Story Time - How Table Top Games Changed My Life (Magic the Gathering)

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12 жыл бұрын

Watch part 1 about MMORPG's HERE: • Story Time - How MMORP...
Want to learn more about magic the gathering? you can do that here:
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@theawesomegamr 10 жыл бұрын
you are such an awesome and inspirational person boogie, often people watch your rage videos and think "oh he is just some fat raging guy" but you are truly more than that.
@theawesomegamr 10 жыл бұрын
thanks dude :D
@terrainaholic 10 жыл бұрын
Gamers are the BEST people on the planet!
@lukestruth 10 жыл бұрын
nope stoners
@jonathanvinclair2645 10 жыл бұрын
lukestruth They are not mutually exclusive :D
@lukestruth 10 жыл бұрын
i won in the +1 part of the argument
@ottoteed6398 10 жыл бұрын
lukestruth No longer.
@lukestruth 10 жыл бұрын
5 vs 4
@dumblevort 10 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm 13 and like in Wales. When I was 9, my parents argued ALLOT and I was drawn it to this allot. After one years of augments my parents split up and was left an emotional wreck with no confidence. In my first year in high school people bullied my and the teachers did NOTHING. Everyday was the same: Wake up, go to school, be bullied, cry, go home, cry and go to sleep. This was the same story for a year. For my 12 birthday I got a minecraft account and through minecraft I found out that I was not alone in this dark time and, for the first time in my life, I felt I i belonged somewhere. After 1/2 a year, less and less people bullied me because I picked up the courage to speak to them, for some reason they didn't make fun of me! Since them my life has had it's ups and downs but now I am in love with the most lovely lady in the world as she likes me for who I am and not for what I look like!
@dumblevort 10 жыл бұрын
Yea! Havn't played it in a while but i've been waiting for a reason to start again!
@kingdomrhye1180 6 жыл бұрын
Chloee hey 4 years later if you still play we should exchange discord lol
@StrikerFin 5 жыл бұрын
I wonder what’s going on in your life today now that you’re 17/18
@JasonDemakis 10 жыл бұрын
This is nothing short of inspiring; your story is incredible, man! I've been checking out all of your videos after just getting into Magic The Gathering (finally!), and I've read so much about you and your personal path and growth. As a personal development coach and consultant, I can't say I'm anything less than blown away by your personal transformation, drive, and contribution to through and with these online/offline communities. This is the true essence of human connectivity, IMHO. "Win or lose; this is the opportunity to MEET somebody!" = this is EXACTLY what it's all about! This video made my afternoon. You're an inspiration to people everywhere, boogie. You sure as hell inspire me to venture into the new and exciting world of Magic The Gathering! Thank you for this wonderful channel my friend! : )
@Zakkleberg 9 жыл бұрын
As a large man who has anxiety and depression problems, who loves table top games (And MMORPGs), these videos speak to me on a deep level and inspire me. Thank you.
@cadeplaisance9511 8 жыл бұрын
honestly if i had my usual job i would donate you 100 dollars. no scratch that. i will favorite this video and help you out man. i can connect with you on a certain level and a lot of what you said reminded me of myself in high school. im struggling with getting another job and i know what it feels like to be broke and to feel like the game is more than just a game. at the end of the day it is more than just paper cards. its life and people and experiences. i say bravo to you and congratulations on your engagement. i will remember this so please, remember this post.
@cadeplaisance9511 8 жыл бұрын
even though its 3 years late. lol
@gravedancer96 7 жыл бұрын
As I type this out, I've been playing Magic for about a week. And I absolutely love it. I'm a college student, and my roommate told me that he plays Magic. And I had always wanted to play, but had no one to play with. So I said hell with it, and I went and bought an intro deck, and downloaded Magic Duels to learn how to play. Now I find myself playing a game of Magic between classes, and many more after them at night. And I came back to this video just to say that I already see myself sticking to this game for life, and I do not regret it at all. Hopefully one day I'll get to sit down and have a game of Magic with you, Boogie. That'd be damn awesome.
@BoZoiD57 10 жыл бұрын
My lil bro and me play magic here and there. Nothing serious just the basic rules we picked up from the rule sheet in our beginner's box. It helps us a lot when we need someone to hang with
@BigBlimpTV 11 жыл бұрын
"I can't imagine what my life would be like without magic" *My instant thought* "You're a wizard, boogie." Nah, but put jokes aside this guy is the fucking greatest. Keep up the good work my man.
@Jaiyeson 10 жыл бұрын
White-Wolf: Vampire the masquerade. I saw a nerdy black chic reading some books from it in high school. I walked up being 6'4 big ol black guy and kind of a dick in those days and snatched up one of her books and was like what the fuck is this shit? I could see by her eyes she was like "oh great another asshole to ruin my day and make fun of me" Then she just kind of blurted out what it was, a story telling game based on modern day horror etc. I kind of paused never ever hearing anything like that before. After a while I was like "this sounds fucking bad ass, tell me more". She did, and I found my self walking down many dark alley adventures and mystery's. Meeting all sorts of people with incredible imaginations and sharpening my ability as a smith of stories. Some of my fondest memories are from sitting around the poker table with those friends I made.
@grizzlywhisker 7 жыл бұрын
i made my first friend playing magic the gathering as a kid around 1990, i haven't played in years but watching your video really made me want to break out my deck!
@TheRunesmythe 8 жыл бұрын
So, I came across this video late, but after listening and watching I feel compelled to do as you asked and talk about my background and gaming and how it has, and will likely to continue to, affect my life. Many moons ago, when I was *very* young, I saw a movie called "Legend", which if you're a fan of fantasy films and you haven't see it yet I highly recommend. It has all the staples of fantasy; elves, faeries, dwarves, unicorns, swords and armor, magic, etc. That moment began my fascination with the fantasy genre, and not long after I learned about roleplaying games. A friend of mine, while we were still in elementary school, brought a boardgame into school one day. I can't remember what the "event" was supposed to be (though I know it wasn't show and tell) but I think it had something to do with bringing in something that you thought was an integral part of who you are. Though I can't for the life of me remember what I brought, I vividly recall that boardgame because of all the amazing figures it had that were an intrinsic part of fantasy; the game turned out to be Dragon Strike, one which I continued to play until not all that long ago. From that moment I was bound and determined to have fantasy gaming as a part of my life, but it wasn't easy; the big scare scandal involving the group of college students were missing and presumed dead because a live action game of D&D that they sometimes played in the service corridors beneath their campus went too far. As it turned out, there was no real evidence to support any of that and it eventually came to light that the lead investigator in the case had simply made an assumption, one that proved completely erroneous as it turned out that the "missing" students had simply gone home for the holidays. A retraction article was eventually printed, though unlike the previous headlines it was more or less a filler piece that didn't even make the front page. This was enough of a platform for my mother to state emphatically that I was not allowed to buy any D&D books or anything associated with it. When I did begin gaming, I always had to make sure to hide it from my mother. A friend of mine picked up some books but didn't really understand how to run the game so it fell to me, but I always had to read them in secret because I knew if my mother found them she'd throw them away. This went on for several years until, at age 15, I'd had enough and started playing and buying books openly. As you can imagine, this didn't go over at all well with my mother and spurred a good many heated arguments. At the time I didn't understand how to convey to her the social aspects of the game, the critical thinking elements and the attention to detail necessary to run/play a game. Even though it was getting me out of the house more often and having a positive impact on my life, all she could see was the name of the game and the reputation it had. Thankfully my father eventually stepped in one night when we were eating dinner; I can't recall how the topic came up, but D&D was once again mentioned and my mother was laying into me about it again, accusing the game of promoting devil worship and insisting that it wasn't healthy to play, basically all the old arguments. I guess my father had had enough of it because he looked at me and asked me plainly if there was any devil worship involved and if I was having fun, and when I answered no to the first and yes to the second, he looked at my mom and told her enough was enough, it wasn't hurting anything and I was having a good time with friends and that's all that mattered. Gaming has had many positive effects on my life; it helped me develop better social skills, taught me the value of teamwork, inspired my imagination which in turn spurred me to start looking into creative writing, and put my artistic skills to use drawing various monsters, characters weapons, etc. It also helped me by teaching me the benefits of attention to detail and how to really formulate my own rules and my own adventures, which has translated into so many of my hobbies that I now engage in. I still game to this day; we have a weekly Pathfinder session at my apartment that alternates between two chronicles, on run by me and the other run by another player, and I also do a lot of White Wolf World of Darkness live action games. It was through my love of gaming that I met my wife, and believe when I say that I'm very thankful she's a gamer as well; I've tried to explain to previous girlfriends about the hobby of gaming and why I spend so much time doing it and that conversation never went well. At the end of the day, gaming is a large part of what made me who I am today and I still use most, if not all, of those skills. I've even branched out into video games (I play World of Warcraft and Neverwinter) and tabletop miniatures games and I'm hoping the latter will allow me to open my own commission painting service soon. Its been the one source of positive influence in my life that has remained as strong and true as it was when I first started.
@Weah702 10 жыл бұрын
***** your a cool ass guy bro , don't let the haters get under your skin bruh . Keep your head up! :D
@paperwave6387 7 жыл бұрын
u r an amazing human being . i was homeless at 15 and now im older and doing more then any mini job can bring n i aint a slave :)
@LiLPain3R 11 жыл бұрын
You are my role model dude. Thank you so much for the 2 part series. Yu-gi-oh was the first table top game I have ever played, started playing at like age 8 and still do to this day. Around 8th or 9th grade, my core group of friends basically ditched me, bailed on me every time I would try to hang out with them. Day by day, i would slowly hate myself more and more because i couldn't find anyone who wanted to be my friend or hang out with me.
@ROONTANG 10 жыл бұрын
I haven't ever played table-top games, but since part one was about online video gaming I'll share my story on that, and how it's improved my life. Gaming has been not only an escape from the real world, but also a therapy in my life for as long as I can remember; whether playing the original Prince of Persia installed on our Apple II from floppy discs in the early 90s, or playing multiplayer Europa Universalis IV with a friend on Steam last night. Games, their alternate universes, and the infinite possibilities within have always been a retreat and place of solace for me. I too, long struggled with being a misfit. Throughout my entire school life I had more people abusing, bullying and making fun of me than I had friends. Back in 2006 after a miserable day, I'd gone home and downloaded an obscure HL2 mod called Gmod9. I joined the only server that had a ping under 500, not knowing that it was being hosted by a guy I would be friends with until this very day, almost eight years later. He introduced me to the MMORPG Maplestory, and before long he and I, along with a dozen or so of his other online friends had joined, formed a guild and would play every afternoon until we could barely keep our eyes open any longer. The companionship, sense of belonging and happiness I could look forward to in that guild each afternoon after agonising days of bullying and abuse at school was extremely important to me. Along the years the guild fizzled out, from a dozen, to just a few, then finally to none. I'm still good friends with my Gmod buddy, and though I've lost contact with those other guild members, one of them still takes the time to send me a happy birthday email each year, which is such a small gesture yet one that brings me so much joy. People can say "get a life", or "go find real friends" all they like. But for some of us, that online world was the life we cared about, those were and are our real friends. If we didn't have them, we'd have had nothing. Boogie, I think you once said on your video about suicide, "something is always better than nothing". Out of context, but on the same note: that's true, and that little something can sometimes be the wedge keeping the door open to a better life in the future. tl;dr: games are great, they have made my life better in the past and continue to do so today.
@Jsweetcheeks 9 жыл бұрын
Great story. MTG is one of my favorite card games. Like you, I've been playing since the beginning. I love how this game can bring people together. I'm trying to teach the game to more people. One day if our paths cross, I'd love to play a game of Magic with ya
@gamerassassin650 9 жыл бұрын
Well my story is rather sad but it feels good to share this. When i began high school, i had hoped to just breeze through it, now my first year is almost over and i wish it could never end, i joined anime club at the start of the year so maybe I could make some new friends, and soon they got me into magic, and now I love it to death, and we also started playing d&d and I love that too. But it's kinda sad because before i began meeting all these people, I was in a deep depression due to my grandmother passing a year earlier, i felt so lonely and misunderstood, I even held a knife to my throat and said to my mom "give me a reason not to.". But thanks to the compassion they showed me, I wake up and want to go to school, i want to smile and be happy, and that mask I once wore to hide my emotions has finally been torn off. Yes, magic and d&d saved me, and i'm grateful beyond comprehension.
@ClassicTycoon 9 жыл бұрын
Cool story bro
@yurgenization 9 жыл бұрын
Deron1733 .........
@pjdlol 9 жыл бұрын
christian wood edgy
@gamerassassin650 9 жыл бұрын
TFrills Well first of all, i'm not going to argue about who's pain is worser, because that gets us nowhere. But still, i'm disappointed that you turned to weed and liquor, I've been surrounded by that my whole life yet I still arose free from it. I have no sympathy for you because you choose to be how you are. you could quit all that bad stuff, and sex just for the hell of it is meaningless. If you really want your life to change for the better, you gotta make sacrifices, you gotta put yourself out there for the gift of happiness. Don't complain about the grave you're in, because you're the one who dug it.
@gamerassassin650 9 жыл бұрын
TFrills Fuck my intelligence. The one thing I do understand is that you can be doing much better in life than what you are now. But instead of aiming high, you wallow in your flaws and the things you wish you had, rather than being grateful for what you do you. Or turning your dreams into reality. You think I don't understand you? have you felt loneliness? The pain of not being loved? The pain of waking up every morning wishing you didn't? I can read you like a book. And in your situation, your worst enemy is yourself. So don't make me out to be the ignorant one because you fail to change for the better. Oh and also I've never had a girlfriend either. Or a kiss. Or a hug. Sex is meaningless if you're doing it with someone you don't love, it's just mindless debauchery.
@LightSwitch72 11 жыл бұрын
You have such a fantastic methodical way of telling a story, ive seen to many vloggers just ramble with no genuine passion or commitment to any one tale and end up just quick cutting any decent phrase of english along with thanks i really enjoyed this video and best of luck with your future endeavours.
@pacij3nt 11 жыл бұрын
Dude...two awesome videos. Love Magic the Gathering.... I had the same feeling when I first saw the game. This awesome pictures, basicly artworks on a trading card game that were drawn specifically for each card and so intricate and complicated gameplay. Only thing is that I didn't really care about the tournaments, but I got almost all my friends playing for a long time. I didn't trade any of my cards either (still have them boxed) all of my friends gave me the cards they bought
@Svergara1 7 жыл бұрын
Dude you rule! I thought you "were" francis! But to see the man behind the character is truly amazing! You're awesome, keep sharing your story and I hope you've attacked all your dreams head on since you've posted this video. You're a great person and one hell of a character!!!!!
@Dahakra 10 жыл бұрын
I just love to listen to this guys stories :D
@DreamVikings 9 жыл бұрын
Very nice, I can relate to many of those things. This is my story: I started playing in school when I was 14 (around Urzas saga, the best cycle ever). Out of the 14 guys in the classroom some 7 of us would play the game, every break, every lunch. The cards were banned from school so we would have to hide in the most secret places of school to play, joking that we were the victims of some kind of witch hunt. It really gave us a brotherhood feeling. We also played some D&D and things like that but most of it was Magic. As the years went by mostly everyone stopped except me and one of my best friends. Although eventually we stopped too, we had so many cards that a few years ago we decided to fuse our collections, made a list of every card since alpha untill 8th edition or so. Our goal is to collect all of the cards with the classic frame. Sometimes we buy bulks or single cards or go to places to trade. Although I dont play anymore (dont want to spend the money) we own a huge collection, keeping one of each cards in folders ordered by edition and all the repeated cards in boxes. My friend is really fixed on land cards, which he likes a lot, and I really like the oldest cards like from Arabian nights, antiquities and the dark. I still have my first deck, a fast green deck in a box here with me right now. Collecting is as fun as playing. There are sometimes the same card with different illustrations, weird editions we have to find out about, strange lands and dozens of other little details that make collecting almost an art. We actually need to have some deep knowledge of how the game was even years before we started to play, and as dumb of it sounds for an adult like me doing research and finding out secret stuff and unraveling mysteries makes me feel kind of like a wizard xD
@eddinoboy 9 жыл бұрын
First, wonderful story. Your stories make me feel better about my life. Watch them every night. Second, I love Magic and Settlers of Catan, and all those kinds of games. Me and my family play that kind of game every Friday. Sometimes it's magic. Sometimes its some other tabletop game (our collection is fucking huge). I've been playing Magic since I was 8, which, as a matter of fact, means I'm nearing my 10th year. I remember the first time I played. My dad let me use one of his decks, and I destroyed him. That game changed who I was (for the better tbh). If it wasn't for Magic, I'd probably have done something horrible to myself. It helped me find friends in the darkest, most depressing time of my life so far. I have so many memories of that game. I wish I could meet you, and trade cards with you boogie. That would be tons of fun. 😀
@damianfarrer3992 10 жыл бұрын
i LOVE D&D, i havent played it much lately do to the fact that almost no one if anyone plays it at the college im in, me about to move from that exact college AND my D&D stuff is with 1 of 3 people (i dont remember how has it) for safe keeping. i play ac games but unlike u its not games that saved my life, magic TRICKS saved me. picking up a deck of playing cards and just BLOWING peoples minds was amazing. i have met 5 famous magicians so far, there teachings helped me be better and magic itself helped me to be more sociable and less shy!
@ajaaxl4288 10 жыл бұрын
Hey boogie, its 2014 and I think its time to bring back Story Time!
@pawborup 11 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed watching your video. An old schoolbuddy off mine send it to me, cuz he remembered that i played in elementary. I have played since 1994 on/off. When i was an exchangestudent in Seattle i played it everyday, and still this day its a hobby i hope never to get tired of. I can follow all that you say, with meeting people, going to gps etc. And Magic for me has meant so much also socially, so yeah every word you say i can follow. Maybe a day we will play :) Highest regards from Denmark
@fullmetal1140 8 жыл бұрын
Realy inspiring life story dude ;). I have been playing D&D,RPG games and video games in general practically all my life, and i can't imagine my life without gaming. thx for the videos dude, and thx for being out there making these videos.
@jamessavage3622 9 жыл бұрын
gotta say this is ver inspiring you should be a speaker
@unhappyben 9 жыл бұрын
40k,magic and Dungeons and dragons save my life-ish
@Nazasu 8 жыл бұрын
I really like your stories. It is interesting hearing other peoples experiences and life hardships and knowing that there are people out there with interests and life experience that just makes it all seem so special. The.. Human element of our lives.
@madtony71 10 жыл бұрын
I know exactly where you are coming from, and agree whole heartedly. I had a similar situation as yourself, travelled the circuit, met thousands of people via tabletop, mtg, and mmo's.. Eventually I did open my own shop, and was the second largest MTG/RPG shop in Missouri (aside from Gathering Grounds unfortunately..) It was called House of Games, and I met many many permanent fixtures in my life that came through the door.. I would recommend doing it on that basis alone.. Thanks for sharing...
@blackriderbob8053 11 жыл бұрын
thank you these two videos have really made me understand how these games have changed my life from a kid who would not dare talk to other people and even thoughts of suicide to someone looking for people to talk to until now i never understood what had changed in my life to cause this social change it makes me imprecate gaming even more and i thank you
@PennyRoyxl 7 жыл бұрын
First of all, congratulations on your engagement! Magic The Gathering was a bit part of my life for a long time as well! Shadowrun, Star Wars, and Robotech table top games helped this awkward kid meet like-minded people and make some wonderful friends (sound familiar?). Thank you for your videos, they're sincere, interesting, and I'm looking forward to watching many more! Best to you and yours mate. :D
@vla1ne 11 жыл бұрын
You are the kind of guy I'd love to sit down and have a match with. I play YuGiOh at a local library, but your story is pretty much the core reason games like Magic and YuGiOh are worth playing, you get to meet good people, who you usually become good friends with over a couple of children's card games. I ran into one of your "Francis" videos first, and I fell for it until I read the comments, but after watching this video, I can say you are a really cool guy, and I wish you luck in your life.
@Zartonistv 11 жыл бұрын
Great story Boogie. I used to play Magic in high school, but stopped playing after going to college. Starting last year, I picked up Magic 2012 and now 2013 for the 360 and am now thoroughly addicted again.
@tylerfriesen7740 10 жыл бұрын
I met one of my first best friends through pokemon cards and i wanted one from him and we just started hanging out from there. to this day he still has that card in memory of the day we met. Love your vids! alot i can relate too and understand. Keep up the great vids man!!
@Wallmantoejunk 11 жыл бұрын
I have been a huge fan of Magic The Gathering for many years now, and like you it has led to the formation of some of the best friendships I've ever had. However, until now I was unable to put into words the "magic" of Magic. The way that any game or hobby that can be shared can lead to meeting new people and having fun with them is unbelievably magical. Thank you boogie for sharing your experiences and please keep doing so.
@Silent_Lucidity 10 жыл бұрын
Get a kickstarter going to open up your own shop. You'll get funded immediately, and you'll have an amazing customer base who would travel nationwide just to visit your shop. Myself included. I grew up a shy kid, and never had many friends. When I was 13, I moved to a new city and knew nobody there. My neighbor convinced my dad that I should go to the local Boys and Girls club after school to make new friends, which I did. I met a kid there who would become my best friend. And the first day he invited me to his house, he introduced me to Magic: The Gathering. We were best friends in middle and high school. Hell, we were brothers. But after school years ended, we drifted apart and went our separate ways in life. I've since introduced MTG to countless other friends and family members, who each have a nice collection of their own now. But after awhile, we all began falling out of the game. 8 years have passed since high school. A few months ago, I found my old best friend on Facebook, and he moved back in town. We agreed to meet and catch up over lunch, and immediately it was just like the old times. We've hung out constantly ever since, and have dusted off our old Magic cards. The past couple weeks, we've been teaching his wife how to play, and she's begun her own collection. To see that excitement, fun, and discovery that I felt when I first met my new friend 15 years ago, it's a feeling beyond words. Thanks for letting me share my story.
@Delanish 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks Francis it was amazing tear touching, i feel that way with a local card shop and got started with when i was in middle school. The store owner had to close his shop and new ones took up. But the environment seems have changed slightly. It not about my silly little goblin deck. It about the faces i met and friends i made from it! Thank you Francis. I also thanks to a local CON actually managed to start a group of DND (3.5) and i do love it, I'm asking the players feedback as i start as dm
@kamikaze42 11 жыл бұрын
You are a true inspiration I've only been playing magic the gathering for about a year and its awesome
@35november 10 жыл бұрын
This was a great video series. Way back in the day I used to play yugioh, and you know I met quite a few friends from it. Some friends I do still have to this day some I don't because of my own issues. When I was young I didn't have the most exciting life, I lived with my grandparents in a overcrowded house. I won a regional and me a group of other friends ventured onto Nationals and it was the first time in my life I ever traveled with friends and it was a huge blast. I will always remember watching the shitty remake of war of the worlds and getting out of the theater at 1am and the sky being this pretty red and driving all over picking everyone up and exploring the convention center. I don't really play games or anything like that anymore, although just recently I was talked into going to acen and although I was not sure how I would feel I had a blast. So many nice people there, so courteous. Not at all what I expected.
@superwaffle4875 10 жыл бұрын
aw :D
@joshsavage4938 11 жыл бұрын
Just wanted you to know I watch all your commercials (like, 3+ minute ones) to support you. Keep up the good work man.
@MrDeadlyBootz 10 жыл бұрын
Hey Francis, although we share different views on things such as XBox or Playstation or whatever we share many more views that are friendly. I admire you very deeply, and it's funny how different people suffer different ways and how an escape takes in people regardless where they're escaping from. I just finished watching both parts and I gotta say even I thank those games for keeping you here with us in this wrld that so desperately needs more people like you. I too play Magic The Gathering, hell of a game and I think if you have the time you should check out the tabletop games of the Warhammer series. Its feels like a huge MMORPG battle but on a table top.
@MirridonOnslaught 9 жыл бұрын
I LOVE Magic!!! It has made my life better! It brought me and my wife closer together. I have made many friends through it. Magic helps me with my social anxiety. Everything about the game has helped me. I recommend everyone try it. When I got sick (I was having seizures for like 12 hours a day) it was the only game/activity I could do. I had lost almost all of my friends. But the days that I could go out and play everyone one in the community was so nice and accepting. I could have cared less about winning. I just wanted to be with people. Magic has changed my life and I will never stop playing!!! Now my wife and I are trying to open up our own Magic shop to support this wonderful community! I think Magic should grow past any of our imaginations.
@ArucardPL 11 жыл бұрын
I've watched the first part and I'm now watching this. I have to tell you honestly, that the story of your life is really inspiring and beautiful. I would love to read a novel or see a movie based on your life. By the way, it was only yesterday that I discovered your videos, and I'm watching your vlogs the whole day. Keep up what you're doing here. You're one of the best youtubers out there. Thanks for the videos :)
@NachodamusTheGreat 11 жыл бұрын
i play magic, been playing since my senior year in highschool 06. magic the gathering, when we had a local game shop, gave me a social life, gave me a place to walk to after school on fridays. and i met alot of ppl that are still friends til this day
@gammaspeedruns4491 9 жыл бұрын
I am quite young, I have just started playing, as my friend introduced me to the game, and it's opened up fun doorways, and this video has got me thinking.
@DeWEliJaH47 11 жыл бұрын
Great video, man. Regrettably, I don't have any stories of table top games to share, I've not really played any in recent years. Your stories make me want to go out and try some, though.
@teeeeeveeeee314 11 жыл бұрын
I've been gaming since 1970 with Avalon Hill games my first Panzerblitz. Since then it was D&D and other games. I got MtG's Revised Edition box on my 34th birthday in 1994 and continued to play until 2012. It has been so fun and life changing with stores come and gone but medical bills make it tough now (triple bypass and blood clot). But I still can't help but get back into it and got back in with the Gatecrash Boros event deck. And you're right, making friends/family is awesome and home!
@herreraamos 11 жыл бұрын
Major respect right now to you boogie..I really hope to meet you someday to be able to have the honor of playing a game of magic with you.
@BillCoffin 11 жыл бұрын
I feel much the same way about tabletop RPGs. They transformed my life; I wrote them professionally for Palladium for a number of years, and they just opened up so much to me. I love gaming as much for the games as for all of the wonderful people it has introduced me to, and all of the wonderful friendships it has fostered.
@Maverickrolll 11 жыл бұрын
Great video Boogie, loved playing Magic back in the 90's. You should do more Story Time videos, they are a lot of fun to watch.
@wdommers 11 жыл бұрын
Time passes so quickly listening/watching your videos :)
@2000deaddan 11 жыл бұрын
totally did it and found a group on fbook, joined it, went today, played alot, met som people and played with a kid who was actually a DJ in town and i'm goin to his show in three days! it truly is magic.
@LinkTheCoward 10 жыл бұрын
I have never played Magic, when I was younger I used to collect the Yu-Gi-Oh! - Cards and I still have them and enjoy looking through them today, even though I never played it so much with my friends. Still, sweet memories... BTW you and your videos are awesome! ;) -Greetings from Austria
@JoshuaGraves113 10 жыл бұрын
Being only born in '95, I've only really known Yu-Gi-Oh. I met my best friends through playing that. I don't play it anymore, but it brought me some of the greatest memories of my life. I'm thankful for it.
@TheZeldalink09 9 жыл бұрын
Me and five of my friends have all gotten hooked on Magic the past month and we play during P.E. (we don't have to participate in PE idk why) and lunch. We even have a ranking system and we play it all the time. I'm so glad I found it. We're trying to arrange it so all six of us can go to the comic shop on a Friday night and play.
@zombiemann 11 жыл бұрын
I started with D&D when I was 14 (21 years ago). I played MTG for a while, but couldn't really afford to sink the money into it that I felt it deserved. Watching this video and part 1 I felt like you were telling my life story, except switch our D&D for MTG. When I first started gaming I met a guy who I still hang out with now. One of the campaigns I played in is the inspiration for a novel I'm writing for National Novel Writing Month. And like you in, many ways, gaming did save my life.
@ArcticCenter3773 11 жыл бұрын
When I first moved to a new city across Canada the thing that actually got me meeting new people was a friend that introduced me to magic the gathering! I would just go when ever I could to meet people and have fun playing a game! I know this feeling you speak of and hate when people look from the outside in, without seeing inside out...
@taylor9124 11 жыл бұрын
I love these videos boogie. I'm a 20 year old going no where in life, can't get a job, can't afford the immense amount of money to go to school, and I'm just stuck playing video games. I get out when I can, but that costs money too. Luckily I still have some friends here, and we all play League of Legends a few times per week, but I just don't know what I can do, but it's nice to know sometimes, it just takes time for life to turn around.
@jobu03 11 жыл бұрын
Francis, I started playing Magic in the late 90's when I was in junior high. I loved the game because like you said you meet so many people and form a friendship. I haven't played for about 12 years but still honestly miss it. I feel like I'd get killed if I tried to start playing again.
@billyquade7098 4 жыл бұрын
I found your channel through mtg ! I love your mtg videos , I wish youd so some more vieos about mtg ! Hope for some soon! Proud of ya boogie I love listening to ypur story time videos , im a chubby guy and I listen to your videos when im having a bad day
@CJXCJJ 11 жыл бұрын
I really wish I could hang out with you boogie and just play some MTG. I've been playing it since I was roughly 7 or 8 (can't remember). I love it and still play it regularly, every wednesday we have several of us that get together and play. Great story man.
@KingOfTyrants 11 жыл бұрын
Niice, I started in Ravnica. Green/White is what I'd even still use if I stil played. Scion of the Wild, Pollenbright Wings... Loved it.
@Omnikeith1 10 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100%, meeting new people from different aspects of life and experiences can improve you life style and the way you act as well the reason I know this is because, I have had bad experiences in my childhood to were I really did not have one at all.
@garymanak47 11 жыл бұрын
While you were talking about Magic The Gathering it inspired me to play the game i bought a year ago... Magic The Gathering 2012 and I loved it and I appreciate the video to inspire me to play such a great game and even card game. :)
@MahoganyMilkshake 11 жыл бұрын
I have a feeling and a confident one; that it wasn't just WoW that got me through all of the hardships I've encountered in my life, although it helped unfathomable amounts... I believe that it was the Raid Boss himself, that's right. Boogie is an absolute inspiration to me. His story time videos and his other rambling ones; they helped me understand that you just need to make yourself happy in order to get through life- to do what makes you feel accepted and wanted. And I can't thank him enough.
@squirreljester2 7 жыл бұрын
I hardly ever comment on these kind of videos, but, I'd just like to say... I truly hope that someday I get to play a game of Magic with you.
@wildandwackywade 7 жыл бұрын
I love this video and learning about you. You inspire me a lot rather you know it or not. Like you tabletop gaming helped me a great deal too. I learned math, reading skills, social skills, and other skills. I think Dungeons and Dragons, and World of Darkness (Then it was Vampire and Mage) were what made my life better. I now am a collector of books and games.
@tempusaeturna577 11 жыл бұрын
You're amazing. You make me feel so relaxed and good inside - it's a pity I've never met anyone like you over here in Australia :/
@williamenser 11 жыл бұрын
I started playing dungeons and dragons two weeks ago and it has been great! ive met a great group of people who have really helped me understand and have fun playing the game. It really helps you get away from hectic daily life and into a whole new world where anything is possible. Major respect to you and your friends boogie.
@88mattdogg 11 жыл бұрын
your actually really easy to listen to, I had this playing in a tab and on another tab, and your actually so easy to listen to! your stories are really interesting!
@stephenyount766 11 жыл бұрын
Hey first off like the channel. And i just started playing magic this year in my senior year of highschool, great game have a group of friends that play!
@IRSoCalm 11 жыл бұрын
I can't like this video enough times. Everything you say is so truthful. I've met some of my best friends playing magic. Friends that will and have always been there for me. I actually just got done play testing for standard and legacy with them. We will be going to the starcity games open on the 15-16 for both events :D if it wasn't for this game who knows what I would of been doing. Probably being bored out my mind! I hope you get a store. That will be awesome! Can't wait for RTR :)
@MrTheorangekiwi 11 жыл бұрын
Boogie you are my favorite KZbinr. Whenever I feel down or depressed, I watch one of your videos and I feel a little better. Keep doing what you do and never give up.
@Trash-O-Negative 8 жыл бұрын
Boogie i look up to you! You're what I watch most when I get on KZbin. You're the greatest and I would love to challenge you to a game of Magic one day.
@moshiro13 11 жыл бұрын
Well, I must say my best friend got me into Magic sometime last year. It was a little complicated and hard to pick up as I didn't have too much money laying around to commit to it. Then, about two months ago I had a couple of friends tell me they got into it and we started having Saturday night magic at my friends house. As time progressed I got into tournaments with my friends. I saw some familiar faces from high school and I've met many new people. It's changing my life for the better.
@jazman1313 11 жыл бұрын
I love this video. I watch all of your stuff. You make me laugh as much as you make me reflect and really think about things going on in my life. I am a MTG player, I am a Guild Master in WoW, i am a DM in a DnD group and I have a family. Thanks for being so open and honest about who you are and what you do. You're an inspiration. Keep things like this coming, please.
@maize5 11 жыл бұрын
This is a great video, and I'm incredibly grateful that you posted this. I'm really not big into gaming, though I have many of the same issues. Perhaps it's worth giving social gaming a shot. Thank you. P.S. You have an amazing voice. You are a very engaging speaker.
@D4rkR4ge 11 жыл бұрын
I played the Star Wars table top game with my best mate a million years ago, really fond memories, that eventually got me into pc/console gaming too.
@ronromoga1431 10 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was in middleschool I was introduced to magic the gathering and we had a local comic book store down the street I use to go to all the time to get my cards and theyd have small tourneys there miss those days not long after i was introduced to AD@D really some of the best memories of my young life.
@Fatblue246 10 жыл бұрын
your video really made sense and have made me realize what a good life i have by playing magic and pokemon and cardfight vanguard
@RSS0UTH 11 жыл бұрын
You should be a motervational speaker because i love to play games but feel bad cause i could be outside meeting people and doing things but you made me realise that you can meet people in any way you want or can! Thanks!
@highroad214 11 жыл бұрын
I never learned how to play Magic, but I did buy some packs as a kid because I liked the artwork and the way the cards smelled when you first bought them new.
@Shad0wProphet 11 жыл бұрын
I started playing Magic in Middle School around the time of Revised. I remember when me and my friends started we, like you when you started playing D&D, made up our own kind of rules for Magic. After reading the instructions over 10 times, we finally had a system that worked for us. Since then I have dropped Magic and picked it up over 5 times. Even though I fit in with the jocks and popular crowd in school, I always felt at piece with the people who played Magic and such.
@BookFan101010 11 жыл бұрын
One thing I've really gotten into recently is chess, and while I never thought of it as a tabletop game till now, I saw many similarities as you were describing your experiences. I've found nice communities for it both at college and online, but also your video made me want to go find a local club over the summer, instead of sitting around at home.
@EnclaveXII 11 жыл бұрын
I love you Boogie, And I have play MTG, and It too has helped me with somethings in my life, now i may not have played it as much as you have, but I have a great love and time invested into the game itself, When you live at home, and your parents work late nights, and you arent grown up with abunch of friends my local Comic store, has all the friends and family I need, with a simple deck of cards and a trade binder I become part of the family, rather it's sealed tournys or just a 1v1 it's fun.
@pmoves 11 жыл бұрын
I stumbled across this video. I don't know anything about you or your other videos. I don't even play any tabletop games... but this was inspiring. Thank you. :)
@moneymaker6848 11 жыл бұрын
Boogie, i have total and complete respect for you. I log into runescape and just mute the sound and listen to your videos in the backround... I can relate to you in more than one way and I have to say, you are a pretty damn strong person to keep pushing on with all of your problems man.... thank you for making you videos..... thank you for adding that one bit of my life that helps ME to push on... rock on Boogie!!
@EvilThingsNme 11 жыл бұрын
The first few times I got to play/learn Magic with some of my friends I loved it for so many reasons, i'm always thinking about it and after hearing how it affected you it makes me want to go back to it even more ^_^
@spazmaster1996 11 жыл бұрын
I love just makes me feel like I'm getting to know a new friend :')
@KainiusTheGreat 10 жыл бұрын
I've been hooked on cardboard crack (M:TG) since '95 and I can mirror your sentiment for this game of ours...I've taught every person I know and they end up hooked as well. I am also getting into board games as of late. I have my original copy of HeroQuest and have recently purchased Zombies!, Wrath of Ashardalon, and with this next paycheck i'll be picking up Qwarriors and the Pathfinder Card Game (Pathfinder Card Game looks AWESOME!!!!!). One day I hope to sling some spells with you Francis!
@TheHvymtllvr69 11 жыл бұрын
i played magic through high school.and still do today. and like you i.have met many many people.
@Reev1n 11 жыл бұрын
I used to play magic when i was a teen, it was fantastic. Although i really didnt understand the all the complex tactics and rules i still enjoyed playing games with my friends. When i was growing up i would spend my whole paycheck just to buy boxes of packs just to see what i would get from them. My favorite theme for in the magic series still is the Legion. Phage the Untouchable is still my favorite card. Not that great but it looked amazing. :) You are a pretty awesome guy, keep it up.
@Hatedbreeder6460 11 жыл бұрын
I've only been into magic for a few months, but as boogie showed, it truly is a big thing. My friend got me into it, I then got my fiance into it, then her sister and husband, and their friends. It almost infects in a way but its a game people can just have fun and play together as a group. I feel even closer to my fiance now because when we are bored together I ask her if she wants to play a bit and two hours later we are laughing and joking. So I understand how it changed his life. It's great.
@DuderBoo6 11 жыл бұрын
I play Magic and have been playing since Ice Age came out. I met some of my current best friends and my roommate (who is a very heavy guy with a kind heart, like yourself) playing at my local comic book shop up here in the Cleveland Area. Playing Magic lead me to some of my greatest travel experiences including winning a GP trial and going to DragonCon down in Atlanta with my buddy Cedric Phillips who i grew up playing with. (he's a pretty well known and one of the few Black Magic Pro's)
@agustinpulido6731 10 жыл бұрын
Sos una increible persona con un gran corazon, la verdad no se que decirte pero solo espero que sigas adelante con lo que te gusta que tenes mas que todo mi apoyo...saludos desde argentina !
@JosephCantuTV 11 жыл бұрын
for this video i subbed to you good sir, and i did my first table top game was yugioh which i still play and still have alotta fun with but i moved on to magic and dominion, warhammer and other awesome games, and i shared a similar experience, i was always interested in strategy games but none of my friends wanted to play,. so i went to my local comic book shop RnR comics in channelview tx, and now i play atleast once a week with really awesome people and i love it
@pleb8834 11 жыл бұрын
many roads can lead to a good life but the one you took is always as satisfy as the others ... wish u the best and pls give us more awesomes videos
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