Congratulations on reaching 1 Million views! I've been listening to this for over a year since I didn't know much about Touhou Project before (Yeah, I was young), Now this video makes me enjoy Touhou Project! Also, I practiced singing, And later, I was able to sing the song until now! (Not 100% perfect accent, But able to sing XD) Edits: Ah... 15 Years now? So nostalgic!
夜雾(やぎり)の间(ま)に间(ま)に月(つき)充(み)ち満(み)ちて Ya gi ri no ma ni ma ni tsu ki mi chi mi chi te 仰(あお)ぐその様(さま)人(ひと)知(し)れず a o gu so no sa ma hi to shi re zu 隠(かく)れ秘(ひ)められし天手力(たじから)は Ka ku re hi me ra re shi ta ji ka ra wa 比(くら)ぶるべきもの无(な)し Ku ra bu ru be mo no na shi 栖(す)まう土地(とち)なく天(てん)の沙汰(さた)もなく Su ma u to chi na ku ten no sa ta mo na ku 隅(すみ)に暗(やみ)にと息潜(いきひそ)め su mi ni ya mi ni to i ki hi so me されど人(ひと)の生(い)きる渊(ふち)には Sa re do hi to no i ki ru hu chi ni wa 常(つね)に根(ね)ざすものたち tsu ne ni ne za su mo no ta chi 荒(すさ)ぶる神(かみ)と讃(たた)えられもせば Su sa bu ru ka mi to ta ta e ra re mo sen ba 悪(あ)しき化生(けしょう)と打(う)ち払(はら)われて a shi ki ke shou to u chi ha ra wa re te 人(ひと)の怖(おそ)れそれさえも Hi to no o so re so re sa e mo すべて绊(きずな)が为(ため) su be te ki zu na ga ta me 黄昏(たそがれ)过(す)ぎていまぞ宵(よい)の口(くち) Ta so ga re su gi te i ma zo yo i no ku chi 宴(うたげ)に集(つど)え依童(よりわら)よ u ta ge ni tsu do e yo ri wa ra yo なれどそれは人(ひと)の欺(あざむ)き Na re do so re wa hi to no a za mu ki 狩(か)られゆくものたち ka ra re yu ku mo no ta chi もはや楽(たの)しき伊吹(いぶき)などは无(な)く Mo ha ya ta no shi ki i bu ki na do wa na ku 月(つき)の明(あ)かりさえ砕(くだ)かれて tsu ki no a ka ri sa e ku da ka re te かつての绊(きずな)は绝(た)え果(は)てる Ka tsu te no ki zu na wa ta e ha te ru 永久(とわ)に消(き)えたものたち to wa ni ki e ta mo no ta chi 过(す)ぎる年月(としつき)を几(いく)つ経(へ)たことか Su gi ru to shi tsu ki wo i ku tsu he ta ko to ka いずれ人(ひと)にも忘(わす)れ去(さ)られて i zu re hi to ni mo wa su ra sa ra re te 幽(かす)かに残(のこ)る幻(まぼろし)は Ka su ka ni no ko ru ma bo ro shi wa いつか见(み)た萃(すい)梦想(むそう) I tsu ka mi ta a tsu mu mu sou 中: 在層層的夜霧之間月亮圓又圓 仰望到的那形貌是人們所陌生的 而其身懷的神力 無人可相比 沒有棲身的土地也與天界毫無瓜葛 只潛藏在角落與黑暗中 然而他們卻經常紮根於 人們所聚居之處 有人讚頌他們為粗暴之神 卻也被視為邪惡的化生而遭到驅除 而就連讓人們感受到的恐懼 也都只是為了想和人類有所牽繫而已 黃昏已過今宵正要開始 乩童們啊聚集到宴會來吧 然而那卻是人類的欺瞞 他們逐漸地被捕殺 如今已沒有什麼歡樂的伊吹 就連月光也被打碎 昔日的牽繫已完全斷絕 他們永久地消失了 不知經過了多少流逝的年月 最後他們也已被人類遺忘 那幽幽地殘留的幻影 是不知何時看見過的萃夢想 有人讚頌他們為粗暴之神 卻也被視為邪惡的化生而遭到驅除 而就連讓人們感受到的恐懼 也都只是為了想和人類有所牽繫而已 不知經過了多少流逝的年月 最後他們也已被人類遺忘 那幽幽地殘留的幻影 是不知何時看見過的萃夢想
The only thing i can hope is for more people to discover this hidden gem happy 1 million views!
@haze24272 жыл бұрын
Just discovered it and i love it!
@CeriTsujimura2 жыл бұрын
indeed a happy 1 million views, after 14 years too damn
@ShrimpFry_Cute Жыл бұрын
I frickin love it
@utnkm7 жыл бұрын
@フーモ-b6z5 ай бұрын
前回のコメントから3年か 時の流れは恐ろしい
@user-sw3333-Y Жыл бұрын
@漆黒-m5v Жыл бұрын
少年やん あの頃は良かったぞ
@チャマッ-s4h Жыл бұрын
@warmmemories99487 жыл бұрын
@MetalGearRaxis15 жыл бұрын
It's actually really sad T_T THanks for posting the lyrics!
@keikeisakamaki坂巻2 ай бұрын
@NyaasanSA13 жыл бұрын
[Rough Eng Sub] The round and shining moon within the layers and layers the mists of night, looking up at the unfamiliar shape to human, embodying unparallelled strength that no men can match, unchained by the earth and heaven, hidden within the corner of darkness, yet they usually dwell at settlements of human, people tribute them as the raging brutal god, sees them as the embodiment of evil and repelled them, even from the feeling of fear in human, they just want to prospers with human,
@Tsukasalink2 жыл бұрын
Is there anyway that could put again as unlisted your private videos about Sigma Harmonics? or share? I've been watching them on WaybackMachine... but it stops to show any kind of subtitles from chapter 3's finale onward. The whole thing is on the verge of being lost media. Hopefully you see this comment,🤞
This song is so fun to whistle along to... and so relaxing too.
@JapanForSale12 жыл бұрын
Wow, that was the most unhelpful reply I've seen. Sorry about TheShotaLPlayer there. This is a remix of Suika Ibuki's theme, "砕月 Broken Moon", which itself is from the 10.5th Touhou game called "Scarlet Weather Rhapsody". It's a fighting game spin-off of the immensely popular bullet-hell Touhou series. In my opinion, Scarlet Weather Rhapsody has the best official remixes. It also helps that Suika has a good theme too. Here's a video of the original theme from SWR itself: /watch?v=d9XK2YVcv9U
@Mizuki_is_life4 жыл бұрын
The SWR version is a remix of the IaMP one
@lolamthomas12 жыл бұрын
東方萃夢想 is a game. suika is the boss in the game.
@CeriTsujimura2 жыл бұрын
to think this video is 14 years old now, man it's been awhile
@leopold621 1. 砕月~天零萃夢 breaking the moon (or broken moon) ~ (the latter part doesn't make much sense but) heaven's slightest gathering dream 2. i) Through spots and spots of night fog, has been filled and filled light of the moon They look up the sky, which nobody knows Yet their hidden power is comparable to nothing Having no places to live nor heaven's judge done Into darkness to darkness they hide their breath Yet they are ones who always settle down on a corner of human living
@rennko785 жыл бұрын
最後の文と萃香のシーン好きだわ めちゃ泣きそうになった( ノД`)…
@川倉扇耶子9 жыл бұрын
@グルングルン-k6r Жыл бұрын
@Suika-.-Dayo Жыл бұрын
15年前かー みんなこの曲知ってるのかな?
@野見山洋敏8 жыл бұрын
@永遠の5歳児です5 жыл бұрын
@さんす-n8q4 жыл бұрын
@Rukky-GARUPAN5 жыл бұрын
@やぶりよ9 жыл бұрын
@尚典岩井7 жыл бұрын
やぶりよ どっちも世界観がサイコーやね!
@jm4747-o5v2 жыл бұрын
This music very charming and nostalgiatic
@bazim131415 жыл бұрын
很平淡,無憂的感覺 推薦+1好聽
@TFERA212 жыл бұрын
@ようきなようき2 жыл бұрын
100万再生行った!毎日聞いてたからかな?( ^ω^ )
@星影-p3s Жыл бұрын
@nklmiloq13 жыл бұрын
For one they are reputed as a raging god, for another they are driven away called evil monster Even man's fear is all due to their bond ii) Passing time of twilight now comes tip of evening Come over here for the feast, you shaman But that is man's deceit Ones who get hunted Cozy Mt Ibuki (pun on 'breath') is gone any longer Even moonlight is broken The bond in the past is run out Ones who disappeared for ever
@済み編集-h1t5 жыл бұрын
@1234rainmaker4 жыл бұрын
@伊吹彭香2 жыл бұрын
@saito221914 жыл бұрын
@自宅警備員さんプロの5 жыл бұрын
@HolyGuyz8113 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the translations so just one more favor from you guys. Which one can i trust?
@上白隆二2 жыл бұрын
@LiangHuBBB14 жыл бұрын
This sounds really sad.Very beautiful song though.