Spreading Corvid 21

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3 жыл бұрын

Help us celebrate National Raven Day 4-27-2. This is a short on how getting out in the wild and spending time with wildlife, birds in general, and then even the ravens in particular can be a positive influence during our continued COVID-19 uncertainties. We encourage you to go out there and get a "Corvid Fix" today, and everyday, and make someone smile by spreading a little CORVID-21 !
You can see Eve & Kurt Russel singing Sugar Sugar way back in the 1970's at Disneyland here;
• Sugar Sugar - Kurt Rus...

Пікірлер: 69
@texasrockshillcountry6574 3 жыл бұрын
"CORVID-21" - funny! Love the Corvids!
@goldenlady5271 3 жыл бұрын
Circumstances and a dream surrounding my daughter's birth in 2020 led me to give her the surname 'Raven'. Thank you for these love-filled Raven videos!
@crow4freedom603 3 жыл бұрын
Amen n Amen
@sharonmcduffiealabama3928 3 жыл бұрын
My favorite bird!
@dlee645 3 жыл бұрын
Mine too!
@michaelclark4043 Ай бұрын
Mine three! 😢 😮
@solwaykessel 3 жыл бұрын
I am the official Bird Lady of Kent CT and the corvids here keep me entertained chasing each other and talking to me and to each other. They are like my children.
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Any videos or stories we'd love to see or hear them!
@solwaykessel 3 жыл бұрын
@@theravendiaries I will try. Hard to get them to stay still. LOL
@liliaaaaaaaa 3 жыл бұрын
Lovely. Your singing friend's voice is beautiful. I agree 100%.. spread the corvid love.. get out there, appreciate nature, don't let covid stress get you down, fly free, in the blue sky.. ✌😊
@gina50gina 3 жыл бұрын
They are so beautiful!
@thompsonschwabbel6622 Ай бұрын
how can this not have even 4k clicks after 3 years?? YT algorithm being funny again.. Beautiful story and awesome video
@sandrabadillo3970 Жыл бұрын
I live in Palmdale ca and I love raven they are amazing birds am truly connected with them we take long walks together everyday am truly bless to him them in my life
@theravendiaries Жыл бұрын
Been out that way many times, love your birds and the wild flowers in season!
@lmsavy2935 3 жыл бұрын
Fly Babies Fly!!
@remizubon2875 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing positive video! I love ravens...
@elpirata5468 3 жыл бұрын
Ravens are pure joy
@curlyteeth3097 3 жыл бұрын
The buzz of buzz is my 6.20am walk every morning knowing I'm goin to interact with these sanity saviour's I walk through 10 raven/crow territories and each area has a different character offering a different vibe..... thankyou covid for making me redundant and introducing me to corvids x .......1love from Yorkshire England 🇬🇧🥰
@davidhick4303 3 жыл бұрын
Wow the synchronicities of life are endlessly blowing my mind! I have always loved crows and ravens ever since I was a little child. As I grew older and spent more time in the Canadian north my connection with these birds has only grown stronger. I talk to them with croaks and caws very well for a human but I’m sure they think I’m crazy more than the humans around me do! Lol either way I have a large raven tattoo on my chest over my heart and here’s the kicker; my birthday is April 27! Hard to believe I only just found this out from @theravendiaries today but it was the perfect icing on an already perfect day! Thankyou for this beautiful, positive video and Thankyou for the wonderful song as well!!!
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you David, great stories and ... it's my wife's birthday today also ... we're convinced s o m e b o d y has a sense of humor!
@eveyholmes 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, it is me singing Blue Skies to the Ravens. Eve
@bug6141 3 жыл бұрын
Raven Rick has returned!
@MsDmac13 2 жыл бұрын
So enjoyed watching this video as I love Ravens and Crows. Especially enjoyed the part about my friend the lovely Eve Holmes and her singing in the background. This is beautiful and very well done.
@sephinator1368 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed people need to turn off news
@adambuglyo7594 2 жыл бұрын
Love your videos I absolutely agree with your words. We need to love nature and protect it. Spend more time in it and it will give back to us.
@microraptorguy1387 3 жыл бұрын
Happy National Raven Day too^^ amazing video with lots of lovely images, recordings and deep message. Too bad where i live there are no ravens but i can enjoy hooded crows and their lovely calls. I love all birds to be honest and i love, when i work in the vegetable gardens, watching common blackbirds landing near me. I enjoy their company and presence. I could see a flying raven couple 4 years ago while visiting Trentino Alto Adige region. I could immediately recognise their acrobatic flight. I love your videos, keep it up 👍💙
@shakenbutnotstirred3103 2 жыл бұрын
Fantastic idea! Just found & fell in love with your channel. 2020 took the love of my life. Lost & trying to make sense of everything & make all the necessary plans; I'd see a bird fly by. Doves in particular & not always living but a picture or other form. Like an answer/ sign from him. I have multiple bird friendships. Besides a sweet little cockatiel at a family's home, one of the best is a lovely sweet little sparrow that hangs out with me most days. Reminds me of the cockatiel. And the ravens are always catching my attention & vice versa. Maybe now I'll be able to understand what they keep trying to tell me lol. Also love stopping what I'm doing not only to observe their behavior, but point it out & educate others when I know what they're doing. I just gained so much watching just 2 of your videos so far. Thank you so much & I will continue to share your message & spread Corvid 2021 with as many as I can. Birds are very special. I always wanted to have an opportunity to bond with them. Observe them all the time & make sure to catch their attention. Such a fascinating creature/ spirit. Especially ravens. Now that I live here I finally have the chance in my own backyard. And thanks to you; it'll be so much more rewarding. And help heal due to losing my other half. But also more rewarding for my feathery neighbors. Thank you so much for deepening my understanding of one of the most amazing creatures on this planet & deepening my spiritual connection with the planet as well as the amazing beings we share it with. 🏞🕊
@ravensdotter6843 3 жыл бұрын
Oh, and Happy Raven Day to you!
@arielle7279 Жыл бұрын
Love this title and your content! Much Gratitude!! 🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻
@LostHorizon52 3 жыл бұрын
I love it 💕💕💕💕
@kurglekreutzer6344 3 жыл бұрын
What a great video thanks and thanks to the many crow friends, I've had many great crow encounters during this time!
@annacoribioanna Жыл бұрын
Wow!!! Beautiful vídeos
@reginadickerson4822 3 жыл бұрын
@ravensdotter6843 3 жыл бұрын
Please keep these coming.
@tylermunschy1111 11 ай бұрын
Love this channel
@michaelclark4043 Ай бұрын
RAVE ON about RAVENS! 😂😅
@cyndifoore7743 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahaa, spreading Corvid, love it.
@michaelclark4043 Ай бұрын
Corvid lovers, fly free high in the sky and leave covid FAR FAR behind! 😂 😅
@reginadickerson4822 3 жыл бұрын
@michaelclark4043 Ай бұрын
CORVID. Not to be confused with covid! 😂😅
@annacoribioanna Жыл бұрын
Not a lot of ravens where I live but several crows
@joeevens1368 3 жыл бұрын
Hello, I should probably introduce myself, since what I have to say doesn't seem to be common knowledge, though it should be; Name, Joe Evens, long time hang glider pilot. I live in Tillamook county, Oregon. Extreme Southern end of the natural range of the "Northwestern Crow". A brief search will tell those interested enough to perhaps find and identify identify these fairly uncommon birds, and very little else. Some controversy about if they even are a different species from the common American crow. Nothing about the lives they live, other than that they are found along the very narrow coastal band, from Northern Oregon, up into Alaska, and that they forage along the beaches and bays, and that they are slightly but noticeably smaller than the common crow, and that their voice is deeper and a bit more raspy. Little else. I've noticed and watched them off and on for about forty years. Not a "Birder", just a soaring pilot who occasionally shares the sea breeze. Oh, I also had a "pet crow" when I was about 5 or 6 years old, though he bit me if I petted him, got me an undeserved whipping by stealing Dad's shiny little sockets and hiding them, for which I got blamed, and left with the first friendly female wild crow that came along. He did come back now and then. just sat in a tree an scolded me, then took off...But I digress. Now for the rest of the story, the interesting stuff, the stuff that some are not going to believe because it apparently is not in "the book". Well, I can only call them how I see them, and after watching these birds, almost invisible in their natural habitat, many times, I don't see much in their behavior that resembles a crow. I only see them when it is soarable, on the small, steep brushy bluffs at the beach, usually in two's. Extremely skillful soaring birds. They appear, zoom around, often within inches of the brushy wall, and then vanish into the brush at speed. They will soar the face, low, close and fast, and then zoom climb vertically to above the top, snap roll inverted and plummet with a croak/caw, throw in full snap rolls and other unnamed gyrations, etc at random, then vanish in an instant into the brushy wall. In short, Raven behavior...What I haven't seen is anything much resembling crow behavior. No flocks, no mindless barrage of monotone cawing, etc. Not claiming that it doesn't happen, just that I haven't observed such. But then again, the only time I'm there is when it's soarable...I have to suspect that these birds haven't actually been observed much. At less than half the size of a typical raven, and they vanish into the impenetrable brush wall in a heartbeat They are invisible most of the time. .I doubt that their lives within the brush wall has ever been observed. An opportunity for the right person. Anyway, I've already spent too much time pecking this out. I hope it is not just dismissed as misinformation. What possible motive would I have....I just figured I should see if anyone is listening. .....Joe Evens
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Hello Joe, to be honest this is kinda what my channel should be about, people coming together to share fun unusual stories about the different corvids. I specialize in the Common Raven cause that's what I get to get close to and work with in a one on one and also specific long term family relationships. I haven't as of yet been able to work near as close with my other corvid, the American Crow, cause they are gang bangers and these gangs don't seem to want me to join. I also take numerous road trips either towards Colorado or towards Alaska by the coast. So I have been in contact with your Northern Crows and they are completely different from my Southern California gang bangers. So your input and insight is both welcome and appreciated. Thank you, come back and share anytime!
@joeevens1368 3 жыл бұрын
@@theravendiaries Thank you for responding. To be clear, the bird known to science as "Northwestern Crow" is distinctly different from the standard variety that is found everywhere, including the very narrow strip of coast where the Northwestern Crow can be found. In fact, even on the beach dunes and bluffs, the American Crow, (of which there may indeed be regional differences) greatly exceed the small population of so called Northwestern Crows. The birds I'm discussing are few and do not seem to be found even a mile inland, yet on that narrow slice of exposed coast, they are still overwhelmingly outnumbered by their inland cousins. Without a dedicated, specific search, even experienced observers might not notice one or two very similar looking NW Crows when numbers of normal crows can be seen from the same place at any moment. In fact, given the gang like nature of normal crows, it is more than likely they persecute their somewhat smaller, antisocial cousins...I'm just making certain that we are discussing the same thing. We have a separate and distinct species of Corvid inhabiting the only the extreme western strip of land from Northern Oregon up. Along most of the North Coast, this habitat may only be a few hundred yards wide. I strongly suspect that these uncommon birds are misidentified as crows and are much more like tiny Ravens. I've never seen them with crows or doing crow things. I think they just vanish into the brush wall when the crows come around. Once attuned to their unique call, it is unmistakable, and is typically the first indication I have that they are nearby. On a totally different subject, since I'm here, and since I haven't seen it mentioned in my very limited research, I would like to mention some odd, learned and possibly just local Raven behavior I have observed a few times along the South Santiam highway, high in the Cascades. On the West side, the road winds down thru the forest, walls of tall trees on either side. Though narrow and winding, this is a major truck corridor. This may be common, but it is the only place I have observed, not once but several times, Ravens hitching a free ride from trucks, soaring the frontal wave of air created by the trucks. Mile after mile, with little effort, making 60 mph with the truck as it travel thru the sweeping curves, trees whipping by on either side. Pretty cool......JE
@annacoribioanna Жыл бұрын
We are here listening 😍 thank you for sharing your experience
@dynamitestalker4219 2 жыл бұрын
5:41 "my ancestors"
@jewelssylva3738 3 жыл бұрын
I do love the Corvids.
@Vnangeldang 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, I have a rescue raven baby but noticed he’s missing one of his nails fully, do you think it will grow back? Thanks ❤️
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Most likely yes. Unless it's was a birth defect? Birds lose or somehow get their feet deformed a number of different ways. It either grows back or they learn to live with it. A missing nail is not a big deal, if known ravens for years missing the entire toe or even a foot. Good luck with your baby, any stories would be appreciated!
@jonez110 2 жыл бұрын
@PendeltonWhiskey 3 жыл бұрын
After watching this video several times I think it might be your best. Of course I'll change my mind after I watch one of your other video's but for now, in my mind, this is it. I particularly enjoy the way that you highlight Raven behavior and although you don't point it out, it's different than other covids. Granted, I'm absolutely prejudiced in favor of Ravens and I can't pretend otherwise. I just see things in Ravens that I've never seen in Crows. Ravens are it for me. I know Crows are also brilliant but I just don't find them nearly as interesting as Ravens. Also, I'm not at all fond of the sounds that Crows make. Lets just put it this way, I love Ravens.
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I have to agree with you on the ravens. There just seems to be more; more interest, more cunning, more teamwork more play and for much longer, and their interaction with humans seems to be more specific and more involved.
@ahmadsalman4030 Жыл бұрын
Please wich time is raven geting egges ?? Wich month ?
@theravendiaries Жыл бұрын
You mean which month do they lay their eggs? If so, just about now, usually March to April depending on where they are.
@ahmadsalman4030 Жыл бұрын
Yes i have nest close to my house and i wan to know which time do they their eggs to collect one of the chicks 🙂 because i real love and like ravens and i really wan to a have pet raven ☺️
@snookbeware6six6 3 жыл бұрын
When you say “nature”, are you referring to Mother Nature or are you tipping your hat to YOUR understanding of that word? From everything you have published, I have to think that you are referring to an existential god head and not the unassuming force that many assimilate with such. Can you clarify ?
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
I try to leave it up to the viewer to see it as whatever they chose. I'm not here to change peoples minds, I do try to encourage people to do and be better no matter what their beliefs of convictions are. But let me ask you, if nature is a mother would you call her a caring one? : )
@reginadickerson4822 3 жыл бұрын
@PendeltonWhiskey 3 жыл бұрын
raw liver is catnip to Ravens
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, and they can have the cow, veal, chicken etc but NOT MY DUCK! I never share my duck livers, day be da best!
@PendeltonWhiskey 3 жыл бұрын
@@theravendiaries When I was a kid in eastern Oregon my family had a free flying Raven. Edgar. My mother always kept raw calves liver in the fridge for him. He was all over town but we were his home base. Just an amazing bird. I truly appreciate your channel and all of your videos, they bring back great memories.
@theravendiaries 3 жыл бұрын
@@PendeltonWhiskey I'm curious, how long did you have him? Did he die in your care or finally go free, find a nest mate or? Thanks!
@PendeltonWhiskey 3 жыл бұрын
@@theravendiaries He was given to my older brother. I have no idea who gave him the Raven but I'm fairly certain that he was very young bird at that time. We kept him in a cage for about a week and fed him raw liver. After that he was let loose and was never caged again. This was in Vale, Oregon, a little cow town in the eastern Oregon desert. Edgar was all over town getting into mischief. We probably never knew everything that he was up to. He loved to pull loose shingles off of roofs and drop them into flower beds. He would fly to the truck stop on the highway a couple of blocks from our house and strut back and forth on the window ledge watching people eat. He would dive on people wearing hats and knock their hats off. He got into a lot of trouble. Our little neighbor girl had frizzy blond hair and apparently Edgar thought she was wearing a hat. She was terrified of him. Of all the kids in the family I think I was closest to Edgar. I think we bonded. I remember one day when our back yard was full of kids having fun. I looked up at Edgar who was perched on a tree branch and he was laughing. Nobody had ever told me that Ravens laugh. It was completely unexpected and I don't think any of the other kids saw it but I know I saw it. I'm now convinced that because he was part of the family he felt the good vibes being given off by a bunch of happy children having fun and he was laughing because he loved being part of the fun. I don't remember ever seeing it before but that image has stuck with me my whole life. It still strikes me as being magical or supernatural. There's something otherworldly about it and I'd love to see it again. I found your site while looking for a video of a Raven laughing but I haven't found it yet. I think native American folklore refers to laughing Ravens but I haven't located any evidence to back up my supposition. Now that I'm retired I'm thinking I might drive to an area near me where the internet tells me I could find Ravens and take them some liver and maybe see one of them laugh again but I think it's such a rare thing to see that I don't expect to have much luck. I've even thought of moving back to eastern Oregon and acquiring a couple of free flying ravens in hopes of seeing it again but that's probably just me fantasizing. We lived a block away from a nursing home and of course Ravens have an instinct for death. Edgar would fly to the window of the person closest to death and strut back and forth on the window ledge, keeping a keen eye on the soon to be dearly departed. He met his end when the dying person was the mother of a local rancher. Small town, everybody knew who the Raven belonged to. The rancher offered my brother twenty dollars for Edgar and we never saw him again. Nobody consulted me about this, I only heard about it after the fact.
@eveyholmes 3 жыл бұрын
They eat many different meats from my hand. That is me singing in the video.
@NEOgeek402 Жыл бұрын
Just found you but there really is something about birds and you get it.
@ariellemorganstern3495 Жыл бұрын
Love this title and your content! Much Gratitude!! 🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻
@ariellemorganstern3495 Жыл бұрын
Love this title and your content! Much Gratitude!! 🙏🏻🎄🙏🏻
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