Ste & Harry (feat. James) - 7/9/2019 "First Look"

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Erica Love

Erica Love

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Ste & Harry (feat. James) - 7/9/2019 "First Look"

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@xonsendon 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not even done watching and I'm already organizing a #STARRY Home coming party 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@fernandaalmeida1125 5 жыл бұрын
I gonna watch it again if Harry come back to Ste. I am here because of Starry. 😍😍
@rashedaallen72 5 жыл бұрын
Me too
@fernandaalmeida1125 5 жыл бұрын
@k h And Jerry is toxic.
@TonyLeviosa 5 жыл бұрын
Boring? This isnt Jarry. Let's please be specific. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Why restrict the options to just Starry or Jarry? Neither of them have been good for Harry, because of them he has gone from being a well functioning talented footballer and clever student with solid bridges to his father and his father`s new family, to have been both homeless, a prostitute, murder suspect and sporadically so on collision course with his father and his family, they haven`t even known where he was. Ste and James (but mostly James) have ruined Harry`s chances of a future. If Harry is wise, he doesn`t get back with either of them, but goes back to his roots, football and to chase the man of his dreams all in and with his heart on his sleeve. The same way he won both Ste and James. Using his body, his charm and his genuine feelings to tease the desire and melt the heart of the man he will desire next. But for that to be interesting as a storyline, it needs some tension and drama to the pairing which is not possible by pairing Harry up with any of the usual suspects. One of the ones not known to be gay, but who Harry - just as with Ste and James - noticed took and interest in him, and who Harry liked that way himself, and therefore went after him with the same passion, determination and heart on his sleeve attitude as he pursued both Ste and James with - recreating, in a way, the passion, sexiness, love and endearing moments Starry had in the beginning - that would be the way forward. Feelgood, love and sexiness (or aaaahhhhhhhhhh and whoaw moments) beats rit and grit drama of misery and despair every time. It is not rocket science. The better the chemistry, the more realistic the moments of heartfelt emotions or lustful passion, the more tender or intense the kisses - and the less clothes, the more viewers.
@gauravw6947 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think Harry would be coming back to Ste, given Kieron's recent interview, where he ruled out Starry reunion... I guess we have to wait until tonight to see if whatever Kieron said is true or not...
@charmillagrootboom2609 5 жыл бұрын
Ste fav ..person ..💙💙
@Tashaninja 5 жыл бұрын
As much as I wish this Jarry nonsense would end and Starry get back together, Ste is such an idiot! You can't just throw yourself at him like that...come on man! 😂 Have some tact.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Neither James nor Ste has been good for Harry. With Ste he both was homeless, got caught up in a murder investigation, fell out with his dad and Diane - all of it just because Ste was doing things without consulting Harry, and because Harry did all the work and carrying, and also made all the sacrifices in that relationship. Even to the extent of taking James up on his £10 000 offer for a night of sex, just so Harry could prevent his ex-druggie boyfriend, Ste, from starting to sell drugs to get a decent place for them to live. Ste and Harry only worked for the short while Harry was chasing Ste all in, after having discovered, when the two of them worked together at an event orchestrated by the restaurant Tony and Ste had together, that Ste had taken a shine to him. Because Harry at that time both was impressed with Ste being a successful chef and restaurant owner, as well as out and proud as gay, and still young enough for Harry to find him sexy, the two of them made sense. Even the fact Ste was trying to resist Harry for the sake of his daughter, Hannah, and the live-in hostage relationship Ste had with her mother and "guard," Sinead. After she split with Hannah, having discovered Ste was seeing Harry behind her back, the relationship between Ste and Harry changed, because I think Ste himself felt guilty over having lost contact with his daughter - and Harry felt guilty over having lost Ste the contact with his baby daughter. As a result Harry felt an obligation to both prove to himself, as well as Ste, that the two of them were right for each other - and a need to make Ste happy. This caused an unbalance to the previous very balanced relationship the two of them had, when they both were equally into each other, and couldn`t see anyone or anything else in the world, they were so blinded by the love and lust for each other. As a consequence Harry became the adult in the relationship, and Ste the unruly teenagers Harry saw it as his duty to take care of and make happy. Loyally following Ste regardless what he did (making them homeless, saw for custody despite having a medical condition that could have restricted the little access he had to Leah and Lucas, should it be known and more. Harry stood loyally by Ste`s every vim and decision - and tried to the best of his ability to clean up the mess, and pick up the pieces afterwards. As I said, for Harry to fall head over heels for Ste when first discovering Ste took a shine to him, is not strange - Harry being so firmly in the closet as he was at that time, and therefore finding potential boyfriends probably felt riskier and more tough than he felt he could master. So when he noticed someone like Ste taking a shine to him, it probably felt like all Harry`s at the time birthdays and Christmases during his 17 year old long life at the time, had come at once, and this was his chance for happiness ever after. Most likely he would have lost interest within a few months, a year or two, when having gained more confidence about being gay, and also had come out to so many people, exploring the world from clubbing, studies, parties and new friends and experiences, including traveling the world - with the potential for new sexual contacts and experiences that comes with it all - as youths are supposed to, would have appealed more than nights at home with Ste and the kids - and Harry feeling to get old before his time. So even though I feel Ste was better for Harry, than what James has been (had it not been for Romeo and Marnie, Harry probably would have realized him and James being a disaster waiting to happen sooner), Ste was far from good for Harry. And together Ste and James (but mostly James) has screwed up the future for a teenage boy who came to Hollyoaks as a uniquely talented footballer, solid student and well brought up and behaving young man who just happened to be secretly gay, which the two of them (but mostly James) have turned into an unemployed former student and ex rent boy with several police arrests, which potentially could be an obstacle for him regardless what type of job or career he would like to attempt in the future. Where should the character go from here? In my opinion back to his roots and what he does best. Football (with Buster gone, why couldn`t Harry train a community football team? Ollie and Imran getting back into football) and chasing the man of his dreams (and he should be wise enough to realize by now, that neither to be James nor Ste). But with more years behind him, and his experience from his rent boy days, Harry should be uniquely qualified to spot which men took an interest in him - and if he took an interest in them, chase that person all in and with his heart on his sleeve, just like he did when he won Ste. Using everything from his body, his charm and his genuine feelings to win over whoever had taken a shine to him - and he a shine to that person. Because of his unique insight, the man/boy he noticed took a shine to him, might not be known to have been gay at all, and it would have been an additional drama to the storyline that the affair had to be secret, or even to culminate in a coming out type of storyline - maybe even leading to a marriage between Harry and his knew man? Cause as Harry has proved again and again - despite casual tricks and even tiny affairs - he is basically a passionate romantic who goes so all in and heart on sleeve when chasing the man of his dreams, they doesn`t stand a chance. And after Ste and James, he deserves Mr Right this time. Kyle would have been the most obvious candidate - and could also make an interesting storyline, forced to weigh up his friendship to Nancy and connection to her boys, against his desire and genuine - and increasing - feelings for Harry, being well aware that if he waited to long to surrender, Harry could move on to someone else. Brody would have been the most dramatic option. Because of his past with Buster, and because - say if the two of them had the responsibility of training the football team together - the two of them having to be around each other, probably also travelling and sharing rooms together, would have brought them so close Brody couldn`t have hid, or denied, it, if he was attracted to Harry. And Harry - if he noticed Brody was interested in him, and he liked Brody too, would have gone in with the same full force of love and passion as both Ste and James was blown over by. Confronting Brody with the possibility he could have been gay all his life, but because Buster abused him, begun to feel so revolted by the thought of men, and men`s bodies, it became impossible for him to go there, and he turned to women instead - until he met Harry, and felt totally different about him, and about other men. Realizing his pathological need for his bro Damon had been a substitute for the emotional part of a gay affair - only without the sexual and intimate part. And instead transferring those strong emotions from Damon to Harry - Damon becoming his best friend, but no more, no less - and ideas of the two of them setting up a bar together in New York, and other vaguely camouflaged suggestions of their relationship being stronger than BFF from Brody`s side, were put to rest. But as personalities both Kyle and Brody would match well to Harry. Brody and Harry both sharing an interest in football and an experience of abuse, Kyle a past as homeless and also - because of his MS - being someone Harry can look after and take care of. Something the storylines involving Ste has suggested to be a very strong feature in Harry. For a more controversial twist, however, maybe ex druggie Joel had a past (gay prostitution/gay porn?) which either Harry discovered by accident, either watching gay porn, or learned from some of his previous rent boy colleagues, who happened to recognize Joel while visiting/having run into Harry - laughing out loud seeing Joel with a dog collar, believing it to be a joke, or a costume for a porn film or to please a trick - and Harry, being single, and finding Joel attractive, decided to get to know Joel better, to see if Joel showed an interest which extended being mates. The most boring and predictable storyline would be to pair Harry up with anyone of the known gay characters, since then some kind of silly secret would have to be invented to cause drama and tension to the story. With either of the three options I have mentioned, Kyle, Brody or Joel, that would follow automatically - plus Harry would become himself again, the heart on his sleeve all in for love young gay guy he was when he chased and won Ste - and Starry became bigger than Emmerdale`s Robron and Eastenders` Ben and Paul combined for a few weeks. Before Hollyoaks destroyed Starry with one storyline more extreme and dividing than the next. Making it more an ordeal, than a joy to watch.
@Tashaninja 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 So I'm guessing you have strong sentiments about this? 😂 😂 I understand where you are coming from and agree with you to some extent. But let's not also forget that Ste was Harry's gay Sherpa so to speak. He helped him climb out of the closet and gave him the love and space to navigate his way to feeling proud and happy about his sexuality. There were no games, no trickery no bullshit, just love and desire...unlike the twisted psychosis that James displayed, manipulating Harry just to get him into bed and the whoops! He fell in love with Harry. Thats not a storyline id support. Call me old fashioned, but love is supposed to be genuinely earned😏 Yes, Harry did go through a lot when he was with Ste, but if you really look closer at the situation, Harry made all those decisions on his own. Ste never pressured him into or was responsible for any of it. Its easy to blame Ste because of his past with drugs etc but to be quite frank, human beings are all responsible for their actions and Harry (as much as I love him) is a reckless, selfish little shit sometimes lol. For me, James is a controlling, trauma riddled narcissist who thinks he can get his way all the time. And when he doesn't he turns into this evil manipulator, a true mirror of Mac. Then to top it all off, he doesn't believe Harry about the Grace incident! Ste went to jail trying to protect Harry after Amy died. He was willing to forgive him for "murdering" his baby mama and worked effortlessly to win his freedom. Now that's love...not this weird, unhinged ship we call Jarry. P.s. perhaps I'm just biased because the only reason I started watching Hollyoaks was there is that. Lol. Ok, I'm done...bye. 😅
@Tashaninja 5 жыл бұрын
@k h Just my opinion bro. No offense. 👍
@michellelohde8729 5 жыл бұрын
that never gonna happen James and Harry get back together end of week or next week Harry take James out for lunch ?.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
​@@Tashaninja Interesting thoughts indeed. But I do think you are being unfairly harsh on Harry. After all, it wasn`t Ste who brought Harry out of the closet, that was a vengeful outing by JP, when Ste and Harry were revealed kissing at the Pride event that year, and the entire village - including Harry`s dad, Tony - learned about Ste and Harry. Before that Sinead was the only one who knew. So more than Ste helping Harry, I would it deem it to have been Harry who was in the driver seat, relentlessly pursuing Ste, until he managed to catch him. I will also claim Ste to have been the selfish and immature in the relationship, cause Harry was the one who made all the sacrifices to make the relationship work - including loyally following Ste to live on the street, supported Ste through a custody case someone with Ste`s medical condition never should have embarked on at all, took on the role of stepfather for Ste`s kids after Ryan was out of the picture and ended up estranged from his own family, as a consequence of his involvement with Ste. Ste on the other hand spent of the time either thinking Harry was too young for him - until Leela spoke to him and told him to confront his true feelings, and not just what he thought he should be feeling - and the most of the time they were together focusing on everyone else but Harry. So to call Harry immature, childish and selfish was not true about the first part of Harry and Ste`s relationship, in my opinion - far from it. If that description would fit any of the two, it would have to be Ste. What happened afterwards, Jarry and the rest, is a fictional twist to the storyline with very little root in reality. For Harry to fall in love with the man who not only exploited him at his weakest and most desperate, first for prostitution and then blackmailed him to assist in betraying his own father so his father would lose his restaurant, I would stake my name and reputation would never have happened in real life. That is soap foam so extreme I honestly cannot find words to describe how unlikely it would be. Less likely than for Donald Trump to propose to Hillary Clinton - and Hillary Clinton to accept - even. This being a fictional soap we perhaps should be careful in taking developments too seriously? But when the developments provoke emotional responses in the viewers, at the same time as the storylines are so out of touch with reality that the viewers are being worked up and angry over events that with very little likelihood would have happened in real life, I feel I have to address it, and point out what is realistic and what is soap foam. Mac, as an example, is a character that was turned and spun so forcefully nothing about him had any attachment to the real world at all. Quite frankly the dragons in Game of Thrones had more human emotions than what the monster Mac was changed into had. The sole purpose of the character, it seemed to me, was to give the viewers some one to hate. But evoking hate is not a good thing. If that is an emotional path - and short cut - often made, it will eventually become fully flattened, wide and tarmacked, and hate and anger will become the quickest response to anything. And people would see, and claim, their own need to ventilate anger as justification for violent acts and hateful words. We are already there to a large extent already. Rather to be triggered to further expand that emotional path, we are in need of an antidote to it. Cause even though people see soaps as escapes from reality, soaps do never the less influence how they think and feel about other people - and that is what makes truly dangerous as a medium. I don`t care about what happens to fictional characters, played by reasonably well paid cast members who enjoy a great life off screen. But I am terrified of how the not so great life on screen could influence the real world - and in particular those of the viewers who, for some reason, have not so very good lives themselves, and therefore very easily can connect to the more extreme feelings and expressions of anger, hate and sheer violence. That people is able to glorify and cheer for characters like James - who from some of his actions, had it been real life, clearly would have had to have been a narcissistic, manipulative, ruthless and calculating psychopath with inferior complexes, delusions of grandeur and sadistic tendencies. That is a diagnosis very similar to that of Adolf Hitler and the Norwegian terrorist who killed 77 people when blowing up Parliament Square in Oslo, Norway, killing 8, before shooting 69 youths dead, and many more injured and mentally scared at a political summer youth camp in 2011. The more hate and aggression viewers are confronted with, the more natural and part of life, and acceptable, such acts will become. For society, and the world as a whole, that is a disaster which long term will destroy everything. Therefore the entertainment industry in general ideally should be less focused on violence - and providing arenas for physical or mental violence in any form or shape. Not only soaps, but movies, certain types of sport, reality shows where the point is to exclude or to manipulate to win, are all examples of activities, that if viewed, can influence the viewer for the worse. Making him/her more acceptable to the use of violence, cruel acts or manipulations, and less emphatic towards people who suffer. Another thing which is typical, especially in relations to soaps, is the cute seal factor (called so after the Greenpeace cards with a big eyed seal puppy on them used to drum up support to ban the hunt on seals), where the viewer is more moved and persuaded by what he/she is made to feel in the moment, than what is the full background and truth of whatever is being addressed in the scene. The latter is particularly dangerous because it makes us judge and trust what we believe to be the truth from what we see there and then, more than reflect over the full picture. Like in Hollyoaks, where viewers feel sorry for James because they see him sad, and because of the abuse background he has been given can identify with him as character, and therefore feel more strongly for James than for other characters involved. That the reason for James sadness is his unfounded suspicions and irrational need to control Harry, didn`t seem to enter people`s mind at all, a few days ago. Some even felt James was right when he called Harry a selfish liar - even though James definitely must be said to be seated in a glass house, and therefore should not throw stones, in regard to either of those statements. Harry might have lied, but he did so either out of fear of how James would react (Sadie and the baby) - and had it not been for Romeo, his fears would have been proved well founded - or to protect James from torturing himself about an innocent favor Harry did for his father by talking to Ste. They were not the same kinds of manipulative, cruel and ruthless lies James is a master in the field of. Which makes James a far less moral person, than Harry, in my opinion - since Harry lies either to protect himself and others. While James lies to either frame other innocent people (Ste for Amy`s murder, Sami`s dad for embezzlement), betray them (Tony and Harry when James used Harry to get Marnie Tony`s restaurant) or to achieve a sense of control and power over them. I find many similarities between Laurie and James, but the difference is, with Laurie the power play and need for control only apply to his relationship with women. With James the need to feel superior, powerful and in control apply to every single aspect of life. That makes him more unpredictable, and therefore also much more dangerous than Laurie. Harry and Ste are not in the same category - but they are still not good for each other. For that Harry is not strong enough to stand up to Ste and tell him when he is acting on impulse. And Ste lack the self-insight to realize it is not fair Harry should make every concession in their relationship. Love is to give and receive, but never to take - and also never to take for granted. And the latter Ste has done too often for a relationship to work over time. So unless he were to change radically, a relationship with Harry would be doomed for failure. That is my assessment, anyway. But it was interesting to read yours. Maybe we both learned a little from each other? At least we both got an elaborate inside into - even though we agree on much - another view and angle on the topic, which will make us better informed, and better equipped next time a similar issues is raised.
@charminanderson6325 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy Harry stop the kiss, where these 2 are now, getting romantically involved is not the right move. Both are in a vulnerable state right now and hasn't resolved their problems.
@CJXalax 5 жыл бұрын
The smile on Ste's face the second Harry clarified he practically left James because of the trust issues...he's still in love with him, the face said it all 💙
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Even though I really wouldn't call myself a starry fan it's pretty sad this is the first time ste has smiled in a long time but he has the worse life out of all the characters.
@CJXalax 5 жыл бұрын
@@Harmony233 That is a tough pill to're right, he hasn't really smiled in ages. He looked like a giddy schoolgirl. I'm hoping that Harry might be able to get through to him about Jonny & Stuart. So far Harry is the only one who has expressed his disdain for the far right stuff without Ste either storming off or getting into a shouting match. That's a good sign that while he still defends it, he doesn't dismiss Harry.
@lhanceventures7118 5 жыл бұрын
Finally... Ste and Harry.. For life.
@rashedaallen72 5 жыл бұрын
James don't trust harry he don't believed that harry didn't do and he is boyfriend...ste believed harry without no question ask
@alfredsweeting9659 5 жыл бұрын
Steve need to be worry about getting away from Johnny and making up for his misdeeds to everyone who he hurt
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Well, fiction isn`t always neither realistic, nor convincing. Fact of the matter is neither Ste nor James have been good for Harry. Harry having gone from being a well functioning and clever student with a great football talent, to becoming an unemployed former student and ex rent boy with several arrests, even a suspicion of murder under his belt. It is time for Harry to find himself someone more balanced and well functioning than both Ste and James, get back to the roots of who he truly was - and not what being with Ste and James has turned him into.
@jolenetengbeh1102 5 жыл бұрын
I love #STARRY
@jolenetengbeh1102 5 жыл бұрын
How are they awful if any couple is awful it would be Harry and james
@tanyarees2787 5 жыл бұрын
There both toxic but that's because james has got parioned since he found out harry got sadie pregnant
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@tanyarees2787 Agree that Harry is better off without both Ste and James, but believe James has been like this from he first surfaced in Hollyoaks (just look at some of the acts he has committed during that time). All Sadie has caused is for him to feel to lose control over Harry - and people like James cannot stand to lose control. That is why they are so potentially dangerous. Cause if they feel themselves to lose control, they will do anything to win it back: lies, manipulations, fake emotions/play theater - if everything else fail, could even resort to violence, deadly force even. If the point is reached when they feel the only way they can regain control over the other is to kill him/her. This is why so many spousal abuse victims are killed when they decide to leave their abusive spouse - even months after having left, or have to live on secret locations with new identities. James might not have done what Laurie has done to Sinead yet. But it is the same need for control Laurie felt he lost over Sinead, when she started questioning him, and which made him feel to have to rape her to win back control of her, as caused James to both check Harry`s phone, install spyware on it - and not the least why he did what he did to JP, and which made JP not only leave him - but go all the way to Asia to escape James for good. When assessing people you don`t lisen to what they say, or look how they seem - cause all that could so easily be a put on act. Instead you look at what they actually have done - and how hey excuse, or explain, those incidents and emotions.
@adepressedbitchalsoadirect1417 5 жыл бұрын
Why tf ste so hilarious😂😍. The way he always smirks his face, hands on the conversation his annoying making expressions . Thats a bonus of the this show😂😂😍😘😘. Nd btw I'm so happy to met my starry fans(family) again😭😭, coz few days ago there was only jarry on the comment section😩. was Feeling alone but I'm happy now😢😂😂
@chriswharrttdhanchellise1737 5 жыл бұрын
TEAM STARRY. I watch this because of STARRY love it..... ALL THE WAY STARRY....
@ArquellEastland 5 жыл бұрын
They all need to find new boyfriends bc this is ridiculous....
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! Agree 100%. James needs some much needed therapy first, though.
@gmoo84 5 жыл бұрын
With you on that now. They are all terrible together.
@lostdreamer2925 5 жыл бұрын
The owner of this channel I love you so much . What I am gonna do without these videos ? Nothing .my life would be boring .thank you so much 💜🙏
@rebeccabeebe1 5 жыл бұрын
Ugh! James what are you doing! Pushing Harry right back into Stes arms! Give your head a shake!
@faytneris 5 жыл бұрын
HA! Finally we are getting somewhere. Technically they are still married, aren't they? Why not get them back on course, together! It is highly about time! Don't you resist this Harry! Team Starry! :D :D
@faytneris 5 жыл бұрын
@k h I have a feeling that this "love" for James has fallen apart right along with the constant proof of distrust by James. Jarry is so over. Time for Starry *The next chapter* Their onscreen chemistry is better anyways. :D
@CJXalax 5 жыл бұрын
@@TonyLeviosa while I find James' behavior as of late a bit disturbing (and I'm a Starry fan here) he has every reason not to trust Harry at face value. After leaving Amy hurt, as well as the fact that he was the other participant while they went behind Ste's back in a secret relationship before the wedding, James knows "if Harry can cheat on Ste with me, what's to stop him from doing the same to me?" so I get he's coming from a place of paranoia. I will always begrudge James however because you're absolutely right in that he knowingly pimped Harry out to clients and their relationship began with him basically orchestrating the financial collapse of the Hutch in order to get Harry to sleep with him. That has never sat well with me.
@switylabs5823 5 жыл бұрын
Watch it again because of starry 😊😊😊
@eleanacabrera4007 5 жыл бұрын
Yes harry and ste 😗😗😗😗😗
@rashedaallen72 5 жыл бұрын
Starry all the way
@gwenaellevieira 5 жыл бұрын
I hope harry Change a mind leave James and come back to ste and still happy together forever
@caseyjason-ws3fr 5 жыл бұрын
NO disaster again
@rashedaallen72 5 жыл бұрын
Me too
@annegregory1271 5 жыл бұрын
@k h Lol your comment is stupid considering Jarry are not exactly happy at the moment James is an obsessed stalker freak to Harry 😂
@gauravw6947 5 жыл бұрын
@@annegregory1271 Neither were Starry always happy, when they were together... At least, James never physically assaulted Harry, like Ste did when they were in relationship... Also, wait for the next episode to find out that there is no Starry reunion...
@annegregory1271 5 жыл бұрын
@@gauravw6947 Lol you really think Harry doesn't still have feelings for Ste when Ste "You been though worse then this" Harry "Thats because I had you by my side" Ste "You still do" Harry smiled. Harry is lying to himself you need to wake up. Starry have more chemistry in that one scene no wait in these past few episodes then Jarry have in their whole relationship and I'm not the only one who sees this also you can keep dreaming Jarry will live happily ever after what with James controlling stalker behaviour on Harry and Sadie giving birth to his baby next week. Bye.
@kylekhar7774 5 жыл бұрын
Ohhhhhh My GODDD...WHAT HAPPENNN....JAMES what are u doinggg..?? Harry and Ste...ufffff yes or no?
@nguidjolepoumbjeanmarc8479 5 жыл бұрын
Can they just get bk together already...😴😴
@TonyLeviosa 5 жыл бұрын
Starry For Life 😎
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
But they were never happy for more than one scene a month, on average? Not like Joel and Cleo, Mitchell and Cleo now, or Jesse and Courtney, Darren and Mandy - even Nancy and Kyle, if you are willing to believe it. Neither Starry nor Jarry ever had that for any length of time - instead there was misery, poor communication, infidelity and countless indications they just weren`t meant to be together. Harry needs to find himself someone he hasn`t been with before.
@jayar8273 5 жыл бұрын
#starry fans remained silent , for the longest time we kept ourselves in the background and gave way to #jarry fans to celebrate and be happy,coz we had our time back then but things will be different.. Ste is emotionally and mentally ready now..He was able to focus on himself and his family and kids..on the other hand, Harry was able to explore and and really experience life as a gay man.. Clearly Ste still loves harry..harry might not admit that he still loves Ste ,yet but soon everything will make perfect sense to him... They still belong together..They're the perfect match.. They look good together.. They resemble each other just like soulmates.. i always say this and am going to say it again , LOVE IS SWEETER THE SECOND TIME AROUND..
@TonyLeviosa 5 жыл бұрын
Yep. For the longest time Jarry fans celebrated like we didn't see how messed up that relationship is. Time to eat Karma, Jarry fans 🤷🏻‍♂️
@taraz6786 5 жыл бұрын
Did you say Ste is emotionally and mentally ready now?! This is the same Ste who has basically at this point sided with racists, sexists and Islamophobes, so much so that his own family have turned their back on him because of how gross his behaviour has become. Yay Starry 😒👏
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
@@taraz6786 and then again it's the same thoughts that most of you said about Tony being a father I mean what more hate and shade are you gonna throw think about it harry could possibly help ste to redemption
@taraz6786 5 жыл бұрын
death glare That’s the thing. Ste doesn’t need a man to get him out of this especially not Harry who isn’t much better than him tbh. Harry was going to leave him on their wedding day, he was begging James to come and take him away, I mean what relationship are you salvaging with these two. Harry has continually chosen James, even after he came back to Hollyoaks. I understand Jarry isn’t perfect and they may not even be endgame, who cares at this point but Starry is much much worse in comparison. It’s toxic & poisonous, so really why? Harry will just start sleeping with someone else the second he gets bored with Ste and he will get bored, no doubt about it.
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
@@taraz6786 but then again who made him this way James did before James harry was a person who would do anything for his boyfriend and when James took advantage of that bye bye starts harry is built on another relationship that James broke
@marcomarxo4795 5 жыл бұрын
@jamesdean7671 5 жыл бұрын
Starry !!
@hunterstutzman256 5 жыл бұрын
@scoviaapollo8589 5 жыл бұрын
What did Harry see in James ooh I do remember, money. Ste shouldn't make it easy for Harry in case he wants him back
@scoviaapollo8589 5 жыл бұрын
@k h ste will come back to his senses one way or the other, let's not forget that Harry is also one of the reasons why he joined those assholes
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@scoviaapollo8589 It is not fair to blame Harry for what Ste, a grown man, decides to do. Besides Ste joined forces with Johnny, and later Stuart, because he was angry over his sister, Tegan`s, death. That no one took him seriously when he told about Misbah having had an injured arm when she performed the surgical procedure on Tegan, causing a wrong cut which caused Tegan`s later death at hospital - and therefore wanted Tegan`s death properly investigated. Harry had very little to do with that development. And since he didn`t actively intended to cause Ste harm in any way - nor could be fairly accused to should have realized what happened would follow as a result of something Harry did, it would not be fair to accuse him regardless. He couldn`t have foreseen what happened - therefore he cannot fairly be held responsible for it.
@scoviaapollo8589 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 when your heart is Broken and the person who brakes it runs away you focus your anger somewhere else, the only mistake ste did wrong is throwing himself to Harry. And I hate him for that
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@scoviaapollo8589 I don`t follow your logic, of how Ste should involve himself in right wing extremism because of Harry, when it was Ste`s feud with the Maaliks that alerted Johnny to Ste in the first place. That had absolutely nothing to do with Harry whatsoever. It wasn`t because of Harry Ste was mad at Misbah, but because Tegan died because Misbah conducted a medical procedure on Tegan with an injured arm. So how could that be Harry`s fault?
@ihh619 5 жыл бұрын
It's true that Harry isn't the sole reason but he played a part. I mean harry had a affair for months and lied about his prostitution. Harry made ste not trust others much. Him losing tegan and harry on the same day was traumatic and therefore was vulnerable enough to be manipulated. He was angry and grieving and he needed someone to blame and the far right group encouraged him and even twisted it to make it about religion instead of why he was originally mad about which was tegan dying. I can't help feeling this would have been avoided if ste saved tegan instead of harry.
@stehay9321 5 жыл бұрын
@jackyj1204 5 жыл бұрын
love jarry to death but it was good for harry to realise it cant go on like this. his comment about ste being there for him through hard times feels a bit like rewriting history....either way im glad he didnt even reciprocate that kiss for a second (:
@mharckyescario0730 5 жыл бұрын
My god!! This is the time ive been waiting for to get starry back!! Im shaking to death in the last seen of them.. i want you back!! Hahaaahahaah
@imeldamckernan3147 5 жыл бұрын
Starry are definitely getting back
@lanyohedith6233 5 жыл бұрын
@k h yes
@tanyarees2787 5 жыл бұрын
Tony they ain't they get bk together and sadie goes into labour
@gauravw6947 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think so... Because Kieron (the actor who plays Ste) has said in a interview that there won't be any Starry reunion...
@essaeme7691 5 жыл бұрын
No 🙂 Harry gives James another chanse and Ste goes on another date with the man from today.
@billyjayalanano194 5 жыл бұрын
The reason why I comeback watchin because of #starry ...😍😍😍
@TonyLeviosa 5 жыл бұрын
Jarry fans are FUMING 😂
@kaocean 5 жыл бұрын
Jarry forever!!!
@diamondluck3851 3 жыл бұрын
@patriciamckee550 5 жыл бұрын
Glad Ste didn't fall for that freak of the week!!😂😂😂😂
@junskycute 5 жыл бұрын
This tickles the fan in me at the same time find it hilarious 😂🤣😂
@starz0meme 5 жыл бұрын
Oh hell no lol Harry loves James 😂
@dimakatsosejosengoe6677 5 жыл бұрын
Hell No! I don't want Harry and Ste back together. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
@pksmith7560 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly this show I never seen one couple that happily in relationship
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Mitchell and Cleo, Darren and Mandy, Kyle and Nancy, at the moment seems pretty solid. Joel and Cleo were for quite a while too. Jesse and Courtney also ave had mostly smooth sailing for quite a while now.
@gmoo84 5 жыл бұрын
@@Tvjunkieful12 just you wait😂
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@gmoo84 You might have a point there, true. But my point was that Ste and Harry only had those types of moments for a scene, or at most an episode, most times. Other than that there were always some kind of crises. That fatigued us viewers. And when it comes to Harry and James, Harry has had a closer relationship with Romeo, than he has been seen to have with James - who almost every time have had something to complain about over Harry. Romeo also seemed a lot more concerned to lose Harry, than what James did, after the baby revelation. So maybe there is a reason Romeo was so sure Harry was not cheating on James with Ste - cause he was cheating on him with Romeo instead? Doesn`t that sound like a storyline Hollyoaks could have come up with?;-)
@TheLazitha 5 жыл бұрын
Welcome to soap land...if there is a happy ever after, who would watch lol.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheLazitha From the success of shows like Heartbeat, as an example. quite a lot of people. Add to that the enormous success feel good movies like, as an example, Babe or Back to the Future has had, there is a lot to suggest that many people like to feel uplifted when leaving the cinema. Even the success of Downton Abbey, despite many tragedies and much misery, also seems to be mostly founded on the authentic feel of both the characters and the setting, and the fact most of them are ordinary people facing obstacles from life itself, or from people who are more emotionally damaged than themselves. Not to mention fairy tales have successfully survived for centuries thanks to their happy ending consistency.
@arcadie3374 5 жыл бұрын
What James and Harry live right now make me think of Julio Iglesias’s song, « Or you love me or you leave me » : « Ou tu m’aimes ou tu me quittes Or you love me or you leave me Mais ce soir il faut choisir But tonight you have to choose(...) Tu fais mal pour le plaisir You hurt for pleasure Le plaisir de voir un homme comme un jouet dans tes mains The pleasure of seeing a man as a toy in your hands(...) Moi je n’en peux plus de tous tes caprices I can not stand any more of your whims Des jours ou tu m’aimes des jours ou je glisse There are days when you love me others where i slip(...) Je n’ai plus la force de toujours t’attendre I do not have the strengh to always wait for you(...) Ma vie se disloque je me barricade My life breaks up i barricade myself(...) Et tu joues de mon amour, comme avec ces marrionnettes dont l’enfant se lasse un jour And you play with my love as with those puppets whose child gets tired one day. » These words in my opinion correspond to both James and Harry.
@munroejacksonsalemflowers3806 5 жыл бұрын
Ayyyy I knew this would happen. I strongly believe that Harry n Ste are meant to be together. Oh my heart jumped a little. But Ste needs to give Harry some time he is a bit confused n hurting
@FamilyGuy770 5 жыл бұрын
I like James but he is becoming extremely annoying. If Harry gets back with Ste this will be the SECOND guy that Ste has stolen from James! James really needs to take a look at himself and realize that the reason why he cannot keep a damn boyfriend is because he pushes them away!
@bmary25 5 жыл бұрын
FamilyGuy770 James is the one who stole Harry from Ste. If you watch Harry and Ste relationship you will see what I am talking about.
@FamilyGuy770 5 жыл бұрын
bmary25 bmary25 Uh, YEAH. I’m aware of that... But if Ste successfully lures Harry away from James this time this will be the second guy that Ste has stolen from James as he slept with John Paul when John Paul was in a relationship with James. Maybe if YOU go back and actually watch Ste’s storyline you’ll know what I’m talking about... Thank you very much
@arcadie3374 5 жыл бұрын
I did not really care about it last night, but Harry’s backlash, as well as his astonishement, are revealing, even dxplicit, Steven. He is not there to charm you, he just needs a « listening ear », a shoulder to support him. You are clearly not on the same wavelength. And you Steven, a little self-esteem, a little dignity would be welcome, even know how to behave in public. When we enter the other’s house, we say hello. We do not eat at others without permission.
@Pizzalover56able 5 жыл бұрын
Omg please don’t take him back, Ste is no good for him especially now that he’s mixed up with that “organization” he had his shot with Harry neglected him during his kids custody battle with Amy and drove him to do stupid things because of that. He should stick with James if only he wasn’t so jealous a little is ok but too much isn’t.
@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 5 жыл бұрын
He has finally matured and is in a place mentally wise that could develop an amazing relationship with harry despite his beliefs
@cesarmarquez3194 5 жыл бұрын
Nick Papaeuthimiou Honestly I agree, Ste has matured a bit. I think Ste and Harry will end up getting back together some time after his radicalization storyline ends.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Harry would do wise not getting back together with either of Ste or James. He needs someone who is more in balance emotionally, and preferably with both less baggage and personality disorders than Ste and James respectively. A 20 year old should be out exploring the great big world, and his own body and interests. Not being stuck in front of the telly with his hubby babysitting, or waiting for teenagers to get home at night. Harry will become old before his time with either Ste or James. Now he needs someone he can explore the world and find himself with, not to fill the role of stepdad, having most of his life restricted to the walls of the home.
@melanie_lovess 3 жыл бұрын
Starry’s chemistry is like so natural and beautiful. So sad Harry was killed. I don’t think James was good enough for Harry. He doesn’t love him like Ste does. ❤️
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Not that I think there getting back together but why do I get the feeling that ste would be all for raising that baby lol.
@annegregory1271 5 жыл бұрын
He support Harry with all that more then James definitely..
@dennilynjanerozul2531 5 жыл бұрын
OMG I can smell #starry comeback😌🤭
@adamdanish4267 5 жыл бұрын
6:15. i love when they fight
@nastaran8418 5 жыл бұрын
Well when Harry was with Ste ,he exactly like James didn't trust him, what's with the writer?
@criswinfuyes7444 5 жыл бұрын
will u two just focus with each other..starry...
@emjaysmile 5 жыл бұрын
Grace, you know better.. He can say he didn't because technically he didn't, but that doesn't make him anymore guilty
@theNomad2085 5 жыл бұрын
Starry 💖💖💖💖
@ksspqf6016 5 жыл бұрын
Stes date looks like some sort of emo
@coconut_master3546 5 жыл бұрын
Nah he looks nothing like emo😒
@Js2Jo 5 жыл бұрын
I hope that Harry is gonna dump James for Ste again, just like the old times for about like 3 years ago back in 2016 after he and Ste kiss!!!
@faytneris 5 жыл бұрын
That were the best of times, weren't they? Ste and Harry, in their innocent beginning. :D
@reynportillano6312 5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha hahaha, I LOVE it
@vivianamansillavivar7217 5 жыл бұрын
Ste un descarado y mal educado Harry un cuerpo sin Alma no sabe amar , Encantador James pura pena amargo llanto un corazón desesperado que se va......💔💔💔💔
@CJXalax 5 жыл бұрын
While I'm a huge Starry stan, I feel terrible for James. He has every reason to not take Harry at his word, but the poor man is driving himself mad with paranoia. Like, I want James to be happy and love his character, but I also have missed Ste & Harry together. I'm hoping both can be possible. James had such an awful upbringing and he deserves the world. My heart breaks for him 💔
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
James is mad with paranoia, deluding himself Ste and Harry to be together every time Harry is out of the house. But it follows the pattern of James being in need of control of Harry - and for James to be a psychopath - much more than it suggests him to have been beaten and bullied by his father growing up. Just as there are fish living in saltwater and fish living in fresh water - but the two can never swap habitats, that is how it is with serious personality disorders and trauma from abuse too. And James clearly - despite the picture Hollyoks has tried to create by inventing a background of childhood abuse for him - suffers from a serious personality disorder. People who have been physically abused as children either shun violence completely or copy the behavior and violence they have grown up under. They don`t lie, manipulate, extort, embezzle, frame innocent people for murder and more - that is the acts of a psychopath. Consequently that makes James a psychopath - and not an abuse victim. But since Hollyoaks is fiction, and not reality, characters and storylines can be claimed to be anything under the sun - but that doesn`t mean what you see on screen would have been like that in real life.
@adamdanish4267 5 жыл бұрын
harry, i want you back😁😁
@joeysolis3791 5 жыл бұрын
@hollyoaksclips7191 5 жыл бұрын
James poor I love you harry 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@weskershades 5 жыл бұрын
I love Jarry, Ste and Harry were always a mess.
@TheLazitha 5 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or was Harry leading Ste on...he knows he is still into him. And Ste fell for it. His body language said it all. Well done Harry for keeping him on your leash. Lol
@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 5 жыл бұрын
Even tho I ADORE starry literally I'm so happy there's the slightest chance theyll get back together considering ste has finally matured and is in a place mentally wise that could develop an amazing relationship with harry despite his beliefs which harry can easily change I feel like somethings gonna happen and they wont be together whether that's harry not being into ste sexually but rather friendly or ste's "friends" will fuck everything up ... regardless the chemistry ste and harry had and still have is irreplaceable and can not be found in anyone else's relationship whatsoever let alone Jame's and Harry's and u cant convince me otherwise cause ONE scene of #starry talking is enough to overcome a WHOLE montage of #jarry being together or even kissing ....
@alfredsweeting9659 5 жыл бұрын
Ste is an racist Harry is an liar James tries his best with Harry but it be so hard when your dating someone who is constantly lying to your face and then be surprised when they do tell the truth and it's hard for you to believe them
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
It is also very hard to live in relationship with someone so obsessed with controlling you, as James has been with Ste, that Harry feels he has no other choice but lie, to prevent James form letting his mind and imagination run away with him. It is okay for James to demand Harry should not sleep with, or kiss, Ste, when he is being with him - but totally wrong to demand Harry not to talk to Ste at all.
@sensoine 5 жыл бұрын
wow james must be a saint then
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@sensoine Love the sarcasm.:-)
@jesusantonioguzmangaitan6464 5 жыл бұрын
@XaviAVX 5 жыл бұрын
James- Karma
@anirai1516 5 жыл бұрын
I am happy Harry stopped Ste. Like come on they just kind of broke up and Harry is facing criminal charges right now isn’t the time for him to jump into another relationship. I wish Ste could really get someone else. James needs some psychological help. I think all that he went through has deeply affected him.
@KokomoGreenberg 5 жыл бұрын
So help me God Harry if you get back with that stupid Ste I am gonna lose my shit!
@shamirafoster8345 5 жыл бұрын
@annegregory1271 5 жыл бұрын
And tracking Harry phone to track his every move AND controlling him is perfect in your eyes get your head tested James is a controlling stalker freak and a creep.
@Junior-kx9ff 5 жыл бұрын
Well the writers already confirmed that they were gonna get back together. Also James is very controlling
@annegregory1271 5 жыл бұрын
@k h Lol don't need to be bitter when I can see that Starry still have THAT chemistry and Harry clear lying he still has feelings for Ste back he was the one who went back to Ste first knows James is a paranoid mess and will flip out over this.
@KokomoGreenberg 5 жыл бұрын
@@annegregory1271 down girl
@1beartruckr 5 жыл бұрын
As much as I loved Starry, this is an emphatic NO!!..
@TheLazitha 5 жыл бұрын
Harry needs to rescue Ste from those two goons and get into all sorts of trouble. That's why they are getting together again. #Starryforthewin
@vansbon888 5 жыл бұрын
Make this Blue for #STARRY!!!!! :-)
@gamebro5881 5 жыл бұрын
Finally! They both are gonna be together again☺ But what if Harry doesn't want to be in a relationship with Ste?
@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 5 жыл бұрын
Then despite getting depressed well need to pray for a change in his opinion real soon
@jhaliyah6489 5 жыл бұрын
@DjayMasi 5 жыл бұрын
Just a random thought to kill everybody’s mood... NIGHTINGHAYLE 😂 Sorry I’m a little messed up 😅... then again 🤔
@ColinsCity 5 жыл бұрын
i said Not Again at the same time as harry and it was so funny, james has become a stalker so i think that relationship is better ended, i don't think he would be able to overcome his insane jealousy, i can understand why harry doesn't tell the full stories, people overreact way too much, harry never cheated on james, neither ste nor james wanted him when he left and harry knew exactly how james would react, paranoid and jealous.
@buckster3451 5 жыл бұрын
Ste’s date was really handsome tbh
@songsofsong1414 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, let Harry get jealous to Ste with his new boyfriend please 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😘😘😘
@seancampbell993 5 жыл бұрын
If you did want him you should have trust him
@bunspasd9630 5 жыл бұрын
Komentar nya pakai bahasa indonesia .supaya semua ngerti
@songsofsong1414 4 жыл бұрын
😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wired
@lucianofreitasjr 5 жыл бұрын
At least now Harry is back at kissing...James and Harry hardly ever kiss. What kind of relationship is that?
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
One where both actors are straight, I suppose. I guess that is the reason Kyle has ended up with Nancy too - Adam Rickitt doesn`t want to play gay. And who can blame him, with some of the things that were written about him a few decades back.
@0530evan 5 жыл бұрын
harry is right to leave james…..harry needs to find saddie and raise their kid together...james needs to see a therapist....find out the cause for all his negative thoughts in not trusting ……..and for being a brilliant lawyer-to just stand there and let liam attack and not say anything.....that let harry truly see how much james believed him...….
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
It could be very confusing for a child to grow up with a father and mother who were more colleagues, than a couple - and who possibly had other significant others in their lives. Better they lived apart, but Harry both supported Sadie financially (for that he would need a job) and was a regular visitor and got to know his child well - possibly even shared parental responsibility with Sadie. Also agree James was absolutely pathetic as a lawyer. Confronting Liam was not the best idea in the first place. But when he had opted for that approach, at least he should have gone through with it. When Liam started his counter attack, James should have asked Grace and Jesse if they knew Liam had been so generous with his money for Grace`s sake. And if they didn`t, could that be because it wasn`t Grace he had been concerned about when paying off Sadie - but himself? "Cause it would have been odd, would it not," he should have asked, "if Liam did this grand gesture to secure Grace justice - but didn`t tell her about it?" That would have provided Liam some tough answers to overcome to convince his siblings he had bribed Sadie for Grace`s sake. Maybe even made Grace or Jesse seek out Sadie themselves, to get to hear her version?
@adamdanish4267 5 жыл бұрын
2:51. when you hate that guy..herrrrr
@amyclarke41 5 жыл бұрын
s ho 19 😣
@onepieceistheg.o.a.t8359 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry Starry, don't get your hopes up, Jarry is having some technical difficulties at the moment, but will be back soon, lol.
@TonyLeviosa 5 жыл бұрын
Nah, the actor that plays James is leaving the show. Starry is back 100%.
@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 5 жыл бұрын
I hope they dont get back together so u should maybe consider changing ur ship and joining us #starry instead... sorry to break it down to ya
@onepieceistheg.o.a.t8359 5 жыл бұрын
@@TonyLeviosa Whatever you need to tell yourself, lol
@Harmony233 5 жыл бұрын
Where is the fact that Greg leaving the show coming from?
@arlenebinan9818 5 жыл бұрын
Both of them are boring why don't you watch blas and junior I guarantee you that you love them so much junior is so handsome
@1998-i1m 5 жыл бұрын
1:56 turn on captions ahhahaha
@charlotteatkinson6939 5 жыл бұрын
What did it say
@1998-i1m 5 жыл бұрын
Charlotte Atkinson ‘’speak of the devil, good sex yeah’’ sorry I’m immature 😂
@serenjns 5 жыл бұрын
Nah. Harry loves James. They need to work it out.
@hussinyusof 5 жыл бұрын
Harry should never wear a shirt
@PatriciaGarcia-eb5gz 5 жыл бұрын
Wow Jarry and ste is much! just like you love know it always wanna it's lovely Jarry omg this 👏👏👏👌💋💋♥♥♥😂😂😂😁👬 gay boys munch just love miss God always hot 0:15 4:05 happy looks
@berlindabriggs4093 5 жыл бұрын
Are you kidding me! After everything James has done for him, its only natural to question his innocence. James is to good for Harry.
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
Harry is the one who is too good for both James and Ste. Look at who he was before he was together with them - and look at who he is now: an unemployed ex student with a past as a rent boy (and who introduced him to that? James, is who) who has been both arrested several times, been homeless and under suspicion for murder. Quite a fall for the public school boy with a unique football talent who first came to Hollyoaks to find his father. That is on Ste and James (but mostly James, since he was the one who introduced Harry to prostitution).
@berlindabriggs4093 5 жыл бұрын
You know who is to blame for his downfall, Harry. Stop looking for other people to clean us his messes. @@Tvjunkieful12
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@berlindabriggs4093 It was James who introduced Harry to prostitution, and Ste who caused Harry and Ste himself to become homeless. Both of those developments being key to Harry, instead of going to his mother when Tony kicked him out for not confessing to have killed Amy, lived on the streets and supported himself as a rent boy. Had neither James or Ste provided Harry with those experiences, Harry would have gone to his mother, instead of becoming a rent boy. Therefore Ste and James are both to blame - but James the most.
@berlindabriggs4093 5 жыл бұрын
Life is about the choices you make. Harry made all these choices so if his life is in the toilet the only one he can blame is himself. Prostitution , he could have gotten a job just like millions of other people who go to college and work. Once again you make choices in your life or fictional life as in this character, so own up to them and don't blame others.@@Tvjunkieful12
@Tvjunkieful12 5 жыл бұрын
@@berlindabriggs4093 You can blow your trumpet as much as you like. It is regardless a statistical fact the likelihood of Harry becoming a rent boy - with his part public school background, solid family, ordinary group of friends and being a well performing student - would have been minute, had not James introduced him to that world by offering him £10 000 for a night of sex. Sorry, but that is a fact. Your claim life to be decided by the choices we make a individuals is not correct. Most decisions which influence our lives are not made by ourselves, but by others. That is also a fact. I will also claim your statement of life to be about the choices you make to be an extremely narrow and one-sided view of the real world as it actually is. Since we neither control in which geographical areas of the world we are born, or which segment of society our parents belong to - not even which religion, weather conditions, frequency of natural disasters etc we will be exposed to in that specific area growing up, our own choices to a very little extent have the power to influence our lives. At the moment, as an example, there are people living on pacific islands who because of the US, Chinese, Indian and other governments reluctance to take climate change seriously is likely to lose their homes - maybe even their lives - in massive floods as a result of the sea level being raised and risk of storms and massive rain being increased. Many of them have no place to go, since they both lack the education and contacts needed to survive in a modern city somewhere. but - at least until disaster strikes - will be able to farm or fish sufficiently to enjoy a reasonable good quality of life where they are. Choices are for the few and privileged of us, with both the education and upbringing to be in a position to make the best ones, and with the contacts and reputations to help us get the most out of those choices. Many people doesn`t have any independent choices at all, but are forced to adjust themselves to choices made by others, which they have no say over. Or what would you say about a girl answering an add for a nanny in a foreign country, but on arrival finds herself ribbed of passport and possessions, and placed in a brothel? Did she make a bad choice - or did someone do something bad to her? Just like such a girl to survive, and feel reasonably safe around the mostly violent and hostile men holding her, would feel herself to have no other choice but become a prostitute, Harry - after Tony kicked him out and he was homeless was forced to find money somehow. And since he already had been introduced to prostitution through James, selling his body - rather than steal or rob - seemed the natural choice, because he already felt he knew what that was and felt like. That it would have been more natural for him to apply for a normal job somewhere, I fully agree with you it would. But Hollyoaks storyliners made him a prostitute instead. But that is fiction - and I don`t care about what happens to fictional characters in fictional storylines. What I care about is how those storylines can influence for the worse the real world, and reading your claim Harry only to have himself to blame, confirms that fear to be valid.
@michellewilliams191 5 жыл бұрын
Don't do it Harry stay with James. He's messed up because you lie to him so much! You need to give him a chance he does love you! He will fight for you I know it!😥😥
@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 5 жыл бұрын
They'll probably remain together but I disagree entirely the chemistry of ste and harry is nowhere near harry and James sorry to break down to ya
@michellewilliams191 5 жыл бұрын
@@nickpapaeuthimiou4729 Nothing wrong with that!
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