Bro. I have been driving Forester SH for the past 10 years where I bought brand new. Actually, the speaker mentioned that the engine oil consumption is a problem. I want to correct, that is due to poor maintenance and wrong engine oil. It only starts to comsumption after 200K milage. You can feel it. If you drive CVT gear-box, it is required to install a CVT cooler. For any user or future user, Make sure you follow the maintenace schedule Engine oil, CVT/ AT oil, Front axel, back axcel, coolent and aircon oil..
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兄弟你不吹不黑但是也什么都没说呀,后期烧机油是因为斯巴鲁为了能耗用了低张力活塞环,前期主轴轴承拉的一腿的问题你也没说,三代wrx/sti 10万英里就是个坎了你也没分析,2010之前缸垫近乎100%的爆也没讲,即使是2010后换了多层缸垫也没有把故障率降到可以接受的水平,正时皮带张紧轮的液压油缸失效也很常见,2010前的4速变速箱里控制分动的clutch c solenoid问题也没提,无框车门胶条漏的十级狂风呢,车身和悬挂组件防锈处理拉胯,虽然有这么多毛病,但是车其实还是不错的,万年165马力的发动机也好修,美国这边到处都是爆缸垫的斯巴鲁,一般成色好的1500美元一辆,拉回来换个缸垫又能卖5000-6000,运气好的时候一个月能收3-4辆,这样玩车的钱不就有了?没错,我是以贩养吸