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Spuzie IRL

Spuzie IRL

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@Waldonium 6 жыл бұрын
I watched someone talk about this in a video and they made a good point about how Blizzard should've done it. Bethesda announced a mobile game about Elder scrolls at E3 BUT they also slapped Elder Scrolls VI Teaser after it so PC gamers weren't even phased by the mobile game announcement. If Blizzard just did like 10 second teaser for Diablo 4 then there would MUCH less hate.
@sarucanine6044 6 жыл бұрын
That's because Todd Howard was in the chess club
@Yuchisami 6 жыл бұрын
It wouldn't even had to be a 10 seconds tralier. They could had just put a big fat D4 logo behind them as they announced the mobile game and people wouldn't have fussed about it. This mess is totally the fault of the PR guys.
@soumilidon 6 жыл бұрын
I think it was Quin69 that made that suggestion you are referring to. And I agree they could have made a 10-15-20 sec teaser with no release date and the backlash would have been minimal. How many game titles we have seen so far that they where never completed etc. I am a big blizz fanboi tbh, and I enjoy their games, after all this years following a company I get to see that they are pulling the same mistakes, again and again. They never 1)listen their fanbase and 2)they don't understand their fanbase (what they like). Diablo immortal its just the nail in the coffin for this franchise. Diablo fans are hardcore mofos, and I get their frustration, having your favorite title K.O.'d like that. I will prolly download the game and check it out, if its free, otherwise I don't think I'll touch it.
@greenfox1991 6 жыл бұрын
The big problem that Blizzard dont want to do Diablo4. They would done like what you suggest, but Diablo4 will not be a thing for like 5-6 years. That's it. This is why, in my opinion they didnt do wrong. They have to announce a mobile game and it was they done. Maybe they thought that their community was mature, they werent.
@soumilidon 6 жыл бұрын
@@greenfox1991 I really don't think that Blizz wants to leave Diablo franchise on the gutter and not wanting to make a continuation for the franchise that they have accumulated so much profit from, and they have create a hardcore fan base from it (actual die hard fans). Basically I feel Blizz is completely out of touch with their fan base, and that can be seen from a plethora of examples (see WoW, HS, D and HoTS), when they continue to make mistakes that anger their customer base (loyal costumer base). Diablo fans have been wanting something new for the franchise for quite some years now (Reaper of Souls expansion was released ~5 years ago) and Blizz was hyping up this years Blizzcon for the Diablo part without revealing too much info but hyping it nonetheless. When you are billion dollar company you need to have the appropriate PR team, to not only be there when everything is smooth and basically organize events, but to make the correct planning and research for situations like these. Blizz scheduled Diablo panel to come out right of the bat - major news about releases for their games have always been made on the first panel at Blizzcon. I would like to say that I don't think the Diablo mobile game is a bad thing, and as I have mention on my previous comment I will probably play it when it comes out (if its free), BUT the way they released it was another example of how they are not in touch with their communities. I find the reaction of the community 100% excused and understanding, from my point of view, Blizz messed this up badly and basically they are the immature equation in this argument, instead of hyping things up - they should have kept it a bit back, instead of having the Diablo panel 1st, place it 2nd or 3rd, instead of trying to milk a franchise with in game purchases and diamond bullshitery - they should have placed resources and man power to create or start creating something for theirs most loyal fan base. They didn't, instead they tried to skim their way through with vague comments and putting blame to the community "for not understanding". Well from my point of view, they did a lot of things wrong, and the community is justifiably outraged.
@sharkypanda414 6 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry spuz. I have a few unpopular onions as well. Still love you tho
@lonewandererfo3 6 жыл бұрын
@GhostOfBuscemi 6 жыл бұрын
Shrek weeps in heaven. Who could hate the noble onion
@carlstendahlwerw9640 6 жыл бұрын
SharkyPanda i have alot of popular onions, get on my level bud.
@jvh3472 6 жыл бұрын
@Drizzos 5 жыл бұрын
This is kinda the reason why so many people are afraid of showing and doing as they please, they are afraid of the criticism from other people around them. It's sad that the world has come to this that noone can be themselves but everyone has to follow the rules of being like everyone else or being left out.
@smoofvfx2911 6 жыл бұрын
You just described how I feel about every online argument!
@StProphet 6 жыл бұрын
TL/DR: Spuz likes to rek ppl.
@DaxterL 6 жыл бұрын
Oh hello there prupet
@hecatrice2064 6 жыл бұрын
@0okyo 6 жыл бұрын
@igoodie6084 6 жыл бұрын
Жаль что он в дарк соулс не играл
@arogyakharel2058 6 жыл бұрын
Do you have paypal? I want to donate you.
@uw4ntsum342 6 жыл бұрын
Seems like the Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs recipe, I'd recommend to whisk the eggs before pouring them into the casserole.
@uw4ntsum342 6 жыл бұрын
Keep in mind I am in no way implying that I am good at cooking, just saying what works best for me and I've tried a few variations of the recipe.
@XLynceX 6 жыл бұрын
@@uw4ntsum342 Couldn't help it. One of his videos came to my mind when reading your comment. Just watch the beginning xD kzbin.info/www/bejne/bHzCeYicd9WJqtk
@MrValantakos 6 жыл бұрын
I swithced Avocado ham sandwitches with poop
@vinie4077 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sp4zie! Though I'm not a fan of any of Blizzard's game. I've very very shortly played heartstone and HotS. I don't really care much for what they bring out but when the news/memes were all over the internet I was intrigued. The biggest issue is the PR here. It's funny when you think about it because you realize, if they went about revealing this game in a whole different way it wouldn't have gotten any of this backlash. Besides maybe a few complaints about Diablo not getting any follow up that isn't a mobile game. Blizzard forgot who their audience was. PC gamers. They're all hardcore fans of their games on PC. It takes only about 10 mins on the internet to realize pc gamers generally have a disgust for mobile games, and don't consider them proper games. (Not everyone thinks this, I don't) So it's obvious it was going to backlash. Anyway, Blizzard is not the only company that makes mistakes in PR. They're a huge company, they'll recover. People will likely forget about it in a month or two, if they haven't already. (P.S. Your taste in games does indeed reflect why you liked league, too bad it's no longer a game you play, it's nice seeing you enjoy Worlds. I don't expect you to start playing it again but one can hope ^-^. Not a huge fan of you streaming other games but I still love the videos because the editing is superb especially combined with another CG personality :) I also love these IRL videos!) Much love, -Vin
@Tyranzor64 6 жыл бұрын
Absolutely right, Blizzard was established, built and loved on PC. The console shift made a ton of sense, but Blizzard had no presence on mobile, and also they didnt even develop it themselves. They sold it to a mobile dev who make a ton of pay to win content who release what looks like one of their old games reskinned and with Diablo slapped on it.
@frostmourne1986 6 жыл бұрын
> if they went about revealing this game in a whole different way it wouldn't have gotten any of this backlash. This. This is the core issue. I think DI is a perfect idea. Diablo plays very well on the go. But holy shit, announcing it at a fan event that clearly wants a PC game?
@Tyranzor64 6 жыл бұрын
@@frostmourne1986 oh yea, if we'd gotten a D4 teaser and then followed by something like " we want to make D4 as good as possible, so in the mean time we're super excited to announce Diablo Immortal!" I'm certain it would have gone down way differently.
@Eden_Wings 6 жыл бұрын
God I love how people here can discuss a matter peacefully and nicely, and expose different POVs without fearing to get insulted. This is my internet safe-space.
@andrelh4725 6 жыл бұрын
I agree with your entire comment, from start to finish.
@schizoop 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Spuz, I mainly agree with all the points you have said and I also agree that Diablo fans SHOULD look at the positive sides as well. I personally put way too many hours of my life into Diablo and switched to PoE recently. Yes, it's one of the worst PR moves in history, worse than PUBG calling out Epic Games and basically giving them free promo. On the other hand, a bigger fan base would be great for Blizzard & fans. BUT! Blizzard in their most recent Interview saying "We have shifted our best developers over to new mobile titles across Blizzard IP" is just another big slap into the face of their old & established fan base, waiting for new Blizzard games and that are pumped to play them on their favorite device (which is to 95% NOT a phone). To the Kripp stuff. I actually was watching DatModz streaming when he posted the "dirty paid shill" comment. His explanation to this is (I personally do not watch a lot of Kripp, so I will only try to quote what he says and not bring in any opinion) Kripp ALWAYS was the voice of the community when it was needed to criticise Blizzard. But that changed recently when he was starting to get his stay and flight at/to Blizzcon payed. Plus he apparently (again, just quoting) Starts up a Hearthstone stream for a bit and then switches to a mobile game, that he is sponsored by, after an hour or so. Just to pull a lot of viewers that actually wanted to see hearthstone. (indicating that most of the mobile games he only plays, because a lot of the Mobile game sponors pay A LOT, like ... A LOT). Modz and Kripp also go way back and have been knowing each other for many years (and I think were/are friends). Now my personal thoughts... Uh, not a big fan of the mobile game. Not only because it's on mobile and I probably won't ever try it, especially because I AM upset about the news (even tho I played my fair share of mobile games and still play some). BUT mainly because there STILL IS NO NEW CONTENT in this game. Diablo (3) fans have been waiting FOREVER for any actual new content in the game and the last big update is sooo long ago that the game for many, including myself got stale and felt the same over and over again. I switched to Path of Exile for that reason and this game actually cares about their core fan base and releases a BIG update at least every 3-6 months, keeping the game interesting to play. And with this mobile game I was hoping for at least some cool new mechanic, but nope, nothing (at least as far as I am aware). Adding on that the statement of Blizzard, that I quoted earlier, just feels like a huge slap in the face of their core fan base and makes me rethink if I even want to buy Warcraft III: Reforged, even tho I am pretty hyped about that. Anyways, just wanted to state my opinion on this and clarify why a lot of Kripp fans are upset. Been watching you since 2013, but I think I never commented. Love your content and streams, keep up the awesome work
@AGrumpyPanda 6 жыл бұрын
That is legitimately how I feel about almost every major issue in the world right now- everyone is an idiot.
@Dr_Teath-aka-Faolan 6 жыл бұрын
100% agree. Except about getting up early, I get up at 4:30am 2 days a week because work, and it sucks.
@trondkruger 6 жыл бұрын
These kinds of breakdowns are so important! Some might hate you for attacking their right to express themselves, as this is the internet after all, but I love you for it! Integrity has mostly vanished from the internet these days, and it's amazing to have people like you fighting for it still
@DerLiebeNugo 6 жыл бұрын
taht is a GREAT concept for a discussion video xD just talking about hings while doing mundane chores xD
@jeppegivskud5447 6 жыл бұрын
This is so unfathomably true! And such a big trend in the whole modern world, not just gaming. The truth isn’t ever in either side of the argument. Almost always somewhere in between. Life is just more complicated than either or.
@Heylon1313 6 жыл бұрын
I think this is one of the best vlogs I have ever seen: you get parts of the personality in Sp4zie's gym and breakfast routine, we get a well explained opinion on what kind of games he likes/dislikes with an unpopular opinion with Red Dead 2, and then we stick to that theme of unpopular opinions and talk about a broader issue and come to a conclusion. The whole video felt like a well-written essay with introduction, main body and conclusion, really well done, thank you Sp4zie.
@freontwel 6 жыл бұрын
I so feel this rant, anyone remember Jessica Price, Deroir and Guild Wars. Oh man, flashbacks...
@Hyperactivi 6 жыл бұрын
I love the Keep-Talking-While-Doing-Other-Things theme in this video!
@MerlinAmbroiss 6 жыл бұрын
MORE! I ASK FOR MORE UNPOPULAR OPINIONS VIDEOS!! mostly cause there is a lack of it and its really fun to watch. plus i totally agree with all of what you said about diablo immortals.
@Daphnose 6 жыл бұрын
This is why I feel you so good spuz. I completely agree with you. Thank you for putting it into words!
@Walnutty 5 жыл бұрын
srly you're like SO nice to listen to. I would say you are just as good as Simon Sinek when it comes to speeches. Much appreciated mah dude
@KlinsmanKor 6 жыл бұрын
People think simple : You're with us or against us. Nothing else... That's the saddest part.
@teemuratilainen1308 6 жыл бұрын
When the sausage makes that snapping sound 2:27 while biting it YOU KNOW THAT SHIT IS GOOD!!
@greenfox1991 6 жыл бұрын
Play "Aero Fighter 2" from Neo Geo old days to be a beast, when you dodge a lot of bullets you feel God swimming in your veins.
@phreak2424 6 жыл бұрын
Changing a lightbulb with the power still on, umliving da dangerous life
@rafindeed 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like this so many times that I think I'm the idiot one. Both sides, in many things, seem to lack the understanding of each other. Sad
@raikunclips 6 жыл бұрын
This is just how it is, specially with kids. If you don't like/hate what they like/hate, they go crazy. I played around 200 hours of The Witcher 3, and I'm looking at another 200 (main quest + side quests + a lot of freakin' exploration) at some point in the future. I also can't wait for Red Dead Redemption to come to PC so I can invest God knows how many hours into that too. The fact that you may not like those games doesn't destroy my fun. The fact that I don't always like games like Battlerite or Battlerite Royale or any other game you like doesn't destroy your fun either. It's just how it is, we simply like different things. However, people will always act like idiots when they don't like something, online or in real life, so there's nothing you can do about that.
@buizel009 6 жыл бұрын
Please more rambling videos. These are really entertaining.
@MassInDaHouse1 6 жыл бұрын
A lot of people get so easily carried away by having the same opinions as everyone else and bandwagon onto the loud majority's morals. But forget that others can actually have a different opninion and actually not be paid or forced to say so. Kinda sad TBH.
@martecoronel 6 жыл бұрын
Could you imagine being a fan of the game you like, going to a convention paying for the convention, the hotel, the travel, and then hearing to that announce and the announcers asking you "do you not have a phone?"? Boy, I'd be so pissed. I think the attendants were far more reasonable than I'd have been. P.S.: I agree, the big error was all the hype Blizzard created. Also, it's hurtful that Diablo Immortal is just a polished reskin of another game.
@timtuinstra6164 6 жыл бұрын
I feel like you missed Spazie's point of the vid, despite your valid argument.
@GOTHICforLIFE1 6 жыл бұрын
Nobody disagrees, including Spazie, about how Blizzard handled both the hype, timing and announcement of that game. Spazie's point however is that the community has no reason to the go and shit on every soul that actually like the game, just because the ones that don't like it are disappointed. Blizzard should take that hit in that case, not everyone that actually feel hyped over it :P
@aeoliakepler807 6 жыл бұрын
Ye, the fact that immortal seems to be a rescin kinda dismantles every defense argument. I mean the point is not about what blizz allowed and not allowed to do but how they do it. They could rly done some work and release better game with good pr instead of what they done. People only pissed because of how bluntly moneygrabbing this looks. Make business all you want but at least try to make as better product as you can. And as far as hating for other opinion goes, it's just the culture we live in nowadays.
@MaxedEntropy 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly i'm not even that against the mobile game, what i AM against tho, is that they removed a MASSIVE amount of comments on their trailer video giving negative (also non-toxic feedback) commentary on how they handled this entire thing. And the fact that the video got re-uploaded several times to reset the like/dislike ratios.
@reoopc5060 6 жыл бұрын
@@aeoliakepler807 This "reskin" argument is such a reach. Just because a game has the same general controls as another doesn' t mean it's a carbon copy. Is The Evil Within 2 a reskin of Resident Evil 7 because you also combine items in your inventory, turn objects over in your hands and use joysticks to walk and move the camera? Diablo Immortal looks the way it looks because that's an established and effective way for a mobile game to play in Asian markets (which is mainly where Blizzard is banking on Diablo Immortal doing well). Calling the game a reskin is a pretty thinly veiled attempt to "hide" you bias. Yes, Blizzard had piss poor PR for this game. But, that doesn't inherently make the game bad. Every company in existence is trying to make money, so lets not pretend that because you don't like the product, Blizzard is morally corrupt in their attempts to do what they have ALWAYS been trying to do. Also... hating something/someone just because it/they have a different opinion is dumb. We live in a dumb culture.
@monimonikijukiju 6 жыл бұрын
I love the music in the background. It actually makes emotion cooldown. I wonder if You chose it for this specific reason.
@actl8832 6 жыл бұрын
BIIIIG fan of such educational videos from you! You really get your point across, pls make some more of them ;)
@balosbotond00 6 жыл бұрын
Love how you talk about the topic with both sides of the coin getting attention, you are such a great influence
@monsi9140 6 жыл бұрын
Holy shit. i have to give you props on how you express yourself. well done man!
@caldricus5684 6 жыл бұрын
We need more cooking videos chef spuz,pretty please ! (Btw good video ^^)
@TrickyJIuc 6 жыл бұрын
It's so good to see some adequacy in the internet sometimes. Ty, Sp4zie)
@TheMaaikee1998 6 жыл бұрын
I love your honesty ! I can appreciate that so much
@rodneyrogers1319 6 жыл бұрын
How do you feel good hittin' the gym before getting some kinda calorie intake? I notice a big diff on my lifts when I don't eat enough.
@Waterdyno 6 жыл бұрын
Ugh... Speak it true, Spuz. It's soothing hearing you speak my thoughts on this matter.
@DemonJoe27 6 жыл бұрын
I don't normally write comments but I had to, This is one of the reasons I care so much and love your content so much Sp4zie, I've seen a few bits of trash talk on red dead.. and it made me feel pretty bad because I've really enjoyed the game. But when I heard you give your reasoning on it, you saw the art and beauty of the game - but as you said it wasn't for you, and that made me feel so great! I realise that with all these other people saying "It's too slow" or "It gets stale" it's just not their game and it's nice to have it from someone (like yourself) that can give me a reasoning behind why you don't like it and not just yell random hate words into a sentence. I also really agree on your point about Diablo Immortal, I think both sides messed up, but that's all I'll say on that. I would have preferred a Diablo 4 or Diablo 2 remaster but, we have to deal with the hand we're dealt and in this case.. I guess I'll try the mobile game. Anyway, keep being you and love your content, you will always be my favourite
@alonyairi9536 6 жыл бұрын
One day, I want to (and I know ill be able to) understand and see things like you manage to do: to sympathize with both sides of an argument - any argument - and at the same time see where each of them is wrong AND leave people to their own thoughts without getting mad+seeing the big picture you are a smart man spuz, and I want to be like you p.s I know that every person is different and have their own pluses and minuses, what I mean when I say "i want to be like you" is I want to learn from you and from your experience. you are truly, a roll-model. thanks for that :)
@Mujigsuppa 6 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. It all boils down to self-entitlement and tribalism.
@bado284 6 жыл бұрын
Is this Swedish Casey ? Love the style man keep it up
@Lolet123The 6 жыл бұрын
same, kinda, i love games when you are op af and you just have plain old fun... but i do love a very wide aspect of games such as open world, story driven, fps, sneaky, guns, weird, indie etc.
@Joeblack6665 6 жыл бұрын
Well made video with solid arguments and discussion. Keep up the good work Spuz!
@HiImMigz 6 жыл бұрын
Spazie's mentality is my everyday mood.
@siu-fungtsang3523 6 жыл бұрын
Damn Sp4z you have figured out your life so well. And i am sitting here watching vids instead of studying. What i am trying to say is that you are a great example of how someone should live their life. Well just my oppinion ^^. Appreciate your videos as always keep it up (sorry for my bad english - if i did any grammar/spelling mistakes)
@antonmller3616 6 жыл бұрын
You discuss and argue in such a nice way btw
@nec_na5295 6 жыл бұрын
Vlogging Sp4zie, Cooking sp4zie, Plant dad Sp4zie, Gym Sp4zie And now... ASMR Sp4zie (01:04)
@J.D.... 6 жыл бұрын
Using Ramsay's egg recipe i see.
@doudou0812 6 жыл бұрын
Ahaha I thought the same! but to be entirely honest the eggs were overcooked as the cream was added too late and he should have added it away from the stove :P
@rhynopunk8637 6 жыл бұрын
looks like raw eggs.. lol
@kobiban 6 жыл бұрын
such a bad recipe imo. it just gets gooey. I like chunks!
@littleannilotti 6 жыл бұрын
Your Video was the best example for a mature way to talk about different opinions and also expressing your opinion. Good Job sir👌
@carliveberg6092 6 жыл бұрын
You really go in for the breakfast food. Lovin it!
@shlizaraxis9746 6 жыл бұрын
I take my hat off for you Sp4zie. I totally agree with the "both sides are idiots" part. I've felt like, over the past 10 years, people have started to change the way they communicate through the online platforms (like forums, twitter, facebook, etc). If people don't agree with someone else's opinion, they are more likely to throw meme's at them, call them trolls/toxic or flat out insult/berate them. What happened with looking at an announcement, go "meh" when it doesn't appeal to you and "walk away"? Do we really have to "bring down the divine justice and smite the heathens" for having an opinion or announce something they have been invested their time into making it? Another example would the "console war". It was never a war to begin with... You had a few camps of people who love/prefer a specific console, but they feel the need to insult and berate the other camp. I mean, who cares? If you like your Playstation/Xbox/Nintendo console, then kudos to you. Have fun with it! Don't go about insulting someone for liking a different device then you do. It's all about having a good time, by playing games. It doesn't matter on which platform you do it (even on a mobile). The same goes for Diablo Immortal. If you are excited to play that game, then kudos to you. Be sure you have fun playing it! Myself? I'm not interested in the game, so i'll just let is pass by. Blizzard did make a big mistake with the Diablo announcement, but they didn't deserve the type and amount of insults/flak they got from the community. Even if they are not ready to announce Diablo 4 (if it's even in the making), they could've added 1 slide saying "More Diablo projects are in development. Stay tuned for more info in the future!" would've already made a difference. I would also have to say that the person who was doing the announcement felt a bit too forced. He didn't come across as actually excited about the game. (^_^; )
@Heylon1313 6 жыл бұрын
And I have to say, I like the part where he took us with him under the table, it was fun and it felt like something you might do when you are actually there and just in a conversation with him
@Alex-cn5jj 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sp4zie, Luv your vids! Do what you love! But i have one question. 🤔 Will you play Warcraft 3 Reforged, or is that not kind of your game? :)
@Policrap 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you Spuz! You are completely right!
@paatej 6 жыл бұрын
Just makes me sad.. Good video, Spuz!
@telander1484 6 жыл бұрын
spuz will you try out WoW classic this summer? sounds like your type of game
@rubie6634 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not a expert with workouts things, but I would recommend eating at least something before working out, I used to do a similar thing but I was most of the times to tired to finish my workout. Great vid tho.
@RebelliousRRIOT 6 жыл бұрын
I finally understand how Sp4zie kept on going to gym, cause it makes him feels like a BEAST~~~ imagine him going to work out, instead of him counting his sets, he yells “I’m a beast”. If he ever does a workout vlog, it would be a video of him saying he is a beast every few seconds :D
@georgekourakis3305 6 жыл бұрын
Wise words of a wise man....respect sp4zie
@R4Z0R98 5 жыл бұрын
That's the exact same reason i play fighting games.
@axelwarriorvs 6 жыл бұрын
It sometimes sucks being in the neutral camp, where you see both of the other sides' mistakes. But to paraphrase one of Tim Minchin's great comedy songs, it's easier to see the world clearly when you're sitting on the fence.
@sirVlinky 6 жыл бұрын
Yes D4ve. You crushed it. This is why the internet (and many other mediums) are so frustrating. The inability to empathize or even just not hate others with a difference in opinion is crippling to a society. I see so much love and good done on the internet, but I know that for every good deed done there is at least another terrible thing said or done to balance it. Unfortunately you're right, this won't change. As long as we can sit back and shake our heads at the jackassery without aggravating it, I suppose we'll be okay.
@maxj9989 6 жыл бұрын
From a diablo fan: not everyone is saying the new mobile game will suck (then again it's a mobile game it cant be that amazing compared to pc/console), but : 1st: Nobody wanted or asked for a mobile game. The majority of Diablo players (especially hardcore ones) are PC. 2nd: Diablo 3 hasn't had any real updates for like a year. We're being starved of content 3rd: there was 0 mention of any other games/gameplay updates (such as Diablo 2 remastered, a Diablo 3 expansion/player pack, or Diablo 4) 4th: when asked if Diablo Immortal will EVER be available on PC, the answer was no, and we were told "Don't you have phones? You all have phones." If this wasn't a disaster enough, Blizzard has taken to deleting comments on their youtube video of Diablo Immortal. One dude, "redpillshark" has had his comment deleted more than 14 times. We know that blizzard should fill the void they've left in the Mobile Game market because they will profit from it, but that doesn't mean they should create the game nobody asked for and then leave the PC AND Console gamers with 0 new content. It's fucking ridiculous. Furthermore, the people who are asking if Kripp is being paid are not 100% assholes. Considering that Blizzard tried to hide the fact people hated the game announcement by deleting thousands of comments from the video, it is entirely feasible that they COULD have paid him as he is a fairly big name in the industry regarding blizzard games (i'm not saying that people should ask him if he's being paid or that he IS, but considering blizzard's actions it's not out of the realm of possibility anymore.). The bottom line is, if Blizzard said something like "We have 2 things for you today, (lead with diablo immortal), (finish with teaser/announcement of new game/gameplay update for d3)" or "(lead with teaser/announcement new game/gameplay update) and then end (diablo immortal announcement)" none of the fans would've cared at all. Its the fact they've hyped the announcement up for so long, given us something we didnt want or ask for, and then being told "you all have phones" etc. its felt the same as the World of Warcraft 2016 Q&A panel, the dude asked "Have you ever thought about adding servers for previous expansions as they were then" and then the WoW representative replied "You don't want that. You think you do, but you don't".
@WolfRites 6 жыл бұрын
1: Diablo Immortal is clearly meant to reach a new audience, not the current one, so this is a moot point. 2: A game is a game. You paid for that game. You really aren't entitled to get anything else than what it already has. Whether that's good or bad, is really beside the point. If the game doesn't fulfill you anymore, stop playing it. 3: Blizzard literally wrote a blog post that there'd be no news regarding D3 or D4 a couple months ago, but did say they had stuff in the works. 4: Why would Diablo Immortal come to pc when it's clearly just a reskinned D3 with a few different mechanics to make it play on mobile os' ? They still obviously bungled the PR stuff, but yeah.
@olliepopzor3405 6 жыл бұрын
Watched PhillyD and he covered the subject, redpillshark has all his comments still up, just youtube has a shitty comment system and top comments just disappear from top comment sometimes. Personally if it doesn't effect the dev cycle for other Diablo content, Which they say they have multiple teams working on multiple things, idgaf what they do. I guess as a fan of Diablo 2 (12 years til D3 ) and elder scrolls games (7 years and counting in 2 days) I have to be more patient than others and kinda deal with it. It sucks that Diablo aint getting the love I think the title deserves but
@JoakimFigge 6 жыл бұрын
There's this saying my dad taught me once, don't know how to best translate it but it goes like. "I don't have to agree to your opinion, but I'll die fighting for your right to have one" Basically everyone has a right to have an opinion, as a diablo player I am not very happy about Immortal cause I dislike playing mobile games for many reasons, but it's a totally legit good call by blizzard to make the move into the market and the game does look kinda nice, I just wish it would have been handled better
@TommyAnimator 6 жыл бұрын
Keep up the IRL content, loving it!
@stillprophet7529 6 жыл бұрын
2:35 quality vlog content right there
@FeelsGouda 6 жыл бұрын
It is funny that people scream at you if you do not have the "popular" opnion and in the same breath they mumble something about being for democratic values like free speech. Sadly this kind of thing occurs everywhere nowadays and "normal" people in response start to just say nothing anymore which leads to a whole lot of other problems. People need to relearn to accept and tolerate different opinions on matters and need to stop to try to scream the loudest to win an argument. (and also they need to stop to call things or people "dead" just because they have an opinion that does not fit in their view of the world, but thats more specific to the gaming industry...)
@Chris-dq6eq 6 жыл бұрын
It's basic sociology: ingroup vs outgroup. They feel betrayed because the common differentiator (gamers, for instance) is suddenly no longer a bonding factor due to a differing (or actually, just a nuanced) opinion. So a new ingroup-outgroup is created, and the new ingroup shits on the people who are left out. It's only to mark the new borders.
@brankovranesevic1091 6 жыл бұрын
How do you endure the gym without breakfast? do you have something before practice?
@shewhosings586 3 жыл бұрын
The whole PR disaster is even worse now that it's 2021 and the game is still not available.
@HawkinDove 6 жыл бұрын
With that, what do you think about Battlerite going to a mobile game? There are already mobile games out there similar to battlerite, from characters, abilities, items, and mechanics. So, would you try to play it on your phone?
@phylippezimmermannpaquin2062 6 жыл бұрын
The bigger problem is what blizzard did after the announcement
@iyusuarkhan6554 6 жыл бұрын
Holy. Thank you. A decent and thinking man... that you always were. That's why I'm subbed for 4 years now :D
@iyusuarkhan6554 6 жыл бұрын
Edit: broken english xD
@marcuslundfinnerup3389 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Sp4zie - I have watched your vids for 4 years now and you have really helped me! With your positive energy and motivation, love your vids btw. Even tho you have had a hard time on KZbin, you are still my fav KZbinr
@AndyJamerson 6 жыл бұрын
Doin' the Gordon Ramsey Scrambled Eggs Chef Spuz knows whaazzz guuuuud!
@Jaxiedits 6 жыл бұрын
Are you going to make a highlight of the red dead redemption 2 stream?
@danielchernoshtan4670 6 жыл бұрын
i totally agree... these types of games dont really reward you for getting better.
@southp55 6 жыл бұрын
How much did Kripp pay you for this video? Kappa
@ililcookie_ 6 жыл бұрын
Yes! Yes!
@jlhkiller9 6 жыл бұрын
made me chuckle
@Ragemuffn 6 жыл бұрын
Wtf man I was gonna make that joke :( rude
@90quattro49 6 жыл бұрын
@@Ragemuffn saaaame
@Vietje5 6 жыл бұрын
@turnipzoxi2853 6 жыл бұрын
I agree, this whole thing is mega yikes.
@Ben_R4mZ 6 жыл бұрын
I think that also contributed to you leaving League, being a beast just became a lot harder and didn't feel good to pull off when you did... When you left you were in the one-shot meta, you can feel like a beast one-shotting people, but at the same time it doesn't feel like the other person had a chance like they do in all those Royale highlights you post. It felt like a "play" instead of an "outplay". Less like a beast, more like a scumlord abusing the meta. Glad you still play games you love playing. It REALLY shows. One of the hallmarks of someone loving the game their playing is when they're laughing even though they just died and THAT is a good thing, it always brings a smile to *my* face. Keep up the amazing work
@nokik8782 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly Sp4zie, i wouldnt say it better. I am glad you stood for Kripparian and you wouldnt let him in shit. I am shaking my head like wtf Blizzard you did, and wtf fans what shit you throwing on others... Keep up, like your channel :)
@Mewdaai 6 жыл бұрын
Nothing is better than having unpopular opinions... I freaking love it...
@6DarthSion9 6 жыл бұрын
Kripp is very likely to be sponsored by Blizzard due to the fact that they already made a deal with YT about deleting comments under Diablo Immortal trailer, deleting dislikes etc.
@Muffin_GG 6 жыл бұрын
The internet, where your opinion doesn't mean shit if it's not conform with the opinion of the mass.
@tadeasreznicek3485 6 жыл бұрын
And this video and your point of view is one of the reasons why I still love your videos and watch them frequently! :D Great! :)
@JackDjTom6 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Spuzie, i saw in your battlerite royale stream that you throw your items on the ground and collect them again, is there any reason for this ? ^^
@SycoFoxII 6 жыл бұрын
This! I don't have much of an opinion on the games involved but this is the position that I have/fall into on a lot of topics. Nice to see I'm not alone.
@nicholaschambers141 6 жыл бұрын
If they had released an updated Diablo and a year later announced a spinoff mobile version they wouldn’t have got so much backlash. The mobile game might be pretty good but in comparison to a pc main series it can’t compete. As sp4zie said the PR setting the mobile game up in the shadow of so many fans expectations was a massive mistake.
@MrFlyingDutchkid 6 жыл бұрын
Oof, I could never only have coffee when waking up before eating... Gives me the poops
@Álex_LoMar 6 жыл бұрын
I sympathise with you Sp4zie, don't worry. I've always felt that way too whenever stuff like this happens. You're not alone :)
@Malenrick 6 жыл бұрын
The biggest thing about unpopular opinions is to never state them like fact. For example claiming a game is bad just cause you didn't like it. Doing what you did and saying it's not for you is exactly how you tell people your opinion.
@kasperstenbom 6 жыл бұрын
"feel like a beast" very specific, hehe.
@dogwithsunglasses4051 5 жыл бұрын
May be unpopular but your absolutly right. Just because something is popular doesnt make it good.
@winter_solsticee 6 жыл бұрын
there was recently evidence of blizzard skewing the like to dislike ratio to their diablo immortal video on youtube and even went as far to delete negative comments too. Seeing all the things happening and their.. ignorance to fans just... makes me really upset.
@KillTheCube10 6 жыл бұрын
Have you tried games from the monster hunter series Sp4zie?
@Ihka62 6 жыл бұрын
This video is something Ive wanted people to talk about. Different games are for different kinds of people. If you find some game fun you shouldnt be "scared" to talk about the game if you know that the game is unpopular or "hated". I like Destiny and Destiny 2. Does the game have problems? Yes, but I still very much like what the game has to offer. You unlock abilities while you play and become stronger. (Yes the levelling part is very short but still you feel like getting stronger each time) later you unlock new and powerful weapons that require you to farm. The most powerful gear require more playtime and when you invest that time and get that new powerful weapon that youve wanted it gives me a sense of accomplishment and the feeling youre actually getting stronger as the character.
@giannistsolebas6962 6 жыл бұрын
Internet can be raugh sometimes...
@simonnilsson8375 6 жыл бұрын
Im a huge fan of Diablo 3, I put diablo 3 as my best game of all time, And played it since 2010 way before resper of souls till now. And when i saw the announcement I was so hyped for it. Then all my diablo friends messaged me their hate towards it.. Its a mobile game..? New abilities, same graphic, new story, new characters and new items.. Exactly what diablo fans want, I looked into some gameplay and loved it. Then I went back to my friends told them I thought it was a great upgrade to diablo series... They answered with “No its shit, the graphics look horrible and have you seen the dislike the game is getting?”.. I was seriously confused at that point cause its the same graphics and what have dislikes with the game to do with? I bet if the diablo fans gave it a try, they would love it. Also I heard from reddit that KZbin was taking down the video and updating the dislike/like system a lot, cause there’s dislike botz spanming dislikes on it. The 200k dislikes are mostly just bots being the assholes they are. Also I agree with everything you said, Ima gamer like you D4ve, Thats why Diablo is the perfect game for me. You really feel like a beast in the late game, and when leveling up, every time you get a new weapon you get to feel like a beast for another 3 levels.
@OMGhappiness 6 жыл бұрын
Diablo is without a doubt my all time favorite series. My formative years were spent sitting in a channel with my friends every day after school doing and hosting runs of all shapes and sizes, we were hugely involved with the community from Diablo 2's launch and even though 3 wasn't at all what we'd hoped it would be, we've kept it up. For me its been because of my love of the story. The first two games came with these huge manuals full of stories and art and flavor text of this huge built up world, Something old Blizzard was FAMOUS for. I'm not at all upset that Blizzard wants to make a mobile game for Diablo, I'd love to play a good one. As soon as I heard about this reveal I went to the site to sign up for it. However, the story they've set up for it seems so thrown together last minute that its almost insulting. It breaks their own canon. BUT I'm going to play it and see for myself if I enjoy it because Diablo is my passion. I feel like a lot of this outrage is people blowing smoke and jumping on the hype train, attacking people without thinking about who it really affects. Yeah, Blizzard goof'd it up. If you want to show them how badly they goof'd it, don't buy the game. Don't give them any more money. But don't just be nasty just to be nasty. Thank you Spuz
@aikenumholtz3539 6 жыл бұрын
In a gaming market flooded with games that make you the most powerful individual in scope of the game, I've really enjoyed just relaxing with RDR2. It absolutely does everything you mentioned, it really forces the idea that you are not an infallible badass that can take on the world; there are definitely moments of sheer insanity that no actual human would be able to escape from, but for the most part it's a humbling experience. I totally get why people wouldn't enjoy that, though, as most people play videogames to distance themselves from reality at least temporarily
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