Three months ago you changed my life
The green future of coal mining
How green is fake meat, really?
Why your flight has got bumpier
2023: A Year In Climate Change
COP was a supersoaker
6 ай бұрын
An update and some happy news
@tcnail22 49 минут бұрын
If you ask a woolly mammoth how he feels about global warming you won’t get an answer because they are all dead. The parts of this planet, where they lived must have been way warmer than they are today.
@weltraumaffe4155 56 минут бұрын
If you ever fly in a jet airliner then you may as well be accountable for every gallon of jet fuel ever burnt by every jet engine that has ever burnt jet fuel since the beginning of time according to many of the deniers. Flawless logic.
@GeorgeWashingtonLaserMusket 59 минут бұрын
1:44 you can take my cheese only after you take my life sir.
@t.c.2776 Сағат бұрын
LMAO... you are too funny blaming Watt... that's like blaming Columbus for the Spanish Invasion of the Americas... or even the British Colonies for slavery when the entire world, from the beginning of warfare ran on slavery before the colonies were even known to exist... Now do a post about what the level of our "civilization" might be like right now if Watt had not improved steam engine efficiency... or even go back to before steam power was actually discovered to be "beneficial"... We'd still be riding horses and dying of plagues... then explain what The Industrial Revolution created (besides CO2... LOL)... meaning EVERYTHING WE VALUE TODAY... computers, cellphones, cars, supermarkets, sanitation, year 'round vegetables, medications, sliced bread, PEPSI and relatively SAFE and clean living in much of the world... you want to see what life without progress looks like: go to rural India. China, Africa, South America, and the Middle East, or any other class based 3rd world culture that doesn't have clean water, sewage, vehicles, electricity, education, or medicine...
@ziggyzat22 Сағат бұрын
This DID NOT AGE WELL!!! 🤣🤣🤣 The “climate alarmists” were wrong - it is getting worse a lot quicker. Human induced GLOBAL WARMING -- if you deny reality- YOU LIE🫵!!!
@amlord3826 Сағат бұрын
The video claims Fourier died from heat when it was really from fleeing the cold
@chicagofineart9546 Сағат бұрын
Would we like to hear about how corporate interests sabotaged governments' attempts to reign in gas, oil and coal reduction? Yes Please!
@MayTheForceBeWithYou858 Сағат бұрын
Do you know the Video: „How to Get the Most Out of Studying: Part 1 of 5, "Beliefs That Make You Fail... Or Succeed"“ from the KZbin- Channel „Samford University“? It's so helpfull, God bless.
@allen7218 Сағат бұрын
I don’t think it is to late but worry we will not do enough till it is too late.
@scottjuhnke6825 2 сағат бұрын
We, Homo Sapiens, are doomed. There's no question in my mind that we have left it far too late, and any idea to address the issue needed to have been in place decades ago. We are doomed for another reason: In over 5,000 years of recorded History, Homo Sapiens has never worked together for very long, and then, only in small groups. Unless we as a species can't start working together, as a whole, we are finished in 150 to 200 years. And, for the record, I think we should work our asses off to solve this. Better to go down screaming defiance, than mewling.
@michaelketley1252 2 сағат бұрын
A good narrative…
@OntrixGR 3 сағат бұрын
I recommend you to watch the documentary "Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) ", its really good, I don't want to spred hate, but I just want to show it
@BondiAV 4 сағат бұрын
To make sure I am getting this right: Sununu "resigned in disgrace in 1991 after using government jets to go skiing and golfing", but it is OK to see Gore and Kerry, in 2023, using private jets to attend international meetings at which they express their concerns about climate change. If you wonder why people do not take them seriously, you may want to also consider this aspect: those who are most vocal about the danger of global warming are polluting at will and spending many millions of dollars on beachfront properties that by the climate change calculations should be submerged under raising ocean water within the next 20 years. That would make anyone who can put 2 and 2 together doubt them.
@thelouster5815 6 сағат бұрын
Doomers will only be justified if Trump gets elected.
@martinreese7373 8 сағат бұрын
Biggest scam going, and the osman et al paper is yet more reconstructive modelling, using temperature data from UHI stations using unreliable thermometers.
@Raggart 8 сағат бұрын
Wow, the new studio is looking good! For a while there, it really looked like you were outside ;)
@HOOOPER 10 сағат бұрын
9:42 NOT CORNWALL!!! WE ARE NOT CORNWALL!! thank you for coming to my ted talk
@xpucmogrozdanov6391 11 сағат бұрын
and what is the life expectancy of an electric bike? just curious as I ride a 50+ years old bicycle. if I could ride 20 years with one motor and battery this sounds great, but even modern bicycles are made to last no more than a couple of thousand miles before a need for repair arises
@ty2010 11 сағат бұрын
Nitrogen and biomatter aren't captured by wetlands, this drastically reduces the ability of the ocean to absorb co2 directly as well as depletes other nutrients necessary for marine life to use co2.
@MarkBrown-gc6hr 12 сағат бұрын
Keep watch on the island of Milos where the waves literally lap up to peoples front doors....... And have done for over a hundred years. Makes one think....
@mafarmerga 12 сағат бұрын
There is not a policy leader on Earth who understands positive feedback loops. We are doomed.
@brokenrecord3523 12 сағат бұрын
I had a feeling that this would bring out the barely educated with their "It were freezin t'other day and its ahlmose June so there aint no globllewahrmn" (southern accent intended)
@petermandel2552 12 сағат бұрын
Obama is so concerned for rising Ocean levels he bought a mansion on Martha's vinyard. Nice guy after all. Saved someone else from having their. Manson swallowed by the ocean. Let's not forget how dangerous the ocean is by his mansion , just ask his cooks family.
@old-pete 10 сағат бұрын
His Mansion is 40 to 60 feet above the ocean and hundreds of feets away from it. Do you think Obama will get 200 years old? Btw. the inhabitants of the island know of the problem. Check their website...
@vinmangob8555 13 сағат бұрын
We where supposed to be underwater in 1980.
@dougbamford 15 сағат бұрын
“You cannot step into the same river twice” Heraclitis
@fadya3901 15 сағат бұрын
If in a real emergency the normal procedures is to calm people down and slowly make your way out to safety. Climate activists, run save yourselves don’t think just do something. Result first example almost everyone gets to live another day. The second example, everyone is worse of than doing nothing at all.....
@MegaDeano1963 16 сағат бұрын
Three casual points . 1 no energy flux figures shown , (the blues did look blue and the reds very red ) . 2. No confidence limits stated ( for the energy flux that were not stated ) . And if the sun outputs is irrelevent ( given no heat fuxes stated ) how do you explain the ice age 2 billion year's ago when the co2 was higher than now ?
@benrudolph5582 17 сағат бұрын
Not a bad calculation for being in the bronze age ! Just as impressive as the equation's first part, counting steps between a water well and a stick to then calculate planet circumference.
@ekkemoo 18 сағат бұрын
Most nostalgic view on biotechnology of the last century!
@Helieos45 19 сағат бұрын
CO2 is good for the earth it makes plant life grow faster and help wildlife to thrive. Our planet is 5% greener than is was 20 years ago thanks to CO2. Our magnetosphere is weakening, causing the sun to have more of an effect on the earth.
@mikemurrill01 20 сағат бұрын
21:33 Throwing in the descriptive word (pregnant pause) "tumultuous" Regan administration. It's like a verbal wink to those who know. It drips of disgust.
@litestuffllc7249 20 сағат бұрын
They reason is sort of the same as Fusion power - they want funding, and the powerful people who fund climate garbage find it much easier to sell you something through government mandates and politician sellouts than to compete in the marketplace where you might just be content with what you have. CO2 is 4/10,000th of the atmosphere and man made contribution to that is 1/10,000th. If you had a 10,000 cubic cubic foot green house and you had 3 cu ft of CO2 in on and 4 cu ft of CO2 in the other - would you expect the one with an extra cubic foot to really be much warmer? If you have the slightest brain power you'd be correct to think no difference.
@jeffmcmahon615 21 сағат бұрын
False then and false still!!!
@christopherd6399 21 сағат бұрын
The predictions and models over the decades have been scattered so broadly, that scientists and mostly politicians can pick through them at their leisure to come up with any outcome they wish. It's all bunk. It's all political. This video is horribly misleading as if the reality of AGW was a blossoming flower of truth, when in reality, any dissent from equally capable scientists are shut down and most importantly, not funded. The narrator's bias pours through every phrase.
@old-pete 10 сағат бұрын
The fossil fuel industry pays well. Unfortunately they did not manage to disprove manmade climate change in over 70 years, but they confirmed it...
@JeffHoldenWS-NC 21 сағат бұрын
Fun fact. That's a depth of the last ice age around 15,000 years ago CO2 got down to 180 parts per million. Photosynthesis stops at 150 parts per million. We came within 30 parts per million of CO2 of all life ending on the planet. Which brings up another question or two. Why did CO2 dip so low and then how did it recover without human beings pumping tons of carbon back into the atmosphere? And why does it do that over and over again on a cycle. For more inconvenient information Google integracial or click here
@old-pete 10 сағат бұрын
Photosynthesis still works at 150ppm. Inform yourself!! C4 plants grow down to 50ppm, some even lower... We know of the Milankovitch Cycles for over 70 years. You question was answered decades ago...
@JeffHoldenWS-NC 9 сағат бұрын
This response was so idiotic on so many levels that's really not worth it... but I guess I'll roll in the mud for a bit. C4 plants can't reliably photosynthesis under 100 parts per million. Technically they can still survive at a level of 10 parts per million but thats Basically hibernation and not producing enough to feed anything else. Only 1% of the plants on earth are c4. C3 plants and everything else stop functioning at 150 parts per million C02 So if you're okay with 99% of all plant species death by lack of CO2...OK .. It's your funeral. The point was that within human lifetimes we got down to 180 parts per million CO2. Very close to game over. Luckily we don't have to worry about that because we're pumping a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere and so even the c3 plants can thrive. The deserts are greening. Interestingly There ain't a lot of deserts at the equator anyway. Deserts are determined by lack of humidity not an abundance of heat. The second question has to do with The Milankovitch cycle. That's another self one but you are actually correct... Sort of.... CO2 rises and falls in a cycle with temperature. But it follows temperature by 500 years. It doesn't precede it. You're correct CO2 increased when temperature increased based on the Milankovitch cycle but it has nothing to do with human beings. And CO2 increasing doesn't drive temperature increase. Temperature increases first then followed by CO2 not the other way around. Another more interesting question would be where are we on the Milankovitch cycle? If you glance at a chart for 5 minutes that references that cycle you'll see that we're about to crest the top but we're not quite there yet. That means temperatures are going to continue to rise for either several decades or several centuries. Perhaps even thousands of years before we crest the top and start down the other side. And we can't do a damn thing about it. No reduction in human produced CO2 will have any effect on it. " Oh, But temperature has never increased by this quickly before! We are all doomed and the oceans will boil!!!" There was this nifty event in human history called the younger dryus climate event. Temperatures quickly decreased by 10° c in areas of the Northern Hemisphere. There were mass extinctions but humans survived. Then after a thousand years temperatures all of a sudden increased by 10° in a decade. Humans thrived as well as the Earth in general. Yes we can survive rapid increases in temperature as we have done before and as we are going to now. Also concerning the video CO2 methane nitrous oxide or nothing compared to water vapor when it comes to moderating temperature. Water vapor 1 to 5% of the atmosphere is up to 40 times or more responsible for the greenhouse gases than a tiny 04% of CO2 and point .003 percent methane. I don't even know it much about nitrous oxide parts per billion or trillion but it's even more miniscule than the other trace gases.
@MrSwift05 22 сағат бұрын
No Co2 No life !!!
@old-pete 10 сағат бұрын
And nobody plans to eliminate CO2...
@alainbellemare2168 22 сағат бұрын
You can also bring an extension cord in the shed
@cokdnlokd1238 23 сағат бұрын
Yes its too expensive considering there will be absolutely no benefit to it. Take your climate change religion and go preach it to the ignorant.
@nincumpoop9747 Күн бұрын
What if more co2 caused plants to go into turbo mode and also reproduce faster and more carbon means more oxygen and more atmosphere in general? What if the planet actually adapts to its carbon/oxygen levels and has a naturally occurring ping pong process that often throughout history rapidly changes over and over again and again?
@old-pete 10 сағат бұрын
Nature does not adapt that quickly.
@nincumpoop9747 Күн бұрын
Narrator, plz practice your “L” sound in words like “single” and “real”. Your speech impediment is still there. Your L’s sound like W’s frequency still. It’s not all L’s so I can tell you work on it 👍, but if u listen to the first 5min it sneaks in regularly and enough to be slightly confusing.
@Mermaidkilla Күн бұрын
Amazing video, Simon! Really well done!
@eliord142 Күн бұрын
Excellent arguments! Thank you for your work
@letoatreides5165 Күн бұрын
But the atmosphere isn't really deterministic is it? Because it is a part of a larger (perhaps deterministic) system. Couldn't something like a sunflare change the current conditions just enough to make a repeat of states possible?
@stuartkirby4654 Күн бұрын
I am an Engineer rather than a Climate Scientist but never-the-less have a lot of experience of modelling. When I graduated in 1980, the state of computing was rather primitive but I saw great strides which allowed 3D CADs models of components to be created and from these, stress models became pretty accurate. The next to fall was fluid flow but the models needed to contain a 3d matrix of hundreds of millions of data points for steady state conditions and took days to run. Both of these have relatively straight forward physics and just required sufficient number crunching. An area that was never properly solved involved heat transfer involving convection, conduction and radiation with the results being extremely poor - because the physics is too complex in the real world. Knowing the radiation parameters for surfaces contaminated in service by oils and debris and tarnished by high temperatures was very dodgy. Climate models are clearly in that category. You have to have a grid which is about 10x smaller than the features to be modelled. So if you want to model 1000m wide clouds then the scale needs to be about 100m. The model needs to encompass the whole earth at this accuracy and operate transiently rather than steady state which produces impossibly large models. And the physics to be modelled not only includes convection, conduction and radiation but an accurate inclusion of cloud formation, the effect of CO2 on plant growth and the ocean currents together with much else. It is known that clouds affect the heating of the earth much more than CO2. Their formation mainly/partially include the influence of cosmic and solar radiation with more clouds when the radiation is hitting the atmosphere and vice versa. Remember the cloud chamber demos from physics class? It is beyond credulity that climate models can predict anything approaching accuracy. The best that can be said is that CO2 does have an influence (even if only small) heating the planet and so it seems like a good idea to reduce this effect. However, we have to resist the ideology which says that hundreds of millions of people should be kept in or thrown back into poverty to ‘save the planet’. The morality of this situation is clear to anyone that loves humanity more than the planet.
@old-pete Күн бұрын
Nobody plans to push people into poverty.
@ericstevens8131 Күн бұрын
So Twain was right about history not repeating itself, but often rhyming.
@stilicho539 Күн бұрын
mEEthane, EEthane, prOOpane, bUUtane, pEEntane
@canemcave Күн бұрын
had to make the woman's victim story otherwise the video would not have been relevant to modern audiences..
@ghaithkafal-ghazal8332 Күн бұрын
Could anyone send her Twitch account please
@Justoneperson-hu3nh Күн бұрын
How dare You question a certified Genius like Al Gore!
@Toxinomist Күн бұрын
Big holes in the time line. Among two of them Thatcher and the mining strike of the coal miners in England. The conservatives needed to dirty the coal industry and their workers and coin the concept of global warming. Another one, is the fact that Volcanoes are the biggest and longest emitters of co2 on the planet. Let s not forget the asteroids who seems to have an impact on the co 2 level of the planet.
@old-pete Күн бұрын
Climate change came long before Thatcher. Vulcanoes emit 1% of the CO2 that humanity emits. Meteors are negligible, unless very big and we did not have any of those.