Sorbian national anthem "Beautiful Lusatia"

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Sorbian national anthem "Beautiful Lusatia" (Upper Sorbian version)
Lyrics: Handrij Zejler (Andreas Seiler)
Music: Korla Awgust Kocor (Karl August Katzer)
**Upper Sorbian**
Rjana Łužica,
sprawna, přećelna,
mojich serbskich wótcow kraj,
mojich zbóžnych sonow raj,
swjate su mi twoje hona!
Časo přichodny,
zakćěj radostny!
Ow, zo bychu z twojeho
klina wušli mužojo,
hódni wěčnoh wopomnjeća!
**Lower Sorbian**
Rědna Łužyca,
spšawna, pśijazna,
mojich serbskich woścow kraj,
mojich glucnych myslow raj,
swěte su mě twoje strony.
Cas ty pśichodny,
zakwiś radostny!
Och, gab muže stanuli,
za swoj narod źěłali,
godne nimjer wobspomnjeśa!
Schöne Lausitz,
ehrliche, freundliche,
Land meiner sorbischen Väter,
Paradies meiner glücklichen Träume,
heilig sind mir deine Fluren!
erblühe froh,
ach, mögen aus deinem Schoß Männer hervorgehen,
die des ewigen Gedenkens würdig sind!
Lusatia, beautiful,
Gracious, dutiful,
Land of Sorbian forebears' toil,
Land of dreams, resplendent soil,
Sacred are to me thy pastures.
May thy future be
Blooming joyously!
Oh, may from thy womb appear
People that the world holds dear,
Worthy of eternal memory!
Krásná Lužice
dobrá, přátelská,
mých srbských předků kraj,
mých krásných snů ráj,
svaté jsou mi tvoje cesty.
V časech, co přijdou,
rozkveteš se do krásy!
Ach, z tvého klína vyjdou muži,
hodni věčných vzpomínek!
Прекрасная Лужица,
милосердная, почтительная,
моих сербских отцов край,
моих счастливых грёз рай,
священны для меня твои пастбища.
Будущее твоё
пусть процветает!
О, да родит твоё лоно
только благородных людей,
достойных вечной памяти!
Красна Лужица,
Исправна, пријатељска,
мојих српских отаца крај,
мојих блажених снова рај,
света су ми твоја поља!
Часу будући,
ускликни радосно!
О, нека буду са твојег
скута дошли мужеви,
угодни вечног помињања!
Прекрасна Лужица,
праведлива, пријателска,
моја лужичка родина,
на моите блажени сонови рај,
свети ми се твоите полиња!
Часу иден,
воскликни радосно!
О, нека бидат од твоите
скутови дојдени мажи,
годни на вечно споменување!
Krasna Lužica,
Ispravna, prijateljska,
mojih srpskih otaca kraj,
mojih blaženih snova raj,
sveta su mi tvoja polja!
Času budući,
usklikni radosno!
O, neka budu sa tvojeg
krila došli muževi,
ugodni vječnog spominjanja!
Красива Лужица,
Изправена, приятелска,
На моите сръбски отци край,
На моите блажени сънища рай,
свети ми са твоите полета!
Бъдещи часо,
възкликни радостно!
О, нека от твоите
скутове да дойдат мъже,
годни за вечно споменаване!
Belle Lusace,
Compatissante, respectueuse,
Terre de nos aïeux sorabes,
Paradis de mes rêves heureux,
Sacré sont pour moi tes pâturages.
Assurer ton avenir
S'épanouir heureux !
Oh, à partir de ton utérus
Seules les personnes nobles,
Digne d'éternelle mémoire!
Lusàcia, bella,
Compassiva, obedient
Terra dels avantpassats sòrabs,
Terra de somnis, sòl resplandent,
Són sagrades per a mi les teves pastures.
Que sigui el teu futur
força joiós!
Oh, del teu vendre poden aparèixer
La gent que sosté el món,
Dignes de memòria eterna!

Пікірлер: 486
@aleksandaravramovic4081 10 жыл бұрын
Zivela Luzica i Luzicki Srbi. Pozdrav iz bratske Srbije
@HajajanI 6 жыл бұрын
Nije bratska mi nismo braca mi smo svi Srbi
@simpleatina7385 5 жыл бұрын
Etwas flotter bitte Sorben
@simpleatina7385 5 жыл бұрын
Herzlichen Gruss an Serbien
@stole1389 5 жыл бұрын
Поздрав из Братске Србије ! Уз вас смо ! Wir (sudden Serb) liben dich Bruders!
@БраниславПавловић 4 жыл бұрын
Не пиши " našim bratam po reči" по швапски !
@YusifTheBaldEagle Жыл бұрын
​@@БраниславПавловић So was?
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Cytuję tutaj komentarze i widzę wiele zazdrosnych szczurów w naszym bractwie serbołużyckim i serbskim, które istnieje i to jest fakt! Zivela Lusatija i Serbia! Wolność dla Łużyc !!!!!
@djordjestojanovic1180 6 жыл бұрын
Srbislava Dragas živela Poljska i poljski narod...veliki pozdrav iz Srbije
@tomislavradic8691 6 жыл бұрын
Djordje Stojanovic Ona je Lužička Srbkinja a Lužica je u Nemačkoj a Poljaci žele da ih asimiluju! Svakako SLAVA LUŽICI I SRBIJI! Pozdrav i za Poljsku braću svakako!
@majkasrbija6063 5 жыл бұрын
Srbislava Dragas Ziveli braćo Srbi ❤️❤️
@majkasrbija6063 5 жыл бұрын
Srbislava Dragas- живели Срби
@wodzimirwislanski3368 5 жыл бұрын
@@tomislavradic8691 Кто желе да их асимилују?? Лужичких Срба нема у Пољску сада, само у Немачку. Ми хоћемо да они живе и да имају свој језик и културу. Они су за нама, Пољака, браћа словенска.
@medakjerlovic 10 жыл бұрын
Luzicki Srbi & Srbija brothers forever !!!!!!!!!
@АЛКАПОНЕ-щ6ц 6 жыл бұрын
Actually one of the most beatiful melodies ive ever heard
@mstipich1 3 жыл бұрын
Много љубави нашој северној браћи и сестрама из братске Србије!
@tomislavradic8691 6 жыл бұрын
Živeo naš ROD LUŽIČKI SERBI mi smo ROD! Podelili su nas pre mnogo godina nažalost! :/ I mi i vi smo preživeli mnogo nepravde i teških trenutaka braćo! Pozdrav iz SERBIE sa Balkana!
@nikajinpusno9563 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Poland! Don’t let your beautiful culture die! :)
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
Strange that Polish send greetings too Sorbs witch is Slavik people and herritage from Serbia when you strongly supporting Ukrains who also is Slavic people but supported by Hazards and jews??very strange
@nikajinpusno9563 2 жыл бұрын
@@proegde161 And who told you I support Ukraine? And what does that have to do with Sorbian people? You think that just because mainstream media and political clowns say what is politically correct, that means all people think that? You need to realise the difference between politics and regular people.
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
@@nikajinpusno9563 We are all the same people with same genetic
@nikajinpusno9563 2 жыл бұрын
@@proegde161 I don't subscribe to a country's politics just because the people living in it share my genetics.
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
@@nikajinpusno9563 Thats your problem
@markostanic94 3 жыл бұрын
Mnogo ljubavi iz Srbije za nasu bracu!
@claraclara9317 4 жыл бұрын
My grandfather is Sorbian but he had a conflict with his sorbian family. That is why he didnt want to uphold the sorbian tradition and language. I think it is sad to give up such a beautiful culture.
@jugg126 3 жыл бұрын
@@gnom-hp3dy I live in the area too and there a few places where you can learn Sorbian.
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
They are Serbs
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
@GGmitke You should know that if you are Serb..if you dont know then follow Dejan Lucic inserts and you will learn from him and yes all of us is geneticly cloose and dont forgett that in 12 century we was over 50 milion..
@велимир-ю4я 2 жыл бұрын
Same but they were super Germanized on my side
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
@@велимир-ю4я Then is now upp too you to keep your tradition live becuse all of us loosing it and is time to get back to our tradition and heritage
@August_Aurelian 4 жыл бұрын
Respect from Poland Long live Pan-Slavism❤
@karolanonim 4 жыл бұрын
panslawizm to idea zniewolenia Słowian przez Rosję.
@user-xw2pj8ty7w 3 жыл бұрын
@@karolanonim , на мою думку він мав на увазі неославізм (Україна , Ukraine)
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
Then you should not support Nato if you are a slavic
@vojislavilic3378 6 жыл бұрын
Живели браћо Серби !! поново ће све то бити Србија и живећемо заједно у једној држави !
@VojislavMoranic 5 жыл бұрын
@@jaromirmusil9017 Funny when i went to Slovakia once. I spoke Serbian and everyone understood me and understood the Slovaks. I only had one problem tho. I went into the womens bathroom. I thought Pani was plural for Pan. Anyway it felt like i was home. And believe it or not its much easier for Serbs to understand Western Slavs than Russians for example.
@vanhooligan7532 7 жыл бұрын
My great-grandfather came from Daubitz and spoke Sorbian and German. His last name was Rjosk, wihch is Slavic. I'm trying to learn everything I can about Sorbians/Lusatia
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
I am also Sorbian we come from Łużyce today i live in Serbia in Uzice sity with simular name like my Łużyce.
@juliannyca 7 жыл бұрын
Srbislava, which family and place are you from?
@markosobic3307 5 жыл бұрын
@@juliannyca it's and imposter
@matyaskrzok1728 4 жыл бұрын
can you speak it?
@alexanderpetrovich7792 10 жыл бұрын
I am Serbian and we are long lost brothers. Ziveli Sorbi nasa slovenska braca.
@KosovoReport 8 жыл бұрын
+Alexander Petrovich tako je brate. nismo mi Srbi repa bez korena, ima nas sa svih strana
@janmacek1648 6 жыл бұрын
you need to understand, that you are 1500 separated... czechs are more relatives with lusatian sorbs than you. Did you know that one of slavic tribes in bohemia was named Bílí Chorvati/Charváti? They were separated by avars in 6. century. You were one tribe long time ago, but today you are different. They are more like polish people.
@tvprodaja 6 жыл бұрын
Anyway they call themselves SORBY and not POLES. And they are aware of their bloodline with grate Serbian nation.
@warsawlloyd4026 6 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely misguided beyond all help ... they call themselves Sorbs and it has nothing AT ALL to do with Serbs. Sorbs are not in any way related to Serbs .. not by culture, not by language, not by genetics. Sorbs are closest to Poles, but are quite close to Czechs as well. Sorbs evolved from Silesians going West to Lusatia, although nobody knows if they were Bohemians or Vistulans.
@tvprodaja 6 жыл бұрын
Roy Lloyd you are with knowlage of little child
@Waldgxnger 4 жыл бұрын
My great grandmother was a sorben Sadly my father and i never learned it. its such a beautiful culture that should not be forgotten
@mestronghandle 6 жыл бұрын
Texas Sorb here,beautiful heritage.
@scepan5155 4 жыл бұрын
Why you have Prussian eagle then? Germans assimilated Sorbs. Cheers from your long lost brother a Serb from Montenegro!
@josefchinprojektindikator5231 4 жыл бұрын
@@scepan5155 Assimilation does not mean murdered. Assimilation means that in today's German nation the spirit of the Slavs blazes in the ancestral fire.
@ЗаставаОбреновца 4 жыл бұрын
Proud Montenigga Prussians we’re usually Baltic not German
@toolatetothestory 3 жыл бұрын
@@ЗаставаОбреновца Correct. Not to mention, now pretty much all Sorbians that remain are german, with not even 2000 living outside.
@xreaver1061 2 жыл бұрын
@@ЗаставаОбреновца Thats true. Prussians were Baltic people and speak baltic Language.
@ДенисКоругин 3 жыл бұрын
С любовью из России братья-славяне ❤️
@dijanazivanovic8867 7 жыл бұрын
❤ From Serbia!
@Haendelman 5 жыл бұрын
Rjana Łužica, moja domizna. (:
@KosovoReport 5 жыл бұрын
Check out my documentary on the Sorbs!
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
I am Sorben Girl and I live now in Uzice ,Serbia yes we are same nation we are brothers and Sisters !
@Kranjcan27 7 жыл бұрын
@juliannyca 7 жыл бұрын
She can't write any Sorbian and I doubt she has any connection to us.
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Adrijan Talić I am Slavic more then you 100% White R1A
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Adrijan Talić Sorben und Serben we are not Dinaric we are Sarmatian Slavic race Alania is our Natural home from past we loks Sarmatian not Dinaric
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Adrijan Talić Srbi se prvi put pominju u prvom veku posle Hrista (69-75. godine) u knjizi Plinija Cecilija Sekundusa "Poznavanje prirode" i to u latinizovanom obliku - Sorboi (Sorbosians ). Plinije piše: "Pored Kimerana stanuju Meotici, Vali, Sorbosians , Zingi, Psesi". [8] Srbi su tu zabeleženi kao narod koji živi na teritoriji severoistočne obale Crnog mora , u Sarmatiji , severno od Kavkaza , pa se iz toga pretpostavlja da su Srbi bili sarmatsko (iransko) pleme. [9] Pomen srpskog imena nalazimo zatim u delu "Geografija" egipatskog naučnika Klaudija Ptolemeja (pre 175. godine). On pleme Srba beleži tako da postoji na području Zakavkazja , pišući: "Između Keraunskog gorja i reke Ra smešteni su Orineji i Vali i Srbi". [10]
@joalexsg9741 8 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, the different translations in some other European languages are also precious in themselves! Thank you so much for all this, the wonderful video and the valuable lyrics!
@gabriellesniewski452 3 жыл бұрын
Very beatyful leanguege and sad history some of you live in Poland swoboda dla Łuzica!
@nekilik7886 2 жыл бұрын
Pozdrav za braću Srbe od Srbina sa Balkana! Muka nas je pre mnogo godina naterala da se razdvojimo, ta muka nas još uvek muči a pogotovu vas na severu. Ne dozvolite da vam unište identitet. Borili smo dva svetska rata protiv Nemaca ako treba borićemo i treći! Srbi sa Balkana nikada neće zaboraviti generala Pavla Šturma koji se borio za slobodu Srbije. Živi bili braćo.
@luka392 3 жыл бұрын
Pozdrav Srpskome svijetu. Živeli Srbi! Da je Srbin biti lako, Srbin bi bio svako. / Regards to Serbian folks all around the globe. To live and survive as the Serb is not for everyone. / За крст часни и слободу златну!
@gamesmappers9740 5 жыл бұрын
Great anthem
@nemanja8588 Жыл бұрын
Zemljo kralja Miliduha ziveces vecno !
@simpleslav8448 6 жыл бұрын
@BazookaLuca 3 жыл бұрын
I as a German agree The Sorbs need more autonomy Maybe even their own Bundesland
@toolatetothestory 3 жыл бұрын
@@BazookaLuca At least more attention. Nearly all of them live with us, nearly all that are left. We should care for them. I never got to connect to my sorbian ancestry before. I wish I could do so easier.
@gabriellesniewski452 3 жыл бұрын
Independence! No autonomy!
@MarionFiedlerMusic 6 жыл бұрын
The language sounds peaceful. I was asked to sing two of my songs in Sorbian so I am now hoping to be able to learn the language.... it would be my first attempt to learn a Slavic language... it sounds beautiful...
@ALEKSA007able 7 жыл бұрын
Vole vas vasa juzna braca
@janprzytycki5939 8 жыл бұрын
My,Słowianie,nie powinniśmy dać zginąć Serbom Łużyckim.Jest nas 300 milionów ludzi w świecie.Można by stworzyć fundację wspierającą Łużyczan.Załóżmy,że każdy Słowianin dałby 1 EURO na rzecz Łużyc.To mamy rocznie 300 milionów EURO.Mogą powstać szkoły,kliniki,kluby.Można by na każde serbskie dziecko płacić 1500 EURO by wspomóc serbski przyrost naturalny.Odrębnym zagadnieniem jest przesiedlenie Serbów z ziem skażonych przemysłem na obszary etnicznie serbskie.-Janszojce i okolica wyludniają się.Nie można by tym którzy stąd na pewno wyjadą kupić gdzieś domów?Przemysł niszczy ten naród.Dawniej czynił to nacjonalizm niemiecki,teraz ekonomia.Co na to organizacje narodowe słowiańskie w Polsce,Rosji i gdzie indziej?Tylko dalej będą zajmować się organizowaniem parad i święceniem miejsc pamięci?
@3265-j5t 7 жыл бұрын
jan przytycki My jesteśmy powinny mieć jedno państwo przynajmniej zachodniosłowiańskie. Tu będzie cała Polska, Czechy i Słowacja, dołączamy także Łużyce i Kresy wschodnie.
@janprzytycki5939 7 жыл бұрын
32 653 Kto się na to zgodzi?
@uzytkownikgoogle9383 5 жыл бұрын
Zgadzam się, aczkolwiek nie można zapomnieć też o Kaszubach, Ślązakach, Rusinach, Łemkach i innych Słowianach, którzy nie mają państwa
@swietosawagromowadna7957 4 жыл бұрын
@@uzytkownikgoogle9383 Osób uznających się TYLKO za Kaszubów jest trochę zbyt mało,żeby stworzyć państwo,ponadto (trochę się orientuję w temacie) większość Kaszubów uznaje się za Polaków a nawet wielu było i jest polskimi patriotami. Ze Ślązakami podobnie chociaż tutaj sprawa faktycznie wydaje się być nieco bardziej skomplikowana. Do tego-marzy ci się rozbijanie Polski na pomniejsze państwa? Kolejne rozbicie dzielnicowe może?
@uzytkownikgoogle9383 4 жыл бұрын
@@swietosawagromowadna7957 Tak, maży mi się, no jestem Kaszubem i TYLKO Kaszubem. A osób uważających się tylko za Kaszubów jest 5051
@balkananonimus7827 7 жыл бұрын
Greitings from Serbia
@sinanamidi8973 2 жыл бұрын
@XxX3odaKruXxX 6 жыл бұрын
Long live Lusatia! Stay strong brothers
@Shandina1 5 жыл бұрын
Most beautiful anthem!
@Wertiich_bs 3 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Saxony!
@GameandComedy 3 жыл бұрын
Serbia loves you! 🇷🇸❤️
@Anonymous-tt9tk 2 жыл бұрын
Živela naša Sorbska Braća ,pozdrav iz Srbije 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
Great heavens, Sorbs are not Serbs, Sorbs are Germans who are ethnically Slavs, but that does not mean they are related to dirty Serbs, they are related to poles and Czechs, that is like saying all Turkish people are related to Finn’s
@lucanikrstac Жыл бұрын
@@Trontotario Tučine , miruj stoko sitnog zuba!
@ЗоранХулк 9 ай бұрын
​@@Trontotarioim from Serbia🇷🇸 and you must been sucking your father instead of a mother ,when you were a little,cause you saying this dirty lies about Searbs?!?🤬
@vormaw 9 жыл бұрын
Long live Polabian Slavs! Das Erbe von Arkona, Radogoszcz, Niklot und Przybysław wird nicht vergessen werden.
@janmacek1648 6 жыл бұрын
name of god Radegast/Radogoszcz/Radgosť/Radhošť is rly interesting :) all are correctly :D and more
@СрбјеХристоврадујесесмрти 3 жыл бұрын
greetings from balkan Serbia 🇷🇸❤️(🇩🇪)
@zoranristovic2265 2 жыл бұрын
Sorbi ili Vendi,je Nemacki naziv. Oni sebe nazivaju Serbi… Imaju Serbske Noviny(Serbske novine) Serbski muzej… Sebe dele na Gornje Srbe,Dolnje Srbe i nas Juzne Srbe… Dakle,Srbi su isto kao i mi…. Kod nas je dosao jedan od njih i postao nas cuveni Vojvoda…Pavle Jurisic…
@МиланПотић-б9х 3 жыл бұрын
Lusatian Serbs are distant relatives of Balkan Serbs. According to Herodotus, one of the 3 Illyrian tribes, besides Tribal and Dardan, were also Eneti. After the Trojan War, the Eneti moved to the north of the Apennine Peninsula and founded (V)Eneto and (V)Enetia, which are named after Eneti. Later, under pressure from Rome, they moved to all parts of Central, Eastern and Western Europe. All Slavic peoples outside the Balkans are descended from Eneti.
@МиланПотић-б9х Жыл бұрын
@@janakolasinac1686 Not the Greeks, but the Hellenes (a group of different peoples of the same cultural pattern) wrote the name incorrectly because they read v as b and vice versa, so the correct name should be Trival, which means three waves. The sign of three connected spirals (three wavy circular shapes) was a frequent representation in the religious practices of the Tribals.
@YusifTheBaldEagle Жыл бұрын
...No. Serbs are actually not that related to Sorbs, athough they are both Slavic. Sorbs are more related to Germans, Czechs, Poles and Slovaks, Serbs however have Turkish genes and look more Turkish than ever.
@МиланПотић-б9х Жыл бұрын
@@YusifTheBaldEagle Nonsense. Anyone who looks at the genetic composition of Turks and Serbs knows that this is nonsense. This is a genetic picture of Turks from Asia Minor published by Khazaria Genetics and Genetic Genealogy. Anatolian Turkish Genetics: Abstracts and Summaries Combined results from multiple studies show the following Y-DNA haplogroup distributions among Anatolian Turks: E1b1b = 11% G = 11% I1 = 1% I2* + I2a = 4% I2b = 0.5% J2 = 24% J* + J1 = 9% N = 4% Q = 2% R1a = 7.5% R1b = 16% T = 2.5% From this we can see that the dominant haplogroup of Turks is J2 24%. This is the genetics of the Serbs of the same researcher: I2a (I-P37.2), 29.2% E1b1b1a2 (E-V13), 20% o R1a1 (R-M17) 15.93% R1b1b2 (R-M269) 10.62% J2b (J-M102) 4.4% of Serbian I1 (I-M253) 5.31% of F (F-M89) 4.9% J2a1b1 (J-M92) is found among 2.7% of Serbs in Serbia. It's absent among Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is of Middle Eastern origin. It is clear that the genetics of Serbs and Turks are completely different.
@macakucizmama831 Жыл бұрын
@@YusifTheBaldEagleyour mom has Turkish genes if such thing even exist, not Serbs, weirdo
@YusifTheBaldEagle Жыл бұрын
@@VARBY- Hell yeah i did!
@polishnationalist9684 3 жыл бұрын
Respect from Poland ♥ Lusatia will returned to Slavic World!
@jimbod.meereswurzel4400 2 жыл бұрын
Danzig Breslau und Stettin..
@Zapadoslavist 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbod.meereswurzel4400 ok, go vote for your afd, BERLIN WAS A SLAVIC SETTLEMENT AND THE NAME ITSELF WAS MADE BY LUSATIANS, AFDNAZI!
@ninnoah8814 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbod.meereswurzel4400 damn...
@jimbod.meereswurzel4400 2 жыл бұрын
@@ninnoah8814 Was willst du?
@ninnoah8814 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimbod.meereswurzel4400 gar nichts, meinte damit nur das du nicht unrecht hast
@nemek119 4 жыл бұрын
Pozdrav za bracu iz Srbije !!!
@aqank7487 2 жыл бұрын
Love all the Sorbian people! Greetings from Finland.
@jana_t 2 жыл бұрын
Moi! Ja me rakastamme Suomea (ainakin minä)! Terveisiä takaisin!
@МирославМедан 3 жыл бұрын
Поздрав браћи и сестрама у Лужичким Србији.
@Clabilinus 5 жыл бұрын
Prekrasno! Veličaü iz Rossii
@zimnygosc1623 8 жыл бұрын
piękne Łużyce.
@MichalojskiKanal Жыл бұрын
There also are lower sorbian versions of our anthem now. Just to let everyone know.
@78loznct 2 жыл бұрын
Sorbia Serbia Btw love Sorbia from Serbia
@ЗоранХулк 9 ай бұрын
​@@nessa-tf5lx Pozdrav za braću i sestre iz Srbije🇷🇸.Imate prelep jezik, kulturu i podršku od nas sa Balkana 💪👏❤️
@orionbarbalate4350 8 жыл бұрын
this is better than most anthems
@Janneman_1 2 жыл бұрын
I am a sorb. I love my language.
@markosamardzic8718 2 жыл бұрын
hello, im from Serbia, we love you, stay strong brothers and sisters!
@AkrapAndre 2 жыл бұрын
One day Serbia and Sorbia will unite!
@magdakosieradzka4791 2 жыл бұрын
If there was a chance for to become a country would you take it or stay in germany?
@Janneman_1 2 жыл бұрын
@@magdakosieradzka4791 difficult... Shortly said: It depends on several factors.
@magdakosieradzka4791 2 жыл бұрын
@@Janneman_1 what are the factors
@ninja0724 4 жыл бұрын
Lug, pa od luga - lužica.
@GingerSnap97 10 жыл бұрын
Is there the version in Lower Sorbian I could listen to?
@te0czbg 9 жыл бұрын
Boze pravde
@KosovoReport 8 жыл бұрын
+Buddy12 pitao za verziju na donjem luzicko-srpskim! posto imaju dva dijalekta, gornji luzicko-srpski i donji luzicko-srpski
@AmamaElus 8 жыл бұрын
@PoProstuBoniacz 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if after WW2 there was Zapadoslavia
@КраљСтефанДечански 11 ай бұрын
🇷🇸 Lusatian Serbs and Serbs from Serbia are one people. Separated for more than a thousand years, our languages ​​developed in different directions, but we preserved the name Serbs.
@kaskaperi9665 Жыл бұрын
We all Slavic cant let our Sorbian Brothers die
@lucanikrstac Жыл бұрын
Brat je mio ma koje vere bio. Pozdrav severnim Srbima od nas juznih Srba. Pozdrav i za Poljake i Kašibe. Vi na severu ste za nas veoma slični i dragi ljudi
@sbstorage95 10 ай бұрын
Pozdrav iz Republike Srpske ♥️
@kordianzulawa Жыл бұрын
Piękne! Niech żyją Łużyce!
@bokixtreme1107 3 жыл бұрын
Sława, greetings from Serbia ❤️
@majkasrbija6063 5 жыл бұрын
Braća Srbi ❤️❤️
@Darium147 4 жыл бұрын
The forgotten europe country
@weissewolfe8779 5 жыл бұрын
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
Sorbs, do you even care about the native Sorbians? Or you thought it was serbian
@rommul1389 Жыл бұрын
@@Trontotario They call themselves Serbs, they call us south Serbs.
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
@@rommul1389 Source trust me bro, the Sorbians are happy where they are, sometimes they consider themselves Germans, the German government is trying to encourage people around to learn the Sorbians language to keep it alive, unlike others they won't try to kick them out.
@mentorspahija5800 4 жыл бұрын
so beautiful from Kosovo
@rseniortemenko7715 4 жыл бұрын
Hello brothers from Russia
@SRBINPZS 2 жыл бұрын
We will protect you if needed, we are not powerful, but we are there for you
@igorsmederevac 2 жыл бұрын
Сузе ми иду док слушам ❤🎩
@baresh111 3 жыл бұрын
Ziveli 1000 godina!!!
@espsrb1990 11 ай бұрын
West-Luzica war jahrhundertelang der westlichste serbische Staat. Keine Nation außer den Serben ist so kosmopolitisch wie die Serben. Deshalb haben wir überall, wo wir waren, unseren eigenen Staat gegründet.
@glassbottomboat197 4 жыл бұрын
Jedan narod .Ziveli Srbi.kDace bog da ponovo zivimo u jednoj zemlji.🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
Sorbs are not Serbs, just because the name is similar? Then Austria shall reunite with Australia and Rome will unite with Romania, Nigeria will unite with Niger.
@eu4486 Жыл бұрын
@@Trontotario Romania is named because of Roman empire australia is named because of Austria where the council formed and Serbia and Lusatian sorbs are the same language culture and history
@eu4486 Жыл бұрын
@@Trontotario Just because for you westernized people words dont mean nothing doesent make it not true sorry for your lack of common sence 😢
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
@@eu4486 It’s not the same language and culture bro, all Arabs should unite, in fact more specifically Serbians are south Slavs while Sorbs learn closer to poles, Czechs and Slovaks
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
@@eu4486 First think before you write
@Glitchobus4000 2 жыл бұрын
Freedom Slavic peoples Odobrites Wents and Sorbs
@andredesaxe2644 3 жыл бұрын
To jo rjany 👍👍 Sehr schön
@PJthePB 3 ай бұрын
American born Sorb here. This is awesome
@Slawny_luziski_Wojak 2 жыл бұрын
Moja Łužica 🔵🔴⚪
@sashex3494 2 жыл бұрын
Uz vas smo braćo. Pozdrav iz Srbije 🇷🇸
@Slawny_luziski_Wojak 2 жыл бұрын
@@sashex3494 🔵🔴⚪💞🇷🇸
@illyrian3057 Жыл бұрын
Lubujem vas ♥️🥰
@eu4486 Жыл бұрын
@@illyrian3057 ilir roman word for free people what litteratly means free people in roman empire you are not a tribe nor anything congrats you just made another western plan reality 🎉🎉🎉
@illyrian3057 Жыл бұрын
@@eu4486 No albanian word searxh on google translate
@Monnah Жыл бұрын
Annals of the Franks from 9. century tell a story about border towards Serbs, so called Limes Sorabicus, that went from Baltic sea to the Adriatic sea and further down the Adriatic sea. That was just the border. Serbs ofc lived on the other side of the border too. And that how you find Serbs in the North of Europe, as well as in the South. Serbs were once huge ppl. Nowadays, only a small number of us call ourselves Serbs.
@gahdhsh623 Жыл бұрын
i do kraja cemo se zvati tim imenom
@SRBINPZS 2 жыл бұрын
We came from there, Srbi!
@Igor-qt9sp 5 ай бұрын
Just check this if u think that Serbs and Sorabs have no connection: Paulus Eugen Sturm was born on 22 August 1848. in Görlitz,[2] Prussian Silesia, of ethnic Sorb[4][2][5] origin. He moved with his brother to Serbia and joined the Serbian army. Šturm became one of the most important commanders in the Serbian army in World War I
@jerzywiatrowski3612 Жыл бұрын
The last Mohicans. Pity.
@pawpaw8502 3 жыл бұрын
@ПЁТРЪРОМАНОВЪ-я1ф Жыл бұрын
*На одном из симпозиумов встретились четыре лингвиста: англичанин, немец, итаљянец и русский. Речь зашла о языках. Начали спорить, а чей язык красивее, лучше, богаче, и какому языку принадлежит будущее? Англичанин сказал: **_«Англия страна великих завоевателей, мореплавателей и путешественников, которые разнесли славу её языка по всем уголкам всего міра. Английский язык язык Шекспира, Диккенса, Байрона несомненно, лучший язык в міре». «Ничего подобного»,_** - заявил немец, - **_«Наш язык язык науки и физики, медицины и техники. Язык Канта и Гегеля, язык, на котором написано лучшее произведение міровой поэзии «Фауст» Гёте»._* *_«Вы оба неправы»,_** - вступил в спор итаљянец, - **_«Подумайте, весь мір, всё человечество любит музыку, песни, романсы, оперы! На каком языке звучат лучшие любовные романсы и гениаљные оперы? На языке солнечной Италии!»._** Русский долго молчал, скромно слушал и, наконец, промолвил: **_«Конечно, я мог также, как каждый из вас, сказать, что русский язык язык Пушкина, Толстого, Тургенева, Чехова превосходит все языки міра. Но я не пойду по вашему пути. Скажите, могли бы вы на своих языках составить небољшой рассказ с завязкой, с последоватељным развитием сюжета, чтобы при этом все слова рассказа начинались с одной и той же буквы?»._** Это очењ озадачило собеседников и все трое заявили: **_«Нет, на наших языках это невозможно!»._** Тогда русский отвечает: **_«А вот на нашем языке это вполне возможно, и я сейчас это вам докажу! Назовите, пожалуйста, любую букву!»._** Немец ответил: **_«Всё равно. Буква «П», например». «Прекрасно, вот вам рассказ на эту букву»,_** - ответил русский.* *Пётр Петрович Петухов, поручик пятьдесят пятого Подољского пехотного полка, получил по почте письмо, полное приятных пожеланий. **_«Приезжайте»,_** - писала прелестная Полина Павловна Перепёлкина, - **_«поговорим, помечтаем, потанцуем, погуляем, посетим полузабытый, полузаросший пруд, порыбачим. Приезжайте, Пётр Петрович, поскорее погостить!»._** Петухову предложение понравилось. Прикинул: приеду. Прихватил полуистёртый полевой плащ, подумал: пригодится. Поезд прибыл после полудня. Принял Петра Петровича почтеннейший папа Полины Павловны, Павел Пантелеймонович. **_«Пожалуйста, Пётр Петрович, присаживайтесь поудобнее»,_** - проговорил папаша. Подошёл плешивењкий племянник, представился: **_«Порфирий Платонович Поликарпов. Просим, просим!»._** Появилась прелестная Полина. Полные плечи прикрывал прозрачный персидский платок. Поговорили, пошутили, пригласили пообедать. Подали пељмени, плов, пикули, печёнку, паштет, пирожки, пирожное, пол-литра померанцевой. Плотно пообедали. Пётр Петрович почувствовал приятное пресыщение.* *После приёма пищи, после плотного перекуса Полина Павловна пригласила Петра Петровича прогуляться по парку. Перед парком простирался полузабытый полузаросший пруд. Прокатились под парусами. После плавания по пруду пошли погулять по парку. **_«Присядем»,_** - предложила Полина Павловна. Присели. Полина Павловна придвинулась поближе. Посидели, помолчали. Прозвучал первый поцелуй. Пётр Петрович притомился, предложил полежать, подстелил полуистёртый полевой плащ, подумал: пригодился. Полежали, повалялись, повлюблялись. **_«Пётр Петрович проказник, прохвост»,_** - привычно проговорила Полина Павловна. **_«Поженим, поженим!»,_** - прошептал плешивењкий племянник. **_«Поженим, поженим»,_** - пробасил подошедший папаша. Пётр Петрович побледнел, пошатнулся, потом побежал прочь. Побежав, подумал: **_«Полина Петровна прекрасная партия, полноте париться!»._** Перед Петром Петровичем промељкнула перспектива получить прекрасное поместье. Поспешил послать предложение. Полина Павловна приняла предложение, позже поженились. Приятели приходили поздравлять, приносили подарки. Передавая пакет, приговаривали: **_«Прекрасная пара!»._* *Собеседники-лингвисты, услышав рассказ, вынуждены были признать, что русский язык самый лучший и самый богатый язык во всём міре! ☺*
@radovanspasic5466 5 жыл бұрын
Dear Serbian brothers, your ancestors Serbs from the Balkans and Panonia migrated 5 000 years ago to NORTH and populated whole Germania, Poland and Baltic coast, this is why we don't know much about each other because we were divided 5 000 years ago. Serbs were numerous Slavic peoples, they lived in huge territories among other Slavic tribes, some of the Sorbs came from the East from White Serbia (the territory of today's Ukraine, Moldova and Romania) but the main migration was from the SOUTH from the Balkan's Serbs (confirmed by DNA analysis and by archaeology). Sorbs was best known in Latin and German sources as Wendi/Wenden/Wenedi/ Veneti/Venedi/Wenedi/Wandi/Wandali...the name SRBI/SERBI/SORBI is one of the oldest domestic names for a huge number of Slavic peoples, even old Polish and Czech historians said that in the past both nations were called Sorbi/Serbi, before they developed their new national names and identities. Sorbs were the mightiest nation in Germania and Baltic coast, respected by other Slavic tribes and by their enemies. They lived as a native people in the central, north and east parts of Germania and in big sectiones of the Baltic coast, some of them populated parts of Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and some even migrated to the British isles. Most of today's German towns in the north and east of Germany have been originally established by Sorbs such as: Berlin (Srb: BRLIN derived from Serbian/Sorbian word Brla which means Mud), Brandenbuorg (Srb: BRANIBOR), Potsdam (Srb: Pod-stubi(stupi), means bellow palisades/wall) Dresden...Germans finally germanized all Sorbs until 16th century, but the name of their land White Serbia/Sorbia remained until 17th century for the lands of Eastern Germany, many Sorbs didn't even speak German even in central Germany in 17th century, like later the grand mother of the Bismark, she only spoke Sorbian language. Unfortunately dear brothers you will soon diminish because all of you are intentionally assimilated into Germans, systematically and planned throughout the history .
@adampetkovic2863 3 жыл бұрын
Au druže, mnogo ti slušaš Deretića
@brothergam1n9yt21 5 жыл бұрын
@antonjensen1088 2 жыл бұрын
Halt die fresse
@jaqbs0n 7 ай бұрын
I love Sorbs
@Pv56garaget 3 жыл бұрын
@Ignjatovic2 2 жыл бұрын
Greetings from aSerbia,love to my northern serbian brothers
@велимир-ю4я 2 жыл бұрын
Slava Serby
@Skiskiski 9 жыл бұрын
Let make peace and remember. Ballchinean ethnic soccer games that would include different ethnic minorities from Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, and Slovakia such as but not limited to Kashubs/Kashubians, Mazurs/Masurians, and many others (Bavarians? Frisians?)
@mudristefamon2338 Жыл бұрын
Vrlo je sramota za nas balkanske Srbe sto se ne angazujemo oko pomoci braci , sramota .
@EmbraceTheHate 7 жыл бұрын
It's ridiculous how there is not even one Lusatian Serb on these videos. It's either Poles, Serbs or Germans.
@Derna1804 7 жыл бұрын
That's because there are only about a handful of speakers split between two dialects, and many of them speak with a thick German accent. It only takes a single generation for an entire culture to disappear into another. Consider the case of America's disappearing Lithuanians. They were one of the largest immigrant groups to America, but they're basically invisible because most of them abandoned their heritage. Most people wouldn't guess that Charles Bronson was Karolis Bucinskis. However, many Germans today are beginning to recognize their mixed heritage, and that's a good thing. People don't grow out of their native soil like grass, and the more we recognize that the less stupid we're apt to be in our dealings with other nations.
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
I am Lusatian Sorbka I live now in Serbia sity Uzice and I feel so Good Serbia is our Mother!
@juliannyca 7 жыл бұрын
Srbislava Dragas Woprawdźe? A čehodla potom serbsce njepisaš?
@marionesesuchy9890 6 жыл бұрын
To bych ja tež rady wěžawa
@bobbydicappa5814 5 жыл бұрын
@@juliannyca Ne seri brate Srbine!Je tebe razumem ali zivot sa nemcima vas je ohladio.Hladni ste ko i oni a mi Srbi kurceviti i sa svima na noz Zivela Srbija!!!
@stefo_kid56 3 жыл бұрын
fun fact serbians came from sorbia and also in serbia we call sorbia bojka or flecki srbi
@saki7445 2 жыл бұрын
@migueldocavaco2825 5 жыл бұрын
Once in the 1990s I met in Kiel at a fair a girl and she turned out to be a Sorbka. I spoke Russian, sometimes with Ukrainian words with her and we perfectly understood each other. It was a great pleasure to meet a blood related soul, for me she was a small part of Russian nation, Slavonic if you like. I am afraid that in reality this language does not exist now, only phony statistics.
@juliannyca 4 жыл бұрын
Of course it exists and is spoken and written today as well as 30 years ago.
@KontoSteam-f8f Жыл бұрын
Nie możemy dać im zginąć tak jak Połabianom ✞ którzy wygineli 300 lat temu po 700 latach niemieckiej niewoli powinniśmy jako Słowianie wspierać Serbołużyczan bo stanie się z nimi to co z Wieletami✞ lub Połabianami ✞ .
@TheStarcoMarco 2 жыл бұрын
Why didn't Germany just give more autonomy for Lusatia? Or even better, why didn't Soviets just give Sorbian-speaking regions to Poland after WW2?
@jana_t 2 жыл бұрын
There were actually some plans to give Lusatia to Czechoslovakia, even Sorbian stamps were printed (which can be admired in the Sorbian Museum in Budyšin), but those ideas were soon abandoned as there are more Germans than Sorbs in Lusatia and as many families are mixed German and Sorbian - so until today no Sorb is seriously thinking of or demanding independence from Germany.
@Monnah Жыл бұрын
Bc they are Germans. They kept destroying them for centuries. They molested, assimilated them and, killed them. They committed a few centuries long genocide over them. That's the reason there's now only 60000 of them in Germany. They don't want to give them more rights.
@Monnah Жыл бұрын
@@wochkolol Yeah. Germany is going to school every other country in Europe and the world how they should live their lives and who should they give the authonomy to but they're not going to give authonomy to the Serbian community in Germany? And why are you telling them to go to Poland? Are you aware that that's calling for ethnic cleansing?
@Monnah Жыл бұрын
@@jana_t They could have given them authonomy. Like, a province of their own.
@jana_t Жыл бұрын
@@Monnah As I said above, we do not even want autonomy. At least no one of us that I know. Our families are mixed with German families all over, and economy wise, that would be a stupid idea anyway.
@ilijailas9715 6 жыл бұрын
Luzicki Srbi i Srbi sa Balkana=braca
@Rototornik 5 жыл бұрын
​@@jaromirmusil9017 You are Slavs, not slaves. Where do you think we southern Serbs came from, if not from Lusatia? You can understand them better than we do because our split happened *before* Slavic languages differentiated into Western, Southern, and Eastern groups that we have today. Please, stop trying to erase our heritage, our lovely neighbors are already working hard on that.
@scepan5155 4 жыл бұрын
@@jaromirmusil9017 Serbs and Sorbs were once same people 1400years ago. We carry the same name among us. Obviously today Sorbs are closer to West Slavs than to us, but it doesn't change the fact that we have common history with our norther Serb/Sorb brothers.
@andredesaxe2644 7 жыл бұрын
@proegde161 2 жыл бұрын
One day we all Slavic people would be togheter soo please Polish and Croats stop support Nato and other culture when you have your own
@extraditori6604 2 жыл бұрын
Stalin was closest to unite all Slavic people. He even planned to give Lusatian Sorbs autonomy.
@Trontotario Жыл бұрын
They would if Russia and Serbia didn’t have to be that giant dickhead in the Slavic family.
@simpleatina7385 5 жыл бұрын
Etwas flotter noch bitte. Sonst sehr rührend
@bimberekxxj123 7 жыл бұрын
Poland have to anect Łużyce and save this nation!
@МаркоКнежевић-э8ф 7 жыл бұрын
Who are Łużyce?
@mihailomilosevic5419 7 жыл бұрын
Марко Кнежевић Luzicki srbi koji zive u nemačkoj.
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Mi smo beli Srbi cuo si nekad za Belu Srbiju poznatiju kao Luzica!?
@Kranjcan27 7 жыл бұрын
Serbs dont even know a single word of sorbian language but think they are the same nation haha
@srbislavadragas4984 7 жыл бұрын
Kranjčan I am from Lyžica and yes we Are Same nation! Serbs are our Brothers
@supermariologan77 2 жыл бұрын
serbian teritory in grmany
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