Some long sword fencing pieces after Danzig & Ringeck

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The pieces of fencing shown here are our interpretations of the text by Sigmund Ringeck (Mscr. Dresd. C 487) and Peter von Danzig (Cod MS 44 A 8) from which shortened excerpts can be read throughout this video.
A rough translation of these textparts in english - suggestions for improvement welcome:
wan er sich vor dir verhawet, so rayß jm nach
* when he strikes too short, so follow his strike with your own sword
versetzt er dir den das
* if he displaces this
so lang din schwert ussen yber das sin vnd stich jn zu den vnderen bloeß
* so put your sword outwards over his sword and thrust him to his lower bareness
wenn du gegen ym stest in der huot vom tag, so haw ym kunlich oben ein zuo dem kopff
* when you stand against him in the guard from above, so strike from above to his head boldly
springt er denn aus dem haw und maint er wll vor kmen mit dem twer haw
* if he then dodges your strike and wants to attack you with the cross strike
so val ym mit der langen schneid auff das swert
* so go down with your long edge on his sword
slecht er denn vom swert umb mit der twer dir zuo der anderen seitten
* if then he strikes over from the sword to your other side
so val ym mit der langen schneid in sein hand oder auff die armen
* so drop with the long edge in his hands or on his arms
so slach im mit dem duplieren mit der kurczen schneid hinder seiner swercz klingen in daß maul
* so strike him with the "duplieren" with the false edge behind his sword's blade in his mouth
so var auff und wind gegen dem slag dein swert under daß sein
* so go up and wind again the strike your sword under his sword
wenn du gegen ym stest in der huot vom tag, so haw ym kunlich oben ein zuo dem kopff
* when you stand against him in the guard from the roof, so strike from above to his head boldly
springt er denn aus dem haw und maint er wll vor kmen mit dem twer haw
* if he then dodges your strike and wants to attack you with the "twer" strike
so val ym mit der langen schneid auff das swert
* so go down with your long edge on his sword
slecht er denn vom swert umb mit der twer dir zuo der anderen seitten
* if then he strikes over from the sword to your other side with the "twer"
so kum du indes vor auch mit der twer vorne fur under seinen swert im an den hals
* so meanwhile you also do your "twer" under his sword and to his neck
haut er dir denn von seiner rechten seitten oben ein zuo dem kopff
* if he strikes from his right side to your head
so haw auch von deiner rechten seitten von oben an alle vor saczung mit im zornigklich ein auf sein swert
* so strike from your right side too, without displacement wrathful on his sword
wirt er denn ortß gewar und vor seczt starck und druck dir dein swert auf die seitten
* if he notices the point of your sword and displaces strong and pushes your sword on the side
so reiß mit deinem swert an seiner swercz clingen vber sich auf oben ab von seinem swert und haw ym zu der anderen seitten
* so pull with your sword on his sword's blade upwards from his sword and strike him to his other side
so pind an seinem swert starck oben ein ze seinem kopff mit der langen schneid
* so bind on his sword strong from above to his head with the long edge
wind an seinem swert dein gehulcz vorne für dem haubt und stich im oben ein zuo dem gesicht
* wind on his sword your crossguard in front of the head and thrust him high to the face
wirt er deß stichs gewar und wert hoch auff mit den armen
* if he notices the thrust and resists with arms up high
so pleib also sten mit deinem gehulcz vor deinem haubt und setz im den ort unden an die prust
* so stay with your crossguard in front of your head and put the point of your sword down on his chest
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@jacobnewell4633 7 жыл бұрын
I love these videos. They start out with a strike. Then they show how to counter that strike. Then how to counter the counter. Then how to counter the counter to the counter. Then how to counter the... hell you guys get it. Amazing stuff!
@hotspurschool 14 жыл бұрын
Absolutely beautiful. No matter how many times I see this, I am impressed and inspired!
@xsublimex1111 13 жыл бұрын
Is anyone else just mesmerized by how fluently and almost graceful a fighting style they make the swordplay out to be? Its also perfectly accentuated by the piano score. Its flawless. I dont think I can ever look at a Hollywood sword fight the same again.
@crusaderzero3984 7 жыл бұрын
me too!
@1320crusier 6 жыл бұрын
because it is all about efficiency of movement. Kill/incapacitate your opponent as quickly as possible and move on
@zhouyu6557 9 жыл бұрын
"Here they fight with the longsword. God preserve us all." -Hans Talhoffer
@Riskunlogic 15 жыл бұрын
Meine größte Hochachtung an die Meister. Unglaubliche Vorführung, Schnitt, Aufbau, Kamera und natürlich die Fechtkunst. Weiter so.
@njv0311 13 жыл бұрын
@Kunstdesfechtens I think one of the interesting things about fighting is that when it's "for real," it all looks kind of the same. This applies to sticks, swords, and unarmed combat. There are only so many effective ways to move the human body and apply leverage, only so many ways to prevent damage. This is why the systems that were consistently tested in combative settings all share basic principles- rythym, angles, balance, distance- and the arguing over the best system is folly
@dorian26uk 16 жыл бұрын
You guys are doing best long sword fighting videos i have seen. Excelent technics! I am realy impressed!
@Rivenshield 16 жыл бұрын
Just lovely. Very scholarly, well photographed, informative, and exciting as hell. Keep 'em coming!
@Kunstdesfechtens 15 жыл бұрын
Swordfights last mere seconds before someone is dead or incapacitated. Fiore dei Liberi said that he seldom saw anything that went beyond an initial strike, a counter to it, and a counter to the counter. Going beyond two or three moves is rather dangerous most of the time.
@Fritztoons 17 жыл бұрын
Again, very convincing and a big compliment from the retired fencing master of the company of saint george. Hartmut
@ZloyPalladin 14 жыл бұрын
On the 1:28 was shown first strike of combination. Where one try hit other guy in head. After that there was shown series of blocks. However if you look carefuly attacking guy dont aim in head - he aim at sword. If the defender set blocks same way, and the attacker hit head like in first action, he just cut off heads of defender.
@willnonya9438 9 жыл бұрын
Great video, as I read Meyers and Ringeck I will try to come back to this.
@TheRealGladiatores 15 жыл бұрын
Die Idee bei dieser Technik ist, mit den Armen dem Druck der Klinge zu folgen um eine Verletzung zu vermeiden oder zu vermindern. Mit etwas Glück kann man dann einen Schnitt auf den Armen gegen einen Hau zum Kopf eintauschen. Trotz allem ist dies natürlich eine Notlösung für eine Situation die B von sich aus wahrscheinlich nicht anstreben wird.
@Chrominance87 9 жыл бұрын
HEY RealGladiatores! Make more videos!!!
@symsee 13 жыл бұрын
@Giagantus Agreed: particularly against lightly/un-armoured opponents. I'd also suggest that the somewhat shorter blades on many single-edged weapons were probably far more portable, as well as allowing a much faster, more mobile fighting style. That being said, these weapons were scarily efficient at cutting - indeed there are accounts from colonial india of locals fitting late era cavalry sabres with double handed grips and dismembering unarmoured opponents wholesale.
@fakejohnwilkesbooth 12 жыл бұрын
The celts used a very wide variety of different swords (Roman swords were also less uniform than we sometimes imagine). If I had to guess what piece of equipment might make a celtic warrior a more effective duelist than a Roman infantryman, I'd probably say it was his lighter, nimbler shield. A wealthy/successful celtic warrior would be as well-armored as the most heavily equipped legionnaire, and the sword of either one of them could come in different shapes and sizes.
@Kunstdesfechtens 12 жыл бұрын
@Giagantus No idea. Though formation fighting and duelling are very different things. The gladius itself is a celtic design that the legions adopted and modified. The original gladius was leaf-bladed but changed to a straight edged weapon over time.
@Leondrian 17 жыл бұрын
WOW! Masterly preformed video. I fucking love your videos. The only bad thing is that there are only two of them. Good luck with the next one /Robert
@brasidus 17 жыл бұрын
As would I if you did not mind. I have a collection I put on my pocket PC to show others what the art is about. And this is a beautiful example. Thank you for putting it together.
@Woodcrafter1372 17 жыл бұрын
We no longer used these fine weapons as Paul Chen practical series are rebated and more than sufficient trainers at one quarter the price and only weighing a pound more. If you were to throw a forceful committed blow every time, you will be predictable and dead in short order. You see in the fine video above blows thrown with second and third intent, so the force will vary as required.
@Kunstdesfechtens 16 жыл бұрын
Another key factor was that commoners couldn't hold nobles for ransom, so noble prisoners were more likely to be killed. Since capture became a dangerous proposition, nobles started leaving the fighting to commoners by an large.
@Kunstdesfechtens 14 жыл бұрын
@lebarosky In the second set of plays the guy throwing the Zwerch is stepping offline, sometimes with a pass and sometimes with just a step keeping the same foot forward. The first set is very back and forth, true.
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
I have an Albion "Liechtenauer" and a Pavel Moc "Violet" here, and I prefer the "Violet" slightly... at least at the moment. Dimensions and weight are almost equal, but the Albion is less flexible. In my opinion they are both recommendable. Besides, there are different models, and even two swords of the same model seldom feel the same. So your personal experience will vary.
@AlexanderWernerJr 17 жыл бұрын
Just a little correction on the side: his name is Sven Baumgarten. But thank you very much for mentioning him because he is a very able student and teacher indeed :)
@Othernamesweretaken 16 жыл бұрын
It would seem like the losing fighter is indeed giving time to the other to react. But I think they slowed the actions down for the purpose of this video. I tried some of these techniques in full speed sparring drills and they were very effective most of the time!
@borntoclimb7116 26 күн бұрын
Old KZbin videos are nice
@CenrionPrime 16 жыл бұрын
2 wahre meister der neuzeit kopf+hut ab und mehr davon.
@MilesTraveler 11 жыл бұрын
Archers typically had an archer's pick, cleaver or a small hammer. Even a side sword was usually the weapon of a trained swordsman, archers were common folk, so they used cheaper, easier to use weapons. Of course as the era of guns, small swords and the like came along, that all ended. AKA the world was a much sadder place.
@nomadicon 16 жыл бұрын
excellent work, keep it coming!
@Kunstdesfechtens 15 жыл бұрын
It depends on one's deifnition of complicated. It comes down to the following: Try to cave in the guy's skull. If that doesn't work, dominate his blade. If that doesn't work, go around it. If he gets too close, dump him on his head and cut him down. The rest of the art is just details. :)
@Dylan5131 16 жыл бұрын
By the by, the music is sweet...what is it and where did you get it? Mad respect on the blade work too...the more i watch it the more i want to go get a Danzig book
@BADALEX1 11 жыл бұрын
Great analysis.
@TheRealGladiatores 13 жыл бұрын
@11kman1 Yep, the black cap guy is using an Albion Liechtenauer in this video.
@ZarlanTheGreen 16 жыл бұрын
Define jousting and tournament. What was meant by those words, historically, depends on the time period, and country. The earlier ones where very dangerous (generally resulting in some deaths), and the later ones, were unrealistic.
@Romeowasbleeding1 13 жыл бұрын
@KittyRokher Ha ha thank you! I appreciate the comment. :)
@Kunstdesfechtens 11 жыл бұрын
Absolutely, the terminology was rather vague back then. Another theory I heard was that "longsword" was the method of fencing... so "langes schwert" (two handed grip) vs. Kurzten Schwert (shortened sword i.e. half-sword). Even in rapier manuals, they just call a rapier a "sword". That being said, a hand and a half sword is used as a longsword, No difference in techniques, so it's really a moot point. Even if they're different in morphology, they're identical in usage.
@k0mpassi 15 жыл бұрын
All this i know. and most longswords are or were designed either to be wielded with something or with two hands as you just said but it was basically mostly used for slashing . so Greatswords and bastards are at their best when thrusting. yet a bastard is a lighter version of a greatsword that does still have a good long reach and does both slashing and thrusting well
@robertfogelberg7538 4 жыл бұрын
Super well done
@JanPospisilArt 12 жыл бұрын
Roman soldiers were discouraged from duelling, because it was seen as a poor display of miliary discipline. And yeah, especially if the Roman lost. But there are records of Roman soldiers punished for repeated duelling, in fact the main characters of the show ROME by HBO are based on two such centurions. Duelling was not something a proper Roman did, they were scolded despite the rather high number of duels won. ;) You can see a nod to this in the first episode where Pullo breaks ranks.
@wojownikpolski 15 жыл бұрын
good fight, very professional
@st3r30s 17 жыл бұрын
Great Work! Would it be horrid to ask for english subtitles? I really want ot read the text between the scenes?
@steelar 14 жыл бұрын
want to see a full sparring match of these 2 fencers. They obviously can do stop action practice.
@Ian_Comics 15 жыл бұрын
Awsome lesson.
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
The swords are around 1.6 - 1.8 kg.
@AlexanderWernerJr 15 жыл бұрын
'BITTE sagt, wer euer schmied ist!' In diesem Video werden Klingen von Albion und Pavel Moc benutzt. Die Albion-Klingen sind nicht so biegsam, während die hier verwendete Moc-Klinge sehr flexibel ist. Für Übungszwecke ist so ein biegsames Schwert ziemlich praktisch und normal, vor allem weil man das Stechen am Partner gut simulieren kann.
@symsee 13 жыл бұрын
@Kunstdesfechtens Much appreciated :)
@gjallarhorn82 14 жыл бұрын
@kovachev1 Ein durchschnittlicher Mittelalterlicher Duellkampf dauerte in etwa 30 Minuten. Davon waren 29 Minuten und 30 Sekunden gegenseitiges Anbrüllen und beleidigen!
@symsee 13 жыл бұрын
@kumogakuredojo Well said. I agree entirely that the individual practitioner can make even a style that others consider flawed or incomplete into an effective art. :)
@Ranziel1 14 жыл бұрын
Ролевики отыгрывают роль, а эти парни скорее историки и спортсмены, без претензий на фантазию, все жестко и брутально =)
@fakejohnwilkesbooth 12 жыл бұрын
Roman infantrymen did fight very aggressively, yes, and their formations allowed for individual mobility. Any melee infantry formation has to allow for some individual mobility, otherwise the formation becomes its members' own worst enemy. Footwork is key to both offense and defense. Formation fighting in a pitched battle and a duel are very different things, but not so different that the skills and actions don't translate at all. That said, the Romans didn't really have a 'dueling' culture.
@Cornerless 14 жыл бұрын
Ich bewundere den Kampf mit Anderthalb- und Zweihändern sehr. Habt ihr zufällig auch ein Video wo ihr eine Art Freikampf macht, beziehungsweise könntet ihr so eines aufnehmen? Leider findet man selten seriöse Schwertkämpfe, die nicht aus Kindereien entstanden oder nur aus Einzelteilen beständen.
@symsee 13 жыл бұрын
@qwertyuiop298 I've found that Western swordsmanship affords more options: there is effectively no "bind" in kenjutsu which can lead to complex sequences of attack and counter. On the other hand the shorter blade of the katana means that response to, and recovery from, attacks is noticeably quicker - this often leads to shorter engagements as there is less time for counters (try any winding against a katana to see what I mean).
@Kunstdesfechtens 15 жыл бұрын
Indeed. We're all human after all. Give two cultures a two handed blade about three to four feet long and they'll come up with similar methods on its use, given enough experience.
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@qwertyuiop298 I'm not symsee, but for the most part, all swords (later period rapiers and smallswords excepted) can "cut things in half". A bind is when two swords are pressed together, usually edge to flat for example from say two intersecting diagonal cuts. The resulting game of leverage determine who lives and who dies. I think Symsee is referring to the shorter blade being able to disengage from a bind faster than a longer one due to geometry.
@LostInMySelf1 16 жыл бұрын
sehr gut!
@Kunstdesfechtens 12 жыл бұрын
There are groups in Italy. There is a youtuve channel called Armeantica from a school in Italy. I'm sure they could help you find a group. They also train systema, which is pretty cool.
@VegaEtereo 15 жыл бұрын
Magnifico! 5/5
@ChishioAme 13 жыл бұрын
@KissakiSan This is very true, unfortunately. I've been interested in CMA for as long as I can remember (especially since you can do all the form work solo, which is important since there are no martial arts schools in my area), but because of the attitude towards martial arts in the modern world, they've greatly decayed into point sports, much like fencing.
@cvbpo 14 жыл бұрын
@Kunstdesfechtens i found the same thing i do a little of japan, china vikaning,european,,celtic, sword arts and that all arts are much same in aways and thee diffrent as well
@Dylan5131 16 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I know the costumes are well made and I respect the work that was put into them. I just think 15th century clothing looks goofy :-) And ellam, Asian martial arts are not all flowery...I've brought my rapier against a katana guy and believe me, It doesn't lack substance or violent action!
@RoninHale 12 жыл бұрын
Do you know of any schools similar to yours based in Italy?
@theCrazed69 15 жыл бұрын
Anthony Quinn will pwn you :P j/k Realy impresive fencing and Swordsman Skills
@secularnevrosis 13 жыл бұрын
@Treifla True! european swords were much more versitile and acctually "better" in material and balance for the given period in time...before i get hacked to bits here, katanas and their ilk were made of quite crappy steel (iron in japan contains a good amount of sulphur etc, hence folded a 1000 times to level the carbon content in the sword...sure they were masterpices later, but thats in the years 1600 and on. The material-arts are mostly alike...ppl get hurt the same way all over the world :)
@maaderllin 15 жыл бұрын
I'm a Larper Roleplayer and even I really think that our over lasting fights are joke. I'd like to do those techniques but some of them are impossible to do because foam rebound and do not slide, and some other technique aren't accepted because you grip your opponent... (Even if I met last w-e a stupid one who even grabbed (no, not grab.. HUG) my sword as I was hitting him with it....)
@djemps7983 15 жыл бұрын
What argument? Did I miss something?
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
The swords have a blunt edge.
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@MrJmak223 Like the "Dobringer" manuscript says: "There is but one art of the sword". :)
@BangTheRocksTogether 11 жыл бұрын
Cleaning up you sword is fun.
@halfassedfart 14 жыл бұрын
@sxlfkta It's a good thing that you qualified that statement about Japanese swordsmanship, or you'd be receiving a full broadside right about now.
@Cosmoline 10 жыл бұрын
After a year of longsword, I'm just starting to be able to see what's happening here. It's like learning a new language.
@KandiKlover 9 жыл бұрын
Watching this again over 7 years later too still
@CoffeeSnep 5 жыл бұрын
Ah yes. My instructor calls this "The sight".
@-Shinoray- 4 жыл бұрын
Learning Longsword for over two years now and i am proud that i remembered some Stücke in duel. Still some fine Art that ist shown here and i come back as often as possible.
@Chrominance87 10 жыл бұрын
Ever since I started HEMA a few months ago I have watched this on a regular basis since this is the video that sparked my inspiration. Every time I watch it I get something new from it. I also noticed that there are two longsword YT vids on this channel, what's the difference?
@tgF321jikko 10 жыл бұрын
How'd you get started? I'm very interested in this. I do Vale Tudo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and i can see how technical this art is by the way these guys move.
@Kunstdesfechtens 9 жыл бұрын
Malik Anbar You can always check the HEMA Alliance practice partner finder. It's a map that shows the location of hundreds of schools and practitioners. Your VT and BJJ experience will be very helpful as you'll already have a good idea of body mechanics and timing.
@KandiKlover 9 жыл бұрын
I been watching this since 2007
@KandiKlover 9 жыл бұрын
I bewn watch since 2007
@willnonya9438 9 жыл бұрын
Malik Anbar a good place to start is the HEMA Alliance web page and face book page. I found practice partners through them since a club isn't anywhere near me.
@josuzatika7963 Жыл бұрын
Over 15y old and still watching it, it's mezmerizing. I wonder what are this guys up to now. Also, wish the sword fights on hollywood were more like this ...
@wallenstein1648 10 жыл бұрын
Danke für Euer Engagement zur Wiederbelebung und Fortführung unserer Tradition!
@McMuffin103 9 жыл бұрын
When I watch videos like this i get the feeling that it would be a lot different if they were actually fighting to the death. All of our experts today probably wouldn't stand a chance against an actual period knight in a test of arms.
@VebbGames 9 жыл бұрын
McMuffin103 Your probably mostly right.
@VebbGames 9 жыл бұрын
***** ?
@mikemac1298 8 жыл бұрын
+McMuffin103 lol, of course not
@dylanfontaine591 8 жыл бұрын
+McMuffin103 umm.. matters on the individual and his or her skillset, reflexes, amount of training, i know a few guys who train daily with their mail and swords, me as well and u have to think about it, fighting in a duel compared to the open battlefield is very very different..
@McMuffin103 8 жыл бұрын
Dylan Fontaine Indeed, but today, we learn these techniques from books, while they learned first hand as children. We could also be applying a lot of the techniques we know in the wrong way. My money would go on the average knight over the best HEMA fencer.
@JamJackJillian 7 жыл бұрын
Still one of the best Videos on historical sword fighting. Keep going guys!
@xxslicexx 11 жыл бұрын
Do you guys have an HD version of this video? Like you recently posted for the other longsword video. I would love to study this in better quality
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
The music was composed for this video by Alexander Werner, who you can also see fencing here. At the bottom of the video Info Box on the right, there is a download Link where you can download the music in mp3 format.
@yvngfist 10 жыл бұрын
holy shit... these people are professionals
@kps_polis1357 10 жыл бұрын
Amazing videos! I appreciate how the exchanges build.
@Tejedor83 14 жыл бұрын
Bravo! Das ist typisch deutsch! :D Any demostration video with the katzbalger or Zweihänder? Pd : From where is the music?
@AlexanderWernerJr 6 жыл бұрын
The music is mine. Visit my KZbin channel, you'll find a link to my homepage with all the music available for download :O)
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
Check the video information, if you are interested in a translation of the text.
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
Die Qualität ist für den Preis gut, und die Schwerter sind auch gut zum Fechten zu gebrauchen. Besonders flexibel sind sie aber nicht. Klar ist natürlich, dass man für mehr Geld noch bessere Schwerter bekommt.
@taylorahern3755 2 жыл бұрын
Most impressive! What amazing skill & dedication to their craft! Hollywood take notice. Ahhhhhh, so delightfully euphoric, the reawakening of such atavistic impulses😜😜😜😜👍👍👍
@TheRealGladiatores 17 жыл бұрын
In this Video one blade by Pacel Moc and three by Albion are used.
@tiamat9989 17 жыл бұрын
That would explain why the texts say "remember the flat" instead of "don't use the edge". My sparring experience agrees that using the edge does knock the line better, but I never really had a problem with stopping anything with the flat either. I dunno about the blade damage though, since I only used wasters in spars. ARMA's website has a lot of essays (and videos) about only using the flat. Scott Rodell agrees. But I guess this is all part of the "ongoing argument" as you said =)
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
The music is made by the guy who wears a black hat in this video.
@tiamat9989 17 жыл бұрын
thank you for the link! it downloaded fine. Once again, great video! One quick question: I don't recall the historical texts talking about avoiding edge-edge contact, and the pictures are not too clear about the blade contact angles. Is it because it was taken for granted that you're supposed to avoid "edge bashing," or did I just miss some part of the text?
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
In der aufklappbaren Videobeschreibung am rechten Rand gibt es eine Übersetzung der Texte ins Englische...vielleicht hilft dir das ja.
@tiamat9989 17 жыл бұрын
er, I don't think i asked that correctly. =P I meant to ask why I didnt see any DIRECT reference to avoid edge-edge parrying. It's clear that many books talk about "bad parries", but I wasn't sure if that meant just wrong moves in wrong situations or actually poor blade angling.
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
You can find a download link at the bottom of the video info.
@ossian1977 4 жыл бұрын
i love these videos. Tournament fencing is exciting and imporyant for sure, and perhaps the next direction, but you do see 99% helicopter flurries of 40 zwerchaus in 10 seconds. This is much more beautiful
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
Die Stücke in diesem Video stammen von Sigmund Ringeck (Mscr. Dresd. C 487) und Peter von Danzig (Cod MS 44 A 8)
@TheRealGladiatores 16 жыл бұрын
Ich würde dir empfehlen das zu lernen, wofür du den besten Lehrer zur Verfügung hast.
@LancelotChan 17 жыл бұрын
I would like to have a link for a downloadable version of this video and your previous video too. Thanks a lot. :D
@HadrianDan 2 жыл бұрын
Attack is from up high towards low and for in Defense goes from low to raising to either middle segment or to up high to stop the incoming blade - interesting.
@000000AEA000000 12 жыл бұрын
oh iam sorry. I found another source to that incident that claims the raven landed on the romans head, and distracted the gauls attention by attacking his face.... Needless to say the article states clearly (as does the other case) that the romans were physically inferior to their respective gaulish duel counterparts. And in both cases the romans were PROMOTED for winning(as owing their later politic fame for the victory) and beat only ONE gaul each, nothing of "repeated duelling and forbidden"
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@Guacamole4sho Any highly skilled professional warrior is going to be a serious challenge. Now, a legionaire in armour is going to have an advantage over an unarmoured fighter. However, the longsword has serious reach compared to a gladius which can make a huge difference. If it were a fully armoured knight, then things change... nearly a millenium of weapons and armour development can account for a lot. The human body doesn't change in such a short time, so it comes down to skill and equipment.
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@qwertyuiop298 One more thing I forgot... the goal of using the bind is usually to bring your point online and thrust while in contact with the opponent's blade while keeping him from doing the same. You caun also leave the bind if the opponent overcommits, and strike to another opening. If the bind happens such that the combatants are very close, then it can transition to armed grappling, called "ringen am schwert" in German.There are vids here on youtube showing it. :)
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@symsee The "bind" focus is different depending on the age of the ryu. The older ones tend to be a bit more bind oriented than newer ones. Some do have winding type movements, but it's more the exception than the rule. Winding and binding type movements are a staple of many European fencing systems, from Longsword to Hungarian Sabre. Good training in one style helps learn the other, since sword systems the world over tend to have significant similarities.
@Kunstdesfechtens 13 жыл бұрын
@Giagantus I'd disagree on their being no "overcelebration". Look at your typical knight vs. samurai thread and watch the weeabos rage about the superiority of the Samurai, etc. What fun! However, let's not forget that HEMA is growing at an astounding rate. Most large cities now boast a good HEMA group or two. It's far easier to find HEMA than koryu Japanese arts, but harder to find then Gendai arts.
The longsword duel from THE KING is on point.
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