Stargate SG-1 - Season 6 - Full Circle - Good versus Evil / The Power of Ra

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Question: is this an Ancient weapon or a "super" Goa'uld weapon? If it is the former, why does it require Goa'uld artifacts? Did the Goa'uld collaborate to enhance an already existing Ancient weapon?

Пікірлер: 118
@auryn7755 2 жыл бұрын
I love that he doesn't take credit for what happened to Daniel, every other Goa'uld in existance 100% would have.
@Ragitsu 2 жыл бұрын
He needs to back up any claim he makes.
@theenigma7290 2 жыл бұрын
I mean he did follow it up with a cool one-liner, so I think it was worth it
@xxZerosumxx 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ragitsu how so? Who does he have to prove himself too? He could of just lied to him. I personally take it as Anubis only said that so the viewers could know Daniel was stopped by the ancients.
@derianvandalsen 2 жыл бұрын
@@xxZerosumxx I think that Anubis thinks himself righteous above the other ascended, and therefore needs to speak truth to maintain his perceived moral high ground. Otherwise, he may have to admit to himself that his punishment has some merit to it
@TheValentineEnemy 2 жыл бұрын
I think it was a better idea to make himself look even more powerful than before...basically "I'm so great other deities rush to my aid...also I have a Death Star!"
@Frobocop83 3 жыл бұрын
Anubis is just so badass! I can still remember my excitement when Osiris said his name for the first time! I loved this episode, one of my favourites of the series! Am I right in thinking that the first time we see Anubis is when he had Thor held prisoner on his ship?🤔
@ComradePhoenix 3 жыл бұрын
Remember in 48 Hours when Teal'c got trapped in the gate because Tanith's ship crashed into it? And how I said in the comments that there were several other moments that showed people going through the gate just fine after similar explodey-things happened to the other gate? This is one of those times.
@Ragitsu 3 жыл бұрын
Consistency shmonsistency.
@KS-xk2so 3 жыл бұрын
a wizard did it?
@thestargateking 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think the gate was actually destroyed in this case
@ComradePhoenix 3 жыл бұрын
@@thestargateking Its a space laser that destroyed a stone pyramid and the surrounding half kilometer or so (at least), and if not for the intervention of Oma, would have utterly killed the Abydonians. I'd put that on the same level of destructive potential as a crash landing Alkesh. I think the best possible explanation would be "a wizard did it", if by "wizard", we mean "Oma".
@thestargateking 3 жыл бұрын
@@ComradePhoenix its a different force, one buries the gate and has a shockwave that radiates out, one is a direct hit that pushes it apart. Also the stargate on Abydos gets the benefit of being in a bunker like position. But either way, one they could have put in some safety precautions after what happened to teal'c or two the gate was destroyed after jack made it through.
@luketurner314 2 жыл бұрын
I'm just going to leave this here: The Ancients' rule/law of no intervention/interference is akin to the Federation's Primary Directive (Star Trek)
@JettMann8 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but even the Federation would step in to help less advanced races who were going ti be wiped out BECAUSE OF FEDERATION MEDDLING. Basically all the major problems the SGC faced were because the Ancients were a bunch of pompous assholes who didn't clean up their own messes
@davidlewis5312 2 жыл бұрын
and equally moronic actually it's worse, because they aren't interfering in messes they caused before ascending: The Wraith, Replicators, Anubis, and Ori are ALL their past mistakes.
@TheOmegaRiddler 2 жыл бұрын
You're wrong on that for one simple reason. General Order 1 or The Prime Directive says that they can't interfere with any race that isn't Warp Capable. There are exceptions to this, such as if someone from a pre-war civilization petitions the Federation to apply to join Star Fleet. Commander Saru (Kelpien) and Commander Nhan (Barzan) from Discovery being two examples. Or if they ask for Asylum. Basically, if they're advanced enough to reach the stars, then they are advanced enough to understand the potential destructive ramifications of the technology they may gain access to. Once they are Warp Capable, the Federation will introduce themselves. If anything, they are more like The Asgard. The Ancients do not concern themselves with the lower plains because they know how much of an impact they can have. They don't want to be the Ori. Even if it means their own destruction, they will not get involved in what happens in the lower plains. They have reached a higher plain of existence, they have left behind their knowledge from when they were in human form for people to ascend on their own, but they don't care.
@luketurner314 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheOmegaRiddler "akin" = "similar" not "same" nor "identical" Also, wasn't Oma punished for helping others ascend? and didn't she stop (ascended) Daniel from using his powers against (partially ascended) Anubis in fear of the other (ascended) Ancients? and didn't Daniel (kinda) interact with (at least) some of the ascended Ancients (in that restaurant of ascended beings, including Oma and Anubis)? and wasn't Morgan le Fay posing as a hologram to hide from the others (and while so doing gave Daniel the gate addresses he was looking for?)? These examples don't fit with "they don't care". I think they fit better with some kind of rules or laws regarding involvement with the lower planes, especially lower planes reaching higher planes. Aren't these rules or laws actually mentioned at least once throughout the franchise?
@TheOmegaRiddler 2 жыл бұрын
​@@luketurner314 So like the Prime Directive, there are those who break the Ancients rule of non interference, and they were punished for that. Morgan Le Fey was sent to stop Merlin because he was using his knowledge to create a weapon to kill the Ori Ascended. She froze him instead. Morgan Le Fey would not have been punished if they believed her ruse of pretending to be the educational program. But the moment she was about to tell them where to start, they punished her for that and exiled by the Ancients. She ultimately did the same thing Oma did, lock herself in battle with Adria for eternity. Oma Desala was punished because she helped the wrong person ascend. It was her who was tricked by Anubis into helping him Ascend. And her punishment was to watch the consequences of her actions when they sent him back. She still helped people ascend after that. You could argue that she did it again when she helped Daniel, because he was the type of person who couldn't sit by and watch these things happen. Although Anubis wasn't free from their rules either. The stuff he did, he could do because he could have done it before he ascended. He is locked in "eternal battle" with Oma because he was fully ascended at the time. While he was making a move for the weapon of Dakara, he was essentially Ascending and going back down in his half ascended state to rub it in the face of the Ancients about what he's doing. Daniel was stopped from attacking Anubis by Oma and she buried the knowledge in his subconscious and sent him back. But she got involved by helping the people of Abydos ascend. I'm guessing after Oma saved him from Replicator Sam and he was left there on his own, he made a deal. 1. They take that information from his subconscious and 2. If he ever finds himself ascended again, he follows their rules. Orlin was punished because he gave a race the means to protect themselves from the Goa'uld, but they then used that knowledge for conquest. The Ancients wiped them out and exiled him to live alone on that planet. He was only allowed to ascend again because he was trying to stop the SGC from test firing the weapon and so he could get the Naquadah Generator that was overloading to a safe distance. As for 5 years later when he came back as a child. This is the one time you could argue that the Ancients as a whole broke their rules because they let him do it. That falls flat on it's face when you look at what Orlin did in human form. He didn't give them information they couldn't have obtained on their own. He told them how The Ori sap power from their followers, how to neutralize a Prior's powers, and helped with the cure on the Prior Plague. But even if the Ancients could punish him again. What could they do to him that was worse than what he did to himself. He held on to the Ancient's Knowledge for too long, he gave himself severe brain damage, can't remember how to ascend again and spends his days in a nursing home. But the Ancients as a whole do not get involved. They are not like the Asgard where they leave clues for a race to meet them once they become advanced enough. Even though the Ori had a weapon that could kill them (Merlin's weapon from when Daniel was a prior but was playing Adria), they didn't get involved. You are comparing the actions of 3 Ancients who acted against the Ancients rules to The Prime Directive. Star Fleet will actively get involved in an alien race's matters if they are warp cable. Yes, Janeway and Picard walked that line a few times, but they never broke it. Pike and Kirk broke the rules on many occasions, but they were known for cowboy diplomacy. And even before an alien race can reach any form of technological advancement, you have Star Fleet studying alien races while not being discovered. The Ancients don't get involved on that level because they are above that. It's not their place anymore. Orlin is a prime example of why they don't. His actions led to the Ancients wiping out an entire civilization because they used the knowledge they obtained from Orlin to do harm. They will kill people to clean up one of their own's mess if they have to.
@xw33b36 2 жыл бұрын
amazon will spend 50 million an episode on pozzed lord of the rings remake that not even the die hards are excited about but cant bare to spear a few million an episode to bring back absolute kino like stargate? what an unfair existence we live in.
@mikcnmvedmsfonoteka 2 жыл бұрын
You can get it for free if you know where to look.... and from season 4 there is an additional audio track with guys talking about making each episode, decisions, etc really cool stuff!
@emoAnarchist 2 жыл бұрын
stargate universe did that. poor numbers for that series basically nailed the coffin shut on stargate.
@xw33b36 2 жыл бұрын
@@emoAnarchist SGU was nothing like stargate though. It was more like a poormans battlestar galactica soap opera that revolved entirely around character drama. It wasn't until s2 they tried to course correct but it was too late. You ask any stargate fan and they will say SGU sucked for these reasons alone but at least by season 2 end they were getting a bit better. Wonder why that is? Amazon needs to return to form throw a 30-40 million budget for 10 episode season. Have it light hearted like the original with a few serious tones. Have it just like SG1. Why would they be so hard to do?
@emoAnarchist 2 жыл бұрын
@@xw33b36 you can call it what you want, it had stargate in the title and it lost money.
@xw33b36 2 жыл бұрын
@@emoAnarchist what a horrible equivelence and dishonest argument. that's like saying mcdonalds who is successful for selling hamburgers started focusing on selling spaghetti pasta instead and then lost massive amounts of moeny doing so. doesnt mean suddenly mcdonalds was unsuccessful and lost marketshare of potential customers it just means they pivoted into something wasnt true to the brand and so it didn't make money. trying to compare stargate universe to stargate sg1 is like trying to conflate mcdonalds hamburger sales to mcdonalds sphagetti sales and draw whole conclusions on business model solely from that.
@danielyeshe 3 жыл бұрын
I am always surprised Anubis didn't take credit for that.
@Ragitsu 3 жыл бұрын
A shred of villainous integrity?
@KS-xk2so 3 жыл бұрын
Nah, he knows its Oma who stopped him, he can probably see/sense her in the room stopping Daniel and watching him. I think him calling that out is just him further twisting the knife into Oma's gut that he exists as he does and can do what he can because of her mistake in ascending him, and her continued breaking of the rules is what allows him to keep on as he is. His Jaffa already think him a god, so he'd rather use that moment to spit in Oma's eye, like the jerk he is, lol
@danielyeshe 3 жыл бұрын
@@KS-xk2so Yes but Harrak is present.
@KS-xk2so 3 жыл бұрын
@@danielyeshe why would Anubis care about 1 Jaffa when he can piss off a higher being instead? The Goauld consider Jaffa as worthless.
@danielyeshe 3 жыл бұрын
@@KS-xk2so Because when you are pretending to be an all powerful God you don't want your underling to think there is someone more powerful out there.
@mossgeorge2001 2 жыл бұрын
Bloopers I would be like, this Anubis pulls out a sword, Daniel pulls out a sword. Director screams hell no, and you don't you dare scream May The Force Be With You.
@missmarnita 3 жыл бұрын
I really want to see that how this superweapon can do with Wraith and Ori
@bthsr7113 3 жыл бұрын
Probably curbstomp any Wraith vessels in the way. But there are always more. The Ori... they were pretty tough when they set their mind to it.
@KineticSymphony 3 жыл бұрын
@@bthsr7113 I think it would so serious damage to the ori ships. On par or stronger than the asgard beam weapons which took care of ori ships easily.
@missmarnita 3 жыл бұрын
@@KineticSymphony I think same👌😚
@davidlewis5312 2 жыл бұрын
and the Ascended prove how useless they are here and remain so through all of Atlantis and the Ori Crusade.
@Iangardner09 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah they seemed like real jerks leaving problems and don't fix them.
@jjbinx 3 жыл бұрын
@richardroopnarine870 3 жыл бұрын
Daniel is a Jedi?
@Josh-oj9mm Жыл бұрын
The superweapon has the same sound effects as the Wraith Darts
@MadDragon-lb7qg 3 ай бұрын
Kind of, I think it's more akin to the Asgard ripping stuff off of planets, such as the time they wreaked Heru'ur's ships in "Thor's Chariot"
@russells.a.n. 5 ай бұрын
And here we see the Ancients for what they are, self righteous & arrogant! The people of Abydos desreved better!
@Unknown_User174 Жыл бұрын
Chevron seven, Will not lock. 😔
@sarahvontettenborn121 Жыл бұрын
Was Abados destroyed?
@Unknown_User174 Жыл бұрын
@@sarahvontettenborn121 I’m afraid so.
@thefurrybastard1964 3 жыл бұрын
The Ancients screwed up with Anubis and then screwed the pooch again by preventing Daniel Jackson from taking him out of the game.
@Domihork 3 жыл бұрын
While I don't want to defend the Ancients, they had different plans for Anubis. They wanted Oma to sacrifice herself while taking him down. That is why they couldn't allow Daniel to deal with him (and also because that would be interence on lower planes of existence)
@thefurrybastard1964 3 жыл бұрын
@@Domihork Even though Anubis was doing so, I know he was caught between ascention and the lower planes, but still. I think they went too far with the Ancients not interfering sometimes. The way they handled it made the Ancients look like a bunch of asshats.
@Jason_Wilhelm 2 жыл бұрын
@@Domihork Oma stopped Daniel to spare him from greater punishment at the hands of the others.
@SmokieWins 2 жыл бұрын
@@thefurrybastard1964 They are asshats. There's plenty of problems in the galaxy that are literally their fault (the Asurans for example, or just leaving all their technology around for others to find and abuse), and they act like it's not their responsibility just because they're ascended now. Also IIRC they could have descended Anubis all the way but chose not to, again just to punish Oma.
@madcapmagician3130 3 жыл бұрын
This was the episode that I actually started to wish bad things upon the ancients.
@Ragitsu 3 жыл бұрын
The writer(s) screwed up mucho big time.
@madcapmagician3130 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ragitsu They were probably high on the methane from Chris Judge's mighty farts, they were certainly high on something!
@Peter_Lynch 3 жыл бұрын
@@madcapmagician3130 I think they were loosing the grip with all those loose strings and scenarios that have to be respected and the high output of episodes in short time.
@thestargateking 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, to be fair I think that’s actually the point. The ancients were never morally good, they were always arrogant before and after ascension. They believe so much in their moral superiority and that interference is bad that they are willing to let shit fall apart. Even if it were their mistake. Some ancients were able to see past the bullshit and they often become the only ancients we ever meet.
@Ragitsu 3 жыл бұрын
@@thestargateking That is a cheap way to make the human protagonists look moral and/or competent. There's no way such an advanced civilization could exist for *millions* of years - while seeding at least two galaxies with life plus Stargates - if they were that foolish not to mention overconfident. The early representation of the Ancients inspired reverence; the later representation of the Ancients made them out to be boneheaded technocratic snobs. Regretfully, not every writer can handle that degree of literary power.
@andylintott9339 2 жыл бұрын
No words are as disappointing, or worrying, as "will *not* lock"
@yester30 2 жыл бұрын
1:45 to 2:12 is a great long shot courtesy of Martin Wood
@1950dallas 2 жыл бұрын
This clip is used for Seasons 7, 8, 9, & 10.
@Ragitsu 2 жыл бұрын
@reilly_sharky_reese 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ragitsu Introduction credits yeah.
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