebrew with a male plural form “Elohim” Ask not WHAT God is, for we cannot possibly conceive His power. He speaks (sings in my imagining) universes into existence yet when he says “let US make man in OUR image”, He forms man with his “Hands” and “Breathes” life into Man. So close and personal. He is a relational being! Rather ask WHO God is. God is love. John 4:16. What kind of love? His love is unselfish, outwardly focused, sacrificial, unending, and unrequited. This would require more than one being to love this way. God the Father loving the Son and Holy Spirit. God the Spirit loving the Son and Father. God the Son loving the Father and Spirit. Giving honor, glory and praise to the other. This plurality of individuals is forever in solidarity, unbroken in a familial harmony. Which makes God 1 in the monotheistic term. But If God is truly is just one being than who is there to love before creation? Himself? That’s called Narcissism. If a singular God creates, what is the purpose? To give inwardly focused love? That would mean creation was only created to TAKE from, to receive love from because he could only love himself. That’s a perversion; a false statement. This is how Satan operates! God creates to GIVE away his love because he is overflowing with it and wants to share with His creation. Don’t hate God because life is unfair and there is suffering. Hate sin. God is long suffering Himself holding back his judgement until all have had a chance to believe in Him.
@krissybrockman6990 2 жыл бұрын
Great link to understanding Trinity
@grahamgman8706 2 жыл бұрын
Is it me or does William Lane Craig look more like David Lee Roth than David Lee Roth does.
@gwenthompson8347 2 жыл бұрын
@dboulos7 2 жыл бұрын
lol there's a resemblance
@josiahren 2 жыл бұрын
Ernest P. World
@mitchellc4 2 жыл бұрын
Hello Jesus is the Messiah The Son of God The Son of David The Son of man The man God has chosen to be his anointed king The man God will judge the world through The man God raised from the dead Jesus will return and rule the nations with believers in the kingdom of God on the earth Jesus has a God There is no triune god in scripture Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. - Acts 3 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Servant Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilate, when he had determined to release him. 14 But ye denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted unto you, 15 and killed the Prince of life; whom God raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. Notice Jesus is NOT the God of Abraham 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Servant Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilate, when he had determined to release him.
@claudiozanella256 Жыл бұрын
If you listen to the Jesus' words with an open mind then their meaning is clear: 1. Jesus is the ONLY KING of heaven and He is ONLY with the Father 2. the Father, however, is A SPIRIT - the ONLY ONE - this means that the Father is ACTUALLY MISSING, nobody ever knew Him. 3. accordingly, Jesus sits at the right hand of the POWER (the power is merely a "thing") 4. the Father who is a spirit is called "Holy Spirit" by Jesus.
@jarehmanjarehman5225 2 жыл бұрын
Trinity is wrong.god is one like him is none.
@crazyworld54321 2 жыл бұрын
Conceptually speaking, it's required from a logical perspective that if God is omnipresent (which he is), that he be able to manifest in distinct manner, and yet always remain fully God. If the Father is always present sitting on his throne in heaven, in eternal glory, yet God is also present in all other dimensions, including here on earth, then it's necessary that there be distinct manifestations of God that are yet still fully God. Therefore the concept of The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit makes perfect sense considering that God can be in all places at all times. The Father glorifies the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son glorifies the Father and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit glorifies the Father and the Son, and witnesses and testifies of those who truly follow God and are found in Christ. Spiritually it's entirely possible since with God all things are possible. Philosophically it's a requirement. And logically, it's reasonably justifiable. As well, it's precisely what scripture teaches. The Bible cross references itself in stellar fashion if you know where to look at what dots to connect.
@Samzz4 Жыл бұрын
8:03 what William LC says here worries me because people can literally pick and choose where is "God" and where is "Lord" and that can be misleading to some extent purely by creed or Trinitarianism or Unitarianism etc... Also, can someone also explain to me if “I am the LORD; I change not” (Malachi 3:6) then why did the old Jewish followers of Moses and pretty much every single other prophet of God mentioned in the old testament NOT mention ANYTHING about Jesus OR the Holy Spirit being a part of the Godhead? Or that God is part of a Trinity? Surely if Jesus and the Holy Spirit is God... ALL those who rained as magistrates in the rule of God on earth (PSALM 82) would have explicitly mentioned it many times over.... literally everywhere...? Need explanation.
@claudiozanella256 2 жыл бұрын
No Trinity exists. The bishops of Nicaea correctly understood that "the Father" is the "NORMAL" almighty God (no one has ever seen or known him, Jn.17:24,25 ), "the Son" is a second divine Person, but with "the Holy Spirit" they made a major blunder when thinking He is a THIRD divine Person. That's not true, the "Holy Spirit" is EXACTLY THE FATHER, only this time in a PARTICULAR FORM: in the form of a spirit. He originates from the "normal Father" nobody ever knew (but the Son). The bishops could figure that out from the Jesus' statement that THE FATHER IS A SPIRIT. That statement is reliable because Jesus even makes a pun on it "those who worship Him must worship IN SPIRIT and truth." That statement, combined to the Jesus' statement regarding ONLY TWO POSSIBLE BLASPHEMIES against the Son and the "HOLY SPIRIT", were to hint that the latter is simply a name given by Jesus to the FATHER WHO IS A SPIRIT ! In short, Jesus has the "FATHER WHO IS A SPIRIT" and calls him sometimes "Father," sometimes "Spirit" (Holy) depending on circumstances, but those are just TWO NAMES to identify exactly the SAME ONE Father. You can find a confirmation: the Holy Spirit is in Jesus, but ONLY the Father is with Jesus "I am not ALONE because the Father is with me" (repeated many times in all different ways). Hence, the Holy Spirit with Jesus can only be THE FATHER: the ONLY ONE who is there with Him, there are NO MORE PERSONS! "Father" and "Holy Spirit" are thus TWO EQUIVALENT TERMS to identify the same Person, so that when the former is used in an event, the latter is not used and vice versa. Thus, you can see that the Holy Spirit dealing with Mary's pregnancy is THE FATHER. Indeed - as a matter of logic - the Father of Jesus can be none other than.... THE FATHER! This is confirmed by the fact that the power of THE FATHER "the power of the Most High" is used and not the power of an alleged third divine person. The term "Father" is not used there because the term "Holy Spirit" is used. This also means that at the baptism of Jesus there are only TWO divine Persons - FATHER and SON - because HE WHO SPEAKS IS THE HOLY SPIRIT! Also in this event the term "Father" is not used because the term "Holy Spirit" is used instead. Well, it was very simple: Jesus states DOZENS OF TIMES in the gospels - in all various ways - that God is made (A) by the Father and (B) by the Son. PERIOD. Since Jesus in all those statements picks the term "Father," He never mentions the term "Holy Spirit". For example here the term "Father" is used and the term "Holy Spirit" is not used "As for that day and hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father." You can appreciate that - when even the ANGELS (!) are taken into account - no alleged third divine person is present there. In short, Jesus NEVER says that a THIRD PERSON IS WITH HIM and NEVER states that God is a TRIUNE GOD. The bishops of Nicaea should have simply accepted Jesus' words, rather than INVENTING a "Lord giver of life" that nobody has ever seen, or heard.
@stevenderks8688 2 жыл бұрын
What about, in the name of the Father the son and the Holy Spirit.. is the Bible lieing or are you? what about your not to grieve the Holy Spirit? With out the Holy Spirit you will have no Salvation,so maybe you should get into reading the Bible a little better and not count on the traditions of man (like the pharmacies did),the Bible says he's a nother person of the God Head, I'll believe the Bible, not you. You sound like your Catholic.. well only the Gospel of Jesus Christ will save you my friend, not what you do or who you pray to(Mary). So Rejoice in the Lord always. Amen.
@claudiozanella256 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenderks8688 Only a huge misunderstanding. Jesus has the Father who IS HERE and is a spirit "God is a spirit.". That "Father WHO IS A SPIRIT" is called "FATHER" by Jesus. But inversely the "SPIRIT who is the Father" (nothing changes, He is the same God, Jesus just emphasizes He is a spirit) is called "HOLY SPIRIT" by Jesus. You can figure it out from the speech about the TWO blasphemies, where the second blasphemy must be directed to the Father. Thus, you can understand that "Holy Spirit" is the personal name given by Jesus to the "Spirit who is the Father" in order to distinguish Him from other spirits (e.g., the Spirit of truth). Therefore "HOLY SPIRIT" is simply a SECOND EQUIVALENT NAME of "FATHER," NOT a third divine person. The two fully EQUIVALENT NAMES are used interchangeably in the various events disclosed by the gospels (Mary's pregnancy, Jesus' baptism (the Father - AKA Holy Spirit - speaks and takes actions in heaven), help given to Jesus in his journey into the wilderness and in speaking, the 2 blasphemies...). You also have proof that the name "Holy Spirit" identifies the Father: the Holy Spirit is with Jesus, but you know that THE FATHER is the ONLY ONE Person with Jesus "I am not ALONE because the Father is with me" (reiterated many times in all different ways). Therefore, the Holy Spirit with Jesus can only be the Father, the ONLY PERSON who is there with Him. 2. Baptize in the NAME...they are just THREE NAMES! They MAP ONTO two divine PERSONS, Father and Son. Namely, the first name "Father" refers to the Father who is NOT a spirit and is NOT HERE ("the world has not known You"), the Holy Spirit originates from Him.
@BobSmith-ew5oi 2 жыл бұрын
One myth the same as another and if you eliminate any biblical reference because of the circular reasoning trap you are very hard pushed to find any non biblical evidence for your fantasy.Did not jesus promise would return in that generation and proven false and we all know what the bible said the penalty was for false prophets.
@euston2216 2 жыл бұрын
God isn't 3 people. God is a unipersonal Spirit, and his name is JESUS.
@tyronemaxwell8091 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! Jesus says that God is a Spirit and Leviticus says that God is Holy. So God is the Holy Spirit. It was also the Holy Spirit that overshadowed Mary and caused Jesus’s conception so the Holy Spirit would have to be the Father as well!
@TraeStokesIII 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus is the world, the Word is God, Jesus is also the Holy Spirit... they are all the exact same "God" (One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism of Holy Spirit and Fire, not of water/long story) but Jesus and the Holy Spirit are simply different pathways in which GOD reaches His pre-ordained, predestinated sheep.... God came in the flesh to shed blood ... Hell isn't eternal torment (lake of fire is for fallen angels/long story) No Free will No Christmas and Easter ... all are of Catholic origins.. John 316 is falsely transcribed by the Catholic Erasmus who penned Textus Receptus (received text) which was then used to pen the KJV... KJV is the best we have, and yet isn't perfect... truth only understood in the SPIRIT (1 Cor 2:14) not on paper... Jesus is the Word Jesus spoke in parables = THE WORD is one big parable... not all written in black and white... Jesus said he only came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel (non bloodlines are grafted in Jews) Jesus only came for HIS... not the whole world... to the goats that claim him that "boast" of free will decisions and or that they repented enough, Jesus will tell them He never knew them~ go to my channel... click playlist
@stayyoungmyfriends 2 жыл бұрын
Yahweh cannot be three persons when the Father says he alone is Yahweh. Isaiah 45:5. Three distinct persons, each God, three Gods
@noelsetterington648 2 жыл бұрын
Where does it say trinity in the bible. I believe there is God the Father evident God the son Jesus spawned by the Holy ghost and Mary Ok I've just asked the holy ghost if the bible says he is God as a title. He said no
@noelsetterington648 2 жыл бұрын
He is the spirit of God a person amen thanks holy ghost
@stevenderks8688 2 жыл бұрын
Never mock the Holy Spirit, that is the worst sin. You don't mock because you don't understand. God put the Holy Spirit in all of us, it's your choice to listen to Him or not... Don't waste his time if you're going to mock. You put trust in thinks you can't see or under stand ever day. Blessed is the man who believes with out seeing, Jesus said something like that to dissipal Thomas. That's where you get the phrase doubting Thomas. You put trust in your doctor's going to keep you healthy, you put trust in that your pilot of the plane will get you there safely with not even meeting him, you put trust in the cab driver without knowing anything about him, or that the elevators got good cables so you don't fall a hundred stories, but even now you deny God's word. Scientists these days are proving the Bible by trying to debunk it. You probably think every thing on earth is billions of years old, and dinosaur's are millions of years old too.which is all lies, Theory's are not facts, your not space goo,or a ape, so wake up and find out for yourself.. Rejoice in the Lord always. Amen
@joeyAdominguez 2 жыл бұрын
You know the word "Bible" is NOT in the Bible either? We just use certain words to understand the Bible better and to shape a correct theology and understanding due to us being so limited in our understanding
@stevenderks8688 2 жыл бұрын
@@joeyAdominguez That's because the word Bible is on the front of the book, you don't understand the Bible because you arrogant, proud, and wicked,self righteous sinner, that hates our God, an wants to try to find flaws in the word of God. God speaks to us through the Bible, we speak to him though prayers, the Bible is a love letter from Him to us, it's full of direction, and examples on how to live our lives. He's the father of all fathers and loves you and doesn't want to send you to hell,this life is your only chance to get to know him, and change your rebel ways before it's to late. If he wasn't a just God he would just let you do what you want.if someone killed somebody close to you in your family, you'd want the judge to be just wouldn't you? Or would it be alright if the judge said ooh that's alright, you killed some one,do what you want your free to go. You wouldn't like that to well would you. you'd want justice wouldn't you? Well God's the most righteous an just judge of all, And until you realise that your not good, and only he is good will you be saved from his Wrath, so keep lipping off about your Creator and see what happens to you, have fun in your damnation.. maybe you'll think back when your burning in hell and say if I only took that guys advice.. well you decide for yourself are you going to look into it for yourself, or are you going to keep on going as you are and reap the wraft of God, and die in your sin's.. Don't want to be a tool of the devil do you? I don't know why the decision is so hard for people? Salvation with our Lord, or damnation in the lake of fire for all eternity, your choice. Well Rejoice in the Lord always. Amen
@joeyAdominguez 2 жыл бұрын
@@stevenderks8688 where did I assert arrogance? I already know I'm a sinner in need of a Savior. You're assuming that I don't know that the God of the Bible is a God of justice and you're also blindly assuming I lack any knowledge of theology. Jesus didn't deny the claims and accusations of His deity in the NT, and He performed the miracles to back up His position as God. Everything else you've said pretty much veered off topic of the Doctrinal discussion of the trinity. Again, the word Trinity may not be used in a verse, nor is the word on the cover of the Bible, but it's just used to help understand a complex concept of an infinite God, with our limited finite perspectives as sinful people Btw the word bible still isn't IN the Bible, it's just ON the cover
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