"Socialism for the Bankers" Yanis Varoufakis on What Killed Capitalism? (Part 2)

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@scroopynooperz9051 5 ай бұрын
This man's intuitive understanding of the global finance racket is truly something to behold.
@Stoddardian 5 ай бұрын
He'll never call out the tribe behind all of it.
@mariettestabel275 5 ай бұрын
@scroopynooperz9051 5 ай бұрын
@@Stoddardian lol he would be committing suicide if he did - Yanis is smarter than that. He leads you to the the river, it's your job to cross it.
@lilhyena7534 4 ай бұрын
​@@Stoddardianbecause the same tribe is behind him 😂 nothing will save this world, maybe an asteroid...
@marcelcicort9671 3 ай бұрын
So true
@stevenmedge3479 5 ай бұрын
The issue with a great many marxists is that they haven't read Marx. If you don't understand the difference between profit and rent you won't be able to understand what defines capitalism as a system. That is why Yannis is correct, he delineates how the current technology companies generate their money, they don't earn profit from the production of sold commodities on a market, he extracts a rent from squatting on a digital space, which in this instance happens to be a capitalist market place.
@deponensvogel7261 3 ай бұрын
The issue has always been that vibes come first, arguments later.
@SkandalouzStyle 5 ай бұрын
(Rent) Yanis Varoufakis just answered a question that's been burning in my head, why does Google and Samsung keep asking me for subscription money for cloud storage? I never asked them to take photos off my phone and store them? and do you know how nearly impossible is to stop this from happening and get them back?? I actually have to find a setting that says stop taking photos off of my phone and deleting them from my phone? Wow. Unbelievable 💯
@dmwalker24 5 ай бұрын
And they are attempting to do the same with everything. Things like software packages, or the Unity game engine being subscription based, or licensed per user. The fact that AI models almost have to be run from cloud server infrastructure due to their size, and processing requirements. Every big game produced now has to have a season pass with better rewards, or is loaded with DLC. They spend more time designing the micro-transactions than they do on the base game.
@alphadiallo1655 5 ай бұрын
Happened to me in 2014, took some nice pictures in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania).. 1 month later they were gone. Then my brother advised me to download google pics
@tomhermens7698 5 ай бұрын
Very right. The take my data for free, rather, stealing it.
@DerrickBest 5 ай бұрын
I don't know about Samsung but in the Google photos app. You can go in the settings and stop photos from being uploaded. There's Google takeout to get all your data. After you get it. Delete it from Google. Here's a prompt in ChatGPT to do it step by step. Prompt: *** ""Guide me step by step, in detail, to stop Google and Samsung from uploading my photos to their cloud. After those steps, I want to download my data and remove my photos from their cloud. I want this to be a permanent solution and never have my photos uploaded again. Ask me any pertinent questions before, during and after your guide to ensure I've completed this task."" ***
@215Gallagher 5 ай бұрын
Rent. That is the difference. The fact we can't even own our own copy of MS Office on a disc and even if we could, we couldn't use it because they've taken away the CD drive from our laptops is emblematic of technofeudalism.
@SkandalouzStyle 5 ай бұрын
Now I know why Google and Samsung want to keep taking photos off of my phone so they can charge me for storing them
@jooseppielleese7156 5 ай бұрын
Torrents are free ya know
@SkandalouzStyle 5 ай бұрын
@@jooseppielleese7156 torrents are dead! Killed of years ago.
@dmwalker24 5 ай бұрын
Yep, the whole idea is that we rent everything, and they own everything. Which has an interesting connection back to the mass buy-up of real estate by capital in the last few years. The capitalist class wants a captive population of serfs to behave as they are directed, to streamline the extraction of value.
@DreamCatcher201 4 ай бұрын
Open Source software could be an answer.
@sleepywatcher 5 ай бұрын
@fallonmassey4714 5 ай бұрын
*I disagree that Chins isn't Democratic, they are, I refer you to the definition of a Democracy!* However, let's assume you're right, *then the Government limiting a company is absolutely proper!* Why? Because you NEED an entity that's not democratic to take down a company that's also not Democratic! *No Western company is Democratic... None! Democracy is reserved for things that don't matter!*
@csharpe5787 5 ай бұрын
It looks like the Chinese model is the way forward. I certainly don’t trust the US not after what they’ve done to Palestine. We don’t have democracy and before someone correct me, I do understand the US is a republic.
@danielhutchinson6604 5 ай бұрын
Democracy in the USA was sold to George and Herman Brown in 1948 when they bought a Senate Seat. The cost has increased as the ability to buy Political Positions has become easier. 2016 we saw the introduction of directed Ad's that were intended to deliver the proper number of Electoral Votes to install any idiot in any Office, for the proper investment. Democracy is a fragile concept that was always influenced by Money. Now that People are not being paid enough to buy the representation, the ability of Humans to buy any representation has been replaced by greed. G-7 Nations who insist they are Democratic, appear to be lying. Representative Government, now represents the Majority Investor. The average Citizen just seems unable to buy representation.
@BillKort-xo8nj 5 ай бұрын
Westerners believe that voting makes our societies democracies. But voting is simply a procedure. Whereas, democracy is an outcome: majority-rule. Hence, a procedure, like voting is judged as democratic or not democratic by outcome. Most Westerners won't understand this but China is a democracy. The Chinese also have the procedure of voting. But it is not the vote that makes China a democracy. Rather, it is that government policy serves the majority: i.e. majority-rule, not an elite few.
@fallonmassey4714 5 ай бұрын
@@BillKort-xo8nj Exactly, China's ONLY focus is doing for its people, they took 800 million people out of poverty. Our democracies are focused on the few, not the many!
@juhanleemet 5 ай бұрын
@@BillKort-xo8nj not sure I agree, democracy usually refers to the political system, and China is not a political democracy; however, it IS a kind of (state) capitalism; i.e. you are allowed (in certain situations) to "make money", but you are NOT allowed to change the political system; also, I do not believe that state business is democratic either, i.e. they are not "worker owned cooperatives". Their system works quite well, and they are MAKING things! As one of their political leaders quipped: "we don't care what colour the cat, as long as it catches mice!"
@hilaryporter7841 5 ай бұрын
We need 'We Chat' equivalent. Thank you Yanis.
@AST4EVER 5 ай бұрын
in India we have UPI, i bought 2 bananas for 10 Rupees ( 0.12$ converted for ease) and gave cash of 100Rs but the street vendor said " i don't have 90Rs in cash, do the UPI" , i did UPI and money went from my Bank account to his in one second on which he paid no surcharge or tax. 👍
@marksmit8112 4 ай бұрын
No you need community banks and worker coop banks
@deadaccount5290 2 ай бұрын
As Payment goes - Polish BLIK works like that.
@jasonhaven7170 2 ай бұрын
that's not what he's saying
@garyweglarz 5 ай бұрын
The year is 1966 and I'm 14 years old listening to the political debate at the kitchen table between my dad, a steel worker with an 8th grade education - and one of his older brothers. My father's observation was that the U.S. has "socialism for the rich - and capitalism for everyone else." It was always clear to me that my parents, both of whom lacked a high school diploma - both had a much more sophisticated and nuanced understanding of how power works in America than any of my later university professors did. My dad followed up that comment with - "what this country needs is a revolution!" He'd be both amazed and saddened to see that the only "revolution" we got was a younger generation who thinks lesbians can sport a penis. : /
@robertamaral2349 5 ай бұрын
I agree with what you said here " The U.S. has "socialism for the rich - and capitalism for everyone else" Unfortunately I think what we have is crony capitalism for the rest of us. If we had actual honest capitalism, I think our landscape would look very different. Your dad was spot on!
@danielhutchinson6604 5 ай бұрын
I watched the Mills close down and even hauled a load of Japanese Steel into Pittsburgh. I began working at Transportation after study of Economics in 1970. I watched as one after another the Mills were shut down. We were getting loads that were emptying out warehouses of US made Steel , as the cheap new Mills in Texas and Utah began to be the only sources of material. The Union Jobs that were what created a lifestyle for Middle Class Americans was diminished. I hauled Lumber as those mills began to fade away as well. The ability to find a good paying job in any area is pretty bleak. The number of Campers that are growing in Cities across the USA, now are the problem for Municipal planners as Homes become too expensive. Like Gypsies the US population is moving into Campers before they lose their Home. It seems to be unsustainable.
@garyweglarz 5 ай бұрын
@@danielhutchinson6604 spot on Daniel. Capital has been playing working people against each other for decades. First it was moving mills to the sunbelt with no unions, and then it was moving them overseas where they could pay slave wages. Meanwhile, working class people in the U.S. were turned into "temporary" workers competing with each other to see who would work for the lowest wages. I had an older brother-in-law who was a journeyman machinist in the Detroit area who explained how the new sweat shops there that replaced the good paying mill jobs would hire a whole group of workers, then lay them all off the day before they'd become eligible to collect unemployment benefits - and then just hire a whole new batch of workers because nobody had a job after all those mid-Western factories closed.
@babygirlmarx 5 ай бұрын
It's disappointed that you correctly identify that culture war arguments are being used as an intentional distraction to keep the working class divided and then end your comment by engaging in that very war. Yanis was correct about the goal of these tech companies being behavioural modification and the culture war is a result of successful modification of political views and manufacturing divides amongst the working class. Why do you care if the person standing next to you calling for revolution is "a lesbian with a penis" or not? What does anyone else's genitals have to do with anything? Let's build solidarity and not fall for the same old divide and conquer trick.
@magma9138 5 ай бұрын
​@robertamaral2349 it is CORPORATE FEUDALISM.
@marcelcicort9671 3 ай бұрын
I find myself asking similar questions and others, which nobody is asking or telling except this guy. ONE outstanding question or lie we are told is this. IF they pay people a higher wage, they tell us that costs of goods and services are rising.. Makes sense, and we buy the lie, except that they dont show or speak of the profits EXPECTED AND EARNED by the owners, which they EXPECT TO BE HIGH!! Like the price of oil.. when it goes up, you hear all bunch of reasons or excuses for the price increase, yet at the quarterly earning all of the sudden, there is a huge increase in profits as well... yet nobody makes that correlation! Which is that increased productivity costs are not real, yet profits they rake at the end ARE REAL. And we pay it, or better said it is stollen willfully with our consent because we expect to pay for what we consume, but we dont realize how we are being looted or price gouged, and accept that as being the price we pay for capitalism and our good lifestyle, buy is nontheless a steal with white gloves or called business while in reality is price gouging or greed!!! By the same rate IF Walmart pays their people $20-$23/hr and they stop taking welfare because they can afford to live YET the owners (Waltons) take less profit (after they already have billions and billions) and the ecoonomy fluorishes because those people buy goods and services, avoid welfare checks, and all is good for everyone.. Imagine the alternative happening right now... Walmart employer can not make a living, goes on welfare (you and I pay for it), and the Waltons have more billions.. it is a form of stealing or Socialism for the Waltons because the money they earn is the rarning they steal (dont pay) their employees.. Socialism for the banks, rich politicians, is ON, yet we poor are screwed.. this is why MAGA is a lie, because the system does not allow itself to profit less, and neither does Trump, but the opposite.. I wish people would understand how they are lied to by seemingly truthful principles which qre all LIES, like the debunked, trickle down economics which proved that when the tied comes in the bay NOT all ships raise at same level.. Big ships raise 100 times or more than little ships, NOT EQUALLY!!!!! This is why thr American dream is dead and not becsuse we have a shortage of anything! Intelectual propeety, land, respurces, money.. we have it all but we are being looted by the elites and we are too dumb to realize it therefore we support in power the same criminals who are looting us....
@AB-bh6rb 3 ай бұрын
I dont know if youve heard of Shell. But it is an oil company. In my country the goverment spent 5 billion on making the world more green. 2 billion of that 5 went to the harbor of Rotterdam. Where Shell was doing their work to store co2 underground in the water. Pretending to care about the enviroment. But its then still gray energy, not green. But fine... They used that 2 billion which was paid for out of tax payer money. Which is weird to me. Because they make billions while destroying earth. Might as well let them then pay for it right? But nah. They got 2 billion of OUR money. But the funniest of all. Is they dont pay income taxes. Zero! And that same year they got 2 billion. They spend 6 billion to buy their own shares.. meanwhile the goverment is spending more than they get from taxes and whatnot. So they create goverment bonds. That then get bought by billionairs and companies who get paid interest on the bonds. Because the goverment cant ever pay back the entire debt. So they create more debt every time.. and all of that because they refuse to let big companies like Shell pay their taxes and tell them, you made the mess. You clean it up.
@Dark_Embracer 5 ай бұрын
You give a very detailed perspective on things 🤔
@tinoyb9294 5 ай бұрын
Meanwhile, the planet is on fire!
@gerhard7323 5 ай бұрын
No it isn't.
@DRS659 5 ай бұрын
And Varoufakis (coincidentally enough) is the leader of DiEM25 which authored the Green New Deal to address climate change
@glike2 5 ай бұрын
​@@gerhard7323 you just don't realize how bad it is the hole we are in
@glike2 5 ай бұрын
​@@gerhard7323Paul Beckwith covers it well on his channel and Climate Emergency Forum
@gerhard7323 5 ай бұрын
@@glike2 Don't confuse environmental over exploitation, destruction and pollution with ACC. The former I cannot and do not deny and nor can anyone. The latter I do.
@vivalaleta 5 ай бұрын
I once bought an early photoshop app. A year later they claimed I didn't own it because they wanted monthly rent for the app.
@pleggli 5 ай бұрын
No you didn’t. Photoshop is almost 35 years old, they have been doing this required subscription thing for about a decade.
@vivalaleta 5 ай бұрын
@@pleggli I used a lowercase because it wasn't Photoshop. That title has become a term. Welcome to the internet.
@vivalaleta 5 ай бұрын
@@pleggli I just remembered - it was called Picmonkey.
@pleggli 5 ай бұрын
@@vivalaleta I have never heard anyone say that and I work with people who use these kinds of applications all day long but I guess it's a good thing to say if you want to make it less clear what you are saying. Why not call it a photo editor app to be sure that you are communicating what you want to be communicating?
@90kaste 5 ай бұрын
@@pleggli your experience is anecdotal, which suggest that probably what the other person is saying is true as much as you think you are.
@AST4EVER 5 ай бұрын
in India we have UPI, i bought 2 bananas for 10 Rupees ( 0.12$ converted for ease) and gave cash of 100Rs but the street vendor said " i don't have 90Rs in cash, do the UPI" , i did UPI and money went from my Bank account to his in one second on which he paid no surcharge or tax. 👍
@fleurishadvisors232 5 ай бұрын
The soul of humanity is being held captive by technology.
@shuozhang429 5 ай бұрын
not technology, but human greed.
@bottplug2272 5 ай бұрын
A socially and spiritually correct statement.
@csharpe5787 5 ай бұрын
Wow, someone is seriously deleting comments here!
@gerhard7323 5 ай бұрын
Get used to it. Welcome to the future.🎉🎉
@FCMC123 5 ай бұрын
“Such boomer energy”.. such a shallow comment. Obviously didn’t grasp what Varoufakis was going for. Needs to work on hosting skills
@andrewthomas695 5 ай бұрын
She's not as clever as she thinks she is. Otherwise, she wouldn't buy into such prejudice.
@emmaboyd7908 4 ай бұрын
@@andrewthomas695 hosts on Novara all seem to have this immature tendency, I've unsubscribed several times... trouble is other channels are more suss; in some ways immaturity is authenticity, in others it's just annoying, but it's not propaganda
@mediterraneanworld 2 ай бұрын
People now use that against anyone they disagree - it is a way to shut down the discussion. Lazy and ageist.
@braydennorris7304 Ай бұрын
As someone who is happy to criticise ‘boomers’ when the time comes, yeah this pissed me off. I kinda expected some kind of ‘negative comment about the interviewer’ as their often it but only now after hearing that line did I seek it out.
@alexanderericson8628 6 күн бұрын
@@andrewthomas695 She says that to not be a Yes man. To validate what he says, there are numerous games going on when you "host" something. Think of it as theatre
@ZZWWYZ 4 ай бұрын
I went to Singapore and on the big screen in one of the mall in China Town right next to the Orchard road is an ads for the RMB baking network
@AugustinBogdan-v6f 5 ай бұрын
Longways round to valuations on three and four grouped Currencies. Stretching the Bigony to Poverty ratio has a serious effect.
@urimtefiki226 5 ай бұрын
I have austerity since apr 2020, six months after I finished my invention.
@marksmit8112 4 ай бұрын
Techno feudalism is certainly a large factor in the economy (~30-40%), however our economy is not techno feudalist per se but it sells book eh Yanis. Brilliant as always Dr Varoufakis
@danielobryant 5 ай бұрын
The interviewer was ignorant and rude.
@mediterraneanworld 2 ай бұрын
boomer energy! yes she was...
@merseybeat1963 5 ай бұрын
Link does NOT go to Part 3 ??
@RicardoFlor0 5 ай бұрын
In Brazil que have the PIX that alow instantly free money transactios betwren any bank accounts
@aneurindavies5943 5 ай бұрын
Follow also Ben Norton's recent Podcast discussion on the same issue, through the perspective of Alternative Independent Media Investigative Journalism.
@mguzeldere7238 5 ай бұрын
The moderator needs to keep her opinion to herself. We are interested in what Yannishas to say.
@davewarren3594 2 ай бұрын
Ash is sooo smart, so incisive in her intelligence and questioning here... and yet so charming, disarming and deferential here w/ Yanis.. she's drawing him out brilliantly in a way his technofeudal theories needs to be tested intellectually. Bravo, Ash Sarkar!
@tung176 5 ай бұрын
The female host said “there’s so much boomer energy” when the speaker is explaining a real phenomenon at 12:20 that ppl have less interaction in retail environment. She totally lost all credibility of her critical thinking
@mediterraneanworld 2 ай бұрын
yes, it was really inappropriate and she showed her prejudice, not very woke!
@z4961 5 ай бұрын
Gains for the rich but loss is mutualized
@3rdager 5 ай бұрын
8.28 As I understand it, built-in-obsolescence began with an illegal cartel and the lightbulb, perhaps that's where the term 'having a lightbulb-moment' started!?
@Mk-oy9ns 5 ай бұрын
Currency ain't money! There in lies the problem!
@bkolumban 5 ай бұрын
As opposed to what exactly?
@DJRYGAR1 5 ай бұрын
@@bkolumban most likely gold, it goldbug's mantra that only gold is real money
@jean-baptistejanssens9468 5 ай бұрын
Being ignorant is permitted, but arrogance and being stubborn about it is a catastrophic sin exhibited by this interviewer.
@patrickgz 5 ай бұрын
since advent of fintech, traditional legacy bank that we know has been on decline, especially in developing countries. fintech has been chipping away at bank services. from daily consumer transaction, capped savings, crowdsourcing/loans, capped cross border transfer, financial assistant, stock/commodity/crypto platforms, insurance , health, housing, utilities and continues chipping away. the last to transition would likely be big corporations by design. fist banks started buying off fintech but they realize they get rid one and ten new popups. banks then attempted to enter fintech but not being tech oriented is a clear disadvantage. so banks continue hiding behind treasury and regulations that protect them, for now.
@markcutts383 5 ай бұрын
Imagine you had One Hundred Dollars you wanted to deposit in your Bank. Imagine that there were 10 banks on the same street and yours was the 11th one right at the end of the street. Every time you passed a bank a person with a gun came out of that particular bank and demanded say 2% of your 100 dollars. By the time you got to deposit your money into your bank you would not have too much of your initial money left. And then when you arrive at your bank - your bank asks you if you want to take out a loan to make up for the missing money taken by the other banks? Welcome to the World of International ( Western Finance). Finally - imagine you are a country at the IMF asking for a loan and repeat the exercise above on a massive scale? The Banks that robbed you are offering you a loan so as that they can continue to rob you like that for eternity. This is why the BRICS countries are dangerous. Because all of this legal robbery would stop.
@veyselbatmaz2123 5 ай бұрын
Make a video on this book: "Digitalism vs. Capitalism" as an answer to this video. He is highly criticized in this book.
@AB-bh6rb 3 ай бұрын
Who is criticized in the book, Yanis?
@veyselbatmaz2123 3 ай бұрын
​@@AB-bh6rb Yes, his assertions are not novel (McLuhan, "Global Village") and nearsighted because he thinks that digital corporations are like digital feudal lords killing capitalism. If I were digital feudal lord, I wouldn't kill capitalism; I would conquer it. He thinks digital technology is bad, and he does not see that economics is technologically determined. And digital technology is now a bulk of the economy. The Marxist "economic infrastructure theory" is not what Marx had in mind. “The handmill gives you the society of feudal lords; the steammill society with the industrialist capitalist.” Technology makes the economy and society. Economy and society make the mode of production. Although he claims he is a Marxist, he does not think the way Marx thinks.
@ahmetdogan5685 5 ай бұрын
This bald guy has some bold ideas.
@zbigniewdzwonkowski3536 5 ай бұрын
Bald Eagle of Greece...
@michaelpilos Ай бұрын
Yiannis! It’s ALL about EFFICIENCY! 🔐
@mintusaren895 5 ай бұрын
In india what LIC SAY ZINDGIE KE SATH BHEE ZINDEGI baad bhee. Eraging
@merseybeat1963 5 ай бұрын
Dear HOW TO ACADEMY. Your links are taking us to the wrong program
@aneurindavies5943 5 ай бұрын
"Austerity Paves the Path to Fascism" Prof Richard D Wolff on Democracy at Work.
@Grivier2 4 ай бұрын
Where is the full, uninterrupted conversation?
@nedzadbadnjevic6885 5 ай бұрын
Inovations?Mobile?Internet?A good example of stupidy that makes life worst,innovations that makes life easy?Nothing comes to my mind.In 100-200 yeras our Mother Earth turns to dusty desert without any signs of life
@kreb7 5 ай бұрын
The guy asked to increase taxation on renewables but not on electricity generated by fossil fuel inside the Greeck parliament
@ribeirojorge5064 5 ай бұрын
The Ends Never Justify the Means The Means Always Determine the Ends Tirany is the Seed of its Own Destruction
@antisemitis-antifasistas 5 ай бұрын
τοχεις ακομη το δεξι σου χερι? μου ανήκει
@SeniorAdrian 4 ай бұрын
15:13 Jack Ma literally disappeared from the public for years, Yanis. We don't know what the CCP did to him during those years. Don't ride the China train. You are very attached to it.
@raphaelroche1784 28 күн бұрын
Austerity for the rest of us
@ΓιώργοςΛαμπαδαρίδης Ай бұрын
Great lecture. I would disagree on the Edison argument. It's common knowledge what Edison stole from Tesla and other scientists at that time and plagiarized the invention
@peaceleader7315 5 ай бұрын
The evolution is favourable to my ambitions.. hmmmm.. slowly 🐌.. and eventually our human species ambitions will be realise.
@JaceFalcon 5 ай бұрын
Less courage to jail the fraudsters lately. Too much cobtrol by the few
@mann234 4 ай бұрын
Patent controls experienced negatively especially in the third world countries.
@gginpar 5 ай бұрын
in the age of brokers, Mr Varoufakis, everyone charges rent
@imprivsoaugustinei1910 5 ай бұрын
one , thing, greek , philosphers take, greek nation debt seriously ( yes greek are sporting as well, organized boxing ) figure it out, they electt a soveit, wee some reform , some 42% actually economic activity ( they gained the most ) ok, shipping magante, none descript party outs them, now prime minister some liberal shipping tycoon of ocean going merchant marine , ok. also debt crises, they report resolved, as debts payment being met, 16 years turn around.
@pubguc6771 5 ай бұрын
Greece what is joint venture group COUNTRIES of general scientist globally peace
@CharlesBrown-xq5ug 5 ай бұрын
Technology may have advanced enough to release civilization from the confines of the second law of thermodynamics. These confines were imposed during Victorian England's scientific and religious cultural fascination with steam engines. The second law is behind modern refgeration needing electrical energy to compress the refrigerent to force it to release as waste the heat that it has removed from the refrigerator's service interior in the cooling part of the refrigerent's circulation. There is also discarded heat from mechanical friction and electrical resistance. Refrigeration by the principle that energy is conserved should produce electricity instead of consuming it. It makes more sense that refrigerators should yield electricity because energy is widely known to change form with no ultimate path of energy gain or loss being found. Therefore any form of fully recyclable energy can be cycled endlessly in any quantity. In an extreme case senario, full heat recycling, all electric, very isolated underground, undersea, or space communities would be highly survivable with self sufficient EMP resistant LED light banks, automated vertical farms, thaw resistant frozen food storehouses, factories, dwellings, and self contained elevators and horizontal transports. In a flourishing civillization senario, small self sufficient electric or cooling devices of many kinds and styles like lamps, smartphones, hotplates, water heaters, cooler chests, fans, radios, TVs, cameras, security devices, robot test equipment, scales, transaction terminals, wall clocks, open or ciosed for business luminus signs, power hand tools, ditch diggers, pumps, and personal transports, would be available for immediate use incrementally anywhere as people see fit. Somé equipment groups could be consolidated on local networks. If a high majority thinks our civilization should geoengineer gigatons or teratons of carbon dioxide out of our environment, instalations using devices that convert ambient heat into electricity can hypothetically be scaled up do it with a choice of comsequences including many beneficial ones. Energy sensible refrigerators that absorb heat and yield electricity would complement computers as computing consumes electricity and yields heat. Computing would be free. Chips could have energy recycling built in. A simple rectifier crystal can, iust short of a replicatable long term demonstration of a powerful prototype, almost certainly filter the random thermal motioren of electrons or discrete positiive charged voids called holes so the electric current flowing in one direction predominates. At low system voltage a filtrate of one polarity predominates only a little but there is always usable electrical power derived from the source, which is Johnson Nyquest thermal electrical noise. This net electrical filtrate can be aggregated in a group of separate diodes in consistent alignment parallel creating widely scalable electrical power. The maximum energy is converted from ambient heat to productive electricity when the electrical load is matched to the array impeadence. Matched impeadence output (watts) is k, one point three eight x 10^ minus 23, Boltzman's constant, times T (temperature Kelvin) times bandwidth (0 Hz to a natural limit ~2 THz @ 290 K) times rectification halving and nanowatt power level rectification efficiency times the number of diodes in the array. For reference, there are a billion cells of 1000 square nanometer area each per square millimeter, 100 billion per square centimeter. Order is imposed on the random thermal motion of electrons by the structual orderlyness of a diode array made of diodes made within a slab: ______________________ - Out 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 ______________________ + Out All the P type semiconductor anodes abut a metal conductive plane deposited on the top face of the slab with nonrectifying joins; all the N type semiconductor cathodes abut the bottom face. As the polarity filtered electrical energy is exported, the amount of thermal energy in the group of diodes decreases. This group cooling will draw heat in from the surrounding ambient heat at a rate depending on the filtering rate and thermal resistance between the group and ambient gas, liquid, or solid warmer than absolute zero. There is a lot of ambient heat on our planet, more in equatorial dry desert summer days and less in polar desert winter nights. Focusing on explaining the electronic behavior of one composition of simple diode, a near flawless crystal of silicon is modified by implanting a small amount of phosphorus (N type)on one side from a ohmic contact end to a junction where the additive is suddenly and completely changed to boron (P type) with minimal disturbance of the crystal lattice. The crystal then continues to another ohmic contact. A region of high electrical resistance forms at the junction in this type of diode when the phosphorous near the ĵunction donates electrons that are free to move elsewhere while leaving phosphorus ions held in the crystal while the boron ions donate holes which are similalarly free to move. The two types of mobile charges mutually clear each other away near the junction leaving little electrical conductivity. An equlibrium width of this region is settled between the phosphorus, boron, electrons, and holes. Thermal noise is beyond steady state equlibrium. Thermal noise transients, where mobile electrons move from the phosphorus added side to the boron added side ride transient extra conductivity so the forward moving electrons are preferentally filtered into the external circuit. Mobile electrons are units of electric current. They lose their thermal energy of motion and gain electromotive force, another name for voltage, as they transition between the junction and the array electrical tap. Inside the diode, heat is absorbed: outside the diode, to exactly the same extent, an attached electrical circuit is energized. Understanding diodes is one way to become convinced that Johnson Nyquest thermal electrical noise can be rectified and aggregated. Self assembling development teams may find many ways to accomplish this wide mission. Taxonomically there should be many ways ways to convert heat directly into electricity. A practical device may use an array of Au needles in a SiO2 matrix abutting N type GaAs. These were made in the 1970s when registration technology was poor so it was easier to fabricate arrays and select one diode than just make one diode. There are other plausible breeches of the second law of thermodynamics. Hopefully a lot of people will join in expanding the breech. Please share the successes or setbacks of your efforts. These devices would probably become segmented commodities sold with minimal margin over supply cost. They would be manufactured by advanced automation that does not need financial incentive. Applicable best practices would be adopted. Business details would be open public knowledge. Associated people should move as negotiated and freely and honestly talk. Commerce would be a planetary scale unified conglomerate of diverse local cooperatives. There is no need of wealth extracting top commanders. We do not need often token philanthropy from the top if the wide majority of people can afford to be generous. Aloha Charles M Brown Kilauea Kauai Hawaii 96754
@pubguc6771 5 ай бұрын
There's subject out in meand of general scientist CEO of general scientist globally peace
@raoultesla2292 3 ай бұрын
I pay the service to allow me to buy things that the service records so I can pay to get the object.
@glutvonsmark 5 ай бұрын
is buying his book on amazon "ironic" ?
@pubguc6771 5 ай бұрын
Mr yanis what is including justice group of international criminal court law of Islamic of general scientist globally peace
@DonikaJorgo-l7e 5 ай бұрын
What you said it's not Socialism 😂. Ah helicopter ate starting from time you was min of finance..and min of defense that time had this luxury.now others things are easy for said but difficult doing Because the strategy of mind have they plan to..it's not socialist 😂it's constitutional..efkaristo for your love too Without apotelesma o synithos.
@MatMatir-f7d 4 ай бұрын
Well, commerce ever existed, Amazon is selling like any shop but better.
@mariadoloresgonzalezalvare2694 4 ай бұрын
Cómo el Estado Español la Condenaron a vivir en la miseria ...
@jamesruscheinski8602 4 ай бұрын
end human sovereignty, focus on God free will sovereignty
@tonyfluxman7596 5 ай бұрын
V. Is a classic snake and oil salesman. We are not in post capitalism- techno feudalism, or whatever. This trick has been played many times before. But he’s debonair, he’s amenable, he can talk to anyone. The system loves his BS; it isa great deflection from the fact that we are just in another stage of capitalism. The basic rules are the same- a small group owning vast means of production and the rest working for them or being unemployed!
@gerhard7323 5 ай бұрын
Sure, he's built a flowery narrative around it for performance purposes, but he's not fundamentally wrong is he?
@DRS659 5 ай бұрын
@@gerhard7323 not only is he not wrong, the original comment insists a credentialed authority on economies should not analyze the systems he is an authority on and offer their conclusions for consideration...in this context it's absurd to criticize his behaviour
@csharpe5787 5 ай бұрын
A few companies in the world, we won’t have access to our money unless we go through them. Country and governments don’t have the power to handle them. Look at Musk and the damage he’s doing, no government can rain him. Look at social media and the vile things at children can see, the fact that platforms allow decent images of children to be seen, when they could stop it with a keyboard stroke!
@jooseppielleese7156 5 ай бұрын
On style he is a trying to hard to be cool as much as Ash is trying to be quirky.
@tylerfedeli2004 5 ай бұрын
@@jooseppielleese7156 how much is the rent?
@ZweiZwolf 5 ай бұрын
Yanis is not entirely wrong, but he is grossly mistaken when he says China is "State Capitalist" when they are actually "Market Socialist". China is a a true Socialist country, where the Chinese State owns ALL of the core functions (e.g. banking, finance, education, healthcare, energy, communications), and controls ALL of the heavy industry (e.g. steelmaking, shipbuilding, automotive) and significant corporations. The only actual capitalism in China is Consumer-oriented retail for which bankruptcy is not a serious issue, but even then chains like McDonalds and Pizza Hut have significant Chinese investment and control. The fact that the Chinese people have markets is merely a side effect of having to do a LOT of trade with ACTUAL Capitalist countries. To that end, Chinese Socialism has the external appearance of Capitalism, but none of that changes the fundamental nature of the Chinese economy.
@54928 5 ай бұрын
china is not market socialist. if your market allows private share ownership then it can't be socialist.
@imnotanalien7839 5 ай бұрын
In the U.S., banks are controlled by the federal government. Regulator’s tell banks what to do. And the 2008 collapse was started because the U.S. government had social programs that involved giving houses away to people who didn’t have money enough to buy houses. The democrats wanted more voters…so they were giving away house loans…but the people had no money, they did however take the loans… but then could not make the mortgage payments…. because they had no money…. The problem is the government….NOT the bank! At least in the U.S. that’s how it works. Maybe in Europe it’s different. Why would a bank lend money to someone who they know, thru checking their credit can’t pay that loan back?
@Mpazito98 5 ай бұрын
Against bitcoin once again 😅 its ok,it wasn't meant for the white collar west
@christiansmith-of7dt 4 ай бұрын
I dont feel good
@Tullochr105 5 ай бұрын
Yanis is sounding more and more like a Techo-Georgist, 😂
@milshubra 5 ай бұрын
When I hear a man (who wants to be serious) saying somebody printed money while 95% of money is digital I consider him a clown.
@csharpe5787 5 ай бұрын
He’s saying it in the way that people will understand. I’m sure he realises the difference.
@sandworm9528 5 ай бұрын
Digital money is still called cash, and digital money creation is still called printing. You probably just discovered money is digital and don't realise its common knowledge
@EasternEurope200 5 ай бұрын
Way he don’t talk how his party destroyed Greek economy? 😂😂
@SkeletorsSon 5 ай бұрын
😂 no it's just Capitalism, it's pathetic when ppl try to call it what it isn't to avoid the fact that it is a flawed failed system
@papi5377 5 ай бұрын
Wkrótce o więcej pójdzie.
@yougohgoh1 5 ай бұрын
In general Asian researchers study the west political and economic issue deeply, probably 3X more the the west analyst understand the East. While ordinary Asian people especially Chinese understand US and Europe 10X more than western people about Asia, this is alarming for the west. If US consider China is thier enemy, but fail to spend time to understand their rival both the government officer and the people, it is a disaster like tsunami to hit them severely. Keep blaming China for their progress will not lead US to glory, refusing to understand China in terms of their culture, language and behavior will let US going down in accelerated speed, US shd start to teach their young a new language which is Chinese, this is the 1st step she needs to do to prevent further left behind in coming years.
@norvikgrigorian4518 5 ай бұрын
Just look back Russia Cuba East Europe Venezuela …….. You are absolutely crazy
@EfthimiosKonstandinidis 4 ай бұрын
U S M BANKING . ONE WAY .N E W S . Macedonia ! is coming ? justice ..resurrection.
@DugoKuneho 5 ай бұрын
The Chinese actually trust and respect President Xi even thoough never elected. Ash a bit out of her depth here 🫣
@andrewthomas695 5 ай бұрын
They'll regret that if history is any indicator.
@DRS659 5 ай бұрын
Shame the trust and respect are enforced by state mandate where failure to express either of them has terrifying consequences for yourself and loved ones though. Understanding this dynamic as the empirical reality of China it doesn't take much effort to argue we should be extremely skeptical as to how genuine the trust and respect are...
@DugoKuneho 5 ай бұрын
@@DRS659 手前は中国に行ったことあるかい?🥱
@sergiomoran6492 5 ай бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 no body see it, why because as the parrots they sing ***Capitalism is the best for us*** 😂😂😂😂😂😂, but bankers, big companies, and politicians take money from the taxes with zero % interest, wow!! They love ***SOCIALISM FOR THE ELITES*** 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@Dark_Embracer 5 ай бұрын
You give a very detailed perspective on things 🤔
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