Global Warming: An Inconvenient History

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Simon Clark

Simon Clark

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@BobbyBroccoli Жыл бұрын
Love how this turned out! The timeline really comes together, and the one continuous shot looks great
@3DRiley_ Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your great videos and inspiring Simon Clark to do his own spin on it, it really made this video a lot more interesting and attention keeping.
@dkaloger5720 Жыл бұрын
I hope more people follow this style of educational videos .
@smorcrux426 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking about you during this whole video
@marcosamuelfabus1044 Жыл бұрын
I knew I recognised the video style!
@jose.montojah Жыл бұрын
A shame about that scientist that ended up as a Foote note...
@sensei9295 Жыл бұрын
I followed the science and found out there was none. I followed the money, and I found the science!
@markw4206 Жыл бұрын
You followed no science. And when you follow the money, you'll find the millions that the fossil fuel industry is pumping into the denial and disinfo websites you've probably consumed.
@billaddington831 3 ай бұрын
Another climate disruption denier. Conformation bias much?
@Fomites 3 ай бұрын
No you didn't. Tell us how you 'followed the science'. Sigh...And by following 'the money', you mean you projected your own driving mercenary motivation on to scientific endeavour. You know nothing.
@nincumpoop9747 3 ай бұрын
@@Fomitestry to get a grant for research that goes against the man made climate narrative.
@montazvideo 3 ай бұрын
​​​@@Fomitesit's very simple. The science predicted there will be no ice caps in 2012... This is what al Gore received the Nobel Prize for. John Kerry bragged about it loud and clear. Earth was supposed to be dead by now. And I'm f-ing quoting... Find me ONE prediction that turned out to be true. JUST ONE. 🤣🤣🤣 Well. We don't have models for cloud forming, just couple of months ago groundbreaking study of evaporation process was published. Was that taken into account? How? The fact of the matter is even solar cycles changes are NOT taken into account neither orbital changes. Changes in measurement... Nothing of fundamental importance. We are breaking temperature records... Established not a year ago, not even five... A century ago.... Wow... Gee.... What a continuity... So as we know NOTHING, the best way is to follow the science's track record of correct predictions to find out if it sticks. And there's NO correct predictions. Not even ONE. But it doesn't bother any dogmatic believer that can dismiss all failures for it to stick. You desperately want it to stick... That you always look ahead happily forgetting the past.
@easy_s3351 Жыл бұрын
Of course humans have an impact on the earth's climate but the main driving force behind climate change is explained with the Milankovitch Cycles; changing orbit of the earth around the sun, change in tilt of the earth's axis, etc. And changes in solar radiation are also an important factor. Fun fact is that with the increase of CO2 and nitrogen in our atmosphere and the global warming, the earth has actually become 15% greener than it was a couple of decades ago.
@rps1689 Жыл бұрын
Then you know that changes in solar irradiance and the Milankovitch Cycles are currently in cooling phases and have been for hundreds of years and for hundreds of year to come, so they can’t account for the current global warming, which is happening at an unnaturally fast rate, because it is being driven by a manmade forcing more powerful than the current natural known forcings. Yes, the planet is greening as predicted by climate science. Also most of the global greening is due to China’s and India’s mega tree planting programs, but it would take four times more land than exists on this planet with new trees on it keep up the current rate of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, and most of that land would require irrigation with fresh water. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere causes increased cellulose production hence more tonnage of certain crops, but no increase in nutritional value. Current rate of global warming brings a loss of global biodiversity and favours weeds over crops. Crop yields are good nowadays due to technology even in global CO2 levels of 421 ppm, but we can’t produce the protein per acre like we used to. When food is grown at elevated CO2 levels in fields, it becomes less nutritious and lose significant amounts of zinc and iron plus grains lose protein. Because of this you need more fields to produce more volumes to make this up and more greenhouses, as you decrease the amount of protein you can produce per acre. We are already seeing major crops like rice, wheat, corn and even soybeans becoming less productive where average mean temps have increased slightly in the last ten years. Rice is also becoming less nutritious in high CO2 conditions. That being said we know that plants can acclimatize or adjust to rising CO2, but the fertilization effect of CO2 diminishes over time. In a greenhouse this is not a problem because they have excellent soil, optimal amounts of water, and controlled temps.
@easy_s3351 Жыл бұрын
@@rps1689 Solar irradiance is currently actually higher than before. The effect of the Milankovitch cycles takes quite some time to notice. Peak of our current warm period as by the Milankovitch cycles was about 7000 years ago and since the different cycles run between 40.000 and 100.000 years we're still feeling the effect of that. It'll take another couple of 1000's of years before we start experiencing the cooling effect of being in the cooling down phase of these cycles. Most of the greening of the earth is due to plants now being able to grow where they weren't able to grow before, i.e. in harsh environments. Due to higher temperatures they can now grow in previously frozen areas like permafrost areas. Due to an increase in CO2 plants don't have to open their pores as much to be able to capture enough CO2. Having to open those pores less means they don't have as much water evaporating which means they can now grow in warm areas where they weren't able to grow before. The fact that crops have less nutritions nowadays is not as much due to higher levels of CO2 but due to our crops largely having been genetically modified to grow faster giving them less time to accumulate those nutritions. They did a nice test which shows that fact by putting up two cobs of corn for squirrels , one of which was genetically modified (the corn, not the squirrel). Guess which one got eaten. Yes, changes in climate affect the biodiversity. They always have and always will. About 90% of all known previous life on earth has become extinct over time and other forms of life have come to life because of it. That's what we call nature. And like I said, of course we humans have an impact on the climate but not as much as the Milankovitch cycles which cause ice ages (which we don't). If you look at data going back 150 years the weather hasn't become more extreme, there aren't more hurricanes or heat waves (global average temperature is only 0,5C higher than 50 years ago) and the sea level has only risen by on average 1 inch per decade. BTW, in the last warm period (about 130.000 years ago) sea levels were about 5 meters higher than they are now. They have also been much lower during ice ages (up to 100 meters lower). So even sea levels are a cycle. The main problem is that we are a large population and have build houses and other structures all over the place and when for instance a hurricane hits, the damage is big, there is a lot of suffering and it is all over the news. So it seems as if things are worse than say 100 years ago whereas they aren't. The models predicting the future as far as global warming goes are way off, on average by a factor 2 yet nobody seems interested in rectifying that problem. Why? Because the powers that be like to present us with problems, with crisis and then offer us a solution. Usually a solution that involves us spending money and limiting our freedom. Here's a good video to watch on climate change:
@rps1689 Жыл бұрын
@@easy_s3351 Christy? Seriously? This is the guy that lied about climate’s sensitivity to CO2, lies about GHGs, lies about internal variability, lies about the effect of climate change on agriculture, lies about the cooling affect of aerosols and the planets inertia in order to argue that the rate of increase over the last century ins nothing to worry about, lies about the occurrence of weather disasters in the past, lies about the dominant forcings, lies about rural and regional temperatures, ignores most recent satellite data, doesn’t tell you that a climate scientist that becomes a flack for the fossil fuel industry makes much much more money than the top leading working scientist in the world do, lies about the recent global temps that are unprecedented in the last one thousand years, he also knows that temperature adjustments are made in order to render raw data more accurate, but because of political reasons, doesn’t tell you, and lied about there being a consensus about a future global ice age in science especially in the 1970s; and the list goes on. I'm all too familiar with how he uses his usual distortions with misleading graphs to distort samples of emissions from satellite data by visual trickery. Not surprising from a guy that exacerbates Model-Data discrepancy and lies about TLT measurements saying they are made by a single satellite then fails to tell his audience that measurement instruments don’t have lifetimes of 34 years, which is why the splicing together the measurements from various different satellite instruments is done. Are you familiar with the outdoor field studies in Japan and China, growing different strains of rice in air under the same atmospheric concentration of CO2 that is predicted for the year 2100? They found the rice grown in these conditions had substantially less 1 vitamin B1 , B2, B5 and especially B9 (folate) than rice grown under current CO2 concentrations. When the most powerful physical forcings at the time are cyclic, then the climate's response is cyclic. When there's a one time forcing, the climate change happens once. The last few glacial periods in the Pleistocene were synchronous with the 105,000 year precession cycle. They're in a cooling phase right now yet we are not in a global cooling trend due anthropogenic warming; the current rapid increase in CO2 is manmade. All numerical models are “wrong” per se, which Includes the models we use to design spacecraft and chips that work right the first time. They are “wrong” because correctness is a matter of degree, not a binary on or off thing. These models in the hands of experts who understand their limitations deliver useful results. Everybody knows the CMIP5 and 6 models run hot, but that doesn't mean they're worthless. The observations have been inside the projection cones for fifty years. The models are right enough. We know it is a fact that Spencer/Christy UAH satellite set has been hyped by conservative and “skeptic” media, as if it were the only reliable data set and that Spencer/Christy were the only reliable scientists, more than anything else because their data set at one point diverged so widely from most of the others, but they are largely in alignment, indicating that mainstream climate science has been right all the time.
@franktully3065 2 ай бұрын
​@@easy_s3351Well said. I suspect Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity is overestimated as about twice what it actually is. Dr Koonin's and Australian scientist Garth Paltridge's books: Unsettled and The Climate Caper have influenced my view.
@dannoringer 2 ай бұрын
This is truth. CO2 is a small consideration. it's a factor, but a minor one. The really hard part about predicting climate using milankovitch cycles is that the motion of the planet is an extraordinarily complex equation of the pull of gravities of a near infinite number of bodies in the heavens, combined with the oscillations of position of the earth as compared to the sun, combined with the complex absorption and radiation of Ocean, Clouds, and earth on a mostly circular surface and if that weren't enough complexity, with the motions of the atmosphere and oceans, further complicated by the movements of the planets and the changing magnetic poles of the earth. We can't predict our weather at a point in more than two or three days. Why would we have the hubris to think we can predict ice ages and climate years, and scores of years into the future ???? It's insane to think we could model this level of complexity, and the proof is in the observations.
@stile8686 Жыл бұрын
Yes. Part 2 please. I find both science and history fascinating so this combination is great. being about climate change adds to it even more. Thank you for your videos and I look forward to more.
@papertowelthe6th105 Жыл бұрын
Damn straight I need Part 2. Climate Town already covered a lot but I just want to have as many channels have their take as possible. Can always learn something new.
@rimbusjift7575 Жыл бұрын
Stay in school.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Жыл бұрын
@@papertowelthe6th105 two, multiple sources is always fascinating and great to have.
@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Жыл бұрын
@@rimbusjift7575 schools don’t teach climate science as they should, same with a lot of subjects.
@rimbusjift7575 Жыл бұрын
@@PremierCCGuyMMXVI Physical science is mandatory is most of the western world.
@bigedslobotomy Жыл бұрын
The author of this video noted that the “story of climate change is that of science, biology, and statistics”, but he left out “and politics.” With ”climate change” being used as a blunt instrument to advance the argument for a world government and regulation of every aspect of our lives “to save the earth,” people are rightly wary of the term “climate change.”
@helloscammer Жыл бұрын
Nailed it. What may have started as science is now political. "Science" is just a wrapper to make the political goals appear unassailable.
@petermach8635 3 ай бұрын
Yup, "follow the science" ......... another example of how the Marxists, cultural or otherwise, have succeeded in making everything political.
@michaelkazz Жыл бұрын
Warm weather has Saved lives and that is also a fact!
@user-os9ge2we2b 3 ай бұрын
@@michaelkazz yup
@Fomites 3 ай бұрын
And what is your point?
@josephcooper1928 3 ай бұрын
Excessively hot weather, along with other extreme weather events has killed people. In a 2021 study published in the Lancet Planetary Health journal (Vol 5, Issue 7 July 2021) that looked at the numbers for 2000 to 2019, found that globally 5,083,173 deaths had occurred globally that are attributed to global warming/climate change. That number included 170,000 in the US alone. There are many more scientific studies detailing the negative impact that global warming/climate change is having on human health and mortality, the environment, and even the economy. So while you may be attracted to purveyors of misinformation and outright lies, the scientific community continues to do real research and their findings are continuing to verify the original scientific consensus that global warming/climate change is a real threat and is getting worse each year.
@paulhoughton1691 3 ай бұрын
@@Fomites Perhaps his point is. Would you rather the Earth had cooled or got warmer. I know what farmers would say.
@brokenrecord3523 3 ай бұрын
​@@paulhoughton1691 Yes, we should definitely ask farmers about science. We should also ask plumbers about physics and maybe the police about early childhood education
@I.amthatrealJuan Жыл бұрын
I commend this effort of correcting this historical injustice by raising awareness of Eunice Foote's trailblazing but forgotten work.
@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, it seems that there aren't even any photos of her. The image used in the video is actually of Foote's daughter, Mary.
@invisibleman53 Жыл бұрын
National Geographic in 1975 published an article that I have, are we headed towards an ice age? More people die from cold weather not hot.
@u2mister17 Жыл бұрын
One good volcano and we all freeze.
@torefoss7654 2 ай бұрын
The old and stupid statement of winter death rates. Although it is true that the death rate is higher in the winter than in the summer, the reason isn’t due to people freezing to death. It’s due to the diseases like a common cold kills people that are at late stages in cancer or are of old age. And the winter and cold season will not go away by increasing the average temperature by a couple of degrees. As I experience living relatively far north the lack sunlight in the winter leads to more depression amongst a population which also can have an effect on the death rate. But how will we get more sunlight by increasing the temperature by a couple degrees? As the tilt of the earth is the reason for little sunlight in the winter, how will global warming change the tilt?
@phelixtaylor4973 2 ай бұрын
@@torefoss7654 Uh No, the cold weather absolutely kills way more people than the heat does every single year and ur ridiculous assertion that you have discovered that it's not actually from freezing to death that causes so many extra deaths in these northern climates during the winter months, but it's actually mass deaths caused by people getting the case of the sniffles and from being super depressed that there is little less amount of light causing mass suicides according to you. What a JOKE!!!
@RodMartinJr 2 ай бұрын
@@torefoss7654 Global warming won't affect tilt, but it will improve the life coverage of Earth. Calmer weather and more life-giving rain. In fact, during the far warmer Holocene Optimum, the Sahara was green for 3,000 years. 😎♥✝🇺🇸💯
@torefoss7654 2 ай бұрын
@@RodMartinJr How do you know that the weather will become calmer? Science says the opposite. Just Google: climate change and its effect on the weather, etc. Regarding the Sahara dessert. The explanation lies in the changes in the Earth's orbital wobble around the sun, the so-called Milankovitch Cycles. But these are changes over milleniums. (Yes, it is milleniumS in plural.) You can Google Sahara and Milkanowich Cycles too. So I guess the question from me would be: How can the increase in temperature affect the global wobble? And finally, a little fun fact that I almost hesitate to write because non-scientific people might misinterpret it. Plants need less water with more CO2 in the air. The reason is that plants lose water through the same pores in their leaves that they use to take in CO2, and with more of this gas in the air, they can keep the pores closed for a longer period. This phenomenon has been known to science long before global warming was a topic. We do have observed that some border areas around deserts have become greener, but this development has already stagnated because plants still have a minimum water requirement. Don't fall for claims that CO2 is plant food. Remember that for plants to utilize CO2, they also need more nutrients from the soil and more sunlight (photosynthesis), and so on. How do plants get more nutrients if there is more rainfall washing away the soil? How do we get more sunlight when it rains more? After all, it's cloudy when it rains. Earth's balance is more complex than what the simple reasoning here suggests: Nice weather equals warm weather, so warmer weather must equal nicer weather.... or?
@seanray1302 3 ай бұрын
Can someone tell me what the ideal CO2 level is? Don't tell me the pre-industrial level.
@old-pete 3 ай бұрын
The one that does not change much.
@CT-vm4gf Ай бұрын
The planet was balanced at about .02% I think. The atmosphere is mostly nitrogen about 80% and currently about .04% CO2.
@ifluro Ай бұрын
@old-pete Ай бұрын
@@ifluro That is too high and would result in around 3 Kelvin higher temperatures than now.
@jeffgold3091 Жыл бұрын
1921 was noted for extreme world wide heat waves which have recently been erased from noaa’ s records . glad you gave a shout out for the real weather of 1921 despite noaa’s fictions
@darthmaul216 Жыл бұрын
They have not been erased at all dude.
@BudSchnelker Жыл бұрын
@henry3395 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful presentation of selected historical events of climate information that are claimed but not proved to be caused by humans.
@ThinRedLine_Matt 11 ай бұрын
Confirmation bias science is the only science. Isnt that the rule? 😂
@distantraveller9876 11 ай бұрын
Did you even bother watching the whole thing because it literally doesn't say that.
@ThinRedLine_Matt 11 ай бұрын
@@distantraveller9876 Technically it doesnt half to 'say that'. If you only present selected pieces of science in your statement, video, presentation or whatever one is doing that's what it is. Why weren't any of these numbers in video link in this video? They were conveinantly left out of this video were commenting on.
@zilvercederbom 5 ай бұрын
You could say that Foote's discoveries were... noteworthy. :3
@MedlifeCrisis Жыл бұрын
Woo for part 2! Wonderful stuff Simon 👏👏
@MarkMYoung 24 күн бұрын
2006? I was indoctrinated about global warming in 1989: "It's hot, it's hot, it's hot out here. There must be a hole in the atmosphere!" Then, we heard nothing while the hole in the ozone got smaller and the Ross Ice Shelf rebuilt until the cycle swung the other way again.
@leodefendis6363 Жыл бұрын
I like the ending where he says The story of climate, change is chemistry, physics, and statistics. Normally, you would read books, the building blocks in order to educate yourself and compare the possibilities and different opinions of climate change. But this is not the best way to learn about climate change. Let one of our handpick professionals that we the Elite have chosen for you to learn. Right?
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
Do you think you can learn quantum mechanics and understand it? How about Astrophysics, biochemistry or Virology? Then why do you think you can understand climate science easily?
@daysofourtime Жыл бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 The whole premise is based on ONE gas Co2. Which is further broken down to man made Co2. Thus the equation is even simpler. We know the Volume of co2 is around 360 to 400 ppm (parts per million) as a % . We also know 94 to 97% of that is from our oceans. Man and all animal life contribute less than one half of one % of that. Statistically zero. Its simple math. You could eliminate ALL life on land and nothing would change .
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
@@daysofourtime mankind caused the rise from 235 ppm to 440 ppm. Get a clue. You’re not a scientist
@Atheistbatman Жыл бұрын
SC, please research plant DIF because no one I can find has tested for an inverted day/night temp difference vs crop production Days were cool in low 80’s and only 2 nights warmer shut my vegetables down for the season…2021…2022 not as bad but not great. I was published in Hort Science (3x) in late 90’s for cultivar introduction of “Homestead Purple” Ver so I know a little bit of what I am saying Also have a idea on what’s killing invertebrates/ insects….too much CO2 causing atmosphere to absorb more moisture has disrupted their respiratory cycle…seems obvious but no one has mentioned it except a TedX talks few years back…but me no good at entomology But I am convinced of the inverted day/night temps will cause crop failures in places…just warmer nights seemingly causes smaller slower fruiting -perplexed on why no research on these…..old undergrad in GA …may set my own study up this coming season..l. Even soil texture has changed in past 5yrs…more friable…crumbly even soon after a good rain
@colinmaclean7725 Жыл бұрын
Hey Simon - mostly truthful so I appreciate your work - however you never explained to your audience that CO2 is a food - that is right everybody a food for all plant life on the planet. And prior to the industrial revolution (provided by Watts) - the parts per million count was very low ppm around 200 and the planet needs a minimum of 180 ppm to sustain plant life. Now, lets move forward to plant growth on the planet - especially in the northern hemisphere. You can find on line the growth of equatorial and northern hemisphere plant growth (through satellite studies and on the ground studies) - that we have seen significant growth of the plant life which of course gives us our oxygen. Also, a slightly warmer planet (post the last little ice age) is what got us out of the dark ages as there was more food to go around allowing for better health of all humanity. Finally, growing countries like Canada, USA, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine etc. now all have slightly longer growing seasons - allowing in many of these countries, one extra rotation of crops for export. Look what happened during the Russia war with Ukraine... countries were pleading for the exports of grain from Ukraine to other nations as this grain was desperately needed to feed their people. All of this plus the ability to use synthetic fertilizers is what is ABSOLUTELY necessary to feed the billions of people on the planet. Half of the people of this planet live in abject poverty (so we can have battery cars of all things) - and what they need to raise their standard of living is ENERGY & FOOD - so please get off of your high horse and help people get what they need to survive - instead of spewing this 1/2 truth and thinking (while drinking your clean water in your warm home - with your food delivered to your grocery store) - that you are doing something good for humanity... 'cause, you certainly are not. Love to debate you any time anywhere to discuss this in open forum... thanks Colin
@kevinmueller5284 Жыл бұрын
And what happens when food is over eaten? Studies have been conducted where plants have been grown in excessively CO2 rich atmospheres and those plants have been found to have many many problems. Perhaps Colin should research some of that before posting as a common schill for the fossil fuel industry.
@stevet2968 Жыл бұрын
So if I have the conclusion correct, the temperature from 1960 to 1980’s has risen globally by 0.2 degrees C which was within the normal variability of the climate data then. Then you draw a line to predict the future from there?. Is it standard scientific practice to draw a conclusion from results that are within normal variability parameters?. I would question this conclusion. The fact that the amount of CO2 continues to rise after this is a significant finding, but has this now been proven to be related to hydrocarbons, as this video suggests, but looks like a correlation and not actually proven. Can someone point me to the data from 1980 to date so I can prove to myself that global warming is actually happening and it is not just a part of a bigger climate cycle that is occurring naturally ( eg related to the earths wobble that happens over thousands of years ) to base your whole climate change calculations which are complex and must include amount of radiation from the sun I would postulate must be included. This wobble has a massive impact on the amount of heat received from the sun , and 100 years of data considering the timescale humans have been on the planet is way to small of a timescale to draw any conclusions without a huge amount of data of a lager timescale. For that reason I am not yet convinced, but I am willing to be if good data is available 😊
@waynek805 2 ай бұрын
The ' good data' that you are requesting is not possible to be generated because, as you rightly pointed out, there are too many variables such as variations in sunlight intensity and the earth's wobble that must be accounted for. I have seen it argued that the correlation between increased temperature and atmospheric CO2 is actually a result of: as the earth warms, the amount of CO2 that the oceans can absorb decreases. So it is increased temp causing increased atmospheric CO2, not the other way around.
@stevet2968 2 ай бұрын
@@waynek805 cheers Wayne👍👍
@TheFinalChapters Жыл бұрын
We definitely need part 2, although I think I already know a lot of what happened...
@boogathon Жыл бұрын
Let me predict Part 2: "OMG, Globaloney is gonna get us all! Run for your lives!!"
@mitooro Жыл бұрын
Hey, Is there any way we can recommend this Documentary for the Oscars? I'm not joking, it's really good & simple to understand too for noobs because Climate Change is a complex topic & we won't be doing it justice by calling it simple.
@aj7aj 3 ай бұрын
People need a complete history of climate to put all the panic today into perspective like the Thames River freezing over how long ago was that
@old-pete 3 ай бұрын
That should give you an idea how much the climate has changed...
@homeoftheinepttulpagamer Ай бұрын
Had you been around 10,000 years ago you could walk from what is now the UK to Denmark because there was a land bridge and shallower oceans. Human impact during that time period was insignificant. The climate will change and continue to change, adaptation is just as important as prevention whereby there is a significant drive for change outside of human control.
@old-pete Ай бұрын
@@homeoftheinepttulpagamer Nobody ever claimed that the end of the last glaciation was caused by humans. There is natural change and unnatural change.
@homeoftheinepttulpagamer Ай бұрын
No they didn't. We are still in an interglacial period, there has been a large climatic change in the last 10,000 years which isn't that long, we can still expect there to be large changes to come.
@old-pete Ай бұрын
@@homeoftheinepttulpagamer Then why tell us that humans had nothing to do with it? Natural changes are known since humanity documented them.
@eliteenergy Жыл бұрын
We saved humanity from an ice age
@jojojo9178 Жыл бұрын
maybe yes! We are in a solar minimum now..
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
Am sure Floridians will thank us when they try to grow their fucking oranges in a desert in about a thousand years.
@kaybon3625 Жыл бұрын
The earth's climate has been changing for billions of years The Earth's climate and atmosphere have changed drastically over the last 4.5 billion years. Today's global average temperature is around 59°F, but scientists estimate it has been as low as 10°F1 (during “snowball Earth” events) and as high as 95°F or above2 (so hot the Arctic North resembled today's tropics)
@Lord_Rowlet Жыл бұрын
besides extreme events like astroid impacts the climate has never this fast and even if it did it's still a bad thing
@charger348 Жыл бұрын
Yes correct and that is the real inconvenient truth
@alankwellsmsmba 8 ай бұрын
@@Lord_Rowlet Well, there's nothing we can really do to stop it and likely not even slow it down. Humankind will die off one way or another, perhaps another massive volcano eruption, possibly in the Western US causing a cloud which would block the sun for many years. Everything dies. It's happened before.
@kiwenmanisuno 7 ай бұрын
Except this? This isn't the Earth changing, this is *US* changing the Earth. WE are responsible for this sudden warming, and we'll all suffer the consequenced if we don't take action now
@laker59y Жыл бұрын
The sun's contribution to our climate dwarfs CO2 impact. IPCC makes no account of it, because that would be inconvenient.
@kennj321 Жыл бұрын
You should get a Nobel prize for your deep insights into science of climate change.
@robertcartwright4374 Жыл бұрын
The sun hasn't changed by 50% in the last few hundred years, while CO2 has. Did you forget?
@Aaronwhatnow Жыл бұрын
Part 2 should be made. Love your videos
@Gigano Жыл бұрын
This is fantastic! A very comprehensible and visually interesting view of the history of climate change. I will definitely want to see the next chapter in this story!
@fredherfst8148 Жыл бұрын
🇨🇦I, for one old retired meteorologist, really enjoyed linking the people and events through history. Having seen the amazing transition from hand drawn forecast maps, to today's numerical models and the range of data they can the digital age, I feel lucky and blessed. Over the last few years, the weather extremes have shown that the climate is changing. Any aspiring politician that ignores climate change should not get anyone’s vote. Thanks for the video. Brought back some memories. Now I'm going in to tell my wife about Ms Foote…should be good for a few brownie points 🇨🇦😎
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
A politician obeys the MONEY that got him elected.
@DrSmooth2000 Жыл бұрын
So you covered Canadian weather?
@fredherfst8148 Жыл бұрын
@@DrSmooth2000 … not on tv🇨🇦
@DrSmooth2000 Жыл бұрын
@@fredherfst8148 curious your general observations over the years but that's kind of open ended. Better over a Molson eh? Has anywhere stayed warm
@davehas12 2 ай бұрын
Brilliant documentary. Something that should be taught at school 👍🏼
@woodspirit98 Жыл бұрын
Not one mention at all of the sun's effect on the temperature of earth or the oceans. Since the southern hemisphere is mostly ocean it absorbs more heat than the northern hemisphere. Instead of starting with the premise that co2 is causing warming it makes sense to first learn how the earth warms and cools. Not starting in 1960 or 1920 but look back 100,000 years and more. That's where the data will show cycles.
@nodnarb54 2 ай бұрын
Bravo! Best historial climate change/global warming video to date.
@tatjanaschroder1358 Жыл бұрын
Great video! Would love to see a part 2.
@SuperBreman 2 ай бұрын
Part 2 would be appreciated. Thank you for your efforts.
@FrankSustainAMustly Жыл бұрын
As a sustainability engineering student it's fascinating to see how the science was ignored in the past. I'm looking forward to the next episode and hopefully more detail on why it is still being ignored in terms of actual reductions of global carbon emissions. I hope this video is one step in the right direction towards changing that! Liked, shared and subscribed.
@mathandfitness Жыл бұрын
Look up the global cooling hypothesis that scientists "warned" about in the 1970's.
@gastonboucher2400 Жыл бұрын
Hey Frank, fellow engineer here and why I am responding to you. Ironic where you mention where some facts have been omitted in the past. Can I note that in the 1930s that the earth was warmer than it is today (dust bowl) or the mideval time where the great churches in Europe where being built during a warming period and just stopped due to cold in the "dark ages" I am not saying that climate is not changing it is actually cyclical, and warmer earth is arguably better than a cooling earth with glaciers accumulation and are we to assume that these massive glaciers in the north just melted out of no were and then are just supposed to stop cause we say that this is how glacier levels should be fore ever as of lets say now... lol The earth has been warming for over 10000 years melting theses glaciers. Arguably our resources are better placed to adapt to a changing climate versus thinking we can stop this melting by leveling co2... over the past 10000y co2 has been stable and we melted several mile thick glaciers, the glaciers will keep melting and ocean will keep rising regardless, I would be more concerned about real pollution and co2 not pollution building block of life, look at Hudson River in New York, 100s of year no salmon due to pollution, now they are running up again cause of clean up efforts that were only available cause of prosperity witch leads to cleaner environment. The earth is actually greener now than it used to be due to co2 making it easier for plants to grow, satellite data that is being omitted. It is easy to fall into the academic narrative as I did when being an undergrad student, I was there my friend, there in money, control and power pushing this "crisis" Please take a look at the other side of the argument as it should be in a honest academic discussion, I am bringing this up cause I was not informing myself enough versus accepting a video like I just watched that did not bring any scientific data for an argument instead just narrative. I would recommend checking out William Happer on his take to give you more technical insight on the argument I am proposing. Kind regards my fellow engineer.
@FrankSustainAMustly Жыл бұрын
​@@mathandfitness Interesting: "One of the sources of this idea may have been a 1971 paper by Stephen Schneider, then a climate researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, US. Schneider’s paper suggested that the cooling effect of dirty air could outweigh the warming effect of carbon dioxide, potentially leading to an ice age if aerosol pollution quadrupled." "However, Schneider soon realised he had overestimated the cooling effect of aerosol pollution and underestimated the effect of CO2, meaning warming was more likely than cooling in the long run."
@mathandfitness Жыл бұрын
@@gastonboucher2400 As a mathematician here I understand what many engineers do not and that's the limitations of knowing imposed by mathematics itself. Other scientists need to understand that I could write a Lagrangian (Action of a system) equation that models the whole universe as starting from a kernel of popcorn and ending as a doritoes chip that includes the exact physics of this current time period as it unfolds in-between those boundary states. Obviously my mathematics would have to be really really clever to do this but there in fact absolutely is an action equation that matches this or any other model I want to build! I speak with engineers alot who seem to think if the math is correct the model is correct? In this case we have models based on very limited data collection trying to create predictive power based on very unsound starting conditions and boundary values. Also these models disregard what we KNOW about the past yet wasn't able to collect exact data but we know about the cyclic nature of the past that isn't correctly captured in ice samples which due to localized weather phenomenon and pattern shifting events aren't as useful as people assume. Our models are most likely almost useless at this point which is confirmed by these scientists having to continuously shift the goalposts in there predictions!!! There have been numerous periods of warming and ice ages during earth's recent history. Also the carbonerferious period was succeeded by an ice age??? There hand wave explanation is that the higher carbon produced more cyanobacteria which created more oxygen which caused the ice age. Maybe but I feel like alot of science is missing there and our models currently are not complete enough to tell us?
@FrankSustainAMustly Жыл бұрын
​@@gastonboucher2400 Glad to hear the salmon are returning to the Hudson river! It's true that other forms of pollution are often overshadowed by CO2. I'm not a fan of the word "crisis" either but it seems the scientific evidence of human driven climate change is pretty clear by now. I would encourage anyone interested to check out the graphs on global surface temperatures over time at NOAA's website. It seems the 1940's was quite hot, comparable to the average temperatures of the 1980s. I think the dust bowl was also largely caused by unsustainable agricultural practices which left soils bare after harvesting. Hopefully this is also not something that is disregarded. Happy to have a look at any other scientific resources you can suggest.
@harrynac6017 Жыл бұрын
Yes please, a part 2 would be much appreciated.
@MrJohnnyseven 2 ай бұрын
Politicians "humans are causing climate crisis"....also politicians " we need to develop more and build millions of houses"....riiigght...
@TheMerowe Ай бұрын
Thanks, this is one of the tightest and clearest elucidations of the phenomenon out there, an incredibly useful learning tool!
@tadhgtwo Жыл бұрын
Simon, this is just fantastic. So well told and engaging. Just magnificent. Please do the follow on up to the 2000s.
@BestFoodReviewFeatured Жыл бұрын
People tend to only show concern when major events or personal circumstances affect them. As humans, we often prioritize our own interests and fail to extend the same level of care and concern to others. This raises the question: why is it so hard to care for others? Perhaps it's because there's no monetary reward for doing so. However, if we want to make the world a better place, we need to start caring more. Though it may be challenging, it's important to start taking action now. After all, if we don't start now, when will we?
@ricksmith2609 Жыл бұрын
What's all this we? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
@stevebenn7082 2 ай бұрын
A great in depth overview of the earths RECENT past climate so only a record of recent temperature change. Give me a thousand years or even five thousand years.
@old-pete 2 ай бұрын
The temperatures are known. The last time it was warmer was around 120k years ago.
@justlina2769 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Patrick Moore (founder of Greenpeace) has a great presentation to the Steamboat Institute where he shows a graph of the earth's temperatures as aligning almost exactly to the cycle of Jupiter's revolution around the sun and explains how the gravity of Jupiter is impacting us (within much longer and otherwise varied cycles).
@1lightheaded Жыл бұрын
Dr Patrick Moore is an industry consultant with a predilection to lie for money
@justlina2769 Жыл бұрын
@@1lightheaded Just like every climate scientist in existence? Or don't you consider government grants money? Do you even realize that the IPCC mandate for studying the issue is strictly relegated to MAN-MADE climate PROBLEMS? Nothing having to do with natural geologic phenomena or anything positive at all?
@yngve2062 7 ай бұрын
​@@1lightheadedSeems to be uber fashionable these days to indulge in 'ad hominem' arguments. Soooo very ratoonal and scientific, eh?!
@javiercastro8466 3 ай бұрын
Watt cannot be blamed, he is just the seed from which modern society has come to this stage. Watt reminds me of Carl Bosch who through the Saber-Bosch system gave us the necessary nitrogen to feed the world, but that it also gave Hitler the armaments to keep the war going for years, that they would not have ordinarily have had. Interestingly, Bosch was Jewish.
@collect0r Жыл бұрын
will you be covering the hockey stick, magnetic reversal and the fact we were told in the 1970`s that there would be zero sea ice at the north pole which btw is at an all time high, or how about some world leaders know this and have known this is coming for 20 years. i wonder how history will look back on the scientists who did not think of all possibiities and just followed the money
@ocschwar Жыл бұрын
He already did cover all those.
@collect0r Жыл бұрын
@@ocschwar 11 months ago, we need monthly updates :)
@klondike444 Жыл бұрын
Don't know where you get your "all time high" from. About three-quarters of the Arctic sea-ice has gone in the last few decades. Maybe you're confusing volume with surface coverage. Open ocean freezes faster in the winter, so it's something of a negative feedback.
@TheRastacabbage Жыл бұрын
The 'greenhouse effect' works in a greenhouse, not the atmosphere. Unless you're trying to say we live under a dome on a flat earth, because that would be a greenhouse
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
Get your degree in Hair Styling did you? Let's see here, believe the PhD in Atmospheric Physics from Oxford University of YOU?
@jf1890 Жыл бұрын
Volcanos produce far more CO2 than man - also the main contributor of oceans warming and acidity. Out of the hands that mankind can fix. Eliminating fossil fuels will do very very little to controlling CO2 emissions.
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
You are a liar with no scientific evidence.
@ChrisInToon Жыл бұрын
yep you are correct, also Antarctica is most volcanically active continent...
@something.1 Жыл бұрын
Fantastic lecture, I'll be watching it on and on till I'll fully memorize it. Thank you
@krunomrki Ай бұрын
For me personally, the best temperatures are between 15 Celsius and 25 Celsius. Now we have temperatures through day in July and in August here in Croatia, both on Adriatic as well on continent between 33 Celsius and 36 and in some parts near the cost about 39 Celsius. For me, the summer is the worst season because it is exhausting. When I was a kid in the end of 1980-ies, I remember that the weather man said: August 31 was the hottest day this summer with 31 Celsius. And now it is normal to have from 34 to 37 in shade (all relevant temperatures are measured in the shade, 2 meters above ground). Of course, on asphalt in open temperatures are probably during the day close to 50 Celsius. So, the climate changes are real. We are witnesses to it from year to year. (I'm seriously concerning to migrate to some more colder and cooler country; on Iceland yesterday was only 17 Celsius, what is too cold for the middle of summer; but maybe Scotland or southern Norway?)
@shoego 2 ай бұрын
Heat is bad, but the fact that we stopped an ice age is the only saving grace of global warming. I wish we could simply keep it under control, preventing both, too much cooling, and too much heating. But one thing in undeniable, climate is changed already. Rain patterns havr been ruined in my location for a couple decades at least. Permanent lakes, and even some rivers are dryed up. Hell, the whole pantanal region nearby, which used to be flooded every year, is now so dryed up that it might become a desert.
@rps1689 2 ай бұрын
All educated people know our planet is still in an ice age called the Quaternary Period because there is pack ice in both polar regions year round. We're in an interglacial period called the Holocene Epoch, but it's still an ice age. There is no reason to expect the forcings of solar irradiance and Milankovitch cyclles, which are in a cooling phase, can overcome anthropogenic greenhouse gases. The last glaciation of the Pleistocene will be the last until CO2 goes back down, if ever.
@swiftlytiltingplanet8481 2 ай бұрын
We didn't "stop an Ice Age." We're still in one. Note the icecaps at the poles. The next reglaciation wouldn't have been due for about 50,000 years, so thanking our emissions for holding it off is not scientifically accurate, nor useful.
@murraywebster362 11 ай бұрын
There are many inconvenient facts overlooked. Why did temperatures peak around the 1930's, decrease, then increase again, with CO2 increasing all the time? Why does satellite and Hot Air Balloone temperature measurement of the atmosphere not show the same warming as ground-based thermometers? Are the majority of weather stations located in or near cities and airports that have been subject to localised Urban Heating? Confirmation bias is a thing.
@outthereindustries7413 2 ай бұрын
Great breakdown of the timeline & theory, so the glass bottle experiment from the 1850's is the hinging theory behind CO2 driving the Earths temperature changes ? Has it had a modern peer review?
@akmurf7429 2 ай бұрын
12:09 the video states by burning previously buried coal, you are adding "new" carbon to the atmosphere. wait a minute! If the buried coal is fossilized former plant life. That means its carbon was once part of the biosphere before it was buried. And if releasing it causes a greening effect (plant growth) on the earth, isn't it thereby absorbing it. You are just returning coal to its former state (living plant). It is not "new" carbon if it was previously there, in the biosphere to begin with. it is mainly the soot that must be contained. all change is not necessarily bad. what about the benefits?
@Humdebel 2 ай бұрын
I like this comment a lot. There are some misconceptions in it, but I think is more than a reasonable question to ask. The atmosphere is constantly being renewed. CO2 from the atmosphere is absorbed by plant life, and other elements like the oceans emit CO2 into the atmosphere, as well as other components of the ecosystem such as animal life, fires, etc., maintaining a reasonable balance. However, when you burn coal, indeed that coal was once in the atmosphere, but it no longer is. This is why it is said that "new" CO2 is added to the atmosphere. It's not that this CO2 has never been in the atmosphere, but it is "new" CO2 that did not belong to the composition of our current atmosphere. By burning it at a rate higher than what the ecosystem can absorb in the carbon cycle, the concentration increases with this "new" CO2. Look at it this way: you store the water from a swimming pool in a container and keep it there for years. Meanwhile, the pool has been filled and emptied with water from sources other than your container. One day, you decide to open that container and pour its contents into the pool, which is already full of water. The pool cannot hold any more water and overflows because you have added that "new water" to the pool. This is something similar (note, it’s also important to consider that not all the carbon on the planet is in the atmosphere. It’s not that the carbon is new "to the Earth," but to our current atmosphere).
@paulkennedy9851 Жыл бұрын
strange how the world only started in 1757?
@wijpke 2 ай бұрын
I don't think watt can be blamed for climate change it is population growth
@brucetaylor3236 Ай бұрын
governments.21  6 days after pledging to go all-EVs, California Governor Gavin Newsom told residents there wasn't enough power to charge their EVs.22  80% of the world’s energy is not electricity. For non-electricity energy, solar and wind either can’t do what fossil fuel can-e.g., airplanes or cargo ships-or are far more expensive.23 Our dependence on China for key components of solar, wind, and batteries is far greater than our dependence on Russia for fossil fuels.24  Far from out-competing fossil fuels, solar and wind are growing fast only when given massive government preferences-mandates, subsidies, and no penalty for unreliability-along with crippling government punishments of fossil fuels.25 
@RayCotta-d1g Ай бұрын
And then comes the Greenland Ice Core Project, which showed we are living in one of the coolest periods of the last 10,000 years by 4 to 6 degrees. This brings us to the conclusion that even if not one human existed, the Earth, at this point in time was bound to warm up.
@rps1689 Ай бұрын
Changes in solar irradiance and the Milankovitch Cycles are currently in cooling phases, so they can’t account for the observed rapid warming that is currently occurring. The last time global mean temps were higher than today was about 116,000 to 129,000 years ago.
@rps1689 Ай бұрын
You bring to mind a common thing climate “skeptics” bring up is Vostok ice core records for carbon dioxide concentration and temperature change when claiming carbon dioxide does not precede a rise in temperatures or behind temperature rises, which is irrelevant. as there is a well know period where initial changes in temperature like that of the lag between temperature and CO2 was due to ocean temperatures rise; oceans release CO2 into the atmosphere. Sequentially, this release amplified the warming trend, leading to yet more CO2 being released. Basically increasing CO2 levels became both the cause and effect of further warming. This positive feedback is necessary to trigger the shifts between glacials and interglacials as the effect of orbital changes is too weak to cause such variation, but it is not the only positive feedback, as greenhouse gases, and changes in ice sheet cover and vegetation patterns played an important role in this process.
@soerenheriksen Жыл бұрын
More importantly. Did Al Gore ever find Manbearpig?
@Humdebel 2 ай бұрын
Yes he do, with nefarious consecuences! Underrated comment!
@jonathanhemsworth4354 Жыл бұрын
Really great and well-composed research. One thing I would like to see is to see the effect of CO2 over the history of the earth as that is not often brought up. Something else of issue is if we stop emitting CO2 whyit would have little effect and was it us that drove it too far or is there something else at play thats. This is why I think look at CO2 levels over earths history and te effect on temperture may be useful
@bdkttroy5 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, it would be nice to see the ice core sample history from prehistoric time connected to the present models.
@thomasmaughan4798 Жыл бұрын
"if we stop emitting CO2..." We all die. Although your body will emit CO2 for a while as it decomposes. "was it us that drove it too far" There is no "us" and I certainly have not driven it too far.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
he will speak to it later, but it is out there, and has been done, and it is part of the modeling, and it is part of the hind-testing of the models, which AGREE with the levels of co2 found historically, which leads us to trust the FUTURE predictions as we continue to remove CARBON from UNDER the GROUND and pump it ABOVE the ground.
@to6941 Жыл бұрын
The reason why it’s not discussed is because we can measure the co2 levels going back over 400 million years and guess what, we are living in the lowest recorded co2 levels. Though I have noticed a new study that totally disagrees with all the others, however when I read it I couldn’t see that it has been peer reviewed.
@thomasmaughan4798 Жыл бұрын
@@to6941 "we can measure the co2 levels going back over 400 million years" Not exactly. MEASUREMENTS can only be made contemporaneously. However, methods exist to estimate past CO2 levels.
@pioshelby7611 2 ай бұрын
Why don't we build plants to pump sulphur into the atmosphere around the planet to balance the warming with cooling until we can actually change to zero carbon?
@old-pete 2 ай бұрын
Because geoengineering has unforeseen sideeffects and can do more damage than help.
@johnhanson5943 Ай бұрын
When oligarchs own and finance/control our institutions. What could go wrong? Ban oligarchy and oligarchs. No one individual needs billions. No tiny group of less than 40 people should privately own over 90%. Ban career political parties of whips, oligarchic financing / selection, unlimited terms and pure corruption/treaaon.
@RobFranklinROX Жыл бұрын
Well done, you are a master of selective inclusion and semantic manipulation, I did that extensively when I used to sell advertising to used car salesmen. Using the truth to lie is a powerful sales tool isn't it. And don't try to deny it, this IS a "sales pitch". A sales pitch being made by climate "scientists" who always never don't find what their benefactors want them to "find", because they know if they don't "find" it, they'll have to find new benefactors. A sales pitch, which boldly contradicts the geologic record, the ice core record, the human kept temperature record, and a half century of satellite PHOTOGRAPHS of the poles. No polar bears are, or have ever been, in danger of treading water to death. #BadFaithActors
@TheSubso Жыл бұрын
That's cool, do you have anything substantial to counter the math done
@RobFranklinROX Жыл бұрын
@@TheSubso Like the 50 years of of the predictive modeling formulated by climate "scientists" that have NEVER been replicated in nature? "That" math?
@TheSubso Жыл бұрын
@@RobFranklinROX did you see the math part of the video. Also, some predictions were correct :) Not all but that's the nature of variables You also only speak vaguely so I don't care.
@krieginphernjacobson 6 ай бұрын
How are there still climate change deniers in this comment section. And so many of them too!
@QuietlyHere666 3 ай бұрын
Bots, fossil fuel company run bots
@adrianryan5654 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful. History and context is great but I’m still waiting for the ah ha moment and concerned that all this stems from a preconceived conclusion rather than truth seeking and contextual information assessment. Maybe part 2 will illuminate but I suspect it won’t. “Learning is best done when guided by experts”? Maybe so but only if said experts are not seeking indoctrination and self proclaimed experts these days are certainly much more suspect than before, given the clear misinformation emanating from them over things like Covid, experimental gene therapeutics and Social sciences hobby horses like Critical Race Theory. What seems to be sadly lacking in both expert opinion and university education alike (not to say political circles, although there may be other machinations at work there) is critical thinking and allied to that generalist synthesis. The reason why everyone jumped on board Covid lockdowns is because the experts said it was vital, based on model predictions, erroneous ones and skewed to the worst case scenarios (which is counter to sound analytics). And now we are seeing the unintended (I hope) consequences of experts driven Covid policy. Health care systems in crisis, mental health issues rising, freedom and democracy under threat and a significant and prolonged excess all cause mortality rate (circa 14% In the UK currently) and unacknowledged and uninvestigated. It is not a coincidence that we see the exact parallel of expert operation in climate science. And the single biggest issue is the erosion of the natural operation of science, that is to say debate between differing opinions across a wide range of expertise areas. If we had not shut this down during the manufactured Covid scare then we would have arrived at a far better place. If we follow the same path with emerging climate alarmism we may suffer unimaginable untended (I hope) consequences. There was a Munk debate very recently that concluded that we should not trust mainstream media, a worth listen. The conclusion was chiefly about projection of dogma and the silencing of dissenting opinion. Science without acknowledgment of dissenting view and without openly debating those view holders is unworthy and untrustworthy. It is the dogma of a new religion, complete with prophets and evangelicals. I Would love to see this channel do a similar piece on the struggle between mainstream and brilliant discerning opinion. You could start with Galileo perhaps, or maybe even further back? And consider a conjecture of where we would be if the dogma has won out..?
@lionfarmer5822 Жыл бұрын
He has provided a very well researched and presented argument. Even if I disagreed with his premise, I don't have a video link to a alternative position. Verbiage isn't enough.
@paulmoulton7248 2 ай бұрын
I believe in climate science, but I don't believe in Climate Politics. Science has a boss.... politicians, so the science that gets promoted is the science that is desired by politicians. This is a very common process, so don't think this is a unique to climate science. It is not.
@glennealy4791 2 ай бұрын
Science is like politicians these days. Show me where the money comes from and I’ll show you which way it leans.
@Humdebel 2 ай бұрын
I conceed that in some cases that would be the case. Sadly. But to state it as a fact without caveat and impliying that not only the mayority of the science done "these days" but all of science it's like this is so wrong, that wrong don't make it justice, this is fractally wrong.
@mrh3085 Ай бұрын
97% of scientists agree with whomever is funding them. 😅
@Aanthanur Ай бұрын
@glennealy4791 Ай бұрын
@@Humdebel science run by money isn’t science just as politics run by money isn’t good politics. That is my point.
@MathewSteeleAtheology Ай бұрын
@@glennealy4791 No. The job of a politician is to please and appease people. The job of a scientist is to conduct experiments to find out what happens. A politician has a vested interest in making someone happy. A scientist, even when corrupted by a preferred outcome for the experiment or study they're conducting, is still bound to the scientific method and the scientific community, and therefore has professional standards and ethics that politicians do NOT have. You don't get to just assume that since money is involved, the results are the same for politics and scientific experiments. Everything in our culture, from religion to education is about money because that's capitalism. To assume it taints everyone and everything beyond any tangible virtue or honesty is asinine.
@fredriksvensson2797 Жыл бұрын
Al gore: no arctic ice in the summer, by the year 2014
@unapologetic7900 2 ай бұрын
And it's funny how Arctic Ice has actually increased, yet none of these "experts" care to mention that. Oh, and the Polar Bear population has risen as well.
@PatrickTice 2 ай бұрын
​@@unapologetic7900I'm not sure where you're getting that. According to NASA Arctic sea ice is indeed changing, with thick ice making up less and less of the total ice cover.
@RodMartinJr 2 ай бұрын
@@PatrickTice Sea ice has indeed increased, and decreased, and increased, again. But this fetish with ice in an ongoing *_Ice Age,_* is misguided, at best. And the Holocene is NOT the warmest interglacial of the Pleistocene, either. The Modern Warm Period happens to be the COLDEST of the Holocene's 10 major warm periods, 1,000-year cycle. In fact, the Holocene *_Optimum_* ending about 5,000 years ago, had the Sahara turn GREEN for 3,000 years. So, this fear of heat during an Ice Age is not only ironically funny, it's backwards and dangerous. Global Warming leads to*_calmer_* weather and more life-giving *_rain._* 😎♥✝🇺🇸💯
@SigFigNewton 2 ай бұрын
Arctic ice IS decreasing fast. Plenty of data out there for those who care. Or satellite imagery for the less literate
@RodMartinJr 2 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton Oh, that would be wonderful. END the nasty, dangerous Ice Age! 😎♥✝🇺🇸💯
@stevevaughn2040 2 ай бұрын
My niece was a NASA climate scientist in the oceanographic research. She and her team set up the metrics, data collection, and replaced insufficient methods with technology and satellites, all that good stuff. Then the collected data, a lot of data, and grinding through it. Then in 2021 it became so political that goals were buried and seminars seemed like important things rather than data. Grants dried up and now she teaches 8th grade. Seems climate change requires confirmation of what the administration says. Her comment on the popular opinion on climate? She said "Americans are often mathematical illiterates"
@unimogdave 2 ай бұрын
NASA spent a lot of money rewriting temperature data so that a rise in temperature could be shown to follow the rise in CO2. When someone discovered they had changed the summer temps of one Caribbean island to zero ⁰ for an entire month the gig was up. NASA is corrupt.
@akmurf7429 2 ай бұрын
Sorry to hear that particular story over and over. Her fate was sealed when she confronted the consensus science dug in like a tick. Your science Doesn't meet the narrative, you're gone! We just can't trust most scientists any longer, like we can't trust politicians. It's more like political science these days. Subjective rather than objective.
@cerealkiller4248 2 ай бұрын
@@akmurf7429 Dr Keith Briffa had tree ring data that conflicted what the IPCC wanted to forced down our throats. He wanted further investigations into tree ring data, Michael Mann declined.
@nolewale 2 ай бұрын
@@stevevaughn2040 I'm
@come4t_a_bull 2 ай бұрын
All the math in the universe is worthless if the baseline you're working from is incorrect. Deep history is always ignored by the "pro-warming" crowd of scientists intent on receiving government funding. What was the cause of the bubonic plague in (approx) the 14th century? Look into it (1303 ad)... that's what we want again? Take the average CO2 levels over the last Billion years... the "recorded" temperature figures (18th-19th centuries) are thoroughly inadequate. The proper data can be (are) obtained from deep ice cores in each pole, and deep ocean cores as well. We are (and have been) at dangerously LOW levels of atmospheric CO2 for a very long time at ~400 ppm. Here's one for the "mathematicians"... How much CO2 is required for plants to SURVIVE, let alone thrive? Answer: 190 ppm - drop below that and all but two plant species die off... Maize (corn) and Sugar Cane will survive until atmospheric levels drop below 170 ppm... after which all fauna will also perish. Stop frightening our kids. They are fauna, as we are. They have enough problems to deal with. Atmospheric CO2 is the battery of life. We need MORE not less... the Earth's battery is almost depleted. Burning "fossil" fuels is the ONLY WAY to recharge the Earth's battery for life. Figure it out people - for your kids! .
@robertorzech8922 Жыл бұрын
Gore said in his movie " There would be no ice at the north pole by the year 2013 !!!!!! Bull Crap !
@johnford2508 Жыл бұрын
His entire film was debunked. European cities under water by 2020, polar bear extinction, "Siberian" weather the norm (yet the "World is on Fire!" when the English home counties had their annual heatwave this year), suicidal walruses, and the Great Barrier Reef would be gone (actually flourishing just now). The basis of his film was Michael Mann's discredited "hockey stick" graph, which was shown to be unscientific, fabricated, propagandist garbage. And Gore lied about Dr. Revelle being his mentor on climate change - Revelle warned against any rash action/expenditure. Still, Gore made almost $300 million from the film so he's happy.
@bradmcclure4945 Жыл бұрын
and allthe poor polar bears would die oh my sensationalist crap
@koyotekola6916 2 ай бұрын
Give him a break. He invented the internet.
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
@@koyotekola6916 He isn't a climate scientist and he extrapolated.... accurately.... the trend in the decline of sea ice. The trend didn't hold. Boo hoo. And Senator Gore DID in fact, play a vital role in creating the legal framework that allowed DARPANET to be privatized, capitalized, and to eventually become the Internet. He, more than anyone alive today, provided the basis for the internet. Sorry haters, you suck and you are wrong. As usual.
@garystrahan4601 2 ай бұрын
So true, but it has made hundreds of millions of yearly profits for him, and he's grifter mates out of it.
@andrewlawson7495 Жыл бұрын
There is a large body of scientists (they must not be government funded) that disagree with these conclusions on the basis of these points. First temperature measurement has significant inaccuracies that dwarf the claimed increases in temperatures (measuring devices / micro climates / methods of measurement / selection of measurement data to get included in the average). 2. The effectiveness of CO2 as a greenhouse gas. The models create estimates of that function, but that driver is created through the "observed" increases in temperatures. In other words the models are ordained with a predetermined conclusion that CO2 is the cause - but its effectiveness as a greenhouse gas on climate has never been demonstrated. 3. Climate Modeling is wholly inadequate and has not correctly predicted any change in climate. 4. Time windows are always picked that ignore massive previous shifts in earth temperatures warming and cooling where CO2 was not a factor. In other words warming/cooling has happened a lot in the past well before there was a human factor and the current warming if there is any is just a part of a longer term trend. Hot or Not: Steven Koonin is a good resource. PS NOTHING predicts a chatostraphic outcome in fact the UN Models predice worst case by the end of the century (75 years from now) a 3% impact to Global GDP. Intellect not emotion must be applied to this discussion and the fear mongoring must end.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
Conspiracy NOW! Conspiracy FOREVER! Fick dich if you think any of my measurements are fucking influenced by "funding"
@kapsi 5 ай бұрын
“Amazing, every word of what you just said was wrong.”
@Ironic1950 3 ай бұрын
​@kapsi ...the only word that is wrong is 'chatostropic'...(catastrophic)...
@Fomites 3 ай бұрын
There is not a 'large body of scientists' at all who disagree with the standard models. These 'scientists' who disagree mostly are not scientists in climatology but claim to have expertise. This is a very small group the proportion of which is comparable to the proportion of disturbed personalities in larger society.
@Ironic1950 3 ай бұрын
​​@Fomites Albert Einstein remarked, when a group of a hundred fellow theoretical physicists published an open letter criticising his work on Relativity 'If I were wrong, just one experiment would prove it, so why did it need a hundred of you?'. And as another notable physicist, Richard Feynman remarked more recently "If it's concensus, it isn't science, and if it's science it isn't consensus." The 'disturbed' minority are 'disturbed' for good, valid reasons, amply demonstrated by your poisonous comment, and the infectious 'handle' you hide behind...
@dion6146 Жыл бұрын
The summer of 1932 set new highs we've not hit again. Temperatures have been declining very slightly since 2014. The models have failed to predict accurately, cloud formation, solar variability, gama ray flux (solar & extra solar) axial tilt, and long time-scale orbital eccentricity changes (beyond 3 body problem & have far larger effects than greenhouse gasses). Urban heat island effect is real and significant for urban populations. CO2 is a logarithmic greenhouse effect, so as CO2 increases a given quantity, its effect is smaller than that of the previous quantity of increase. Humans are not responsible for the large majority of CO2 as this comes from the oceans. Recently, we've found that oceanic abysal plane volcanos and vents are more frequent and in higher numbers. One of the largest volcanic explosions occurred deep in the Pacific a couple of years ago. This and the fact that the error on temperature readings is +/- 1.1 degrees C means these models are very suspect.
@stevenpeaketrainsandstuff3682 3 ай бұрын
That last sentence convinced me you are full of it. I hope you are American, and I hope you experience the record breaking heat they are already experiencing.
@olivierdumon6542 2 ай бұрын
I totaly agree, IPCC models cannot include clouds covering so they are working on a hearth that does'nt exist
@marklmansfield 2 ай бұрын
Any so-called Climate Studies that do not include the heat from decades of Nuclear weapons testing and the subsequent reactors are misleading at best If a person deliberately did not include all data is it real science ?
@draco_1876 2 ай бұрын
Stop the copy and paste comments. You federal agents are annoying
@jeffreyhurst9552 2 ай бұрын
Huh. (That means I’m thinking about what you said).
@peterazlac1739 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately for Gore and the climate loons before Revelle died he made the statement that carbon dioxide had as much effect on the climate as him spitting out of the window. Gore tried to pass this off as the ramblings of a demented senior but he was sued for defamation and lost after Revelle's family said his mind was sharp up until he died. Revelle's interest in atmospheric CO2 was a contract from the US Navy to study how atmospheric carbon dioxide would impinge on the IR missiles of their fighter jets not initially die to any interest in the science.Högbom and Arrhenius both conveniently ignored the fact that prior to the widespread use of coal, humans had been burning wood and lightening whole forests and that ruminants had been putting methane into the atmosphere both of which activities diminished significantly with the adoption of fossil fuels. More significantly they ignored Croll's work on the impact of inclination and precession on where heat falls on the Earth and is absorbed into the oceans so affecting the balance of CO2 between ocean and atmosphere. It was a good example of making a theory fit the selected facts not facts being the basis of theory. Keeling picked the two most extreme places to measure CO2 that are subject to errors - on top of a volcano in Hawaii in a part of the Pacific Ocean where CO2 emission is affected by ENSO and in Antarctica rather than the Arctic where absorption is depends on the deep return of the Gulf Stream and its temperature that in turn depends on the on-ice cover. Their successors continue the practice of using biased data by measuring temperatures at the end of runways and in areas dominated by the Urban Heat Island effect. All this bias shows up in the IPCC projection that fail to reproduce even the biased temperature data of the past thirty years.
@jasondashney 2 ай бұрын
And Al Gore made big, big bucks off of his claims. Lucky coincidence!
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
@@jasondashney Care to demonstrate how he "made big bucks" off of any claims. You know,,..... EVIDENCE.
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
CO2 is the primary determinate of the climate and global average surface temperature for the entire Phanerozoic Era. There is no other factor which explains the thermal dynamics. "Urban Heat Island" is silly. This has been compensated out of the data for decades. With the availability of satellite data, this is a trivial and now inconsequential non-issue. Keelings choice of Mauna kea is not problematic, as the data collection is at over 12,000 feet, and the active fissures and caldera is 7,000 feet below and miles away. Besides it's not continuously erupting and the amount of CO2 volcanos produce it minuscule compared to the concentrations in the atmoaphere and tiny compared to human sources. Antactica is better choice than the Arctic as almost all industrial output is in the northern hemisphere and therefore is more likely to be skewed toward higher concentrations. To be conservative, the southern site was chosen since the Hawaiian site was in the northern hemisphere.
@abajojoe 2 ай бұрын
@@kimweaver1252 He started a company to sell carbon credits. It turns out that the carbon credits were of dubious value, to state it most charitably.
@abajojoe 2 ай бұрын
@@kimweaver1252 You are correct about satellite data being far more accurate and reliable. But I don’t agree that they have factored the urban heat island effect out of thermometer data. Just to test your assertion, compare the increase in temperature from thermometers in rural areas with NOAA’s claims about overall thermometer data. If urban heat island had been accurately factored out, they should be the same.
@ingvaraberge7037 2 ай бұрын
The point of a video like this is to make it sound like the science behind CO2 and global warming is simple and obvious. (Which would on the other hand make further climate research unnecessary, which Greta Thunberg has correctly pointed out.) In reality it is not all that simple. The greatest hole in the narrative comes when it is first stated as a fact that CO2 is the gas that keeps planet Earth warm. Then later on it is mentioned that water vapor is also a greenhouse gas. And that is true, because water vapor is by far Earth's most important greenhouse gas.
@rupertchappelle5303 Ай бұрын
KZbin scientists are in the same league as Weekly World News "Experts say . . ."
@hregeneratorss 2 күн бұрын
Wow, you didn't really watch the video, huh? What a dumb comment.
@alfredfleming3289 Жыл бұрын
Who ever dreamed it would take courage to tell the truth about the weather. Got married in 1970, we farm, lived through some tough cold years and listened to a bunch of jargon about a coming ice age that by the year 2020 we wouldn’t be able to grow most of the major crops here on the Canadian. Prairie. Now they tell us exactly the opposite. Climate continually changes. Never recall two years the same. Now they’ve turned climate into a new religion. I’ll stick with Jesus. Hasn’t failed me yet.
@jojojo9178 Жыл бұрын
people have lost their minds because of falsified history. If you don't know who you are, you are sitting duck for the falsifiers.
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
Climate is never described by a year to year change. Fool.
@midwestribeye7820 Ай бұрын
I like your comment, especially the last part.😊
@RealPackCat Ай бұрын
When the money dries up, so will the rants. How do I know this? People are not willing to eat bugs and the oligarchs are not willing to give up their private jets.
@kimweaver1252 Ай бұрын
@@RealPackCat In short order people will be thrilled to eat a bug, if they can find one. And private jets will disappear long before that.
@gavinfraser5784 Жыл бұрын
If Water Vapour is the main insulator of the earth, why do you not make this clear - and that CO2 is an almost insignificant percentage of greenhouse gases? Also, that the insulating effect of CO2 is asymptotic and not linear and so increases in CO2 have the effect of greening the planet and not heating it up?
@Lord_Rowlet Жыл бұрын
then why is the plante heating up then
@gavinfraser5784 Жыл бұрын
@@Lord_Rowlet It heats up and cools down all the time. And what causes this are forces much greater than some insignificant gas which represents a tiny fraction of the greenhouse and which, in fact, we need to keep life going on earth. If CO2 drops too low, life on earth dies. We have the lowest summer temperatures now in the Arctic and Antarctic for decades, and the thickest summer ice. It has been much hotter in the 1930s and 1950s, and before that during the late Medieval era and Roman times. Societies flourished when the temperature was 3-4 degrees higher than now. Cold is the killer - not only directly on humans, but also because food production drops dramatically. By they way, how much do you say the temperature has increased in the last 100 years?
@gedofgont1006 Ай бұрын
Yeah, but the alarmists would say it's the wrong kind of green! You cannot win against such severe brainwashing.
@RolandSvensson-qx1yj Ай бұрын
@@Lord_Rowlet More sunlight is reaching the the earth since less reflecting pollutans are released and the Earth is at the same time recovering from the little ice age. The Earth is still 2 degrees cooler than it was 3500 years ago.
@anonanon7278 Ай бұрын
Because the video creator is pushing the net zero agenda
@davidhilderman 11 ай бұрын
Crop yields per acre continue to increase, forests in BC are increasing their growth rates between 1% an 3 % per year, life expectancy continues to increase and less and less people are in extreme poverty. All due to the burning of fossil fuels.
@mrunning10 11 ай бұрын
All true, and all PROOF that The Oil Will End numbnuts.
@zonewolf 3 ай бұрын
"Production has trended upward in recent years, even as drought ravaged the southern sun belt and heavy spring rains overwhelmed midwestern fields. Farmers and experts attribute increased production to advances in agricultural techniques and a better understanding of how crops handle bad weather." Not due to fossil fuels. "In some ways, a warming world helps farmers. Warmer weather extended planting seasons by between 10 and 15 days in the Midwest. But the harmful conditions far outweigh any benefits, experts say."
@zonewolf 3 ай бұрын
Also please explain how poverty has decreased globally. "Wealth inequality drives poverty and precarity for people at the bottom, and exacerbates disparity. Wealth inequality is high and rising and more marked than income inequality."
@zonewolf 3 ай бұрын
BC old growth logging has increased year over year, and is unsustainable at it's current trend. No clue where you found growth rate data, but one could assume it's the added heat, and it's negligable considering how quickly we're cutting them down.
@zonewolf 3 ай бұрын
Also, U.S. life expectancy has declined to 76.4 years, the shortest it's been in nearly two decades. Dude not a single point you made is true, were you being sarcastic?
@joekelly9369 Жыл бұрын
roughly 1200-1800s was a mini ice age , occasional hot summers but freezing winters . with the thames freezing over and markets held on the frozen river , we are exiting a mini ice age it can only get warmer , we have been here before many times , only we didnt have phones or sensationalism
@gedofgont1006 Ай бұрын
So very, very true.👍
@dumodude 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately, history didn't begin in the middle of the 18th century. What of the 1,000 times greater CO2 during the life-promoting Cambrian period (among other important historical data). Like the great majority of climate alarmists, your conclusions appear to be pre-conceived. "The damage is done." What damage? Models and predictions made over the last 40 years have been very largely wrong. Climate "science" is now politicezed, discrediting itself and, most unfortunately, other scientific efforts. It's now climate pretense.
@jaycurtis5036 2 ай бұрын
So polluting the atmosphere is OK. It does not hurt anything. You are an idiot. In my lifetime lake Erie went from freezing over most of the winter season (Basically Thanksgiving through March). Now we hardly even get ice thick enough to ice skate on during the entire winter.
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
In the Cambrian period, there were no thermoregulating mammals in existence. There apparently were NO LAND DWELLING ANIMALS. It was NOT "life-promoting" in the Cambrian if you weren't a marine creature, like a sponge or a crab. The predictions made by REAL SCIENTISTS who weren't paid by fossil fuel and chemical magnates have been almost universally supported by outcomes. The shills and "popular press" have been dismal in their estimates of future outcomes. The political pollution has been almost unilaterally promoted by business and financial interests and their paid-for political whores for purely crass and venal reasons. Yes, it is now too late. So, Deniers win.... there is no reason to struggle anymore. No need to spend money or change your behavior or motivations. UNLESS you realize that you have to do SOMETHING during the final act of humanity, and it may as well be a right thing that you find satisfying, without regard to outcomes. You have to do SOMETHING during this era, so do something good. At the very least, don't make things worse. Try to engineer a departure with dignity while minimizing suffering. By the age of 12 or so, we all learn that we will personally become extinct at some time. Then we learn that the average tenure of mammal species is about a million years and we have been here something like 300,.000 to maybe a million years, depending on which style of hominid we accept into our family, how we choose to define ourselves. So, it's no surprise that we are here. One way or another, you're doomed. Deal with it.
@jamesday5636 2 ай бұрын
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
There was NO land dwelling animal life in the Cambrian.... ONLY in the seas. None of the crustal structures were the same as today.... there were no Alps, Apennines, Andes, Cascades, Rockies, Himalayas. The continents were in completely different positions on the Earth. There was NONE but a little annual ice, maybe. For most of the era, no ice. None of the major rivers of today existed. Ocean currents were different. For all intents and purposes, this was a different planet, not even close to the Earth we evolved on. We could not have lived on Earth in the Cambrian, it was far too hot....... in part BECAUSE OF THE HIGH CO2 concentration. You make MY case for me. So, that comparison is completely inconsistent with your contention. Try again.
@bhansen52 2 ай бұрын
Liar liar
@rvdb8876 Жыл бұрын
As so often in theories of people who propagate the co2 story, this promotion does not mention the (also by scientists) so-called Little Ice Age. A (with fluctuations) cool period of about 400 years, which ended about halfway through the 19th century. The glaciers in the Alps reached their maximum over a period of 3000 years in 1859. This study included several alpine glaciers and they all showed the same pattern. No wonder people began to experience the weather milder at the beginning of the 20th century. Since there were hardly any meteorological temperature measurements before the mid-19th century, these glaciers are very important proxy for an indication of the climate during the past 3000 years. The study also shows huge fluctuations over that 3,000-year period. The period about 2000 years ago during the Roman period is striking. A period of several centuries when the glaciers were so small and receded that they were virtually non-existent and therefore smaller than today. But during the Little Ice Age, Iceland was usually inaccessible to shipping during the winter months because it was surrounded by sea ice. The settlers in New England also had a hard time, because at that time frosts in June or July often destroyed the crops in the fields. This is known from chronicles of that time. The settlers could make do with hunting, which the common European people could not do, because here there was still a feudal system in which the people had to hand over the harvest to the elite. The common people could not/were not allowed to hunt, it was regarded as poaching. As a result, massive famine with attendant debilitation, disease, and early death. The average life expectancy in 1800 was 45 years. It is known from chronicles that children in the Alps began to eat grass out of sheer misery and hunger. It is widely believed that this miserable condition was part of the cause of the French Revolution. The Little Ice Age is, of course, not a true Ice Age. (but got that name) Nor the "past ice ages" mentioned in this video. These are glacials within the Ice Age. We are now in an interglacial in an ice age. Because as long as there are ice caps on Earth, we are still in an ice age.
@scallop640 Жыл бұрын
don't forget the mid evil warming period as well, which happened right before the little ice age. A period of time hotter than it is now, yet was also prosperous. I do believe C02 can be correlated to the warming of earth right now, but I also believe we could be missing other things contributing and don't have enough time to actually prove the theory that strictly gas emissions are to blame. Only time will tell I guess, it's also hard to not question science after seeing how money/corruption works in the field. The past 20 is years of Alzheimers research/data has found to have been fabricated.
@brettjohnson8009 Жыл бұрын
And we are going to get cold again,.......soon
@daizyflower272 Жыл бұрын
Yes, we are entering a colder period. What global warming?
@ceeemm1901 Жыл бұрын
That's right, you can't have global warming on a flat Earth.
@alfredthegreat9543 Жыл бұрын
@@daizyflower272 Some colder, some warmer. Global warming refers to the rise in global temperatures due mainly to the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases, climate change refers to more than just temperature ie precipitation, wind, sea levels etc. Some dummies think global warming as a phrase was replaced by climate change because of some places getting cooler- really can't explain the ignorance and poor education of those people.
@johnwarner4809 2 ай бұрын
I'm 71 and live in Southern California. I've also travelled all over the world. I haven't noticed anything different (by much) in all those years. It gets hot in the summer, which doesn't last nearly long enough, and cold in the winter, which is annoying and seems to go on forever. In the 1970's all they talked about was the coming of the next Ice Age. Meanwhile, Las Vegas still lingers between 115 and 120 in the July-August (like it did in the 1970's), and the hottest recorded temperature on earth is still 134.1 degrees, set in 1913 at Furnace Creek in Death Valley. Glaciers in the north still exceed and recede, and Antarctica hasn't changed at all, with penguins constantly searching for the warmest areas to park themselves. We're currently going through a cool summer here in Southern California, something I've experienced twice in my life. We worry about what gasses humans produce, while volcanoes all around the planet (both above and below the water) spew out endless amounts of CO2 (and other stuff). Gore and others have made millions promoting their hysteria, while I sit here in mid-July waiting for it to get hot enough to go out to the pool. For farmers, summer is when food grows. Winter time? Not so much.
@Humdebel 2 ай бұрын
Well, there are so many incorrections that I don't know how start! But let's keep ti simple with the most blatanly false. "Antartica hasn't changed at all". That's a false statement. In may ways. And I sayit in another comment, but I would satate here too. I'm currently at end of July in north Spain. We were used to 25~28 ºC. Last week we reach 38ºC. And that could prove global warming the same way that the contrary cannot disprove it. Localized events have nothing to do with global warming. The fact that I'm having a really warm experience is irrelevant for this discussion. The same way that if I was having the coldest summer of my life wouldn't matter to global warming.
@terrybrown7601 Ай бұрын
​@@Humdebelweather is always changing... next year it could be cold where you are compared with today . It was warmer during the Roman age than it is now. Global warming doesn't exist .
@furlvr1961 Ай бұрын
AMEN brother!!! Well said!
@gedofgont1006 Ай бұрын
I'm nearly 60 and live in England. My lifetime experience has been very much the same as yours, Sir. Gore and his acolytes are nothing but grifters, selling snake oil for a quick buck.
@Humdebel Ай бұрын
@@gedofgont1006 media outlets and politicaly charged documentals aren't the right way to inform yourself about this topics. You seem to have the wrongly impression that Gore is some kind of "climate prophet" with some cult following with bad intentions. While I conceed that for some people that would be the case, it doesn't matter at all. Gore make some worng statements and he was dishonest in others things. Gore is not an avatar of climate science in any way, he was/is a politician, nothing else. In the grand scheme of this topic is mostly irrelevant. Please inform yourself properly and try to avoid equivocate politics and science.
@brucepeterson3246 Жыл бұрын
How come the heat absorbing capability of Atmospheric water is never discussed in these climate discussions? From my work with FTIR, I know atmospheric CO2 is heat absorbing but it has a very narrow absorption spectrum while atmospheric water vapor has a very wide and deep absorption spectrum that will engulf a CO2 peak.
@jakedenos Жыл бұрын
water vapor is also not limited to 400ppm but more like 10-50000ppm
@zalzalahbuttsaab Жыл бұрын
Yes water vapour is a major greenhouse gas. CO2 is a trope that doesn't really figure in the equation.
@thurbine2411 8 ай бұрын
Oh but it is certainly discussed. Aircraft contrails is one of the more publicly known parts I would say. I also think that most of the water that we add to the atmosphere down at lower altitudes doesn’t stay for long at all and so the effect is quite limited compared to the co2 we are emitting. Still if we are talking overall temperature of the earth then I think water vapour is a much bigger contributor than CO2 but for the part that we humans have emitted and the part that has actually changed over the last century or so co2 is playing a bigger part
@gatorbna4107 6 ай бұрын
@brucepeterson3246 Exactly! No one knows the feedback effect of water vapor. Also the self- proclaimed Oxford "expert" failed to mention the studies demonstrating that as CO2 in the atmosphere increases, the rate at which the additional delta of CO2 contributes to additional warming gets smaller.
@gatorbna4107 6 ай бұрын
​@@thurbine2411I don't think anyone knows or can predict with any accuracy the combined effect of water vapor and CO2 on long term climate.
@remaincalm2 Жыл бұрын
It feels that you vilified James Watt a little. He was a genius and without his inventions we wouldn't have any of the technology that surrounds us today. (If Watt was never born then it could have simply delayed the industrial revolution he kickstarted by 50 years, because someone else would have eventually made the same discoveries.)
@jojojo9178 Жыл бұрын
Watt is a fantasy figure in a falsified history from the victor. Humanity had electricity and a highly advanced society on a global scale. The victor had destroyed it all and the rest is "his story"
@woodliceworm4565 3 ай бұрын
Watt made significant improvements however the steam engine had already been invented.
@Ironic1950 3 ай бұрын
Watt merely improved, by adding a condenser, to what Thomas Newcomen had already invented...
@jimbarth9859 3 ай бұрын
It must be understood that any friend of humanity is an enemy to the life-hating, anti-human death cult. 😜
@jacquesdemolay2699 Жыл бұрын
Where did you find the reference stating that Napoleon (big bad wolf) forced poor little Fourier to accompany him on a tour of Egypt. Since when do we need to force a scientist to do the journey of his life and making jealous the rest of the gallery ? Your choice of words says long on your opinions. You could have taken this opportunity to explain that Napoleon had the enlightened idea to bring a scientific team in his campaign of Egypt. Some people see a glass being half-empty and some see it as being half-full - you choose, matey !
@Dougie1969 2 ай бұрын
Have you been drug tested?
@jameseverett4976 Ай бұрын
@@Dougie1969 wow, what an argument! Can I borrow that one? What I like most about it, is that it will work with ANY debate, no matter the subject or facts of the situation.
@Dougie1969 Ай бұрын
@@jameseverett4976 Well, when the subject and "facts" are skewed so far off, one can only ask.
@superduper9357 Жыл бұрын
Fourier was not killed by heat, he was killed by gravity!
@cryyc Жыл бұрын
I hope your parents are proud of you
@jaydensdream714 Жыл бұрын
Your wrong of course. What killed him was the sudden stop of his inertia.
@boogathon Жыл бұрын
@@cryyc Well, I am.
@ErikDPhillips Жыл бұрын
@@boogathon You are what?
@boogathon Жыл бұрын
​@@ErikDPhillips If you look close, you can see I was replying to Cryyc. I understand, because, I've made the same misteak (but I never misspell a word).
@crustyoldfart Жыл бұрын
Compared with the small locales where CO2 is measured, and the tiny masses of gas being analyzed, the Earth's atmosphere is several orders of magnitude greater. SO, it's a fair question to ask - is what is actually measured, precision notwithstanding, actually significant in the larger context. A good argument can be made that such restricted measurements are little more than ' noise '. And so that whole debate was initiated and continues to rage.
@robertcartwright4374 Жыл бұрын
You should make that argument, if it is good, in the scientific literature, where it can advance scientific understanding. I'm guessing you don't because in reality your argument isn't any good.
@stevenpeaketrainsandstuff3682 2 ай бұрын
@crustyoldfart Well, if your name is a reflection of your age, surely you might have noticed changes in the climate. Hotter summers, increased ferocity in storms, 20 year droughts, gentrification of poorer areas as people move inland (I'm talking Florida), and it's only just kicking off. My point is the warnings given 40 years ago, coupled with climate science, are bearing fruit.
@ricardosmythe2548 Жыл бұрын
Taking the end of the little ice age as the starting point for these predictions is short sighted to say the least.
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
relax, they go back at least a million years.
@ricardosmythe2548 Жыл бұрын
@@mrunning10 most of the data used to show a warming climate starts in around 1750 the end of the little ice age. Can't think why 😂👍
@jasondashney 2 ай бұрын
Lots of climate data is very cherry picked.
@hawaiiflowers7066 7 ай бұрын
I have a degree in science and I’m scratching my head
@petercbrandon 3 ай бұрын
What do you mean by a degree in science? What exactly?
@UseLogicNotEmotion 2 ай бұрын
Clearly you waisted your time and money getting that useless degree!
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
Which degree in what scientific field from what school?
@premikyam2726 2 ай бұрын
a degree in science ? must have been social science
@kimweaver1252 2 ай бұрын
@@UseLogicNotEmotion That would be "wasted". Ironically.
@jayclark2077 Жыл бұрын
Odd that you don’t, perhaps letter, explain the oddities of this “Carbon Credits” which seems to be strangely reminiscent of the Catholic practice of selling forgiveness. I look forward to hearing about that from an Oxford guy. Jay Warren Clark, Concho, Arizona
@michaelscore6763 11 ай бұрын
2 Thousand years ago Hannibal traveled with his soldiers and elefants over the alpes beating Rome. There was no snow in the hills, the temperature was 3 degree or more warmer... Then came back 1450 a cold period till 1850 sand since this time the temperature is grown 1 degree maybe.... But it's by far not as warm as it was in times of Hannibal.
@johnhudghton3535 11 ай бұрын
Exactly so. Later, when Rome had colonised Britain, they were cultivating vineyards here.
@michaelscore6763 11 ай бұрын
@@johnhudghton3535... Because the climate was warm enough for their wine....
@johnhudghton3535 11 ай бұрын
@@michaelscore6763 spot on.
@Humdebel 2 ай бұрын
The word you are looking for is "yet". The issue isn't mainly the temperatura. Is the rate of increase.
@bartoszmaj8691 Жыл бұрын
I love how Simon mentioning Bobby on the wikicast to making a whole video in his style. Feels like a Disney channel crossover.
@Altobrun Жыл бұрын
gotta give some love for the originator of this style too, Jon Bois' chart party series. It's such an exceptional way to tell a story.
@JeevesAnthrozaurUS Жыл бұрын
​@@Altobrun Before there was Chart Party, there was his series "Pretty Good" in which this style became the consistent Jon Bois style Shoutout to Bobby for giving folks a tutorial for it.
@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, the style seems a bit unusual for Simon's channel, but it is a great homage to BobbyBroccoli.
@spacemonkey9000 Жыл бұрын
Disney is poison.
@reality-cheque Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video - some statements need further explanation. How was CO2 measured in the atmosphere in 1757? Carbon is a solid and is not 'emitted' - it must be CO2. "CO2 is mixed evenly through the atmosphere on account of being heavier" (+25%) - "Globally distributed"? CO2 does not condense nor evaporate (at atmospheric pressure/temperature) nor mix with O or N; nor is it found in higher spheres, nor is it "evenly mixed" - according to Russian weather balloon data and supported by the variations in CO2 measurements taken around the globe (between 0.027% and 0.043% [2021]) It's worth remembering that without Watt, many people today would not be alive, thanks to advances in medicines and technology due to the Industrial Age - nor would this video be possible...
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
Your lack of evidence is obvious.
@reality-cheque Жыл бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 evidence? Do I need to provide evidence of the physical properties of CO2? Whilst there is no scientific proof of AGW which remains a hypothesis, the lack of scientific knowledge in the debate is certainly evident.
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
@@reality-cheque you’re uneducated in science, right?
@reality-cheque Жыл бұрын
@@jaykanta4326 Quite the opposite - which is why I'm asking questions. Read my posts more carefully. Everything I have stated is scientifically correct - unlike most 'posts' and this video which describes certain scientific terms and principles which are simply not true and shows theoretical formulae based on limited empirical data from laboratory experiments, ignoring rationalism and scientific method. One example is that 'carbon' is a solid and what you get when you leave a sausage on a BBQ too long. CO2 is a gas with an evaporating temperature of about -78C. In its solid form it's called 'dry ice' and often used in theatre productions where it's relative density is also clearly evident. Another example is the mis-use of scale for the CO2 graph. No-one could measure CO2 in the atmosphere before Keeling and then, in 1957, it was measured at about 0.03%. Now it is about 0.04% (in some locations) - yet the 'graph' shows about a 300% increase! The 'Keeling Curve' is also unreliable since the CO2 data has been taken from readings at the Mauna Kea observatory where large amounts of volcanic gasses are locally emitted and the CO2 readings are subjectively 'weighted' to allow for these 'background' emissions. Another example is the description of a theoretical formula to measure the temperature of the Earth in 1827. Today this formula: Tss = 394 (1 - A)1/4(rp)-1/2 K, (where rp is the distance from the Sun in Astronomical Units) is used to establish the approximate temperature of planetary bodies, but it's accuracy is nowhere near the one decimal place used by climate alarmists. It is simply not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth to one decimal place. This can only be calculated, theoretically. I could confirm my qualifications but you probably wouldn't believe me, since you have an unshakable belief in the AGW hypothesis. I'm not saying the hypothesis is wrong but it is certainly not proven - nor anywhere near being proven. Milankovitch Cycles might have more to do with the changing climate than tiny CO2 emissions, but research in this area is ignored since it doesn't suit the 'narrative'.
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
@@reality-cheque And still nothing but nonsense. Learn how to read research. This is simple summaries about how the scientific consensus has been reached and doesn't cover every little detail. And you're so ignorant you think climate scientists don't know about Milankovitch cycles or any other basic concept. You're just a Dunning Kruger candidate that doesn't understand simple concepts like "carbon" is short for CO2.
@jeffreyjacobs390 7 ай бұрын
Let us not forget that - AL GORE was a son of a N. Carolina TOBACCO FARMER, worked the fields himself helping to increase carbon footprint, cigarette smoking, pollution, etc ..... and then of course once a Politico himself .... had the gall to suggest THAT OUR SHORES WOULD BE INUNDATED BY THE OCEAN .... by the late 1990s early 2000s ..... of which NOT A SINGLE prediction was correct. There ya go.
@old-pete 7 ай бұрын
How is tobaco farming increasing the carbon footprint? And yes, the oceans are rising.
@miyojewoltsnasonth2159 3 ай бұрын
@@old-pete I'm also confused by "son of a N. Carolina TOBACCO FARMER, worked the fields himself helping to increase carbon footprint." The two best thoughts I can come up with: 1. Burning a cigarette increases CO2, however minor. 2. Burning fuel in tractors, though this would be the same for any modern farming. *@jeffreyjacobs390:* Are one of these what you mean? If not, what are you actually talking about?
@user-os9ge2we2b 3 ай бұрын
@jeffreyjacobs390 Al Gore was also vice president to BILL CLINTON. Aka EPSTEIN #1 fan! He 100000% was on pedophile island with his BFF Bill Clinton. It's so obvious and gross. How is this not being talked about?? Trump looks in the wrong direction and it makes front page news for 2 years, AL GORE AND BILL CLINTON WERE REGULARS AT AN ISLAND BUILT FOR PEDOPHILES AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT THIS????
@stevenpeaketrainsandstuff3682 3 ай бұрын
You have confirmed, through your own comment, that you have no clue what you are talking about. You polluted this comment space with an inspired piece of crap. I hope you are proud, sir.
@Fomites 3 ай бұрын
Apparently Gore did make some technical errors but his overall direction has been validated. I don't think he made the claims you suggest though. The information you present almost certainly came from others who exaggerated Gore's work. And why such an attack? Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
@Try2Tri Жыл бұрын
I really do like Bobby Broccoli's style and content! Fun to see this sort of crossover. :)
@herrk.2339 Жыл бұрын
Yesss! My thoughts exactly
@rcsontag Жыл бұрын
If the CO2 concentration on Earth would be reduced from 0.04% to 0.03% green plant life, which depends on CO2 would die off. Lately, Revelle has renounced Al Gore's conclusions about global warming. The so-called temperature increase in the past 200 years can easily be dismissed due to the inaccuracy of thermometers in the past plus the fact that thermometer calibration standards have changed at least twice during that time.
@rps1689 Жыл бұрын
0.04 percent, which is an increase of 50 percent since 170 years ago. A very fast rate geologically, and even on scales relevant to humans. There is a reason why global warming is not estimated in in degrees per decade; it is estimated in watts per square meter or total watts, which we know you have no clue why thus your nonsense about thermometers. If you or anyone else can show that the methods used to determine the increase in global mean temp can be dismissed, you'll be the next rock star in applied physics and rich to boot.
@naturalkind5591 2 ай бұрын
Ignore how 200 years ago it was below 0.03% lol
@UnknownPascal-sc2nk 2 ай бұрын
​@naturalkind5591 it was 280ppm in 1960. Now 427 and we are heating up with no mechanism to go back down.
@Hudson-rs7ty 2 ай бұрын
@@rps1689 The 1.0 C of slow and gradual warming since the Little Ice Age (half of which occurred before fossil fuels) has improved human prosperity and flourishing by every metric, so what game are you playing? In the first place there is no such physical thing as an “average global temperature' - it's is a non-physical and statistical construct invented by and for global warming alarmism. What physical evidence supports the contention that carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are the principal cause of global warming since 1970? Evidence of warming is not evidence of the cause of warming. From the very beginning the underlying assumptions in the UN IPCC process presumed - without establishing scientific evidence - that anthropogenic activity was driving “global warming” which was subsequently modified to “climate change” after the global temperature “pause”. In the 17 years 11 months from October 1996 to August 2014 why was there no global warming at all, according to the RSS satellite dataset, whose output is not significantly different from that of any other global-temperature dataset. Why does the Climate Reference Network (CRN) the most accurate nationwide temperature station network, implemented in 2005, shows no sustained increase in daily high temperatures in the United States since 2005. These facts alone break the AGW hypothesis.
@slyrik1145 2 ай бұрын
@@rps1689 10000% of nothing is nothing... from 2 parts in 10000 to 4 parts in 10000 is nothing
@CoachStephen Жыл бұрын
Currently watching and still waiting for a mention of periods of warming on the planet 'before humans burnt all the coal and wood etc' can't wait for the explanation
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
you really believe that CARBON is the ONLY factor?
@markw4206 Жыл бұрын
The video isn't a comprehensive explanation of climate. It's about climate history. You might crack a climate textbook though, where you'd read about Milankovitch Cycles, and how the periods of time they act on are about 4 or 5 orders of magnitude too slow to be even remotely relevant to the sharp warming of recent decades. Or, you can remain ignorant and just spill your derp on comment boards looking foolish.
@tentruesummers9043 Жыл бұрын
@@markw4206 What is this sharp warming you speak of? We have no instrument records beyond a relative snap-shot of history. For all you know this 'sharp warming' is normal or even slower than previous warming. And never forget...we're in an inter-glacial period so we're destined to freeze over again sooner or later. After which it'll start getting warmer! You see a pattern emerging?
@mrunning10 Жыл бұрын
@@markw4206 Hey Simon, can't figure out this rant can you? Seems to be upset that you gave a history of man's understanding of climate change, for some reason expecting a comprehensive explanation of climate?" Bizarre? or just on drugs?? Then rants that you missed the Milankovitch Cycles (there are 3 of 'em) but then rants that they are "too slow to be even remotely relevant?" Bizarre? most likely drugs? These precious "Milankovitch Cycles" are ACCOUNTED for in the climate models because they in small part add to the Energy received by Earth from the Sun.
@jct4418 Жыл бұрын
So funny when the cult members can't understand how YT comments work and get at each other.
@George.Andrews. 2 ай бұрын
We are below the earths average temperature at the moment. Source, The Natural History Museum of London.
@OldShatterham Жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this overview of how how these processes were discovered historically. It gives you a much deeper appreciation of how many people were involved and how much previous work our current theories build on!
@etjay5239 Жыл бұрын
Global warming: An inconvenient pile of bull sh!t. Sorry lemmings, you've been had (again).
@andrewrourke9519 Жыл бұрын
That´s just the laast 200 yrs. What does the paleo-proxydata over the last 25-30 thousand years indicate?
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewrourke9519 Marcott et al 2013.
@chinajoebinlying1773 Жыл бұрын
Yeah in 1912 they also believed the Martians were an advanced race of beings which created expensive canals in order to fight climate change on their planet.
@jaykanta4326 Жыл бұрын
@@chinajoebinlying1773 Who is "they"?
@daegueric Жыл бұрын
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” -HL Mencken I enjoyed the presentation. It's hard to buy into the climate alarmism that kids are swallowing whole, but I will continue to read.
@robertfindley921 Жыл бұрын
Fourier was one of the greatest scientists in history. His discoveries were key to development of digital music, digital video, cell phones, computers and just about everything that sends, receives or processes digital data. He was even the lead on the development of the metric system.
@rinzler9775 Жыл бұрын
Yes, he invented what probably is one of the most important mathematical algorithms.
@ceeemm1901 Жыл бұрын
And Eunice Foote was just a chick.
@areyouavinalaff Жыл бұрын
@@ceeemm1901 oh no , Sir, she was more than a mere chick. She was a rather hot chick.
@ceeemm1901 Жыл бұрын
@@areyouavinalaff Yeah,and as someone said in 1967, "What she did was a gas, man".
@markw4206 Жыл бұрын
@@ceeemm1901 I hope you're being sarcastic. She was extraordinary, despite everything stacked against her. And note that her accomplishments weren't limited to just discovering the most important issue of the following centuries, but she also was an inventor. What have you done?
@rob.w.t.3356 2 ай бұрын
The problem about this whole topic is that in the medivial time, at around 1000 AC, the temperature was higher than tiday, and that without a high CO2 or human interacting. And there are also scintific papers that say the CO2 rise is following the temperature rise and not the other way around.
@carlbennett2417 Жыл бұрын
Poor Fourier. If only he knew how widely his methods are applied.
@robmanevski4809 Жыл бұрын
Please include information on the Greenland ice cores. I’d like to see some sort of explanation for the massive variances in temperature that go back about 200,000 years. I’ve seen theories suggesting it has something to do with the earth’s periodic magnetic pole shift, which is actually accelerating at present time. With that, the magnetosphere is shifting which probably changes the way solar radiation is filtered. Please give this some consideration. Thanks.
@Stratosarge Жыл бұрын
You might've seen theories suggesting something like that, but that is unfortunately bunk. We know that the polar inversions and pole-shifts happen. Frequently even considering the geologic time. But there's no noticeable climate variance associated with those shifts and reversions. The massive variance happens due to changes in insolation due to the Milankovich cycles that triggers a glaciation or an interglacial. With the feedbacks from changes in earth's albedo and CO2 concentration amplifying the effect.
@easy_s3351 Жыл бұрын
Like Faro says, read up on the Milankovitch Cycles as they are the main forces behind the continues climate change that earth has been experiencing for hundreds of thousands of years. They explain the ice ages and interglacial periods. Also, take into consideration the increase in solar radiation over the last decades. Fun fact is that because of rising levels of CO2 and nitrogen in our atmosphere and the global warming, earth is now 15% greener than it was several decades ago.
@jelink22 2 ай бұрын
That info is all over the Internet. Go find it!
@mrphysh 3 ай бұрын
Carbon dioxide is present in our atmosphere. 400 parts per million. a million particles: 700k are nitrogen , 80K are oxygen , 8K are argon and 400 of these particles are carbon dioxide. Plants depend on CO2.
@R0YB0T 3 ай бұрын
But that goes against my narrative!
@geraldfrost4710 3 ай бұрын
Slight adjust... 790k nitrogen, 200k oxygen.
@lucasleepwalker7543 3 ай бұрын
and? what is your point? if nitrogen were a greenhouse gass the earth would be a blob of molten lava. "ooh look the gass that does nothing is in vast quantities, that means the gass that does do things is magically incapable of warming the planet"
@Vigula 3 ай бұрын
@@lucasleepwalker7543 I think the point is, though I could be wrong, that in all our historical records CO2 has never led global warming.
@lucasleepwalker7543 3 ай бұрын
@@Vigula it is one of the main reasons reason behind our temperature. base temp for earth without greenhouse gasses is -16. if any point on earth is warmer than that, you have greenhouse gasses warming stuff up. co2 is the main one that does the bulk of our warming, without it we are an ice ball, with too much of it we turn into a dessert. the problem we have at the moment is its really easy to influence co2 amounts, as it only takes a small amount of co2 to do a lot of warming, so humans have managed to pump out co2 levels that within 40 years will kill most life on earth. this has happened twice before, co2 levels climbed to 5 or 6 degrees higher than life was adapted for, so almost everything died the difference with our situation, is where those two extinction events took tens of thousands of years, we have done it in 200 years at the moment we are an ice age planet, and humans are an ice age species, we die at about 40 degrees if its humid enough. and we are rapidly bringing earth out of the ice age into a hot dry world that next to none of our life is adapted for, and the few species that can survive the heat, are the ones that are about to-and have gone extinct due to human activity.
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