Should workaholics in animation be glorified?

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Toniko Pantoja

Toniko Pantoja

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A sequel video to my "How hard should you work in the animation induistry" video, I talk about some of the subtle toxic views on workaholic culture
00:00 INTRO
03:18 Workaholic culture enforced
05:12 When you can't STOP thinking about it
07:08 Work becomes your ONLY interest
08:47 Using "busy" as excuse
10:34 Work becomes your only identity
12:39 Thoughts as a fellow workaholic
13:54 Should workaholics be glorified
The Complete Introduction to 2D Animation
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Twitter: / tonikopantoja
Instagram: / tonikopantoja
Online Store/Tutorials:
Patreon Account: / stringbing
Equipment I use:
Drawing Tablet: Wacom Cintiq 22HD:
Software I use:
Animation - TVPAINT
Animation - Adobe Flash/Animate CC, ToonBoom
Compositing - After Effects
Painting and Illustration - Photoshop
Video Editing - Premiere

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@dueces1640 3 жыл бұрын
as an ex-workaholic who used to work 100+ hrs a week. this is extremely important for people to understand. there is more to life than just work, EVEN for people who are single.
@TheRockyCrowe 3 жыл бұрын
Holy-What? That’s insane!😨 If you don’t mind me asking how were you managing this? I think the hardest I’ve ever worked is a 50+ hr work week at a temp position. It was exhausting and borderline drove me to hate what I love the most (art). I couldn’t imagine doubling that, that leaves time for virtually nothing. I’m glad you have adjusted to normalcy.
@renarddubois940 3 жыл бұрын
i never went above 80 hours/week and that only lasted for 6 months
@dueces1640 3 жыл бұрын
@@TheRockyCrowe I would literally just eat, sleep, and work all week, every week. I really needed money at the time. The idea of making 3k a week is a really strong driving force to push someone to work that much. at least until ur out of debt and want free time again.
@TheRockyCrowe 3 жыл бұрын
@@dueces1640 damn, 3K a week? I can’t blame you for that 😂 that’s still murder on the body though, you literally had zero time for anything. If you don’t mind me asking is this something the company expected of you? Like to fulfill a quota? Or were you a freelancers who took on a shitton of projects at once? (I know little of the animation industry, I’m just now breaking into the concept art field lol)
@littlereuby 3 жыл бұрын
I have an ex who works for a fortune 50 company, I thought she'd be happy because she gets paid a lot of money, until one day she cried saying it was horrible, and it made me rethink a lot on what I defined as success. A bad experience with a client made me realize, monetary success is not worth it. For my ex, money was more valuable for her, I decided to lead a more modest life, and we parted ways. I found peace in a queit small town surrounded by nature and slowed my pace to a sloth's pace. I still work hard on my own projects, but it's like 5 hrs a day or less, because I realized I really don't need much, especially since I don't plan on getting married or anything like that.
@FloatingSunfish 3 жыл бұрын
It's the same in the game dev and IT industry. Crunch does not equal passion, it usually equals poor management!
@lesly3911 3 жыл бұрын
People don't understand that the term workaholic is generalized and a simpler term for work addiction. Which is a serious issue. A permanent issue.
@tp1861 3 жыл бұрын
Omg, the Yamacha refrence in the thumbnail-
@sydneytalks4254 3 жыл бұрын
I literally just had someone ask me what my hobbies are and i kinda just... blanked... like all i do is art, even in my spare time. But i enjoy it so much. I havent reached the point of being a workaholic, but I’m afraid for when i di start to get to that point, especially with my final year coming up and stress about my thesis animation work sinks in. But I don’t know what else to really do for myself to get myself away from art. I love reading, but not much other than that. It definitely doesnt help that I’m such an introvert and homebody 😅 Edit: maybe being a huge procrastinator has balanced it out lol
@stinxray5868 2 жыл бұрын
@@solarydays art. Watching other people's art. Reading comic. All art related
@DigitalGamersX 3 жыл бұрын
God that part where you're talking about coworkers or directors saying "if you dont spend at least this much time at the job you wont make it in this industry" just reminds me of my days at a game dev school (Digipen) where they would say the same shit. The teachers, the president, everyone just going "If you dont spend most of your time on projects, you won't make it." One notable event was when the official orientation book said something like "don't get a part time job if you work here, all of your time should be dedicated to this school".
@doublecoloured385 2 жыл бұрын
Fellow Digipen student here and I agree with ya 100%. I can somewhat understand the logic behind not taking a part-time job, but even when I heard that not just lecturers but even seniors saying not to take up CCAs that raised so many huge red flags.
@makotoyuki345 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t get me wrong, workaholics deserve the recognition for their hard work, very much so But for the love of god they shouldn’t be encouraged to do so for the sake of it. Rather let them naturally decide without conditioning them (of course you need to stay in check too)
@animated387 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this, this really feels validating, had an issue last year while animating my short film where i would easily spend 26 to 38 hours straight working. it impacted my health, relationships and overall love for animation. at the time it was a necessity to get the film done, but on my current project i've been very firm on my time I work and it's put a lot of people off, I have been told by friends that I now seem lazy by comparison, and compared to my other collegues I probably do seem lazy that I now stop working exactly after 8 hours, but I feel so much readier to work now, less stressed and actually have time to do things I enjoy doing. This insight is incredibly helpful! Thank you Toniko!
@Soldiershak 3 жыл бұрын
People glorify martyrdom, I saw a vid recently (I can't remember the title) where someone said the technology made animating much faster, but with that production deadlines shortened as well, basically negating the speed advantage that digital animating provides, now you're expected to produce more in even less time.
@mrshumancar 3 жыл бұрын
This is just my opinion but I know plenty of workaholics, and most of them lack a lot of things that are important. They can be extremely skilled, and have little emotional intelligence, empathy, or even pressure you to work harder. This makes a lot of them very uncomfortable to deal with. In terms of industry, I've heard stories where the Crunch time spent on a project actually **lowered morale and made production worse** so to combat it, the team took time off then invested in better managing their work flow so they had a better work-life balance.
@ringstar3316 3 жыл бұрын
While I'm on my 13th short film as a rough animator and art directing two others at SCAD. I'm really happy I can partially relate to this. Workaholic not by choice tho, the work just needs to be done right, add this to the fact I have yet to get a call back or a job offer and I feel like I'm in a similar (and cranky) boat. Clearly can't be the end of the world, but stank is stank, but making time for other things, even for a moment are the only things keeping me together. I appreciate this
@durvids474 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is 'ghost hours' and how that skews deadlines and expectations not only for yourself but for your coworkers. Like, yeah this other dude is pumping out more animation than me but he is staying until 10pm everyday to do it. But sometimes supes or higher ups don't see that, they are ghost hours and all the higher ups see is the completed footage. Now the expectations for everyone shift. "if he can do it then why can't you". The budgets and schedules get fed unrealistic expectations not just for the guy who is willing to go "above and beyond" but for everyone! Most of the time these people don't have family, don't have kids, they can choose to burn all their time at work, something that a lot of people can't do. They are screwing everyone else for their own advancement, it's pretty selfish if you ask me. If you really love animation and really want to do your best, do it within the scope you are given. That's what the budgets and schedules are for. If that's not enough for you or fulfilling enough for you, then work on your own personal projects at home. Don't screw everyone else cuz you want to be a hero.
@Smieska_13 3 жыл бұрын
"Working as hard as me!" such a subjective thing though. I've asked people what exactly do they mean when they 'work hard', and objectively, most weren't really doing anything secret or spectacular, someone would be doing the same amount of work but wouldn't call it 'working hard' and vice versa. I have also met some artists who claimed they got where they were because they 'worked so hard, harder than anyone' , when in reality, they were lucky. They were in the right place at the right time. I just think it can easily be insulting for someone who is working their hardest but don't get any results, simply because they don't have the luck. The artist will internalize that it's their fault, they're being lazy, that they perceive they're not working hard enough when in reality, they are. THIS I believe, can lead to major burnout. From my own experience, I compare it to patients with cancer. For some reason, it is glorified how this person 'beat' cancer because they were 'so determined, so strong', when the reality of it is, their bodies were able to accept treatment they received. Someone with cancer with the same amount of determination, strength of will, power of the mind etc, will still react differently to treatment, or even die shortly after. We like to believe we're masters of our fate, that if we only "WORK HARD ENOUGH" we'll get somewhere, when in reality, no, there is no formula. It's a chaotic world. Its up to chance.
@lunab541 3 жыл бұрын
What about folks who work unpaid overtime and set unrealistic standards for their peers? Is this an issue? What's your take on it?
@silverflower7226 3 жыл бұрын
A new awesome video! Can’t wait to watch!
@toanich.4536 3 жыл бұрын
Really good topic! Thanks for sharing this vid Toniko. That opened my eyes somewhat. I didn't quite think of myself as a workaholic until you mentioned animation is the only topic I ever bring up in conversations or always saying I'm busy! :P
@miffix_r 3 жыл бұрын
I have been struggling finding this balance and what to tell others! I recently gave a talk where I said to others that their appetite for more is powerful to fuel their creative journey but gave no warning that gluttony can also be present in progress and result in burnout!
@OpposeArt 3 жыл бұрын
Another golden video that I needed to hear, always the best stuff, thank you for this! Wow
@rachelheadlam8532 2 жыл бұрын
ive been "in the industry" fulltime for a year and these videos hitting different than when i was a student 😭 thank you so much for shedding light on some of these topics that we go through but can be hard to talk about in the workplace
@smoage 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who definitely puts in extra time on "work work" projects, it's important to note, and sometimes difficult to parse, that while we do often want push to improve the quality of our work and our output, "work work" is still a job that we are and should be compensated for. A lot of animation jobs at least on the east coast are "weekly" pay, where you're not compensated for overtime. Every night you work late, you're pushing down the value of your own rate and the value of your labor. Something that's ok if you're ok with it of course but it's easy to forget because we love the craft, so it's good to be mindful of when agreeing to rates imo. To the point about setting unrealistic expectations for your coworkers, I think as long as production knows you are working late, you aren't acting like you got everything done in a normal work day, and if that's what you want and need, that's ok! But when no one is tracking that time and production starts to think that the work we've done burning the midnight oil is completed in a normal 9-5 day and they start making up schedules reflecting and expecting that, that's when things start to be a problem for the team. And for you too! I have struggled with all of this, sometimes a project is super fun and I want to go hard. But also putting that time and energy spent on "work work" into your own projects is also very rewarding. As you say, balance is different for everyone, finding your own is important.
@durvids474 3 жыл бұрын
100% agree. I think that this, like many things in life, is about how the things we do stop being a simple matter of personal choice and become a lot more complicated once they start affecting other people. Just commented above on this and the concept of "ghost hours" which i've seen play out at so many studios and how the simple matter of choosing to work after hours to pump out more footage or to spruce up your shots and polish them even more affects everyone and skews the expectations when it comes to schedules and budgets. And then everyone has to be held to these unrealistic expectations. This industry can be pretty brutal when it comes to schedules. If everyone decided that they will do the best they can WITHIN the schedules they are given, maybe things could change for the better.
@smoage 3 жыл бұрын
@@durvids474 Completely agree. I believe in other occupations that concept of "ghost hours" would be referred to as "wage shaving." It's crazy how often we put it on ourselves in animation!
@DeejayGrafixx 3 жыл бұрын
Am just proud to see your style evolve this is crazy
@ayior 3 жыл бұрын
Good timing Im usually a person for work hard / play hard but the pandemic took all my outlets away so it has just been work hard since March 2020
@arjb1046 3 жыл бұрын
Bro, thank you for making this video. I have struggled with adapting a work flow that is best for me, and the workaholic model for me is just so destructive. Like there would be times when I was taking a break from an animation and I would constantly find ways to beat myself up about why I wasn't working to finish my project. And some days, it got to me and I cry. Thankfully, I feel like I'm in a place where I can work when I give myself time to and relax, too.
@boltflow1082 3 жыл бұрын
great video toniko you are my favourite youtuber that talks about animation
@kelleranimation 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of relatable stuff here man. Thanks for sharing
@Kalaxian80animations 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question: Is it bad that I would only take satisfaction from my work in animation and not getting from instant gratification cause it makes me guilty and lazy and the only way to combat it is to continue to work on my animations?
@luck0717 3 жыл бұрын
Try the pomodoro technique. You may have heard about it a ton, but basically you have a timer for 5 minutes for a break, then 25 minute timer for work, then five minute timer for break. I can usually get started by starting with a five minute break. I don't overwork, but I have to start or stop as soon as the timer beeps. No room for thinking or procrastination, and I don't hyperfixate and work for sixteen hours straight and burn out for a week.
@ignlightenment4556 3 жыл бұрын
You can pursue other things in life outside animation that are not instant gratification. You could take physical activities like cycling,hiking or learn new skills like cooking or reading , activities which enrich your life outside animation. The point is that you need to have a balance between work life and personnel life.
@Kalaxian80animations 3 жыл бұрын
@@luck0717 but what if I want to woek even more than 25 minutes? 25 minutes seems short, like, in 25 minutes I can do very little work, but fine, I'll try it, and yes I've heard it many times this technique.
@Kalaxian80animations 3 жыл бұрын
@@ignlightenment4556 To be honest, I don't just do animation, I also work in FL Studio and tryed yesterday to code for Friday Night Funkin nad improved my english by a little from a teacher on youtube called EngVid his name is James. but now seriously, I liked to do other things like those that I mentioned, but as a career in life, I want to become an animator, and to work in a studio. I don't really want to be a real producer, that's not my goal, but I do know many things in FL Studio, but animation will always be number 1 for me, so do you guys think I should just pursue my dream of becoming an animator?
@ignlightenment4556 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kalaxian80animations I also do not know, I am in the same boat as you. I would like to become a comic artist but right now I work in a different line of work. Currently I am allocating part of my free time to practice drawing and learn more about the process by doing it. Maybe not helpful but my suggestion would be you could try doing animation at a smaller scale before leaping into it full time to find the answer for yourself.
@frendobendo4433 3 жыл бұрын
Eventually at some point people get tired of being guilt tripped by someone whos constantly insulting them and saying they aren't serious about art and the negative reinforcement isn't going to work anymore. It may even have the opposite effect where the person no longer wants to work on anything related to art.
@pascalnovadrich6276 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video man! I'm aspiring traditional animator/story artist and I've a quick question: what would you recommend to someone who is struggling a lot to keep the character in model/ to keep to volumes consistent? what would be a good routine of daily execises/warm ups to be better at this skill?
@FrilledMayfly_AmberlyFerrule 3 жыл бұрын
I consider myself a workaholic to an extent. Working on animation and projects gives me life like nothing else does, but i also consider reading, scribbling, and meditation part of the work since it gives new ideas and approaches. I can't stress how important scribbling is, not drawing anything good, but pure dumb doodles that are a very direct stream of consciousness without any slowing down for a pretty drawing. It's both liberating and extremely fun to look back on those drawings. I use my work as inspiration to motivate me farther. I know i'm the one who drew them, but it doesn't feel like that. It's like walking into someone else office and going off of their work. I suppose what i'm doing is creating a cycle of self inspiration. I do like looking at other people's work and wanting to get to their level, but as long as I look at my work and see improvement every month or two, I'm happy
@wonderworld1928 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Toniko! Hope you are doing well. Gotta a question, What do you think of Bill Plympton's animation? Please, make a video about some of the famous indie animators.
@Navks 3 жыл бұрын
AAAAAAAAAA FINALLY I CAN CATCH UP! Edit: Yes Wish Dragon are the best spoiler alert I was a bit disappointed on the last scene ;-;
@blaiserascal4976 3 жыл бұрын
The idea of a "threshold period when you rejuvenate" is spot-on. I love to work hard on game jams, finish my game, then take a break to catch up with life. Actually, game jams are especially great because the deadline FORCES you to stop working at some point.
@Silver01Son 3 жыл бұрын
This came in at the right time
@welp6533 3 жыл бұрын
ur art style so nice
@charles8072 Жыл бұрын
Do you have a range for what hours would be good for work week?
@littlereuby 3 жыл бұрын
I burnt out 2 years ago and I haven't worked on an animated project since. There was a lot I was going through in my personal life, and in hindsight, I shouldn't have taken more work. But what drove me to the edge was a client who after giving their whole on their project betrayed me in the end and refused to pay. It was a return client who I thought we had developed a wonderful partnership, however, when I told him I needed to take time off for my own well-being he flipped. I remember not wanting to draw again. My advice to artists is, build a life where you put yourself first. I only put in insane hours on my own projects, I wouldn't recommend doing it on other people's projects. Everyone nowadays is just out for their own interests. Of course, do a good job, but just do good enough. Also, build a life where you have time to work on your project. For me, that involved shifting to living a modest life, where I can sustain myself for several months without client work. Also, I don't do animation commissions anymore, just illustration work. It doesn't pay as well when compared to animation, but it gives me more time to pursue my own projects.
@Felix.Wingfield 3 жыл бұрын
I'm always thinking about animation, but I don't get to do the work more than a couple hours per week. :[ Moms never get 'me' time.
@kojinstorm4249 2 жыл бұрын
I have tough time to not stress out of my studies (btw I’m learning on my own) I’m working very hard to become a character designer/animator thinking of my work whenever on my day job or just out with friends or family I just want to be glue to my computer practicing to get better at designing and animation I end up burning myself out because I think of time essentially losing focus alot
@kojinstorm4249 2 жыл бұрын
So it’s pretty hard to take breaks when I’m always thinking of my dream
@cronchyskull 3 жыл бұрын
I illustrate mostly, but for the point about ONLY yalking about work I met sooooo many animators who only ever spoke about animation. And this threw me because all the animators I looked up to talked about EVERYTHING! They had ideas that they wanted to animate. They didn't want to do it for animation's sake, although having the passion helped. Being enthusiastic about your craft is one thing, but bragging about knowing what a proton is around other scientists for exampke is only going to raise eyebrows. 😆
@nepsy1623 3 жыл бұрын
The intro song sound great, what is the name???
@eliznasamson8464 Ай бұрын
I don't work hard I don't work at a industry. But I love and respect the people who has a animation studio ok I really don't care I love my life style I love you all yall are inspirational to me we have people that are just goofy and funny, now that is why you guys inspire me it's not by your looks but by your personality.
@MaryArts 3 жыл бұрын
I hope you have seen my comment in your last video. It is frustrating that the standard is so high because Professors and employers expect you to work like the workerholics, because they only see that the workerholics do a awesome job.
@unseenhaze 3 жыл бұрын
@owohscorner 3 жыл бұрын
I try to draw so much just for likes, and I don't even break ten views. I try to do speed animates/time lapse as buffer content, but I literally have no subjects to talk about. So I stay up late till midnight working on three different animation projects.... All of platforms are small, not even in the triple digits, and I've been at it for like 2 years straight. And I can't stop or slowdown, cuz I graduate next year and I need a portfolio either for a studio job or contract work....
@Manganization 3 жыл бұрын
In this case, sometimes just drawing and posting vigorously online is not enough. Networking and marketing are a whole other set of skills, and the quantity and quality of your work would not matter if you don't build those (I think you probably know this already) . If you read this and cringe at the thought, then I recommend getting someone to do the networking for you. Otherwise, it might probably be a good idea to start drawing less and putting some more time into socialising and showing off your work, not necessarily in an art and animation setting.
@bruh438 3 жыл бұрын
Im scared cuz i dont think animation is for me even tho its my dream job. I did an anime test while copying ref and there were like 10 inbetweens & i hate lineart it was so stressful. should i do an easier style and/or decrease the amount of inbetweens? I love animating but im too impatient for it
@janayjerez3962 2 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this a lot. I'm in school for digital art/animation and I went in feeling super confident in character art; convinced it's what I wanted to do. I'm in my sophomore year working on my student film and I stress cried over making character turn arounds cos I couldn't get them right. But.. at the same time I'm hopeful. This industry has a bunch of avenues and different positions. I'm switching my focus to concept art (which I know is super competitive, but I adore it) and I feel happy knowing I found something that suits my strengths and still has me working toward the industry I want to work in
@bruh438 2 жыл бұрын
@@janayjerez3962 That's great! I'm happy for you. In the time passed since I posted this I learnt a lot of things that I just took for granted. For example, I thought to be an animator I have to have consistent, clean lineart and a complex style and a way of drawing things (anatomy + semi-realism). I felt like it was too much for me, then I started to animate sketches, do rough sketches for the characters (blobs for bodies instead of anatomy) and using a simpler(cartoony) style and less inbetweens helped. I'm also in school now (sadly not for animation yet) but I hope I can go into 3d animation (or modeling at least) because focusing on the type of animation that I want to master would save time for me instead of doing 2d and 3d at the same time. You also have the option of collaborating with peers to complete the keyframes. It's not always about technical skill but sometimes it's about working creatively. It's an art so there's no one way or style to do it. Don't overthink, and best of luck on your goals!
@kaleeshsynth9994 3 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking about how Miyazaki overworked his employees and was reportedly very mean to them
@nicetrayyy 3 жыл бұрын
There is a lot of existentialism in here. The other day I asked myself who I am… and I saw I am so… empty? Not many hobbies besides music production, my interest for languages, fashion and few books (art being my main goal). I’m pretty depressed so I may not be in my best moment either lmao.
@leonardoromero2000 3 жыл бұрын
You're making THE questions, man. I mean, important questions. I do really believe you should breathe the thing you chose to do in your life. You don't have to produce all the time just for the sake of likes, but the way you see life should be co-related to what you love to do.
@ysabelmariacartago-garcia265 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like it is okay to work hard as long as you reflect, and have the right mindset about it (meaning you don't hate yourself when you are working as well as when you aren't). It is easier said than done really, but the idea of work and work itself is not bad. Many people enjoy working hard and testing their limits but if they do it at the risk of their mental health and wellbeing then of course that's not good. That's why I feel that understanding when to stop working will vary for each person and therefore the idea of a work-life balance will depend on each person and their priorities. Thank you for listening! I wish everyone who reads this a pleasant day
@Vanyx1000 3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand workaholics. What's it feel like to have their work be their identity? We obviously put a lot of ourselves into our art but I feel like that's not the only reason. Anyone humour me here for a bit. Just curious, because I'm the complete opposite (not lazy per say, just not very ambitious). I'm the type of person to procrastinate a lot but still manage to get everything done in time that I wanted to, lol, a lot of my former classmates always seemed kind of jealous of me. Ableit that funny, it still baffles me and I don't understand it. Not to be rude but could it be that you guys are just inefficient? Because I can't imagine it being any other way. Because logically, If one has reached their goal they would stop working or atleast take a break until they have a new goal, right? Anyway- Working more doesn't always automatically or necessarily bring you closer to your goal, imo. Working smart without jeopardising quality, gets you to your goal. Quality always preceds quantity. I've seen a lot of workaholics irl who just waste time by doing unecessary work, lol. Which ironically creates more work for them. Maybe It's just a management type issue, I don't know. I've never ran into such problems myself, so I can't really relate. Replies are highly apreciated, please enlighten me.
@Lucien_M 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like it's more that they like to be occupied by something, else they end up doing nothing in their free time. They're not inefficient, but they really want to be active in their projects, so they try doing anything they can to make the project better, even if it overall takes longer than it should
@Vanyx1000 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lucien_M Ah I see, that makes sense, thank you!
@FlashVedder 3 жыл бұрын
I think I really need to push myself
@ScwBoo 3 жыл бұрын
I came for the Yamcha Thumnail
@eliznasamson8464 Ай бұрын
Well I work with stuffs like Animation, Schools, Taking care of my sister. So yeah that's what I do for work I don't have a industry I am 11 years old I'm still a child.
@vamrack8344 3 жыл бұрын
2:45 see I'd wanna believe that if it wasn't for what telepurte did basically pushing through burnout for a full on year still making great animations and then after a lil break, doing a month animation challenge thing.
@Andrew-qs6ml 3 жыл бұрын
I am working hard i think that it happend because i love art because i saw how mutch People get exited about animations and i love animations too soo i work a loot because i love seeing People exited for some reason basicly and i know nobody realy cares to what happend's to well anyone.sorry if this sounded Like a flex to sombody because i didnt try to flex
@PCgmesforever 3 жыл бұрын
this pisses me off cause I find my self so much in this, but the thing is I haven't worked for a weak and half and I don't feel like I'm working a lot I but somehow it is a bit more than I can handle and I guess it all points simply to how unorganized I am.... It pisses me off to feel like Im trapped in corner even tho logicaly I know there really isn't any obstacle but my self.
@chosensamurott4907 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha nice Yamcha thumbnail
@shadowspark 3 жыл бұрын
Pretty much this is the same message as the movie Soul. Being ambitious, hyper-focused on your craft at the expense of other things leads to an empty life.
@XNO2727 3 жыл бұрын
That Yamcha reference made me laugh
@MDGOLD 3 жыл бұрын
@ghostie7790 3 жыл бұрын
I think everyone learns this lesson the hard way, eventually.
@tonyborris9584 3 жыл бұрын
No long answer noooooooooooo!
@Zelig_Shaine 3 жыл бұрын
"hand drawn animation is a laborous piece of sh-" lmao 😂 felt,, but yeah, it's nice to have at least a day or two for personal time.
@dfang4482 3 жыл бұрын
Being workaholic should not be promoted in any industry, even you’re working on your dream job
@xixGoBL1Nxix 3 жыл бұрын
Animation being what it is, I dont get how you can get anything done without being a workaholic. I do think the solution is to be found in working smarter.
@sleepCircle 3 жыл бұрын
we have found a japanese anime studio CEO's sockpuppet account
@SogonD.Zunatsu 3 жыл бұрын
If everyone were workaholics, nobody would have the time to watch your work.
@sachiro_kun6860 3 жыл бұрын
How to draw basics of the body humains
@durratulaishah3703 3 жыл бұрын
He already made a video about it:
@eliznasamson8464 Ай бұрын
Animation is not a thing to brag about cause I am stable for Animation but I don't brag about my work outside I don't care about those brag brats who has a burned out live style no one is like cool because if you're not a animator we love you we respect but don't take that respect as a thing to brag please. @Flamesonic
@calem28 Жыл бұрын
Lol yamcha ded pose
@xRocketzFighterx 3 жыл бұрын
By the sound of it they act like that disney character type of "you will never be one of us" blah blah blah.
@honey3762 3 жыл бұрын
hard work should be rewarded, working yourself to death should be frowned upon
@artisticdreamer2429 3 жыл бұрын
I already know how to respond to this: *NO* didn't even watch yet.
@ComicalRealm 3 жыл бұрын
"When you play, play hard. When you work, don't play at all" - Barrack Obama
@chumaggots666 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a loner, and I enjoy many different things. Even tho I'm obsessed with what I do, I'm a taoist, I believe in flow or effortless action.
@himalayansalt32 3 жыл бұрын
Only an idiot would glorify workaholism. I can work only if I sleep 8 hours a day. Any stress and exhaustion gives me physical illnessess ~ A shitty unpassionate artist
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