Thank you kironJ and the living acim group! Beautiful meditation also. It's my favorite one, except that instead of being only surrounded by space etc. i envision everything, including my body being also permeated by space, stillness and divine presence. After all, all matter is 99,99...% emptiness , and it deepens the meditation. Once i felt invited by the holy Spirit to do the space/stillness/Presence meditation and i was doing it not wholeheartedly, because nothing happened. I was not resting in it, but waiting for something that didn't come, which was annoying. So i said in my mind to the holy Spirit: it is boring. I literally heard a gentle laughter and the words: HERE IS WHERE THE LOVE IS. I knew yes, this is true, and it is what i want. So now i rested in the stillness as an invitation for God to take His step, accepting His decision. Suddenly i was totally flooded in Love, in me and all around me. It was the only thing i was aware of, it was all encompassing and there was nothing else. It was pure bliss.The Course calls it revelation: an awareness of unspeakable Love. Just wanted to share this in the hope it might help someone.