Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching

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@wakebacon8301 2 жыл бұрын
100% Yoda was testing Luke's patience by acting like a crazy old man. The monologue Yoda delivers about the Force while teaching Luke the Lesson of "Size matters Not" still to this day gives me goosebumps. He is a wise Master.
@chrispittman8854 2 жыл бұрын
"It's 4:20 24/7" here. Of course he was wise. He had Einstein's eyes. ;) Edit... whoa... look where "4:20" landed... This "Parris OG" is great...
@whade62000 2 жыл бұрын
Well also this Yoda is a bit older and starting to feel it It's reasonable that he'd act a bit more senile
@chrispittman8854 2 жыл бұрын
@@whade62000 He's playing the "old card."* LOL! "Where am I? What time is it?" See "Community."
@voodoochile333 2 жыл бұрын
@BruGaleen 2 жыл бұрын
It was the test of "How do you treat someone that you think is of no use to you". Yoda was testing Luke's respect and compassion here. Maybe seeing if he was as arrogant as Anakin was about his abilities. Just my theory. :)
@Ryan_Dye-r 2 жыл бұрын
Remember, A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, & Return of the Jedi were made before Episodes I, II, & III. So originally, the audience didn't know that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker until he said, "Luke I am your father."
@johnsperry9494 25 күн бұрын
No, he did not say "Luke, I am your father." Go watch it again and stop giving mis-information. That is the most famous cinematic Mis-Quote in history. He says, "No, I am your father." You can't be a real Star Wars fan and make such a newbie mistake. Shame on you,
@Joshu_Y 2 жыл бұрын
The scene where Yoda lifts the X-wing out of the swamp...the peak John Williams score building up... the context, the craftsmanship, the film-making, the cinematography... the perfect mix of elements in that scene basically defined my whole childhood. Chef's kiss, an all-time top 3 perfect cinematic moment for me. There was nothing like it before or since.
@TaxmanTV 2 жыл бұрын
Well put. I think the greatest SW scene ever.
@TheNuje 3 ай бұрын
The music in that moment is so many layers of brilliant, I can't even explain it all without a whole essay! At first, when Yoda starts to lift it out (while R2D2 makes excited noises) the music just sounds mostly intriguing and mysterious. The camera cuts to Luke as he stands up and walks towards the camera to watch. When the camera is on Luke, the melody is still in a minor scale, which doesn't sound positive. But once the camera cuts to Yoda, it instantly repeats the same melodic motif in a major key. There are so many layers going on that all just sound uniquely Star Wars. It really is iconic! To be able to either read a script, or see a rough cut of the film, turn what you feel into music, and make us all feel it too isn't an easy thing to do, and John Williams just always nails it!
@Thedarkelfnightshade 2 жыл бұрын
So the cave scene was actually Yoda testing Luke. Luke brought his weapons out of fear. The first step on the path to the dark side. His second and more severe failure was Luke drawing his lightsaber first. The third failure and most severe was the way Luke fought Vader. He attacked with anger and hatred while Vader fought defensively. Luke's face in Vaders helmet was Yoda telling Luke that if he kept acting the way he was. He'd fall to the dark side and be another Vader.
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
i was looking for this comment. 100%
@TommygunNG 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, had Yoda told me I didn't need my weapons, I'd have loaded up. Hell, I'd have checked my emergency supplies for a blaster rifle. Remember what Obi-wan told Anakin: "Your weapon is your life."
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
@@TommygunNG lol! good one!
@lewstone5430 2 жыл бұрын
Lee T. Walker that is why you fail.
@TommygunNG 2 жыл бұрын
@@lewstone5430 That's where we differ. I'd come out of the cave and say, "Well, I blasted Vader to oblivion in that sim. I'm ready for the real thing. Bring him on!"
@duncancaswah7214 2 жыл бұрын
Whenever a sequel takes a dark turn, its referred to as the "Empire Strikes Back" of its franchise. That's how impactful this movie's dark turn was.
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
I LOVED IT! Incredible movie Duncan, thank you so much for watching! weeee😄
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
I agree.
@Geerladenlad 2 жыл бұрын
@@LoveLaurenn Robot Chicken has the answer you seek
@Egobyte83 2 жыл бұрын
It is? I grew up with the original trilogy and I have legit never heard that expression before.
@B-a-t-m-a-n 2 жыл бұрын
@@Egobyte83 Same here. Can't even think of an example of it.
@canuck21 Жыл бұрын
The “I know” fits Han perfectly and just as romantic as saying I love you. It’s one of the most memorable quote.
@truththruthespirit2659 2 жыл бұрын
Your reaction to Yoda is humorous. Yoda was testing Luke. When this was made there was no CGI so Yoda was an actual puppet created by the same ones who did the muppets. Another reason release order is the better way to watch this.
@schnubbel76 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Take the scene with Luke training/running with Yoda/Grogu on his back. If you saw Book of Boba Fett first, it does not much for you. But if you saw ESB first you get all nostalgic about stuff like that. I mean it might be fun as well to connect the dots backwards like Laurenn did here. But for me i would never change my experience i had with the release order.
@ChallengeIdeas 2 жыл бұрын
I always thought Muppet Yoda looked better, but I'm biased.
2 жыл бұрын
Yoda wasn't testing Luke and he didn't know the pilot was Luke Skywalker.
@schnubbel76 2 жыл бұрын
@ Right. How could he have known? I mean it's not as if Yoda can see the future in visions, or could have been informed by Obi Wans Ghost, who sent Luke there in the first place. Right?.....
@alanmacification 2 жыл бұрын
I strongly suspect that both Obi-Wan and Yoda were actually Force Ghosts all along.
@davidsantacarla 2 жыл бұрын
A little funny story: the scene when Luke is talking to Obiwan’s spirit after fleeing cave with snow monster was filmed in really bad winter conditions from a hallway in Norway. The director and crew were so cold, they set up everything at the door to the hotel and Mark Hamill was filmed about 20 feet outside the door. That hotel is still there to this day.
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that is a pretty cool story lol I had no idea! Thanks for sharing David and thank you for watching!😃
@voodoochile333 2 жыл бұрын
That isn't a funny story
@davidsantacarla 2 жыл бұрын
@@voodoochile333 Irving Kirshner saying “F*ck it, film him from the hallway, I’m not freezing MY b@lls off” isn’t funny? Ok 👌🏻
@lewstone5430 2 жыл бұрын
And again real world and practical effects destroy cgi for the trillionth time.
@Caseytify 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite Fun Fact was that they shot the Hoth scenes in Norway, and used Norwegian troops as extras for the battle.
@LMoftheCoast 2 жыл бұрын
Vader was absolutely going easy on Luke. He was testing him and how well he had been trained. Notice how quickly the fight was over the moment Luke gets an actual, serious hit in on Vader on the catwalk. You practically see Vader shift from toying with Luke to “this ends now” mode. Such a great film, and a great reaction. It is a shame that you already knew the twist going in, but seeing you react to everything else was a lot of fun. Can’t wait to see your reaction to EP6.
@Theomite 2 жыл бұрын
That whole fight on the catwalk was Vader laying into him, I thought. He almost took Luke's head off that first shot and laid into him with both hands the whole fight. The only time he took it easy is when Luke tripped, and that was to give him an out.
@Caseytify 2 жыл бұрын
Jill Bearup (who specializes in stage fighting) has done some excellent videos about sword fights in various movies (Princess Bride & Zorro stand out). She points out here that at first Vader was only fighting Luke with one hand. Go back and watch Vader again. He's feeling Luke out. Of course the original goal was to dump him into the carbon freeze unit, so he didn't want to kill or maim Luke. ... Which reminds me; it's not a Lucas film until someone gets an arm cut off! Note that Luke loses his right hand, parallel to Anakin's first real injury. Luke actually shows significant growth in his character arc across all three movies, in contrast to his creeper dad ("stop look at me like that!"). Obi--Wan had his reasons for telling Luke that story; they have a little "chat" about that in Return of the Jedi.
2 жыл бұрын
Vader started underestimating Luke but later on he went low by throwing objects at Luke. 😂
@ben2741 Жыл бұрын
Chopping off Luke’s hand had a lot of dad saying “this is how it is?! I keep taking things from you until you behave?!” Energy.
@dathorndike4908 11 ай бұрын
Vader never wanted to kill Luke or he would have been dead.
@wildwind4456 2 жыл бұрын
For what it's worth, that kiss was totally Leia trying to make Han jealous. You can tell because of the way she looks straight at him after she does it.
@oxhine 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, Laurenn! This is most people's favorite installment and widely considered to be the best Star Wars film. It certainly is mine. Young people who came of age with the Prequel trilogy often cite Episode III as their favorite. "Empire" has four strikingly distinct environments, an amazing opening battle, the Yoda reveal, the romantic sparring, a deeper explanation of the Force, Lando's treachery and redemption, the presence of fan favorite Boba Fett, the loss of Han, the Vader revelation and the cliffhanger ending. It is a wild escapist ride that packs an emotional wallop! Mark Hamill had a terrible car accident prior to filming and underwent facial reconstructive surgery. Already a part of the screenplay, the WAMPA attack on Hoth became an in-story way to explain his new look and the make-up department enhanced his barely-visible scars. Han eviscerating the TAUN TAUN is an authentic form of arctic and/or cold weather survival. He stuffed Luke's hypothermic body in the still-warm carcass of the animal wrapping him in its innards in order to keep him from freezing to death. People have done this to survive. I love it when people freak out watching that scene! BACTA is the liquid in the healing cylinder. It is a bacterial compound with regenerative properties that is the standard medical treatment for all injuries in the Star Wars galaxy. Yoda's odd little voice is provided by his puppeteer Frank Oz who voices many Jim Henson Muppets like Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and Animal as well as Sesame Street characters like Cookie Monster, Bert and Grover! Yoda pretended to be a grubby, eccentric hermit simply to get an honest reaction out of Luke that would reveal his character. It's a test like those of the gods in Greek mythology who appear as deformed peasants to see how the hero will behave toward the lowliest person. The Emperor makes his first appearance in the saga! The same actor plays him in all his appearances across the saga. The MYNOCKS are bat-sized creatures that feed off electrical energy and are starship pests. Sometimes they live symbiotically in the gullets of space leviathans like the EXOGORTH that swallowed the 'Falcon'! I find it amusing how social norms have changed. I've watched a number of millennials view Star Wars for the first time now on KZbin and quite a few young women are APPALLED by Han Solo's behavior! When these movies came out, Harrison Ford became an instant mega-star and sex symbol because of his devil-may-care swagger and brash forwardness. He subscribed to the "treat a Queen like a whore and a whore like a Queen" school of seduction and WOMEN LOVED HIM FOR IT!!! You can tell he's a softie underneath which is what makes him endearing but it seems young women today find him INSUFFERABLE!!! All boys thought he was the coolest guy ever. It's funny how times change. I'm relieved that his charms weren't lost on you, Laurenn! Leia was a feminist icon back in the day! An independent woman of means comfortable wielding power, unafraid to get her hands dirty and dedicated to a serious cause! A whole generation of young boys and girls grew up with her as a role model. Talented screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan was responsible for all the fun romantic banter in this film. As Leia is Alderaanian royalty and Han Solo is a Corellian street kid, it's basically a CLASS ISSUE preventing her from accepting her feelings for Solo. The constant arguing is their foreplay as he wears her down with his roguish charm. Lol. Harrison Ford's famous "I know." reply to Leia's declaration of love was ad-libbed by Ford who wasn't feeling the more generic "I love you, too." line from the script. Director Irvin Kershner and George Lucas kept it in the movie. It's perfect for the character. You thought it inappropriate and I've seen others take DEEP OFFENSE! Keep in mind that Solo has been upfront with Leia about his feelings for her for THREE YEARS at this point! She's the one who has been coy with him despite her obvious attraction. Her admission is what HE'S been patiently waiting for and he matter-of-factly tells her he's fully aware of how she feels. It's the answer SHE DESERVES! Lol. The movies were remastered in the late '90s to promote the upcoming Prequel trilogy with some CGI overlays of the original practical effects but this installment has the fewest egregious changes and looks much like it did in 1980. The Wampa feeding, some aerial shots of Cloud City, a clearer view of the Emperor and some windows cut into corridors Leia, Lando and Chewie are running through at the end which look out onto the Bespin cityscape are the only updates I can think of. People were SO INVESTED in this franchise back in 1980 that scrutiny during production was INTENSE!! They had the actor in the Vader suit, David Prowse, speak different lines to Luke to conceal the reveal even though Hamill was told what to react to. Dummy scripts were used on set to throw off snoops and spies. James Earl Jones was told the truth just prior to recording the scene. When Jones uttered those immortal words on screen, "No, I am your father.", audiences collectively GASPED, SCREAMED, CRIED, FAINTED and SHOUTED their dismay! It remains one of cinema's MOST ICONIC MOMENTS.
@dmanimousprime3858 2 жыл бұрын
9-year old me had my mind blown watching this in the theater! This is the gold standard for sequel films!
2 жыл бұрын
The most favorite installment worldwide is _RETURN OF THE JEDI_ . 🤣
@scottb3034 Жыл бұрын
Technically the Emperor fact is only partially right. Ian McDiarmid didn't originally play the character in 1980...and is one of the changes made in the later editions. As was color timing, the ending shot (instead of a Nebula it was altered to a shot of the "galaxy"), the window cut outs occurred throughout the entire stay on Bespin not just during their getaway, Boba Fett is redubbed and a whole host of admittedly minor but still fairly comprehensive list of smaller changes in the 1997, 2004, 2011 and 2019 editions. Lastly Kasdan did write a lot of the dialogue--mostly Yoda's--but most of writing went through Lucas and needed his final approval. Also interesting you mention Prowse and being fed fake lines. By this point Prowse was being rarely used for several reasons. 1) He blabbed about the Vader/Luke relationship way back in 1978 while on a press tour. He obviously was just talking out of his butt but it pissed Lucas off and started the precipitous deterioration of their relationship until it was utterly broken. 2) He was absorbed in taking advantage of his new fame as Vader and would spend a lot of his time doing promotional stuff as the character rather than being on set. 3) The filmmakers didn't like his physical acting, mostly his dueling abilities, and thus used a cadre of stunt men in place of him--Bob Anderson being the most notable figure. Being an ex-Olympic fencer and Hollywood fight choreographer, he replaced Prowse in all duel scenes (which is why they were filmed at an upward angle frequently in the 2 sequels, to disguise height issues) which would include the Vader reveal scene. Eventually, by ROTJ, Prowse was phased out completely except for the stunt where Vader had to pick up and throw Palpatine as Prowse was the only one capable of that.
@biguy617 Жыл бұрын
Mynoks are digestive creatures. They are part of the big monsters digestive system.
@davidclough3951 2 жыл бұрын
Just noticed that in the beginning Luke really had to concentrate to get his lightsaber to come to him, but in his fight with Vader it just seemed like a natural ability. Showed his progress in using the force
@GeoffreyToday 2 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think "I know" is the perfect response. Leia already knows how Han feels, he's been very clear about it. Leia is the one who has been denying having feelings for Han. "I know" is Han telling Leia that, even though she's only found the courage to tell him as she's about to lose him, that it's okay, that he already knows. He's not going to his possible death only having known her love for a few moments, he's always known. It's basically telling her in two simple words that she doesn't have to regret only telling him at the end.
@goldenageofdinosaurs7192 2 жыл бұрын
Well said!
@ChallengeIdeas 2 жыл бұрын
His tone gives an added layer of "And I don't deserve it," too.
@QuayNemSorr 2 жыл бұрын
Yoda was putting on the "crazy old dude" to see for himself how Luke would react. And he concluded that Luke had no patience.
@biguy617 Жыл бұрын
He will learn patience.
@GreenCrim 2 жыл бұрын
Lucas was making up lore on the fly in these films. In A New Hope, Vader and Anakin were different people. Lucas changed it in Empire. It was the same with Luke and Leia. The story was changed to make them siblings even though Luke was hot for her in A New Hope.
@BunBun299 2 жыл бұрын
When this was made, even Lucas didn't know Luke and Leia were related. That wasn't decided until they were into scripting RotJ. They'd always meant to give Luke a sister, who might even have had some spin off movies, but as they were writing Episode 6, they realized they had no time to develop a completely new female character. So, as Leia was the only significant female, they retconned her to be Luke's sister.
@Viggenpower 2 жыл бұрын
With respect... I actually feel bad for anyone who loves StarWars and never saw Empire in theaters (pre-internet). The Monday morning after it's release, my teacher gave the class a full hour to discuss the movie because she couldn't control the class. The kids were too amped to sit still.
@IggyStardust1967 2 жыл бұрын
FACTS! It wasn't localized, either. Happened all across the US.
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
lol that's awesome! Thanks for sharing your experience viggenpower, that made me smile reading your comment😊 I love how impactful Star Wars is for the different generations. I can't imagine what it was like seeing this in theater when it came out, but I bet it was incredible! Thank you for watching😇
@rickardroach9075 2 жыл бұрын
48:24 Obi-Wan wasn’t lying. In the first film, Vader wasn’t Luke’s father and Leia wasn’t Luke’s sister.
@jamielandis4308 2 жыл бұрын
If you look back on Yoda with the younglings in Episode 2, you’ll notice he is rather playful. The thing Luke was riding was a Taun-taun; the snow beast was a Wampa and the things in the space cave were mynoks. In the theatrical cut, Palpatine never refers to Luke as Vader’s son. Everyone in the universe, except those who shot the scene, found out that Vader was Luke’s father when Vader asked him to join him. It remains one of cinema’s most shocking reveals to this day. Good reaction. This is the best of all the Star Wars films. It’s in the Great Sequel Club with “Terminator 2,” “Aliens,” “Mad Max 2, The Road Warrior” and “The Wrath of Khan.”
@wrybreadspread 2 жыл бұрын
A paradox. The 2nd installment of the Disney Star Wars trilogy is NOT superior to the 1st chpt. Not a contender for the Great Sequel Club. Not even close.
@darthfinality 2 жыл бұрын
@@wrybreadspread nobody said it was though. I can respect your opinion but, this is just you bringing unnecessary negativity by using the thinnest of excuses to shit on a movie that is not the topic of discussion.
@corymccarty8603 2 жыл бұрын
Point of order... Even in the special edition rerelease we see here The Emperor never refers to Luke as Vader's son. He called him "the offspring of Anakin Skywalker". This is done for 2 reasons. 1. Because The Emperor doesn't like Vader to consider himself and Anakin the same person. As far as he is concerned Vader is a different person entirely, and Vader himself tries to view it that way too. The 2nd reason is if the audience had never seen Empire Striker Back before then the big reveal isn't ruined. For all we are supposed to know at this point Vader killed Luke's father. The secret that Vader IS Anakin is preserved by calling him "The Son of Anakin Skywalker.".... As of the time the rerelease hit theaters that is... And assuming the Audience hadn't seen the original released version.
@killvader1001 2 жыл бұрын
@@corymccarty8603 I personally don't like the change because even if you haven't seen the prequels, Vader already knows Luke's name from the start of the movie but now he acts confused when he finds out from the emperor. So it was a weird piece of dialogue to add, just contradicting earlier scenes. And yes I know Vader finds out from boba in the comics
@dangrissom7367 2 жыл бұрын
Give it up for us old-schoolers (11 in '77) still having a one up on the younglings. The AT-AT scene is a good example. Laurenn's reaction was "Luke" warm at best when bringing up "I've seen this...". When we saw it in the theaters in 1980, everything was brand new, and on-screen technology that was awe inspiring on the big screen. No computers, much less big screens back then.
@James_511 2 жыл бұрын
Funny that you mentioned Abominable from Monsters Inc because the actor who voiced him had a small role in this movie as a rebel soldier.
@thereturningshadow 2 жыл бұрын
He was a rebel commander that wanted to closed the shield doors and funnily enough in that scene his voice was dubbed over but when he was present at Leia briefing he pilots, his real voice was used when he told everyone to get to the stations.
@LordGopu 2 жыл бұрын
@@thereturningshadow You see him out at the trenches on Hoth as well. I think he's the one with the beard holding the macrobinoculars.
@flyingfiddler90q 8 ай бұрын
The chemistry is even more interesting when considering that Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher had the hots for each other IRL...
@MegaJetty1 2 жыл бұрын
15:40 Originally when this movie came out, Luke said to R2, "You're lucky you don't taste very good."; sadly this got changed in the 1997 Special Edition and future re-releases to, "You were lucky to get out of there." I prefer the original line because it was funny.
@tysondempsey1121 Жыл бұрын
44:52 Imagine being in the theater in 1980 when this movie first came out, hearing this HUGE reveal, and then having to wait another 3 years for Return of the Jedi to finally get the resolution to this story. This is why you're supposed to watch the original trilogy first, then watch the prequels. Hearing Vader say "I am your father" was the twist of twists.
@Noahsampeer 2 жыл бұрын
Vader was absolutely going easy on Luke through most of their fight. He's even only using one hand until Luke grazed his arm at the end. Vader got mad and less than 10 seconds later Luke is grasping at the stump where his right hand used to be.
@mostlyharmless1 2 жыл бұрын
It's so cute watching you meet the REAL Yoda! I love how you're sitting there in a baby Yoda shirt with two baby Yoda's behind you and you're all "I don't know if I like this Yoda", hahaha, Zoomer!
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
lol I'm actually a millennial 😁
@phillipzan2005 2 жыл бұрын
"Luke grew on me. I felt more connected...." Yes that is called character growth. Something movies seem to care little about these days. Remember the fight scenes and graphics are better in this movie cause geroge Lucas had more money to play with, with massive success of the first movie. George had also grown in movie making.
@deckzone3000 2 жыл бұрын
Trump supporter?
@phillipzan2005 2 жыл бұрын
@@deckzone3000 huh? What does that have to do with a movie?
@BezoRazo 2 жыл бұрын
The "I know" line is the most misunderstood in all of SW, which is a damn shame, cuz it's so good.
@LordVolkov 2 жыл бұрын
"This Yoda's growing on me." I think you will find this Yoda is vastly superior. In 20 years of hermitage and reflection, he has given up violence and opened his mind beyond the rigidity of the Jedi. But he also doesn't teach Luke a whole lot, because Luke's mind is fairly closed and he has a lot of preconceptions that need to be overcome. The cave test is the perfect example. Luke brings his saber, beats Vader, and fails the test. Then he repeats his mistake by rushing to face Vader. Luke's biggest obstacle is himself, and Yoda can't help him with that, so he does what he can with what he's got. The contrast between PT and OT Yoda is one of my favorite parts of the saga. Even though GL worked it in reverse, it is a great example of character growth. He is also linked to the themes of failure in both ESB and AotC. (Luke's failure is also Yoda's, and Yoda and the Jedi, at the height of their power, cannot find a solution that doesn't plunge the galaxy into war)
@OptmiusPrime114 2 жыл бұрын
“How to say you hate the Jedi Order without saying you hate the Jedi Order”.
@Vorophobe 2 жыл бұрын
@LordVolkov 2 жыл бұрын
@@OptmiusPrime114 Yeah, I'm not a fan of cults that train child soldiers i guess.
@voodoochile333 2 жыл бұрын
He's not real, pal
@lupebalderrama4392 2 жыл бұрын
@@Vorophobe Prequel trilogy =PT Original Trilogy =OP George Lucas = GL Empire Strikes Back = ESB Attack of the Clones = AotC
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
I love how Luke went from a wet behind the ears farm boy, to a more experienced soldier by the time this started. Then from that confidence to the humbling of Yoda's training and Vader's defeating him to a much more experienced and subdued person. The character development between Luke as we met him in ep 4 to where he is at the end of ep 5 is great.
@IggyStardust1967 2 жыл бұрын
23:30 - Okay, I feel the need to comment here, because there's a very small detail that you may have missed. With the OT, you REALLY need to pay close attention to the dialogue. Luke asks (referring to the cave) "What is in there?" and Yoda replies, "Only what you take with you." This is actually a misdirection. Yoda was not referring to Luke's weapons. He literally did NOT need them. It was what he was carrying in his heart and his mind that was most important. Luke took them anyway, because he didn't yet trust Yoda, despite what Kenobi had said to him. These are things SO subtle, that I'm going over them myself. 40+ years on, and I'm still seeing connections that are very subtle. That's just good story telling. 27:22 - "He just needs some time" That's the thing. Luke has always been "groomed" (By his uncle, mostly), to NOT believe in himself. Owen Lars wanted to protect Luke from becoming his father, therefor he would "beat" all notion of becoming something greater than his potential out of him. Again, very subtle storytelling. 33:18 - In the end, yes. However, none of us knew this back in 1980. 42:00 - Pay VERY close attention to this duel. Vader literally toys with Luke. He's judging Luke's potential, as well as his training. 45:30 - Back in 1980, NO ONE saw this plot twist coming. The air was literally sucked out of the theater I was in when Vader said it. There wasn't a jaw that was not on the floor. Also, when this was filmed, David Prouse said the words, "No, Obi-Wan killed your father." The audio was not recorded, and Hammil had only moments before been informed of the plot twist to come. Even James Earl Jones didn't believe it when he had to speak the lines in post-production. This is all well documented. Feel free to look it up. I want to say more, but "spoilers".
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
great post. I was looking for someone to say these things. I'll add one more - Why they didnt tell Luke about his father: Luke is DYING to know about his father: if you watch episode IV Luke says... "He knew my father?!" [Owen: "I told you to drop it"] "How did my father die?"[to Ben] "I wish I knew him [father]" 'I guess I'm going nowhere." and.... His father bequeathed him a freaking lightsaber....the single coolest personal item in the known galaxy. How intriguing would that make his father?! if you grew up frustrated, poor, isolated and you had Luke's inner power and passion and someone told you where to find your would go to your FATHER. If anything to find answers to questions you've had your whole life and find out why your father is rich and powerful and you are a moisture farmer." Given the truth, Luke might seek out Vader. And possibly take his side. And the last thing Yoda and Ben want is Palpatine to own TWO generations of Skywalkers.
@IggyStardust1967 2 жыл бұрын
@@slchance8839 Thank you. You make a great point, yourself. It's kinda funny, when you "psycho-analyze" these movies, despite the way Lucas wrote them, there is SO much subtle storytelling, it's amazing how well it all fits together. It will blow your mind, like it did to us when the original movie came out. Yet we hadn't even begun to "deep dive" into it like we can now.
@willfanofmanyii3751 2 жыл бұрын
@@slchance8839 Plus the subtle hesitation from Obi-Wan when Luke asked how his father died.
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
@@IggyStardust1967 i respect your point and I respect you so I dont want to come across as combative or insulting here. But I find it hard to separate Lucas's writing from his finished product. They're the same thing. "...despite the way Lucas wrote them, there is SO much subtle storytelling.." Personally, I dont have any real criticism of George Lucas and especially not his talent and skill. Imperfect dialogue, inconsistencies, plot holes....yes. Nothing's perfect. One could even argue that Empire was directed by someone **else**. Yes. But the simple fact is, that out of thin air Lucas conjured something magical, mystical, and so engaging that it's alive and thriving nearly half a century after he created it. To me, nearly any flaws in his writing or creative direction...are overshadowed by the fact that you cant argue with success. I'm hard pressed to think of even ONE director who's had a franchise span 5 decades over movies, cartoons, TV, toys, and even toothbrushes and routinely engages new viewers to old material. Even the legendary Hitchcock doesnt have fathers enthralling their children with older movies. I'm hoping you dont see offense where none is intended. I simply want to make my own point that I cant say Lucas is a bad writer, director, storyteller, etc...when he gave me Star Wars. Perfect? No. But unlike nearly everything pop culture from childhood, this endures.
@IggyStardust1967 2 жыл бұрын
@@slchance8839 To your last point, no, I don't see offense where none was intended. In fact, I honestly appreciate your reply and fully understand and respect your opinion. I think the point I was trying to make in this reply is that, and this potentially despite himself, Lucas wrote (or, as you put it, conjured) something that even without intending to, included so many minor details that could be connected, that even 45 years on, we're STILL discovering the connections. I always do my best to include information in my replies that connect dots, yet don't give away spoilers for something the reactor has said they haven't seen yet. I'm honestly one of those rare people who enjoys.... no... LOVES watching someone have the experience of Star Wars for the first time, and because of that, would never do anything that would mess that up. I get that younger people may experience these movies and shows in a different way than I did, and that's okay. I may be a middle-aged man, but I also realize that "time marches on" and "things change". As I connect these dots that maybe weren't even intended, I still enjoy passing those connections on to newer fans, if for no other reason, than to hopefully inspire them to find the wonderment of this universe and maybe find some themselves. I guess you could say that I kinda live vicariously through these younger people in their discovery of this universe. I just don't see anything wrong with that. I remember the wonderment *I* had when it all was new. Lastly, thank you for your great reply and viewpoint! I fully agree with you.
@nicholasbielik7156 2 жыл бұрын
I had just turned eight years old when this film came out. I saw it in the theater, and it absolutely blew my mind. I’d seen the original film already and was already a Star Wars nut, but this film was SO GOOD that I was buzzing for days afterwards.
@flyingfiddler90q 8 ай бұрын
Regards Yoda, he's been completely alone on a wilderness swamp planet for 20 years, so it's maybe not surprising that he's gone a little nuts...
@benhill8454 2 жыл бұрын
Omgosh. Every time the Luke and Leia as the “love interest” comes up, the look on your face is hilarious 😂. Seeing them in release order, you wouldn’t have had a clue about them being siblings. Great reaction. Looking forward to Return of the Jedi 😊 🚀
@canuck21 Жыл бұрын
How can you not like this Yoda?!? The puppet Yoda looks more organic and more real actually. The prequel Yoda looks digital.
@white-dragon4424 2 жыл бұрын
This movie is considered by most Star Wars puritans to be the pinnacle of hardcore Star Wars. Whilst ANH is still held in high regard, this not only builds upon the previous movie's mythos and has a much higher budget, but it also has a far more mature and challenging atmosphere and plot, where the characters go through a lot more drama than in ANH. Oh, and it's also where John Williams really outdid himself with his music. To many this is by far the best Star Wars score he's ever done.
@kieronball8962 2 жыл бұрын
Laurenn, in case you didn't know, the actor Mark Hamill was involved in a serious car accident in-between Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back and so, to explain the, all to real, change in his appearance, they created the scenes between Luke and the Wampa.
@killvader1001 2 жыл бұрын
According to mark and George the scene wasn't because of that. The accident happened 5 months before ANH even came out and during the interviews for ANH a few months later he looks just fine. Mark has always said the stories about his accident are overblown. So the wampa theory and the holiday special makeup theory aren't true
@kieronball8962 2 жыл бұрын
@@killvader1001 That's very interesting to hear Connor, because the car accident explanation has been around since1980 and has been considered a well known fact since then. Hamill had finished filming the majority of Star Wars, before the accident occurred and a body double was used to finish that film and an explanation for his change in appearance was therefore required for Empire Strikes Back.
@sca88 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite of all the Star Wars films. Han's 'I know' line after Leia's 'I love you' typifies Han's brash and cocky attitude.
@misstwistagain 2 жыл бұрын
I love that fact that, despite having so much foreknowledge, the film was still able to hook you in and surprise you! 😀
@JohnnyPappas 2 жыл бұрын
There is no “this Yoda” or “this Obi-Wan,” these are the original iterations of the characters. Also many of the special effects that you are probably impressed with were added in the special editions by George Lucas in the 90’s.
@corporalhicks9551 2 жыл бұрын
Good to know I'm not the only one that found humor in Obi Wan's jazz hands @32:48
@awakeatnight7668 2 жыл бұрын
Your reaction to Leia kissing Luke was hilarious lmao Revenge of The Sith is my favorite out of the saga, but Empire is a close second. This took everything that A New Hope did, turned it up to 11, and let the bad guys win. If I were around in 1980 when this came out, I would have lost my mind waiting 3 years for the next movie to come out lol
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
LOL Thanks Awake, I really loved this movie it was amazing! They definitely knocked it out of the park, I would've lost my mind as well waiting for years for the next one! The fight between Luke and Vader was really cool to see, just overall incredible movie😄Revenge of the Sith is still my favorite but this one is easy close second for my favorite so far.
@shadaxe 2 жыл бұрын
Psst... Lost my mind...
@AlanCanon2222 2 жыл бұрын
Trust me, I was 12, and we did lose our minds. What a cliffhanger!
@ebashford5334 2 жыл бұрын
I never liked cliffhangers even in a TV series, so back then this really pissed me off. Great movie though.
@Rikrik1138 2 жыл бұрын
The ending of this film back in 1980 was the cause of many schoolyard disagreements regarding whether or not Darth Vader truly was Luke’s father, whether or not Han Solo was going to live, and who got the girl, Han or Luke. (because we didn’t know about Leia being Luke’s sister at that point). I grew up in Idaho during some pretty extreme winters, so my Mom literally made my younger brother and I snowsuits that looked like Han and Luke in this movie. (they weren’t perfect replicas) So when we went out to play Star Wars with the other kids, we could be Han and Luke. It was one of the times that having a mom that made all your clothes worked out for us.
@stonecutter3172 2 жыл бұрын
When the 'Big Reveal' was filmed , Vader telling Luke he was his father, Mark Hamill had to press George Lucas to tell him what the actual line was going to be. Mark knew there was going to be a change up but didn't know what it would be. The original line for filming was "Obiwan Killed your Father" . It as then changed in the voiceover to the " I am your Father." When that DROPPED in the theaters there was a collective GASP from the audience. Best kept secret in film history.
@davido.1233 2 жыл бұрын
Couple of fun facts about the Battle of Hoth: 1. General Veers is played by Julian Glover, who is also known for being the voice of Aragog in Harry Potter and Grand Maester Pycel in Game of Thrones. 2. One of the Rebels in Echo base is played by Jon Ratzenberger, who is best known for voicing characters in Pixar Movies as well as Cliff in Cheers.
@williameleno 2 жыл бұрын
I love when reactors give Han shit for saying "I know" because they don't know there is more depth to it. Give it time, your opinion will change... Or not. Oh and George Lucas didn't write Luke and Leia being siblings until he finished writing Empire
@nightflame69 2 жыл бұрын
The whole chicky nuggies and chocki milk always makes me crack up
@JohnGuzik 2 жыл бұрын
The awkward movement of the Tauntauns in the snow was because they were filmed with stop motion capture.
@Martman5150 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely loved your reaction to this film. I saw this movie on a pirated VHS copy shot from the projection booth when I was12. It's so cool to see younger people affected by a movie that touched my life. Thank you.
@georgecruces1953 Жыл бұрын
The revelation that Vader was Luke's Father was a HUGE!!! Shock to us 80's kids.
@sergioaccioly5219 2 жыл бұрын
The Luke/ Vader duel is (IMO) the best of the entire audiovisual medium. Not Star Wars, not movies. The entire medium. Not only we see the hero get massacred, we see it coming a mile away. And it's personal, like no other before. And we see exacltly how much each side was willing to sacrifice. You can NOT immagine the bombs this movie dropped in the audience's collective lap when we saw it first. The Yoda and the Vader reveals were... well, nothing like we'd ever seen before. And arguably, ever again.
@lewstone5430 2 жыл бұрын
Vader was so cunningly evil to drop the emotional H-bomb that he was Luke’s father at Luke’s weakest moment. Thankfully, Luke survived.
@livek100 11 ай бұрын
I love your reaction. However, after watching 1-3 Star Wars, you knew who was who. Imagine us in the cinema at the premiere of The Empire Strikes Back who knew nothing about Yoda. That Luke and Leia are brother and sister and Lord Vader is their father. It was a shock. people got up from their chairs at the key moment when Luke was in a hopeless situation and called Leia telepathically for help. It touched the heart. This episode is brilliant
@williameleno 2 жыл бұрын
They lied to luke in 4&5 because if he know everything at once he will act out of irrationality because he has never had training and so he could be susceptible to the dark side just like his father. He had to see what happened to his father with out his training but still be in a place where he has been trained to not react irrationality.
@BandOfHarjaps Жыл бұрын
Yep, and with Luke's help Vader would defeat and replace the Emperor.
@joerexhausen8897 Жыл бұрын
The parodies that Family Guy does for the Star Wars trilogy are really good and funny, condensing everything into less than an hour and when they did this one it was so good. Shadows of the Empire, while not currently canon, is a book explaining what happens between this one and RotJ from the perspective of someone introduced in the book.
@jcastromex 2 жыл бұрын
"The Empire Strikes Back" is definitely my favorite as well as those of other Warsies. When Vader said for Luke to search his feelings for the truth, he did so by using the Force which is why he shouted "Noooooooo!" Ben and Yoda both know that Luke is more powerful than Vader and try every measure to hide the truth that Vader is his father. It's because they fear that Vader and his master, Emperor Palpatine, both want to force Luke to join The Dark Side in order for the trio to rule the galaxies. More of this is seen in Episode VI. I'm enjoying your reactions so much and awaiting your review of the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. 🎥❤ (film lover)
@goosefukulardeath7300 2 жыл бұрын
“Was he putting on this facade to test Luke ?” Yes, absolutely . Infact, I’m a fan of the theory that Yoda caused Luke’s x wing to malfunction as we approached degobah for a few reasons A) he knows luke can’t find Yoda by himself so he crashes him near him. Because time is short … B) he was testing Luke’s temperament in the face of catastrophe. After that , Yoda put on this show to see how easily Luke was to anger. “I don’t know what I’m even doing here! We’re wasting our time !” This also explains why Yoda bent his teachings to take the x wing out of the swamp , because he had to have felt responsible for Luke’s feeling of hopelessness …
@nickthepeasant 2 жыл бұрын
First Star Wars movie I ever saw as a kid (VHS taped off the TV). In a perfect world it would have been your second, but ah well.
@kieronball8962 2 жыл бұрын
I loved your reactions to Empire, Laurenn. It's fun to see your reactions to the original " Muppet " Yoda, who was an amazing Stuart Freeborn and Jim Henson creation, with the voice and puppetry of Frank Oz. To my generation, the muppet Yoda is the definitive version, but to your generation, it's the CGI Yoda! :)
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
Kieron I'm so glad you enjoyed my reaction! It was kind of wild seeing the "muppet" yoda but he really grew on me and I loved him by the end of the movie. Was just seeing him in a different way for the first time that was a little different at first lol. Really loved this movie! Thanks for watching Kieron😃
@mightyrobot42 2 жыл бұрын
They also used a muppet Yoda in the original theatrical release of The Phantom Menace, but it was changed to CGI for the Blu-Ray version.
@biguy617 Жыл бұрын
Voice of Miss Piggy
@digitalcassette5 2 жыл бұрын
This movie is iconic for a reason. And why most genxers lost it when luke came back in mando/bobba. Having waited decades for our childhood hero to come back in this universe, in his prime as a jedi. Was so cool to see
@chrispittman8854 2 жыл бұрын
2:30 "WHAT IS THAT!?!" "WELCOME to the HIMALAYAS! Lemon snow cone?"
@marievjing 2 жыл бұрын
yes, yoda was actually acting in order to test luke's patience
@nightflame69 2 жыл бұрын
Luke: I’m Not Afraid! Yoda: You Will Be!
@513bpmcauley 2 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing this film when it first came out, to this day it's my favorite film in the saga. Awesome reaction as always.
@metalmugen Жыл бұрын
"That is why you fail" The most brutal line in Star Wars.
@berranari1 2 жыл бұрын
Mark Hamill has done many voices for cartoons and computer games. Most notable, he is the voice of "The Joker" in Batman animated series and Justice League cartoon (where he also voiced "The Trickster"). 😀
@orangewarm1 2 жыл бұрын
The swamp on Degobah represents the subconscious. In the hero's journey.
@daniellanctot6548 2 жыл бұрын
20:14 - DING! DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! 😜 33:06 - ... Leia... Rey... Grogu... Ahsoka... Take your pick, apparently! (Seems to be more than just one "other" 41:41 - Where is Obi-Wan to tell Luke: "This weapon id you LIFE!" 🤣 Glad you loved it and hope you'll love the next one: For many years after Ep. V & VI came out, most people agreed that Empire Strikes Back was the best one in the trilogy (Even if many sited Ep. IV as well), but in the most recent years, I heard more and more people saying that Ep. VI is their favorite (Maybe younger Generations find the 3rd one in the trilogy more modern -Not sure though); so we'll see what you think then. Great reaction! 👍👍
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Daniel I appreciate the kind words! I thought this film was incredible, definitely up there as a top favorite now next to Revenge of the Sith😄Glad to read you enjoyed my reaction, thank you so much for watching!
@jean-paulaudette9246 Жыл бұрын
"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, and for cheating at gambling... NEVER attack, except when you fling foes away, or pelt them with bits of nearby scenery. Heh heh heh! I don't care how calm and at peace you may be, that's always damme funny."
@guymon82ify 2 жыл бұрын
Now do you see why everyone loves this series so much?
@LoveLaurenn 2 жыл бұрын
@guymon82ify 2 жыл бұрын
@@LoveLaurenn I love your reactions.
@davidhasselblad2898 2 жыл бұрын
"size matters not." "i cant believe it." "Thats why you fail."
@josephcasanova1975 Жыл бұрын
You have to realize that you watched this backwards. You weren't supposed to know Vader was Anakin and before Yoda was CGI he was a puppet in the same spirit as one of the muppets. Frank Oz does Yoda's voice as well as Miss Piggy and Fozie Bear. Episode 4,5, and 6 came out before 1,2 and 3. The Yoda everybody fell in love with was the puppet from The Empire Strikes Back.
@breynolds5894 2 жыл бұрын
In the original script Han was supposed to say "I love you too," back to Leia but Harrison Ford had issues with the line. He really didn't think someone like Han would come right out and say that. hence the line "I know." Ford felt that was much more like Han Solo.
@bowwing333 2 жыл бұрын
I mean he's been basically showing her that he loves her this whole time....he has just been waiting for her to realize that she does too. He doesn't need an I love you, as to him it is already completely obvious. She is the one that needed to hear it come from her own mouth. So yeah it's far more fitting to both character and setting. Brilliant and impactful.
@theendistheend123 2 жыл бұрын
your reaction to "the kiss" is WHY watching ep1-6 is SO AWESOME!!!! LOL
@BenBanjo87 10 ай бұрын
Your reaction to Luke's hand being cut off was probably how many people in the day would've reacted to Vader's revelation 😂😂
@bradleymcavoy3432 2 жыл бұрын
That was an Improvised line by Ford... Like a Mack Daddy Pimp "I Know"....ensuing Laughter from almost everyone in the movie theater when I was a Kid!
@nickgjenkins 2 жыл бұрын
So... there's a real problem that was created with that scene of Palpatine that was augmented for this version of the movie. Originally it's heavily implied that Vader figured this out and THAT'S why he's obsessed with finding Luke at the beginning of this film. In the conversation Vader has with Palpatine in the original version it's clear that Vader is angling to try and save Luke instead of just killing him and the Emperor agrees.
@ennuieffect 2 жыл бұрын
The original theatrical release script: Vader: What is thy bidding, my master? Emperor: There is a great disturbance in the Force. Vader: I have felt it. Emperor: We have a new enemy- Luke Skywalker. Vader: Yes, my Master. Emperor: He could destroy us. Vader: He’s just a boy. Obi-Wan can longer help him. Emperor: The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi. Vader: If he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally. Emperor: Yes. Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done? Vader: He will join us, or die, Master. In my opinion, the original dialog paints the Emperor as testing Vader. The modified version script shows a little more deviousness in Palpatine’s motives. I prefer the shortness of the original, but the new version does cement the Emperor as the cold and calculating deceiver we all know him to be based on the prequels.
@nickgjenkins 2 жыл бұрын
@@ennuieffect my problem is really that the changed scene creates confusion at the start of the film. Why is Vader obsessed with finding Luke? Just because he blew up the Death Star? Either way is fine I guess, I just prefer that Vader is smart enough to put together Luke SKYWALKER is probably significant to him.
@slchance8839 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I also think the Emperor wanted Luke all along but made it seem like it was VADER's that Anakin would think he was being a good Sith by "plotting" to betray his master and take on a new apprentice himself. It's master manipulation by the Emperor... [Emperor:] "Luke?! one of us?! a stronger, younger version of you?! Lord Vader, what a great idea, why didnt I think of that!" [Vader:]"Palpatine, that fool. He doesnt know that I'll team up with my boy, overthrow him, then I'LL be in charge and get back the some remainder of my lost family. What could possibly go wrong?" BUT.....once he has Luke, Palpatine can convince and remind Luke that Vader killed his fellow Rebel X-wing pilots over Yavin and murdered a bunch of people and that [Palpatine: ] "Hey Luke, your dad is really the bad guy.... he has been since before you were born. You know it. I know it. All your Rebel buddies know it. He cut off your hand. That's not cool. Look at him: his face is a black skull. Just kill him like you've wanted to your whole life and everyone will think you're the adventurous hero you always wanted to be. Ben, Yoda, they all lied to you and let you rot in a dessert. Not me. I'm your pal." BOOM: new and improved apprentice for Palpatine
@willfanofmanyii3751 2 жыл бұрын
@@nickgjenkins To be fair, why wouldn't Vader be obsessed with a force-sensitive person that shares his last name?
@nickgjenkins 2 жыл бұрын
@@willfanofmanyii3751 right but, that’s all you need to connect the dots. Otherwise Vader is really dumb as a brick.
@chrispittman8854 2 жыл бұрын
5:50 "This may smell bad kid..." That will forever be connected to "Brock Sampson 2" Venture Bros. S2 E4
@shlysnky 2 жыл бұрын
I watch you eating the red vines and then I feel the need to go purchase some, Costco size 🤣 Really enjoyed this reaction video! Can never go wrong watching Star Wars ☺️✨⭐
@andrewmize823 2 жыл бұрын
Luke's own face looking back at him from Vader's helmet is symbolic; you have to conquer the darkness in yourself before you can confront evil, or you risk becoming evil yourself in the struggle, regardless of good intentions. By striking out in fear and being the aggressor, Luke was acting no differently than Vader himself--thus he defeated only himself in the cave.
@johnsperry9494 25 күн бұрын
Between eps 4 and 5, Mark Hamill was in a movie called Corvette Summer, during the filming of which he was in a car crash that caused some lacerations on his face. The Wampa attack was used partly as an explanation for the permanent scarring on his cheek.
@Gathbard 2 жыл бұрын
Heh...seeing you connect the dots as the movie progressed was pretty neat. I'm so glad you're watching these.
@flytrapgen4208 2 жыл бұрын
This one’s my favorite of the original 3. It starts out so badass with the abominable snow dude and Han saying “then I’ll see you in hell!” To the guys trying to tell him he will freeze and die if he goes to search for Luke…
@Pinkielover 2 жыл бұрын
R2-D2 and Yoda know each other very well…Watch the clone wars animated series then rebels Then you’ll be caught up , there’s a reason why Yoda is on that swamp planet.. It’s covered in the animated series
@SGTBizarro 26 күн бұрын
19:20 rewind to before Vader goes to Hoth. "That is the system, and I'm sure Skywalker is with them." He's already discovered Luke is his son. Vader is holding some things back from Palps.
@duncancaswah7214 2 жыл бұрын
Great call Lauren! That absolutely looked like Princess Bride!
@tommywalker3746 Жыл бұрын
38:40 ha! Every time I hear the "I am altering the deal" line it reminds me of the Family guy Star wars parodies! Lando on a unicycle in a clown suit! Hahaha 🤭
@competetodefeat4610 2 жыл бұрын
"The force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet". Vader was toying with him for this entire fight until he decided to end it.
@veetoe251 Жыл бұрын
I love your channel. I have to say, the edits that did the "after these messages we'll be right back" etc for the luke/vader fight are priceless.
@waltw9818 Жыл бұрын
Well young Padawan... What can be said... "Star Wars" was put out in 1977, I was 14 at the time when CGI was just truly being born LOL This is the beginning of the Golden Age of Cinema! When thee artests can truly do remarkable things, bring stories to life! Bring magical beasts to life! And put on full display what can only be seen within their ingenious imagination! Back then - as I was witness to - 1.) There was only one scene at the theater that I detected 'blocking'-'artifacts' around one of the Star Destroyers - Seattle UA 150 cinema! Yes - lighting and shadows were a bit off too, not detectable by most people. I saw it twice by myself that first Saturday and Sunday as the original release day was Wednesday. There was maybe 20 people in the theater both times, there was no lines outside the theater! Went back with my friends the following Saturday we were in the first 20 people in line. That line grew and grew and in the Seattle PI(?) they (media - anything available in Seattle) had the first article about the movie and the entry line being over 2 blocks long! #2) There was only the 'movie banner' with: "Star Wars" there was nothing else! Nothing about the story or anything at all until after it was playing! #3.) Han Solo did shoot first! I was there! Lucas and 'Co' changed it later (86?) cause they didn't want to make Han seem like a 'bad guy' - and if you don't have the original VHS (I do some where) you won't ever see the 'true original version' as it was 're-mastered' in the 80's or 90's? Thank you for sharing your reaction Padawan Laurenn! May the Force be with you!
@herbertkeithmiller 8 ай бұрын
2:53 thank you General Purina I just noticed The general is wearing a purina dog chow logo on his jacket.😂
@boqndimitrov8693 2 жыл бұрын
interesting fact: the officer who pulls the princess while she shouts: trap !, is played by the actor who also plays Boba Fett. The actor envisioned for the role did not appear, and "Boba" accepted to replace it.
@kissmy_butt1302 8 ай бұрын
No imagine 1980, no internet and 100000% surprise to the audience. A lot of people didn't believe it until Return of the Jedi.
@herbertkeithmiller 8 ай бұрын
And yet somehow my friend found out that Darth Vader was Luke's father, and told me so when we were on the way to see the movie. 😮 He thought I'd want to know that before I saw the movie. Dude did not believe in spoilers.
@tadmurphy7436 2 жыл бұрын
Okay Laurenn. I'm a Star wars original My cousin and I didn't line for 6 hours to watch this movie I was 10. Then we had to wait 3 years for empire strikes back. You knew the backstory going into this and it still blew your mind. Could you imagine being almost 13 years old we didn't know the sister thing the I am your father reveal was the greatest thing in cinematic history at the time and blew everybody's minds. Imagine. Watching these in release order starting engage 10 when Star wars was the most amazing thing anybody's ever seen on a movie screen. And over the past 2017 almost to 50 years living this story.. I see the smile enjoy on your face when you watch these. Again imagine being 10, 12, and can't wait to see you for Jedi. ❤️💚☘️🇺🇦
@denvan3143 2 жыл бұрын
Darth Vader: I accidentally strangled one of my generals on a Zoom call. IT: Yeah, it’s a known issue. We’re working on it.
@biguy617 Жыл бұрын
Yoda is acting “different” to test Luke’s patience
@morketthedarkspirit285 2 жыл бұрын
I think this one is the best Star Wars movie ever made!
@lovelovelove5744 2 жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: There are multiple pronunciations for several character names. Han Hawn, Lee-ya Lay-ya, Or-Gan-uh Or-Gone-uh, Chew-bak-uh Chew-bawk-uh, Fal-con Fawl-con and multiple spellings too like R2D2 Artoo-dee-too, C-3PO, See-three-pio, and nick names 3PO, Chewy, Ben Obi-wan.
@28starwarsfan Жыл бұрын
The vision of Luke's face under the helmet (I always felt) foreshadowed that he could also fall to the dark side as did Anakin.
@thereturningshadow 2 жыл бұрын
The redone scene with the Emperor really fucks up the whole surprise of Vader telling Luke he's his father later on. Lucas really shit the bed with that one.
@waterbeauty85 2 жыл бұрын
Soon after this movie came out, there was a great cartoon strip in a fan magazine that showed the Wampa (the Abominable Snowman) approaching Luke, and Luke cutting off its arm and running away. Then the Wampa sighs, picks up its severed arm and walks deeper into its cave. Back there, it has a little play tea party set up with a tea set on a table and stuffed toy animals seated around the tea set. Then the Wampa sits down at the table by itself with an arm cut off and no one to play tea party with, and it sheds a tear. It was so sad yet so hilarious. In real life, Mark Hamill said he was surprised that Luke cut off the Wompa's arm. He though Luke would just use his light saber to scare it away because it seemed un-Jedi-like to maim and cripple an animal that's just trying to eat and survive in its natural environment which humans have encroached upon. Luke was badly injured and within moments of being killed, so I can't really can't blame him, but the optics weren't the best ideologically speaking.
@MrNihilist74 2 жыл бұрын
My mom took me to see empire strikes back for my birthday when I was a little kid when it first came out. I can imagine my face looked the way yours did while you were watching it. My mom had to grab me to keep me from running to the screen to help luke skywalker when he was fighting darth vader.
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Demolition Man (1993) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching
First Time Watching ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK (1981) | Movie Reaction
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Starship Troopers (1997) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching
Alien Vs. Predator (2004) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching
Escape From New York (1981) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching
Enter The Dragon (1973) - MOVIE REACTION - First Time Watching
She's very CREATIVE💡💦 #camping #survival #bushcraft #outdoors #lifehack