Michael Beaumont discusses the state of JHB and its next moves!

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State of the Nation

State of the Nation

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@grantbradshaw7907 17 күн бұрын
I agree as Cilliers Brink is doing an excellent job Why remove him as mayor
@lm_b5080 12 күн бұрын
my prediction is ActionSA will go the route COPE went. they had a golden opportunity and blew it completely..will dissapear by/after 2029
@GaryvanderMerwe 17 күн бұрын
What ActionSA is doing in Tswane is unforgivable.
@dineshanpillay5944 16 күн бұрын
Action SA been keeping DA in tshwane government for years with DA never supporting Action SA, arrogance never works, that's how anc took johannesburg back, DA arrogance
@michaelgilewicz5918 16 күн бұрын
Can you expand on this?
@GaryvanderMerwe 16 күн бұрын
@@michaelgilewicz5918 ActionSA is trying to dismantle the Tswane coalition, and replace the mayor Celiers Brink with an ANC mayor.
@kobusscheltema3175 16 күн бұрын
@@michaelgilewicz5918 Stability... fix what is a problem... build on a better rates & taxes collection rate...
@oodlesofnoodles4660 16 күн бұрын
@@michaelgilewicz5918 BizNewsTV did an interviews with Herman Mashaba yesterday and then with Cilliers Brink from earlier today about this issue.
@sasha8664 17 күн бұрын
Ac tion SA is like a bitter ex that makes the children suffer.
@antoinettecarstens1537 16 күн бұрын
@@sasha8664 Very well said
@stefandebeer9375 17 күн бұрын
ASA has to apologize to Tswane residents for the distress and panic they've caused at the mere rumour that Cilliers Brink's removal as mayor and the collapse of the current coalition which has a majority(a slim majority, but a majority none the less) and letting the ANC/EFF into power after they've already collapsed Jo'Burg and the East Rand. Cilliers Brink said that he is still waiting to talk to Michael to sort things out, yet Michael hasn't responded yet. But the ANC intends to place another motion of no confidence at the council in 2 weeks time and I fear(even tho I don't live in Tswane) that ASA might vote against the current coalition and then all residence will suffer under the ANC/EFF and ASA if that ever happens.
@lizvandermerwe8716 17 күн бұрын
This party is doing nothing for this country.
@monicakieck7501 17 күн бұрын
Hand over gauteng to the DA; they know how to run municipalities; citizens want service delivery; not inhouse fighting 😢
@ArthurMeyerdirect 15 күн бұрын
I disagree with the capitalist DA way of running cities and towns, we need to find something closer to a more equal system but not communism or deep socialism where citizens should work rather than just getting everything for free .
@rockpoppets6182 5 күн бұрын
@@ArthurMeyerdirectno such thing as equality
@lindaerasmus5638 17 күн бұрын
I lost my interest 100% in Action SA.
@thyszondagh6541 17 күн бұрын
Wharra warra, ACTION SA's leaders are loosing the plot. Leave Tshwane alone. Try your luck in Eastern Cape, Mapumalanga, ect. Voertsek ACTION SA.
@williamfogwell5273 17 күн бұрын
What ActionSA is doing is cheap political theatrics! You would abandon the good work done in Tshwane metro under the leadership of Cilliers Brink because you feel bullied?? Grow up man
@teresalouro1615 17 күн бұрын
He could not have come off anymore bitter! Action SA is angry they hold no government positions and cant hide their bitterness. They are really cutting their noses to spite their faces and will feel this is the next vote.
@123heinie 16 күн бұрын
Cilliers Brink is waiting for your email reply Boet
@RSAMommacyndi 17 күн бұрын
In Tshwane, ActionSA has control of Social Development and Economic Development + Spacial Planning. They also have the Deputy Mayor position. So who is preventing them from providing service to all areas? This is just petty politics and has nothing to do with the residents.
@andrekgerber 17 күн бұрын
I’m afraid that this party really blemished their reputation with the uncertainty they’ve been causing in Tswane. It’s a pity because I think they had potential.
@frankford6117 17 күн бұрын
and whats really disappointing is they cant see it. Well said. I had such high hopes for ASA.
@Kwazulujabul 16 күн бұрын
Micheal why do you only discuss Jhb, but silent about Tshwane! You know you are in the wrong. Your leader Herman needs to put the needs of South Africans first and not his own feelings about the DA. If a municipality is working well why take it down? You are putting party politics above the residence in Tshwane.
@AIRview2 16 күн бұрын
Personal vendetta and that sobbing way of talking irritates me in a corner. Like 2 year old throwing his toys out of his cot. That is the bright business man? Amazed that he build up a business while such a cry baby
@isaaccpt6643 13 күн бұрын
Let's see about working well. I mean of it's working well then it should stay in place but if it's only working for the well off it isn't working well.
@vut_zarco 16 күн бұрын
Yup this is going to be the end of Action SA.
@carldossantos7213 16 күн бұрын
This Tshwane thing is going to cost Action SA big time!!! Mike, leave now while you still have a little bit of cache! You have screwed the people of Jozi and now you want to do the same to Tshwane! Bad bad move! Short-sighted! Flip floppers!
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
Michael Michael, voters are not stupid - this clusterf*ck comes with a price especially in Twane - keep going my man, keep going
@Thatotherguy803 16 күн бұрын
I am glad for the pushback on suburbs being white people only. It's the same mistake made by the ANC when it came to the NHI, only to be corrected after that most medical aid holders are black people. As a black person living in a former white suburb, paying thousands at rates every month. I am starting to wonder why. After that, it took more than 2 years of complaining to change the light bulbs in our street lamps. I bought the house 6 years ago, and the potholes that were here then are still here now and this wasn't due to a lack of reporting. Now, we are being told to be mindful that even though service delivery is poor in the suburbs, it is almost non-existent in the poor areas. My question is, how is that my fault? It sounds like a failure of government. I have been paying my rates and taxes this whole time. All while we hear about the mass amount of looting at the local government level, and somehow, all this falls on me? It's like how they say "people with medical aids who doesn't want the NHI. Is because they dont care about poor people". This is not the case. Personally, I just don't trust the government with my medical funds, especially after the looting of the covid funds. Oh, and also when someone decided it was a good idea to spend hospital funds on skinny jeans.
@sarahdlp524 16 күн бұрын
3 BILLION looted from Tshwane hospital alone. But, 1:45 NHI? Paul Mashatile is the head of the Alex mafia. Nomvula Mokonyane before him looted the billions meant for Alex development upgrades. But, it’s Sandton’s fault?
@MicahMclaughlin 17 күн бұрын
Nothing about Action with these guys, their leader is so emotional over nonsense 🤣. Jozi and Tshwane vote DA in 2026🙏🏽💙
@MicahMclaughlin 16 күн бұрын
Micheal says the DA can’t disassociate in the National Government yet Actionsa can do it in the Tshwane Coalition 🤣🤣🤣 these guys are the green COPE
@Hannodb1961 16 күн бұрын
If Action SA sinks the coalition in Pretoria, they will have committed political suicide. As a FF+ supporter, I absolutely agree with his sentiments about the DA, but if you are truly there to serve the people rather than yourself of the people, then you will give the Citizens the best possible government, and in the care of Pretoria, that is the existing coalition.
@isaaccpt6643 13 күн бұрын
My question is why is there this double standard regarding the DA? They don't wana play good with others and look at all the lies the were telling about PA. They have to be careful PA could lead the next government as they have the ability to take vote from DA, ANC and EFF
@pieterjordaan73 17 күн бұрын
Your hatred for the DA ..professionally professionally and personally ..clouds your judgements. You will fail...change your attitude for the benefit of the people...please... when you got on the scene. your party was very relevant. but people are doubting you. Wake up.. Action SA...
@robbieknezovich4400 16 күн бұрын
ASA have allowed Herman Mashaba's personal vendetta with the DA influence his judgement and promise to his voters. I have a feeling this is going to cost him more votes than his stubborn decision to ignore what the polling was telling him all along. He ain't going to be shafting as many voters as he is now, the next time around. They won't be making the same mistake next time
@kevinlandey1518 17 күн бұрын
I am sorry to say, but I cannot take anything Action SA says seriously. 😔😔😔
@oodlesofnoodles4660 16 күн бұрын
"... we need to find any way of improving the lives of the people of Johannesburg ..." This makes sense in the context of Jo'burg that is suffering under an unstable and incompetent management. Tshwane does not have this problem. So why is Action SA then looking to upset Tshwane's apple cart under the same premise? All I see is some reckless sabre-rattling, ostensibly to shake things up in Jo'burg, but will also destabilise the fragile (but working) coalition in Tshwane. Very short-sighted.
@desmondramruthan5469 17 күн бұрын
Just 2 months ago, Action SA said that the mayor was doing a great job. Herman Mashaba said that the mayor treats them with respect, wish Mark asked these questions on what changed in 2 months,,,
@dineshanpillay5944 16 күн бұрын
What lies😂😂😂😂Action SA kept trying to remove him where DA didn't back or support them
@isaaccpt6643 13 күн бұрын
Just 2 months ago the DA said a vote for PA is a vote for the ANC? How do you square that?
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
Ok here comes the DA bashing, hahahaha naive to think it was not going to come up
@ZAR797 16 күн бұрын
ASA and Mr Beaumont I don't want you representing me in any way. I live in Joburg and you are all talk. ASA will not get my vote for anything. DA is the only way to go. The DA isn't perfect, but they have served my suburb well. Thanks Mike for giving me the opportunity to listen to this.
@dineshanpillay5944 16 күн бұрын
Funny how you say that where DA abandoned us in Johannesburg to the looting anc eff coalition due to DA arrogance with PA negotiations, leaving us to the looters was better than protecting us hey
@ZAR797 16 күн бұрын
Nothing to stop you from voting for any party ​@@dineshanpillay5944
@vuyo6620 16 күн бұрын
@@dineshanpillay5944don’t talk crap. One just needs to look at the 2024 elections in Gauteng where DA is the only party that grew- proving that it’s false. The small parties abandoned Joburg residents, not DA. The rest of the parties declined because of their arrogance, being a bully towards DA and putting their selfish interests ahead of the people’s interests.
@isaaccpt6643 13 күн бұрын
​@@vuyo6620why has the DA not made a move to change government in Johannesburg? They declined 4 times. Listen you can say this or that about it but the DA doesn't want to share power and doesn't play well with others. Even when they have the power in the Cape there's still a clear divide between rich and poor areas.
@vuyo6620 12 күн бұрын
@@isaaccpt6643 After learning their lessons about coalitions in 2016, DA will (1) enter coalitions where they are absolutely confident that they can make a real and positive difference, (2) it must be stable- Joburg has 11 parties in Council and 7 of those parties got less than 0% and they hold the balance of power. They can bring down the government any day. DA can’t be focused more on stabilising the coalition than actually governing the city. An ideal scenario for DA to is form a majority coalition government that is made of 2-5 coalition parties, not 10/11 parties- that invites instability and (3) coalitions are built on shared values and principles, and trust- parties must be able to trust each other. DA can’t work with parties that betrayed them too many times like PA. It’s unacceptable it knowing when a party is fully committed to the coalition government and won’t hesitate to betray them for ANC/EFF so that they can loot.
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
ah michael is waxing lyrically about the GNU, jealous hmm -
@ElizabethHallowes 17 күн бұрын
If these politicians had any intent on improving the lot of the citizenry they would amalgamate and get on with governing and stoplooting
@kathrynlenz8368 16 күн бұрын
As soon as I heard their policy on unions I realized that they would lose a lot of votes. This man sounds like a Tory complaining that Labour has not fixed everything that was broken in the last 14 years. Like most other politicians a group of spoiled children throwing their toys. My favourite was when he said he would refer ANC members to Panyazi for judgment.
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
I am sorry, Herman the Ego's bitter personality issue with the DA has made ActionSA irrelevant, that will be seen in the local government election - personality parties simply makes no sense - sooner they put a threshold of 5% in place the better - bashing the DA with 20% of the national vote is crazy - Herman can not expect to be the tail wagging the when he has so few votes - based on the actionsa's current activity they are enabling corruption and incompetence
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
Yawn, Michael you allowed the cadre to pass the 2.5 BILLION "loan" - 100% at the door of Action Sa
@veronicakarstel9126 17 күн бұрын
ACTION SA are pathetic
@frankford6117 17 күн бұрын
Michael Beuumont - please take this seriously from a comms professional for over 20 years - you guys are so missing the point, and ignoring what people really care about!. You worry about semantics vs what the room voted for, and what the optics are. Please get help. Your pathway is disappointing.
@MBReader410 16 күн бұрын
If ASA, DA, BOSA, Rise got their act together they could sweep Jhb and Tshwane in 2026, and Gauteng 2029. Would require some true leadership.
@markvanbrakel192 17 күн бұрын
So corruption trumps stability! Go buy a pair of hang ten flip flops! So disappointing.
@MBReader410 17 күн бұрын
Consolidate the center please
@violatommy6972 16 күн бұрын
Action SA is only there to secure there own well being. There is no concern for us the voters. Aligning urself with the ANC no matter how he spins it will elimanate them totally the next election. All that matters to this party is there own top jobs. They never did any improvement to any sector. We all know how they are to benefit from this loan. Why doesnt he speak about how they are not assisting with the major metros but batering positions ????
@natovaneeden1757 17 күн бұрын
ASA doesnt have a think tank.
@kenweeks3803 17 күн бұрын
What a JOKE…ASA desperately trying to stay relevant, unfortunately they are just disgruntled ex DA moaners
@simphiwemarule2803 16 күн бұрын
Oh Nkos'yami. Mara ActionSA. SMH. Fellow Joburgers, we just need to hold on for the next 2 years because eish, its rough.
@Roskim64 17 күн бұрын
Mr Sham, well well not a bad toes to the flame holding the actionsa's self interest to account - ratepayer are simply cows to be milked by the cadre corrupt and the actionsa wants to do what exactly
@angiepavlakis3453 16 күн бұрын
Action sa are disgusting Mashaba is a cry baby
@coadyg 16 күн бұрын
So if action sa are for the people and not party politics and petty grudges, let's see what happens in Tswane. If you vote against a working mayor, then we know its all about party politics.
@flipsnyders823 16 күн бұрын
Beaumont suffer. Action SA is part of the current local government for the past 3 year's. Now they run away
@garyt5606 16 күн бұрын
This is what singing for your supper looks like
@Mr_Shuku 12 күн бұрын
People who are disappointed at ASA , probably would never vote for them, they're fighting for survival.
@dorrienvenables3057 16 күн бұрын
I guess ActionSA is doing what they can with the seats they have, to try and hold the Jhb executive to account, though if they really wanted to try and implement some change, they should have gotten their hands dirty and taken up an MMC position or 2. They are still basically superfluous to the governing coalition, which has a majority without them, if the speaker starts pushing any buttons that the executive does not like, they have the numbers to vote her out. Michael also comes across as quite duplicitous, where he says that in Jhb its the residents that come before party politics, yet in Tshwane they are considering collapsing the coalition, that they are part of, without cogent reasons. Cilliers Brink has said that in their Mayco they have good relations with ActionSA and other parties, and that there are no disputes. It appears that this directive is coming from the ActionSA leadership, mostly with the likes of Mashaba and is emotive grievance politics and frankly quite paranoid tirades. Cilliers said that ActionSA is likely to use this line of attack of trying to show that they are favoring ratepayers to the detriment of townships, which is a curious blame game, considering there is an ActionSA Deputy Mayor, including an MMC for Community and Social Development Services, as well as Economic Development and Spatial Planning. Beaumont is once again being duplicitous where he says that all members of the GNU are responsible for the entire GNU as a whole, yet he thinks that ActionSA councilors sitting on the mayco are supposedly not responsible for the state of affairs in Tshwane. Good to hear that ActionSA is eventually having its FIRST elective conference sometime at the beginning of next year, about 4.5 years after the party was formed in August 2020. Its delegates need to think carefully about the quality of leadership that they are going to elect.
@margaretbarretto7213 14 күн бұрын
Michael Beaumont is delusion if he thinks that ActionSA is the answer to changing SA 😅
@lizeldalaubscher8796 13 күн бұрын
You are such a good interviewer... I would have lost my temper with so much bullshit. Well done for keeping calm. Michael touching his face, forehead and neck is a psychological give-away that he is really under severe stress because of all your brilliant comments and questions 😊
@CeciliaAdrio-ek5iq 16 күн бұрын
This party is talk 😮it's a bitter revenge how can we break down the D.A.🩵🥇🧢 One has to see where these parties are coming from..D.A is doing the Best they can 🇿🇦👋
@renekilner7712 16 күн бұрын
Stop skirting around the issue!! The simple fact is that you cannot run a city when you have only 983 000 ratepayers out of 6.5 million people. That number includes businesses and the number is decreasing as people are leaving!!! The city’s and the general ANC policy to give services away free has landed the country in the dump it has become. People want service & are prepared to pay for it. There are ways to create tariff brackets. Reality is, services will be more affordable and deliverable if you have everyone contributing. 10 people contributing to a gift of a R1000 makes it more affordable than a single person having to buy it - even if it’s not in equal shares !!!
@VictorvanSchoor 14 күн бұрын
Action SA is a very disappointing party since the elections .. why remove Tswane mayor when he is doing an excellent job. Action SA, you are going to suffer in the next election. The voters will make sure of that .
@LonelyTreeSunset 15 күн бұрын
If ASA instigate the removal of Brink, then ASA is done.
@renekilner7712 16 күн бұрын
I’m going to test you and your speaker !!!
@Gatvol9674 16 күн бұрын
Mr clever Beaumont I would love to see how much you would done after taking over a bankrupt municipality.
@percyvdwesthuysen8363 13 күн бұрын
Asa you are not worth much, carry on this path and you will dissapear.
@chriskairuz 16 күн бұрын
Judging from Michael's comments it seems to me that his party is promoting scenario of nonpayment
@kobusscheltema3175 16 күн бұрын
@sonacoza please bring the local Tshwane government leaders.
@mikesham3204 16 күн бұрын
Who would you like to hear from? We will be speaking to Mayor Cilliers Brink soon.
@kobusscheltema3175 15 күн бұрын
@@mikesham3204 It was a good interview. Maybe what are the ANCs plans in this unfolding story.
@mikesham3204 15 күн бұрын
@@kobusscheltema3175 The ANC and the EFF never do interviews! I have only ever got Gwen Ramakgopa from the ANC just before the elections and Carl Niehaus because I bumped into him in a coffee shop.
@hXQeyebOU812 16 күн бұрын
So, after BOSA, ASA, Rise etc., it really is just the DA or nothing.
@gavinsaunders8997 14 күн бұрын
DA are doing a great job. Piss off and go and get more shirts designed. Looks like that's all you good at Action SA 😂
@AIRview2 16 күн бұрын
Bad loosers fighting dirty. What ever will they bring to the table? Please.
@Gatvol9674 16 күн бұрын
Mr Beaumont you just show through this interview you knows nothing about politics in SA. ASA just want positions.
@glenessgreenfield5053 9 күн бұрын
I for one am so very sad thst this party has let many of us down.. Going with the ANC is a dlsp in the face..I feel that it is sour grapes with the honourable leader . Shsme on him
@CirylluckyZulu 14 күн бұрын
👎👎👎gwaza mkhonto wesizwe lizobuya lelizwe viva MK 🖤💚🇿🇦
@zeemavatha9115 13 күн бұрын
Mike, fyi, I’m a rate payer who lives in Soweto. As Ferial mentioned, the dangers of a single story
@juliannxumalo6024 15 күн бұрын
This is the end of Action SA
@Gatvol9674 16 күн бұрын
Action SA just show they do not care about SA citizens. It’s all about power. The ANC is not the best option for Jhb and they should know it. They just care about party politics.
@hwpienaar 15 күн бұрын
Michael. Jealousy makes you nasty. You have lost in the elections and your parties current efforts are ridiculous and against service delivery.
@anticorrup-g5o 17 күн бұрын
Reading the comments and vitriol aimed at ActionSA. And I did not vote for them. Now, what's new or wrong about this? We have a GNU/Coalition in National Assembly doing the same thing. If you have something to offer that surpasses the previous status quo, then get in there. By any means necessary. If it means mitigating the failure to perform, why not. Having a speaker watching like hawk, go for it. DA chose not to, admirably so. You need eyes there, and ActionSA are honest. They certainly won't be looting, or allow the looting to continue.
@costaqwabe5683 17 күн бұрын
Well said Harley, very well
@robinmoreau2029 13 күн бұрын
Michael....your outfit looks like Idi Amin reincarnated??????
@Barc112 16 күн бұрын
5:41 "This went from Tinder to an orgy..." 😭😭😭
@ChrisPotgieter 16 күн бұрын
ActionSA has lost the plot after their poor show in the last election
@Futurethinking2337 17 күн бұрын
How nobody in ASA can see how the tshwane thing is going to backfire is beyond me. But to be fair, ActionSA have realised that they wont have as much pwer next LGE, so they want to use what they have currently while they can
@gavinsaunders8997 14 күн бұрын
This kids shirts are distracting me 😂
@deanchapman2302 16 сағат бұрын
Action SA is as arrogant as DA but ANC is totally useless so they may actually look good under this arrangement. The future belongs to active politicians not political parties.
@garyt5606 16 күн бұрын
Cry babies
@michaelwebb540 16 күн бұрын
Destroy destroy. Let's talk about the elephants in the room.....the business culture.
@christinemarnewick2847 16 күн бұрын
Michael plse keep Herman a little less emotional about Tshwane plse.
@idajansevanrensburg6103 10 күн бұрын
Never again Action SA. And ! I have tried to persuade people to vote for them !
@deanchapman2302 16 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately DA is arrogant and treats smaller parties as useless so they will decline because of their continued attitude. Being an observer of the behaviour of the DA in Cape Town I can never support them.
@isaaccpt6643 13 күн бұрын
Im so annoyed at all of the DA supporters talking nonsense like ASA is unforgettable. Your comments ring hollow if the DA is still just giving the best service delivery to the well off. What about the DA that didnt want to out the ANC out of Johannesburg? That is unforgivable
@metamorphicme9378 12 күн бұрын
Geez! What an unlikable person.
@annegriffiths986 16 күн бұрын
I lost all my respect for this Party!!
@dineshanpillay5944 16 күн бұрын
Action SA💚💚💚
@francisdekock749 16 күн бұрын
Pity you only have one source of input!
@ShawnRademeyer 8 күн бұрын
Michael and ActionSA are playing games. Can't be trusted to DO the right thing. Talk is cheap boet!
@sammlamlijacobs1691 16 күн бұрын
Good ActionSA❤🇿🇦
@givenmalete4577 17 күн бұрын
Mitchael you are a super human being for the views you and ASA hold than DA
@givenmalete4577 17 күн бұрын
This ASA is the one we need so Michael keep going DA is just arrogant period
@givenmalete4577 17 күн бұрын
DA is abusive to you guys just cut ties
@ArthurMeyerdirect 15 күн бұрын
I was a member of action SA and I now see them as a party that has lost their minds just like Beaumont has done . Everybody must be treated equally and therefore all must either pay rates and taxes or everybody should not be paying and another system to provide must be implemented. In the real world you get what you pay for and I know that not everybody can afford to pay but there are systems that can cater for them .
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