SO UNEXPECTED 😭💔 The Boys - 4x8 - Assassination Run

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The React Pack

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@kristen1199 Ай бұрын
I think the point of Neuman's death is that she was too late to pick her side. She was taught to always play both sides; but what Stan Edgar failed to teach her was that at some crucial end point u still gotta pick a side in order to save urself. She is a villian ofc, but she is sympathetic in a point similar to Ashley is that every decision she made is for the preservation of self and her family, and she had too many chances in redemption but always reluctant to do so. In the end, she finally made a decision, but it was too late because she was too far deep in the game now.
@deanthemachine8879 Ай бұрын
I appreciate how they’ve seeded over the series that Annie is actually strong and a good fighter, but I think a lot of viewers kind of thought she was just light powers and forgot it was shown as early as the pilot that she worked really hard even in hand to hand combat to get where she was
@kayden2119 Ай бұрын
They did not seed shit. They made us think she was strong in the first episode and then spent the rest of the series seeding that she was useless and weak when it came to her powers.
@SebastianVargas-cz6mh Ай бұрын
​@@kayden2119Okay, how long can you lift a car? Can You beat her in a fight?
@kayden2119 Ай бұрын
@@SebastianVargas-cz6mh Dude are you serious right now? Are you seriously dick riding the fictional superhero?
@therealhb1763 Ай бұрын
Yeah she is a gril​@@SebastianVargas-cz6mh
@streetbroshd7180 Ай бұрын
@@SebastianVargas-cz6mhdefinitely could she’s not real
@shikharsingh1674 Ай бұрын
Can't believe how people forget Neuman killing Susan Raynor, Shockwave and many other innocent people. Plus the whole Congress (ofcourse most of them weren't saints). The thing is, she resorted to Hughie only when her plan failed.
@johans3164 Ай бұрын
Yep. I love the actress and character but she had wayyyy too many blood in her hands and i dont feel sorry for her death at all! I cheered for Butcher at that scene
@ariqsyafwan4987 Ай бұрын
i blame her and Hughie's chemistry for that lol (yes i know the actors dated irl which is why those two have an insane chemistry in the show), cause she has always been portrayed as a ruthless politic machine with a lot of body count to her name but she is always very vurnerable around Hughie so a lot of people kinda glossed over her crimes and just goes "awww why would they kill her off like that she's not that bad..."
@atpr3241 Ай бұрын
For sure. Her allegiance is to herself/Zoe. If she gained any leverage in the future that benefited her side, she'd 100% betray the boys
@ibrahimsurti4922 Ай бұрын
Well Out guys have killed a lot of people....this season showed not one of them also deserve to live That's the whole thing with BOYS...we try to do good by killing others...just like Hughie makes no sense trying to be monsters to kill monsters
@ariqsyafwan4987 Ай бұрын
@@ibrahimsurti4922 huh?? Our guys only kills Supes, how are you comparing her with them??
@ColinKSU Ай бұрын
No one has ever fumbled the bag as badly as Grace.
@t1nma5k22 19 күн бұрын
Can you explain how you feel this is so? Not judging or criticising, but simply curious.....
@deanthemachine8879 Ай бұрын
This finale did a fantastic job of paying off a lot of setup that seemed like weaker plot lines this season. The only plot line that still feels a bit tacked on without a significant payoff (yet) was Kimiko vs Shining Light. It played into her ability to speak, but seemed like it was trying to setup the girl with the scar as a threat or rival, but just sort of got dropped
@Reality-Distortion Ай бұрын
I doubt that was the last time we saw her.
@kytsunee6324 Ай бұрын
Wasn’t the point more so that she couldn’t actually get forgiveness from the people she hurt and had to bear the consequences of her actions? It’s a parallel to Frenchie’s situation with Colin, which also ended up “unresolved”. That’s cause what they did isn’t something that could ever be erased, and definitely wouldn’t be solved by more murder. Kimiko left the girl from Shining Light alive for a reason. Frenchie also never sought Colin out ever again.
@deanthemachine8879 Ай бұрын
@@kytsunee6324 that’s fair, but my opinion mostly stems from the Shining Light girl seeking Kimiko out in episode 4 compared to the much more conclusive Colin saying that if he ever saw Frenchie again he’d kill him
@inanimatemist8610 Ай бұрын
​@kytsunee6324 but they already spent the 1st 3 seasons going over frenchie and kamikos past and talking about forgiveness, it was pointless to do it again
@KenFromchicago Ай бұрын
"No, bro, the other Ashley."
@TectonicTechnomancer Ай бұрын
@isaiah5465 Ай бұрын
@@TectonicTechnomancer Bro!
@Jim_The_Fish Ай бұрын
This Ashley isn’t even on the list!
@ChawkyVirus Ай бұрын
10:14 the snort was so cute lol
@momentindy Ай бұрын
she super cute
@fjsioewiox 22 күн бұрын
easy there tiger
@ChawkyVirus 22 күн бұрын
@@fjsioewiox it's a compliment, calm yourself
@t1nma5k22 19 күн бұрын
@@ChawkyVirus You ruined his White Knight moment 😥
@maltaos175 Күн бұрын
little piggy
@Okkotsu86275 Ай бұрын
It didn’t have blood or gore. But Mallory’s death had to be one of the most shocking and devastating deaths on the show.
@ak86db Ай бұрын
meh bitch wanted to lock ryan up he was right because thats exactly what they did to his dad
@t1nma5k22 19 күн бұрын
I was personally way more Upset & shocked over Mallory's death than I was to Neuman's, I mention this because I couldn't help but notice that universally the reaction to Neuman's death was a lot more viscerally felt. Discounting the obvious variables ofc. Just IMO.
@jairusjackson7799 Ай бұрын
I have 0 sympathy for Neuman. She may be a cool character, but people seem to forget the fact she's easily one of the most evil characters on this show. She massacred innocent people in the courtroom scene back in season 2. She killed her former best friend, the scientist from Gen V, she killed a few of the CIA, she turned Zoey into a killer and she was involved in the plan to assassinate the President. Just because she had a rough past, doesn't excuse her horrible actions. And the reason she doesn't deserve redemption like A-Train did, is because Neuman isn't sorry or trying to repent for her actions. She's just worried for her own safety and her daughter. She's easily worse then most of the Seven, Firecracker, Deep and Noir. In conclusion, she got what she deserved.
@Youalrightboi Ай бұрын
not sympathy nor any hate . But she could have been a great ally and i dont know why butcher killed her specifically
@dimensionzone8048 Ай бұрын
​@@Youalrightboially my ass lmao. She started off as the Boys ally in S2 and then completely scewed them over. I love Huey but sorry I would've told her to piss off and hung up if she called me after everything she's done
@Enter_Zoneless Ай бұрын
@@dimensionzone8048fair but hughie is rightfully biased, he and neuman shared a professional relationship a while before he found out she was the head popper. But agreed, there is also that chance she might go back on her word and try killing the boys as they could be seen as loose ends.
@iwrotewords510 Ай бұрын
I agree with Neuman, but also IMO I don't think any of the seven deserve redemption arcs. A-Train only started feeling bad when his brother got hurt, who I also don't feel sorry for as his bro was fine with all the fakeness and money when he was able to walk. Their bad situation feels more like karma.
@cmon9505 Ай бұрын
I agree. Even tho i liked the acting, she kund off deserved to die for hoe many people she killed
@Okkotsu86275 Ай бұрын
Regardless of the mix feeling I have on this season. This was an a very good season finale and they set up an hellva endgame. Also great commentary on the Ryan situation. Mallory was dumping bing a lot on the kid and gave him a super awful ultimatum. I’m very scared and excited to see where they take Ryan’s story and A-Train’s as well.
@t1nma5k22 19 күн бұрын
What's difficult for me is I can totally understand every single side in that scene, I agree she should have read the room better...allowed that moment to breathe...gave him more space/time etc...however I think she was operating from a place of desperation & a significant reminder of the lack of time she assumed she had...panic had clearly set in.....also she clearly had significant previous trauma that she illustrated had been made only somewhat better due to the kids' presence in her life.....
@vampyre_with_a_suntan Ай бұрын
I got no problem with Neumans death in itself - hell, even Claudia Doumit seems to see the reasons for it.. but I cant help but think its a shame considering shes one of the only "greyzone" characters on the show.. evil? yeah, kinda.. but a caricature? no.
@kc1john Ай бұрын
Agreed. She probably killed less people than Frenchie has. The overarching theme of the season seemed to be the terrible things they’ve all done in their past. Neuman was ready to try and redeem herself, but Butcher had to ruin it and allow Homelander to basically become President.
@jonnyj. Ай бұрын
@@kc1john Frenchie and kimiko probably have the highest body count in the entire series, but turned out to be the nicest people (at least out of the ones who've had really shitty pasts) Yes she's killed a bunch, but shes not completely evil with zero humanity, like some other characters. Besides, we wouldnt have gotten homelander as de facto president had butcher not gone apeshit. Love to see his evil arc from the comics tho
@JoshuaMartian-go3tm Ай бұрын
I would have loved to see her in a showdown fighting with the boys no doubt.
@JoshuaMartian-go3tm Ай бұрын
@@kc1john I don't know about ready to redeem herself tho. She was scared for her daughter, would do anything to protect her. It was a calculated move out of desperation more than redemption tho. Once Homelander is gone and she's the most powerful, she would likely just go back to her old self I think.
@ZetsuboNoShima Ай бұрын
She has one of the highest body counts in the show. She got what she deserved 110%
@kkenjiito Ай бұрын
Just a little easter egg for people who watched SUPERNATURAL, one of Eric Kripke’s other shows.. Jim Beaver who plays Bobby Singer, the president, plays a character of the same name in supernatural and has a signature word he says which is “idjit (idiot)” and “balls”. Im sure they put it there for the supernatural fans out there!!
@Greenhawk4 Ай бұрын
isn't how that shifter changes forms also kind of how it is in supernatural as well?
@kkenjiito Ай бұрын
@@Greenhawk4 Yes! I'm just so happy Kripke references his past shows. Even brought back some of the Supernatural cast for the Boys!
@diablohorer 29 күн бұрын
@@kkenjiito Some? they brought 10 😅
@kli70500 Ай бұрын
About Ryan, what did anyone expect? He was in shock and felt betrayed by Butcher, Mallory AND Homelander all in the same day and he's just a kid. Everyone expects him to think like an adult. Easy for people to say when they most likely had a stable upbringing. This child has gone through more traumatic stuff than most adults have in their entire life so you can't expect him to be emotionally stable when he just ran away from the home that his Dad destroyed and felt betrayed by Butcher who he was hoping would give him love and comfort and then his aunt threatening to gas him and keep him prisoner. I bet if they would have given him the time to leave and think like he wanted, I bet he would have came back clear-headed and willing to listen and this result wouldn't have happened. He's now missing and I bet once he has time to process everything, he will feel remorse and do the right thing in the end. Afterall, Sage, the smartest supe in existence, said Ryan is the chosen one to save the world, and she hasn't been wrong yet.
@vampyre_with_a_suntan Ай бұрын
The problem with Ryan is the writing for his arc. Now, granted.. its been obvious for a while that they've been leaning one way, then the other, mostly to keep the audience guessing - the issue is that it only works for a while before it makes the character look awful, if not slightly schizophrenic. When you force a character to careen between being "good" and having all the hallmarks of a young Patrick Bateman for 2 seasons.. you eventually wind up where we find ourselves. Doesnt help that the bodycount keep rising, either - regardless of whether or not you as a viewer blame him/dont blame him - its just something that you cant really get away from. In all seriousness.. they should have picked an avenue and run with it way back in S3, but they didnt - they decided to keep the charades with his character going, and I'd say we're at the point now where a significant portion of the audience just doesnt really care about him, or his journey. It's kind of a shame, but it all goes back to that old adage: "It's the writing, stupid!"
@dwnkaomwn3953 Ай бұрын
I feel sorry for Zoe that she lost her mother and got sent to Red River, but Neuman was a monster that killed a lot of folks like Raynor, her former friend from Red River, and that scientist from Gen V who gave her the virus thinking he was doing the right thing by doing so. If things didn't work out with the Boys in Neuman's favor, she would've betrayed them to protect herself and her daughter like she did when she sold out Edgar. Butcher taking her out was the smartest, safest move to make.
@kc1john Ай бұрын
That wasn’t Butcher anymore. He gave in to his Kessler devil on the shoulder. And it wasn’t the “right thing”. Hughie’s plan would have worked. Instead we got Homelander as the de facto president.
@good_muffin Ай бұрын
​​@@kc1johnit would've ended up the same if Neuman was president. She was always meant to be a puppet and mouthpiece for Homelander, she just didn't realize how little control she had until it was too late.
@blazedj Ай бұрын
9:21 I wonder if Victoria’s eyes just went white out of reflex or if she actually tried to pop his head here. I also can’t tell if his reaction is him being smug about selling her out or that he’s throwing it in her face that he was able to resist her power.
@alterenigma4207 Ай бұрын
People don’t realize that it was only civilians being picked up. That’s why they didn’t go for butcher , Annie or Kimiko.. they only took Hughie, Frenchie, MM cuz they humans. Also the irony that kimiko finally spoke but frenchie still couldn’t hear her.
@mawaomar9530 Ай бұрын
why did only the non-dupes get picked up?
@alterenigma4207 Ай бұрын
@@mawaomar9530 its part of the confinement plans of Homelander to control humans
@johans3164 Ай бұрын
Feel free to disagree with me but this is the best Boys finale. The final 5 minutes gave me nonstop chills.
@CakeScented Ай бұрын
This season is the definition of mid
@NOMAD-_- Ай бұрын
That ending kimiko first word screaming no shook me to my core everything at the ending was amazing set up for gen v season two and the boys season 5 sounds like we will get gen v first sometime in 2025 and the boys in 2026 plus other stuff ❤
@DingoEnderZOE2 Ай бұрын
Scary thing about Cate being on homelanders side is she has a thing for Soldier boy and now that homelander found him he could very easily have Cate use her powers to manipulate his memories and make him Loyal.
@shadowyghost2330 Ай бұрын
Mindstorm tried the same thing and it didn't work on him. I doubt Cate could work
@DingoEnderZOE2 Ай бұрын
@@shadowyghost2330 But it was implied that Mindstorm lost some of the potency of his powers much like the TNT twins due to years of neglect. Cate is actively using her powers and as opposed to looking at you she just has to touch you so it's possible it could work on soldier boy.
@shadowyghost2330 Ай бұрын
@@DingoEnderZOE2 I think you're overestimating Cate. Mindstorm tried scrambling his brain in Nicaragua and it didn't do anything but stun him.
@PierreDennis Ай бұрын
I think they'll use The Boys as bait to draw out Butcher. And Stan will get Zoe out of Red River. Stan my devise a plan against Homelander as well.
@mahad813 Ай бұрын
I don't think Butcher will care. He's abandoned the Boys
@therealhb1763 Ай бұрын
​@@mahad813butcher don't care
@kc1john Ай бұрын
Even though they’ve deviated a lot from the comics, it does seem like they’re going with the Butcher villain arc. It’s not going to be a happy ending.
@therealhb1763 Ай бұрын
@@kc1john butcher is a evil idiot
@johnthepsychoclass9214 Ай бұрын
​@kc1john I have been thinking about this, and I think it isn't going to be as bad as the og comics. The steak house with the boobs conversation Butcher had with Hughie makes me think that their might be a chance at least Hughie will make it.
@ck_idgaf1680 Ай бұрын
Yes, exactly with Sage. True geniuses are hard to entertain. Truly smart people continue to try things and test themselves, find and correct any and all flaws. Homelander promised her the biggest stage to test herself and her theories. This is why when we first saw her, she isolated herself, she knew what her ambition and want could do to herself. Solve one problem and you want to solve all no matter to consequences and on and on. Always thinking, always testing, logic, theory, behavior, etc, etc, and just maddening.
@DingoEnderZOE2 Ай бұрын
I was quite impressed that someone addressed this.
@Nocturnewashere Ай бұрын
It's almost like an adidction for her; to constantly test her theories and do things just because she can. It's so maddening to always have so many complex thoughts and concepts running around her mind that lobotomizing herself is the only time she can chill out. A very interesting character.
@Jackholiday1025 Ай бұрын
I just don’t want anyway coming away with the idea that geniuses are more likely to be evil haha. Most genius’s would never be doing what she did for the fun of it, it wouldn’t fun for them because ya know most genuises have more ethics and a conscious than she does lol. There’s plenty that she could do to stimulate her brain, there’s plenty good she could do with her gift but yet she chooses to do evil.
@Ziaotic Ай бұрын
​@@Jackholiday1025 she did try to help the world, the world just didn't think a little black girl's knowledge would be of any use
@johans3164 Ай бұрын
​@@Ziaoticexactly. When she try to cure the world, no one want to listen. This caused her grandma to die for nothing. This made her bitter toward humanity and thus, she become the evil genius she is now. Sage is quickly becoming one of my fav Boys character
@Reality-Distortion Ай бұрын
It baffles me that everyone who discusses Neuman's death only ever talk about whether she can be real help or deserved to die. As if either of that actually matters. Vought caught all of them, then Vought can catch Zoe too. Homelander will just blackmail her again and she would destroy everyone he needs her to. Whatever Butcher's intention was there, his call was generally right - her being alive is dangerous no matter what she thinks or says.
@walak6832 Ай бұрын
I heard powers are linked to your greatest fear, wich works with a lot of them, like Hugh saying you see trough me like im not there and he can phase trough stuff or Butcher basically becoming Homelander, so im thinking with all the movement on Ashley’s head shes either getting some super hair or brain stuff, since she’s often belittled and Homelander sees her as simple. Either way im so excited man , so many cliffhangers, the final season is truly going to be awesome i think 🤩
@t1nma5k22 19 күн бұрын
I think they may have a curveball up their sleeve for us, she slowly has to deal with the deepening reality that is not so subtly setting in as she visits many of her old fav spots that she no-longer finds their appeal anymore & becomes very "vanilla"
@kyuken893 Ай бұрын
Parental separation can be hard... I hope Zoe gets the help she needs.
@FullMetalB Ай бұрын
I really hoped they would have explained her random shift to being a ruthless murderer out of nowhere.
@johans3164 Ай бұрын
She would prob become a fully fledged character in Gen V season 2
@RAMI-m4w Ай бұрын
​@@FullMetalB she was raised by neuman so she probably was trained to kill her enemies since her birth
@Vextipher Ай бұрын
The scene where Sameer says about him glad that Zoey not being at the farm still makes me wonder what he was getting at.
@ariqsyafwan4987 Ай бұрын
@@FullMetalB Butcher already said in season 3 that compound V doesn't really changes people's personality but simply amplifies what's already there, so the most obvious explanation is Zoe simply has always been ruthless when it comes to her mom, Neuman herself probably drilled it into her head that when it comes to protecting each other, there is no line they shouldn't cross, and the V simply gave her a weapon for that
@chandlermorgan708 Ай бұрын
Oh no, let the War begin
@darkotheeverything3860 Ай бұрын
M.M gets done dirty every season like 😔 the disrespect!
@equinoxXIII Ай бұрын
I feel so bad for Hughie this season because he got sexually assaulted multiple times and Annie is mad at him not realizing, like really? Eric Kripke actually laughed about Hughie's misery this season.
@Bruh-j6n Ай бұрын
Soldier goat is back baby😂🐐🐐🐐🐐❤️
@Mr2200 Ай бұрын
He has his own spinoff now.
@Bruh-j6n Ай бұрын
@@Mr2200 yep😂❤️
@Kleed44 Ай бұрын
This episode (and season) set up season 5 really well I think!
@randon_iso Ай бұрын
Girls will be girls, not them saying theyll be mad too when Annie got mad at Hugie for not knowing it was the shapeshifter.
@KittenoftheBroccoli Ай бұрын
"I literally want to jump out the window right now" neatly sums up how this finale left me feeling. I just recently introduced my girlfriend to the show, we're still on Season 1, and I'm having a harder time enjoying it like I used to because it all just feels like small potatoes now. A-Train ran through a girl a few years ago and now Homelander is the leader of the United States...
@KenFromchicago Ай бұрын
"And you're a gal!" 👍😁
@rebe77ious Ай бұрын
That virus is giving me the same energy as the Titan serum in Attack on Titan. One shot, one chance, who will it be used on - Homelander, Butcher, etc.
@GutsBerserk-ii7nu 26 күн бұрын
Def my boy butcher is lock in like eren 😭tatakae,he is going to cook the next season
@AccidentalInsomniac427 Ай бұрын
We all wanted Kimiko to be able to speak again Not like this
@blazedj Ай бұрын
I remember a story of a shapeshifter like this one, except, it maintained its form by eating bits and pieces from its victim. It even lived this person’s life and married his fiancé. It’s an old DC comics superhero story.
@vvronce Ай бұрын
25:17 short frenchie
@philyjfry 18 күн бұрын
In all honesty, Butcher is lowkey right. If he has the power to eliminate all the elite super-psychos then he should do so. Only issue is he might become what he hates.
@Dark__Thoughts Ай бұрын
15:54 It can kill you as an adult, you could quite literally just explode. 22:15 Give her some slack. She just got involuntarily cucked, which just digs even deeper into her insecurities. Sage is freaking scary man. How the hell are you supposed to beat her? Especially now?! Every time we end up with an L at the end of a season, but this was a massive defeat. All of them but Annie are captured. There's another spin-off show announced btw, featuring Soldier Boy and Stormfront and Vought's way to power.
@rileytruax766 Ай бұрын
also i dont think annie had not come to terms with what happened pretty sure she was fully aware. hard for her to break out with her powers that are currently not working. don't think her powers would really help here anyway but. also what's with everyone getting mad at kimiko for "not doing anything in the bunker against the shifter? her job is to protect the president which means getting him away from the threat and keeping the threat away from him so naturally she's gonna stay close to him and not go fight
@cjames4478 Ай бұрын
Have a great weekend ❤️ love y'all, thanks for being awesome
@MrSmee-vt7cy Ай бұрын
Butcher submitted to his dark side. I saw that when Cate grabbed Frenchie she used the arm that was not blown apart by Marie Moreau which seems like thus far Cate can't use her powers unless she has contact via her hand. Perhaps if there is a S2 of Gen V we will get to see what happens to Frenchie and Kimiko.
@Agent-57 Ай бұрын
People really forgot how much damage Neuman did to the Boys. She killed the CIA director who was pressing Vought and protecting the families of The Boys. She killed Vouglebom who was going to bring down Vought. And has killed for many innocent people to stay in cover. And Butcher really did do them a favor. If they went out with Neuman and exposed Homelander, remember that scene where he lands right besides her and lasers a crowd of people. Yeah that but actually real instead of a thought. The whole goal of Annie about bring truth to the light is St8pid as F this season. They have no means to kill him yet continue to provoke him. Supreme Leader Homelander for now is a much better scenario than the Joker running around with Superman powers. As for Butcher's genocide plan. Absolutely with it. The show has done nothing to justify why I should give a flying f*** about supes. Just have Hughie and Frenchie take Kimiko out to some island resort, the virus won't reach them. Supes are in every town. Deputized. Just imagine what they will do the population there. A single supe can clear a entire small town in a week. They need to be 6ft under. Well Jensen returns next season and Jared is joining. PEAK DUO WINCHESTER BROTHERS.
@Reality-Distortion Ай бұрын
"As for Butcher's genocide plan. Absolutely with it. The show has done nothing to justify why I should give a flying f*** about supes." You must have very selective memory then.
@LuttiApce Ай бұрын
@@Reality-Distortion Imo all supes must die. If that is the only way to kill homelander and his potentially bad son.
@Reality-Distortion Ай бұрын
@@LuttiApce What will killing every random supe help with killing Homelander? That had connection only in the hypothetical Sameer said about airborne virus. Frenchie's virus isn't airborne. What Kessler wants Butcher to do is to just rip to shreds supes one by one with his supercancer.
@rileytruax766 Ай бұрын
@@Reality-Distortion it wont but billy made a deal with the parasite that if it healed him then butcher has to agree to the genocide plan. and your the one to talk about selective memory
@Reality-Distortion Ай бұрын
@@rileytruax766 1. You're* 2. LuttiApce said "all supes must die if that's the only way" which is clear indication of referencing the virus. Doesn't make sense to reference Butcher's powers because it's not like he will (or even can) go out of his way to kill 99,9999% of all supes and only then go after Homelander or Ryan. 3. Yes, I am one to talk about selective memory because comment from Agent-57 is nonsense in that regard. Majority of known supes never did anything wrong.
@matthewchristopher16 18 күн бұрын
Neuman had to die
@KenFromchicago Ай бұрын
@babayaga96792 Ай бұрын
Neumans death is one of the few things that made sense this season. We already got a train flipped and ashley definitely survived since she wasn't in the room anymore after she took the v. another flip would be too much plus we needed a big death and a startup to butchers villain arc. Mallory's death was really dumb imo. She's too experienced to panic that close to the finish line but whatever. Overall this season was disappointing even the soundtracks wasnt hitting for me but definitely some great moments ill give it a C-
@krustyklownkollege7361 Ай бұрын
Dani snort 10:14 😂
@cmon9505 Ай бұрын
Nice reaction as always.
@JeffWilkes Ай бұрын
First time rewatching with you three, really enjoyed, looking forward to more. Blessings
@DiES3L24 Ай бұрын
That episode was so exhausting. Can’t believe theres only 1 season left.
@Joshyboi1901 Ай бұрын
35:36. The face 😭
@shvnobii8327 Ай бұрын
@greenscreenfx3117 19 күн бұрын
Low key Annie wrong for being mad at Hughie for getting SA’ed
@animeandcartoonshticks1394 Ай бұрын
she definetly can be mad that he couldn't figure it out with all the clues , there is a shapeshifter like how tf is everyone worried about one of them being the shapeshifer, and she is been kidnapped for 10 days , as someone who was stuck in a room with little food no internet or source of light for 36 hours , 10days of that makes me loose my mind
@NeverStartTradingOptions Ай бұрын
I predict that Ashley cant be killed by any of the 7 after the V shot. Just Homelander. She got something that will protect her because her fear was to be killed by superabled being who are way stronger. Ashley will be very very strong because she took v in a near death experience.
@alexinivai08 Ай бұрын
The plan was always to kill Neumann. Yes, I am fanboying for Butcher.
@rileytruax766 Ай бұрын
right? we spent the whole season assuming she was gonna die and now becuase she was about to be on the good side possibly for all of 10 minutes its all of a sudden a shock and really sad?
@fmvchanel670 Ай бұрын
35:51, damn i can really hear the pain in her scream what a performance from Karen
@GeneralxGrievousx Ай бұрын
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred I love that The Boys gave us a more straight lined Joker essentially, that Sage is someone so smart that she'll decide to take over a whole country because of the sole premise that she thinks she can. I know this season was arguably the weakest season so far for the Boys but Sage is a major plus from this season.
@ibrahimsurti4922 Ай бұрын
Apparently kripke hinted that all of them will be in the same place as the GEN V cast
@Sharpester Ай бұрын
This was a great reaction. And yall are gals! 😂
@superboyprime515 Ай бұрын
Butcher and Grace really messed up this episode...I hope Sameer finds Zoe and takes her from Red River
@rileytruax766 Ай бұрын
"is he not gonna be able to get that ring back becuase she tears off all her skin".........if the ring is on top of the skin, you know as rings typically are, and she tears off her skin.....does the ring just despawn? i dont understand the logic there lol it would just fall off then no? like what
@user-hg4gl3lh3h Ай бұрын
My thing is should Ryan feel remorseful. Like if a family friend tried to kidnap me,keep hostage and turn me into a weapon i dont know how bad I would feel especial after I calmly asked to leave and she threated to gas me and hold me until I agreed now she the villain
@LuttiApce Ай бұрын
Morgan laugh is the best lol.
@Agent-57 Ай бұрын
How much of the bet that Hughie gets SA'ed again in Prison in S5.
@Parthnalawade345 Ай бұрын
Why is everyone upset on butcher seen !? my literal reaction was like ( hell yeah old butch it back ) 🎉
@Enter_Zoneless Ай бұрын
Reaction at 19:17 is too real😂😭
@blazedj Ай бұрын
34:12 At this point, I was hoping that the show just ended here for the season and nothing more would happen, but… Nope!
@Waffleboy881 Ай бұрын
they were dropping bodies this episode fr lol
@kaidiggs5334 Ай бұрын
I think y’all the only ones I’ve seen that put the original name in the title 😂
@credpath0567 Ай бұрын
Victoria is definitely one of my favourite characters in this show but i don’t understand how anyone could feel sympathy for her as if she hasn’t murdered like 20 innocent..(ish) characters in this show
@shuubilliam5905 Ай бұрын
17:45 she is eren after all 😂
@PixelPerInch33 Ай бұрын
Its always butcher alone at last
@baronbirman8675 Ай бұрын
Seen you embarrassed are so sweet to Me!
@doomxzane2000 Ай бұрын
I Was waiting for your reaction💕💕
@Harsha_vardhan1 Ай бұрын
Billy butcher🔥😎
@blazedj Ай бұрын
I hate to say it, but it definitely would’ve been better for our protagonists if Homelander actually killed Sage instead of firing her. Now, who knows what she has planned. Hopefully, her newly awakened ambitions lead her to the ultimate challenge of taking down the strongest being on the planet, just to see if she can.
@smiley-ii8lo Ай бұрын
this is a happy ending
@KenFromchicago Ай бұрын
"I thought it was you."
@chrisneely573 Ай бұрын
You three are so beautiful 🤩 (I’m 15 btw)
@v-s-b2043 Ай бұрын
The biggest bet
@mattman2964 Ай бұрын
Why is gen v patreon exclusive?
@rjh9919 Ай бұрын
Next season is the series finale
@DingoEnderZOE2 Ай бұрын
32:50 Oh wow Bravo Sam. I didnt expect anyone to pick up on the biggest downside to being a genius or even really smart in general. It gets harder and harder to be entertained and also really hard to connect with normal people.
@sephirotgxr Ай бұрын
Fun ride
@strangerthings88 Ай бұрын
@MadaraUchiha-xb7dp Ай бұрын
Sister Sage is a joke. Like "shut up, it's magic".
@shashanknegi1255 Ай бұрын
Oi Hughie Homelander done killed my Wife and took me Bloody Son
@atasnama595 Ай бұрын
Next Butcher vs 150 superhero XD kkkkk
@user-dn2lk3yu1j Ай бұрын
I feel like the political ideology is so far out in front this season, with the The intention to make conservatives look crazy is so blatant that it's a little scary.
*All faith in Ryan is gone now...*
@mattman2964 Ай бұрын
Wouldn't go that far. They tried to trap him. Honestly it was a pretty reasonable reaction
@Frappe_1996 Ай бұрын
@Okkotsu86275 Ай бұрын
@@mattman2964Bruh for real, they gave Ryan a horrible ultimatum and expected him to give a logic answer immediately. It was really a terrible situation Ryan is in.
@A.jmmmm04 Ай бұрын
@@Okkotsu86275and he a whole kid
@mattman2964 Ай бұрын
@Okkotsu86275 it was so sad when he said, "I'll be back. I just need time to think." If Mallory had let him leave, he probably would've processed it all and agreed with them to fight Homelander
@KadenFinity Ай бұрын
@fjsioewiox 22 күн бұрын
"It was always the plan"? Being the smartest person in the world doesn't mean you know how every individual is going to react to every situation and can basically control what they do and when/how they do it. Absolutely terrible character writing.
@robinjay5807 Ай бұрын
U guys didn't watch GEN V it takes place between season 3 and season 4 of the boys it explains where the supe virus came from
@TheReactPack Ай бұрын
Yes we did! All episodes are available on our Patreon! -Sam
@strangerthings88 Ай бұрын
I’m hoping that Neuman was the shifter
@grixiscontrol Ай бұрын
interesting) you are in s4 ep8 and think newman can do damage to homelander ? why make virus then if she can pop anyone :D, she can do anything to him
@darkotheeverything3860 Ай бұрын
Sage , Homelander are evil and Ryan is kinda evil like he didn't have any remorse when he killed Malory. Honestly Butcher might be doing the right thing
@strangerthings88 Ай бұрын
The girl on the right you look soo much like Olivia Munn. You guys should watch X-men Apocalypse she’s in it
@DingoEnderZOE2 Ай бұрын
Man that shapeshifter knew what it was doing with Hughie. It knew that the easiest way to distract a man is to be sexually assertive and willing and be willing to go 20 times in 10 days would be enough to make any guy stupid. Though I have to say Hughie may be especially dense due to one simple thing that should have exposed it on the spot: Why didnt he notice that Annies Eyes never glowed in bed?
@antigoku2083 Ай бұрын
@Chiraq872 Ай бұрын
😍Dani🥰Foogiano Molly. I have to keep my head on a swivel. Turn it up gang.🌷
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