Sketchy's Thoughts on My Little Pony G5

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Sketchy (the) Changeling

Sketchy (the) Changeling

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So we got some more info on G5, and... weeeeeell...
TUMBLR: / sketchy-the-changeling

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@childofthesea7345 3 жыл бұрын
I just hope MLP doesn't end up like Winx Club otherwise, we'll have the 2031 MLP edgy Netflix reboot where Twilight sleeps with Rarity's boyfriend and Applejack deals with Rainbow's addiction issues and Pinkie bullies Fluttershy
@pandemonium2594 3 жыл бұрын
Is that what it has devolved into?
@nathejustice5297 3 жыл бұрын
That's not how the story goes on -_-
@kbraven7007 3 жыл бұрын
Let's not say stuff like that or we'd give them ideas
@MR-SINISTER76 3 жыл бұрын
So what is spike doing in the netflix reboot
@SPRX77 3 жыл бұрын
@@MR-SINISTER76 they’ll probably pull a Techna move like how they did on the WINX club live action
@MegatronPrime321 3 жыл бұрын
I was pretty disappointed when I read that article. I really wanted MLP G5 to be set in a completely new world with new characters to help it stand on its own. And that whole "we didn't wanna start from scratch and abandon all da lore" has made me extra worried it'll just be brony pandering. That's why I'm working on my own version of G5 with a new cast, world and a "slice-of-life with an adventure once in a while" tone akin to FiM's first seasons.
@javierfebronio8907 3 жыл бұрын
Months ago, I made a pitch bible on what G5 should be like:
@mikailaturkleson7472 3 жыл бұрын
Good to see best lavender princess on the screen while you talk ^^
@gamepopper101 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I'd prefer G5 being entirely new, it feels like each generation works being their own thing. The brand manager talking about this rich "lore" they have over a slice-of-life kids TV show is troubling since I expect that mentality from fans, not showrunners (even if it's coming from a marketing person and not a creative person). Though I'm guessing when you mention your hopes of nods and characters, I'm guessing you're against the idea of Luster Dawn being involved? Cause my worry is that it would be Luster Dawn being the main character and Twilight imposing wisdom, almost as if the show wants to have callbacks every episode.
@The_True_Mx_Pink 3 жыл бұрын
Hooo boy, I do not want that
@TheCommenterDragon 3 жыл бұрын
The details of info they released may not be what we were all expecting, but even so i for one am still looking forward too seeing where G5 goes i mean sure it'll still be in a future Equestria so it won't be straying too far away from G4 but at least we'll be getting a new generation of main characters like they said we would and i'm excited too find out who those characters will be!
@Kait0s 3 жыл бұрын
I don't really mind it being set after G4, as long as they keep it focused on the new cast. Having a few callbacks isn't a problem unless they become so frequent that it's really just pandering. The one thing that could be ok is Twilight being a somewhat recurring character cuz she is the new ruler of equstria, but that's IF the new cast has something to do with her.
@joshuaareta2001 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder, are they gonna explain more about Clover the Clever, Gusty the great and her connection with Grogar, The three leaders of the tribes and Scorpan? I have mixed feeling with what G5 will be. Crossing my fingers hoping Hasbro don't screw this up.
@MultiSuperGuide 3 жыл бұрын
Unless it's set very far in the future then I imagine Twilight will have to be at least mentioned, but they can do it sparingly, and don't even need to show her
@lilj362 3 жыл бұрын
But wouldnt that make G5 kinda depressing? Cause lve been watching mlp for a long time and knowing my favorite characters are dead is kinda sad.....
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, Sokka, Suki and Aang are dead in Legend of Korra and that didn’t make the show depressing. Besides, you can always go back to the older show if you ever want to see the characters again. Life goes on.
@lilj362 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling l guess you're right
@Demolitiondude 3 жыл бұрын
I've seen the same article from an independent news source. The concerns from what was covered isn't about the lore, but modern politics. It was stated that one of the new main characters is an activist, and emphasis on inclusion and diversity. Indicating that the series might be warped into political beating sticks. These concerns are from mlp fans.
@guncannon109 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I'm all for sticking to the equestria that was built up for ten years in Friendship is Magic, there was a lot of work that went into developing it and it would honestly be a shame to walk away from it. Might be in the minority here but I think it would be cool if they did something similar to what Power Rangers did with Dino Thunder where a member of the OG cast is back in a reduced mentor roll. Keep the original relevant so older fans can appreciate the odd nod now and again, but still have it be a mostly stand alone series for newer audiences to enjoy.
@sasamichan 3 жыл бұрын
I have heard the G5 news all over the place. Some say it'll be G4 continued, some say it'll be set in the future, some say it'll be a reboot, some say it'll be its own thing. I think it would be best as its own stand alone thing with no connection to the past. Though I wouldn't object to a continuation. but I can't really judge it till we see a fully completed animated trailer or a 1st episode or a 1st week of episodes. the "This is what it will be" news has been around a long time so I hesitate. Im waiting for finished intended to be a series animation. I do like lore and world building. not just MLP. also I see no reason you can't do both. have two series one next gen one original. I think a GOOD example is Star Trek. if MLP can do the equivalent of Star Trek Next Gen, Star Trek DS9 and Voyager with out doing Enterprise or altered time line or Picard we could have good MLP. Lower Decks is a good example of a spin-off too
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
This article is the most recent and comes from an official source, rather than being leaked, so I think it’s safe to say that the info here is to be believed unless they change their minds down the line.
@javierfebronio8907 3 жыл бұрын
I am VERY worried, confused, and disappointed all at the same time. 1. As much as I enjoyed Pony Life, how do that show and Friendship is Magic exists in the same universe? Pinkie has a brother, Applejack threw away her dad's hat, Twilight lives in The Castle of The 2 Sisters , Fancy Pants is single, this is not the same world! 2. Why does G5 take place in G4's same world? A lot of bronies/pegasisters cried watching "The Last Problem" because of the nostalgia; after 9 years, it was the last time they would ever see these characters again. Closing the book meant G4 is officially over. But by having G5 take place in the far future, completely subverts it. It RUINS the emotional impact the writers tried to make. Might as well call this new movie/show "Season 10". Anyone who STILL believes that Twilight won't outlive her friends are going to hate this 3. Why is this show going to be about an "activist working to make the pony world a better place?" The Mane 6 reformed villains, saved the world several times, ponies are now allied with non-ponies, there's a school of friendship, if the finale wrapped everything up in a nice bow, why would there need to be an activist? 4. It scares me that this will "focus more on diversity and inclusion". The last thing I want from G5 is to shove LGBT/Autism pride down our throats just for the sake of it (no offense). If you think Steven Universe PSA's are cringey, then imagine what this will be like! 5. I was hyped for a completely new show with a new world new characters but it turns out that will never happen. Misanthropony said it best, "a show/franchise that runs for too long becomes a soulless parody of itself." FiM was successful because it felt original. While Lauren Faust took inspiration from past generations, they had no connection to them. G5 should follow suit, take a "leap of faith", but no, the writers are too cowardly to take their own advice.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
1. Your mistake here is taking Pony Life too seriously. It doesn’t ask me to look at it as anything more than a silly show so trying to reconcile the differences between PL and FiM is wasted effort, IMO. 2. I’m not all that concerned about the feelings of bronies and pegasisters. You can’t expect every generation of a property to cater to every single fan. Besides if the YuGiOh finale was able to elicit feelings of nostalgia, and YuGiOh GX can come out, take place in the same world, and not take away from that emotional impact, there’s no reason MLP can’t do the same. 3. You do realize that even with a school of friendship, there are still problems, right? Conflict doesn’t magically end just because there’s a school of friendship and the nations are allied with each other. Life still goes on and conflict still arises as needs need to be met. That’s how every integrated modern society works. If racial tensions in the US still persisted after integration, then I don’t see why it’s so unrealistic for MLP to have an activist character. 4. You... *are* aware that a show can be about diversity and inclusion without shoving it in your face, right? If FiM can be about friendship in a nuanced way, G5 can do the same with diversity and inclusion. Don’t let reactionary culture make you apprehensive towards something as benign as inclusion and diversity. Also, Steven Universe’s PSA’s were separated completely from the show and weren’t in the actual episodes but go off I guess. 5. Firstly, the decision to stick with he world of FiM was not a decision made by the writers. It was a decision made by the marketing team, just like all the other product tie-ins in FiM. We can’t misattribute decisions made by one party to an unrelated party. It’s WAY too early to make such a conclusive statement about the writing quality. Obviously we all have our worries, but just because the internet likes to whine about “seasonal rot” doesn’t mean that every show is the same, and this is coming from someone that really wanted something completely new. If the writers are up to the task, then they will deliver.
@makulemon6064 3 жыл бұрын
So if it sticks in the world of equestria, it means that the equestria girls/Human wolrd still exist!!
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
That doesn’t mean that they’ll still be using EQG. They likely won’t.
@Tall_Order 3 жыл бұрын
I wasn't a fan of slice of life either. I just chalk it up to how many great shows end up making an out of character episode near the end of its run. Stargate SG1 had an episode where everyone was bobbleheads. it was out of character for sure. but the show had gone on for several seasons at that point. lol
@angrybrony 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like a better comparison would be beast wars. It's set so far into the timeline that it's almost it's own thing.
@calebprescott440 3 жыл бұрын
I hope it better than season 9 final
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Speak for yourself. The Ending of the End slapped.
@markereeni 3 жыл бұрын
Is it gonna end up like legend of korra?
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I have literally no way of knowing that.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 3 жыл бұрын
I think I agree with you for the most part. I think my only argument is nothing more than a semantic one. I'd argue that lore is the byproduct of storytelling whether it's good storytelling or not. But that's just semantics. I think the point you were trying to get across is one that I agree with. It's also possible that I have a misunderstanding of what the definition of lore is as well, so the fault may be my own. I think my biggest issue with G5 is that I've had my closure for G4. If G5 is different enough, I'll be okay with it. But I feel that this is a big middle finger to the people who have had closure and come to terms with the fact that G4 has ended. I'd also be okay with a descendant of the Apple family, but only because of how large the Apple family is. A direct descendant of Applejack specifically would be an issue though.
@StardustWhip 3 жыл бұрын
I am kinda disappointed since I was interested in the leaks from a couple years ago with the reimagined Mane Six (well, except for “street rat with a redemption arc” Applejack), but looking beyond that, I’d say I’m also cautiously optimistic. That statement from Emily Thompson could indicate anything from a Power Rangers-esque setup where it happens to embody the same universe and mostly lines up with continuity, to Slice of Life: The Series.
@angrybrony 3 жыл бұрын
Damit now I want a power rangers-esc EQG spin off to go with G5.
@AlanJia8 3 жыл бұрын
I can see the potential concerns, but I don't think just the fact one of the higher ups mentioned really rich lore necessarily is a red flag. Especially cause its also supposed to be a show more about diversity and inclusion and stuff like that which sounds like a show that wouldn't be too much about lore. Then again mlp was initially completely a slice of life comedy so it could go wrong, but mlp recently has given me reason to place faith in it with season 9 and pony life. So here's hoping (fingers crossed)
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Considering how obsessed some people are with lore, I can’t help but raise an eyebrow, especially from the VP of branding.
@AlanJia8 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling fair, I guess I'll be cautiously optimistic too
@eb2k445 3 жыл бұрын
M🌎THER Trilogy Infinity Train Things that successfully have new protagonists in each installment of their series.
@tokusatsukeyblade797 3 жыл бұрын
Final fantasy can also be thrown in there as well.
@mix-up9003 3 жыл бұрын
I was perfectly willing to go with the reboot, to make it stand as its own thing, but I was much more skeptical about about reusing the Mane 6 names and Personalities, but I really did like the idea that the Twilight was going to be a Earth pony and I think it would be great that the protagonist for G5 be an earth pony to show. I think the skip to a 1K future is a good idea to mostly have a more fresh start on with a few kind nobs from the past, I would mostly be curious to know what consequences of G4 have carried over to the G5 or how much things changes. I would like to have more adventure setting all the while keeping the little girl fantasy aspect to it and expand on that along with all the inherent silly aspects that comes with it.
@dragon111409 3 жыл бұрын
I love that their keeping their lore from G4 its a massive setting with a lot of potential to make new stuff and build on what they have . New cast gives us hope for what your talking about sketchy but i'm glad their not scraping g4's lore . There is a lot you can do with what is there . One look through the non clop sections of FIMfic prove that. I just hope the writers are up to par and can handle the tools and setting their being given if they can well . This could be Pretty awesome , Especially if it's set in the future . Imagine MLP but with 1950's to 00's Tech and what you could do with the magic . you could Argue Twi is going to push forward technological advancement. There is a lot of wiggle room to make a setting that still has all of the old lore But! is utterly new and unique
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
The concern is that lore shouldn't be the focus of a show. Lore is always secondary, and I hope that this new show understands that lore and worldbuilding isn't enough to make a good story.
@dragon111409 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling No i completely understand that . I want new characters in new situations . I just like and think it's a good thing their keeping all of that world building they did . There is a lot of history and things they can use . But also a lot of unknowns they could explore and use Etc . The movie brought in So many new creatures and places that weren't even really brushed on too much .We don't need a whole new setting to explore new characters . We have so much they could use . Ponyville is one small town imagine if they set the new characters in one of the pre established main cities we know of like Manehatten , Baltimare , Vanhoover , Tall Tale . The question for how much thing change really comes down to time . Are we using Lusterdawn or that new cast at the friendship school ? Or are we going to be even further on . A lot can change in 10 years let alone 20 or 40. The show and Even the comics have soo many stones left unturned and things they could do with new characters . I'm more excited their keeping the old g4 world and lore than if they weren't going to.... Sorry i'm a history buff so keeping all of that lore excites me a lot.
@tudoraragornofgreyscot8482 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling Lily Orchard called, she wants her ice cold takes back.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
It’s crazy how often people like to invoke Lily Orchard’s name when she had nothing to do with the conversation. Y’all can’t be having this woman living in your heads rent-free.
@applesaucelord368 3 жыл бұрын
Yea I felt like it should have been a complete reboot too.
@john_o 3 жыл бұрын
My hope for G5 is that it ties into Friendship is Magic in a similar fashion to how the Legend of Zelda games tie into each other in that it’s all the same world with the same lore and history, and every Link and Zelda is the ancestor or descendant of another Link and Zelda, but each game still stands on their own as their own individual experiences and can take their own creative liberties, like maybe the map of Hyrule changes a little, there’ll be different species or species will be completely different (the Zoras are notable for this in every game they’re in) and of course, the art style can differ greatly (which I imagine will be the case for G5 at least). So if you’re the kind of nerd who loves Easter eggs and connecting the dots, there’s a lot to sink your teeth into (like how the skeleton who trains Link in Twilight Princess is secretly the ghost of Link from Ocarina of Time, or how every version of Ganon is the reincarnation of Demise from Skyward Sword), but if you don’t know about or are not interested, it doesn’t detract from the overall experience. Or it could be like the Mega Man series, in how X is a sequel to classic Mega Man but the only recurring character between the two series is Dr Light (and even in X he only appears as a hologram since he passed away between the two series). Dr. Wily is heavily implied to be the creator of Zero and the Maverick virus and also the main baddy of X5, but he’s never mentioned by name, only his insignia, but it still works given Wily’s significance in the classic series. But outside of a few small nods (like the 8-bit Cutman Easter egg in X8, that was funny), the two series remain mostly separate. Like maybe for G5, Twilight’s spirit could act as a guiding force for the protagonist a-la Obi-Wan Kenobi but it’s not made explicit that it’s Twilight, she’s simply referred to as “The Spirit of Friendship” and throughout the series we get hints of who she was. Or we could have an episode where a pegasus character attempt a Sonic Rainboom like the legendary Rainbow Dash, but it’s been so long that neither Rainbow Dash nor the Rainboom are believed to exist by most ponies as she, along with the rest of the Mane 6 from FiM, are simply legends, so much so that they can be debated as to whether or not they even existed in the new canon.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Considering how absolutely convoluted The Legend of Zelda’s timeline is to the average bystander, I think it’s safe to say that LoZ is the last thing MLP needs to be emulating. You’re making the same mistake that I talked about in the video: getting too caught up in the lore.
@john_o 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling You’re probably right, but my point was that to the average bystander, the lore of Zelda doesn’t matter, and every game can be enjoyed as a stand-alone experience, but if you wanted to connect the games to each other, the connections are there. But yeah, it’s definitely a mess, and I don’t think even Nintendo truly understands the Zelda timeline, and I certainly hope that’s not the case for MLP. But I wanted to Zelda as an example as even though the games have drastically different art-styles (compare Twilight Princess to Wind Waker), they’re still part of the same continuity. And that’s likely how it’s gonna be for G5. Different art style, the map of Equestria is somewhat different, certain species evolving or coming into existence due to cross-breeding (it would honestly be rad if we got Longmas in MLP), etc. Look, I’m also disappointed its a continuation and not a reboot, but I’m just trying to think of the best case scenario. Like your Yu-Gi-Oh example was a good one (and I think Mega Man is a similar case), only you kind of know how much time has passed since DM and GX whereas with FiM and G5 we don’t know how much time has passed, if it will even be explained, how closely the two are connected or if it will even matter that much. Look, as long as it’s not Kingdom Hearts where you have to do a bunch of homework to understand what the hell is even going on in a Mickey Mouse game.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
The only reason why we don’t know how much time has passed in G5 is because they haven’t told us yet. It’s not that G5 is confirmed to never tell us how much time has passed. It’s that we just don’t know yet.
@theMillieBun 3 жыл бұрын
my main problem with the article is they REALLY shouldnt of abbreviated Consumer Products in the headline
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
@hariman7727 3 жыл бұрын
I think a future story is a good option. There's a lot of new stories that can be told, while still respecting the past. I'll give it a chance, and my hope is that it will be an enjoyable show. Edit: "Slice of Life" was a great big "You guys are great! We love you guys!" Because sometimes you DO want to give more than a nod to the fans, you want to break out a drum and bugle corps.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
The best way to tell the fans you love them is to continue making good content. A show doesn’t need to get on its knees and lick the boots of its fan base.
@hariman7727 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling I stand by my stance that Slice of Life is a big love letter, not bootlicking, and respectfully disagree. Edit: as for gen 5, we'll find out when it releases.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
When you dedicate an entire episode to referencing fandom memes that casual fans will completely miss, and forego a coherent plot in favor of rapid-fire references, many of which weren’t even funny to begin with, I can’t see that as anything other than bootlicking.
@Tall_Order 3 жыл бұрын
Personally I'm glad its the same world because I never liked the idea of world building to such an extent just to wipe it and start over.
@vanoskuro-ponyform1714 3 жыл бұрын
Think of it this way, it'll be less like a completely different series and more like Transformers G1 and Beast Wars. There will be plenty of callbacks but ultimately it's own story. I'm just hoping they expand the main casts amount of species from just 3 kinds of ponies. Kirans ftw
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I’m aware that it could be like that, hence why I used Yu-Gi-Oh GX as an example when describing the ideal setup for this new show.
@vanoskuro-ponyform1714 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling oh
@SkydreamPony 3 жыл бұрын
Given they have mentioned they want new fans to feel welcome and old fans to get easter egg type references, I'm envisioning this as more of a Next Generation to FiM's Star Trek. I don't think, from what they've said, that they'll rely on g4 too much, but just use an established world as a springboard for more stories
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Fingers crossed that that’s the case.
@SkydreamPony 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling Depends on the writers really, like you said. Mind you, I have seen other Boulder Media content and have enjoyed it a lot, so I am on the hopeful side of things
@joshuaareta2001 3 жыл бұрын
It said in the article Hasbro wants the characters to be activists. I don't think a lot of OG fans will like that.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Who cares? I literally said in the video that I’m not concerned about pandering to older fans. If a person has a problem with socially conscious main characters (assuming they are competently written), that says a lot more about them than it does about the show.
@alessandromieli7321 3 жыл бұрын
Overall agree with you, but didn't GX end with a kinda big duel between Jaden and Yugi?
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
It did, but that’s the literal final episode in a series with 180 total.
@Adventuregirl1985 3 жыл бұрын
Well thats a bummer. I was looking forward to something fresh and new, to give new characters and world the spotlight, but instead I'm afraid that the main 6 and all the previous characters will overshadow the new ones 😓
@angrybrony 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sceptical of the details. Anything could be news like this days could always be fake. I'll wait for a trailer or something more substantial.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, it’s coming from the literal Vice President of Branding, soo...
@nicolotafa8921 3 жыл бұрын
I hope they're gonna do something like yugioh gx
@jshadowhunter 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not really bothered by the fact that the established universe of G4 will transition into G5. There's so much worldbuilding that it would just feel like it would go to waste as it took 10 years to build everything to where it is now. That being said, the article had a notable red flag. When words of "activism" and "diversity and inclusion" are said to be promoted in a series continuation that was BUILT TO BE DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE by its very nature, you start getting the vibes of those same words being used to promote the future incarnations of already established series like Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr. Who, etc. and see in what current state they are today because of that.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think we have anything to worry about with the diversity thing. Outrage peddlers have just conditioned the internet to reel whenever they hear that word mentioned in media.
@jshadowhunter 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling That's the thing. I went both through SW and ST when they got "infected". And whIle I'm not a fan of Dr. Who, when the announcement was made I've seen the signs coming a mile away after experiencing them 2x. Last thing we need is soapbox smugglers posing as quality goods peddlers infiltrating this fandom as well.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
What we also don’t need is outrage peddlers crying afoul whenever diversity is so much as mentioned. Let the work speak for itself.
@darinae34 3 жыл бұрын
lol sonic was the last in the race
@shadowslytherin5999 3 жыл бұрын
If Louis the so with and for story telling and try tone that 5 nights at Freddy's
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
...Please read your comment and make sure it makes sense before you post it.
@Nick-di9dv 3 жыл бұрын
Ahhh 😩 it's pointless to form an opinion or "feeling" about g5. For now, we didn't get anything, not a trailer, screenshot, sinopsis... Nothing. We know only some consepts and for all we know that might changed ten time before the official release.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I can still give my thoughts on the information we were given and explain what my hopes and concerns are based on official sources. Also, considering that this is supposed to come out this year, and the statement came from the VP of branding, and the fact that MLP is a multimedia franchise where the products tie in with the show, their plan is very unlikely to change because that also means changing the designs and plans for the toys and other material.
@Zodia195 3 жыл бұрын
Focus on lore. I can see where you're coming from Sketchy, but for me I think with Gen 4, DHX did an awesome job with the stories and characters, but I found the lore lacking due to not getting everything explained. I view lore as like the foundation of a created world, especially if it's fantasy. Like the nature of alicorns I felt was poorly handled and that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Hopefully the new animated studio handling G5 though doesn't forget what made G4 great though. My own personal concern is if they make Gen 5 completely 3D. I don't want 3D, but that's just the 2D artist in me. My other concern is how is Gen 5 going to air. Will it still be on Discovery Family? I am worried I'll miss out on the Gen 5 movie too because it'll depend on this Pandemic and when I'll be able to get a vaccine. I am cautiously optimistic too and like you I am very happy we're getting a brand new cast.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
We don't need a focus on lore. At all. Lore is not the foundation of a good world. It is the byproduct of a good world. Look at shows like Avatar. While there is the general idea of benders and the 4 elements, they NEVER explain lore just for the sake of it. Any worldbuilding or lore in that show was always in service of the characters and the plot because that's the part that's actually important. We don't learn about how Katara's mom died until she went looking for her killer. We don't learn about the sexism in the Northern Water Tribe until they get in the way of Katara's training. We don't learn about what life is like in the Fire Nation until the Gaang has to infiltrate their borders. Lore is best dealt with when explained as needed, not explained for the sake of every single question a fan may have. If it's not important to the story, it doesn't need an explanation. It's not MLP's (or any other show, for that matter) job to explain every single piece of the world to the viewers, especially when the viewers that actually care about that stuff were never a part of the target audience to begin with. Stories and characters will always be more important than lore, no matter what the genre is.
@tudoraragornofgreyscot8482 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling Ah lore is important because it’s the flesh of a setting, the stage where the stiry takes place. You literally can’t look at Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40k, Earthsea, and D&D and tell say that their worldbuilding and lore was unnecessary.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Ah, so you’re the one that sent that tumblr ask. Well, I’ll just take my response there and put it here: I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the setting isn’t the only part of a story, and that’s something that lore nerds seem to regularly forget. Not to mention Warhammer 40k and DnD don’t even belong in this conversation because those are games where YOU, the player, make your own story with the world and materials you’re given because they are Tabletop RPGs. They’re an interactive medium. The point of those games is to provide a playground for you to construct your own narrative. The fact that you’re putting these two things in the same realm as TV shows and movies shows a lack of understanding of the most basic of differences between media. This is exactly why I said that people who obsess over lore tend to miss the forest for the trees. Thanks for proving my point. On top of that, you’re putting words in my mouth. I never said that lore wasn’t important. I said that it’s not the most important thing and should not be the primary focus, which is a completely different statement.
@nightshroud9671 3 жыл бұрын
@Zodia195 Yeah.. they sure handled alicorns(especially Luna and Celestia) pretty poorly, especially during crisis stuff and not exploring the sisters' origins. Which really got on my nerves.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
We didn’t need their origins explained in the show because it wasn’t relevant to the story. On top of that, we already got their origins explained to us in a book that came out over half a decade ago.
@dippyknucklesdynonoodle2614 3 жыл бұрын
you should play Minecraft
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t take video requests. Please stop spamming requests in the comments.
@MR-SINISTER76 3 жыл бұрын
To be honest i think hasbro made the right choice if you look at anything before 2010 its complete garbage so it really makes no sence to completely change what worked with fim cause then gen 5 would probably be trash too
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Not necessarily. A savvy writer will look at what makes G4 work and apply that to a new gen.
@MR-SINISTER76 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling i guess thats possibe lets just hope it can be as good as gen 4 was
@cameroncraftwer8117 3 жыл бұрын
Soooooo its not gonna be for kids. Most little kids aka my little pony age Demographic are mostly likely not gonna have watched the original show Therefore they won't understand anything. This show is Suppose to be for kid why are they trying to make it a anime.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Again, they didn’t say it was going to rely on the original show. It’s just going to be in the same setting with all-new characters. Like I said, it’s very possible that it’ll be something akin to YuGiOh GX where it’s very newcomer friendly and while it takes place in the same world as the previous series, you don’t need to know what happened in the previous series to understand what’s going on.
@cameroncraftwer8117 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah maybe your right but I would bet all my Anime Figures that that's what they will do. And even if we don't have to watch the previous series to understand this 1 there is still the fact that they now know what's gonna make them money They know what makes the bronies jump there going to have more fighting more episodes like Do princesses dream of magic sheep It's most likely not going to be for kids or it will be made for kid but not enjoyable to kids.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
Once again, we have no way of knowing this. I can only go off of the information I’m given, and I can’t make such a conclusive statement as “they are absolutely not gonna make the show for kids”. For one, that makes literally no sense. They have to at least appeal to kids on some level if they want them to buy the toys. If the kids can’t connect with the show, that hurts toy sales. For two, as I said, cautious optimism is the name of the game.
@cameroncraftwer8117 3 жыл бұрын
@@SketchytheChangeling Yeah your right we don't have Enough information for me to make that claim.I apologize for my ignorance.
@millabasset1710 3 жыл бұрын
I wanted season 10, Hasbro sucks for ruining this show with the last 2 seasons and canceling EQG. So now they want to do a lore based show? Funny, because they started that with season 7 and the Movie, only to revert back to basics with the school in season 8. There's no creative mind behind this series, and new characters in the same universe a century later is an unoriginal idea.
@SketchytheChangeling 3 жыл бұрын
1. Season 9 was perfectly fine. It’s seasons 7 and 8 that were bad. 2, Neither I nor the article i linked said that G5 will be a lore-based show. All we know is that it will take place in the same world as FiM but in the future. How far into the future has not been disclosed. 3. “There’s no creative mind behind this series” You have literally no way of knowing that and neither of us have enough information to make such a conclusive statement. It sounds less like a critique and more like venting about the fact that we didn’t get a season 10.
G5 is ACTUALLY over (for real this time)
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