Am on my 4th campaign with 450+ hrs already; would say that it has been worth it. The title has good characters, and intriguing story for a new galaxy, and QA has already addressed many concerns with patches. While not my fave title of the series, it is a worthy sequel, IMO.
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
Glad to hear that mate, some serious dedication there ;) It's nice to see a positive opinion after the overwhelming negativity this game received. It's certainly an interesting game to see where the general consensus is gonna be in a year or so. Would it remain a sour taste for many people like Mass effect 3's ending, or would people view this game differently when all the controversy has died down? I wonder... time will tell :)
@eldonwhisler84037 жыл бұрын
Thanks! And I also am OK with the original ME3 endings, though I prefer the free Extended version more :)
@BonfiglioSergio5 жыл бұрын
@@eldonwhisler8403 Please allow me to join this conversation and say that from the big novel point of view, a "happy ending" is not really a good ending for a masterpiece of literature. There is the need of a big sacrifice. The Trilogy cannot end with flowers, biscuits and a party with cone hats and paper trumpets. A BIG novel like the Trilogy must end with a sacrifice. Shepard can't survive, because He/She is the great sacrificial lamb that will save the Galaxy. If you think about it, why all the story of the Reapers, what are they ? Why all the previous cycles haven't survived ? In this details stays the greatness of the Story Teller, Casey Hudson, who in my opinion is a great novelist. Because there wasn't a perfect avatar who have scarified himself for the good of the Galaxy. At least this is my opinion. So using MEHEM, while it is nice and more acceptable for our stomach, it is unworthy for the big tragedy of the Galaxy. I'm European and and in love of Shakespeare. Forgive me. ;-)
@eldonwhisler84035 жыл бұрын
@@BonfiglioSergio Have no idea what I said to get you to think of Happy Endings in my post when ME:A is a start of something new. As for the Trilogy, all the conclusions have downsides.
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
Noticed quite a loss of quality now that it's on youtube for some reason. So...sorry about that ;D
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
@tweedekanaal83527 жыл бұрын
that goes for most games..unless you upload a game without being edited..
@CoraSeby7 жыл бұрын
AHAHAHAHA.... a high quality game!!! I don't know what you were smoking but i want some too.
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
Definately a high quality game. No matter what you say my opinion on that will not change. I've seen bad and mediocre games. This isn't it. I feel It's certainly on par if not better than Inquisition.
@CoraSeby7 жыл бұрын
with this game BW pulled a worst graphical downgrade than Ubisoft. If you don't believe me you can search a alpha video on Andromeda. I have found high amounts of bugs besides the ones on youtube. Some of them broke my game after a couple of hours of playtime. The dialogues are cringy for the most part, like they were writen by a 14 year old. This is Bioware worst game no matter what you think. Well maybe not as bad as Dragon Age 2.
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
I don't care about alpha footage, I'm judging the game how it is now, rather than how it was promised to be. Stuff like this is also why I go to great lengths to evade most hype surrounding games, since the marketing can often be downright deceiving. Just look at NMS for instance. Regarding bugs well... most released games have several bugs that get ironed out in the frequent post release patches, it's nothing new unfortunately (although I wish day one patches weren't even necessary..) I'm not saying Andromeda didn't suck with bugs at release, but I don't think it's fair to criticize a game too harshly for that if the issue is not exisiting a short while after release. And if I recall correctly, Inquisition also had quite a few issues at release, yet somehow that didn't blow up like it did with ME:A. Your other arguments are entirely subjective so let's agree to disagree there. I find Bioware always had some corney dialogue here and there, but for some reason many people seem to forget all about that when it comes to ME:A.
@CoraSeby7 жыл бұрын
SirDutchie How subjective were my other arguments now that the Mass Effect francise was put on hyatus, according to Kotaku? On top of that, the game is on 30% sale only 2 mounths after its release.
@SirDutchie7 жыл бұрын
That article seems a lot of speculation on the author's part. Developers being shifted around to work on other projects is nothing unusual. There is still a team left behind to work on the patches and DLC. The sale might be odd but I have no idea how they usually handle sales. And I imagine the severe community backlash and hate might've played a part in it. A bad release taints a title for a long time though, good example being Diablo 3 or even ESO. So who knows what the future will hold.
@BonfiglioSergio5 жыл бұрын
Dear SirDutchie, I decided to endorse this video and subscribe to your channel because I share your opinion about Andromeda. Don't look at the idiots who are writing down here. Well, you forgot to say that MEA is highly moddable. AND it is so much more easy to mod than the previous titles of the Trilogy so there is (much) room to improve the game for those who want to enjoy a deeper game experience. I share your opinion about the footage that is around, and this is to say that Bioware really is guilty of attempted murder. So many superficial guys are rushing to judge the game on the preliminary footage and the old releases. At 1.10 release - the last one - the game is stable and playable. And, for sure, moddable. A modern game MUST also belong to the community which plays it (Skyrim is the example) and if a game cannot be modded is for sure a poor game. MEA is great from this point of view, and Frostbite allows the mods in a flawless way that is quite unparalleled. Was Bioware guilty of releasing a buggy game ? Yes, it was. Did Bioware deserved the mass(ive) (effect) Insults that they have got for those bugs ? Yes they did. Did they fix the game and made it as great as it should have been from the very first stages ? Yes they did. Is the story of MEA a masterpiece of SciFi literature ? Yes, yes and again yes. Is some people uselessly and annoyingly continuing to insult and humiliate the game on nothing more to say that repeat again and again what it was said about the game at its origins, without taking into consideration the evolution, the bugfix process and the modding possibilities (go to see on the Nexus what's available for the game!) ? Yes they are. From my side, I'm happy I have found a reviwer that I can trust, because you are competent, honest and not biased by the general and/or most diffused opinion, but apparently with a strong will to reason with your own head. Thanks. P.S. A humble suggestion about your reviews is to insert some considerations about moddability of the game.
@ruiptaurus337 жыл бұрын
your must have a different version, because mine is shit
@_Asiu7 жыл бұрын
animations are part of graphic and those are very bad, post proces are weak for game on frosbite2 engine, animations(not facial) at best are stiff. There are no decision with waight in game sorry first quest with murder is just dumb, writer forget about atemp murder, you also should not forget about "my face is tired" line, someone have to write it, someone else read it, and someone test it, and after this someone wanna sell it, gj bioware. Voice acting would be better if bioware stat doing it by phone with random people, sorry but actors give no emotions to lines. gameplay is ok but in terms off rpg it's bad(no contorl over team, only 3 skills, and dificulty lvl based on hp ammount) and in terms off tps it's nothing special (personaly i pick titanfall 2 jetpack over andromeda) This game would be better without mass effect label (becouse in copmarision to trilogy it fall flat in evry aspect exept gunplay/combat part of gameplay free exploration and semi open worlds are same piece of useless shit as they were in dragon age and nomad is way worse than mako