Hallo, bedankt voor de handige video! Als voor mij, ik ben niet het mooiste handige klusser, maar ik kan sommige dingen om het huis doen. Bijvoorbeeld, ik kan de muren schilderen, schilderij ophangen, moebels samenstellingen en zo voort. Gellukig heb ik niks belangrijk gebroken en niets is zo erg fout gegaan. Maar, ik wil in de toekomst mijn eigen meubels leren bouwen. Mijn vader is heel handig met klussjes (vanwege zijn baan), dus ik ben ervan duidelijk jaloers! :)
@yoshidakezi5 ай бұрын
Omg, I can't stop laughing. For almost the whole video duration I thought "klussen" meant"to kiss"!😂 But some sentences didn't make sense so I finally looked at the English translation above your head and saw it wasn't about kissing! However, thank you for your super useful, essential and well planned videos. This one was the best😊
@GoingDutchCommunity5 ай бұрын
Hahaha, small but big difference 😉 at least you won't forget this word now 🙌
@MikhailMatrosov5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! An idea to consider: pronounce both dutch and English versions, sentence by sentence. That would allow to listen without watching (important in many situations), and also it is a little hard to read both dutch and English subtitles, or read English while hearing dutch.
@yoshidakezi5 ай бұрын
I personally find confusing listening to Dutch and English in the same video...what I do is watching the same video a few times. 🎉
@GoingDutchCommunity5 ай бұрын
Good suggestion, but I also agree with the other comment, I think it's important to understand the context of something when studying a foreign language, you don't have to understand 100% of the content - it's all about volume and repetition so it's definitely useful to go through it a couple of times - first time just listening - second time listening and reading along in Dutch - third time focusing on specific words you don't understand and looking at the english translation - at least that's how I like to do it :)
@mashed51315 ай бұрын
Het is raar dat klusjes helemaal goed gaan. Bijna altijd ontwikkelen nog wat problemen. Wanneer ik projecten doe moet ik veel reisen naar een ijzerwarenwinkel maken. Vorig weekend moest ik onze tomaten, die te hoog groeien, steunen met langen pijpen. Daarna kwam de wind die ze omver blies vanwege het zeileffect. Nu moet ik ze vastbinden. Het gaat steeds door.