Spiritual Stages of Christian Mysticism, Union with God, Enlightenment

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Brother Dominick

Brother Dominick

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@christian4ever4 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a Muslim, Sunni-Sufi Muslim, and I liked this video and enjoyed it a lot. I can relate to it, and I sensed how sincere and how serene the individual speaking throughout the video. Thank You.
@johnfrancis55 5 жыл бұрын
I feel incredible peace while listening to these.
@thedisintegrador 5 жыл бұрын
I love this. When a muslim sees that there is truth in christianity and vice versa. We are still brothers in faith. God bless you and I hope that you’ll be strengthened in your faith of islam as it comes from God, just as Christ and all his saints do. surah 29:46
@pablodee9024 5 жыл бұрын
Become Catholic. Jesus is your Savior.
@bryant2342 5 жыл бұрын
@Brooks Lee Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. ~John 14:6. There is no other way to the Father except through Him.
@bryant2342 5 жыл бұрын
@@thedisintegrador Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. ~John 14:6. There is no other way to the Father except through Him.
@kristianbooth6619 8 жыл бұрын
"If thine eye will be single, thy whole body will be filled with Light!" Even the desire to do so is by the grace of God!
@billyoumans1784 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. A really excellent, succinct exposition of Christian mystical experience. I hope the fundamentalists, who have always tried to destroy the mystical aspect of the Christian life, because it transcends the strict duality that Christianity seems to imply, will be able to tolerate this. Many will not. I would also add one thing: for many of us it is important along the journey, to do our utmost to make amends for the wrongs we have done - returning money we have stolen, apologizing to those we have hurt, unless to do so would hurt them more, and righting the wrongs we have done. Then also, for most of us, as we grow in spirituality, to continue to recognize when we are wrong and make amends that may be needed. For me, although Christ has “paid” for the sins according to the Christian understanding, I feel I must make my repentance concrete, by direct amends, except when I might harm the person involved. Then I make indirect amends - praying for them, giving to an organization that they belong to, etc. Also, some kind of effort in service- doing for others -has been helpful for me, in letting go of my egocentric tendencies. Thank you for posting.
@joyfulnoise349 11 ай бұрын
Yes….this is how I see “following Christ” walk as he walks…doing not just hearing!
@amaryllistorres3337 2 жыл бұрын
This was so helpful. For many years I began having experiences during silent, contemplative prayer. I did not understand what was happening to me and at first it scared me because I've never heard of these things before. But with research I learned about mystic Christians. And everything started to make sense! I was not alone and my experiences did indeed come from God. I feel like I'm going deeper and deeper and it's a relief to know Christians before me have walked this path. Thank you for sharing this video. 🙏
@stefanielorimer 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ is eager and keen to welcome those who seek him. He is a person to know, not a system of things to follow
@Hammett175 4 жыл бұрын
Know it all.
@itsarun7365 4 жыл бұрын
His teachings were completely distorted over the period of time Christianity speakes about surrendering way of enlightenment
@Hammett175 4 жыл бұрын
@@itsarun7365 Absolute idoocy. You want God on your terms, not His.
@unbalancedlibra9788 4 жыл бұрын
Hammett175 you want god on some other lying authoritarian humans writings. God is all around you. Not confined in a big book? That’s absolute idiocy if you ask me. I thought it was gods job to judge??
@M-i-k-a-e-l 4 жыл бұрын
According to almost all mystics in any esoteric religious tradition there is an actual path. Very few, it is said, is ready for the latter stages. Christ himself said he could not teach all when he was incarnated, as it were. Most of us are spiritual children and can only digest liquid food (exoteric teaching), yet as with all children we are bound for adulthood. It is my belief Jesus is with us all the time, but more can be expected from the 'older souls'. This is the deeper inner path. No contradictions.
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Asceticism & mysticism are "not" spoken against in the Bible and are "not" the same thing as necromancy, divination, witchcraft, wizadry. Jesus entering the wilderness and telling us to deny ourselves & take up our crosses are just 2 examples of asceticism. Definition of Mysticism: is the pursuit of communion with, identity with, or conscious awareness of an ultimate reality, divinity, spiritual truth, or God through direct experience, intuition, instinct or insight. We are all called to this.
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
Paul speaks out against asceticism.... and for good reason. Jesus quickly found out that asceticism wasn't the answer... and that Union could be attend without being partnered with asceticism. That is why Jesus said- "i came into this world eating and drinking and ye call me demon possessed. " He proved 2 points there. Maybe more.
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Menezes intelligent, aren't we?
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Menezes are you seriously telling me to fuck off because I think asceticism is anti-human? Like pseudo- spirituality has been telling people for more than 10,000 years not to eat and not to drink and not to have sex. That is contrary to human nature, and despite what these ideologies say, it is perfectly ok to be human. So you are telling me to fuck off because I am defending your humanity? You are just a stupid 🙄
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Menezes then enlighten me if you be a knower 🙄 Oh wait.... you can't because you are not a knower... if you were a knower, then certainly "Spirit" would have assisted you in conjuring up a better response than "fuck you" or "fuck off" Probably just another religious zealot who thinks he "knows" cuz you read a few holy books or whatever. You are right, in that I know "nothing" although you use it as an insult. Nothing is the only thing, the Zero point, the womb of all life. Nothing is the darkness that gave birth to the light. Nothing is what you fear. But I do not fear it as you do; for from nothing I have come, and I to nothing, I do not fear to return. Darkness is your fear but not mine; from darkness I have come, and to darkness I do not fear to return.
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Menezes I never claimed to be a master of anything. I am just a "person" behind a screen. Same as you. And I am not INTO Kabbalah or into religion or into mysticism or into mystery schools of thought. I could care less 😌 Reality Trumps ALL. I only care about that which is REAL. Eating and drinking will neither bring you closer nor drive you further away from the REAL. And abstaining from food or drink will neither bring you closer nor drive you further way from the REAL. So asceticism is just pseudo-rigteous, pseudo-spiritual, and its promises are meh 👌 And BTW, are we supposed to be impressed because you used Kabbalistic terminology? Or are we suppossed to be impressed by the knowledge you have hoarded? Hoard all the knowledge you want, it will never lead you to think for yourself, it will never lead you to create an original "thought." Hoard all the knowledge you want 😏 and watch your creative spark dim until it is no more. Cheers 🍻
@Cardinals_garden 4 жыл бұрын
I just realized that I reach the union but in a glimpse it's the most beautiful feeling ever. But it goes quick because our unconscious awareness just realize that it's God, this is very deep and real.
@lonelyberg1316 3 жыл бұрын
Keep it up
@childrenofGodchannel521 6 ай бұрын
Yes...how are you so far dear one?
@yahooprana2742 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining something that I myself have been through. Ive had nobody to guide me and I live a solitary existence. These videos help me greatly. Thank you Amen 🙏
@kristianbooth6619 8 жыл бұрын
Romans 6, Ephesians (specifically ch. 3) and John 17. To spend vast amounts of time alone with God prepares you to live among people. We don't think losing a job or illness as a blessing to be allowed to spend more time with God. I choose to be proactive and exercise initiative to chase God - He pursued me first. But you will be broken .... Remember we are trying to comprehend God with our finite mind. You can only go so far unless you let go, surrender and be open to an expanded consciousness. There is a state beyond pain ....
@Jane-nc2fr 3 жыл бұрын
@kristianbooth6619 8 жыл бұрын
Christ is the Good Shepherd. I trust Him, not the heart of man - no matter how well-intentioned. Christian fellowship and discipleship can be edifying. Books on/by Christian Mystics let you know the experience exists. Ultimately, this is a PERSONAL relationship between you and God. Your faith must grow in HIM rather than in mysticism for its own sake. Holiness is a by-product of your consistent proximity in the presence of God. Don't chase experience - chase God. Pray that He help your unbelief (which we all have at different stages.) Study the Scriptures to understand what God is communicating to you. If you don't, you will be too frightened to go through the experience(s.)
@michaelj.frazee9043 Жыл бұрын
Gross, she farted.
@lizziesangi1602 6 жыл бұрын
ALL the Catholic prayers one sees here will take one with VAST PROTECTION into the mysticism of Jesus Christ. You will know when the Saint, Saints are with you - for the asking. It's so intense.
@joyfulnoise349 11 ай бұрын
Do Christian mystics pray in Jesus name ?
@priestking2907 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much; I've been traveling this path for some time now. This really hit home for me; confirmation. Hallelujah thank you Jesus!
@ryandlion6961 Жыл бұрын
@ClariceAust 6 жыл бұрын
Dark night of the soul = sucks/pain. Union = blissful/eternal Our Father, who are in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name..
@whit2642 3 жыл бұрын
A dark night of the soul is much more than that.
@ClariceAust 3 жыл бұрын
@@whit2642 Agreed: unrelenting torment / pain / sucks big-time. Purpose: a painful learning experience for the soul, when you have to let go of many (most?) things, formerly very important to you, or at least radically change your opinion. Is this closer to it, Whit? If not, can you please give your impression?
@whit2642 3 жыл бұрын
@@ClariceAust I would say that it is as close to spiritual death as one could attain for themselves on Earth. And only found having happened in retrospect.
@ClariceAust 3 жыл бұрын
@@whit2642 Thanks Whit, for giving your take on it. God bless. xx
@TheLonelyFoot Жыл бұрын
I just want to write and say this is one of the most beautiful things I have encountered. And very beautifully explained. I had an experience not long ago which left me seeking its meaning, origin, and if others Knew. I rarely find it, but I recognize it when I hear it. This is It. Thank you for explaining it through Christian Mysticism, I’d been searching for answers in the Christian religion to find the silver thread, you have just provided that. For anyone else wondering, I have also found this explained in the way of Zen, as Kenshō or Satori, and in Advaita Vedanta (the school of nonduality of the East) they do say it happens by the grace of God, as you’ve mentioned here. Thank you again, and may we serve each other by leaving breadcrumbs or confirmations that there is a Way Home.
@lesliejoy491 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Ash Wed. 2013 the holy spirit came down upon me. For over a year I have been on a spiritual sojourn. All the resentments and fear I carried for most of my life were melting away as I begun to pray for mercy for those and myself--the Jesus prayer. I prayed silently meditating on the decades of the rosary I'd ask for humility, patience, purity, charity--the desire to share the divine love of God with my neighbors--in thought, word, and deed. I was willing to identify and let go of the many logs in my own eye and not judge others. I've learned that accepting,loving, and forgiving myself was imperitive in order for me to share that with others. It's been my experience that in order to commune with the sacred heart of Jesus my heart had to be purged. At the time it was painful and so it was penance. The truth is facing my own demons-mind-and letting go. Meditating on humility has been the key for me with that. In the Gospel of John the favorite word of Jesus is Truth. Jesus was the word made flesh. He set us free, as does the truth.
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
The Bible is not the only Book that is a record of Men who had Union with God. There are also various writings of Saints, Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, Meister Eckhart, Writings of the Desert Fathers, Philokalia, Cloud of Unknowing, all of which deepen Ones Biblical understanding and ones relationship with God/Christ/Spirit. But "reading" is only one part. There is also praying, surrender, loving, waiting, seeking, repenting, keeping vigil, and direct mystical experiences.
@M-i-k-a-e-l 3 жыл бұрын
What do one do when having complex PTSD and suffers terrible anxiety?
@jadehardwick8807 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you...GOD told me to seek HIM and I will find myself.
@BrotherDominick1 9 жыл бұрын
Jade Hardwick God bless you Jade. Keep going within, meditate, surrender, read scripture, pray, fellowship, and your heart will be transformed, and you will find yourself deep within the recesses of your heart, and in the Heart is where you with God is waiting to be experienced.
@jadehardwick8807 9 жыл бұрын
D F I am just seeing this and it is right on time. God has been opening me up and cleaning me out. Im so excited about this new chapter in my life and how He wants to use me. Thank you truly
@pauwheatman3048 10 жыл бұрын
I think this is wonderful, It really is. I have spent so long trying for a universal truth. Something that is both real and achievable...I find in your words an absolute truth that transgresses the confusion of religion and the carnage that it engenders. I am by inclination a bhuddist. You absolutely define the process of atonement ( as being defined as becoming as one with the emptiness ) The process is universal in every way despite the labels. I wish you were my mentor. I thank you for this for taking me another step towards unity. Thankyou !
@godschild2432 5 жыл бұрын
You have it all wrong, this is not about mysticism that video is about Jesus Christ, He is God. Christ above buddah He along is to be worshipped.
@Hammett175 5 жыл бұрын
The universal truth is Christ and His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. The answer is there. You are just looking past it for something more "exotic." The word "catholic" means "universal." The Catholic Faith is the universal religion. As an added bonus, if you become Catholic you may not have to go to hell.
@allandinegar4893 9 жыл бұрын
The Prodigal son returns home! Those that have become disillusioned by the transatory, impermenant nature of everything in this world, are now, hopefully, humbled enough to look deep inside themselves, and possibly, are now willing to ask for help. William Blake had a sayng that rings true to this truth:"the road of excess, leads to the palace of wisdom." Hitting bottom, and what the addicts, alcoholics, and lost souls that are hitting bottom, all usually have in common, is that the best of their thinking almost killed them. This is where God shows up, and does his greatest work!
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
What you need is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as a direct Mystical experience, then you will be living a Holy life completely in tune with what Christ taught. Spend time praying & asking for the Spirit to indwell you and slay your ego. Meditation, surrender, letting go, repentance, loving others & God, solitude, Jesus Prayer on the heart, retreats, and everything will be revealed to you. Send me an email if you would like more guidance
@raymondsaint4156 4 жыл бұрын
The Jesus Prayer can make anyone a mystic 🙏
@CranberryGraves 4 жыл бұрын
Is the surrender of ego necessary?
@BrotherDominick1 4 жыл бұрын
@@CranberryGraves Yes of course, first we become aware of it, watch and learn its tricks and its habits, then simply by watching it and a detached manner and seeing that it isn't who we are, it will eventually fall away or we end up with more space as Awareness which is no longer influenced by ego, just crystal clear
@awfulfather9330 4 жыл бұрын
@Brother Dominick ~I have been trying to take up this practice. Wikipedia says the words “a sinner” are not original. That they were added later. Do you pray the original or the “...a sinner” version?
@CranberryGraves 4 жыл бұрын
@@BrotherDominick1 Surrendering ego is to surrender the will to live, thrive and seek success. Isn't mastery of the ego a more successful practice?
@DChristina 5 жыл бұрын
Converting to Orthodox Christianity was the best decision I've ever made. God bless y'all 💓
@rachie_sherlock 5 жыл бұрын
Why? X
@itoilinks 5 жыл бұрын
Why so, and why orthodox? 🙂
@adamburgess8511 8 жыл бұрын
WOW Yes. I love you brother, thank you. How happy are we that follow the Lord. Although my mind sometimes rebels when the ego surfaces I've realized that my faith has changed into knowing. You are a blessing to me thank you.
@Alisa19711 5 жыл бұрын
John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." 2 Timothy 1:7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe that's the problem, because having your own "version" of Christianity is not tested, vetted, or complete. Also, tons of Christians in the West lack the indwelling of the Holy Spirit experience, and therefore remain operating in the normal carnal adamic/egoic frame of mind, the same way they were before being Christian. There is much you don't comprehend about these videos because of the lack of experiential Grace. Spend some time in silent surrender, asking for the Holy Spirit indwelling
@andrewortiz9226 4 жыл бұрын
im a evangelical Christian but I started doubting my faith after a long wilderness journey and sought God elsewhere and was almost going to convert to Islam but my prayer was "God guide me to The True Path" and a few weeks later as I was on my couch I had a vision of a Cross outlined in blue serene light and heard Jesus call me by name!! After this experinces I kept on seeing blue crosses everywhere I went like on church buildings and bumper stickers on cars and bill boards on freeway and I went for a jog and as I bent down to tie my shoes, I found a necklace and on the necklace was a blue Cross!! It's Awesome how God speaks to believers in different ways
@BrotherDominick1 4 жыл бұрын
@@andrewortiz9226 Yes, God answered your prayer and showed you the way to him. Now all you need is to pray for Holy Spirit Indwelling and be transformed Mystically, as well as begin a meditative practice so these things can take place with you. To be Transformed this way is very simple, all we are doing is growing in Love with God, and letting this Love grow more and more, along with scripture, prayer, fellowship, and meditation. Within due time, God will reveal himself
@meditationsforbliss 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Dominick. Wishing you well and hoping that you are enjoying life where you are. I pray all is well. Hope to be in touch. Grace, peace, nirvana. Mario
@michaelnathan3836 2 жыл бұрын
I got to hear you by accident. I loved what I heard. It is deep and it is for me. I will dwell in it.
@bonjourbay 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing with us! In fact, Union with Christ is based on the truth that you are dead with Jesus and now you live with Jesus. In His crucifixion, you have been dead on the cross. Likewise, in His resurrection, you are living toward God. [Gal. 2:20] I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. To apply Union with Christ is the top secret of the overcoming Christian life. Thanks for reading!
@codybecht330 8 жыл бұрын
I've had a interesting Christian experience. God found me in a very dark place three years ago I found a church that I loved at first but after awhile the pastor changed a lot and I noticed how he was manipulating people. It was the definition of a cult. As I was on my way out I started looking deeper into mystical spiritually and really started do renew my mind. When I left I got bombarded by him on how I left God and was basically on a path to hell. It was all very scary but I had to go through it to get to where I am now.
@BrotherDominick1 8 жыл бұрын
+Cody Becht Be catious of men, leaders, people in positions of power who, in many occasions, their positions corrupt them, and question everyone, just like children do. Our faith and trust is not in men, but in God, Christ, Holy Spirit
@trustinjesus1119 8 жыл бұрын
+D F Have you seen the movie The Mission? Jeremy Irons plays Fr. Gabriel. Gabriel says, "Christianity is a hierarchy" as he was giving orders to underlings. There was a huge schism in their community that led to an ultimate split. Messiah is just another office of the church, one step above the psalmist in my mind, and one step above the apostle in Paul's mind. If you can just dismiss apostles as men, then you can do the same with Mary the mother of God, John the Baptist who baptized Jesus (note, it wasn't the other way around), and dismiss Yeshua (Joshua) for being a man. Why not cast out Daniel too, The Lord is Judge.
@adamparzych2498 7 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick I love you
@BrotherDominick1 7 жыл бұрын
Love you too Brother. The love that unites and destroys all differences
@vinnievirgin74 6 жыл бұрын
+Destynation Z Amen
@supportmyresistance 2 жыл бұрын
I am currently in my dark night of the soul stage. Having to meditate and practice spiritual eastern practices such as meditation, yoga and christianity, I have found myself empty, after having an "awakening" moment and loss of ego...I have been trying my best to find my way back to Source/God. It's been about 2 years of me being in this dark night of the soul moment.
@BrotherDominick1 2 жыл бұрын
To get out of the Dark Night, you have to accept it, make peace with it, as this is just the Deep Sleep Unconscious state in the depths of your being now co-existing with the waking state. After accepting the Dark Night and this state, then we can surrender and just BE Ok with it. And then last, we want to realize our own Awareness/Consciousness, and rest in the Self Aware state. How is this done? I have videos and books on it, but the short version is to get in touch with the direct experience of Being Aware/Sentient/Conscious, and just keep your attention with Being Self Aware, moment to moment. After a while, after a few months, Dark Night will be integrated
@hB-bj4jd Жыл бұрын
Same here and have been for years, after reaching stage 5 , Union. It’s a hard thing to navigate through, everything is gone, It’s a spiritual depression, difficult to accept when you feel empty. Worldly temptations and old ways are appealing when in this state . I hope you find peace ❤
@Psychocat2 8 жыл бұрын
+Paul Gnosis is the first step on the path of a true mystic. it is a tool for spiritual growth not a way unto itself. ours is to observe and learn to understand not to judge nor condemn.
@blahsz Жыл бұрын
I was shown John 2:27 yesterday and had watched this video last night before bed. I was gobsmacked to hear it in your video.. I’ll wake up many times a night in which are bible verses that correlate with each other. Jesus is truly amazing and the most powerful creative and gentle 💙 may he continue to bless us all with his love 💙
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Any place that has a Monastery will have Monks on the road, or already, in Union. It is mostly Eastern Orthodoxy, although there are some loose knit Christian Mystic Groups in the states. Regardless, going through these stages is a path of Solitude, between you and the trinity, spending time in Meditation, prayer, study, Surrender, Letting Go, Mindfulness. Send me an email if you need any more resources such as books.
@IFASEGUN330 4 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick I would like more information
@BrotherDominick1 4 жыл бұрын
@@IFASEGUN330 please send email to snbeings@gmail.com
@Oshianis 3 жыл бұрын
You are already in Union...
@ibhm8208 8 жыл бұрын
@BrotherDominick1 8 жыл бұрын
+Mary Jane Sure!!! You are truly Loved. Send me an e-mail and I'll send you some more teachings to open and deepen Union. snbeings at gmail dot com (without the spaces, replace at with @ and dot with . ) Download Book/Teachings here: drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6HougJ_O0ReTGNjeG55bndkQlk&usp=sharing
@BrotherDominick1 8 жыл бұрын
+Beezy For questions or correspondence: snbeings at gmail dot com (no spaces)
@amandapipes4896 5 жыл бұрын
Yes where to find my spiritual teacher, I pray for that. Maybe that's why I find souls like you. 🙏⚖️💫
@DroogyT 8 жыл бұрын
Thank You Brother for all Your Love and True Gnosis
@johnr1485 4 жыл бұрын
It is not Gnostic teachings
@DroogyT 4 жыл бұрын
@@johnr1485 Gnosis as in inner wisdom. Not the ancient heresy
@johnr1485 4 жыл бұрын
@@DroogyT Ho ok. Thank you
@joyfulnoise349 11 ай бұрын
I’m so thankful I found you and this video. I’m seeing I was on the right path, however over the years fundamentalist churches viciously attacked my faith, walk and beliefs…and I ended up so torn and broken confused angry and fell away….but I know I’m being called back and everywhere I look I see 3:16 every where clocks etc….please pray for me…I’m seeing I was a Christian mystic and I was hearing God and was on the right path…please pray for me!
@BrotherDominick1 11 ай бұрын
Don't listen to those fundamentalists and attackers. Instead, listen to God and create your own Personal relationship with Our Father, invite him into your Being and Heart, and he will reveal himself to you in Mystical ways and awaken you to his Holy Spiritual reality. Christi even taught us not to reveal our Jewels (Personal experiences) before swine (People who dont understand and are not awakened) or else they will trample over what you share. I pray you return to your Spiritual Journey.
@joyfulnoise349 11 ай бұрын
@@BrotherDominick1 thank you so very much! Just a question, is going to church required…as I see we are to be the church, out there living it not a place to go?
@zamoraobed 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! This was very helpful to me it has penetrated my spiritual heart. I am the light of consciousness
@newdawnrising8110 7 жыл бұрын
Great video and a perfect description of the stages. Nice work!!
@priestking2907 7 жыл бұрын
Awesome Thank you very much for sharing the light.
@blahsz Жыл бұрын
You have described my life at the moment. I lost my career , the stages you speak about resonate so much. The thing is I wasn’t looking for Jesus but he managed to place many coincidences in my path that cannot explain through logic or science or even chance . I grew up Buddhist
@Millipedecult 11 жыл бұрын
This is really brilliant, enlightening and transcendent. One of the most ignored transcendent practices, is the practice of unconditional love. Love, love, love. To transcend conflict, love, to transcend drama, love, to transcend ego, love. To change someone for the better, show them love. To connect with God, accept his love. Life ends to be this rigid, mundane, drama ridden moment to moment life, one in which we endure, and begins to be one we can enjoy and share.
@inn8self 8 жыл бұрын
A masterpiece and classic. Whoever disagrees hasn't fully bloomed and that's okay as we are all learning everyday.
@pilis83 11 жыл бұрын
Yes.In my case i had problem on job.I cried because of problems i cant solve.From that moment i make a decision to do whatever other people want from me (good of course) without rebel.Ego begin to die,soon after that i felt that i was a biggest sinner of the world,i cried and cried.Then i coincidently find the book The Way of a Pilgrim about Jesus prayer.I go into the room to pray and first i had a pain in heart wich was both spiritual and phisical,after that my mind somehow go into the heart.
@MrSurfingdreamer 10 жыл бұрын
This is excellent!
@ericruiz4404 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. Even though you talk plainly brother, some will not hear. Lol, Jesus is still good and we love Him and others. I pray disciples come to you, so that you may pour yourself into others directly. Thanks again! Blessings to you bro ...
@hermitruben4032 3 жыл бұрын
From Misión Cruz Hermitage in Somerset, Texas. Blessings to you and your family's.
@jowr2000 6 жыл бұрын
christian mysticism is alive and well. Praise God. mirrors my own mystical experiences which I share with one of my cousins who hungers and thirsts to go beyond the letter into the Spirit which gives life. Blessings
@TheGraveyardCowboy 7 жыл бұрын
This is a pretty good breakdown of the process. I endorse it wholeheartedly. Keep up the good work Br. Dominick.
@sylviamendez2246 10 жыл бұрын
So true, I have gone through obstacles through my life. I am now in the middle of my life. Since I was as young one I always felt so close to him and could feel his presence. I ws sent t o catholic school. I would listen wacth but never feeling true to it. However I went throught the motions I went to church 7 days a week always thirsting for GOD, As I walked what appeared to be physcial alone. I new at 6-7-8-9 -10 I am never alone GOD live in moves in my being. There is no sepration. I read the bible over and over.. as the the verse I am the light of the world all who come to me shall have eternal life. As I read and embedded many verses in my heart I grew more and more in love. Now I am 46 and my quest in the past two years has been like no other I love to be with my Divine creator and feel the fullness of his love. I kn ow I am in this world but not of it forever wanting to be lead by the spirit that is the dweller in me, I live through christ consciousness, where true heaven lives in me. Peace and love to all.
@HenrIBornO 9 жыл бұрын
Hey D F! Didn't see much of the vid. and yet I am still commenting! NDE introductions in NDE Research: Those stages...Light given full!
@mos619 4 жыл бұрын
Digging these vids...I started seeking God awhile ago during a time of overwhelming adversity. Found mysticism and started studying yoga. More recently, started going to a Sikh Gurdwara, but honestly it's just kinda made me appreciate Christ more... I feel like he's been misunderstood. Reading the Gospels lately, even the apostles didn't seem to fully grasp what he was telling them half the time. Wish things were clearer, that people weren't so lost, but I guess it's all part of The Plan...
@debbypeace2167 2 жыл бұрын
Yoga is not of God...pls be careful
@audreytipping1830 10 жыл бұрын
what a beautiful video- thank you
@johnr1485 4 жыл бұрын
Elder Paisios teachings and the teachings in general of the elders of Mont Athos are realy good
@MikedeVeltaMusic 10 жыл бұрын
Beautiful. Thank you.
@zachroetker4505 Жыл бұрын
Thank you @Brother Dominick
@ifyoueverfind78 6 жыл бұрын
learning something here, thanks brother...peace sj
@7ioadee 7 жыл бұрын
Amen and thank you
@meursault13777 8 жыл бұрын
My heart flutters every time I watch this video and listen to the narration. Your voice has a rare, yet almost familiar tone that is soothing to me. I practice A Course in Miracles, and having listened to your piece, I long to share its foundation with you if you are not already familiar with ACIM. I send you love brother. ~Ashley
@maumihajohn 9 жыл бұрын
loved this. thank you.
@curazonjamai9109 9 жыл бұрын
This Light has depart from the Sun on September 1-1859,and babtized as "the Carrington event 1859".
@renees1922 2 жыл бұрын
I wasn't even religious at all, but I gained union with god at just 18 years old. God is not below us, above us.... It is us, it is our true nature but the 'illusions' that are created clouds us from that. Separating is just an illusion when everything is really together and one as a whole. When we don't realise this true nature, our lives are much more worse and we do stuff without fully understanding it. If I trigger someone, anger someone; is it really that wrong for someone to be more happier, be more at peace. I used to suffer from depression, suicidal thoughts, had no friends, toxic family but it helped me to let go and truly understand and be at one.
@lifeguard4356 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you brother.
@appelliefieaudiobooks1410 5 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful and inspirational!
@moveinsilencegs5136 5 жыл бұрын
This is reality I think, the end changed me. Something hit me. I've reached the stage of spiritual teacher. But I'm going to be in contact with a desert father.
@pilis83 11 жыл бұрын
This experiences i had with Jesus prayer.Mind had to subdue to the heart.
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to add to the video the Vital importance of going to Spiritual retreats at least once a year. The denomination does not matter, but preferably a Silent Retreat where there is: (No TV's, phones, books, or talking allowed) During the first 2-3 days, the Ego/Mind stomps around on a rampage seeking to leave or devour you as it reveals itself. It is then that you as the Observer distance yourself from the Ego and allow it to fall away in Surrender & Letting go, which will then reveal God
@riapresley5446 Жыл бұрын
Br. Dominick...regarding a quiet "retreat" a monestary environment is awesome arrangements can be made to stay a few days....or going to one to just be there for the day
@BrotherDominick1 Жыл бұрын
@@riapresley5446 Each monastery has different arrangements and you would have to communicate with them first to see if they offer day visits and lengthier visits.
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Go to a Church service, Pray the Jesus Prayer on the Heart, read the Cloud of Unknowing, read The Way of a Pilgrim, study the NT and the Philokalia, The Desert Fathers, Psychology of the Ego, Meditate, Surrender, Let Go, Repent and cry out over your sins, spend time in silent solitude, let go of all dual world based programming, practice Loving all equally and seeing Souls instead of judgments, cry out to God for his Mystical Grace and Spiritual favor, and with time you will be freed
Wow😊 this is great
@riapresley5446 Жыл бұрын
Awesome...I am newly Orthodox...and newly baptized...you/this confirmed many things for me...Thank~you... I think this showing up might be divine. I have been scared...and very concerned for the "mystical" sort of things...I was not even going to click onto this. Very helpful for me!
@BrotherDominick1 Жыл бұрын
Mystical experiences are normal and are the Realm of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit. They are given to us from God to strengthen our Faith and Resolve that Our Father (God) is real, that everything written about Christ really did happen, that receiving the supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit is exactly what is supposed to happen to every Christian along their Christian Journey. These experiences transform you to be a better Soul in this life and give you ever lasting peace behind comprehension (which is verse Philippians 4:6). The entire Bible and especially the teachings of Christ, are packed full of the Disciples and Christ being awakened Mystically through the Holy Spirit and Our Father. God Bless you friend
@Sethan777 4 жыл бұрын
Yeshua/Spirit is the way! 👍👍👍🕊🐑❣
@spiritualanarchist8162 7 жыл бұрын
Stage one, the search Stage two, oneness with all creation. Stage three , oneness with 'God'
@destynationq7400 6 жыл бұрын
In that case you have the wrong idea of the situation, Christianity is superior to Buddhism and all religions in all things. Buddhism, and more speciically buddhist monastic life, is fundamentally selfish and cannot fulfill what it ought to fulfill. *It takes more than it gives.* What I mean by that is that buddhist monastic life is first and foremost about your personal growth to escape suffering, and when you're not doing that then you're simply begging for people to give you food, money or whatever so that you may continue to do what you do. The rare moments in which they pray for others, they pray for superficial things like happiness, when that is only an element and not the whole. This then brings me to the philosophical impossibility of Buddhism, the goal, which is Nirvana, cannot even be achieved. To achieve Nirvana there must be cessation of desire, you must stop desiring whether those desires are directed at good or bad things, end of all attatchments. For example lets take the Dalai Lama a few years back, he desired the liberation of Tibet, well how in the world can the Dalai Lama allow himself to desire at all? In fact, this pattern is seen with most Buddhists, some Buddhists need to stop loving their own children, stop caring about other people, because those are attatchments. *It is the one religion in the world where the ultimate goal of the faith, the purpose for become a faithful, is deliberatly negated every day by even the leader of the religion.* In fact this goes even further, because to desire Nirvana is a desire in itself, and so is strictly imposssible to achieve unless you're handicapped and cannot ever think. I have a lot to say but I'll limit it at that, I recommend Dr. Ravi Zacharias for more on this. If you want to do something special, monastic, to end your life in a particularly honorable manner, take it upon yourself to become a saint. Christian monastic life is far different from Buddhist monastic life. The Christian monk is specialized to work on his own character in order to not only get closer to God, a divine personality and not just an energy, but also to help others fervently. Monks give more than they take, their living is achieved mainly by their own work as farmers, writters, engineers, sellers, whatever it is which can put food on the table. Depending on the religious orders, they give food, clothing, comfort, even education, etc to others, charity work. And they pray not merely for the happiness of others, they pray for the world(and sometimes specific people or groups) to eventually recheive eternal bliss. Unlike Buddhists which propose eternal void. The monk, to futher his spiritual development, does contemplation(meditating on an image, a feeling, etc), meditation(meditating intellectually), mental prayer and audible prayer, Bible study, theological studies, etc. Now I will simply highlight the "products", I suppose, of the Catholic Church through *the mystics of the Church* who are superior to the mystics of Satan, that includes the Buddhist monks on the level of Shaolin Monks. Keeping in mind that God distributes gifts for the common good and not simply to glorify individuals. You will know a tree by its fruits. *St. Padre Pio,* stigmatized (Christ's wounds on the body) and transfigured. *St. Vincent Ferrer,* resurrected more than 30 people. *St. Philomena,* miraculously survived multiple attempts of execution, ex : the arrows killed the shooters. *St. Denis of Paris,* decapitated but continued to preach with his head between his hands. *St. Christina the Astonishing,* resurrected during her funeral because she wanted to suffer for the souls of Purgatory (penance for others), she crawled inside ovens, put herself in ice cold water for hours, got attacked on purpose by dogs, etc; If a particularly sinful person approached her then she literally flew up into the air to avoid their presence as she could smell sin, and all that without scratches. *- St. John the Baptist Marie Vianny :* "Do not try to please everyone, try to please God, angels and saints - they are your audience." He had the discernment of spirits, the true one, allowing him to read the thoughts and auras of others. His body is now incorruptible, meaning that it breaks the rules of entropy (Psalm 16: 10). *- St. Thomas Aquinas, :* "Man cannot live without joy, so when he is deprived of true spiritual joys, it is necessary that he become dependent on carnal pleasures." He was notably guided by St. Augustine, who came down from Heaven, to write with him perhaps the greatest theological work of Christianity, the Summa Theologica. *- St. Alphonsus Liguori :* "Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with Him, familiarly and with confidence and love, as the dearest and most loving of friends." He could bi-locate (be in two places at the same time), among other things. *- St. Louis IX, the King of France :* "Set your heart on God, and love him with all your strength, for without it no one can be saved." He had a miraculous endurance, participating in two crusades with an armor that pierced his own flesh to do penance simultaniously. *- St. Joan of Arc, patron saint of France :* "But since God had ordered me to go, I have to do it, and since God had commanded, even if I had a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers, and even if I had been the daughter of a king, I would have gone there." She had a miraculous endurance, once her neck was pierced by an arrow and she simply removed it. Another time she received a cannon ball in the head, it made her fall to the ground but she stood up and brushed off her hair as if it was nothing, she won a war with a purely offensive strategy of war. *- St. Gemma Galgani :* "Two feelings were born in my heart the first time I felt and saw Jesus bloody: the first was to love him, and to love him to the point of sacrifice ... The other thought that was in my heart after seeing Jesus was a great desire to suffer something for him, seeing how much he had suffered for me." Stigmatized, she was a victim soul, which means that through a mystical union she suffered the sufferings of Christ on the cross and her sufferings produced merit through the Mystical Body of Christ and were used to save souls, this is also the case of St. Padre Pio and all stigmatized. She could talk to Jesus as we discuss right now. Lastly, this is important, Christian mysticism isn't about denying the ego or something, that is a misunderstanding on the part of the guy who made the video. Christian mysticism is about, on the personal level, transforming your carnal ego into a spiritually perfect one. The individual does not disappear, the individual becomes a fulfilled image of God. Personality varies as long as it is in the bounds of goodness, it is not about making identical robots.
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
@Level ARE3RA my head is spinning right now
@spiritualanarchist8162 2 жыл бұрын
@Level ARE3RA But my friend, why all these self opposed limitations in my movements ? Your suggestions do not sound very restful to me .They sound rather dogmatic . Like the rules of some chassidisch sect. I find my rest in eliminating as much unnecessary rules as possible. Not adding more !
@Charles-allenGodwin 5 ай бұрын
God = Life Christ = at One with Life
@julyrosales 7 жыл бұрын
Union with God seems like it can happen with any religion or no religion. Maybe one day all humanity can be enlightened. Nice story liked it.
@VirginMostPowerfull 6 жыл бұрын
In that case you have the wrong idea of the situation, Christianity is superior to Buddhism and all religions in all things. Buddhism, and more speciically buddhist monastic life, is fundamentally selfish and cannot fulfill what it ought to fulfill. *It takes more than it gives.* What I mean by that is that buddhist monastic life is first and foremost about your personal growth to escape suffering, and when you're not doing that then you're simply begging for people to give you food, money or whatever so that you may continue to do what you do. The rare moments in which they pray for others, they pray for superficial things like happiness, when that is only an element and not the whole. This then brings me to the philosophical impossibility of Buddhism, the goal, which is Nirvana, cannot even be achieved. To achieve Nirvana there must be cessation of desire, you must stop desiring whether those desires are directed at good or bad things, end of all attatchments. For example lets take the Dalai Lama a few years back, he desired the liberation of Tibet, well how in the world can the Dalai Lama allow himself to desire at all? In fact, this pattern is seen with most Buddhists, some Buddhists need to stop loving their own children, stop caring about other people, because those are attatchments. *It is the one religion in the world where the ultimate goal of the faith, the purpose for become a faithful, is deliberatly negated every day by even the leader of the religion.* In fact this goes even further, because to desire Nirvana is a desire in itself, and so is strictly imposssible to achieve unless you're handicapped and cannot ever think. I have a lot to say but I'll limit it at that, I recommend Dr. Ravi Zacharias for more on this. If you want to do something special, monastic, to end your life in a particularly honorable manner, take it upon yourself to become a saint. Christian monastic life is far different from Buddhist monastic life. The Christian monk is specialized to work on his own character in order to not only get closer to God, a divine personality and not just an energy, but also to help others fervently. Monks give more than they take, their living is achieved mainly by their own work as farmers, writters, engineers, sellers, whatever it is which can put food on the table. Depending on the religious orders, they give food, clothing, comfort, even education, etc to others, charity work. And they pray not merely for the happiness of others, they pray for the world(and sometimes specific people or groups) to eventually recheive eternal bliss. Unlike Buddhists which propose eternal void. The monk, to futher his spiritual development, does contemplation(meditating on an image, a feeling, etc), meditation(meditating intellectually), mental prayer and audible prayer, Bible study, theological studies, etc. Now I will simply highlight the "products", I suppose, of the Catholic Church through *the mystics of the Church* who are superior to the mystics of Satan, that includes the Buddhist monks on the level of Shaolin Monks. Keeping in mind that God distributes gifts for the common good and not simply to glorify individuals. You will know a tree by its fruits. *St. Padre Pio,* stigmatized (Christ's wounds on the body) and transfigured. *St. Vincent Ferrer,* resurrected more than 30 people. *St. Philomena,* miraculously survived multiple attempts of execution, ex : the arrows killed the shooters. *St. Denis of Paris,* decapitated but continued to preach with his head between his hands. *St. Christina the Astonishing,* resurrected during her funeral because she wanted to suffer for the souls of Purgatory (penance for others), she crawled inside ovens, put herself in ice cold water for hours, got attacked on purpose by dogs, etc; If a particularly sinful person approached her then she literally flew up into the air to avoid their presence as she could smell sin, and all that without scratches. *- St. John the Baptist Marie Vianny :* "Do not try to please everyone, try to please God, angels and saints - they are your audience." He had the discernment of spirits, the true one, allowing him to read the thoughts and auras of others. His body is now incorruptible, meaning that it breaks the rules of entropy (Psalm 16: 10). *- St. Thomas Aquinas, :* "Man cannot live without joy, so when he is deprived of true spiritual joys, it is necessary that he become dependent on carnal pleasures." He was notably guided by St. Augustine, who came down from Heaven, to write with him perhaps the greatest theological work of Christianity, the Summa Theologica. *- St. Alphonsus Liguori :* "Acquire the habit of speaking to God as if you were alone with Him, familiarly and with confidence and love, as the dearest and most loving of friends." He could bi-locate (be in two places at the same time), among other things. *- St. Louis IX, the King of France :* "Set your heart on God, and love him with all your strength, for without it no one can be saved." He had a miraculous endurance, participating in two crusades with an armor that pierced his own flesh to do penance simultaniously. *- St. Joan of Arc, patron saint of France :* "But since God had ordered me to go, I have to do it, and since God had commanded, even if I had a hundred fathers and a hundred mothers, and even if I had been the daughter of a king, I would have gone there." She had a miraculous endurance, once her neck was pierced by an arrow and she simply removed it. Another time she received a cannon ball in the head, it made her fall to the ground but she stood up and brushed off her hair as if it was nothing, she won a war with a purely offensive strategy of war. *- St. Gemma Galgani :* "Two feelings were born in my heart the first time I felt and saw Jesus bloody: the first was to love him, and to love him to the point of sacrifice ... The other thought that was in my heart after seeing Jesus was a great desire to suffer something for him, seeing how much he had suffered for me." Stigmatized, she was a victim soul, which means that through a mystical union she suffered the sufferings of Christ on the cross and her sufferings produced merit through the Mystical Body of Christ and were used to save souls, this is also the case of St. Padre Pio and all stigmatized. She could talk to Jesus as we discuss right now. Lastly, this is important, Christian mysticism isn't about denying the ego or something, that is a misunderstanding on the part of the guy who made the video. Christian mysticism is about, on the personal level, transforming your carnal ego into a spiritually perfect one. The individual does not disappear, the individual becomes a fulfilled image of God. Personality varies as long as it is in the bounds of goodness, it is not about making identical robots.
@SR-vf7bz 5 жыл бұрын
My observer awareness kept hearing the phone ring....
@bharat_walia Ай бұрын
@Sc3n3k1dz-jzk 6 жыл бұрын
This is good. We are to count the cost and being immersed in Him is the way to do it before baptism. We are only to baptism is ppl FULLY believe in Him. This kinda reminds me of St. ignatius with the spiritual disciplines. Very good
@prettypisces3935 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 💜
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Will keep note for future reference. KZbin has time limits, so sometimes I have to keep track of relative time. Send me an email if you have any questions that you want to know about in depth. Address is posted in description. Transcendent Love to you, friend in Christ
@infiniti__alex 6 жыл бұрын
Check out the book called the ecstasy of loving God by John Crowder it goes deeper into this topic
@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow Жыл бұрын
I love this, the only part is the Bible also said Man is not supposed to be alone. You have a God chosen person you are supposed to be with. eve goes for 130 years to be with God after Adam gets tempted by Satan and other women. And there's spells to keep twins souls mirror souls apart. Love, live for love.
@DarkMoonDroid 9 жыл бұрын
Whooooops! The Devil must have been asleep on the job and let this one slip out! DUDE!!! GOOD JOB!!!
@Orthodoxi 3 жыл бұрын
@MariaK975 6 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful 😊
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, you are describing the process that happens in Union. I wil have a video up shortly on how to practice this and what happens. Feel free to e-mail me if you wish. snbeings@gmail.com
@7ioadee 7 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominic i listen to alot of you.. I yearn for Jesus and a spiritual teacher like yourself.. God Bless
@BrotherDominick1 7 жыл бұрын
Christ is the ultimate teacher, call on him and be in Love with him deeply, passionately, with all your being and he will come and teach you hidden knowledge, transcendence, Union, Spirit indwelling. If you like to discuss more you are always welcome to send some e-mails snbeings at gmail dot com or come and visit at some retreats to deepen your relationship with Christ and with these teachings
@7ioadee 7 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick thank you so much.. I have been in contact with Our Lord for over 3 years now but just recently in the past year and half i have committed myself to his teachings although, my ears are always open and listening to him I still find myself in battle with practicing what he preaches. Kind of like how Saint James says that we must not only have faith but we must be doers of Faith well I'm still in the mist of practicing. My ego have played a major role in my life I was also a drug addict for 20 years I have been clean almost 10 and although I feel the enlightenment of Jesus all around I am constantly in prayer and I am constantly reading the Bible I have a problem letting go of my ego and thank you so much I will email you and I'd love to know about those Retreats that you have thank you so much and God bless
@7ioadee 7 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick please can i have your email
@BrotherDominick1 7 жыл бұрын
@you-ne5te 2 жыл бұрын
May god bless you
@siobhanmcneenan3253 2 жыл бұрын
I went to a "prayer" meeting years ago at a Catholic Church. There eas no priest there. The laeity would take Jesus out of the Tabernacle to adore. The effect of this "prayer" group was torment. Eventually I went to an Exorcist and asked him why did I react so badly to that "prayer" meeting. After he prayed in tongues for 3 secs he boomed at me " DO NOT GO TO THAT PRAYER MEETING". I obeyed. The torment left. Now members of that same "prayer" group have now attended my daily Mass and the torment they cause in me is unspeakable. It is very difficult to find a different Mass to go to as the priests only give Holy Communion on the hand which I will never do. I only receive Holy Communion on the tongue. The spiritual life is very difficult.
@cresenciohernandez8310 4 жыл бұрын
Thank You Thank You Thank You
@filgemuzic 8 жыл бұрын
very inspiring
@samuelgaldames7733 10 жыл бұрын
Really well articulated
@dimitrikoltoukis2499 4 жыл бұрын
I have had a mystical experience and have come face to face with God's energies, the holy spirit or whatever you may call it. Id be happy to tell anyone the story, let me know!
@thedisintegrador 3 жыл бұрын
I would love to hear your story
@beautifulwoman1049 Жыл бұрын
Tell us the story
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Does the Bible teach you math, how to fix a car, how to cook, how to be psychologically whole, what the ego is, science, manners, philosophy, relative opinion, quantum physics? The Bible directly speaks of direct spiritual experiences, spiritual death & rebirth, and even mentions that the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life. The Bible itself, is not God, not the Spirit, not Christ. Just inspired words about them. If you want to worship the Book, be my guest but no thanks for me.
@teresalaceternalove6049 8 жыл бұрын
@caleb-ct5vi 3 жыл бұрын
I am in the knowing now that the ego is driving the world around me and the world around me now feels pretty fake and dark. I wish I was in heaven with God right now.
@alexmylott340 11 жыл бұрын
Let the Holy Spirit lead you in all Truth (reality). And the Truth will set you free.
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Yes, the Jesus Prayer is the Eastern Orthodox way into Union with God, Ego Death, and cleansing out the subconscious tendencies. The Mind actually emerges from the heart when waking, and returns to the heart when falling asleep. By repeating the Jesus Prayer, we subdue the mind by staying focused on Christ, and being aware of the Mind in repetition (though never vain). Eventually, the Mind will reveal its Source and Union. It feels as if dropping from the head, down into Heart, where Union is.
@damonhenderson5673 6 жыл бұрын
Brother Dominick what is the jesus prayer
@lw1343 Жыл бұрын
Good to see stage 2 listed. Can't be a Christian if you've never read Christ's words.
@frankgiuliano7008 6 жыл бұрын
@BrotherDominick1 11 жыл бұрын
Check your youtube inbox. My email addy is in there for any questions or additional correspondence. Email addy is also in the "video description" just below the video. Thanks for stopping by and Godspeed towards Union/Theosis/Deification/Sanctification.
@oddlybeautifuldesigns821 Жыл бұрын
Thank you sweet boy bless you
@zragisha 11 жыл бұрын
There is rich tradition of ascetism and mysticym in the Orthodox Church from the day of the apostles. As for these folks, I don't know.
@iasnaia-poliana 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.
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