Slow Down Move Over Video

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Clark County Fire District 6

Clark County Fire District 6

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Every year dozens of emergency roadside workers are killed by motorists who are impared, distracted, or careless. Clark County Fire District 6 teams up with AAA Washington, WSDOT, and local tow truck operators to produce a public affairs segment highlighting the problem--and a solution.

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@rexross7086 10 ай бұрын
No, you're not really targets. There're just a lot of morons who do not care and the police who do not enforce their own laws. I used to drive tow trucks in Arizona for 3 years. And we would have to call the cops out for special occasions. As we were in a tunnel, I had one show up about an hour later after. I had already gotten the truck on my trailer and the cop goes well. What do you want me to do and I said you should have been here and done your job and keep me safe. They make all these rules. They say move over or slow down, but even the police do not do it. People who blatantly disregard this law need to have a ticket and/or lose their license and points on their records.
@mikesmith8952 10 ай бұрын
We are targets much like Bugs are attracted to bug Zappers! People/drivers are fools when behind the wheel.
@boatbound3300 10 ай бұрын
Roads are not safe anywhere, nobody is enforcing the laws.
@ralphowens4510 10 ай бұрын
That all started with the Covid scare, law enforcement stopped doing there job.
@dangerdoberman 10 ай бұрын
Law enforcement can't be everywhere. How about learning how to drive better.
@popgoestheweasel95 10 ай бұрын
You’re never gonna get morons to drive better keep dreaming. Try riding a motorcycle every day on the highway and see how much fun that is we need more enforcement of laws.
@_bobjohnson1157 9 ай бұрын
Law enforcement seems to be more concerned with worthless scenarios such as semi trucks’ license plate lights that might not even have a tag to illuminate being burnt out, and the bed being made at all times (Yes, those are actual regulations), to be concerned about people driving with no insurance, road rage, etc.
@mikeboggs-p2t 10 ай бұрын
As a tow truck operator for 4 years myself, I can honestly say that this is one of the most dangerous jobs a person can have. I have been on many calls handeling death situations and on several occasions almost became road kill myself! HANG UP THE DAMN PHONE AND DRIVE!
@2009carol2010 10 ай бұрын
​@Harold_Francis_CallahanThat's a great analogy, "white blood cells." 😁
@BerraLJ 9 ай бұрын
@Harold_Francis_Callahan When i got my trucking license the teacher told me to slow down cause that forces others to slow as well since we are hard to pass, it should be common sense really but guess people ran out of that. I watch Ron Pratt driving his rotator and it sure seems scary with cars and semis passing him doing 50-60 a few feet away.
@joed9491 10 ай бұрын
Having stopped my share for violating the Move-Over Law, it's always the same excuse "I didn't know!" All the signs on the highway, both electronic and fixed, a DMV question on your exam in most, if not all states if you received your license in the past 20-25 years along with Drivers Ed teaching it and "I didn't know?" Now you know the type of drivers out there. Ever want to see the stupidity of drivers? Next time you see a cop directing traffic, just watch and see what they are dealing with. We have a saying and that's "You can't fix stupid, but you can give it a court date!"
@funnyfarm5555 10 ай бұрын
Exactly why I think every driver should be retested every renewal. Do it as an online test; if they pass then they are responsible. They can look up the answers online or get a drivers manual, but at least we are having persons becoming familiar with the laws. I do believe the one other commenter; POlice are some of the worst drivers out there. I have seen illegal driving by officers, them driving right by a vehicle with no/expired tags and breaking the law.. If I can see it why can't they when they are right next to me?
@2009carol2010 10 ай бұрын
People are becoming sociopathic. Only THEY matter. The worst I've seen always involve drivers speeding and distracted.
@thepixielife219 10 ай бұрын
My late Brother and SIL both work(ed) fora towing company. I've asked my SIL and she tells me horror stories that make me just sick to my stomach. My Brother didn't die on the road, but I know he is missed by everyone that was in his life
@MrGaryGG48 11 ай бұрын
Having carried a CDL for 50+ years, I've seen far too many situations that shouldn't have occurred on the highways. These highway workers, 1st responders, tow truck crews, Highway Patrols & Local Officers are on the roads at all hours of the day and night. All of them need to be alert to the dangers on the roads but they also have the jobs to accomplish that take them out there. I had a driver's license examiner ask me, "How far down the road should you be looking while you're driving?" I didn't remember exactly what was in the pamphlet but I told him what I've always done and what I've taught new drivers I've trained. "You should always be looking as far down the road as you can see..." The faster you're going, the farther you should be watching, while still paying attention to the traffic in the next lane. This is even more immediately important to these people out on the highways taking care of the public drivers. I've seen an incident two lanes to my left take out 7 cars so fast you couldn't even count it. Tailgating at 75+ mph and something happened in front of the lead car. They all folded up like a stack of cards in a very short instant. This can happen anywhere along the road at nearly any time. Pay attention to your surroundings... always!! There are many lives at stake... even your own and your passengers.
@sirmatt1961-jx4bb 10 ай бұрын
part of the issue is PEOPLE don't pay attention to the car or van or pickup they are operating because they are distracted By Music,cell phones,another driver, something they see on the side of the road ,, most people don't think while they are traveling at 60MPH or faster, heck they barley pay attention in slower local traffic because of something blinding them Mentally.. as a retired Tow truck operator I've seen so many people do so many STUPID moves.. teaching my daughter to drive before she got her Permit to learn she has taken in the fact you don't just look up/down the road,, you look everywhere there is traffic.. you never know what you will see to avoid an accident..
@strong40 10 ай бұрын
I drive truck as well, it's amazing how many people do not move over when they have plenty of time and space to do so. Usually middle age to elderly drivers that either don't give a F or have the mental reaction capacity equal to Biden
@middleclassretiree 10 ай бұрын
Absolutely look long always know what’s around you and have a escape plan
@rbwoodwork1890 10 ай бұрын
I was a rapid response mechanic for Cat, I had several near misses on the freeway and eventually refused to do any road side maintenance! Just wasn’t worth it! And actually the semi trucks were the worst! I get that you can’t always move over but the lanes are 6 ft wider than the truck so that’s at least 5 ft you could give! Had one truck take the mirror off the truck I was working on and that truck was up against the guard rail with 3 ft to the fog line.
@cameroncurrie7208 10 ай бұрын
That's a law in Canada as well. Where do you need to be so bad that you can't slow down for a second.
@Pappazeko 10 ай бұрын
Hi, We have the same problem in Australia. In the State where I live (Victoria), they have a law that says, if there is an emergency vehicle on the side of the road with its lights flashing, you must slow to 40 Kilometers per Hour (About 25 MPH). At the moment Tow Trucks are not included. But will be, if the Transport Department ever get of their Asses. I say to my employees. "Death waits on the fog line". Problem is most drivers are not paying attention. Thousands of dollars in warning lights. But if they are not looking out through the big window at the front its all a waste of time. Be Safe. Peter. Williams Towing Bendigo.
@Pappazeko 10 ай бұрын
G'Day, Yes that makes sense. Unfortunately not many people driving are paying attention. All service vehicles on the highway should be given the same rule.I am always looking up the road when on the RHS of my towtruck. Some days it seems people are just out to F^K your day. Be Safe. Regards PW
@TimBullins-f6r 10 ай бұрын
I'm a truck driver and slow down and move over for any vehicle 😊
@normsweet1710 10 ай бұрын
I’ve been moving to the left lane since 1983 for vehicles & emergency ….. many a time a grateful driver waved as I went by.
@ksb2112 10 ай бұрын
It makes me crazy when I think about how little awareness people have of the actual dangers of driving. Two to four tons of metal moving at 65 m.p.h. is an unbelievable amount of energy.
@AMERICANPATRIOT1945 10 ай бұрын
When you are driving, common sense has it that if you see potential trouble ahead or something just doesn't feel right, immediately cover you brake and slow down. You just might save your own life and a lot of trouble plus vehicle damage. Even if it turns out to be false positive, at least you covered yourself. If you don't cover and move over, you may discover the hard way that something really was wrong as you slam into the back of a cement truck or some other large immovable object. It is better to be safe than to risk being sorry or dead.
@erickearnes9644 10 ай бұрын
I drove a gasoline tanker for about 20 years and I have seen people that cut me off from the far left lane to take the exit on the right side of the road. I ran around the Washington area beltway in northern Virginia into Maryland,I was going around the beltway into Maryland up 495 to rt.270 and I seen traffic in the left lane beside me, 3 cars 🚙 were following each other and the first one in line brake checked the ones behind him and the second one turned right in front of me & knocked the front end out from under my truck & then I was sliding along with NO steering heading for the jersey wall and that is what stopped me. Had 8800 gallons of gasoline in the trailer. but didn't lose a bit of the load Thank God for that 🙏🙏🙏❤️ Amen ✋👍
@william121852 10 ай бұрын
People are just to busy on the CELL PHONES and not paying attention ! I see that ALL the time and it cause's to many accidents !
@benjones1715 10 ай бұрын
i do towing one of my buddies was hit and killed after loading a car on his rollback he was getting his truck when hit him on 31w near louisville ky 7 years ago rip to all those whos live was taken doing there job
@julie-og4lu 10 ай бұрын
Sad these towdrivers ate there protecting your family. But yet yall can't move over or slow down. Till it happens to your family. And you want to bitch about it
@jcspider7259 10 ай бұрын
Massive respect for tow truck operators. 😎❤
@mikesmith8952 10 ай бұрын
I used my wrecker as a blocking truck if I was changing a tire or delivering fuels. I turned my steer tires away from my customers and myself helping them because if the truck is hit by chance it will absorb much of the energy plus, hopefully direct both vehicles away from us both. Thankfully this also pissed off many people as they were Forced to slow down and move over at least one lane!😊. The state troopers loved it .
@georgiabobcat8695 10 ай бұрын
People drive like idiots and it's getting worse. Not enough law enforcement on the roads.
@Naturegirl1976 10 ай бұрын
I almost got killed on may 8 2019 when a woman was on her damned cellphone texting while driving hit be at over 45mph while i was stopped at a red light. I had to have a 2nd major knee surgery and won my lawsuit for 100 grand. I barlwy got 59 grand after m y lawyer took thier share. But my kneecap will never be the same. Some folks shouldn't have a driver's license
@2009carol2010 10 ай бұрын
@YourLocalCountryBoy23 10 ай бұрын
@StrikeBuster-b2b 10 ай бұрын
Some people don't pull far enough off of the road.
@Jehoshua.J.A.K. 10 ай бұрын
What happens if youu dont slow down and move over? Absolutlely no consequences. Not effective in the slightest!
@tracywilliams7637 10 ай бұрын
When I was small, late 1960s my grandfather was a fire captain in Galveston TX, some place in America a driver failed to yield, i think he may have been impaired, caused an accident that resulted in the death of several firefighters. The impact on the firefighters around me at that time has made me a siren and lights aware person. Every flashing light has a family connected. Be aware.
@dodgeguyz 10 ай бұрын
Slow the people down that are speeding! Far to many people are driving 80 plus mph! And think they only need to move over or slow down for emergency vehicles. When in reality it’s for any vehicle with flashing lights on or stopped on the side of the highway!
@alanmccalla6737 10 ай бұрын
Extend an outrigger. As a tow truck driver it can be repaired or replaced. You can't be replaced!
@middleclassretiree 10 ай бұрын
The police need to enforce this law more, some of them don’t even adhere to it though
@johnchamberlain9512 10 ай бұрын
You should move over for every vehicle on the shoulder especially if you see a person
@mikesmith8952 10 ай бұрын
I was an owner operator of a two truck towing company. I welcomed the national "Slow down Move Over" law when it went into effect, I/we needed it badly but sadly since over 60% of US drivers do NOT have a VALID Drivers license let alone any Auto insurance it seems our county's lawmakers don't really care about people's Safety. I've had many close calls yet was never hit by distracted drivers, I've had to literally dive for my own safety! Luckily the state I live and worked in allowed certain Wreckers to use Red emergency lighting which my trucks used. All LED's & bright as heck. It helped to slow many cars down as they weren't sure if the Law was present!😮.. Disobeying this law should cost the driver $1,000 for their first offence 🤬 and Double for the second ticket. If there happens to be a third stop for the same reason again 🤯🤯🤯 they get to watch as their auto is towed away, impounded and then CRUSHED flat ❤. Only once drivers Learn it will cost them $$$ and finally their Autos, trucks, etc will they possibly learn the Rules/Laws of the US. I finally retired but still do some private Towing for Fun now. All my trucks, vehicles sport, Slow Down Move Over bumper stickers 😊😊. Stay safe, respect ALL EMS vehicles as one day soon they maybe attempting' to save you're' life ❤ or a friend's or family member❤.
@Mr.Mopar.23-7 10 ай бұрын
The part of the "Move over law" I disagree with, move over for everyone parked or broke down on our roadways shoulder. Every person's life is equally important, not just emergency vehicles. I drove professionally for 42 years. It is frightening to be mechanically unable to get to the next safe place/exit and be a sitting duck to distracted or drunk drivers. Distracted drivers, as compared to drunk drivers, are a 100 to 1.
@mannymayer9250 10 ай бұрын
Why not on all tow truck responses also be required to have a crash attenuation truck assigned and properly positioned? I realize this would increase the costs of tow truck fees but probably would save tow truck drivers lives. They use crash attenuation trucks for construction zones, why not for the towing industry?
@frederickjeremy 10 ай бұрын
As a fellow who has and still does drive some rickedy old vehicles that break down from time to time… if you see someone having a bad day on the side of the road emergency vehicle or know, give them as much space and reduced speed as you can. Heck maybe even see if you can help them out if your feeling froggy and capable.
@fixitman2174 10 ай бұрын
Laws don't protect anyone when the general attitude is "it's only illegal if you're caught". Better enforcement is the only thing that will correct that attitude.
@CharlesCurran-m9p 10 ай бұрын
While the move over law is well intentioned I don’t think we consider it’s unintended consequences. I have seen clueless drivers not notice the roadside vehicles and at the last minute swerve left and collide with another car causing both of them to skid into the cop or rescue vehicle. Similarly they slam on the brakes causing a rear end collision. I guess no matter what safety measures you enact there will always be someone dumb enough to thwart them.
@alm7707 10 ай бұрын
Here in Saskatchewan you must slow to 60km/hr (about 35 MPH) when passing a vehicle with flashing lights. Most roads and highways here are not divided, so slowing is for passing or meeting a flashing vehicle. Fines start at $240 and increase by $6 to 12 per km over 60. Doing the speed limit of 100km/hr past a tow truck would be $720 and likely you'd get points against your licence. I know 35 mph would be unrealistic in a lot of places, but at least put down your phone and switch lanes
@clarkcountyfiredistrict6548 10 ай бұрын
Excellent information @alm7707, thank you for your input. Hey, we're curious about something. We produced this video more than a year ago and now all of a sudden it's becoming viral. Do you recall how you became aware of this video? We're wondering why it's just now taking off. Glad it is though.
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
Showed up on my homepage, glad it did. This is something I constantly pound into the kids I teach to drive...give EVERYONE more room! Following distance, emergencies, all of it.
@dirtbeard108 10 ай бұрын
smartphones should be disabled when inside a moving vehicle. sorry if that's an inconvenience.
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
@danielpullum1907 11 ай бұрын
God Bless and Care for all of YOU>>>>>!!!!!
@towcars5550 10 ай бұрын
I did towing for 10 years i left for that reason also even police dont respect u
@account4info 10 ай бұрын
Police in general have lost respect and it shows
@meaculpamishegas 10 ай бұрын
It should apply to anyone on the side of the road
@1963-Ford-Galaxie 10 ай бұрын
Thank You Tow Operators!!! You are very important entities of Today's Society AND DESERVE said RESPECT!!! Thank You, Stay Safe and God Bless ALL of YOU!!!
@17kcotsdoow86 10 ай бұрын
Slow down and pull over only works if you at least give drivers doing 60mph a heads up that you're an emergency vehicle. One problem is the tilt decks That raise up and block the lights. You just showed one sitting there loading and the light are blocked. I don't know how many times I've come on a tow truck parked at the side of the road, deck up and you can't see the lights. There's no cones or a cone at the corner of the truck. If you're doing 60 miles an hour and you can't see that it's not just a car on the shoulder but an active emergency work site, how the hell do we have time to slow and pull over. Yes, there are dumb asses that'll run into the back of lit up cop cars and need to wake up behind the wheel, but you guy's gotta do your part too. Go for a walk and put your cones out where they're supposed to be.
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
So start moving over and slowimg down for anyone on the shoulder? Its only polite...
@charles6952 10 ай бұрын
All modern tow trucks have controls on both sides. Unless you are willing to play poker with the reaper than you best have the right equipment. That first ten seconds of the video proved that. Modern LED emergency lights blind incoming drivers in the critical range.
@nrakma 10 ай бұрын
The majority of the time it’s the failure of Law Enforcement or the Fire Dept to slow down traffic and provide a safety zone at collision scenes. There is no reason that any vehicle should be passing thru at more than 20 MPH until the scene is clear.
@JasonT850 9 ай бұрын
I always slow down and move over, even for just a stalled car on the side of the road. I tend to look in my review mirror and 90% of the others do the same. But, like always, you have idiot drivers out there who don't care, don't think or are distracted.
@pk3000gt 10 ай бұрын
And country wide it has become normal that this law is not enforced! Law enforcement across the nation seems to only be there after the fact to make the police report!
@woohoofromtexasharris4814 10 ай бұрын
It's the dam four wheelers, semi turns on turn signal, and the dam cars won't let them over. 😁❤️🇺🇸
@patrickgarrison7640 10 ай бұрын
And what's the common denominator? Cell phones.
@VladimirBlarp 10 ай бұрын
Great message, but I just can't take anyone seriously when they're wearing a face diaper
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
Then you are even denser than ypu sound!
@VladimirBlarp 9 ай бұрын
@@RICDirector I'm actually very intelligent. People that wear face diapers, especially outside, are the ones that have serious brain disorders.
@leegoldeneagle9003 10 ай бұрын
I always slow an move over see so many not sorry 😔
@carlomedina5310 10 ай бұрын
I am a cdl class A and I see the town trucks drive way up over the speed limits because they run to be the first to give the services like taxis .no signals, run red lights, no turn on red respect all this is why they risking their and other drivers lives.
@standtall7646 10 ай бұрын
What?! "According to the CDC"?!!! I thought they were going to say the vases were 15 more times as deadly as vehicle accidents 😂🤣 Why is CDC even remotely connected to these accidents. Puzzling.
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
Because they track deaths amd their causes.
@missmindersue 10 ай бұрын
Get the CELL PHONES outa cars, I see it everyday, drivers going 60-70 mph while on their CELL PHONES 😡😡😡
@lawrencegolba2244 9 ай бұрын
When I see an emergency vehicle or a disabled vehicle, I immediately put my hazard flashers on to warn other drivers. I check my mirrors and start slowing down. If see I can't move over, I will hug the far side of the lane and slow down as much as possible without interfering with trucker following distances.
@3ppcli 9 ай бұрын
When some States allow for a misdemeanor charge for DUI. Why would someone care about (slow down and move over).
@chrissmith-no3bo 9 ай бұрын
Me and couple friends were on our way back from Springfield Missouri to Quincy Illinois and my passenger side front wheel blew. As we waited for tow to Walmart to fix tire the tire kept going flat so he came back out towed us to his shop found a tire after almost two hours and we were on our way again. Made it home right as the sun was rising. He went out of his way to help us.
@marklapierre5629 10 ай бұрын
No all cops or truck drivers are paragons of virtue. I had a cop run a stop sign at the end of an on ramp and dam near T-Bone me. Of course, if he had it me, it would have been my fault for not avoiding the collision.
@davezul4396 9 ай бұрын
It’s sad that people don’t have the natural instinct to slow the vehicle and give clearance to any vehicle stopped on the shoulder. Even worse are the drivers that intentionally close their following gap preventing people from moving around a stopped vehicle on a shoulder or roadside.
@_bobjohnson1157 10 ай бұрын
Slow down / move over laws rarely apply to private citizens changing a flat or whatever may be; only those with flashing lights. Some truck drivers will move over for any vehicle on the shoulder as long as space allows… as long as the left lane hogs will allow it
@RICDirector 9 ай бұрын
Who cares? Move and slow down ANYWAY
@_bobjohnson1157 9 ай бұрын
@@RICDirector say there’s a minivan beside me, ignoring my flashing turn signals. You’re telling me to run them off the road, potentially causing a secondary accident and you seem to be completely ok with it ?
@standtall7646 10 ай бұрын
They're still wearing masks? Seriously?
@clarkcountyfiredistrict6548 10 ай бұрын
This video was shot during the pandemic.
@thomasfletcher760 4 ай бұрын
And to this day a lot of people still don't ( it's disgusting )
@happymck4641 Ай бұрын
yeah right dude. when the officer accuses you of not moving over because there is "enough space" i hope you say the same shit and eat the ticket.
@rampar77 10 ай бұрын
Not all states had move over law. Some states only police, fire, ambulance are emergency vehicles. others are not.
@David80-lc1xh 10 ай бұрын
@victorbailey6233 10 ай бұрын
The slow down move over law has been infected in TX for a long time
@account4info 10 ай бұрын
@Harold_Francis_Callahan The old school TX drivers still do. Now days driving around Texas feels like California with different license plates
@Babeck 10 ай бұрын
why do they wear muzzels?
@nomusicrc 10 ай бұрын
Thumbs down for the clickbait
@timothyhorton6352 10 ай бұрын
I understand an emergency or a two truck driver, but a police officer writting a speeding ticket is not an emergency in my mind.
@alanmccalla6737 10 ай бұрын
U SOB !!!! Kyle Deatherage---Illinois State Trooper, Motorcycle Unit killed by a semi truck driver while doing his job on Interstate 55. Attempt to muster up some compassion for those who come to your assistance in darkness and nasty weather and 110 degree weather. Those troopers doing their job, whether writing a ticket or giving directions to an elderly driver, don't need you to think about what is being done. Just get over and slow down! Got it? Any questions? Read it again! Still got questions? Read it again! Got it now? It's the law. Obey it. (Author has 20 years experience).
@FlexedNoose 10 ай бұрын
It’s an emergency vehicle with red and blue lights like any fire or ambulance. Plus do you want to go to prison for likely life for possibly killing a cop or the other cars occupants
@2009carol2010 10 ай бұрын
So.... it's okay to speed past within inches of them??
@timothyhorton6352 10 ай бұрын
@2009carol2010 no, I say take your speeding ticket to a safe place ither than the shoulder. I have witnessed many accidents caused by this stupid move over rule for a non emergency situation. I understand any other situation involving emergency vehicles, but take the ticket writing to an off ramp or some other safe place. This is not an emergency and should not be treated as such.
@Ray56z 10 ай бұрын
Slow down, move over, PUT DOWN YOUR DAMN PHONE!
@myassizitchy 10 ай бұрын
I worked for M & M tire ans mechanical as a 18wheeler mechanic i did road calls all times of the day n nite from replacing tires, wheel bearings, air leaks to replacing turbos all on the side of the interstate. I had yellow flashin lights on my service truck and wed put caution cones up to 300 ft before the breakdown. But what i hated most was changing drivers side tires cause my butt was poked out in the road no matter what
@turnergriffin6054 9 ай бұрын
This is why I quit driving a Tow truck after almost getting hit a few times my wife said that was enuff I need you home so I walk away
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