andrew KM 書是書表演是表演,沒有一個表演是需要上萬字解說,巴格拉斯效果規則只有4條, 1.在表演開始前撲克可以展示,没有重复的牌。 2.觀眾任意說一張牌。他们不是托,可以不受限制的從52張牌中任意說一張。 3.另一名觀眾任意说一個1到52之間的數字。他們也不是托,并且不受任何限制。 4.邀请第三名觀眾来數牌,數第二名觀眾说出来的數字。表演者在表演的過程中不接触牌。
@billyubillyu yeah you are right they are a bit different, maybe she nudged the pile somehow, she seems clumsy enough. he's shown this magic many times now even in that magic conference in front of all the foreign magicians i doubt they would let him touch the cards.
THIS IS A FAKE VIDEO!!!! Go at min 8.07 and see the face-up cards, now go at 8.38 and you will see the cards in different position (King of Hearts is under the 7 of Spades and it is not visible at min 8.07 but at min 8.38 it is in fullview) Video Editing??? LOL