Introduction to PLASTIC FREE LIVING: How To Cut Out 80% of Your Plastic Use in a Few Easy Steps

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Sorelle Amore

Sorelle Amore

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@hazzlan98 6 жыл бұрын
Important to note! You shouldn’t throw out all your plastic and replace it with alternatives, just because you want to go plastic free. Plastic is incredibly useful and the point of living plastic free is to not contribute to more resources being unnecessarily used, plastic ending up in nature, and to lessen the carbon footprint. Therefore, whatever plastic you have: use it until it’s unusable anymore and then recycle it properly. And if you have really don’t want to keep it then try to sell it second hand! I’ve managed to sell a bunch of things I didn’t want anymore that I otherwise would’ve thrown away. Sorelle already has very few things, so it’s no wonder she can ”easily” adapt the no plastic lifestyle. But as soon as you have a home filled with stuff you probably already have a lot of plastic around you. Just don’t discard it because it’s plastic. Use it for as long as possible 🙂.
@qeitha21 5 жыл бұрын
good advice! thanks
@heidikarinen563 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, imagine all the dumps being filled up with plastic from every ones' houses. So as Anna writes, it is better to just use those plastic items that are still useful. Giving up plastic is most likely going to be as big and long lasting project as it has been taking plastic into use. Not every can or are willing to start giving up plastic anytime soon, so the more there are those who are willing to give it up now, the better of course. But when corporations see that their income is threatened, they will invent ways to sell the plastic for other purposes than "straws". So it would be better to start to promote also with the idea of letting no plastic to end up in the nature because absolutely everyone can achieve that. And that is something that big corporations can see as a thing they can work with, even eagerly now that plastic waste is a hot potato. And true to their nature, it is something that they can make money with, either by e.g. charging extra from customers for recycling or through some awesome PR that will help convert people to look after the plastic they use properly. It is not ideal of course, the use of plastic should be stopped instantly, but this is not an ideal world. If it was, we would not straws in turtle's noses in the first place. No one is to blame because everyone has been at it, even whether they have wanted it or not. And plastic does have some very important uses, it cannot be replaced everywhere. But, everyone can stop letting the plastic getting into the nature. Starting as of today. That is a can do for everyone. (There should be a site for seeing the plastic diminish. Like "Plastic Olympics" score board. Something positive to follow up, so people could see that their actions have impact and to be able to be exited over instead of just feeling depressed, which is not good). Let's clean this Earth up. We just need to do it, there is no other choice.
@epsilon13 5 жыл бұрын
Also, even if you're not willing to commit (yet?) to a 100% plastic free life, just being mindful of the unecessary plastic is already a considerable step. People sometimes take unecessary plastic just out of habit.
@batboy3746 4 жыл бұрын
I was a BIG advocate for latex condoms - they have so many upsides, however, now (that I'm a "reductionist"), one BIG down side: Of course, there are ways around the pregnancy issue: the pill, diaphragm, IUD, vasectomy, etc, however, doesn't address possible STDs. This issue becomes rather challenging for guys / girls who have an active sex life, with many partners. You might want to error on the side of safety, and use a condom, no matter what. (Or, at least in the beginning of an expected long term relationship, and move to another choice).
@stars.4960 4 жыл бұрын
Short summary don’t throw away your single use things and replacing them until your single use things have been used !
@mrvounterili2160 5 жыл бұрын
I live in LA.... I asked the barista for no straw with my reusable cup. She stared at me and said “you’re one of those” lol I proudly said yes
@Lani.Kaliana 5 жыл бұрын
"Yes, and if that bothers you I will write a complaint." lmao
@SailingMagicCarpet 6 жыл бұрын
This is SO IMPORTANT Sorelle, and THANK YOU for making this video. Here’s a story about plastic. I actually live on a sailboat, and spent last summer sailing around the Mediterranean. It was ASTOUNDING to me how much plastic is in the ocean. One memory that stands out to me is when we were sailing from France to Sardinia. We were in the middle of the sea, with absolutely no land in sight. And there, floating in front of us, was an entire FULL SIZED garbage bag. It was obviously recently dumped. It was the strangest, most disconcerting sight. There were no other boats on the horizon. We felt completely alone. And yet, the ugliness of human kind’s waste was still right there in front of us. I’m also planning to make a video showing all the plastic we saw in the ocean this summer. This topic needs reach everyone. Thanks for using your influence to spread auch an important message.
@LivahLuvah 6 жыл бұрын
That saddens my heart.
@LivahLuvah 6 жыл бұрын
Subscribed to your channel! I started following SVDelos and now I am obsessed with you sailors!
@RexySmith 6 жыл бұрын
should definitely make a video about it. the more it's exposed the more people can become aware abd conscious. :)
@SailingMagicCarpet 6 жыл бұрын
Livah Luvah Thank you! The crew of Delos are like sailing youtube deities to me haha 🙏
@selynasteriska 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah but there's also another problem with that area. I come from Italy and was working and traveling for 5 months in Puglia, a beautiful southern region. The problem there isn't plastic, is the education about garbage waste and the fact that towns themselves don't help/push anyone with this. There are big problems in the south coming from Mafia involved in dealing with recovering garbage but aside from that people have not been educated to respect their land. You see a lot of that in the north too. Bu in the south it gets worse unfortunately. The funniest part is that Italy has one of the best systems in the world when it comes to collect garbage (I travel a lot for work) but many times lack of civic education from both people and local administration turns beautiful town into garbage bins. You saw a garbage bag floating in the sea (disgusting). I saw like 15 inside a tunnel just a couple of days ago and that's very common here. And I still wonder why the egg people do it.
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
I'M SO SAD I FORGOT TO MENTION MY PERFECT STAINLESS STEEL RAZOR WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH! NOOOO! It's so very sexy and of course, not plastic! Dang it! But anyway...friends! Who is already taking steps to live plastic free? And if not, who is inspired now to start taking steps to cut out plastic from their life? :)
@alexandraguerra1049 6 жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm considering getting one myself, but I'm unsure if I'm allowed to bring the blade with me on the plane. I only travel with a carry on. Have you tried bringing it with you on a carry on? :)
@LivahLuvah 6 жыл бұрын
Something I am curious to hear more about is what people do for the monthly products girls have to use. My daughter is not comfortable with the cup.....anyone find other alternatives that aren't stupid expensive??? Are OB tampons compostable?
@LivahLuvah 6 жыл бұрын
Gah. I said that then remembered OB's are wrapped in plastic.
@runawaymomma 6 жыл бұрын
I suggest trying different brands of cups! They are all different sizes, materials and shapes so don't give up on them based on one experience. Also give it a couple of months to adjust. Once you get it figured out and find one that works for you it's freaking life changing!! There are also reusable pads out there, and period panties.
@allisonnorton5670 6 жыл бұрын
Livah Luvah cloth pads are an investment at first but after a couple years you are actually saving money - as long as you have a washing machine around it’s such a convenient option! Also period panties seem really neat too, though I haven’t tried them!
@julemariak 6 жыл бұрын
In Germany they started putting pasta straws into cocktails - basically a big macaroni. You can drink through it and it composts so quickly! Love it! 😍
@KP-ej7gc 2 жыл бұрын
What about people with gluten intolerance?
@berlineczka 6 жыл бұрын
I would also add: don't buy clothes made of plastic. This simple rule rules out some 90-95% of clothes in most fast fashion chains, so you also end up buying less clothes (and clothing is number two after planes in your carbon footprint). It's almost impossible today to buy clothes that are 100% natural and do not cost a fortune, so I have a rule that I will not buy anything that is made of more than 20% plastic (i.a. acrylic, poliamid, poliacrylic, spandex, nylon, polyester, rayon, acetate) and ban acrylic and polyester completely, as they are the most likely to produce microplastic. The only exceptions are tights and bras. For scarves, t-shirts and blouses I allow only natural materials and up to 5% of something to give it stretch. Bed sheets and towels must be 100% natural (cotton, bamboo or similar).
@capicuaaa 5 жыл бұрын
I agree except with bamboo: it's fantastic for things like cutting boards, flooring, etc but the process of turning it into a fabric is extremely polluting, sadly. So, even though bamboo clothing is branded as eco-friendly, it's really not. Whereas, a bamboo cutting board, cup or other utensil is extremely eco-friendly.
@77moonwalker77 6 жыл бұрын
I was ready to do this but I noticed that I do all of this already 😂 and I always encourage my friends and family to do so too!
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
You're an angel!
@franciscodania 6 жыл бұрын
this is a trend I gladly adopt. Great job!
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
@gearsparks 6 жыл бұрын
That turtle scene. Ugh that hurt just watching. So many reasons to do this!!!
@MiissMiinmiin97 5 жыл бұрын
I wasnt ready in that moment for that scene
@thebreyvesoul9686 6 жыл бұрын
Its kinda hard to go 100% plastic free (bcause almost everything is packaged in plastic. But the least i can do maybe is try not to use single use plastic. But i guess going in small baby step is a good start. I have this travel tubes for my facial wash before and now im refilling them with my shampoo, conditioner at liquid soap when i travel. Ive been using them for i think over year now. :) Hope more people will do this too. No to single use plastic! 😊
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
AMEN! And bless your cotton socks for already working on being plastic free! Every bit helps!
@ThaoNguyen-mv1nq 6 жыл бұрын
Once you start becoming plastic free you become more aware and it gets easier to refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rott!
@thebreyvesoul9686 6 жыл бұрын
yes! I keep on thinking/researching for what other ways I can be plastic free, reuse plastic containers that I see. and currently I am trying to connect to local environmental movements wherever I am on travel. I try to make it a point to participate in their activities.
@linaoxyna5789 5 жыл бұрын
ABSOLUTELY! Especially when it comes to hygiene and beauty products, like moisturizers, toothpaste, makeup... but hey, you can always find products that come in eco friendly packagings!
@isabellek1171 5 жыл бұрын
I second that! It's been hard for me and I've walked through the supermarket seeing everything nearly in single use disposable plastic it made me really mad but I also accepted it, as society takes time to change!
@niyuktijain5990 6 жыл бұрын
It's so hard to go completely plastic free in life .... You make it seem so real and achievable ....thank you 🌼🌼
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
You've got this! It's sooo fun! I'm not kidding. It becomes a little life mission that makes you feel good about yourself every day!
@niyuktijain5990 6 жыл бұрын
@@SorelleAmore I bet it is ... It can make a drastic change in everyone's life when they really start taking these stuff seriously.......
@AronBagel 6 жыл бұрын
One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Canada was how insane the plastic use is here. Back home in Europe, you'd have to pay if you wanted a plastic bag, meaning that I never had any. When I do grocery shopping here, literally everything is stuffed in tons of tiny plastic bags that aren't even that durable, and sometimes that means they literally use five or six bags to stuff away your groceries. It's a legitimate pain to deal with, so glad I brought my own cotton twill tote bag precisely for this reason!
@mchllyin 6 жыл бұрын
Not true for all of Canada. I've lived in the US and Canada and in Canada they charge for plastic bags, but in the U.S. then double and triple bag all your stuff
@selynasteriska 6 жыл бұрын
Also in Europe that's something from the past few years. It has not been like that for a long time and in the beginning to change was quite a pain in the arse! But now we are pretty much used to carry our own little bags from small shopping and bigger shopping bags for the grocery. Also in the US (or better said Northern California) I noticed they use a lot of paper bags. Which leaves you wishing you had taken your own reusable bag because they are super uncofortable to take with you.
@LucRio448 6 жыл бұрын
We are starting to have tons of useless packaging over here in Europe as well now. Like every single cucumber wraped in plastic foil and you literally have to tell them actively that if you by one kind of lunchmeat or cheese you don't need it packed in paper and then pakced in ANOTHER paperbag and stuff like that :/
@emmaw.8176 5 жыл бұрын
Where in Canada are you? I live near Vancouver and we are charged for plastic bags.
@AronBagel 5 жыл бұрын
@@emmaw.8176 Calgary! Guess Alberta's a little behind :)
@sky_3023 6 жыл бұрын
I love that you're using this platform (You Tube) to help bring about change in the way we're utilising plastic, it's very inspiring and badass 😎! I also love your bubbly quirky personality, it's quite refreshing if that makes any sense.
@isabellek1171 5 жыл бұрын
Same! I love how Sorelle is using this channel to spread the message of the zero waste kind of lifestyle, ripple effect! Love it so much.
@isabellesuggs6777 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy, in my town no store is allowed to use plastic bags, so if I forget my reusable bag at wholefoods... no problem! Simply get a paper bag bring it home and compost it! I'm so proud that my town was able to accomplish zero plastic grocery bags. I'm 15 and when I first told my mom I wanted to be more conscious about the clothes i buy and my plastic use she immediately got very mad and dismissed the issue. She used the excuse she doesn't want to "pay for more water and soap and water" for me to wash my containers. She is slowly coming around to using less plastic, I eventually got her to allow me to go as much plastic free as i can. Another one of her arguments was that companies use such a huge amount of plastic that it wont make a difference if i dont use any. But if she's right and it doesnt do anything (she isnt) it at least makes me feel good that im not contributing!
@MrTwentington 6 жыл бұрын
Before the start of 2018 I bought a metal bottle and a glass bottle for drinks and they’re still with me and because of the funky design I do get compliments on them, which starts a conversation about why I use them. I also started bringing my own cutlery to work for lunches because I realised how much plastic was being wasted and have a tote bag I bought off society6 in a cool design that I use for shopping and bringing my work things with me. I do want to reduce more plastic elsewhere in food I buy and skin products I use though because I know those are my biggies still but it’s cool you can bring your own stuff on planes, I have never done that just because I’m always afraid it’ll get thrown and be a waste. And beyond a cool conversation topic I do give people the disclaimer of “Yeah this bottle cost me £7.99 but I’m not buying more plastic bottles or wasting plastic cups when I have it” so ultimately I either save money and the environment with it.
@captaindave7945 6 жыл бұрын
I am more plastic-free than most. I avoid plastic packaged foods as much as possible, no junk food (I package my own home-dried fruit and nuts in mason jars. I buy old metal tools for my work instead of new plastic stuff. I live in a century-old house and have a fleet of antique charter boats where I have a "no-plastic" rule. However, it would be nearly impossible to avoid plastics and live in modern society. I think the best solution would be the idea portrayed in the movie "Back to the Future Part II" where the DeLorean gets fueled with garbage. Plastic is a petroleum product and with the right digestion, it can be turned back into clean-burning fuel. The only way to really solve the problem is to turn plastic waste into value.
@selynasteriska 6 жыл бұрын
Totally agree!
@daveh1294 6 жыл бұрын
Plastic is a useful and often fully recyclable product. In many cases it's the perfect product for the job (such as reducing shipping weights to increase fuel economy for example). Burning it is more wasteful and polluting than recycling it. The way to solve the problem is to cut out unecessary plastic and make better use of our current plastic resources rather than keep making virgin product.
@ufolebt2793 6 жыл бұрын
it would be a waste to burn it.
@LegareProd 6 жыл бұрын
@augienelson993 5 жыл бұрын
Companies don't waste resources for the fun of it. All of the top 10 contributors are energy companies, so if you use a car, heat or cool your home, use a refrigerator or any other appliances, you are directly responsible.
@LegareProd 5 жыл бұрын
@@augienelson993 !. most of the large contributors are in the meat industry 2. what you said about energy companies being the biggest contributors proves my point even more. we shouldn't need to ruin the atmosphere in order to create energy
@rdeg94 5 жыл бұрын
Companies make their plastic crap, and do the crappy irresponsible things they do because people continue to pay them to. Should they stop doing it, out of being decent humans? Absolutely. Will they? Never. They will only stop what they're doing when they see plastic/pollutants negatively affecting their bottom line. So, I hate to say it but yes a lot of the burden does fall on us, as backwards and unfair as that is.
@isabellek1171 5 жыл бұрын
@arinetic5538 5 жыл бұрын
@@augienelson993 The idea that individuals are directly responsible for the destruction of the planet simply because they are operating in a system that necessitates the use of resources that cause pollution is wrong and unfairly attributing blame. Ordinary people simply can't afford to drop everything and avoid anything that involves energy use - it is up to the companies that choose to operate in a destructive manner to change to more eco-friendly systems. THEY DO EXIST. But it involves prioritizing the planet over profits.
@mari.johnson 6 жыл бұрын
I've also been working on going plastic free and I love it. Thanks for spreading the word!
@shamelessmaya 6 жыл бұрын
I love that you made a video about this!!! I'm so big on traveling with reusables but I need that water bottle!
@fahimchowdhury5887 6 жыл бұрын
Looooooved the video!! I wish all the celebrities start to come forward about this issue!!!
@witneymcculloch7433 5 жыл бұрын
This is easily the best plastic free video to date! So many great ideas. From someone who is currently sightseeing in Melbourne and making every meal last two with a container and keeping it cheap with a keep cup for 7/11 coffees this is so encouraging! Thank you xx
@grybentinas2157 6 жыл бұрын
You are so inspiring!! For a few months I try to reduce plastic in my life, but I never thougth about toothbrush! Now I found where to buy bamboo one and with it I found a toothpaste and tooth floss stored in glass containers. Thank you for leading my way to new discoveries!!
@suusietje99 6 жыл бұрын
I was on university a while ago and saw a student using a reusable straw (one from steel or something) and it got my all excited! I don't use straws at all but still made me happy to see others being consious.
@saranade1111 2 жыл бұрын
That turtle just made me cry instantly 😭 I can't believe we live like this... You are amazing ✨👏💕 thank you
@1t9o9m2 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been doing this for a while now & have loved seeing my friends making minor differences after seeing what I do. None of my friends ask for/accept plastic bags any more and more and more of them are carrying around cutlery sets with them instead of using plastic stuff. Fills my heart with happiness and love that more and more influencers are talking about it and teaching! Thank you 🙏🏼 💕✌🏼
@riorvall 6 жыл бұрын
I love your tips! Personally, I work on a plane (I'm a flight attendant) and it hurts me to give out so much plastic to passengers, and to collect rubbish that's not even recycled, but in the last months I've been introducing some changes in my life to try and use less plastic: I bring my own cutlery to work and bring my own food in glass food containers, I also bring my own coffee cup so I don't have to use the plastic cups onboard to drink coffee, and at home I started using the Brita to filter tap water and stop buying water bottles, and I've been using Lush's shampoo bars for years. As you said, one person can make the difference and every small action counts 💪👏
@user-uj3kw5wt3i 5 жыл бұрын
Where do you buy lush's shampoo from
@IfYouMeetAWolf 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-uj3kw5wt3i ...from lush?
@Soilsha 6 жыл бұрын
I LOVE THIS VIDEO. I joined the Zero Waste movement two months ago and it is SO DIFFICULT to get to people, to get them to understand how big of an issue plastic is. I LOVE and ADMIRE that you are reducing your plastic and using your platforms to make people aware of the issue, even if you usually just talk about photography. Cheers, this is lovely, this is amazing and it was needed. THANK YOU, SORELLE
@alexkeenan878 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you !! Thank you for using your platform to make this way of life more respected - I'm sick of people mocking others that try to do what is best for our planet !!💗😍
@venetias4351 6 жыл бұрын
I work in Kmart in Australia, and whilst we still have plastic bags, since both Coles and Woolworths (two main supermarkets here) have gotten rid of them, I have seen a decline in people taking plastic bags, and a rise in people bringing their own bags, and it is making me so happy that I have seen change, and people making more of a conscious effort. seeing this has encouraged me to do more and make me think more about how much plastic I​ will be using in the future.
@natskii4886 5 жыл бұрын
More people should be like her with their views... she isn’t pushy and isn’t quick to shun you for using plastic, and she doesn’t act holier-than-thou. She just genuinely wants to help the earth.
@claudiamendozachavez7068 6 жыл бұрын
I cannot tell you how inspiring you are. I have slowly been changing my lifestyle to be more plastic free since about July 2018 (since I began seeing your videos and realized I needed to be doing something). I’m also minoring in environmental and resource studies and for my speech class all of my speeches have been on removing single use plastics and being aware. I’m so glad there are people like you promoting this out there. Thank you!!!
@MorganKrystina 5 жыл бұрын
I am so in love with the plastic free life, thank you so much for using your platform and following to address such a serious problem.
@Kayla-xl8wi 6 жыл бұрын
You're so lovely. I've recently lost sight of being so conscious and I'm so ashamed. This encouraged me to do better. Thank you.
@rkk3885 5 жыл бұрын
I just discovered your channel. Really nice video! I worked for a Sandwich Shop for a while and it was insane how many customers wanted plastic bags for their food. Some employees just packed everything up but I always asked if they needed a plastic bag or not and I swear 98% of the customers didn't even flinch and just took it. Also they had plastic straws wrapped in plastic. Madness. As a customer you always only see yourself taking a straw or two but being there for 8-9 hours I saw so many go. Most people don't think about how much they actually contribute to the waste but I'm a firm believer every single one counts. I've not yet managed to always be completely plastic free and I do have some plastic products that still work very well for me so I don't want to through them before the due day, but we are getting there :)
@zoemi1579 5 жыл бұрын
Can I stop crying on your every video? No matter if you speak about life-enhancing, photography, plastic-free living, or even how to make a freaking bullet journal, I'm non-stop in tears! Positively, tho. Everything just makes me feel "Yes, we all can make a change!" and I feel super inspired for my personal development. Thank you. For BEING. And being very HUMAN at the same time. Good human.
@heini22 6 жыл бұрын
You should try a menstrual cup! It has totally changed my life. I forget even having period because it's so comfy and practical. And so much LESS WASTE ❤️
@heini22 6 жыл бұрын
(I use Lunette so I can recommend that one!)
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
Oh man! I’ve been using that since I was 15 and I just also completely forgot to mention it. It’s just sucked in to my life (get it?), sucked in...ha! And now I just don’t even remember that tampods or pads are a thing!
@capicuaaa 5 жыл бұрын
One thing I wonder about menstrual cups: how environmentally friendly is it to have all that blood go down the drains? I mean, municipalities then have to clean the water of contaminants... I'd really like to know.
@heini22 5 жыл бұрын
@@capicuaaaSince it's all biodegradable, I don't think it's a bad thing. I can promise you it's better option than buying and throwing away tampones etc. every month.
@capicuaaa 5 жыл бұрын
@@heini22 No, from that standpoint of waste, yes, I agree it's infinitely better. My concern is all that blood going down the drains. You can get HIV from period blood. I want to ask someone about this. For instance, lots of zero wasters use coconut oil and baking soda for toothpaste; I have tried this but it just doesn't do the job; my teeth don't feel clean and it's very irritating to my gums. :( But my other concern with that is all that coconut oil going down the drains. It call really clog up drains and cause thousands od $ in damage. I do oil pulling and ALWAYS dispose of the oil in the rubbish bin; never down the sink for this reason. Maybe zero waste life advocates (whom I think are fantastic, btw) could start using that disclaimer re oil down the drains. Just a thought. :)
@Mennie31 5 жыл бұрын
you have such a bubbly, nice and warm personality. usually youtubers who have a similar personality come off as fake and just too much for me, but yours is actually contagious in a good way. i loved the video by the way!!♥
@jeriekae 5 жыл бұрын
I’m from the Philippines and literally everything is packed in plastic, especially food and that depress and frustrates me so much. Veggies are easy. We buy locally cuz its cheaper but the snacks and others is so hard so I contribute where I can. I was also scared of asking not to have plastic on my purchase at first but eventually I just grew a pair and Im happy. My mother eventually caught on cuz i would go beast mode(but not really) on her when she brings home plastic spoons, straws etc. Now there is a ban on the use of plastic bags in the city, however it still has a long way to go. Plastic bags are still being used outside the city without tight security checks but I’m extremely hopeful and I hope more and more people will catch on. More power to you, Sorelle. You’re an inspiration ❤️
@bathtimetiger2598 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so Sorelle for that message. Because of it I've stopped buying plastic bags for sandwiches and I'm slowly replacing every plastic things to something different, which can be used again and again.
@kjw1606 3 жыл бұрын
Some point if you want to get into this lifestyle: 1. As mentioned before, buying "trendy", "plastic free", and "fashionable" items that are not necessary serves only to help your ego, not the planet. Consider that before you purchase things such as: Mason jars, bamboo/wood anything, or hemp clothing all of which may not contain plastic, but has impacted the environment in its various stages of labor force, production, marketing, transportation, and packaging. 2. Recognize that certain items cannot be made without plastic (such as safety gear or sunglasses for example) and it is ok to purchase those things, its more about reducing (not eliminating) your UNECCESARY plastic usage. Any small change in your lifestyle is noteworthy, you do not have to look/appear a certain way to be a plastic free person. 3. Be critical of what you see on the internet, for many "influencers", this is their primary form of income (paid partnerships, sponsors, ads). They will go above and beyond to attract your attention, whether or not that is practical for you or not. On a side note, carrying a plastic water bottle that has filters in it that must be replaced from time to time, when filtered water has no real benefits beyond tap water in most 1st world countries is sort of ironic for this title. 4. Not buying plastic will have implications on your lifestyle, ensure that you can still be healthy in body and mind if you choose to go through with it. For example, farmers markets will be more expensive (this is true in my area in comparison to...literally every produce market), and contain only seasonal vegetables and fruits. if you cannot afford it, or you really would not benefit from removing certain imported items (such as tropical fruits), find other ways that will not impact your health but still reduce plastic (refusing plastic straws, re-usable grocery/veggie bags, buying used, etc...).
@NatharaCS 5 жыл бұрын
My hunny and I have been slowly moving towards "plastic free" for the last decade or so and we've gotten pretty dang close now! We just moved back home to California and it is SO MUCH easier here - in Arizona, folks were VERY confused and argumentative when refusing disposable packaging/items, but here it's so much simpler!
@rainbowecrevisse1836 5 жыл бұрын
You were one of the first people to inspire me to start living plastic free.
@PaulaStueckendamm 6 жыл бұрын
I am so so happy to see more and more people living like this!
@AlenaZhdanava1 3 жыл бұрын
I've always believed that we must become a change we want to see in the world. I've also been living with as little plastic as possible for the past few years, and the impact on others matters here - they see what you are doing and chances are they consider it as well. Thanks Sorelle for the reminder and an informative video.
@pullipstylegirl 5 жыл бұрын
so i've been doing my best at reducing my plastic waste for about 6 months now. I'm slowly but surely using up all my cosmetics and hair products and either buying a more sustainable version of the product or not buy it anymore at all. It is kind of hard to be low-waste when it comes to food because I do live with my family and not everyone is as excited about all of this as I am. However, we do recycle metal, glass, paper, cardboard, food scraps and plastic, so at least we are doing that. I often get anxious when I think about all the plastic that is used every day and then thrown away but I always feel better when I realize that I am not supporting that kind of action. Loved this video and these tips by the way!
@DiamondDahl 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going to Disney this weekend with my family (party of 7), and I bought a set of stainless straws for everyone, and silicone snack bags so we can 1. take our own snacks into the park, avoiding their packaging, and 2. avoid their straws/utensils when we do purchase food/beverage items. I know WDW is not a great example for living plastic-free, but it helps me enjoy my trip more if I know I'm offsetting two or three dozen straws for the weekend (in addition to my 2 bamboo utensil sets and cloth napkins I already carry for my partner and myself).
@kendallford8001 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been trying to cut out as much plastic as possible, and today I was deeply thinking about impact on the environment and all that and looked back at your 30 day video which I love. Ps I love the speed of your talking bc it really keeps me engaged
@tattooedkittykat 6 жыл бұрын
I got a metal straw a few months ago. I'm loving it! The only thing that is hard is to remind yourself to tell restaurants and other places you dont want straws with your drinks. Gotta get into the habit of remembering!
@Karina-mb1wt 6 жыл бұрын
yes yes yes yes!! Thank you for using your influence to raise awareness and motivate people to take small steps towards change!!
@angelortegab5 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm (a biologist) currently studying the effects of microplastics in marine mammals here in Mexico, and you sharing this content is wow, amazing! Big fan of your photography, too and keep it up! ¡Saludos desde Sonora, México!
@jalitzanieves9222 5 жыл бұрын
Youve inspired me, and im trying to spire those around me that i see everyday. Today this morning was the first day i was able to go completely waste free ( had only about 2 recipts ) but I FELT SOOO GREAT ABOUT IT!! yes i do find a lot of people who just keep on saying they dont care about whats going on, but i know why im doing this. And frankly i dont give a shit about sounding rude. Theres a reason why im doing this.
@jemmaandrew9762 5 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with the 'ripple affect' idea. I started using only containers and beeswax wraps in my lunchbox (I'm a student) and my friends were intrigued by it and started using less plastic zip-lock bags.
@qtravelers473 6 жыл бұрын
I definitely want to get the ball rolling with living a plastic free life. This video gave a lot of good tips and inspired me to get moving. Thanks so much! ☺️
@dianelixrivers449 6 жыл бұрын
Daily Sorelle is my favorite thing in this world. I admire and have so much respect for you, Amore! ❤️
@katarinascrivener287 2 жыл бұрын
Bringing up the garbage bags, Im from Ohio and my parents live in Tennessee and in both states the trash services will FINE you for not putting your trash into a bag before putting it in the garbage bin.....How insane is that!!! They wont even allow us to dispose of plastic unless it is wrapped in plastic! Very eye-opening video, I will definitely be paying more attention to the plastics in my life and how I can minimize them.
@meowunboxing6919 6 жыл бұрын
Gotta jump on those servers before they drop wrapped straws (or unwrapped) down on the condensation puddles, cause you know they just throw them out after that. Also, try a paper bag in your rubbish can if you can't stand a naked can. I've been doing it for a couple of months and it is totally okay. I do compost so there aren't wet bits in the garbage. Good job spreading the word! Thank you!!!
@Kitty-hn6nr 6 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to reduce my plastic waste for the past year! I have a bamboo cutlery set and metal straws. I've been bringing my own pyrex Tupperware to the grocery store for meat and it works well. I awlays get positive comments from the staff about how awesome it is that I am reducing waste.
@iramedea459 6 жыл бұрын
I’m almost there, just some little bits that I’ve got to change, for example my shampoo and shower gel are still in plastic bottles, but at least it’s recycled plastic, and as soon as I’ve emptied them I’ll look out for plastic free replacements! For three years now I’ve taken a coffe cup with me, to avoid the to-go ones and I’ve embraced other habits too, that involve staying away from plastic! I am so so happy that you’re using your influence and, hopefully, inspire others to change their behaviours. 🙏🏻😇
@xohbillie6284 6 жыл бұрын
Looooved this video! I want to do this because when traveling you really get exposed to just how much plastic is used (omgahhh) .. I like the idea of slowly replacing stuff because Ive felt almost.. overwhelmed with replacing everything? Great idea... again I rlly loved this 🙌🏼
@xinatravel2002 5 жыл бұрын
Thank yous so much for what you're doing ! I used to limit my plastic consomption when i was in france, but since i started to live in Taiwan i realised how much more plastic they use here and decided to start my plastic free journey. I've just started : step little by little steps and i hope to live that lifestyle entirely with time and preparation :) thanks again for all your advices ^^
@abbyw1009 5 жыл бұрын
Well I am 14 and I really want to do this, I am so passionate about it!! But unfortunately I am living on a island that has no bulk stores (at all...). And is sooooo expensive to get reusable things shipped here. But when I move back home( Canada) me and my family are going to try to go waste free( as much as a family of 4 can). I am %100!! Right now I am very aware of plastic use and trash in general! I try my best to avoid things like straws and plastic bags (I make bags out of recycled t-shirts). Every little thing counts😊
@aeshwaryaphanse4428 4 жыл бұрын
I am from India. My grandpa loves reading the newspaper. So even if our entire family has made a shift to e-news a long time ago, we end up with a small pile of newspaper. We use these newspaper to line our garbage bin. Works very well!
@NoNo-iz1zt 6 жыл бұрын
I am so glad that you made a video about this (again). Infulencer should talk about this more often and be a role model. As a biology student I care a lot about the enviorment. So many changes are easy to make. -toothbrush, shampoo, q-tips (paper core instead of plastic core), on-the-go food items, gorceries. Please keep sharing your new ways of advancing in this life style! Love it!
@katerinakaterinaki9143 4 жыл бұрын
In Greece we have street markets that you can shop without the plastic wraps or bags and most of our groceries are packed in paper wraps mostly ! Our serious problem is one use plastics that most Greeks are addicted(coffee cups etc) and straws but in a year from now that kind of stuff will be banned from our daily routine including ballons and i am really excited!!!I am starting a plastic free life today!
@xlilfreakx9575 3 жыл бұрын
I just turned 16 and started living zero waste and plastic free two month ago and it was one of the best decision I ever made. And on top,this year is my fourth year being a vegetarian✨
@biancakealoha2226 4 жыл бұрын
Great video! Viewers definitely remember to use more descriptions than referencing in the turtle video. That used to be my go to and a lot of people would respond “well I don’t throw my straw in the ocean”. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The more we know the easier we can give someone an answer when they’re confused. Giving someone some quick knowledge can make for interesting conversation and make a positive impact on the 🌎
@korydeea 6 жыл бұрын
I am doing this for more than 2years. I am loving it!
@stephaniepodue5 5 жыл бұрын
For a clear reusable toiletry bag, I use my Stasher silicone bag. I bought it for food storage, but it worked great on the plane - I got through security just fine!
@gerritventer 6 жыл бұрын
WOW!! what an eye opening video! the part with the turtle was so sad. I am definitely going to decrease the use of plastic as much as I can.
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
😩😩😩💗💗💗 yaaay!!! This is amazing!
@gerritventer 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! this video really inspired me and opened my eyes to the possibilities. i'm currently living in a small country outside of South Africa, so in some cases as with the garbage bags it is difficult to avoid plastic, but certainly a HUGE possibility to cut it out. and to motivate others to do the same!!😊😃 So I will cut out the plastic which I use, and follow the tips you gave here. I truly believe that one person can change the world. and if we all try to change the world👀- then its not just one person, but all of us who are actually changing the world!👀😃😃
@ceciliacarniti7862 5 жыл бұрын
I love the work that you are doing for our world and our society, you are one of my biggest inspirations. Just a few things that I wanted to say... some days ago I participated at a zero-waste conference and they were talking about the bamboo toothbrush that is not really eco-friendly because of the glue that they are using and also because they produce them in China were kids and people are not treated properly, so it's a better idea to use reusable toothbrushes were you change only the brush and you save the stick (?). Also, something you forgot... to blow your nose, use cloth handkerchiefs!! LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH. YOU ARE DOING GREAT.
@OfficialDiyFashion 6 жыл бұрын
YES SORELLE! thank you for sharing this 🙌🏼 I’ve been on my low waste journey for years now (I call it low waste, because I genuinely believe, in this day and age we cannot live a complete 100% plastic free lifestyle) , but the message needs spreading so much, so thank you for using your massive platform to help share this important message! Keep shining 💫
@tomtrossero 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so proud you're getting to talk about those subjects. I'm glad to get to know what you stand for as much as your banging useful tools in photography/lifestyle/entrepreneurship etc. Love it!
@thomasboyle2721 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve been wanting to go plastic free for sooo long now and I’ve made little steps like having a reusable bottle,bamboo toothbrush and a couple of other things but this video is the final push I need and I’m definitely going to make me and my family go plastic free!!
@treslucy3286 5 жыл бұрын
You've inspired me to give it a try! Right now I am decluttering my home so I can start fresh, but as soon as everything is nice and clean, I'm switching out all my Tupperware to start! I do already have stainless steel chopstick which I LOVE!
@isabellataojakobsen8617 5 жыл бұрын
Hi babe! I really enjoyed this video, thank you for sharing. It's so important for us as consumers to make an effort to be more environmentally conscious whenever, and wherever possible. One thing though that is incredibly important to note, that I just want to mention. When it comes to plastic bags, single use containers, wrapping paper and etc that gets reused and made into new ones (if you use a recycling system), is that if you put anything compostable (like the garbage bags you mentioned) in there, they will make the entire solution of melted materials that could have been reused and repurposed, too chemically unstable for use. So one person putting a compostable plastic bag into a bin with other kinds of plastic that's supposed to be reused, will actually ruin the whole bin full of plastic and all of it will go to waste. Just something to also keep in mind, while we're all trying our best to make the planet a better place ❤️
@isabellek1171 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Sorelle! Just last night I had to go out to eat out and we were given plastic spoons, plastic plates, plastic sauce containers, disposable chopsticks and the list goes on. I had brought my reusable utensils and next time I need to bring a plate, because it makes me speechless that we have this single disposable concept of plastic to use for only a few minutes, then to go to landfill for the next 500 or so years. It BLOWS my mind! Thank you for making this video, I'm hoping to make a similar video detailing the small habitual changes over a couple of weeks, like bringing your own utensils, etc... It's small but like you said, the ripple effect. Much love from Australia!!!
@nomadasaurus 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video Sorelle. AMAZING! It needs to be said and talked about to make people aware. We are full time travellers and are always on the move. We see so much waste and plastic being used everywhere we go. We carry our own reusable shopping bags, water bottle, coffee cup, cutlery set and produce bags to cut down our waste as we don't want to be putting avoidable waste into a country's system that we love. We are seeing a change slowly and people are becoming more aware but some people just don't care. We always say "what about the future generation, the environment and all the animals, we are destroying it for them". We talk to airline hosts about it when they ask about all our reusable items that we bring on board to use. We feel airline and cruise ship companies need to think about the environment more and stop single use items. I can not image the waste that comes off them. We look for eco-friendly hotels and tour companies as we know they are aware of the problem and are trying to do their part. There is so many ways to improve and reduce your waste. PS- I love my metal razor and my bamboo toothbrush too
@MrJonnywarren1985 5 жыл бұрын
If you’re after plastic-free see-through ‘zip lock’ style bags for your toiletries and everything else. Look for the ‘Stasher’ silicon bags. They are amazing!
@AthenaRosed 6 жыл бұрын
Love love love this! I'm still working on reducing my plastic and seeing others so passionate about it makes it all the more rewarding
@carolinusener2203 5 жыл бұрын
You're hilarious! Thank you for being so real and talking about these important things Sorelle.
@meghanhebert735 5 жыл бұрын
I went to a hotel in Quebec City, Quebec in Canada during their annual winter carnival and the hotel wasn't using plastic bottles for their soaps and shampoo! They actually had a dispenser on the wall of the shower. It also created less shampoo/ soap/ conditioner waste because there wasn't excess leftover in bottles being thrown away! :)
@amyolmstead5736 5 жыл бұрын
Loving the positive approach. Change is hard, but you make it fun!
@ispendwaytoomuchtimeonyt8707 6 жыл бұрын
Inspiring video as always! You are truly changing my life.. first bullet journaling and now plastic free!
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
Many more cool insights to come ;)
@ispendwaytoomuchtimeonyt8707 6 жыл бұрын
Sorelle Amore Yessss!! Can’t wait!
@souhilaguennoun2107 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not a photographer nor i have the same lifestyle as you...but i keep watching your videos as if they are so important to is your personality that brings me here every time you're full of energy funny creatvive beautiful and humble at the same time !! You're amazing and i wish all the best ❤
@AndrPhoto 6 жыл бұрын
Love this!!! Such an important thing to raise awareness about. Even though I've tried to go plastic free this entire year my head imploded a bit on the fact that you can actually use your rubbish bins without bags. Never thought of that!!! Then realize as I'm writing this that our apartment complex has rules against that but oh well, still have the compostable bags as a backup!
@victorialouise613 6 жыл бұрын
I've been on the process for a year now! It's all coming together!​ And may I say it's greatly benefited my food choices because REAL FOOD doesn't come in packaging !! Loved this video, thanks for spreading the message!
@mindyys8584 5 жыл бұрын
I was just about to pop out to get some make up remover till you mention coconut oil can be used for the same purpose! I bought a jar of coconut oil for the same reason but forgot about it. So thank you for helping me to be one step closer to living plastic-free!!!
@liliandepp 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for including brand names so that others can purchase similar items! The easiest one for me to do is replace shopping bags in my life.
@deborahtaylor7902 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks sorelle. I am already using all these tips. Started way back before it was the in thing to do. Really happy you are spreading the word since u have a platform to reach many. Keep at it sister!
@iiristaika 6 жыл бұрын
if you want to help the environment you shouldnt eat meat or fish...with the plastic in the oceans you especially shouldnt eat fish bc fishing is the biggest contributor to plastic in the oceans
@caitybarnet7849 5 жыл бұрын
korniuni yasss thank you soooo much, no one talks about this !!!
@mortemracoon 5 жыл бұрын
When buying local it won’t come in plastic (I’m not sure about fish though I don’t eat it)
@charliemills123 5 жыл бұрын
@@mortemracoon it's the fishing nets and equipment in the oceans, not the plastic packaging on fish
@cristinabishop1998 6 жыл бұрын
I heard about plastic bags being mistaken for jellyfish, but I never new that a straw could get stuck in a sea turtles nose. Watching this video has definitely changed my perspective on plastic.
@jennifercolyer7426 6 жыл бұрын
Will definitely try to do some of these! I've already banished plastic straws from my house and I have a metal bottle I use all the time for my drinks - it's not much but it's a start 😊
@chelseafitzgerald7577 5 жыл бұрын
I’m a crocheter so I take the plastic grocery bags that my family gets at the store and make it into plastic yarn (a.k.a. Plarn) when I have enough I will crochet the plarn into reusable shopping totes!
@Heyheyhey111 6 жыл бұрын
I'm trying so hard to go plastic free. You were the inspiration. Love u sis,, you do you!! 💓
@mackenzielayne98 6 жыл бұрын
I love how much excitement this topic gives you. Definitely starting to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. This video was super helpful and I definitely will start implementing these tips. Thanks you 😘
@melox05 6 жыл бұрын
you look really nice in that dress sorelle! and thanks for sharing this video! aiming for a more plastic free lifestyle! cheers from new york!
@JanaLoyy 6 жыл бұрын
I once tried the lifestyle aswell for 30 days, and loved it but kind of lost track of it. but i really want to get back to it - thank you for the reminder !
@nastiabenko5332 4 жыл бұрын
I don't usually comment on videos, but I just couldn't resist:) I just looooove your personality! you're such a sunshiny person!
@allanz16 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sorelle, I am just your average viewer that never comments and then it downed on me: how can you know what a difference you made in my life!? You helped me not just to accept myself more through your advance selfies and many tips, but also in being more conscious and introducing me to so many new ideas. I know it’s lame, but it’s so much easier to try more when you see someone cool doing it as well. Big love. Petra
@pops366 6 жыл бұрын
It makes me so happy you're raising awareness about plastic! Been cutting out plastic for almost a year now and it feels so good! :)
@SorelleAmore 6 жыл бұрын
Feels SO good!
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