So you Want to Work With Deities

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Chaotic Witch Aunt

Chaotic Witch Aunt

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What do you consider essential for working with Divine beings? Let me know in the comments!
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Пікірлер: 214
@marie6226 Жыл бұрын
2:13 protection for deity work 8:27 deity work vs worship 9:54 does a deity need to reach out to me for me to work with them? 14:06 researching cultural contexts 21:31 altars, offerings, and libations 25:00 communication with deities 28:29 working on a habit/creating ritual in the mundane
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
trying to figure out how to pin this comment brb
@raya.p.l5919 Жыл бұрын
Read this an u will know . Reply an u experience Jesus healing energy
@thesquidling Жыл бұрын
I'm CACKLING at the thought of devotees yelling at Diana. I would NEVER do that with Brigid, but Loki? 100%. "LOKI, GIVE ME BACK MY GLASSES, YOU PUNK!" is a commonly uttered phrase. 🤣
@lady7531 Жыл бұрын
I love that kind of relationship with gods
@radscorpion8 Жыл бұрын
you would cackle
@leafhawkstudiosofficial8711 3 ай бұрын
Loki is the kind, caring friend who is also a very mischievous one that loves to prank thw shit outta ya lmao.
@drpigglesnuudelworte5209 2 ай бұрын
Uhhh idk Brigid is a goddess of the forge i think it’s ok to get a bit snappy 😭 she is responsible for the first keening in Ireland (screaming and sobbing violently over a death), well known to hex ppl who piss her off, she was a war goddess, goddess of creation and destruction, and followers of bríde refer to being “laid upon the forge” which means she is beating you into the shape she wants,,,, she’s like a mama and sometimes you fight w/ ur mom and then she hugs u after and asks “did you get it out of your system” and you say “yeah…” and she says “good”
@Curtis488 2 күн бұрын
I love Loki he's actually cool
@minyrads Жыл бұрын
"sometimes i walk my dog. and that's it, i go 'this is for you Diana'" really felt that lol
@juliemassam933 Жыл бұрын
When I worked at my last job, I would either buy snacks for my deities or I would do tasks in their honor, made the job a bit better.
@embertea789 Жыл бұрын
just to add/clarify!: you can totally decide you want to stop working with a deity at any time, for any reason. just be respectful, thank them and all that. but they arent going to get their feelings hurt, and they will respect your boundaries. although i wouldnt be surprised if sometimes they might send you little signs letting you know they're still there when youre ready. it really depends i think. also the thing about yelling at deities reminded me that it was common in ancient greece to stomp or hit the ground with your fist and yell at the ground to make sure hades could hear your prayers lol.
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes!
@channel14news15 Жыл бұрын
zeus is the world champion graper and you think demons respect your boundaries lmao pagans are so funny
@embertea789 Жыл бұрын
@@channel14news15 I never once mentioned demons, I don't know enough about them to make any claims like that. But I do know that the stories the ancient Greeks told were STORIES and not meant to be taken literally. They were lessons. So yeah in a lot of those stories, Zeus assaulted at least one person. Which, if we were talking about a real human being, would be awful. But since these are STORIES we know everything is meant to be symbolic.
@DoodleDoo2 Жыл бұрын
@@embertea789 I’m so sorry that this other person was mean to u about ur beliefs. Ppl on the internet can be cruel and I experienced the same thing, although we have different beliefs. Their attitude has nothing to do with u and u didn’t deserve that ❤
@channel14news15 Жыл бұрын
@@embertea789 didnt read, you worship cringe demons lol lmao
@blo872 Жыл бұрын
If you begin work with Aphrodite don’t be surprised if she comes to you right in that spot of being awake but almost asleep. She favors liminality (as she was born between the sky and the sea).
@kiriswenson481 6 ай бұрын
Hi!! I am trying to start working with Aphrodite and I haven't been trying to reach out to her for to long but the times where i felt a sign was when I was almost asleep!!!
@tegan8523 5 ай бұрын
I don't work with Deities but feel like I've made a connection with her. My room has a lot of shells and dried flowers in it and I recently bought a shell crystal. I had a sudden realisation it was all connected to her a few days ago.
@TheFuschiaDragonfly Ай бұрын
I have decided to start worshipping her, so thanks for telling me, I'm prone to particular dream experiences. I have called upon her help recently for an important matter, and I think this is the start of a relationship. Her presence is so beautiful and delicate, she's like the Greek Pantheon's it girl. She feels like spring.
@aquila873 Жыл бұрын
Do I want to work with deities? No. Will I watch this video anyway? Yes.
@fayeissilly222 11 ай бұрын
i personally love giving things to deities. i feel like it shows my appreciation and i always give a offering when i ask for favors. also, offerings don’t have to be something super elegant or expensive! it can just be a picture of them, or a poem! whatever you think they’d like or corresponds to them works well!
@miramari732 Жыл бұрын
Summing up: knowledge is your best protection :) My thoughts: 1. Tricksters - they can pretend to be many things, but they can succeed only if one is not proficient in energy sensing. If you can a-ok energy sense it's easy to distinguish deity from trickster. 2. Offerings - best to research and cross-reference, there's quite a lot deities that were given offerings specifically to "have this and F-off"
@TheCrazydude17 Жыл бұрын
I tell people this about tricksters OFTEN. I'm never believed, sadly. It is very challenging for a being of any power to properly deceive on five derivations of energy. Energies, or essences, are also behaviors. Verbs. Material resists. It withstands and consumes. To deceive in material, the trickster must BE physically what it wishes to be seen as, even temporarily. Consciousness grows and evolves. To deceive the senses is often thought a trivial matter, but it can and does spiral out of control. Not easy to wrangle when juggling four other essences. Psyche acts. It charges ahead, arcs and forks violently. To hold and mold it is like juggling cats made of quicksilver. To deceive in thoughts and emotions takes a lot of high-intensity work. It takes focus. Vitality is community moderated. To deceive a community, you must deceive individuals. To deceive an individual, you must deceive the community. While the sensorium and mind space of a groupthinking crowd can be influenced, the essence that sustains the life of those people is not so easily swayed. And then there is our existence in Causality. Any action the trickster takes will have consequences, for which they must be prepared.
@miramari732 Жыл бұрын
@@TheCrazydude17 Interesting theory. What I observed was this: for trickster it's much easier to pretend to be someone who one doesn't know than someone one knows well. So it is more likely pretend to be foreign deity than to be one's dead grandma. They also often emulate looks and sound, but not care about rest of the senses (which makes them easy to recognize by smell. Deities smell like votive offerings. Tricksters don't). They give wrong informations about their "persona", one they try to emulate. Good info dive about religion and culture gives one enough knowledge to catch them on lying. Their energy IDK how to name that... Flickers? It's obvious that is stretched too much and is very thin and it keeps flickering like lighttube at the end of life cycle, as they try to emulate sheer power of deity. Those are dead givaways for me
@TheCrazydude17 Жыл бұрын
@@miramari732 It flickers as you described because it is near the end. Well spotted. Being so close to escape, they begin to see self as less real, less singular.
@christamckane2682 Жыл бұрын
I have no experience in energy sensing, so this is good advice that I should stick to protection.
@TaylorTheOtter Жыл бұрын
For the last two-ish months I've been praying to Hypnos before going to sleep. Three days ago I suddenly felt like it was time to expand on that relationship and so I made a little altar. Today I found out that he seems to want me to get cozy and comfy without digital distractions (except music). Idk how I knew but when I tried it, I felt the strongest connection yet. It was like he sent a feeling of everything in the world being right (which is a feeling that I haven't had in many years). It seems weird to be this frivolous about my worship I guess but it seems to be working out well!
@KazKindred613 Жыл бұрын
In my experience so far, I’ve found that gods seem to communicate a lot through urges and feelings! You aren’t being frivolous, you’re worshipping in your own way! It’s not like you can just stroll up to a temple, so don’t worry. I’m fairly certain that any deities you worship will say “Do what you can, child, and we will smile upon you,” as that is what they have said to me :)
@kittymonster9549 Жыл бұрын
I been in a museum of Roman mosaic and seen little Hypnos figurine there, it impressed me so much! like i could feel his energy
@MamaCroc Жыл бұрын
You made me laugh out loud at work cause of you 😆 "someone got a burning bush, some one got Pregnant"
@lacertebeatrice Жыл бұрын
I was given a statue of Tutankhamun, and found one of Nefertiti in a thriftstore. So I made a space for them on my window, feels like an altar. I've been offering them water, and the food I make sometimes. I often catch my cat starring at the statues! It's also the window with the most sun coming through, in my creativity room, it's just such a lovely vibe!
@tyson7687 Жыл бұрын
This was genuine and appreciated. I appreciate that you touched on the Tuath De Danann (in my Irish exposure from County Cork, it is pronounced Tooah de DanAnn). There certainly are regional variations of how each Deity was worshiped in Ireland. Additionally, the tales of Ireland are all about the invasions and progression from chaos to order. There are some crossover myths and figures with Scotlad, due to invasions. We have some crossover with Wales as well. Ultimately, you made a point that is an invaluable resource - go to someone who is part of that (the royal that) living tradition. Whether the tradition is Irish, Welsh, Indo-European, Hellenic Polytheism, etc... Go to those who are living that praxis. Again, I appreciate how you allow room for people to make their own interpretations, and find their own answers. Another item you mentioned, that really impacts me, is the concept of not being so elaborate with my devotional altar. I have a hard time not going head first into worship and creating an elaborate space. This need not be the case for several reason. In my situation, I need to give the connection some time to ensure I'm not going to flake (moment of honesty).
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the correction on pronunciation! Elaborate spaces, in my opinion, look really good on paper but are so difficult to maintain and keep up with. My most elaborate altar is my working altar, and most of what I have I have been collecting over the entirety of my practice. For devotional spaces, a statue and/or candle and a little bit of water or even some wine depending on the deity is perfect. Diana gets offerings poured outside or put in a little ceramic bowl and that's about it.
@Yourlocal_planet Жыл бұрын
This was so helpful :) I'm preparing to work with Persephone soon and doing a TON of research on her, and in the midst of it I realized that Bia had been reaching out to me! While I'm super excited, I'm really new to Diety work and so I decided to ask for some time before working with Bia, as this entire time I've been readying myself to work with Persephone and I think two deities would be too much rn. I hope she's still around when I'm ready :)
@dexaria Жыл бұрын
You’ve inspired me to downsize my altar! It’s been not working for me for a while but I didn’t know what to do. Thanks for the idea of having a small altar
@darcyemullen Жыл бұрын
Love seeing you talk about Irish practioners, truly appreciate you pushing for people to look into my home and culture!
@aerin-ate-a-bee Жыл бұрын
i've been trying to work with deities for a while now - actually, i'm not sure if it's working with them or worshiping, it might be a mix of both - and i thought i should throw in a few things that i've found out and what i've done to try and work with deities as someone who lives in a christian home and cannot be open about my craft and religious beliefs. :) 1. you can work with and worship gods from different pantheons at the same time! i currently work with/worship loki from norse mythology and hades from greek mythology, and it's totally fine! 2. as i cannot get big flashy things, make altars, etc., i've made a lot of the things that i use to work with/worship my deities, such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, and drawings. other stuff for them i have taken from around my house, like snake jewelry for loki and coins for hades. with the things i collected, i either wear the jewelry, or i have my things for hades stuffed into a small bag that i keep near me. 3. majority of my work/worship is just talking/praying. praying, like actual praying, is still so awkward to me because of the way i was raised in the christian church. however, if just talking with them counts as praying, then i do pray to them quite a bit. i just talk on and on, and i can feel when they are there and listening. i believe that you don't have to feel them there while you pray or listen, but it's a huge boost for me personally, again due to the way i was raised and my struggle with the christian church (this is not intended to be hate on christian people or the christian church, i am simply explaining my struggle with it personally and how it's effected and impacted my work/worship) 4. pinterest boards. i use private ones, since people from my family and school follow me there, but i save pins a lot on my board for witchcraft, including stuff for my deities and working with them. i think this is all i can think of off the top of my head, but i'll add more if i think of them :)
@giudora Жыл бұрын
everything I needed for this week!
@AutMouseLabs Жыл бұрын
This was a lovely video. So much information well presented and with your characteristic realness. Thanks CWA!
@JuviaLockserTMCinnabonRoll Жыл бұрын
Just what Ive been looking in to! Lovely coincidence. Thank you for the vid! Blessed be xx
@keziahshyah Жыл бұрын
This videos come at such an opportune time! I just started working with deities and needed this kind of intro 💕
@bonesandpinecones Жыл бұрын
i love your sweater ❤ i really think this was such an important video not only to get rid of different stigma that exist around deity work but also to show how points of view change with experience, knowledge, and time.
@ary2382 Жыл бұрын
AHHH FRANKIE!!!! You always put out these videos when I need them!! Love you and your content ❤
@cookieshard3 Жыл бұрын
just what I needed! also, I’d love a vlog of the devotional piece to Dianna😌
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
I filmed my vlog creating her outdoor altar, will be filming again for other devotional activities!
@cookieshard3 Жыл бұрын
@@ChaoticWitchAunt I watched it, can’t wait to see more of that kind of content!
@elishateegardin Жыл бұрын
This made me tear up. I like hearing that. I know I was struggling with who was reaching out to me. Cause I knew someone was, but that phrasing you had just hit at home and kind of tied everything together. Thank you for making these videos, they mean a lot. 9:59
@t0m726 Жыл бұрын
Bought your book a few days ago I love it already!
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@plutocafe4377 Жыл бұрын
this is a sign! I’ve been wanting to delve into this side of things for a while now and then this randomly pops up in my feed! like all day I’ve been wondering if the pull towards the deities was a sign or not, but here’s my clarification. I’m so happy
@pedrohenriquedeoliveira5601 Жыл бұрын
watching your video was very useful to broaden my perspective. I feel more at ease in trying things out and discovering for myself. ❤
@pedrohenriquedeoliveira5601 Жыл бұрын
thanks 😊
@jacobdiden8967 Ай бұрын
cool. im choosing Freya to start with. Im just gonna set up and altar, and start meditating and calling out to her and see what i get
@cheriseknight2245 Жыл бұрын
Literally last night I realised that I want to work with a deity, and now you post this video, wowww!!!!
@rosie-milana9371 Жыл бұрын
Hi Frankie! ❤
@Eduardo-xy8jj Жыл бұрын
Thank you dear ❤
@TessConnellan Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this, Brigid reached out to me this past Samhain after being around for a loooong time and this is a perfect next step to reaching back! Any other Brigid devotees in the house? ❤️‍🔥
@thesquidling Жыл бұрын
YESSSS! I love her so much! 10/10, she's so kind!
@braelynwalker685 Жыл бұрын
Yesss!!! I just started working with her. She’s honestly the best! Any tips y’all?
@laurenhepp4681 Жыл бұрын
Me too 🔥
@TessConnellan Жыл бұрын
@@braelynwalker685 I'm very new with deity work at all but one thing I did do was upcycle a lady-head vase into her (I'm an art witch), and kept it on my altar. She started reaching out some time after that, so I guess she likes creativity from us. I also picked up a few white feathers (I was seeing them EVERYWHERE, it was SCARY) which are a traditional offering to her, and I kept them on my altar in a special place. I now just speak a simple devotion to her each morning at her little altar space. I'm going to do a tour of that little altar on my channel soon
@thehorrorfiend23 Жыл бұрын
I recently took up worshipping her in honor of my mom!
@christinawhisler Жыл бұрын
When you mentioned Pomona at first I thought you were talking about where I lived. I live in Pomona California.
@alejandromolina5645 28 күн бұрын
Nice video and good information. Banishing and casting a circle cleanses the space to make it easier for the deity to come to you. Not to mention, it clears your mind and emotions in preparation for your joining with the deity. Of course, this is more important in the beginning than after you establish a strong connection with the god/goddess where you can call them at any time and anywhere.
@jasminegibbs8334 Жыл бұрын
Yelling somehow sits perfectly with me, because why do I feel like that matches Loki's energy so well (I've never done it, but it certainly seems like it would go well) 😂😂
@praetordaniela4830 Жыл бұрын
I remember when I started worshipping Athena two years ago, I started seeing birds of prey ALL THE TIME, I saw a SNAKE while walking through the woods (I’ve never seen so much animals in such a short period of time)
@sinnerclinic Жыл бұрын
I kind of had the interest to worship to getting contact with a deity. At first I researched another similar deity and started worshipping them, but I then later switched as it didn't really feel right. The switch was a correct choice as after a month or so of active worship I got contact with the deity and found out they're my patron! So you can just absolutely start looking for deities that seem interesting and start a worship, your intuition will steer you into the correct route eventually.
@SodaPop707 Жыл бұрын
This video was rlly good! I deffinetly agree, so far I've been most successful using a pendant to ask questions to apollo and today when I woke up, my shoulder which usually hurts to the point its hard to move right after I wake up felt ,, fine! It was very weird, the evening before that I had put down a small offering and had dinner in front of his altar while talking to him :) so I take it as a good sign
@lunawolf3645 Жыл бұрын
Totally off topic, but you mentioned Lupa and it reminded me that I named the male main character in the book I'm writing Lupa. His sister was originally Luna, but I later changed it to Lyra. Later on, I looked up the names to realize why my male mc was getting bullied. I knew he was getting bullied before, but when I found out it translated to "She-wolf" I understood and found it surprising that a name I pulled out of my ass and thought I had made up was wolf related. Even later on, I found out Lyra was the name of the lyre constellation, which is also surprising, because before that, her best friend and mentor nicknamed her "Lyre" while her brother's nickname for her was "Lye". The fact that those things and some of the themes of the book lined up was so shocking to me. Anyways, sorry for the ramble. Just wanted to share my Lupa story because it was a huge surprise to me.
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
This is such a cool thing that you shared. Thank you.
@roxassora2706 Жыл бұрын
Isn't that in Latin?
@lunawolf3645 Жыл бұрын
@@roxassora2706 Have no idea.
@roxassora2706 Жыл бұрын
@@lunawolf3645 In Spanish it's "loba". Just like it's also "Lobo" as they have male and female forms.
@lunawolf3645 Жыл бұрын
@@roxassora2706 I know that.
@cameronlewis4681 10 ай бұрын
Just want to say thank you for the awesome video. I’m coming from a christian background for the last 20 years and I’m stepping away from that. Right I follow a lot of the Norse pantheon, but have been feeling drawn to a darker God. I honestly don’t know why either, but this video definitely eased some anxiety about it so thank you 😊
@Itsshegooo Жыл бұрын
Love your videos I clicked so fast 😂
@thepotat0es351 Жыл бұрын
I would love to see a vlog for the devotional piece!
@ariesstar85 Жыл бұрын
I am brand new to witchcraft I was told the goddess Hecate was guiding me at the time I had never even heard of her
@vivektandan8785 10 ай бұрын
thank u 🥰
@laurenhepp4681 Жыл бұрын
I’d love to see a tattoo vlog
@user-cy3fy6pe8b 11 ай бұрын
I would love to be a witch LOVE IT
@BBFCCO733 Жыл бұрын
I bought a book on Green Tara a while ago and wished that I could buy a statue about her and learn about her and start working with her. Last week I went to a psychic fair and found the statue and thought ,hmm, I think this is a sign. I also feel a pull to work with Hecate, but I don't feel it's the right time yet. I have a lot to study before hand.
@Jakob.Hamburg 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the video, interesting info. + Very nice outfit. It looks spiritual/shamanic/witchy and looks good on you. : )
@Xoxoxo_spears Жыл бұрын
@thecatgotfatfromtheratinthehat 9 ай бұрын
Watching this while making a bracelet each for Dionysus and Hekate worship
@youreokay3847 Жыл бұрын
There is also a theory among those who study Irish mythology that the Morrigan may have been a title ascribed to a kind of goddess although I don't know how fringe that theory is. Also hearing Irish names in an Italian accent is so interesting (and kinda pretty fr)
@biohazard5755 Жыл бұрын
I had a dream about the God Pan. In the dream he smiled at me. Now I work with him along side Hekate.
@PrincessKLS Жыл бұрын
I know I don't work well with dark goddesses but I've been drawn to them.
@blacscorpio111 Жыл бұрын
I feel like "work" sounds more urgent or necessary where as "worship" sounds more leisurely. Work is reap worship is soe?? Yeah those words sound accurate to my thoughts lol Lilith seems to have been around me my whole life and I never connected with her spiritually until now. I feel so beautifully drawn to her and my confidence is 100x better. I say if you feel it. Go for it!! Just stay respectful
@AngieRose103 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this information. I am still trying to figure out my path and I truly appreciate how you explain everything!!
@luna-fp7jf Ай бұрын
I'm starting to worship a goddess now, the first in my life. And it's very difficult to get it into your head that you don't need a super elaborate place to Her or give multiple offerings. I'm getting it into my head now that I don't need to give her a million things. And honestly, when I do something very random for her, like a nap or watching a movie that reminds me of her, I feel like that She is much closer to me.❤❤❤
@TheBoujeeMystic369 Жыл бұрын
U can make limoncello. Lemon is da fruit of da moon and vodka is connected 2 timin, so together perfect 4 moon rites. It's an Italian lemon liquor so it has cultural ties.
@l0nenightw0lf8 Жыл бұрын
I have one devotional tattoo to Odin and I have a second one happening on the 22nd. 🙏
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
LOVE IT! Devotional tattoos are my favorite.
@neilfleck4178 19 күн бұрын
I'm the tidiest !!
@kensclark 3 ай бұрын
Although I agree with being respectful, I have never had issues talking with deities that are from closed practices. My belief is that no practice should be closed, so I do not believe in barriers like that. I have talked with a lot, and some say they are busy or can't talk. However, other times I contact them, they are glad to help. But I always give offerings and I am respectful.
@celebrityguest.9530 8 ай бұрын
ive been kinda quietly watching your videos for the past couple days. i havent been really active in my craft or in my spirituality for some time but like you said it kinda comes and goes and i think it’s coming back now. i have a few like, altar boxes of sorts that i made in high school that i’ve been trying to do more like upkeep on recently but i want to do more as far as like showing my devotion to my deities. i did a tonnn of research back then but even now i feel like i should continue doing a lot more. i mainly follow the greek pantheon but like, yeah i dunno. i had gotten this deity reading done about a year ago and was pointed to hades so while i’ve honestly been a little scared to reach out bc like.. i think it’s reasonable to say it’s a little intimidating to think about, i think i might start soon considering i do think there’s something in there i should explore. i’m kind of just rambling now but thanks for making this video, these really help
@kathrynrogers6796 Жыл бұрын
From my research, it’s widely accepted that when you want to pray to an underground deity in the Greek pantheon, you beat your palm to the ground to get their attention. Very similar to the yelling at the sky part.
@stripeyy_ 3 ай бұрын
ive noticed so many signs from aphrodite recently so this video was NEEDED
@kintaflyfloss9689 Жыл бұрын
How did this come out as I was looking for deity help thankyou so so much😂
@heatherfeather1293 Жыл бұрын
I love Freya AND Persephone. I've never felt called by a deity though
@BroodingStoriesAfter_Nightfall Жыл бұрын
6:02 That protection from that Deity's annoyance might be doing the offerings accordingly so they may be more inclined to listen and/or help. Some of them might sympathize but still come right respect and all. 5:45 When people who are not invited in Voodoo or Hoodoo think it's a simple invitation but those exact people don't work with their ancestors, don't do some form of heavy duty shadow work, let their shadow side run amuck in their lives and don't go to some form of therapy like what would you do when the closed practice initiator gives you a head wash? Your going to end up in shambles scrambling for your sanity.
@jadeariellevaughn4695 Жыл бұрын
Ceridwen is also a representation of the crone
@graciev2973 5 ай бұрын
Some of my thoughts: I like that you emphasize that you don't need all the visually pleasing stuff to do this work. Also I really enjoy that you talk a bit about history vs neo stuff. As someone trying to get into this, it's really personally confusing and offputting to see all the misinformation. I guess I personally prefer the traditional and historical stuff. I'd love to see a video about doubt. I have a hard time with being a skeptic and at times almost atheistic when I don't want to be. It's like... "well if I don't hear a voice or have a visitation, I must be making everything up". Lastly, what options are there besides deities to work with? I'm not sure if I want to work with a god/dess. I know people talk about working with fae or archangels or saints. Is that an option? Anything else?
@ngonfinda9606 Жыл бұрын
I am a nganga/priest in Palo. We are a semi closed practice you can call on our deities/mpungo without Initiation but its highly recommend to get a reading first. We can also punish all our deities/mpungo besides yaya kengue by beating them with a stick. We dont need protection for working with the mpungo but if doing heavy spell work then we cleanse after and if it's been awhile befoe you have cleansed in awhile also before you start not for protection but for better connection amd results not for safety. when it comes to mpungo for non priest who don't know which mpungo walks with them as there mother or father in Mayombe the best place for worship is there point in nature or just work with there herbs for spiritual baths. The cultural context is Yombe/congo/Angola a culture i am adopted into via initiation so its semi open semi closed.
@dazknight9326 Жыл бұрын
Well you can use references in general to get started, but once in, the other Deities know them, and can lead to more. Archangel Michael
@maryh2730 Жыл бұрын
I wanna see a vlog on your devotional tattoo ❤
@SarinaValentinaxo 8 ай бұрын
I feel like the chaotic route is less taxing mentally but with eclectic elements. I feel we should all practice with the best intent in mind. However hexing is coming from a different place….. and then I’m personally feeling well should I be worried about karma or not? Because I’ve seen people go real dark when they threw out karma…. But the energy around them changed…. Karma is also an absolutely different topic…. Using a deity to hex is also controversial because certain deities can be playful but does that mean they are ok with hexing? It’s all a big mystery until you start doing the work… then it really starts getting real….
@ark.0616 Ай бұрын
I’m in between worship and deity work . I don’t also make circle ⭕️ for protection but I do protection to protect me from other bad entities or tricksters ,it’s not for deities .I also don’t have an altar for deities but I have one table to put the stuff when I’m praying because I don’t want jealousy between deities . I want or offer equally except for Hecate Goddess because she is a type of Goddess that wants offerings in regular period ,not everyday of course but you must remember her to pour wine in regular day .And. After few hours or overnight I dish out and won’t put anything in the table for the next deity . I have only 3 deities they are God Ra and King Horus and I give in regular period and clean after many hours or overnight .
@earthwitchnatasha Жыл бұрын
I've had a really hard time with addressing to myself and to others on who I "worship" or if I have a diety. for my personal practice, it's all about the divine earth and nature. my practice really took off when I learned who Gaia is. I don't really work with her per say. but whenever I cleanse my home I do say a "prayer" or "ritual" to ask for her protection and well being of my home. Do you have any recommendations on Gaia? I've tried doing some research but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.
@Allwaysmoony Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to state we have the same glasses
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
@ktwolfsbane Жыл бұрын
Have you done deity videos in the past? Cause that certainly would be awesome to see
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
I have done several talking about my experiences with deities, including Freyja, Diana, Artemis & Apollo! I also did a revisiting video on my first Deity Work video (it was bad), as well as a video about communing with deities & Deity Worship.
@nellygabillault2625 8 ай бұрын
Hi, nice talk! Thank you for sharing your view and experiences with deities. You're mentionning an anthropologic book when talking about communication, can you share the reference, please ? Quite curious and interested, thank you ! Have a good day :)
@angelicdemon1333 2 ай бұрын
Faith is really powerful wether for good or bad. For positive or negative. If you are superstitious n you believe walking under a ladder can hurt u, it can. Mental state is profound. If your mind believes you are in danger it affects your whole system. Voodoo, if you believe it works it can. It's important who n what we give our authority.
@angelicdemon1333 2 ай бұрын
Reverence, respect. Take a wild animal. Ppl these days don't respect a wild animal is a wild animal, it's capable of viciousness n defending itself. Ppl need to respect what they are capable of. N not expect them t be anything but what it is. Angel's or demons or fairies ppl want t paint them as loving n life. But they are fierce well equipped things....a demon is not stupid they are highly intelligent and stronger than most things. We shouldn't put them in a box with one facet n forget these other things n expect them t be anything other than what they are. N that comes with respect t what they are capable of realistically n not just how we want t think of them.
@dariamiller8156 3 ай бұрын
I never planned to work with deitis but I woke up today and while I was driving to my base I was hit with the urge to make a sculpture and build an altar. I'll only be back home in a week ,so for now her I am trying to figure out what this whole thing Is about
@AYOKat 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video! After dedicating libations on an altar, what do you with the food or drink after? I work with Hera (who wants burnt beef) and the Fae (who want honey milk) both don't last well. Do I consume them? Do I throw them out? I live in an apartment so i have no real outside space. Any help would be amazing. Thank you and have a lovely day!
@kensclark 3 ай бұрын
For some reason, I've been talking to Sumerian gods a lot. I had no knowledge of them before, but I had a dream with the name Marduk appearing all over. I looked him up and he is the king of gods in the Sumer belief system. I then met a celebrity in a store the next day that believes in Sumerian mythology. All of this followed after ONE night I heard a random entity giving me spells to recite. After researching Marduk, I learned he is the god of incantations... 3 weeks later, I had a dream of some golden glowing lion named Abu appearing to me in a gathering place of psychics, and he called me the First Messenger of about 14. He pulled me into a tunnel in the sky, and I was ripped from my body into a rotating tunnel of stars with the names of all 14 other messengers appearing before me. I asked him if I could say bye to my family, and I immediately shot back into my body and woke up. When I researched the name Abu, it turns out he is basically a messenger/servant god to a god that deals with "gateways to the sky." Freaky stuff that made sense once I researched it... Lately though, I have been working with Hecate.
@jamesgrosrenaudjr812 4 ай бұрын
I found a Hermes statue at the thief store . I’ve started looking in to the myths and I’m drawn to him . I’m very skeptical of all this though
@comedicality Жыл бұрын
Another great video. One of my questions was if you feel a deity has been trying to reach out but you don't know who, how do you identify them? I feel that I was visited by a deity on Samhain and all I have to go on is I saw a glowing purple aura by my home altar's offerings/libations. Hekate and Nyx are two goddesses I have jewelry for that I occasionally wear but I've also used Cerridwen on my altar on occasion so I'm just curious how you would go about identifying who it was.
@m0thernature730 2 ай бұрын
11:12 what was *wild* for me was one day I felt a connection that i had had all my life had been picking up cards and runes and a bunch of random divination dark things and I went “you know what I’m going to see who has been with me since that day with the dead chicken!” I thought about the things and who I am and who I felt closed to thought “oh it has to be Flidais right? *NOPE* the CARDS SAID “transformation, divination, guidance, darkness, power, magic” I stared at the cards and went “wat” but the only god that fit was Ceridwen… and now I’m here… but after that the only goddess i can really feel comfortable around is her so 🤷‍♀️ I guess let’s give this whole thing a go… I was a Druid so it’s just a hop skip and a jump over to Wicca…😅. I’m doomed 😵‍💫
@tigerdp123 Жыл бұрын
does anyone have good resources for historical greek worship? books/websites. im specifically looking for apollo
@elane_moonq Жыл бұрын
Hello! Recently I did a protection spell, I was meditating and connecting with it while I "saw" Anubis, because I asked for help from my spirit guides... Now, i know working with deities it's not necessary, as a solo practioner I have to search info myself, but when these things happens... How do I know the difference between what "I saw" or "just my imagination"? Grazie mille/thank you so much
@Its_nu__ 4 ай бұрын
The thing on yelling I believe that it does depend on the deity. However I believe u have to have in mind the context. They are gods, so a minimum of respect is needed as well as a minimum of respect is needed when u talk to humans. For example I work with demons but not long ago I started working with Loki bc he reached out to me. Some deities are more serious and others are more like friends in some sense. For example for me Loki feels like a brother so we do joke around a lot but u have to set boundaries and I’m sure the deity also has some boundaries that they would want u to respect. I personally feel that with Loki if u joke around and yell at him as a joke might be fine bc he likes to be playful but if u get angry and yell at him he might not like it. He has told me once that other practitioner had yelled at him in frustration and that it made him a bit sad. But it obviously depends on the deity and YOUR relationship with them so when u Start working with one I recommend asking where the boundaries are for them and also for u. If u upset them by accident they will understand it if u apologise as long as u didn’t do it in purpose or with bad intentions, at least that was my experience. Hope this helped! Oh oh and on altars. Don’t worry about having one, u don’t need to. My first altar was on a shoe box so that can work if u are a closet witch and want to have one hahaha. Also I personally have one altar for everyone and they don’t really mind it bc they know I can’t afford more but ask them before doing so just in case :)
@Sayaradraws Жыл бұрын
hi so i might have realized something with this video Mist showed up out of nowwhere in my city, and i think it is a sign because lately i've thought of Hekate but i've always been quite scared of her But the question is , do you think she's tied somehow with traditional italian witchraft? would mist be a sign from her? Lovely video anyway, keep up!
@AstralHealthGuy Жыл бұрын
Haha I swear when visiting family in Italy I've seen a old lady walk outside and yell at the sky. I wonder if that's what she was doing. Also I plan on making mugwort wort wine for Diana soon maybe any idea for you.
@rodneyillustrations Жыл бұрын
@lucy-tf1ur Жыл бұрын
I’m interested in witchcraft, but I’m also watching this to procrastinate doing my art coarse work due tomorrow, I know that’s bad, it’s just gone horribly wrong and I’m scared to go back to it. Seriously I am going to do it in like 10 minutes I don’t even hate art, I’m just scared. Cool vid though, idk what branch of witchcraft I’m involved with, I’m new to this and I’ve never been sure whether I do or don’t believe in a god/gods
@imjustanalien4712 4 ай бұрын
So I've always liked Greek Mythology and Norse Mythology as a kid. Thor was always my favorite God and Avenger in the Marvel Comics and I'm writing a story with him in it now. Recently we adopted a rescue dog that came with the name Thor and he absolutely loves me! I was wondering if that means anything?
@MadDogRyan Жыл бұрын
Met my Goddess as kid in the forest near my grandmother's house in Vermont during my Christmas break it's strange because she's a Kami revered in Shintoism guided me back to my grandmother's house after I got lost Inari was draped in red and white silk cloth with eyes that were both kind and wild her skin was whiter than the snow and her hair was jet black with bright red ends I've never really worshiped her or done anything within the context of shito practices I just call her when I need help or guidance I also just hang out with he/her they take the form of a woman majority of the time but I swor an oath to her on new years I am to treat all life with respect, if I see a woman or child in trouble I am to help them, and never kill a fox which I wouldn't even before I gave my word because they've always been like family
@joshuacavazos8869 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been practicing tarot for a several months and recently confided and asked for guidance. Asked if Apollo would be willing to work with me if I reach out. Don’t remember the exact cards but I know the sun came up. Basically the cards said yes he would work with me, but it may not be a good match. So I’ve been trying to find a deity that is similar to my self personality wise. I’m trying read up on what gods my ancestors worshipped. Being Hispanic, I’m part native from Mexico. But no one in my family had any knowledge on what tribe, so idk what they worshipped. I have a lot of Spanish blood also, Spain used to be part of the Roman empire. So I figured the Roman gods would be the way to go.
@Pop_Tab_Goblin-lq6wt Сағат бұрын
Aphrodite scares me 😭
@friday3643 Жыл бұрын
What were the original aspects of The Triple Moon Goddess? I always thought it was Maiden, Mother, Crone?
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
Depends on the goddess you're referring to. For Diana, her Triformis epithet was Diana of the Underworld, Diana of the Earth, and Diana of the Sky. Maiden-Mother-Crone is a relatively new concept. For An Morrigna, another "triple" goddess, she was seen as three separate goddesses (sometimes more!) or three sisters - Nemain, Badb, and Macha. Sometimes they are different names used for these three beings, and they are referred to as An Morrigna. It actually depends with An Morrigna/the Morrigan, but historically none of these "triple goddesses" were seen as Maiden-Mother-Crone aspects, rather different aspects of the goddess, different goddesses, or in the case of Hekate, association with the triple ways or crossroads.
@wishfulfilled1794 Жыл бұрын
What's the difference between working with deities and law of attraction?
@meghand.193 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been working with hekate for awhile now and always was uncomfy with the mother maiden and crone presentation. And have always been interested in the diana x hekate x selene thing. Confused me. I like to keep with the older tradition rather than implement new ideas. Seems counterintuitive.
@ChaoticWitchAunt Жыл бұрын
Diana x Hekate x Selene (sometimes another goddess that was representative of the Moon!) is always so cool to me, because when we look at these deities in their historical contexts Diana tended to “rule” over the Earth (hunting, healing, wild things), Hekate the liminal (Underworld, crossroads, necromancy) and Selene the sky (personification of the Moon). It lines up with all the research Ive done on Diana’s epithet Diana Triformis - that these threefold goddesses were of the Underworld/Liminal, Earth & Sky.
@erebuspitchblack3547 Жыл бұрын
Hello can i ask a question? im a beginner. 🙂 Why hekate appeared in my dream last night? And she always communicate me through my pendulum and when im meditating i always see her. She had a dark cloak and had a crescent moon. And also my spirit guide had a dark cloak too. Thank you! 🖤🖤🖤
@colmortmain6690 Жыл бұрын
Same! During a hard time in my life, I couldn't tell if my coming across her name and that it kept popping up was my fascination in general or if she was making hints and telling me to communicate with her. I have a few things to make an altar, but it's not complete and I feel like I'm missing things or that it's not the right place/ time. I'm not sure if that's just me or what. I still get a feeling from time to time that she's still there and watching over me and guiding me or testing me, but it's not as often now as it was before when things were really bad. I'm not sure if my slowness to preparing myself is making her inpatient or if she's just waiting to let me know when it's the right time. It's hard to know when to do the altar and worship when I can't and don't know anyone to talk about it.
@sophiewardle709 10 ай бұрын
so what if i feel like im not ready, but the deity is CONSTANTLY on my mind? do I just go for it?
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