Star Citizen's new Idris War Game event has some issues...

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Hybrid V Audio

Hybrid V Audio

4 ай бұрын

Star Citizen's latest event called 'Idris War Game' launched with the hotly anticipated update to the massive Idris frigate that now features a fully detailed interior. This event is also a competition where the player that holds on to the ship the longest during the event can be given a chance to win one.
However, the event ran into some major issues, most notably exploitation of game mechanics that players used keep the ship away from other players in very unfair way. On top of that, there were issues with the limited spawns of the missions which lead to a lot of consternation among those who were eager to participate.
The competition was adjusted to account for these issues, but it still left a bad taste in players mouth. As the event moves forward, time will tell if this is just a stumble or something far worse.
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@HybridVAudio 4 ай бұрын
Edit: Thanks to CobraTV for getting his crew together to steal this Idris to give players something to do since folks were getting frustrated with the event. If you want to watch it from his perspective you can check out the VOD here I hope the adjustments CIG put into the competition will encourage players to actually fight with the Idris so there can be some fun back and forth. But if anything it might still open up the event to forms of griefing where players will deliberately not care and will still exploit the broken mechanics just to keep other players from checking out the updated Idris. Have you had a chance to try out the event yet? How did it go? As mentioned in the video, we had no luck finding these missions / spawns in the wild no matter how wide a net we casted out. We'll try again this weekend to see if things improved as we are all eager to have fun battling out with one of these things. Let me know how things went for you. See you all in the next one. o7
@BarManFesteiro 4 ай бұрын
i was in that server that is not the Idris for the event
@HybridVAudio 4 ай бұрын
@@BarManFesteiro As I mentioned in the beginning of the video
@milleka3504 4 ай бұрын
Just for clarification this was NOT an event Idris. Cobra TV and the CobroForce decided to steal a mission Idris and fly it to seraphim to give people in server something to fight against as we waited for the event to spawn in. It was a lot of fun :)
@eigos 4 ай бұрын
The green tint gave it away (as well as the missing interior)
@quantom6 4 ай бұрын
I saw the Idris last night. Had a big fight with CIG until the game crashed for everyone. Then when logging back in a player rammed the ship to death ending the event.
@Tael71 4 ай бұрын
i have server hopped at least 10 servers and never saw an idris event and no one I saw in game has either. And each of the videos I have found where an idris is found has been of course streamers and ships in armistic zones. The event overall is a bust
@reamoinmcdonachadh9519 4 ай бұрын
I would only watch it on a stream, in order to see the internals of the Idris. especially those places normally 'off limits' to players. As for the even itself, IF the Idris is boardable, and then capturable, it should NOT be able to Quantum, UNLESS players ENGINEER COMPONENT RECOVERY, and all the while the pressure should be on to DEFEND and HOLD what you have captured. That would make for a more intense and worthwhile event.
@JPCorwyn 4 ай бұрын
We (FH) agree wholeheartedly.
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
That's a good idea. No Quantum > SCM Only and any significant funcftionality needs to be manually repaired.
@eigos 4 ай бұрын
Been working this weekend, zero play time and wondered how the event was going... not surprised by what I heard from this video
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
02:19 This is still a problem > some large org could hold onto an Idris and simply dip in and out of non-combat zones while having their org mates tag the ship here and there in some remote location. They could use alt accounts and a dedicated org rotating members in and out around the clock and staving off any outsiders that approach (short of another larger org coming to mow them down) could simply hold onto an Idris in "active combat" for the entire event. (Minus any crashes or other game instabilities). Effectively still gaming the system even with CIGs random bullsh*t announcement.
@andredicarlo3310 4 ай бұрын
They should just make the İdris have its own quantum marker. That way players can always track and jump to it
@explorer47422 4 ай бұрын
You'd think they'd have thought about the armistice zones before this was even suggested as a contest lol, sounds like they need to get player advisers i.e. people who actually play the game for fun instead of for work and know all the exploits.
@TESI303 4 ай бұрын
lol. CIG doesn't listen - to things they don't like. ie the 'Katamari' thread from the previous forums - a thread where all the threads CIG didn't like were appended to. The thread ended up being larger than all the other ones COMBINED!
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
CIG doesn't give a damn. It's a CASH GRAB. Plaiin and simple. They are continuously rolling the dice to find new ways to generate funds because they've dipped some for the first time in 10+ years after wasting a shit ton of funding and devleopment time (on things I won't bother going into but you can google); and now with recent releases like the F8 and now more access to the Idris (and announcing thatIdris owners will get their ships prior to SQ42 - aqgain google it); This is CIG (1) testing the Idris in game (hope to hell it ain't as broken in SQ42 as is seems in the online game; so that they can make good on their claim to Idris owners - at some point) (2) finding another way to scrape for extra cash; because all the big backers are holding off tossing more cash at the game after years of delays and failed deadlines and breaking promises and scope creep. You'd think that after almost $700 Million and 11+ years of development time there'd be 2 Triple A video games out by now. A lvie online game and a stand alone play-through that ties back into the online game. CIG stopped listening to community/player feedback a long time ago - unless 90% of the active playerbase pushes back on a singular item. WHich is rare these days.
@bobstark4201 4 ай бұрын
It takes a lot to kill an Idris now, I have noticed. Last patch, I could solo a Critical Service beacon with a Corsair. Yesterday, we had 2 Ions and a Retaliator. Unloaded all 6 torps into it, all the missiles from the Ions and circled it for an hour. Shields went down, but only the engines or a little piece of the top ever went red. We actually ran out of fuel circling it and gave up. We now have a need for the Polaris, lol.
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
Expect more of that as development progresses. Expect at some point to have your ass handed to you by an Idris while solo flying a Corsair at some point gauranteed. Odd that folks act surprised about this. Days will soon be gone of soloing large+cap ships with a single Arrow.
@bobstark4201 4 ай бұрын
@@uberfu Surprised? Odd? When all of the Idris in game are changed to this without announcement, surprise is a normal response. The event itself was the only thing announced. Not it’s application to service beacons at this point. Those of us who have been playing SC for years were well aware of time to kill being increased at some point. Just seems a bit odd to have the Idris that OP without access to ships like an Idris or Polaris to take it down. In general, no one usually does service beacons with more than a few players. Any more than that and it’s not worth the payout. You can solo a High Threat for 200k but you need 5-10 players to do a 300k Critical Threat? Not very balanced.
@Kevlar-78 4 ай бұрын
I don’t know if it was just for sales ? I mean - it’s a big test isn’t it ? I don’t think they should have tied awards to the event though.
@schlagzahne6741 4 ай бұрын
I know my chances of winning an M via their contest is nil, but my reward would just be seeing the inside of it. Also seeing how a player crewed idris fights instead of potato npcs
@HybridVAudio 4 ай бұрын
Tests were conducted multiple times in the PTU. Right now there is a sale on the RSI site with 3 waves to pick up an Idris-P
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
(1) Sales. CIG has had a decline in player/backer sales over recent annual events and last year began adding in additional saqles with previously restricted assets (F8 and Idris as examples); CIG IS SELLING the idris during this event - so YES SALES. They are looking for other revenue intake to compensate for the decline in revenue year over year. Last year (2023) the F8 in game hunt ended up compensating for the lack luster revfenue CIG was projecting. This is akin to that previous F8 Hunt. (2) IN GAME TESTING > Yes. CIG has repeatedly stated that the Idris is fully funcitonal in SQ42 (stand alone single player game); They have now announced that SQ42 is feature locked and asset complete (1 time in 2016 - they lied out their ass 7+ years later still no game) and last year in October 2023 - CIG again stated "feature complete and asset locked"; but they did not give a release date for that single player game. The problem is that the game environment and the live online game environment are not synced up properly and are not identical code bases curently. So despite the Idris maybe being bug free and refined in SQ42 adding the ship into the current state of the PU (live online game) it (and other things) tends to break. With a game asset as large and complex as the Idris - adding it to the unstable clusterf*ck that is the PU will take a sh*t ton of effort. (a) do they modify the ship to accommodate the broken code3 base (b) Or do they push to clean the code base the f*ck up on the live game to accommodate the already pristine ship being added to the game? They should be doing B and should ahve already had this done a long ass time ago - but more likely for the sake of time constraits (laughable after 11+ years) in order to make good on their claim that Idris owners will have their ships sooner than later - they are more likely shoehorning the Idris into the current broken code with the intention of swapping things out later as they clean up the live online game code.
@Kevlar-78 4 ай бұрын
@@uberfu Thanks for the detailed response here. Good points (especially for someone like myself who hasn’t been following as closely of late)
@GhostofZuuzGaming 4 ай бұрын
i found a idris doing a 340k bounty mission, had 2 hammerheads, cutty black and a idris.
@themadpaddler9043 4 ай бұрын
I heard all kinds of things about how that event was a dumpster fire. But I can see it as a great way for CIG to see ALL the possible problems with such an event. Hopefully, they learned something from it that will lead to fixes later in development.
@cabbshills5732 4 ай бұрын
Its not a public event its for whale orgs and whale streamers.
@Smoke-te1iy 4 ай бұрын
i was on one server for 8 hours yesterday and no idris
@GunShocka 4 ай бұрын
im surprised you guys didnt sub - target. You can still sub target you just have to scan the vehicle first. then subtarget keybinds work.
@raidellcorps 4 ай бұрын
for real?
@GunShocka 4 ай бұрын
@@raidellcorps it was a balance change cause before you could basically immediately kill someone's engines or something before the fight even started. While you can sub target still it requires you that scan first to make it fair, plus more intended for larger ships in that way like this.
@BarManFesteiro 4 ай бұрын
This is not the Idris from the event that was just a streamer that stole a mission spawned Idris with no interior
@VulkanHunter 4 ай бұрын
Yeah I played a bit of the event and it was nothing like this which was mentioned in the video tbh. Played three of the events, and it was fine, and fun, people working together.
@Decompose_Corpse 4 ай бұрын
Yeah the issue is that it's only for streamers and big orgs to participate in
@piranhax6466 4 ай бұрын
Only saw 1 event and it went away after 30 seconds
@cowboy10uk 4 ай бұрын
Now you see I’m looking this a completely different way. YES the event itself was and is a mess, not denying that at all, and if you wanted to enjoy the Idris I get the frustration of having players use the glitches inside the game mechanics in this way. HOWEVER, this is actually a win win for everyone, and in the long run it’s gonna improve the game for us all. It has highlighted pretty clearly, where the exploits are, how they are accessed and how players use them. That means they can all be fixed and CIG are aware of them, which they may not have realised those glitches were there. So actually as a testing event this has been a complete and utter success. So while frustrating it’s also been a positive experience for all of us. While yes I was hoping to see a lot more footage of the inside of the Idris, maybe even a walk around tour by some streamer now we have access to the ship, I honestly can’t state I’m disappointed.
@Nemethon 4 ай бұрын
every time some idris spawned, some stupid players blowing it up, not understanding the mission at all. So I never seen any Idris captured. Too many chaotic evil player around here.
@Traumglanz 4 ай бұрын
Yeah, the idea was pretty cool, the execution and attaching a expensive price to it. Really bad idea.
@hookin1 4 ай бұрын
Haven't seen the Idris yet. Except in videos
@Qrcodescan 4 ай бұрын
@Psychobob 4 ай бұрын
Now you just fly out into deep space and have your friend shoot your shields to stay in combat. Lol.
@lowdermanc 4 ай бұрын
What cannons are shooting the blue lasers at the end? Never seen blue lasers before. I’m still pretty inexperienced in the game.
@vengefuldevil5195 4 ай бұрын
blue is distortion, though purple does exist in the form of neutron cannons.
@lowdermanc 4 ай бұрын
@@vengefuldevil5195 dang they got purple too??? I’m gonna have to see if I can fit some cheap ones on a small ship just for the cool factor.
@Zero_Some 4 ай бұрын
i was looking forward to messing with this and even picking up the Antares pledge but with how fuct this is for the average player just to push more ships nah. I doubt I pledge anything for a long time. leaving a very sour taste in my mouth
@piranhax6466 4 ай бұрын
Streamer only even... nice that those ppl will be the only ones to get an idris for free..while I had to pay for one
@RichardMar 4 ай бұрын
I asked in every single video of yours … how do you make that radio sound for voice chat? Is there a reason you don’t want to give an answer ?
@kodyhalo2 4 ай бұрын
if you thot it was going to QT why dint you go for landing in the back? its how i got on :P
@Critical_Mass_ 4 ай бұрын
More like Borophyll!
@kodyhalo2 4 ай бұрын
streamers are the only way i could get ino a server with one also. but its not a streamer event right... right guys... right. good, you agree.
@vengefuldevil5195 4 ай бұрын
it's not a streamer event, it's just they have a large amount of people server hopping to find them servers. That's the only way to do this since it was so rare. Someone in their audience finds it and is like "notice me sempai"
@Yo_Spoots 4 ай бұрын
lord, rewatching that. I spalshed like 4 times trying to enter the rear hangar AHAHA.
@uberfu 4 ай бұрын
02:53 > (1) It sounds like CIG is manually activating Idris instances (2) they ARE NOT deploying them to every server or game instance. (3) To understand Hybrid V's statement about him et al attempting ~20 unique game servers instances to attempt to find a single Idris for the event and not finding one - that took his group several hours. It's nearly ~10 minute process just to login to the game > get a ship and fly into orbit > and that is if you do nothing else - like set up a ship loadout > equip player gear > reset your spawn location etc. Unless you get lucky and spawn in the immediate vicinity of an Idris (assuming you find one) that is likely another 10-15 minute travel time. So a bare minimum 30-60 minutes each time just to log in and find an Idris. After teh first login - some fo that time can be sahved (you don't have to re-equip ships and player gear - you don;t have to reset your spawn location every time and so on - so maybe cut the initial 10 minutes to 5 minutes - but you still ahve to find the damned ship and get to it.)
@tlove21 4 ай бұрын
All SC events will be streamer-focused until it is a true MMO, for they will be able to gather half if not the whole server. I knew this event would be rough, for adding a flying small city to a game is no easy thing to accomplish.
@vengefuldevil5195 4 ай бұрын
This event is ass lol
@ProximusRegent 4 ай бұрын
Truth. Give crazies money watch crazy things happen
@ProximusRegent 4 ай бұрын
I can’t take this game seriously anymore. I don’t care what phase it’s in or how good it looks. I have dedicated my life to saving others from wasting their time with it. So many honest hard working company’s making cool games that are fun.
@burgerpops7182 4 ай бұрын
OK bye
@lukegloedeus9665 4 ай бұрын
You dont sound the dedication type.. o7
@kennys9644 4 ай бұрын
Why would you care?? If you're a working adult its not like this is that much money to spend on something. If it never truly gets finished, whatever. Move on with your life. Even as the game stands right now, its still a fun and unique experience.
@ProximusRegent 4 ай бұрын
@@kennys9644 Do you always reject others opions with such subjective rigidity? It's my right as a conscious human to have an opinion, whether you like it or not. Thats what makes this world a fair and just place.. wouldn't you agree, I have the right to play the game and openly have a negative opinion of it?
@osuave7811 4 ай бұрын
Move on Ur blocking the airway​@ProximusRegent
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