alternate approach to transfer fun used in modern control theory, stays in time domain unlike tx func which stays in freq domain 0:00 basic idea represents nth order ode as n first order odes 3:00 def : state var is a var whose knowledge at each time instant is sufficient to completely define/ characterise the system/ plant. 05:00 note : state syt repre (SSR) need not be unique for a given syatem and hence is flexible steps to write ssr eqns 5:30 gen state eqn for siso lti causal dynamic syst 20.00 d/dt(x(t)) = A x(t) + b u(t) where A = state mat and b = ip vec it is a first order ode and tells how a state vec evolves with time as func of ip gen op eqn for siso lti causal dynamic syst 20.00 y(t) = c . x(t) +d . u(t) where c = op vec, x(t) = state vec, d . u(t) = direct transmission term when m = n where m is higest derivative of ip and n i.e of op. here c is contribution from syst dynamics and d is contribution from ip to the syst