[Spoilers] Assassin's Creed Mirage - Story & Ending Interview / Breakdown with Sarah Beaulieu

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Access The Animus

Access The Animus

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@tronarclight2976 5 ай бұрын
Sarah's comment about how only the Memory Seal at the end was Loki's memory makes me beg the question: whose memory did Basim access in that first Memory Seal (The one from the Caliph's palace)?
@quasiking6246 5 ай бұрын
Wow! So much thought and dedication went into the production of AC Mirage. I really appreciate all the attention to detail throughout! I had ablast playing Mirage and after listening to the additional story details, I really hope to see more AC games in the future put this level of effort into the games. Thank you Access the Animus! This was fun!
@esiokles7623 5 ай бұрын
I hope she works on ubi Bordeaux’s next AC. Mirage has my favourite writing since black flag
@ΣτέργιοςΜποπότας-ζ1μ 5 ай бұрын
Both of them are ac peak story telling (alongside 1,2 ,3 and origins)
@esiokles7623 5 ай бұрын
@@ΣτέργιοςΜποπότας-ζ1μ I would also put revelations in there. For me origins is alright story wise. Bayek and Aya are fantastic characters but the way the brotherhood started needed a lot more build up imo
@scottgallagher3886 5 ай бұрын
ive replayed mriage a total of ten times each time with different target orders trying to imerse myself in the story learn it head to toe and come to understand how i actualy feel about it studdied hella history and ive coem to find that ac mirage is like ac1 in the way that the nartives deeper elements are barely explained on the surface and that important plot details can slip by the waistside its also important to take the narative seriously even though we havent taken an assassin s creed narative seriously since origins when you suspend disbelief and get to the finer details of the story including the real history it gives baghdad this truely imersive feeling that no other assassins creed game has ever scratched unitys world was so imersive but the crowds being broken made me realize i was in a game mirages crowds are vast while social stealth doesnt work as well as id like it too i will say that when it does its sick as hell and on top of it the crowds in mirage are all realistic and believeable theo nly cahange id like to see is the detection the crowds ai uses to spot you instantaniously after a murder was also used for the gaurds i want the game to be harder than it is like the older games the guard ai was way too dumb
@guilhermelisboa1857 5 ай бұрын
​@@scottgallagher3886Assassin's creed allways had dumb AI
@mutasemabukhalaf7319 5 ай бұрын
We need more stories about basim , DLC or new game like ezio trilogy ,,, maybe
@UserNot_Known 5 ай бұрын
This is awesome! I love your content!
@noorlowtun1703 5 ай бұрын
Yeah she's a great director
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 5 ай бұрын
What Sarah meant by « Basim is a memory and that he retired in the background » does not mean at all that Basim is no longer there! On the contrary, Basim has always been there with his own values alone (although he shares similarities including pain with the Isu)! It simply means that Mirage was the game where we discovered the process of acceptance of the legacy of the memories of the Isu by Basim! Darby was clear about this the wise are never possessed and yet Basim did not become the Isu! Basim is still Basim except that he has accepted his inheritance and therefore has other additional objectives such as accomplishing what the Isu has little accomplished in his lifetime! I don’t know if I was clear enough but I insist on the fact that the mutual agreement that Basim found with his heritage of the memories of the Isu did not take possession of Basim even in Valhalla we find the life of Basim and these are the words spoken by Basim (Valhalla was designed to trace the lore Isu of Scandinavian mythology it is therefore normal that the memories of the Isu are inherited Basim are pit forward to stick to the Isu lore of Valhalla but I insist by saying again that Basim is not controlled by the Isu, Basim has only accepted the legacy of the memories of the Isu and tries to accomplish the objectives of the disappeared Isu without any possession on Basim by the Isu)! Basim was never possessed by the Isu, Basim simply chose to accomplish the objectives of the disappeared Isu! 🙂
@oheneba_4183 5 ай бұрын
Perfectly explained. I hope people read this and understand
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 5 ай бұрын
@@oheneba_4183 thank you! 😀 I hope too people will understand!!! 🤞🏼
@loupnoir8803 3 ай бұрын
If I understood well, you are telling that Basim is just pursuing Loki's life goals to honor Loki's legacy. Then why Basim's behaviour completely changes after exiting the vault ? If Basim is still Basim why does he not act like the kind man we know but instead acts like a sort of douche (more like Loki's character) ? Sorry if I missed a step in your explanation
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 3 ай бұрын
Because Basim was betrayed by Roshan (a mentor and a friend he trusted)! She left him alone in his struggle when he needed her! His changes are due to the betrayals he suffered just like his counterpart present in the legacy of the memories of the Isu! I don’t know how to explain it more simply so that you understand.. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 3 ай бұрын
@@loupnoir8803 Attends mais t’es Français/e ? Bon alors je vais expliquer en Français alors.. Basim est né avec l'ADN de l’Isu "Loki" en lui. Il a vécu toute sa jeunesse et toute sa vie de jeune adulte sans en avoir conscience, avec ce Djinn qui le hantait sans qu'il sache pourquoi. Après la révélation à Alamut, il comprend qui il est vraiment. Il exorcise son passé, l'affronte et est en paix. Basim est toujours lui après ce moment tout en acceptant l’héritage des souvenirs de l’Isu "Loki". C'est ainsi que les Sages dans Assassin’S Creed fonctionnent. Certains n'arrivent pas à vivre avec et sont perpétuellement tourmentés, d'autres renient leur passé et embrassent leur nouvelle vie et d'autres disparaissent au dépend du Sage. Basim n'est plus le Basim qu'il était avant la révélation d'Alamut. Il a prit conscience de beaucoup de choses et cela l’a fait changer ! Basim n'est pas mort, sa conscience ne fait qu'un avec l’héritage des souvenirs de l’Isu "Loki". Il agit ainsi car il est en phase avec ce que veut faire l’Isu "Loki". L’Isu "Loki" n'est pas aux commandes, c’est à dire qu’il ne contrôle pas et ne manipule pas Basim. Est-ce plus clair ? 😉
@thanos_karagiannhs5320 5 ай бұрын
Ubisoft Bordeaux has a killer development team in all departments. I hope they get to work on more games whether they are assassin's creed related or not
@roberthubert2805 5 ай бұрын
Definitely watching this when I get home
@TalkingBook72 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for doing this interview. I greatly enjoyed Mirage, and although the series overall narrative will never be the same since the Desmond games, I'm throughly enjoying this new narrative of reincarnation that started with Valhalla, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the series goes with Basim
@jonatancastro3240 5 ай бұрын
Amazing! Thank you so much
@AccessAnimus 5 ай бұрын
You're welcome!!
@Alexignazio93 5 ай бұрын
La scrittura di questo gioco è molto debole, lo dimostra il fatto che c'è voluta questa intervista per capire cose che il gioco da solo non riesce a spiegare. Mi sembra di essere tornato alle interviste dopo il film. Inoltre la spiegazione sul rapporto tra Basim e Loki è assolutamente incoerente con quanto dice Basim stesso nell'ultimo capitolo.
@giuseppecappelletti4727 5 ай бұрын
Esatto.Quello che ha detto su Basim e Loki non ha alcun senso.In primis perché contraddice ciò che ha detto Darby,il creatore dei saggi norreni,sul fatto che non c'è nessun controllo di una personalità sull'altra perché personaggi come Eivor e Odino o Basim e Loki sono esattamente la stessa persona che può semplicemente decidere se ricordare certi eventi della vita passata oppure no.In secondo luogo,ciò che ha detto contraddice l'ultimo capitolo di Valhalla, dove Basim dice chiaramente che c'è stata una reciproca comprensione tra lui e Loki.Infine,contraddice Mirage stesso,perché nulla di quello che ha detto si intravede in Mirage:non si vede Basim bloccato in quello spazio mentale,non si vede Loki prendere il controllo.Sinceramente non so che dire.Non ha senso è basta ciò che ha detto sul finale.
@AccessAnimus 5 ай бұрын
Effettivamente le risposte di Sarah vanno un po' in contraddizione con quanto detto ai tempi dell'uscita di The Last Chapter da Darby sulla natura degli Isu rinati (scusate, non so il nome italiano di 'Reborn Isu' ). In alcuni commenti e post avevo scritto che alcune delle risposte avrebbero generato più domande che chiusure definitive ed eccoci qui :) Magari questo è il modo in cui Sarah vede le cose, anche se il gioco in sé (senza i commenti di Sarah) si presta ad essere visto anche nell'ottica di Darby. La scena di Basim e Nehal alla fine secondo me rispecchia a tratti abbastanza bene il concetto di "reciproca comprensione" di The Last Chapter
@giuseppecappelletti4727 5 ай бұрын
@@AccessAnimus a questo punto non ci resta che aspettare la prossima apparizione di Basim per capire di più effettivamente questo personaggio(si spera in un gioco e non in un fumetto come Giunone,anche se le voci sulla storia del presente spostata nel futuro potrebbero rivelarsi un problema). Fino a quel momento,almeno io condividerò la visione di Darby,che appunto si adatta abbastanza bene alla storia di Mirage.
@AccessAnimus 5 ай бұрын
@@giuseppecappelletti4727 In teoria spostare la narrazione nel futuro consentirebbe di "giocare" gli eventi del nostro presente in qualità di ricordi nell'Animus, quindi con sincronizzazione, skill ecc. Dunque potremmo vedere una successiva apparizione di Basim come ricordo per vedere cosa gli è successo... anche se non credo sia una priorità al momento
@davidestabilini4468 5 ай бұрын
Non credo che il punto di vista di Sarah sia diverso da quello di Darby, solo che si sia spiegata male. Se Basim ha accettato i ricordi di Loki, il nuovo Basim è una somma di tutte le loro esperienze, e il vecchio Basim può essere definito un ricordo come ha detto lei. Il problema è che le esperienze di Loki spaziano per una lunga vita Isu, che potrebbe essere di diversi secoli, mentre quelle di Basim sono pochi anni, quindi il primo ha un’influenza inevitabilmente maggiore (un po’ come dice a William nel finale di Valhalla, quando li definisce bambini in confronto alla sua famiglia).
@UnivingIshiro 5 ай бұрын
She did a good job here. Mirage is great (not the best but great) but the thing that puzzled me with the story was the disks, as I thought that each disk a day or moment of Loki's imprisonment
@Omar-Asim Ай бұрын
I was hoping this game would give us a clue on to what the seed Roshan wanted to plant in Jerusalem(?) as mentioned in Valhalla, and why she has the same last name as Altair. Why tease something in a crossover that is meant to entice you to buy the game but it won't get answered anyway? Has there been any information on this ATA?
@Tripolizz770 5 ай бұрын
Wait this whole time I thought Basim was supposed to be "merged" with Loki so that he's still the same person but with inherited memories. Does that mean Basim has completely lost his personality?
@davidestabilini4468 5 ай бұрын
I think it’s like someone losing his memories for a time. Once the old memories came back the new experiences are still there (so Basim’s not lost), but are just a little part of the person who has them. Even more if you consider the Isu could live much more than a human, it’s a lot of Loki’s memories against a little bit of Basim’s.
@wajajan697 5 ай бұрын
It is like that in Valhalla, Sarah is just so uncompetent she got the whole concept wrong
@giuseppecappelletti4727 5 ай бұрын
Good interview.I personally don't like the explanation of the merge between Basim and Nehal.She practically explains it as if Basim and and Loki(and also Eivor and Odin) are two different personalities and Loki took control in the end(while Eivor wasn't controlled by Odin).This explanation,in my opinion,is in incoherent with what Darby said about the norse sages,explaining that Eivor is Odin(and therefore Basim is Loki) and that she's always been.She just lost her memories.Because of this,I liked to think that Loki didn't cancel Basim and Basim just remembers his pastlife without deleting what he became.It seems that unfortunatly it didn't work this way.However I still hope that Loki has still a bit of loyalty towards the Assassins and that we will see him as on of them in the modern day of Infinity.
@guilhermelisboa1857 5 ай бұрын
But her explanation is not really wrong, Eivor never accepted Odin's memories,unlike basim. in the last chapter eivor began to come to terms with the memories, but her personality still remained, Basim fading into the background as a "memory" is still in line to what darby said, is basically Loki regaining his original memories back, they are still one and the same, the diference between Basim and Eivor is that eivor refused the memories, basim did not.
@guilhermelisboa1857 5 ай бұрын
And Basim said to William Miles that he still cherish the assassin's creed and always had, he can be lying but i doubt it.
@davidestabilini4468 5 ай бұрын
The new Basim is a sum of Loki’s and Basim’s memories, I think she meant this by saying Basim became a memory. Though, we have to consider Loki lived for what can be centuries, while Basim only decades, so the new Basim is more Loki than an Assassin.
@ΣτέργιοςΜποπότας-ζ1μ 5 ай бұрын
@@guilhermelisboa1857 he definatly lies. Basim cared for the brotherhood. Loki only cares for himself and his needs
@guilhermelisboa1857 5 ай бұрын
​@@ΣτέργιοςΜποπότας-ζ1μI dont think so, then why he didnt join the order of the ancients? He is literally a god to them and would have access to all resources of the world, he definitely agrees with the assassin's creed, just look at how hytham speaks of Basim in the last chapter for Ac valhalla and all of the wisdow and knowlodge he shares with Eivor(that he didnt know it was odin).
@lucaspauluccipereira7381 5 ай бұрын
Very very nice content
@geoffreysouza1065 5 ай бұрын
so basically the basim/loki swap is similar to the basim/layla swap or the experimental method juno tried with her husband (im not trying to spell his name lol) kinda cool how loki has basically taken over both basim (in his mind) and layla (in the flesh) by tricking her into the aura vault with the staff
@OliverActiony 5 ай бұрын
@dlargom97 5 ай бұрын
I only enter to leave the like because I didnt finish the game yet hahahaha
@Steveo0547 5 ай бұрын
I am sorry but after beating mirage I feel cheated because their is literally nothing left to do in this game sad but true 😅 got a question when AC CODE NAME RED coming out ???😅
@Stealthful_ 5 ай бұрын
Mirage's story had potential, but it was too predictable for me. I guessed the ending exactly as it is during the first scene of the game.
@salmankhan2739 5 ай бұрын
thats cause we already knew Basim's fate in Valhalla. What happens at the end was never important, but the How it happens and that journey to reaching that point was always the main focus of the game.
@AccessAnimus 5 ай бұрын
Agreed, this was possibly the first or one of the few times where we did know already how the story would end up, so the focus was going to be mostly on the *how* it would happen, what would cause the "original" Basim to become the one we saw in Valhalla
@Stealthful_ 5 ай бұрын
@@salmankhan2739 yeah, however, thing is that most of the story is predictable with generic tropes. I meant that I guessed exactly what the true nature of Nehal is during the first quest, which is supposed to be the big plot twist, so I was underwhelmed throughout the end of the game - especially when my assumption was confirmed. The foreshadowing was more just telling (rather than "show not tell"); it was too obvious in the first scene and throughout the game's story. At this point, they could've just told us Nehal's true nature. Because of this, when Basim has his dramatic flashback, it is quite anticlimactic.
@Stealthful_ 5 ай бұрын
@@AccessAnimus that is true. If Mirage got the time and budget, the execution of the "how" might've improved, but that was unlikely to happen.
@salmankhan2739 5 ай бұрын
@@Stealthful_ I understand your view and thats valid too but I feel like you might be in the minority here. Its like I know some people who were able to see the twist coming at the end of the film 'The Sixth Sense', still doesn't make the movie bad or underwhelming to the rest of us who didn't see it coming. Its ok that you caught it earlier. I thought she was real cause she stabbed the Caliph, I never really gave much thought to her character cause she was always in the background like every other side character in the game. Basim was the main focus. We all for sure thought the Jinni was Loki so the twist caught us off guard.
@faraz_qureshi 5 ай бұрын
Mirage although a great game in general had been probably the weakest when it comes to narrative story with no real meaning behind killing any Order of Ancient. I hope the writing improves with codename Red
@PK-fg9nr 5 ай бұрын
Once again the narrative was a huge disappointment. It leaves little clues, traces, figures..... Stop this nonsense and bring up the strong narrative and lore in the Assassin's Creed franchise. Modern days, the animus, the Abstergo, the templars, the main goal to save the world and protection of the free will! Up to Syndicate every single game was a part of the whole when now after the RPG trilogy the narrative and lore is thrown out of the window. Why you don't explore and bring it to the game the fate of Layla, show how it happen, why don't you explore what happens after Basim betrays the brotherhood, the trip to Constantinople and then to England? Sometimes I wish another company to buy the Assassin's Creed IP because enough is enough to with Ubisoft's nonsense!
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 4 ай бұрын
A mistake on your part but Basim did not betray the brotherhood!..
@Myrmidons 4 ай бұрын
​@@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife lol no of course not. Have you even played the game and/or read the script? Basim started betraying the brotherhood since he started defying Rohan.🤷
@christiancalderas5198 4 ай бұрын
@@Myrmidonshave you played the game yourself? He defied Roshan but never betrayed the brotherhood. If he did, why would he stay with the brotherhood all the way until Valhalla? Why take Hytham as an apprentice or show Eivor the ways of the brotherhood and their mission?
@Basim_Ibn_Ishaq.s_wife 4 ай бұрын
@@Myrmidons I played all the games, I read all the novels or comics and manga and there has never been a question of betrayal! Your interpretation is wrong and the error is human, you're just wrong and if this breaks your ego you should rather question yourself and work on yourself before trying to have a speech that is intended to be argued when you have no knowledge or correct arguments! 😏
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