Thank you both - I certainly ask myself on my rediscovery journey “what then is the gospel?”
@christianuniversalist20 күн бұрын
great episode, thanks!
@OurGodIsAnAwesomeGod-t1r14 күн бұрын
Fact is ''and an independent fundamental baptist pastor of 11 years speaking here who went to a baptist university to become a pastor & was in an IFB church all my life before that,'' fact is the bible is false as hell all the way through, fact. There are over 800 solid concrete contradictions ''yes solidly concretely fact,'' take for example & I'll name just 1 for brevity's sake, how god says he won't punish the children for the parents sins, but later turns around & says he will to the 3rd & 4th generations. It also gets endless scientific, astronomy, biological, etc, things wrong that we know for fact to be factually wrong. If god wrote the bible he's utterly dumb & hasn't an utter clue whats he's talking about at all. And if there is a god he's the most evil being in existence, a liar, the cause of all evil & loves it. Everyone would do themselves the biggest favor to watch The Lord Who Lies on AronRa channel. Watch channels like Darkmatter2525 & The Atheist Experience & break away from this truly worst of damaging in every way teaching called the bible & the utter bs & worst of damaging in every way bs & evil in it & this worst of damaging thing called christianity. Bart Ehrman is another excellent one to watch ''as the matter of fact there's also a good one on AronRa channel where Bart is interviewed by AronRa with the title Will you be left behind'' Bart has more degrees & licensing than just about anyone in everything concerning the bible ''there's only 2 other people that has as many as him on this planet.'' And Harmonic Atheist is another beyond great channel, endless ex theologians, pastors, Masters of Divinity, apologists, you name it showing how the bible is absolutely false to the core. What you are seeing here in this video is the damage it has caused this man, psychiatrists know for fact now it literally turns people into sociopaths & that churches are filled with them ''especially the pastors'' & that churches are breeding grounds for narcissists, sociopaths, & psychopaths. I highly suggest you watch the ones I've listed because it all for solid fact is false and that is indisputable & not even debatable at all, that's solid & concrete!