That quick cut at the moment of impact will forever give me chills
@jijinrajendran9 жыл бұрын
very sad at end of recording "we are impacting water"
@ablazedark11 жыл бұрын
even here on my soft chair on a sunny day, my head couldn't bear with the beeps and warnings after some minutes. these guys were having a blind flight with their life on the line for almost half an hour with the experience and technical info of 1996. and here we see armchair youtube pilots handing down amazing sentences like "they had to do that, i'd do that". yeah, be sure that you'd do and they'd welcome you with medals and rose petals scattered along the runaway. hollywood generation..
@MrJdele11 жыл бұрын
When all else fails, always trust the "TOO LOW TERRAIN"
@alexhoe025 жыл бұрын
MrJdele they believed that was malfunctioning as well due to the overspeed warning, the stick shaker, stall alarm. They did not know the GPWS was separate from the static port system
@ryanwade78954 жыл бұрын
MrJdele exactly
@Jmurse894 жыл бұрын
@@alexhoe02 how could they not know the GPWS was a separate system? If you are type-rated on an aircraft you should know the basics of its systems. Very sad and tragic.
@jorgedominguez19573 жыл бұрын
@cygil111 жыл бұрын
New rule: if you get conflicting warnings, and one of them is "Too Low: Terrain", gain some altitude. If the alert is wrong, you're not going to be killed by gaining a little altitude, but if the alert is right, you're dead.
@airodyssey16 жыл бұрын
This is the first time I listen to a CVR recording and that I have tears in my eyes at the end. :-( It's quite chilling to listen to all the ruckus in the flight deck prior to impact. The amount of stress it added on the flight crew's shoulders must have been unreal. Hopefully this will serve as a lesson so that such a tragedy never happens again.
@wilberllamoca298610 жыл бұрын
Hicieron lo que pudieron, grandes pilotos.
@mishaco16 жыл бұрын
Me acuerdo cuando volaba en Aeroperu de niño. Gracias a Dios nunca hubo problema en ninguno de mis vuelos!
@doctor98511 жыл бұрын
Too low - Terrain alarm is terrifying...
@jorgex5eduardo12 жыл бұрын
Si este caso es muy triste y de los mas absurdos de la aviacion, NUNCA debio ocurrir y no se ha vuelto a presentar un caso igual, contribuyo a eso pero costo vidas para mejorar la seguridad aerea...gracias a ti por compartir inquietudes y felices vuelos!
@FSXgeeek11 жыл бұрын
They didnt know which one to listen to Stall Overspeed Too low Rudder ratio Altiude reading of ;9700ft Try be in the pilots shoes and work that out.
@larshammett11 жыл бұрын
Bien me lo decia un maestro de alas de america "cuando dudes...ASCIENDE!!! jamas nadie se ha estrellado contra el cielo"
@construccionesyproyeccione19635 жыл бұрын
No seas bruto ellos no tenían velocidad como saber si no se podían estolear y caer como una piedra..el 757 vacío pesaba más de 70 libras no era esa una opción
@rblxmac3 жыл бұрын
this video is on the wikipedia article
@Fernaoff11 жыл бұрын
Parabéns aos irmãos, pilotos peruanos, que mantiveram a calma, o sangue frio e o profissionalismo em uma situação impossível.Agora que sabemos o que causou, fica fácil opinar. Naquela noite, diante de uma situação nunca vista anteriormente ( nem prevista no manual ) eles agiram de forma excepcional. Pena eu não saber escrever em espanhol. Que descansem em paz.Deixaram para história seus últimos minutos.E mostraram que foram dignos até o fim!!!
@soyaitor900016 жыл бұрын
sigue luchando por tu sueño de ser piloto, seguro que lo consigues con dedicacion y esfuerzo, que tengas suerte. Yo tambien algun dia espero ser piloto, ya lo he decidido. PD: ni caso a los comentarios del Alfrunk, a este tipo de gente lo mejor es ignorarlos. adios!!
@Ihaveanamenowtaken10 жыл бұрын
What makes me really sad is that the pilot became aware of the instruments malfunction when he saw that the thrust lever was at almost idle and the indicators showed overspeed. Maybe if he really had ignored ground control, he might have taken the aircraft safely to ground.
@ryanair73740015 жыл бұрын
yes it is an onboard system that alerts you on a lot of things such as altitude when landing
@woodfern90913 жыл бұрын
Que pilotos, lucharon hasta el ultimo segundo. Quisiera yo tener ese valor.
@B777rocks15 жыл бұрын
sends shivers down my spine
@soyaitor900016 жыл бұрын
Creo que el tecnico de mantenimiento que coloco la cinta adhesiva fue encarcelado por homicidio involuntario.
@gonzaloortizdezevallos439110 жыл бұрын
Conocí al Comandante Schereiber pues fue amigo de un tío mio, no hicieron la inspección visual de pre vuelo y se habrían percatado de las cintas, me parece que es obligación del copiloto, en la emergencia no se preguntaron si la hicieron, debieron volar encima de las nubes que en la costa de Perú son bajas a esa hora de la noche y mantenerse encima del aeropuerto volando utilizando su experiencia, parece fácil pero estar en sus zapatos debió ser muy difícil con tanta alarma sonando, recuerdo aquel día, descansen en paz, su sacrificio sirvió para que se implementen mejores sistemas de mantenimiento.
@peruanode198514 жыл бұрын
Aero Peru aunque ya no exista siempre sera mi aerolinea favorito. solo vole una ves y fue suficiente para querer volar siempre pero desgraciadamente desaparecio y ojala que algien vuelva hacer volar a esta aerolinea y todos sus destinos que tenia en especial a Los Angeles.
@flyguille11 жыл бұрын
QUESTION: How they knows the V1 & ROTATE speeds for taking off, if the air indicators were stuck?
@Manbunmen659 жыл бұрын
Because the tube that was covered read the pressure from the ground, so they had accurate reading there. After taking off of course it was going crazy because it was still reading for ground.
@flyguille9 жыл бұрын
Eric Gunnison that is it for the altitude indication based on pressurization, but for speed? is not about wind flowing in the pitot tube, if jam in the exit, how is suppose to read speed also when taking off?
@Manbunmen659 жыл бұрын
flyguille You got me bud. I just remember looking up the accident after I watched this episode when it first came out.
@noahdavidson87336 жыл бұрын
My question is how did the aircraft end up inverted? I feel like even after the wing impacted the water, the aircraft could’ve continued to fly for some time.
@aqimjulayhi87984 жыл бұрын
Panic? Damaged aileron at first impact? Or maybe the aircraft was dragging along the water that when it pulled up to 200 feet they were already at steep bank angle. Without the FDR animation, we would never know.
@rilukko4 жыл бұрын
I wish we could see the FDR animation
@AbdulahRadwan13 жыл бұрын
From Wikipedia: The 757's left wingtip clipped the water approximately 25 minutes after the emergency declaration, tearing off several feet of the left wing. The pilots desperately clawed for altitude and managed to get the 757 airborne again for 22 seconds, but due to the damage of the left wing the aircraft rolled over and slammed into the water inverted.
@Nabil94045 жыл бұрын
May their souls rest in peace
@titohuertas12 жыл бұрын
a 7:04 se oye la voz de un pasajero gritando detras de la puerta: "que pasa no lo pueden volar!". Los pasajeros de primera clase estaban concientes que algo malo sucedia..
@zosonoestpario15 жыл бұрын
Qué fuerte la grabación! Los pilotos hicieron lo mejor que pudieron. Una cosa es hacerlo en un simulador y otra muy distinta es encontrarse en aquella situación en un vuelo real.
@Fantasmo7713 жыл бұрын
@Seigu007 I Think you judge too quick. They made the experience that most of the alarms until then have been false. They couldn't trust the instruments anymore. The tower said their altitude is 9.700 feet. Also they were on the radar, what's very strange if they are so low above the ground. I think it's good, that they survived so long. Compare it to birgenair flight 301. They only survived secounds after the malfunctions. Fernandez and Schreiber were flying 25 minutes completely blind.
@LeftIsBest0013 жыл бұрын
I know some of the circumstances surrounding this crash. Were analog backup gauges affected by the blocked static ports?
@gaae200011 жыл бұрын
Amazing the Tower can not tell them their true altitude on their own, and shut the terrain alarm by climbing more just in case. The pilots seems so confused. They shouldve forgotten the plane's computer, followed their instincts, and climb up just in case.
13 жыл бұрын
@steelermia The covered the static ports with adhesive tape. This was a normal procedure to clean the fuselage, they must had been removed, but the maitenance and flight crew failed to see the tape due tu its bright color. The static ports are used to gather information about air speed, climb rate and altitude.
@dinan545bmw14 жыл бұрын
lord have mercy for the brave crew of Flight 603 and those helpless passengers. this is easily and AVOIDABLE incident on the ground if proper checks and balances and follow-through were administered before and during pre-flight. how horrific indeed.
@davidatcuwclubnet15 жыл бұрын
part 3 answers my question in that the Atificial Horizon was working. I guess Captain Eric Schreiber was just trying to keep the 757 flying, unbeknownst that they were constantly descending. The stick shaker, ADI, and the GPWS were the 3 instruments that were working.
@mgarsal11 жыл бұрын
At the time, the Lima airport lacked a radar, so the information that the control tower was relying to the pilots was coming from the plane's transponder itself, which we know was not accurate. From reading the investigation reports it looks like one of the few good instruments the pilots had was the radar, which unfortunately they missed noticing in the confusion. The pilot correctly guesses the pitots were malfunctioning...
@colindhowell14 жыл бұрын
@tommyposer1234 Apparently the captain did the walkaround. But the 757's static ports are some 15-17 feet off the ground, making them harder to see in the dark. And they were covered with ordinary duct tape, which blends in with the fuselage skin, rather than the high-visibility tape which is supposed to be used.
@victoraco112 жыл бұрын
RIP!! y que ojala nunca vuelva a pasar que este accidento nos sirva de experiencia a los que seguimos volando de encontrarnos en una situacion igual, poder aterrizar a salvo!
@cuboperu14 жыл бұрын
ajo... cada vez que escucho esto tengo lagrimas en los ojos... espero que AeroPeru vuelva a renacer y cuando sea grande pueda volar con AeroPeru
@Anubizthot15 жыл бұрын
la calma es necesaria para ser piloto, si te dejas llevar por el miedo es mejor no volar.. por eso la tranquilidad, en muchos casos aun cuando ven tierra ellos siempre mantienen la calma, rara vez se oyen gritos de pilotos en los cvr de accidentes.
@angievivien11 жыл бұрын
es escalofriante sobre todo triste ... descansen en paz tripulacion y pasajeros...
@icemachine7912 жыл бұрын
He did do a pre-flight check. But as frogger626 said the tape was the same color as the static port and surrounding paint. It was also located high up on the fuselage and the flight was at night so it's understandable that the captain missed it.
@rallyden15 жыл бұрын
I commend the copilot: during this incredible episode, he thought outside the box and suggested another airplane to help. Had the 707 joined up, they would've had a chance. I think he also was the one that initially asked ATC what they are reading for speed and altitude (turned out that the alt info was incorrect but a good thought)
@colombianopina14 жыл бұрын
Dificiles momentos vividos por el Sr.piloto Eric Schreiber ,El Sr.copiloto David Fernández,la tripulación y los pasajeros(Q.E.P.D).Esta terrible situación vivida por ellos nosdebe dejar un gran ejemplo de vida para el avión que cada uno de nosotros piloteamos a diario como lo es NUESTRA VIDA:si nuestro avión presenta problemas debemos repetirnos las palabras que el Sr.Schreiber le dijo a su compañero Sr.Fernández "ACTITUD,ACTITUD" para intentar resolver nuestros problemas.
@Mupace15 жыл бұрын
este video enseña... algo q sirve de mucho... EL too low terrain ! si funciona con los instrumentos cagados ! en akel momento el terrain estaba bien ... por eso el terrain staba q chillaba !
@Gaua114 жыл бұрын
@MasterNiva No fue en los "tubos" (sondas) Pitot, sino en los puertos estáticos.
@fernandoalberto163511 жыл бұрын
victoraco1 El problema es que ellos probablemente no sabían que tenian las tomas obstruidas. Muy probablemente nunca fueron conscientes de eso, ayudados por la noche oscura. Parece fácil pero es porque nosotros sabemos cuál era el problema y no estamos escuchando las alarmas....
@megasysfix1916 жыл бұрын
(overspeed y stick shakers, pasando por windshear, rudder ratio, etc.) las alertas no vienen de los instrumentos estas son especiales que utiliza la maquina uds puede estar volando a 2000 pies y si la maquina le dice too low terrain es que es 100% seguro que esta volando bajo
@icemachine7912 жыл бұрын
Punishing the guy who taped the static ports would be wrong. He wasn't an engineer; just a member of the ground crew doing his job by following orders to clean the plane the way he was taught. You can't hold someone in his position responsible for the proper operation of an aircraft. Lack of appropriate training by Aeroperu caused this accident. They should be the focus of your ire, not some lowly-paid cleaner who'd probably never even set foot on a plane never mind piloted or repaired one.
@kalotmul13 жыл бұрын
@ivanmarinu Porque el problema fue que los sensores de velocidad y de altitud estaban tapados con cinta por el mantenimiento previo y olvidaron quitarlas en rampa, radar no pudo hacer nada porque la velocidad y altura que le indicaba la pantalla era la misma que estaba indicada en el 757
@prophetoftru7h14 жыл бұрын
flying in the dark with no reference points or instruments, a pilot's worst nightmare
@Mupace16 жыл бұрын
voy viendo este video.. mas de 15 veces con esta... y cada ves mas ! deseo ser piloto ! no soy suicida ! pero ahi q tener huevos para star ! ahi ! no como Alfrunk q se sienta en una pc a escribir ... tonteria y media ! Grazias !
@Migueller1315 жыл бұрын
Esa madrugada el cielo estaba muy cargado de nubes y habia llovizna, recuerdo hubo un temblor fuerte el primero de octubre en la tarde horas antes de la tragedia...
@maestrimq14 жыл бұрын
El copiloto hubiese sido un gran piloto..El sabia que habian otras alternativas pero la limitaciones del caso no le daban la potestad de el control supremo de la nave..
@BaronOfTeive12 жыл бұрын
I think because ATC was reading the altitude from the aircraft's transponder which was transmitting the same wrong values indicated by the on-board altimeters.
@ThMpSdKfZ14 жыл бұрын
@maestrimq porq la torre recibia la altitud q marcaba el altimetro del avion el cual era de 9700 pies, los pilotos estaban muy confundidos porq como podras escuchar en la grabacion tenian todas las alarmas encima...el avion les mandaba la señal q estaba a execiva velocidad y a la vez le decia q iban muy lentos igual con la altitud....todo a consecuencia de q los sensores de altitud estaban tapados....
@Fonzi7916 жыл бұрын
I don't understand when I says at 9:10 That after the impact the aircraft climbs some 200 ft, inverts and and falls again sinking into the sea? How can it fall first without crashing into the sea only once? I'm confused??? Can someone explain it to me?
@gfast215 жыл бұрын
zezeus sabes que me habia quedado pensando justamente en si los pasajeros escucharon las alarmas, por lo que se escucha suena fuerte. Y de la cabina de mando a la cabina de pax la primera clase es posible que lo hayan escuchado o algun miembro de la tripulacion. Te dejo un abrazo saludos !
@MikeRomeoVictor14 жыл бұрын
Poor guys never had a chance. Heartbreaking.
@jcavaletto70813 жыл бұрын
@CALO8113 nuuuuuuuuu si es cierto. Esto me puso la piel de gallina.
@zosonoestpario15 жыл бұрын
saben donde puedo encontrar más grabaciones de accidentes aéreos?
@pescadotu15 жыл бұрын
asi es el altimetro de el avion esta conectado Al transponder y el tranponder manda la informacion al radar... en este caso el controlador no le podia ayudar con la informacion de altitud solo podia informarles sobre la velocidad.... pero ante el caso de tener un ground proximity warning el avion utiliza un radio altimetro que no necesita tomas estaticas ni dinamicas
@pablomagallanes27818 жыл бұрын
Cuanta incompetencia de todos lados, personal técnico, pilotos, etc., si hubieran cumplido sus obligaciones y los protocolos de pre vuelo tal vez hoy no estarían muertos.
@Tecnitr0nic8 жыл бұрын
Los pilotos sí hicieron pre-vuelo pero la cinta era transparente y fue ya de noche, así que cuando pasaron con las luces, la cinta era imperceptible.
@dioxlau8 жыл бұрын
todo paso porque habia un pedazo de cinta que se les olvido quitar por eso todo se les fue al carajo y pues asi fue...
@congaleader200016 жыл бұрын
there were a coupl eof instances where they went to "basic instruments" and hand flew, they re-gained some control. Thye focused on a control problem rather than an instrument problem. Was the weather so bad, there were not even city lights, beacons visible???
@pablokeytop315 жыл бұрын
orale agradezco tu informacion saludos!"
@danibullo15 жыл бұрын
estoy de acuerdo que es una situacion muy dificil para cualquier piloto, viendose obligado a volar por instrumentos, pero sin ellos ya que no funcionan... es basicamente como volar ciego.
@avo868614 жыл бұрын
muy duros momentos finales de la vida de los pilotos, quienes sabian que algo estaba muy mal! que en paz descancen~
@chalklounge15 жыл бұрын
Yes, they had ATC warning them for several minutes that they were only a few feet off of the ground. Had these men spent less time fighting with one another, and more time listening to ATC and heeding the warnings, perhaps they would have lived to tell the story.
@nannaf66616 жыл бұрын
un año despues hubo un accidente muy similar acá en Argentina, donde el tubo pitot quedó obstruido por el hielo (con su alarma desactivada) y dio indicaciónes incorrectas a los pilotos, que veian perder velocidad y en realidad la aumentaban... nunca supe de este accidente de Aeroperú... mi respeto hacia la tripulacion y las demás victimas
@mahfudna15 жыл бұрын
q fea situacion, una cosa es tomar decisiones en un lugar trankilo calmado sin apuros, y otra en esas condiciones, no se nada sobre volar, pero creo q lo mas sensato hubiera sido mantenerse en el aire y esperar q los guien total declararon emergencia no? pero una pregunta creo q los pilotos creian q estaban a demasiada altura, es malo volar demasiado alto?? disculpen la ignorancia.
@ilferrari9 жыл бұрын
They should not have ignored the terrain warnings. Even if they were at 10K feet, it would not hurt to climb to 11K.
@jc.99 жыл бұрын
I don't know if they could climb cos the pilot said go up but the copilot said that he was even though they weren't climbing
@marcellopenta15 жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry for pilots and all the people died. Pilot, copilot and ATC did their best, but the responsibility relies on the technician/s who omitted the check of static ports.
@airliner2013 жыл бұрын
@folder766 tell me, how you put a plane into " stable configuration " if its an ifr flight and you DO NOT have the requirements to do an ifr fligh. (ifr = instrumental flight rules), they can't see out the windshield because the weather is bad and it's dark.
@brav0wing10 жыл бұрын
All because of a freaking duct tape!
@franciscosiles12 жыл бұрын
grey? what makes u think the aircraft or the tape were grey?
@Mupace16 жыл бұрын
los tecnicos que pusieron las cintas adeshivas han sido declarados culpbles por el accidente?
@par96116 жыл бұрын
walter paulet el pintor fue el que recibio todo el peso de la culpabilidad
@HostileSausage13 жыл бұрын
I don't understand. How can you not survive crashing into the water? Wouldn't it act as some sort of cushion?
@RobotGenitals11 жыл бұрын
What you mean, Hilderith? I don't understand. Yes, the crash itself was deadly, and the tape did capture the last moments before [and possibly as] the crew died but, I don't think the incident was the CVR tape's fault.
@hyperbacan14 жыл бұрын
cuanots años???
@fourarms9714 жыл бұрын
may the souls of the crew and passengers rest in peace.
@Gaua114 жыл бұрын
¡ESTAMOS IMPACTANDO EN AGUA! .... Pone los pelos de punta, terrible ...
@blueb0g12 жыл бұрын
There's no radar data for altitude... All altitude data is from the transponder. Groundspeed data is from the radar.
@adrianoaxel119610 жыл бұрын
another question: does anyone know if the attitude indicator (artificial horizon) was working properly? where can I find a detailed report on this accident?
@siliconcrayon10 жыл бұрын
ur first post made me go nuts but still replying .. check Air crash investigation flying blind
@azsdango8 жыл бұрын Here's the unofficial English translation of the offical report. You can find a lot of this kind of stuff in the Wikipedia reference & External Links section.
@sebadmx51215 жыл бұрын
si hay camaras pero solo para aparcar/taxear pero yo lo que decia era camaras para monitorear el estado de las alas, por ej si el avion de LAPA hubiera tenido camara para ver las alas, los pilotos hubieran sabido que la alarma que sonaba era correcta (al despegue les sonaba la alarma de que no estaban configurados los flaps para el despegue, pero como esta alarma sonaba a veces erroneamente la obviaron y el resultado, los flaps no estaban desplegados y no despego, choco al final de la pista.
@VittoNiken13 жыл бұрын
@raulox17 porque todos se nutren de las tomas estáticas para obtener la información de acuerdo al aire... y estando estas tapadas con cinta por error, incluso el altimetro y el velocimetro auxiliares darían informacion erronea... no importa si son electricos o analogicos...
@Moumou72712 жыл бұрын
Can some one explain please how did they read 80 Kts, V1 and Vr on take off?
@victoraco112 жыл бұрын
Pero recuerda que asi no tenga puerto statico alterno con romper el glass del altimetro recuperan el instrumento, pero como bien dices aprendemos de esos lamentables accidentes!
@pablokeytop315 жыл бұрын
tienes mas informacion del accidente que mencionas en argentina, te lo agradeceria!
@fernandoalberto163511 жыл бұрын
victoraco1 Ellos no sabían qué sucedía. El problema es que este accidente tenía que ocurrir para que la industria estuviese alerta de que esto podría pasar, porque en 1996 nadie, ni siquiera los fabricantes preveían este mal uso de su producto precisamente porque el chequeo de las tomas es parte del preflight walk-around. Pienso que cumplieron su rol, como muchos otros, lamentablemente tenían que servir de ejemplo para que ahora todos seamos conscientes en el futuro.
@SlamDuncDrummer14 жыл бұрын
If I remember correctly this accident was caused by the maintenance crew taping the Pitot tubes during painting or other work to protect them and they forgot to un-tape the Pitot tubes.
@Droneidus11 жыл бұрын
David Fernández mencionó la solución al problema: llamar a otra aeronave para que los guiaran en vuelo paralelo hasta ver las luces de la pista del AI Jorge Chávez...
@gfast215 жыл бұрын
no, lamentablemte murieron todos las 70 personas abordo. La aeronave se hundio a mas de 400 metros y se descubrio que se partio en dos en el momento del impacto. Solo 9 o 10 cuerpos aparecieron flotando en la superficie, el resto se hundio con el Boeing 757. Y todo por un pedazo de cinta aislante. Abrazo.
@chalklounge15 жыл бұрын
Never mind I'm totally wrong about that. The plane was sending false info back to the ATC, who was then reciting it back to the pilots. Very confusing!
@tommyposer123414 жыл бұрын
@marcellopenta - I´m sure the main responsability remains with the technicians, but the pilots should have checked the pitot / stat port during the walk around prior to pushback. Anyway, one important lesson that was taught is: whatever the instruments tell you, always trust the "stall" and "low terrain" warnings.
@jorgex5eduardo12 жыл бұрын
yo tambien he oido esta grabacion muchas veces y la he analizado mucho y me causa gran tristeza por lo q significo para AEROPERU te resumo que fue por soberbia del capitan no lo estoy juzgando porque fue muy admirable todo su trabajo en tan dificil situacion me explico porq soberbio: ellos declaran emergencia a menos de 3 minutos de vuelo le dan vectores a la pista 15 y el no toma inmediatamente ese rumbo un minuto despues aprox dicen q el rumbo es 195 y cuando el copiloto pide un avion
@Akira62511 жыл бұрын
@frogger62612 жыл бұрын
The way he was taught was to use highly-visible tape so that the pilot could see it when he did the rounds. He used duct tape- grey on grey. Let's clear something up- very few incidents have one person that caused all of it. Are the pilot and copilot completely blameless? No- but they were flying at night over the ocean. It's incredibly difficult to gauge your altitude in those conditions. Majority fault lies on the maintenance crew for not following procedure.
@steelermia13 жыл бұрын
what exactly do they mean by 'taped the ports' ???
@jayhelldee15 жыл бұрын
Dosnt ATC data just rely on all the info transmitted from the aircraft anyway?
@Edax_Royeaux12 жыл бұрын
Easy to say when your not flying a plane with alarms blaring and little time to think as yet another alarm draws you attention.
@titohuertas12 жыл бұрын
@steelermia I absolutely agree with you. The controller should have been jailed, he did not called his supervisor, his voice didn't have that sense of urgency, the pilots were flying blind for God sake!, he called a slow 707 as a guide when a fighter jet was more appropiate.... unbelievable... My prayers are with the families of the victims.
@raulox1713 жыл бұрын
porque no apagaron los elementos electronicos y volaron con aparatos analogicos??, por decirlo de alguna forma, no soy experto.