Oliebollen! Another reason why we love living in the Netherlands!

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Soul to Soul Travels

Soul to Soul Travels

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Oliebollen!! Another reason we love the Netherlands!! It's Oliebollen Season in the Netherlands! As American expats living in the Netherlands, we have experienced 6 different seasons here in the Netherlands...Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Haring and Oliebollen!! We have come to love certain traditions and when it comes to Dutch food especially around the Dutch holidays...they nailed it with Oliebollen. As an American living in the Netherlands, the holidays take some getting used to.
Dutch Christmas traditions can be different, the days celebrated can be different and the food can be different as well.

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@Hensepens64 Жыл бұрын
Always have a smile on my face when watching a uploaded video from you. Your enthousiastic presentation and living in the Netherlands is definitely making me proud as a Dutchman. We are not perfect, far from it, but your researching the Netherlands in all it aspects is great to follow. Pls continue like this ...
@raatroc Жыл бұрын
The way one can really tell that you both are adapting well to our little country is "Boom. Ooh that's fireworks", and "no it must be a backfire..." and not even thinking of fire arms.
@MrPekelharing Жыл бұрын
Aha, you bought your oliebollen at Richard Visser (Richard Fischer). He is well known and one of the best oliebollenbakkers in the Netherlands. Won many prices.
@ElMariachi1337 Жыл бұрын
For me the most interesting thing in this video was actually when that loud bang went off and Eric saying they started off early with fireworks instead of the american instinct of it being a gunshot, good to see! For me the obvious holiday snack is chocolade pepernoten but I actually prefer a good banketstaaf from the bakkery a little warmed up in the oven even better.
@RobRoordink Жыл бұрын
I have just been looking 15 minutes at two people eating oliebollen and talking about oliebollen. ‘Het moet niet gekker worden’ but I loved it.
@Dutchbelg3 Жыл бұрын
I loved the oliebollen tasting video 🙂 Retirement should be all about that: Enjoying the good things in life 🙂 OF COURSE you guys need to do a Sinterklaas treats video! Here are my favorites: Dikke speculaas brokken! Banketstaaf (roomboter from the real bakker) Gevulde speculaas (from the bakker) The hollow chocolate figurines Suikergoed en marsepein Kruidnoten (the small round hard ones) Pepernoten (the softer bigger ones) taai taai 🙂
@henkvisscher4379 Жыл бұрын
Autumn or fall is in Dutch: herfst or najaar (the afteryear). Herfst and harvest have the same origin. Herfst is simply the time of the harvest. For some this means they reap wheat, others harvest oliebollen.
@damouze Жыл бұрын
An oliebol is actually what a doughnut used to looked like before it made its way to the US via the Dutch (and English) settlers. It's in the name: it's a nut made out of dough. However, the core of the doughnut had a tendency to remain raw. But instead of frying it further (and risk burning it on the outside), the bakers took out the core and we were left with the toroid shaped snack now called the doughnut. So, an oliebol is not the core of a doughnut, but actually a doughnut with the core still in it. I am glad you liked them!
@maaikevh1906 Жыл бұрын
Tammy, your "nee nee nee" is soooo very Dutch already! :D As for holiday treats, we've lived in Canada now for 25 years but still manage to get our hands on a "banket-staaf" every Christmas. We do make our own oliebollen en appelflappen here for new years. The Dutch sure have something new to get excited about every season when it comes to food though!
@MartijnFrazer Жыл бұрын
YESSS! Tammy's way of speaking Dutch is really good!
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
@@MartijnFrazer Thank you😊💕
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, Maaike😊💕
@idasteigenga1624 Жыл бұрын
En Dropjes natuurlijk 😍
@belindakoedood7057 Жыл бұрын
Hi I m new here on your channel and what a fun it is to following you. Thanks for sharing your life in Rotterdam, my hometown.
@hdebard 2 ай бұрын
great! when i was a child my mother was in the kitchen all day, we helped out , cutting appels and helping with the dough , then we had piles of them in the house! not ate all of it ofcouse, so at midnight or just after i sneaked downstairs to eat some of the many left overs..so lovely.
@Ingescreativeworld Жыл бұрын
You need to try a foodconcept which is favorite during the holiday season: Gourmetten, it is intended for more persons but you can definitely do it with two people. Or fondue.
@babykots Жыл бұрын
The Netherlands during the Christmas and New Year season is fantastic. I loved walking around and seeing the carts and smelling the delicious smells and eating the delicious treats. And the fireworks on New Years Eve was incredible. Loved it so much!!
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
The country is devided in 2 groups of people: the group who only considers oliebollen real oliebollen when they contain raisins. And the group who only want the bare thing without. Nice you like them both.
@henkkoopmans3240 Жыл бұрын
Groep 3: krenten, rozijnen & sucade (currant, raisins & succade). Groep 4: geen gist maar bier (no yeast but beer) en dan het liefst een goede bokbier.
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
@@henkkoopmans3240 oké, altijd baas boven baas…. En dan is er nog de discussie over de naam. Waar ik vandaan kom zijn oliebollen altijd de naturel en de anderen heten krentenbollen. In andere delen van het land heten het oliebollen met of zonder rozijnen.
@henkkoopmans3240 Жыл бұрын
@@skippynoah Niets persoonlijks, gewoon mijn "jeugdtrauma"? Ik kom zelf uit de Antillen en mijn vader (uit R'dam) maakte toen dus in de tropen de bollen met rozijnen en sucade met Amstel beer (werd toen nog geproduceerd in CU) en noemde het oliebollen en mijn moeder (uit Dordt) olie-krenten-bollen. Maar wat waren ze super lekker. Rond deze tijd zijn er waarschijnlijk ook in Curaçao al oliebollenkramen te vinden. Dertig december maak ik ook volgens de traditie het beslag (met rozijnen, krenten en sucade en gist, tja, ik woon in Dordt en drink liever de bok) en 31 december stinkt mijn huis naar gefrituurde oliebollen en dan maakt het eigenlijk niet uit wat er in zit en hoe het heet (what's in a name?). Wens je alvast een geweldige jaarwisseling!!!
@margreetanceaux3906 Жыл бұрын
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
@@henkkoopmans3240 haha, lekker op tijd dus ik wens je het zelfde. Ik ben geboren in Friesland en daar heten het oliebollen of oliebollen met krenten en rozijnen. Van huis uit ben ik echter meer een fan van de appelbeignet van beslag, niet van dun deeg zoals Eric en Tammy hadden. Gewoon een plak appel met een gat erin door (bier) beslag halen en in de olie bakken. Koud de volgende dag nóg lekkerder.
@ceebee3867 Жыл бұрын
Can you guys not start a daily morning show 😁 love to wake up with such positivity. I don't know what else to watch during coffee 🤭
@lolalilolily Жыл бұрын
For Sinterklaas I'd suggest marsepein, borstplaat and gevuld speculaas from a bakery, not supermarket. You made me crave oliebollen now. There's a kraam 2 minutes away 😅
@sim-one Жыл бұрын
@makki71 Жыл бұрын
Well, now I want oliebollen too. 😂
@MrPekelharing Жыл бұрын
Applebeignets are my favourite. But you should try Berliner Bollen next time. It's oliebollen filled with pudding (vanilla).
@urbandiscount Жыл бұрын
Applebeignets with frangipane as the "apple core"
@charleneakse5606 Жыл бұрын
Berliner bollen are with "jam", nog pudding. The ones you mean are just "puddingbollen".
@elsvanzwoll Жыл бұрын
If you wanna be a dutchie, you need to gourmetten on Christmas. I still love it. Because there is something for everybody 😅
@daisysmum7336 Жыл бұрын
Yum! My mum made oliebollen every Christmas. My parents immigrated to Canada 62 years ago
@romanturnt Жыл бұрын
The Netherlands is not so big but what I really like is that different area's and provinces have their own special treats. Like the Limburgse Nonnevotten at carnaval (if you like oliebollen, you will love these too) and of course real Limburgse Vlaai, Fries Suikerbrood, Brabantse worstenbroodjes, Groninger Eierbal, Tielse Kermiskoek etc. etc. I recommend to try them all :)
@RAWDernison1 Жыл бұрын
7:30 Boerenjongens ... Haha, you're getting the taste of the country?
@chaosmisha Жыл бұрын
Oooh yes! You know you're really immersed in Dutch culture when you go nuts over oliebollen. Been living here all my life and still get all giddy when the first stands pop up
@TheEvertw Жыл бұрын
Nice to see you back! Yes, I am glad to see Soul to Soul back, but also the oliebollen!
@cloggy010 Жыл бұрын
use to live there luv it good ole Vroessenpark!
@remizeeland3505 Жыл бұрын
When Sinterklaas arrives we eat “snert” aka “erwtensoep” aka pea-soup. But the military grade version. The one you can cut with a knife when it is cold. And put some “rookworst” (from HEMA) in it. Winter is coming!
@vinniekay0967 Жыл бұрын
I love these vids and Tammy is so 'bubbly', it makes you smile.
@MauriceSmit Жыл бұрын
Gevulde speculaas and amandelstaaf are great treats around Sinterklaas and Christmas. Erg lekker!
@erwinamesz7642 Жыл бұрын
Oliebollen are maybe the best item besides stroopwafels!!! Love them!
@MarijnvdSterre Жыл бұрын
Man, you can even hear it is the good stuff when you bite in them. 😋 I'm having a craving now ^^
@gerardbosvonhohenfels1866 Жыл бұрын
I'm happy for both of you to like The Netherlands as I'm happy to left 15 years ago out of the country where I was born and grew up. It was 15 years ago already not my Netherlands anymore. I came back 4 years ago to visit my family but was happy I could leave again. So for me not anymore going back to The Netherlands.
@myafelicia Жыл бұрын
Oliebollen are my favorite!!! Every year I make them myself and while baking them, I start eating. And one by one my sons "happen to come in the kitchen". End of the story"by the time I baked the last ones, we all are full and slightly nauseous due to an Oliebollen overdose. - only to start the next morning with the few that survided the previous evening as breakfast. Yeah, I now know what I'm going to make this weekend!!!! HMMMMMM!!!
@annevanseters376 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I like oliebollen so much. Especially when they are warm and "knapperig" Jammie
@Mrevolva Жыл бұрын
such a simple thing, but we enjoy it very much
@TheJolanda01 Жыл бұрын
Speculaasbrokken,banketstaaf warm this one up,chocoladeletters,warme chocolademelk met slagroom
@royklein9206 Жыл бұрын
My brown round buddies!! Luckily i have a stand 50 meters from my house once a week! and yes.. all year round :)
@vanderquast Жыл бұрын
Great Vlog about oliebollen 😊👍typical for this season are: pepernoten, kruidnoten, marsepein, suikerbeesten (suger beasts 😂), chocolade letters, schuimpjes, taai taai, kruidkoek, ...😊
@Taco048 Жыл бұрын
Oh,man... Eric don't mess with Tammy's birds!🤣😂
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
@solardemos4384 Жыл бұрын
Roomboter Staaf is a must try miss that
@yamuis Жыл бұрын
En bedankt hè, nou heb ik zin in oliebollen! 😡😉❣️🙋‍♂️ But hey, you should try pepernoten and kruidnoten, zuurstok, gevulde speculaas, fondant, bisschopswijn, amandelstaaf... Enjoy!🙋‍♂️ (Each supermarket will have special stands for all these sweets an treats when the right season is there. )
@nfrschmitz Жыл бұрын
Have you ever explored the old Kralingen neighbourhood? I've lived here for 7 years and can show you some beautiful 18/19th century architecture and hidden gems.
@GyseleTomlinson Жыл бұрын
👋 Oliebollen with powdered sugar are one of my childhood faves, especially on New Years Eve! Haven't had them in years 😭
@viderethevaccinatorfromhol7536 Жыл бұрын
Awesome people. I wish you were our neighbors 😂 you would fit in so well
@sim-one Жыл бұрын
Yup if you say harvest quickly you’re close to herfst 😊 a lot of Dutch come from English. For Christmas you should definitely try “banketletter” that’s an old Christmas treat. And when living in Rotterdam try de “Kruidbroodjes” by Bakker Klootwijk just before Christmas. Slice it open and add some good butter and/or fine sugar. They are a kind of pink by the herb that goes in (rommelkruid). It’s more a Rotterdam thing. I can’t by them where I live. Or bakers haven’t even heard of it! We really need to make a trip by then! 😊
@mariadebake5483 Жыл бұрын
A lot of English comes from Dutch
@harrybruijs2614 Жыл бұрын
If you see old English you know it is Dutch not the other way around
@lolalilolily Жыл бұрын
The language most closely related to old English supposedly is Frisian
@mapostma866 Жыл бұрын
I know them as " Kerst timpen". Have not eaten them since I moved " Down Under" 35 years ago but still remember the taste though.
@sim-one Жыл бұрын
@M&A Postma. I remember kersttimpen as krentenbollen but then long ones with sucade in it. Kruidbroodjes are the pink ones, no raisins in there just the sucade.
@eobi-edobi4275 Жыл бұрын
Richard Visser, has won for a few years in a row, the best oliebol competition of AD newspaper he has really great stuff
@MartijnFrazer Жыл бұрын
Oh man, some friends are emigrating from the UK to NL around this time and I think they're just in time for the oliebollen season, what great timing, huh!
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
Some old fashioned but very nice thing for Sinterklaas is ‘borstplaat’. My mam used to make it or we just bought it. Basically it is melted sugar with some cream. You only see it these days in the more luxurious pastry shops. Of course we love to eat ‘speculaasjes’ with a cup of tea and all sort of things made of ‘marsepein’. And in the whole month of December (maybe even during the winter in general) we love some ‘banketstaaf’ and the best is it when you put it in the oven for a few minutes.
@sutreB Жыл бұрын
Hier in Noord-Holland boven Alkmaar heb ik dit nooit gehoord met mijn 29 jaar.
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
@@sutreB wat niet?
@sutreB Жыл бұрын
@@skippynoah borstplaat.
@skippynoah Жыл бұрын
@@sutreB google is your friend…. Ik ben inderdaad wat ouder (56) en ik noemde het al old fashioned maar daarom niet minder lekker. Makkelijk zelf te maken ook.
@empress53 Жыл бұрын
Your Dutch is pretty good already and you also pronounce many words very well. Keep it up Tammy I would say 👍
@Rosalie-ct8mi Жыл бұрын
Ooohhh I love oliebollen as well sooooo much 😋😋You can wake me up in the middle of the night for oliebollen! And I found an oliebollenkraam in the East of the country in Winterswijk who bakes them the WHOLE YEAR 🎉🎉every Saturday on the market (until 16 hours in the winter, 17 hours summertime) I just drive 45 minutes to get some crispy warm oliebollen and I miss them whenever I am abroad! I cannot wait to eat the warm oliebollen until I am home after 45 min. so I eat the rest of the oliebollen in my car and I bring some wet clothes with me to wipe off the powdered sugar 😁By the way where is this oliebollenkraam in your video? But I also love the Dutch patat with mayonaise and frikandel speciaal 😋😁en bitterballen
@RockinCabby Жыл бұрын
Dear Tammy, maybe Eric would try Grolsch Kanon for a drink en you can try eating boiled potatatoes with boild broccoli with chredded young cheese and tomato parts on it the same you can do with green beans.
@LogiForce86 Жыл бұрын
I always make my own from a recipe my grandfather got from his neighbour who was a pastry chef and baker. I can tell you that there is absolutely not a single oliebol in the Netherlands today that rivals my oliebollen based on that recipe and some baking tricks. In fact I stopped trying olieballen from these places as you have shown because the oliebollen are relatively tasteless and extremely greasy. I taught the recipe and how to make it to my former girlfriend in England and she cooked them at her grandparents' place during Christmas, and they were blown away by the taste dispite the name being "oilballs" when translated. They expected a grease bomb but didn't get any. 😊
@mirjamvond1731 Жыл бұрын
You guys make me crave oliebollen
@joannewink7101 Жыл бұрын
I had my first one this year today! The one with the pudding. 😁
@edwinweert2232 Жыл бұрын
They normally let the dough rise, mix with beer...thats why the taste is a bit sweet...and gives more flavor to the oliebollen.. success with your video's.. love it!
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Edwin😊💕
@RFGfotografie Жыл бұрын
Holiday season treats, oh my god yes please make video's on that :)
@armandovanhaaren9823 Жыл бұрын
I like the one's with krenten in it and with rum raisins in them
@grazita77 Жыл бұрын
Oliebollen...heerlijk! 😋
@MarionKamp1978 Жыл бұрын
My favorite thing to eat. But i am picky. I don't just like any oliebol. My dad made the best. After his passing, this December, 22 years ago. I went on a search. Backed it myself, but it Just wasn't it. 3 years ago i found the best one here in Enschede. I do make the appelflappen, that was my grandma's favorite. ❤️. Always welcome to Come and taste it. 😉 Tot ziens...
@tedhoogenraad1842 Жыл бұрын
I have been making my own Oliebollen from my mother's recipe for the past 30 years for New Year celebrations. Good treat.
@jurgenolivieira1878 Жыл бұрын
The American traditional honey glaced donut is actually based on the oliekoek (that's what they called an oliebol back then) from when the Dutch had their colony in modern day Manhattan.
@bjdamn Жыл бұрын
In south-afrika they still use the name oliekoek
@sherifadorder8178 Жыл бұрын
@missitheachievementhuntres560 Жыл бұрын
Glad you like them. My favorite holiday treat is “gevuld speculaas”. And zo’ an awkward one but I prefer the cheap one from the supermarket (the 80 cent ones). Also love pepernoten from the brand “bolletje”.
@phoebs69 Жыл бұрын
I make applebeignets and oliebollen myself. It's so good !!!
@anma8959 Жыл бұрын
Definitely bad time of the year for good intentions weight-wise. I do incorporate a fasting day sometimes after having gorged….works quite well.! Enjoyed your content. Happy holiday season!👍🌷
@yvonnebirch6026 Жыл бұрын
Oh dear, a very nostalgic time of the season is coming for me. The fall. Indeed de ‘herfst’ Tammy ! Appel flappen (apple fritters) are a favorite. I never had rum raisin olie bollen. That must be a new creation. Pretty soon those dishes of the winter season, like erwten soep and sauerkraut and stamppot ! Not a good time to loose a few pounds people ! I am looking forward to see you eat ! Love from Monterey 💕🌷
@sabaidoodkorte820 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video again. Have you also checked the pepernoten shop at the Koopgoot (Beurstraverse)? They have pepernoten in a lot of different tastes. Enjoy the Herfst!
@TheJolanda01 Жыл бұрын
i really like the two of you,makes me smile
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Awww, thank you Jolanda😊💕
@wisecat. Жыл бұрын
You should try "kikkers en muizen". It's a Sinterklaas treat. Little chocolate covered very sugary filled treats. And 'gevulde speculaas'. Boy, that brings back memories of 'sinterklaasavond'. Thirty-something years ago.
@anouk6644 Жыл бұрын
Oooh, I forgot about those!frogs and mice!
@jsb7975 Жыл бұрын
De oliebol really is Dutch heritage (actually netherlandish as it derives from the middle-ages in both Belgium and The Netherlands...
@Bandit-Darville Жыл бұрын
That firework was perfect for this video :) Try banketspijs! Buy it at Albert Heijn or Hema somewhere around Sinterklaas and they'll have it in all shapes and sizes. Cut a piece roughly 2,5 inches and heat it up in the microwave for about twenty seconds. Watch out: HOT!
@Nitzpitz Жыл бұрын
Hope you can try a mazipan kartoffel (marzipan potato), it is Germam, but you can buy them for sinterklaas. Also the marsepein brood, very yummy. Marzipan was always my favourite treat as a kid.
@nicokromhout9933 Жыл бұрын
In wintertime drink hot chocolate from Nutricia with creme (in the yellow cup) and eat a pancake in a " pannenkoeken boerderij" with raisins or bacon😋.
@dennisvanslingerland2258 3 ай бұрын
Voor oliebollen doe ik een moord! Oliebollen met slagroom is nog lekkerder!!!😋
@lilydancing7748 Жыл бұрын
"Liever te dik in mijn kist dan een feestje gemist " ;) love this season...dieting comes in January! Have a nice weekend! Xx
@FutureFairytale Жыл бұрын
Great video again (thanks!) and I understand you love oliebollen that much. Rum raisin is also a favourite of mine but often not as fresh as the regular ones (with or without currents) because they are less bought so less times baked. Sinterklaas favourites are Amandelstaaf, Speculaasstaaf en Marsepeinen aardappeltjes (marzipan potatoes). All Dutch words from you guys inbetween sounds great and so nice to hear you are learning the language 😍 Fun fact about oliebollen; when New York was still New Amsterdam a Dutch man introduced oliebollen in the United States. There they took over the recipe and made little changes such as a hole in the middle. That was the beginning of the donuts 😃 Looking already forward for your new video ❤
@AmyJJV Жыл бұрын
Yessss the best oliebollen in Rotterdam! Soft inside, crunchy on the outside, fresh and warm🥰 I always get them at that ‘kraam’! Stuck at home with covid right now but definitely gonna get them next week🎉 love from Rotterdam (Roffa) West
@rinynewton8297 Жыл бұрын
Hi hi I love love love oliebollen!! Water came in my mouth watching you eating them. Got to go now and get some in my neighbourhood. Thanks for putting on weight now!! 😄
@renevw5812 Жыл бұрын
Always eat the Oliebollen fresh and warm. also try the appelbeignets, i love those. And once a year i also eat appelbollen.
@cyrielmartens3575 Жыл бұрын
Yaaaay!! food is back!! hahaha!! I loved the oliebollen tasting lol. I'm not a big fan of Oliebollen, but at the end of the year, we have to have some haha. (believe it or not, in some places they have them all year long)
@rudyloedeman5730 Жыл бұрын
I think it's a good idea to bake them yourselves and make a video about it😁 when I was young my father baked them for a local charity. Our garage was turned into a semiprofessional oliebollenbakery where around 6000 oliebollen were steaming hot cooling down on improvised tables made of chickenfence and kitchenpaper. Same with pepernoten en vegter's rollen (thin waffles rolled up like toiletpaper rolls and then filled with whipped cream. Wonderful time back then and really cozy/social
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Oh, boy! That’s a lot of oliebollen😮😊
@JJJnl Жыл бұрын
Lekker oliebollen, dus zometeen pepernoten en chocolade letters ? Heel lekker ! Maybe try the kerststaaf too and the kerstkransjes hehe so yummy 😋
@basvanderwerff2725 Жыл бұрын
that gebakskraam has won prices alot of times that why the huge row there ^^
@JeanAlb Жыл бұрын
Try with Sinterklaas: Marsepein, Banketletter, Borstplaat, amandelspeculaas, gevulde speculaas, pepernoten en kruidnoten.
@RFGfotografie Жыл бұрын
I LOVE oliebollen :) and the time of the year they are in :D I also love fireworks. Tonight (22-10) there is a show at Schiehavenkade in Rotterdam!
@Chrisje674 Жыл бұрын
I love Tammy's Nee Nee Nee lol greetings from a Belgian fan :-)
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching… Eric
@jaronimo1976 Жыл бұрын
Herfst = harvest = autumn
@renekuipers4563 Жыл бұрын
Nice video..
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you Rene!😊
@spilln01 Жыл бұрын
OMG ok now you guys did it!! now I have to find a oliebollen kraam to!!! lol
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
@mariadebake5483 Жыл бұрын
Oliebollen, yummie! But without raisins for me, just the simple ones
@Gazelle1934 Жыл бұрын
The best commercial for an oliebollenbakker I've ever seen. Sell ​​that trade! I just discovered your channel, nice to see how people from another country view our culture. You show it in a nice honest way and as a Dutchman I recognize a lot in it. Also the annoyances. Welcome to De Efteling euh, The Netherlands!
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you for discovering our channel, Gazelle1934!😊
@resikostjens5866 Жыл бұрын
You two have to come to Limburg .. Maastricht.. friet zuurvlees en echte rijstevlaai met slagroom en vlokken 😎 maar met kerst konijn in het zuur .. Sweet things with X mas kerst . Rousseau chocolade shop they have so much kerst chocolade . 😎😎
@willemsaedt9464 Жыл бұрын
Hi, enjoyed your video as usual hahaha. Oliebollen with raisins are my favourite and the start of the holiday season. Sinterklaas is ready to invade (the pepernoten and speculaas where in store in mid-august) so you maybe want to try the gevulde speculaas. Groetjes
@SoultoSoulTravels Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Willem😊💕
@maanvis81 Жыл бұрын
Good to see you love NL so much :) I see a lot of people on USA facecebook groups and then basically complain about something in the USA and then usually they always blame the republicans, I thhink that most people who have been watching it from a distance realize it's the country, not just one political party ;)
@babykots Жыл бұрын
I make Oliebollen at home every Christmas and New year. They are great. I prefer the plain ones and they remind me of an elephant ear I would get at a fair as a child.
@YTVB4 Жыл бұрын
The ones with raisins (not the rum one) are the real oliebollen for me. Appelflappen and applbeignets are also nice. And I think all taste the best now, so long before old and new years evening 😉
@GewoonFrieda Жыл бұрын
Thanks. I'm hungry now. Ik baked them myself for years. With raisins. That are the best ones. You can also buy them at a 'kermis'.
@mrindependent6382 Жыл бұрын
Hoi, WoW they look great, I've put a few lbs on watching lol, I've become quite parsh to the Chocolate Doughnuts 🍩 that found me in my local shop 🙂
@Weener927 Жыл бұрын
Great video again! The Netherlands has typical and very traditional delicatessen. And as you like to travel > visit the City of Groningen in the North! A great city and for sure you'll love it!
@joanneswyckmans5921 Жыл бұрын
Kruidnoten, chocoladeletter (Aldi), Belgian speculoos pasta (for on bread), rosbief (roasted beef, is nice in the oven with diner or on bread, Hema has nice one for on bread if you like presliced), cannot come up with more atm
@queercastlimburg Жыл бұрын
I like the with raisins the most, they are better than the plain ones.
@macbosch64 Жыл бұрын
And all the healthy plans can go in the bin….oliebollen are so hard to resist. Sometimes I am happy that I have a glutenallergy, so no temptation for me, but I also regret it, because I havent found a good alternative for the oliebol. As a suggestion for the festive season, try the “ kruidnoten” especially the ones covered in chocolate…they are yummylicious. But actually all the treats are very good, try “ gevulde speculaas” or “ banketstaaf”. Thanks for all your videos, I am enjoying them very much.
Christmas in the Netherlands...you will not find this in the US!
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