EDIT: He did mention Brazil. I just wrote the comment to tell a bit of the history here. AFAIK, there were attempts during the 1940s also. Sen. Suplicy's goal is what Zizek described but we can't afford that so, for now it's to guarantee the very poor can have some room to breathe. ----- Renda Básica ... he spoke in Brazilian Portuguese. In Brazil this idea exists since the re-democratization. Magalhães Teixeira and Franco Montoro (Social Democrat Party/PSDB) started small projects. Eduardo Suplicy (Workers Pary/PT) is a pioneer of the idea that is the center of all his life in politics. Cristovam Buarque (PT up to 2004/Democratic Workers Party/PDT now), a politician that has in the center of his public life the defense of high quality public education for all Brazilians, implemented a minimum income program attached to a demand for children to be in school: a very successful program that later was implemented in the Federal Government by Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB). Later, Lula(PT) unified the program (Income for Education/Bolsa Escola) with other welfare programs and changed its name to Family Income/Bolsa Família. Lula ended his second term in 2010. If I'm not mistaken, he visited Brazil more than once during the period.