Nice project, youll get it! Maybe that bouncing current is MPPT or the little boost module going into protect? A relay failed on my Chinese welder the other week... IGBT sounded like a gun when it went off! You prolly have a bunch of parallel circuits in there, compare em all real well before you fire it back up! In my case another IGBT, its gate driver, and fast switching diode were shorted but looked just fine.
@NorwichMike5 жыл бұрын
I have one of these fault PV voltage to igh 500V. My oanels were given out 200V . ANy idea of the fault please ?
@anukeshambatkar62554 жыл бұрын
Sir which components are use in solar hybrid inverter for supply excess energy to grid How can we make a circuit to convert normal inverter to hybrid solar inverter
@station2407 жыл бұрын
I got one of these, also faulty, it's branded Clenergy but is the same exact thing inside. The big block with the grey silicon is 3 inductors, two for the 240V output, one for the step up DC-DC. Build quality is below average, mine has a number of bodge components, hence why i't be used for parts. Not in your part of the world, otherwise would offer to mail you new IGBTs etc.
@watsonnostaw85236 жыл бұрын
Hello I have the same and the same part is with too broken there is no can see on which side you order it and how exactly that is part you can with please Write exactly how it is called and where you can buy it
@0086266 жыл бұрын
The original was ON Semiconductor HGTG40N60A4 but I ordered IXXH80N65B4 it has better ratings for 1/3 the price on Mouser Electronics