Star Citizen Just Dropped It's New Marketing Event... w/

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Berks Reacts

Berks Reacts

3 ай бұрын

Link to the post on spectrum if it didn't get delete lol :

Пікірлер: 104
@fenrisulv 3 ай бұрын
What I find absurd is with the upcoming personal persistent hangars coming in 3.23, they didn't add any hangar flairs as rewards for this event, something, a statue, plaque, anything really, to decorate your hangar or ship with. Seems like it would be the perfect time to give rewards like that, it would without any doubt make players more hyped for the event. But no, it has to be for money, you get the opportunity to upgrade a ship you first need to buy. It's disheartening. I'd love to do these missions and get a CDF statue or something to remember it by as I decorate my hangar and in the future my base with collectibles.
@toecutter9372 3 ай бұрын
Like everyone received the same plaque saying the day and date and that “we’re all one big Star Citizen family and thanks for taking this journey with us!”
@Billy-bc8pk 3 ай бұрын
There is a free upgrade for anyone who owns a F7C MK1, so how is it something you first need to buy if you already own a MK1?
@The_0G_Chad 3 ай бұрын
It would’ve been much easier for them to simply give the F7 a murder hornet turrets… they went out of their way to make tokens which needed extra coating and art time and database input, when they simply had the items on hand already. That way it would’ve encouraged people to pledge a hornet or buy one in game…. More pay to win crap. It’s not enough to sell starter ships that cost a AAA game, fighters that cost the same as a graphics card and capital ships that cost a top-of-the-line gaming PC along with monthly subscriptions
@user-ef5ug6jx5n 3 ай бұрын
Adding in hangar decorations is basically free real estate too. The assets are already in the game. They'd just giving the player the ability to spawn 1x instance of said asset in their hangar. There could be potentially thousands of these just sitting in the game they could add right this minute. Maybe some may need some minor tweaking, but it really is a miniscule amount of work for a massive amount of player engagement and excitement.
@noahsohacki5891 3 ай бұрын
Your idea of stealing the F7s from the Nine Tails was spot on. And adding an actual risk would be huge.
@ThomasD66 3 ай бұрын
Ran the first mission today. Once we put the key card in and started the process the AI was pretty good - XT guys were charging our position and there was some fast shooting going on. But once that initial wave was dealt with the AI went sluggish and they would barely come out of the spawn closets, so getting the codes from the terminals was no real danger. Tick rate really matters.
@asiftalpur3758 3 ай бұрын
glad to see your react content back. I can't follow streams so this is good enough
@I3ladefist 3 ай бұрын
Berk - great suggestions! I'm all with You!
@ESC_907 3 ай бұрын
I want something cosmetic as a reward! Like a unique livery for completing these events! Maybe even a “tiered” reward, so you can show off how far you went into the event.
@VoltaikEntertainment 3 ай бұрын
I think CIG should have done some kind of game breaking challenge like if Xenothreat isn't suppressed enough by citizens, there could be a chance where they take over a planet which would hinder everyone's gameplay experience. You would only beable to goto the planet for missions given by the UEE to surpress Xenothreat till the next Invictus, giving us a chance to cleanse the planet from Xenothreat and the UEE can finally secure the area.
@MattCM2013 3 ай бұрын
First day running the mission I helped people complete their missions to a point I did over 20 missions throughout the day
@_Joshua9797 3 ай бұрын
I was on a server where the AI worked well, and I had a lot of fun during this first mission. I'm curious about what the next phases will be. While I find it unfortunate that I receive a reward at the end that is of no use to me, in the past, we didn't receive rewards from events either. Furthermore, I prefer that you can now buy the ship immediately, unlike the Golden Ticket. Also, I have the feeling that this time, one really has to put in effort for the F7A, unlike with the F8, where you only had to search through 1 or 2 bunkers.
@The_Real_bubbazaneti 3 ай бұрын
The Dark side has taken over CIG in form of their marketing division/group! They do not care about backers/players, they do not care about gameplay, they just care about having RL cash rolling in!! To me it feels like, each event CIG or their marketing group creates, the more disrespectful and disgusting they become towards the community, players/backers. I am fairly new...just playing for 1.5 years now, and already I feel frustrated!! And Berks, I totally agree on all the points you highlighted in the vid! ThanX for going into spectrum and creating the thread in, I never go in there....mainly cause of moderator morons running the show in there. Cheers and take care!
@Strathom2 3 ай бұрын
What if they could apply the token at a buy kiosk when the F7C MK2 becomes available to buy in game?
@toecutter9372 3 ай бұрын
Where did you get the Grim Hex neon sign? I want that like uncle Rico’s Tupperware
@D-rizzy31 3 ай бұрын
3:40 I think that it doesn't make sense to get a free different ship and be able to upgrade it to F7A. idk if I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Also the MK II came out today. It wouldn't make sense for CIG to put a ship they are trying to sell for money as an in game purchase or as a reward for the event. I agree that the event is somewhat "predatory", but I mean they have been doing this for 12 years and people still buy the stuff. We can hate on it all we want but idk if its really going to change anything. If they just read the main page it says what you need to get the upgrade. If you dont realize that, its on you as the player. Also there is a massive update on the way. They have also said that once Sq42 they will be pushing those assets onto the PU, so I think that the development of SC will be IRL quantum jumping. I do think getting the MK II in game for the rest of this patch would be good actually, after you read it off it sounded much better than the 3 day rental lol.
@sennemaa5976 3 ай бұрын
You naild it.
@Coastin 3 ай бұрын
@brentmcknight5344 3 ай бұрын
Love your work Berks
@Volf1916 3 ай бұрын
Would like to see ingame item tied to the event, helmet or xenothreat damaged armor piece. An easy skin of what is in game allready like the bear or horror helmets we just have to hunt down would be better then the ship tokens for me.
@kiwi4kian 3 ай бұрын
most agitating thing for me is that existing hornet owners are left with a bugged ship and age old model and they just decide to release a whole new ship. I can't even "upgrade" to a new model since I own a super hornet.
@mminto 3 ай бұрын
I totally agree. There are very simple things they could do like giving us unique armor in our hangar for completing these events. No incentive at all, other than the general thirst to do missions with friends which already exists.
@ParaquatSC 3 ай бұрын
you earn in game currency! (at a rate 10x slower than salvage, drugs or mining)
@gk.4102 3 ай бұрын
Yeah CIG should just stick to their usual funding method: selling ships for real cash then release it for in-game purchase a patch or two later. People seem to hate these "marketing" events more than CIG's usual funding method.
@SwarthyD 3 ай бұрын
You know I will say that this is a bit better than the f8 event. Mainly for the reason that everyone will be able to get the F7A. Yeah I get it’s annoying you still have to buy the base variant but atleast it’s more accessible to everyone
@UnderdogSMO 3 ай бұрын
still bad though
@DarkWolfStar 3 ай бұрын
I read that operation brief and was so confused i finally realized i had to spend or melt and immediately looked at my f8c lighting like im good
@Ha1rD1aper 3 ай бұрын
the "free" upgrade is going to go unused by 85% of the people who get them, and, even if players time their 3 day rental with an event or ORG battle, they will have nothing left to show that they took part. just as examples- plaques, military type medals, armor or guns for combat events (although, the coins are ok for AC stuff, that's cool). clothing, posters, brochures, and tourist souvenirs from Invictus/IAE type events. trophies, sports medals, ribbons, banners/posters for racing events. thing like these could help fill out and help personalize hangars with other possible props. imo, they actually should have super special upgrade or ship/item giveaway events, just done a bit better.... aside from those (or on top of those) should have effort put in to make and award items that everyone can enjoy... the event is decent so far, if the servers weren't kneecapped the event would be a lot more intense and probably better.
@cmdrmaskime 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for being honest 🙏
@PredatorMounts 3 ай бұрын
You arent crazy....well maybe a little a crazy... but your take on this is really good. Keep it up Berks!
@Nightbar0n 3 ай бұрын
Easy solution : If you think its not worth your time/not planning to get the MkII, Just don't do the mission... It's optional anyways.
@XXweelyXX 3 ай бұрын
Fully agree...Have been excited every time cig announce these types of events...only to be disappointed in the end... F8 event was impossible to find a server the event was running on despite being in game every day the event was on. Idris event. Same issue. Could not find a server the mission was running on despite me and my mates server hoping daily... While this new event me and my mates can access. But what's the point if you don't already own or plan on purchasing the base ship.... Just leaves a bit of a sour taste... Am not instested in playing the store game anymore...I want to be able to participate and earn in game rewards by playing the game..
@emmettwaller989 3 ай бұрын
If this was an in game upgrade kit like how they plan to do ship modules that can be integrated at your hanger that would have been actually good
@Bigbeck878 3 ай бұрын
We should all boycott the 2nd phase of the event🤣
@kingoffrost 3 ай бұрын
Every event cig does is a marketing event, they do that in place of advertising and they 95% of the time sell ships during it. But they don’t mislead you it’s an alpha that while getting closer to feature complete, they aren’t there yet. Sad to see Beria drama farming something other than gg2
@eirkro 3 ай бұрын
I made a post on the concierge forum about how these events is starting to give me a cynical cash-grab vibe. I stated my feelings and what thoughts pop into my head when they realease stupid events like this. Post was taken down in 45 minutes because the feelings/thoughts I had were insulting....
@realitygamer3524 3 ай бұрын
not being overdramatic at all, in game events shouldn't have outside requirements.
@gaatjegeenrukaangek6 3 ай бұрын
I was grabbing my wallet when I heard it. but I've learned to take a step back and reconsider the value of things more and I'm just going to pass on any of these money grabs.
@benjaminolry5849 3 ай бұрын
The CDF Armor is a better reward imho than this.
@cptmuzz4085 3 ай бұрын
Gimme da casshhhhh...
@dman2595 3 ай бұрын
i really dont understand why CIG is so focused on events currently unless they are internally testing stuff with those, but who knows
@Tentacl 3 ай бұрын
They sell ships. In this case a power creep ship making one.of the very first ones obsolete. They like money, it's simple as that.
@hawkzulu5671 3 ай бұрын
@@Tentacl This is a Squadron 42 ship that was always going to come into the P.U. - If you are worried that your old hornet is obsolete you can do the event and upgrade the hornet you bought to this one.
@Redclaw340 3 ай бұрын
I think this event is dumb....but I'm an industry player....this event doesn't appeal to me, and many of my friends....Will there ever be any events for the non-combat players? Great video! Keep it up.
@mrmtz2425 3 ай бұрын
I want to by Bags for the mining ship at the shop
@DreadSkulll 3 ай бұрын
CIG embarrassing themselves with events for the sake of money is so standard I wasn't even surprised. The whales love this shit though. The F8 event saved them from being in serious financial trouble last year and they're just going to rinse and repeat that until it stops working. It's strange how Star Citizen warps your perception of reality, the F7C mk2 costs the price of two AAA games. You need to buy two AAA games to get a reward for doing an in game mission. This is not normal, healthy, or sustainable, especially because you know this will not be the last time CIG runs an event like this.
@tincup208 3 ай бұрын
They are making more of these decisions as time goes on. For now because of this I've had enough and I'm out. I may even wait till release now whenever that is but we'll see I suppose. For now, I'm on the sidelines watching instead of playing.
@Flyingturdbucket 3 ай бұрын
You know what, they should make it so that you get the F7A even if you dont own the C for the entire Patch cycle to 3.23 and then loose it. It gives everyone to a chance to fly it, it gets tested extensively in PU and then if you like it then you can choose to purchase the C and get the upgrade or loose it. Easy.
@Tentacl 3 ай бұрын
But they want money!
@eTreyu27 3 ай бұрын
But... Need monies.. no monies no game. Buy ship gib monies
@Tentacl 3 ай бұрын
@@eTreyu27 this is the most funded game in history. Time to stop buying mansions in London and finish it with those 500+ millions.
@burgerpops7182 3 ай бұрын
@@Tentacl there is two games not one but ppl will always cry because ppl are cry babies now
@bobstark4201 3 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter how CIG does something, there will always be some who don't like it or even hate it. We know CIG is going to find a way to make money. That is nothing new. But this is one of the first events that actually has enough incentive for random players to group up together, form a party and do these missions. From my own personal experience, I've met some pretty awesome players who got added to the friends list who will likely add to the overall SC experience for a long time to come. As far as my experience with SC events, that's fairly unique. You gotta give them credit for that.
@bingus549 3 ай бұрын
This is like saying "the pretty girl I asked out said no and spit in my face but at least I got to feel her spit on me"
@Podokodo23 3 ай бұрын
The event so far is freakin awesome. I don't give a s^&t about the rewards but the event itself is really a step in the right direction. I watched this before actually playing the mission so didn't expect much, and have to say I completely disagree with your initial take. Your suggestions for better ingame "progression" are well thought out and make sense but in reality if they made all the changes you want then 50% of the community would still find problems with it.
@Suirady 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree.
@ArterialCanine 3 ай бұрын
Seriously, you could not possibly be blind there is ample notification on the event and rewards. You would have to be living under a rock or far too lazy to read the plethora of information. They are a business and end of the day need to generate income some how. Agree NPC response needs work and that is happening.
@julecourtright 3 ай бұрын
Classic. A free prize if you first send us 150 dollars. It's like they are trying to regain the game's horrible reputation from its kickstarter, and ruin any goodwill they have earned.
@Lestat070707 3 ай бұрын
You nailed the kitten in the bag. Goos shout for putting that up. I totally agree.
@TheeO115 3 ай бұрын
Too bad the event can't progress past the 5th mission
@user-yc1sb2so3k 3 ай бұрын
@xenon1416 3 ай бұрын
True and real.
@CallousCyclone 3 ай бұрын
as of just finishing the 1st phase a few hours ago, it took me three hours and I gotta disagree and say it was a complete blast. Not someone who tends to be very social but the event cannot be done with less than 3 people (didn't know this til phase 5/5). Great social event and brought 5 of us together and plan to continue our skirmish into the next two events. In terms of the marketing. Again, I think this is an over-reation as ofcourse they're gonna cost you to buy what is deemed the 'space superiority' ship. Some of your wishes are just not coherrent with development. I want this thing with these mechanics etc. But they aren't finished yet so just slap together a one-time code for a one time event. They've held off wasting time doing these sorts of hotfixes for 'Years' and almost all early backers are onboard and understand that back in 2013/14/15 etc... that this is what 'we' signed up for. Not a 'I want it better within a few months because I'm bored, no content' etc. It's in active development and still not as close as you'd like it to be to release. Understand that and you'll enjoy the game more for it. If it's not content friendly and you're wanting to stream something then yea, play something else. Most SC streamers are in the 'Just Chatting' crowd and it's just a vibe rather than hardcore gameplay and grinding. That's my 2 cents anyway. Event was fun and a fresh experience for any lonewolves out there to have a laugh with a bunch of randoms.
@hangglidingmontana6134 3 ай бұрын
Want to take part in the event? $150 buy in. Classic.
@DarthPoyner 3 ай бұрын
This is a bad faith argument. You don't have to pay anything to participate in the event. You can do the whole thing without paying more than the starter package that you assumedly already have. They don't have to give you anything other than the event if they wanted to. But they decided to give a small boost to those that complete it. Now, I think this is a lot like giving paints for ships you don't have. Pretty much worthless and not a great incentive that only benefits part of the community. I would prefer some special flair that can't be gotten through loot boxes or something. But they didn't have to give anything.
@hangglidingmontana6134 3 ай бұрын
@@DarthPoyner bad faith argument? Ahh so you DO have to pay to participate in the event. You contradicted yourself in the 3rd sentence.... The reward is an upgrade. An upgrade FROM a 150 dollar ship. So yes, I am correct. You are a dumbass. Congratulations!
@Ryky 3 ай бұрын
I think you're being too dramatic, but yes I think they should've given some more CDF gear for this part of the mission as well to everyone doing it. I assume they will give it out again for XT (like the 3.14 CDF armor), but since this takes time and effort to do as well, there should've been some armor or weapon given out. The 4 day rental if you don't wanna buy it is not a reward.
@Fitzwilliams-tu9ss 3 ай бұрын
I did it with friends and had a lot of fun. As much as I normally agree with you it just sounds like your complaining.
@Paga969 3 ай бұрын
We are here for that in alpha. Cig need 110 millions each year . We are in alpha dont forget that ! It’s not a game. The verse exist only for that
@MattCM2013 3 ай бұрын
This event is better than the F8C Platinum Ticket event and Idris event as its globally accessible, On ALL SERVERS, and sure you may have to wait for bunkers to clear so you get a mission but its better than server hopping server to sever crossing your fingers its running on your server. The F8C event you could only buy outright for $260 or melt $300, no CCUs allowed. This event you can choose to CCU something to the F7C Mk2 and not spend the $160 outright. The event is meant to last over the coming month leading up to Invictus so you can do any and all missions that are available at your leasure instead of only during a 1 week period or weekend. The Upgrade to the F7A Mk2 being only earnable by playing the game, FOR EVERYONE, is a welcome change. Yea right now sure if you dont have a Mk2 to apply it just sits in your hangar but you still can at any point in the future CCU to a Mk2 and apply the F7A. They hinted as XenoThreat likes to keep attacking Stanton so this will most likely not be the only time this will be running. Yes, we still have no idea how CIG will go about letting people use it without owning a Mk2 right now but they will eventually figure out a system of managing in game bought assets in the hangar in the future.
@UnderdogSMO 3 ай бұрын
I accept that ship sales are necasary to in order for CIG to make cash to operate as a company (workers got to eat) and build the game But it seems the game with these events is just being built as a ship sales platform first and not as a game.
@D-rizzy31 3 ай бұрын
AI messed me up on at least 2 of the missions. I thought it was an alright mission overall. for sure could not solo those missions.
@alex_panthea 3 ай бұрын
You're asking too much from CIG atlking about making complex/interesting events in game, they can't even make A.I work properly
@koolerpure 3 ай бұрын
drip feed missions just to unlock the opportunity to buy a new meta ship or a token to upgrade to it is so stupid to me. the game barely handles regular missions so youd think theyd be focused on making those better
@RED--01 3 ай бұрын
I'm also SUPER excited about the game.. I own an IDRIS-K.. But its VERY annoying how EVERYTHING they do is ONLY exclusive about money.
@eTreyu27 3 ай бұрын
CIG gonna hire Berks when?
@awwmybees 3 ай бұрын
yeah you're being dramatic. "why don't they prioritize in game rewards and progression" uh because of wipes we aren't at full persistence.
@BerksReacts 3 ай бұрын
Why are you pretending like game rewards are abnormal for online video games? And that CIG hasn’t done them before themselves? If this isn’t a huge red flag for you that we’re 10 years in with zero in game progression, and being sold a fast pass ship upgrade at every turn then honestly you aren’t worth convincing.
@awwmybees 3 ай бұрын
@@BerksReacts refer to my previous comment re: progression. wipes. there's no fast pass ship upgrade, it's available to everyone at the same time.
@whamo_3 3 ай бұрын
And the hangar inventory is literally there for enabling some progression through patch cycles. They can make coins for every damn AC test they do, but nothing for a three part month long event leading into one of their biggest events of the year? Xenothreat, which this event also evidently goes into, even has CDF rep and hangar items for players that participate- why didn’t more rewards and rep tiers get added to that, since it’s already in the game?
@grymrammsolkbyrt6203 3 ай бұрын
Yeah I was initially excited until I realised they would have a pretty big catch, and needing to buy a $175 ship to get a free upgrade is not worth it at all, well not for me. Good luck to those that are excited but for me a new combat fighter is as exciting as watching paint dry.
@XellithUS 3 ай бұрын
Just stop playing the game until closer to release. CIG wont learn if people keep logging in to play the bullshit.
@jonjuan8429 3 ай бұрын
This is not CIG doing this its some marketing consultants that are convincing them this is the best way to advertise the game but they are allowing it to happen or greed has corrupted the people and project we set off on this journey with but i think it’s marketing consultants 07
@InvictusByz 3 ай бұрын
Bad take tbh. Somehow, because the long term persistent reward isn't the one you wanted, this is *worse* than the standard events which have *no* persistent reward? Reward for JT? Money. Reward for Siege? Money. Maybe some looted armor. Reward for old XT? Theoretically money, but in reality you just get shit servers for a few days.
@pastafazool5951 3 ай бұрын
hiring someone who was in mobile marketing was a mistake
@omg-vert 3 ай бұрын
Backer since 2014. I just don't care anymore. Every year my playtime gets less and less. At this point my time in -game for each patch can be measured in minutes.
@KildalSC 3 ай бұрын
I'm with you on this Berks. An event like this should be a reason to play the game, it can be a reason to buy stuff in the store as well, but the primary focus needs to see a shift towards progression and reasons to play. For this event all I would ask for is once the game is released commercially 1.0 to be able to use the upgrade token from F7C MK II to F7A MK II on a F7C MK II i've earned in game, only ever buying a starter pack for $. Others that buy now can enjoy the ship in the years leading up to that, I think that's fair?
@davewills6121 3 ай бұрын
CIG are pushing GROUP PLAY, they learnt from the Golden Ticket, the C to A is insignificant
@Turican76 3 ай бұрын
scam event another bunker crap
@eTreyu27 3 ай бұрын
Why are we so surprised here? This is how they roll, and i don't see it changing. Game fueled by FOMO has no other way to stay solvent...
@VenEm 3 ай бұрын
Absolute trash. Not the event, thats fun.
@watermelon58 3 ай бұрын
They wanted money so they made an event not made an event and decided on a reward
@DeverSonic 3 ай бұрын
every event they do is the same. Garbage cash grabs or can't even participate
@drksideofthewal 3 ай бұрын
It’s not a step forwards, it’s not a step backwards. CIG is standing on the same bullshit.
@eTreyu27 3 ай бұрын
Exactly. Nothing new to see here. Move along. Eat fomo, or hodl strong
@illgottengains1314 3 ай бұрын
Worst trailer yet. Remember how cool they used to be?
@The_0G_Chad 3 ай бұрын
This really is so greedy. I was so excited because I thought they were simply going to give you pledge murder hornet turrets that could be granted to anyone’s endgame ship or future ships. Instead, they did this token on purpose so it’s useless to all but people who further need to spend 175 bucks? There is no excuse. This is them farming their community over and over again because they do not know how to run finances. For God sake, they make subscriptions as well as starter ships that cost a AAA game. They sell ships that cost more than top-of-the-line gaming rigs. Their heavy fighters are the price of video cards.
@hawkzulu5671 3 ай бұрын
SC is $45 bucks anything beyond that is Optional, when you can just use In Game currency to buy the rest.
@1BadZ 3 ай бұрын
I'm saltier than Berks, its why I mostly quit SC for DCS two years ago. CIG entirely focused on tech and the game has suffered for it. TBH, Star Citizen sucks and is boring now.
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