Thanks for taking the effort to compare both LEDs. If it's something I've learned, it's that Nichia 519a emitters aren't as bright as Luminus SST40s. The 519a is usually rated between 1000 to 1300 lumens, depending on the flashlight model. The SST40 can burn hotter, therefore it's common to see it rated at 1800-2000 lumens. However I noticed that the quality of the SST40 varies as I have a SC31 Pro that's greenish at low output, an SC32 that's whiter with a touch of yellow hue, plus an SC18 that came with a pure white SST40. I'm not sure if getting an SST40 that's pure white or greenish is the luck of the draw, or Sofirn had intended different grades of this LED for different models. The SST20's color tint is visibly green at low brightness levels, as evidenced by the IF25A that I bought. 🙁
@TorchTheNightАй бұрын
Most of those emitters are bought in lots. Some lots come out more green than others and they are sold at cheaper prices. That is just one of the reasons some flashlight brands are more expensive. They tend to buy the more expensive, and less green tint emitter lots. Budget brands tent to purchase the second tier emitters.