So, this happened over the weekend...

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My Review - Aaron Fischer

My Review - Aaron Fischer

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@soulsanctuary2586 18 күн бұрын
So Happy you guys could hash everything out, be cordial to each other and are respectful of your different points of view. ❤️
@LUFFYGATLING 19 күн бұрын
Aaron, I’m sorry for being mean and calling you a bum. I think I did apologize before, but I just want to make it clear that I never attacked you or your family. I know you didn’t say I did, but I still want to say sorry. Even though I don’t always respect your opinions, I don’t hate them. Keep being a DC fan, man :) You’ll be a big dog one day!
@YEAR-1-RELICS 19 күн бұрын
A big dog someday ?? He's already that guy.
@L1ghtOn3 17 күн бұрын
That's very big of you my friend. We all have our differences, progressive conversations and debates should be had, not slandering one another etc. Let's hope DC becomes what it should be, a big massive epic dark gritty mysterious cinematic universe. Imho I don't think Gunn is the right guy, but it's where we are just now, like when new 52 came along, then DC Rebirth felt so good when it was "fixed" bk to respect the characters from before etc and felt more adult again for the main characters. I remember looking at Batmans square manly jaw again and features and going yep this is the better direction again looks wise and writing, not all new 52 was bad, but for the main characters and minus AM/GL it felt too youngish and unnecessary giving the finger to eras before and its fans and this is what I'm waiting for again in DC movies a REBIRTH of before, could Gunn pull it off? Doubt it he had the chance and far too silly and sees CB Superheros as dumb and only wants HIS way no listening to fans etc and mocking them slyly, so yeah not a fan of that thinking unfortunately. All the best 👍
@nunyabidniz3262 19 күн бұрын
Shoutout to you and Slav talking👍🏾
@GiratinasRisingRenegades 18 күн бұрын
I feel you there, Aaron. Even I put up with folks who are constantly blind by their pride and conflicts of interests to even bother understanding everything wrong with Warner Bros Discovery.
@erikricardoboscolo4779 19 күн бұрын
this is a man of actual TRUTH
@mikeseibert4889 19 күн бұрын
Yes Aaron keeps it 💯 😊
@johncap6495 19 күн бұрын
@@erikricardoboscolo4779 lol I get it. I stopped watching "truth" when he did a complete 360
@The_Equalist 19 күн бұрын
More like 1080 ​ dude completely became a troll @@johncap6495
@MovieTalkNow 19 күн бұрын
This is wonderful on EVERY level. I enjoy both your channels and think you are both informed and provide plenty of value. There are MORE benefits from us movie KZbinrs working together rather than being at odds with one another. At the end of the day, we're talking about fictional characters in fictional movies. We can have fun while also respectfully disagreeing when there are disagreements. Also, it's absurd that anyone would attack you personally. You are a TALENTED voice talent. I've seen the demo reel you uploaded on KZbin, your range is incredible! Keep on being awesome.
@himesightcreativestudios3490 19 күн бұрын
Just watched this. I agree with you. And your approach is far better perhaps than mine would have been. Good on you! Keep your head up, stay rational. And you said something that I always agree with. To "Agree to disagree". Sorry that you had to go through this and address it all. Stay safe.
@billymoore7182 19 күн бұрын
I'm glad you guys settled this. There was no reason for you guys to be going after each other over suits. None whatsoever. You don't have to agree with each other. But you also don't need to bicker about. I'm glad this was resolved. Proud of you, Aaron. I'm proud of the other KZbinr as well.
@YEAR-1-RELICS 19 күн бұрын
Aaron wasn't going after him.
@kiodiekin 19 күн бұрын
Give us a beetle juice review. Never mind found it
@Maverick-nb3rg 19 күн бұрын
Great video on both of you. No one should be harassed over an opinion. Keep up the good work.
@bestlexluthor7596 18 күн бұрын
It’s just movie opinions but it sucks when friends , acquaintances, or even strangers trash what you like especially if it’s around other people. When marvel was already on n its way and MOS and BvS came out I FEARED when the mere topic of movie cues came up. I’d be out at dinner meeting a significant other if a friend and the convo would always shift to Marvel. Then I’d be asked if I like the movies. When I said I don’t really then it was “ you don’t like DC movies do you? “ “ ong those suck!” How can you watch that?!” Otherwise good people acted like bratty children and I would never engage in this but it made everybody feel awkward that didn’t care about the topic. But Marvel was sooo popular so others would just laugh . It would ruin the night out
@SupermanNYC2006 18 күн бұрын
Way to go Aaron, you two worked out your difference. That's the way it should be. You are truly a good guy. Also, what's the other guys channel
@mikeseibert4889 19 күн бұрын
I believe everything u say Aaron and love the DC content we had before James Gunn.
@richardabia9735 18 күн бұрын
Me too !
@thearthurmarston9897 19 күн бұрын
Honestly more people should aspire to be like you Aaron. There are certain things I disagreed with you on your takes but most of the things you put out Im on board with your opinions especially with Cavill/Zack being screwed over by WB. I’ve never seen you attack any channels or viewers despite the backlash and I really wish most people had this outlook and attitude in life where we could just “agree to disagree” and live in peace without having to bash each other over different opinions. Keep doing what you’re doing!
@Barot8 19 күн бұрын
Thank you Aaron. I just watched Slav's video and this one now. I appreciate your work and hope you have a good week.
@jeffreyallpow4517 18 күн бұрын
Great to hear that you guys have worked things out. Happy for both of you!
@morristhompson9189 19 күн бұрын
@aarontopa9458 16 күн бұрын
I know you don't lie about anything. Glad you two had a talk.
@solomonallenjackson5454 19 күн бұрын
Aaron please never change you are the truth 💯💯💯
@JapiCustoms 18 күн бұрын
The last time I entered his channel there were 8 views on a video uploaded 1 hoursgo
@bradburrick 19 күн бұрын
This is cool!
@KiranKumar-ce4lk 19 күн бұрын
Aaron Do you watch next dcu film If it will good ?
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
I watch them all good or bad.
@KiranKumar-ce4lk 19 күн бұрын
@@myreview-aaronfischer same because Superman is my favorite dc character ever
@enzopiccino9499 18 күн бұрын
I would love to see in the future a marvel vs dc project it has to be a else world’s movie because marvel will not do multiverse anyone so is going to tricky there is avengers secret wars but i am not sure if is going to that either but I just would love see it as well because imagine marvel’s Superman aka Hyperion and dc superman that would be cool my two choices for mcu Hyperion is Henry cavill or Alexander Skarsgard aka Henry cavill is still definitely joining the mcu permanently for me as marvel fan I am happy in my opinion
@TheRealZarp 19 күн бұрын
I'm subscribed to both of your channels. There's things I agree and disagree with both of you on, but I enjoy hearing BOTH perspectives. We can all be civil, and at the end of the day we all love DC characters even if we dont agree how WB may or may not be handling them. The world is full of different perspectives and that's ok.
@travisthomas657 18 күн бұрын
What's crazy is you should have never had to show anyone proof cause most of the haters sure won't or don't have proof of what they say about us🤷‍♂️
@richardabia9735 19 күн бұрын
Well, I'm glad you both worked it out. You are a Great and forgiving person Aaron and so am i.... But, i am not going to check out ANY of his videos EVER AGAIN. I'm glad Slav behaved himself at your meeting, but he does, insult personally which is awful, and he supports several of his viewers who also insult personally. He started all this and you ended it, so i still don't trust him at all. His willingness to start a war (that he had to wait for you to end) was ridiculous. And, though he has stopped fighting with you, as we speak, he is trying to harass anyone who doesn't like Gunn's stuff, like the 4ko channel... You won't change and neither will he, only difference is, you don't engage in attacking channels and he 100% does... Not just with your channel, others too. So, yeah, I'm not going to that moral-less channel for any reason. And as for knowing the other side, i already know,... I watched Boba talks, comicbookcast and Truth 31 for YEARS (ofcourse I don't watch them anymore) and sometimes, I still watch Comicbook Nostalgia (who is far less attacky and is actually a great person. He's civil.) Again, Thank God you ended this stupid war, and I'm glad you and Slav are cool now, but I'm not watching any of that guy's stuff. Great video Aaron !
@randynguyen9778 19 күн бұрын
I appreciate that you are willing to talk to those who don't like you. But you really don't need to do this is your channel you can do whatever you want.
@VinnyAtoori 19 күн бұрын
Its usually bologna, but then again it's an honor just like when sw theory Lucasfilm hates him that totally rules.
@hugowonder7800 18 күн бұрын
I love your content.
@1956pms 19 күн бұрын
Interesting, so, if Slav's Free Talk is a Gunn fan, I'm curious, does he concede that Gunn's Superman will be deemed failure if it doesn't rake in....750 million or to be specific, is there a gross revenue level that he would agree that means the movie didn't work?
@johncap6495 19 күн бұрын
@@1956pms when I falsely clicked on him. I think he said it didn't have make a billion to be a successful but like 400 to 600 million 😂
@1956pms 19 күн бұрын
@@johncap6495 Very interesting because that's a great discussion point because there is a high chance the movie will only gross $600,000 and being objective...what does Zaslav do then? Continue to give Gunn full run or replace him with...? Who? There is literally no one out there to duplicate Feige. Or does Gunn talk him into continuing with 3 more films to prove himself? $600,000 is not a successful movie because it will be compared to Man of Steel and get ripped and widen the gap that is occurring in the DC fanbase. And you're correct, Gunn's exaggerated adjectives of his movie sound just like his description of The Flash movie.
@johncap6495 18 күн бұрын
@@1956pms idk at anymore. At this point they truly buried themselves. They shouldn't even promote this crap anymore. They should focus one movie and slowly branch out with small Easter eggs suggesting these films are connected. If I was them I would either focus fully on Batman. Wishful thinking would be to just get all the Synder players back and make separate films with a small detail suggesting the Flash screwed up everyone's memories of the past and go from there. All with small hints of Darkseid still coming despite everyone else forgetting OR go back to Bale's universe or Matt Reeves version build that out and slowly plant seeds of the Trinity. Maybe a news report of a "meteor" crashing in Smallville in the background. Then introduce Superman as Clark Kent only until it's time to bring him in when something from out of this world comes and he has to reveal himself then have that Batman cameo. Then we get shared universe without everything being forced. I think all this rushing is ruining everything especially with these stupid characters that most people have no idea who they are. Those characters should be slowly introduced after years of success. Look at what classic Superman 1 and 2 did. Could you picture plastic man and all these other characters slammed into that. Plus audiences want Cavill just like we wanted Reeve. They can't replace them. People are already mad about that. I wish I was wrong because I would have loved to see DC set up like Marvel. I never liked Marvel. If I was that guy Zaslev, if this fails and it looks like it might. I either focus on their current Batman universe and slowly plant seeds without advertising it or get the Rock back and do what they should have done with him and Cavill in the first place. Along with Snyder of course. But if we continue to wastes years then everything is gonna die out
@1956pms 18 күн бұрын
@@johncap6495 Excellent points and I agree. The rush to catch Marvel was ruin by WB execs who are supposed to be movie "experts". Just like on Man from Uncle...excellent movie but failed, why-the director Guy Ritchie, wanted the movie to come out in January, 2015 but the WB execs decided no-let's release it in August the week after Mission Impossible Rouge Nation and the week before James Bond Spectre. Really smart. Just like when they edited out 30 minutes of Batman v Superman and the movie was ripped for having plot holes.
@johncap6495 17 күн бұрын
@@1956pms thank you my friend. Yea they are their worst enemies. I really wish we could create our own fanfiction stories LIKE GUNN is. Only difference is our stuff is good because we want to build on what Snyder started. And Aaron pointed this out plenty of times. The films that fell under the Snyder tone including the OG Suicide Squad despite it not being the real version, all performed the best. And I'm not saying Leto was great as Joker but those three mins in the Knightmare scene was great. (They should have built him into the three Joker story) But the Ayer cut ties into the Darkseid arch. The parademons were supposed to come and Stepenwolf but also Joker was gonna make a deal with Entranctrius. He wanted to be the king of Gotham with Batman as his slave. Then Harley would turn on him. That was the quick scene with him burned and firing the gold weapon and dropping a grenade. It was all gonna build into that then set up Justice League. Really made no sense as to why nobody from Justice League not to show up unless they would have had a reason as to why. Then they get the Suicide Squad. But it's over now. I got a bad feeling the tone is gonna pander to woke culture like that video game they just released.
@saiyanfpv5358 19 күн бұрын
Man that guy keeps deleting my comment on his videos. They just bash you for your opinion.
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
Slav? I don’t think he deletes comments.
@saiyanfpv5358 19 күн бұрын
@@myreview-aaronfischer I got into it with 3 different people and each time I would go back and my reply was gone 🤷🏼‍♂️ if not him then KZbin? I wasn’t saying anything horrible that I think KZbin would step in. Just stuff like how sad do you have to be to be so mad at a guy for making videos criticizing a company that has been destroying something he loves. Does he not have that right? Then yall make videos telling your feelings on how him talking about his feelings is so out of pocket. And the hypocrisy in that… why can’t we be critical of a company that has let us down and lied to us over and over again without getting people to rage at us saying we are the toxic ones.
@midwestkrazy83turner50 19 күн бұрын
​@@saiyanfpv5358FACTS 💯. I keep getting that from certain ppl. They not DC fans. They Gunn fanboys being toxic
@Carebear-g 18 күн бұрын
@wickdaline8668 19 күн бұрын
200th like 👍
@josecuellar4001 18 күн бұрын
Mr.Stop bullying me, at least wait until the movie Superman is finished, maybe the wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles are gone, and you re happy. Wait... it's a gunn's movie. Nevermind.
@DetBull 19 күн бұрын
A liar always a liar until he gets the Holy spirit
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
@DetBull 19 күн бұрын
@myreview-aaronfischer people need to be born again in the spirit in Lord Jesus Christ or they are just full of sin
@PeterKnagge 19 күн бұрын
How about religious intolerance Aaron, does that count as harassment?? There's a reason I don't watch this channel anymore... Just because someone thinks they're not bigoted doesn't mean they aren't lost inside their own self-centred self-righteousness
@josefhorndl3469 19 күн бұрын
@@DetBull Sorry, but arrogant comments as yours are scary. Religious fanatism is inhuman & scary! Greetings from a "normal" Christian from Germany.
@DetBull 19 күн бұрын
@josefhorndl3469 what is scary about it
@emanuelsonJnr 19 күн бұрын
I love the SnyderVerse as much as you do, Aaron but we can't keep living in past. If the DCU fails, then we can kiss goodbye to a shared universe. We just gonna keep getting Batman contents till we're 90, because the SnyderVerse ain't coming back either. 👋🏿
@tritonk1759 19 күн бұрын
It'll come back after WB/DC gets sold.
@emanuelsonJnr 19 күн бұрын
@@tritonk1759 What is the 100% guarantee the next company buying WB will restore the SnyderVerse?
@morristhompson9189 19 күн бұрын
I agree with this, and I am a major Snyder fan. Plus TECHNICALLY, we DO have the "Snyderverse". Netflix showed "Army of the Dead, "Rebel Moon" and soon "Twilight of the Gods". Yes, Snyder fans need to move on.
@midwestkrazy83turner50 19 күн бұрын
​@@morristhompson9189and Gunn fans need to quit acting like this is an upgrade that he's putting out. Cause last time I checked? SS and Peacemaker were mediocre and didn't do well with audience. I don't see his Superman doing any better.
@midwestkrazy83turner50 19 күн бұрын
@@handsuporillshoot381 Thank You!
@youtubeperson199 19 күн бұрын
We no your legit.
@BlerdrevolutionBRGpls 16 күн бұрын
Can’t believe I missed the video. The YT algorithm is awful .
@skathappenz 14 күн бұрын
It really is awful. KZbin doesn't like Truthers
@lunchtrayboy 19 күн бұрын
I’d love for Slav to make a response to this video just because the inception thumbnails are so funny lol
@L1ghtOn3 17 күн бұрын
It's how it should be, 2 adults having a proper conversation. But there is a young following to Gunn and unfortunately a lot of them start on the offensive and slandering, which has been my biggest problem, thinking everything that's wrong with Gunn is Snyders fault? Bizarre and childish.
@johncap6495 19 күн бұрын
Be careful brother, I didn’t like how he went about this. Copying you, and making fun of you. He did everything he could to get you to respond and to trick your audience . Im glad your ok with it. But just be on your toes with him. I don’t think he fully did this because he’s a good guy. When I pointed out the fact he was the opposite of you wasn’t because I stumbled upon him and was like ok I hear his point,it’s valid. I thought it was your video from copying our style. Then I noticed it was only one or two videos plus losers one where he has you in the thumbnail crying. Not cool. But if you guys are friends that’s cool because you don’t deserve that nonsense. But just be on the lookout for him being deceitful. I think this was to gain viewership which would been cool if you guys decided to do that together as friends with comedic view points like Gorilla and Bobby the brain for example. But as far as him it leaves a bad taste but we all support you Aaron
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
I didn't watch the video but I believe him when he said he did it just for fun and to get my attention. He didn't have to make the video he did about our conversation but he did.
@johncap6495 19 күн бұрын
@@myreview-aaronfischer it's cool. I just got your back. Im not saying your wrong. I just didn't like how he attacked you and went about it. We have your back brother. If everything is cool going forward then that's good.
@mikeseibert4889 19 күн бұрын
That's cause there straight up Snyder Haters Aaron. They need to get a life or a job and maybe that will snap that person back into reality.
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
Actually Slav was awesome to talk to.
@mikeseibert4889 19 күн бұрын
@@myreview-aaronfischer That's cool you two got together and talked things out bro 😊
@TyBoneSkyberg82 18 күн бұрын
I agree. Johnydome & Critic Chris is always stalkers like troublemakers. These guys needs to go. Cause they’re busted, exposed or something. That’s just me.
@mrsly6655 19 күн бұрын
Glad you got it sorted. You're a bigger man than most for reaching out and doing this. 99% of KZbinrs would not have done the same.
@richardabia9735 18 күн бұрын
Very, very true !
@LordCagliostro 19 күн бұрын
Hmmm, I almost think you two could have a podcast from different perspectives of DC. Name it DCTalks or something like that.
@power279 18 күн бұрын
Dont hate the hard cold facts..hate the things that made it cold to begin with.. Haters should looks at themselves first before attacking people lives.😊
@CaptainSalvi 18 күн бұрын
This brought a smile to my face. If only both sides of the fan dome was like this then the world would be a better place. I don’t know why people get trigger with characters who are not real. People NEED to stop treating these characters like a religion. Religion has started fights and wars and something like dc can too. I’m glad y’all talked and settled things out.
@OoLOSTWORLDoO 19 күн бұрын
Don't forget that you both have one big thing in common. You are both very passionate about DC.
@derekfreeman1942 18 күн бұрын
Yeah I watch the slav guy whatever his name was his content is okay I like your content as well I may not agree with content creators even though we could both be Snyder fans I still disagree with some creators and even criticize Snyders or other directors stuff that I like I Just give my opinion and try not to be rude about it but I like your channel though. Use to watch syl Abdul as well and others but I kinda stopped a bit lol I watch your channel and sometimes film junkee sometimes a few others in regards to DC .
@Jon-Rimmer 19 күн бұрын
This is some “Israel and Palestine finally working together” level of putting aside differences, great work on you man.
@JKHNSJC12 19 күн бұрын
im happy with you guys
@Escaped-FromHellview 19 күн бұрын
@james144k 19 күн бұрын
Aaron I don't see the link to the other video where you shared you info backing you up that you are telling the truth I mean I do believe you just want to see the other guys video. Thanks
@myreview-aaronfischer 19 күн бұрын
It's in the description of this video.
@james144k 19 күн бұрын
@@myreview-aaronfischer thanks buddy
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