Statesmen's Forum: Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, PRC

  Рет қаралды 22,557

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Center for Strategic & International Studies

8 жыл бұрын

Wang Yi
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
People's Republic of China
Welcoming Remarks by:
John Hamre
President & CEO,
Moderated by:
Christopher Johnson
Freeman Chair in China Studies,

Пікірлер: 35
@harryni2162 8 жыл бұрын
Open and fair dialog by Chinese minister, wish more American people can hear and understand China better.
@rollyalvarez3rd 8 жыл бұрын
TO ALL CHINESE PEOPLE: FYI: Long time ago, even before the first arrival of Chinese vessels in Philippines, the ancient Datus of Philippines already knew the existence of those islands because they were frequently used by ancient people from Philippines to travel into its neighboring countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. That is how our ancient Datu acquired Sabah which was part of Malaysia that was given to Filipino Datu as reward for his help to Malaysian Datu back in the ancient time. That happened long time ago before 20,000 OR 200,000 years B.C. before the first arrival of Chinese vessels in Philippines or the invasion of Spaniards.
@losleones3383 8 жыл бұрын
“South China Sea Issue is nothing like most of us in the west are led to believe.” Checkout what Ambassador Chas W. Freeman, Jr. (USFS, Ret.) Providence, Rhode Island, 10 April 2015 Diplomacy on the Rocks: China and Other Claimants in the South China Sea Remarks at a Seminar of the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University has to say.
@seraph3761 5 жыл бұрын
This video helped me understand China and US relationship very well. Thank you.
@weichen6741 8 жыл бұрын
impressive speech
@khk4807017 7 жыл бұрын
Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), is an anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defense system designed to shoot down short, medium, and intermediate range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase. PLAN's missiles in SCS are most likely HQ9 anti aircraft missile or YP-12 anti ship cruise missle. THAAD is a strategic missle: HQ-9 and YP-12 are tactical missiles. Not comparable.
@khk4807017 7 жыл бұрын
@obiwan9430 8 жыл бұрын
I dont think people with different opinions with China will watch through this video
@osmanjerry3272 8 жыл бұрын
'Take national interest seriously, .... ' Every government should do that. Every politician should do that.
@weichen6741 8 жыл бұрын
@weichen6741 8 жыл бұрын
@jesusavila2266 5 жыл бұрын
Latin America needs a guy like this.
@GoyaGokou 8 жыл бұрын
Nice CSIS, scripted questions and no challenge to answers given. Democracy in action.
@butter921218 6 жыл бұрын
@kandi303 8 жыл бұрын
Here is MY POINT on Vietnam and Philippines over the South China Sea and Islands disputes. Look, lets BE realistic here, history is history. Lets talk and face the situation NOW. This is what, Vietnam AND Philippines thinking and Wants, -Vietnam and Philippines understand and realize they CANNOT fight rival single handily with China, China just too big and too powerful and it will ONLY get worse in the future. -The ONLY power that can STOP China is USA, Vietnam and Philippines want help from US to fight against China. Here is the twist, it's an assumption and I want Vietnam and Philippines to be BRUTAL HONEST about this, If these islands are controlled by the US, will Vietnam and Philippines fight as aggressive, anguish as it is right now? In another word, is it because of CHINA? the problem is NOT about island disputes but WHO is controlling the islands? If it's USA I DOUBT and I am honesty saying this I really believe Vietnam and Philippines would ACT LESS ON US THAN Towards China. Here is a bit part of the history, if you go to Vietnam and visit their temples, old buildings they were using Chinese characters, in other word Vietnam WAS very tie and close to China before 20th century. What I am trying to say is, China WAS LIKED, allied, counties like Vietnam and Philippines were defended from China in the old history. In another word, If China was controlling or using those islands THEN Vietnam and Philippines would NOT have any problems just like TODAY if US are using these islands instead of CHINA. I can ALSO assume, RIGHT NOW there are ZERO islands claimed by Cambodia, BUT if there IS, I think China will kindly SHARE or CO-Operate together (literally give away but SHARE) that island with Cambodia, BECAUSE Cambodia IS China's friend and probably the ONLY ally In Southeast Asia. Bottomline, pulling US to fight against China, EVENTUALLY would still lose to China. Change diplomacy 180 to become TIE with China, like old days Ho Chin Min and Mao Zedong days. I really believe Vietnam CAN get A lot MORE than what it is NOW.
@zzmark5477 8 жыл бұрын
The mind of most people in the world are actually poisoned, or brainwashed, by western verbal hegemony. The reason is simple, they are not aware of that but believe it is their own choice as a result of FREEDOM. Anyone studies Chinese history a bit deeper will come out with the a conclusion that Chinese people are most free minded. It is embedded in Chinese culture for over 2500 years and influence people's daily thinking and behaving. THIS explains everything, its history, its dramatic changes in past decades etc. The western world still don't figure out a right way to understand china. They fell into their ideology trap.
@joshuamoody2941 7 жыл бұрын
Every single country is a victim of ideology because that is the fuel for the masses. The foreign minister in this speech even said himself, that is what needs to happen to catalyze their forward progress. I feel that if you study chinas history as you said, but also studied western history, especially american you will see that we all play by the same game and western idealogy is having a great shift right before us that is not in the direction of hegemony. Especially when our economies become more and more intertwined. Also a better step in having people willing to understand china which i greatly support is not to assume the western world just wants to bend everyone over as that is like westerners thinking china just wants to spread the "demon" of communism. lets not fight for the ignorance of our grandfathers.
@ecpgieicg 5 жыл бұрын
Certainly some of the nationalistic expressions of the people have been somewhat manipulated. Certainly there is mistrust towards the Chinese regime. People don't look up to China and Chinese culture at the moment. And people are not logical when they connect their vague impressions of China with the material dispute on territory. But even if US were the one claiming the islands and sea zones, these countries will try to fight just as much. Why not? This is not the age of colonialism where the superior power may go to war at the slightest provocation and is not checked by anything. Smaller powers get away with standing up to bigger powers. So they do.
@ihatetheparty6340 6 жыл бұрын
And permit me to add this most emphatically: never again will a Chinese baby be bayoneted in he butt and tossed aside .like a rotten melon by a cruel, laughing soldier. That type of thing will NEVER reoccur --- EVER. And woe be to those who think otherwise. (One-fourth of the human race agrees with me [ ! ] and there are many books of this past disaster of WW2 in case you are interested in the truth of foreign aggression on the noble Chinese people). Have a nice day, Dr.Mengele!
@by-xu3qh 8 жыл бұрын
Republic of China...People's Republic of China...
@comeonmate3743 8 жыл бұрын
People's republic of counterfeit
@sstchan924 6 жыл бұрын
The Chinese dream and OBOR were first proposed in 2013. American major news media has avoid reporting it for quite some time. The jaundiced view is China has over capacity in cement, steel, capable engineer. It wants to unload to the unsuspecting world. Of course if China follows the USA example by building military hardwares, bunkers, and army bases the public would under stand the logic but building railways, infrastructures, fiber optic. In another poor countries is contra intuitive in the eye of capitalists. But China has the habit of taking the long view even over decades. If you make you make your customers rich they will buy more your manufactured goods. It is insidiously selfish long term planning. It is not cricket, so to speak.
@ThuyLe-vp4nu 8 жыл бұрын
Chinese logic is crazy.
@supercn9 8 жыл бұрын
+Thuy Le exemple?
@Htiat 7 жыл бұрын
Vietnamese logic is equality as fascinating to be honest.....
@sabrecruz6721 4 жыл бұрын
Wished he could speak in English.
@henryleung289 6 жыл бұрын
來自中華地區的維權團體文章,请轉發。 习主席, 每次你亲切地称呼我们「人民」我们却感觉很忧伤,因为「人民」在中国就是贱民公仆住在高干病房疗养,我们的父母却病在冷炕上等死 公仆轻松地用权力交换金钱,我们却为还房贷四处奔波公仆搂著小蜜销魂,我们却在陌生城市里找不到归宿公仆在国外「一带一路」慷慨解囊,我们却衹能让孩子借著月光读书 公仆强拆了我们世世代代的祖屋,还将「低端人口」四个字烙在我们额头上公仆向蒙著眼的正义女神亮剑,我们求告无门衹能跪访维权, 如果发生战争,你又会称我们为「人民」因为你需要「人民」的血染红你的帝国。 不!我们,不去!不去打仗! 习主席,我们不是一伙的 你们是国家的主人,你们是红二代,官二代,你们身上有高贵的红色基因,而我们只是国家的仆人,卑贱的蝼蚁你继续做你的中国梦吧 无论是千古一帝秦始皇还是三千宫黛的阿房宫那不是我们的梦,因为我们的梦早已破碎,血泪斑斑。 从1949年到文化大革命6000万人不是饿死,就是被你们打死,秦始皇也比不过你们啊! 秦始皇还希望江山永固,而你们什么都不顾忌1989年学生仅仅呼吁自由民主,你们就在天安门用坦克碾碎他们身体, 这是连畜生都不会去做的事啊四十年改革开放,中国成了第二大经济体,你们摇身一变,成了红色资本家资本主义挽救了你们,你们却给它起个绰号叫中国特色社会主义 战败又有什么不好?没有百年前的战败,我们还生活在奴才时代德国,日本没有战败,世界大战的硝烟还在弥漫毛泽东战胜了,我们百年宪政梦却破灭了我们的前辈帮你们打败了蒋介石,但换回的却是报应, 习主席,去招集你们的子弟兵吧从疯狂的赌场,从七星级酒店,从脱衣舞的夜总会里,他们枪法精准,炮功威武,夜夜激战在温柔乡他们不会刨你们的祖坟啊他们对你们的命令从不会质疑你们的子弟兵保卫你们的利益,不会是两面人但愿,那些酒囊饭袋的家伙们不会拿错枪但愿,那些专攻房中术的家伙们还能跑得动路不! 我们,不去!不去打仗!无穷无尽的灾难去集结他们吧! 我们不怕死,但我们有太多疑问? 雄壮的抗美援朝,为何竟是保护金家王朝?悲壮的对越反击,为何竟是拯救屠杀了200多万柬埔寨人的恶魔红色高棉? 美好的统一祖国,难道可以屠杀2300万台湾骨肉同胞? 智慧的一国两制,为何想把坦克开上香港的大街上? 美丽的新疆为何变成露天监狱,维吾尔兄弟姊妹为何不敢说母语? 被你们称为分裂分子的达赖喇嘛,为什么脸上有著慈父般的微笑?被你们折磨至死的刘晓波为何赢得世界尊重? 充满自信的你们为何要建互联网的柏林墙?你们宣扬宗教自由为何要砍掉基督教堂的十字架? 你们宣扬依法治国为何要逼迫维权律师和异议人士电视认罪?你们自称是马克思的信徒,为什么不许我们「妄议」朝政?你们自称科技世界第一,为何却造不出一枚芯片? 不!我们,不去!不去打仗! 奴隶不会为继续当奴隶而去打仗!我们卑贱但并不愚蠢我们会等待,等待著火山喷发的那一日我们会观看,观看你们被岩浆融化的场景。 我们要证明,伟大的舵手,人民领袖只不过是衣冠禽兽。 我们要证明,人间不可能有天堂和永生的盼望我们卑贱但并不懦弱。 我们,要去!要去打仗,但枪口却对著你们。 我们要用生命为后代换取一张属于他们的选票我们要将以下文字以黄河的水为墨汁写在五岳之首的泰山上。 人人生而有自由,人人生而有平等,人人生而有尊严!
@user-ds8kj1hj9t 4 жыл бұрын
@victorren7903 3 жыл бұрын
@weichen6741 8 жыл бұрын
impressive speech
@sunlee6985 6 жыл бұрын
China should learn how to live peacefully with neighboring countries ortherwise wil not be blessed any more.
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