Submarine I-56 - This Is Cursed Gameplay

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One of my viewers redeemed a replay flex on my channel, it's a reward where I'll watch their replay or gameplay video. This is truly some cursed gameplay, imagine how delusional you have to be to think this makes WoWS a better game.
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Stream: / flamuu
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@Flamuu Жыл бұрын
Imagine thinking WoWS with submarines is a better game than it was before. Discord: Stream: Insta: Twitter:
@AdamtheRed- Жыл бұрын
I kind of feel bad for sub players. They have no friends, so to fill that void, they grief the people who have friends. They are a depressed bunch that deserve pity/hatred.
@giroromek8423 Жыл бұрын
Counter-play and fun are western concepts, nice reminders that wows IS a russians game. Only total annihilation IS permited.
@Lumos9x Жыл бұрын
theres no point complain about balance since the CV rework, if WG want sub, we have to deal with it
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
​​@@AdamtheRed-Same man.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Link to my original game btw :)
@jijoux9161 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, 24.2k health, 2.6km conceal, 70+k alpha damage, with 30 sec reload. Surely it’s balanced
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@glr4764 Жыл бұрын
'Bowanced!' -Derpy WeeGee Devs
@xdgamer0189 Жыл бұрын
cant fire backwards slow underwater lowest ammount of time underwater only 6k range on guided
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@@xdgamer0189 yeah dude. Soooo weak. Clearly.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@@xdgamer0189 I'm guessing you don't have hands?
@jm1695 Жыл бұрын
I just got a new drive for my steam library and mysteriously WOWs didnt make the move to the new folder, May 10 2022 was my last game
@donaldross8597 Жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that You haven't played since 2022, but yet you're watching a world of warships streamer Best Of all a sub stream. Nobody really cares. You're just like the employee who walks out and quits thinking It'll make a difference, and everybody'll think your a hero. Actually, it makes the game better when people with toxic attitudes. Quit the game. And let's be real nobody ever plays a game forever. Everybody eventually leaves every game, regardless of how much they like it.
@zTribalX Жыл бұрын
Damn.. i didn't Play for years either, but i still enjoy watching flamuu. But man.. you just showed the wows Community in a nutshell with your comment.
@NRocky94 Жыл бұрын
@@donaldross8597 I care
@VulpseiusFox Жыл бұрын
@@donaldross8597No, it’s people like you who don’t care that are the problem. It’s people like that that allow them to get away with all this abuse and destruction, as well as actively ruin anyone else’s experience with the toxic crap, causing the player numbers to be driven lower and lower all the time, until eventually the only ones left are the douchebags who don’t care. They may say “oh the game is better now because nobody’s complaining anymore” when in reality they’ve essentially killed the game, as it’s only running on fumes from that point on at best. That’s why they’ve added features such as instantly going into a new game when you die without waiting for your ship to come back. They’re trying to hide the garbage queue times that are becoming more and more common and worse and worse as time goes. You guys can only be so careless and in denial for so long, because people are wising up to it and have wised up to it. Nobody can objectively make the argument that the game is good and in a healthy place anymore. And if people don’t care and just say “spank me more daddy” then I guess you’ll get what you want, but it’s at such a detrimental cost that’s rearing its ugly head more and more as the days, weeks, and months go by. Yes you’ll be rid of all the complainers that make a fuss because they actually care, but the game will be a deathly husk with much lower numbers playing, and eventually won’t be able to sustain itself anymore no matter how much of their life savings the few whales spend on it. It will inevitably die. And the argument you guys make of “oh all games grow and die eventually, because all players come and go eventually” is completely self destructive and makes no sense. The good and worthy games are timeless and are revisited and staying around even beyond their time, because they’re so good and enjoyable that even as older plays inevitably leave, new players will always replace them. But that’s not what’s happening with warships. The old are leaving, and the new are not sufficiently replacing them. And fewer and fewer are bothering to stick around if they even come to try it out at all. Why? Because of all this bull crap and careless jerks who don’t care allowing it and even encouraging it to be this way, as a result, choking the game to death and robbing it of a long term future. Well congrats. Keep it up. As long as the game keeps on this path, you will inevitably get what you want, but that will also means, the game will be essentially be either so small and obscure and running on fumes at best or dead and shut down because it’s no longer worth running. Bet y’all will be so happy and proud when those days arrive eventually.
@BIackCadillac Жыл бұрын
@@donaldross8597 lol you sound so upset by someone elses choices. Infantile.
@trickponystudios Жыл бұрын
The problem being between the keyboard and the chair can be used to explain most of everything that happens at WG and in WoW.
@luukvst1032 Жыл бұрын
Whats wrong with world of warcraft?
@trickponystudios Жыл бұрын
@@luukvst1032 More thing than that are wrong in World of Warships. Blizzard is on a whole other level compared Wargaming for screwing its players.
@luukvst1032 Жыл бұрын
@@trickponystudios but you meant WoWs not WoW right
@trickponystudios Жыл бұрын
@@luukvst1032 the 's' is redundant so Warships is one Warcraft is the other and they are both WoW.
@shipness Жыл бұрын
Nah one is WoW and one is WoWs
@biffbenedict1603 Жыл бұрын
It has much hp as some tier 10 DD's. The fact that torps can be fired straight ahead. If that was on a high tier DD people would lose their minds.
@MaticTheProto 9 ай бұрын
And you are forced to surface all the time, which means you get spotted, which means you die instantly. And you are a free kill for other subs
@Flo2806 Жыл бұрын
Wargaming: Shotgunning shouldn't be an issue anymore. Player with a brain: "Hold my beer and watch me shotgun not 1 but 4 ships in a single game"
@unowno123 Жыл бұрын
only for premiums, normal submarines are pretty aweful with their massive spread
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
@@unowno123......What spread my guy? they removed that or its so little you don't notice or make a diffrence.
@unowno123 Жыл бұрын
@@jaywerner8415 the torpedo spread is 5 degrees on tech tree subs and 1 on premium subs Its a major difference
@zobayer1 Жыл бұрын
best thing was the devs got shotgunned on the same stream right after they said that.
@aluisious 8 ай бұрын
clueless @@unowno123
@erdalguclu Жыл бұрын
7:12 Flolo doesn't mention the fact that the submarine also has a 14-15 DCP duration which means it can avoid all the status effects during the depth charge attack. I'm pretty sure that's German BB DCP duration.
@CorsairCombat13 Жыл бұрын
Whenever I play I-56, I get this weird bug where the enemy team uses air ASW when I get spotted
@davidecarucci1073 Жыл бұрын
Just dive in the marianas trench smh
@triage2962 Жыл бұрын
That nasty bug when the enemy team is using some brain cells.🤣
@voughklry8362 Жыл бұрын
I too hate it when the enemy isnt lobotomies
@NineKunGTH Жыл бұрын
also a bug that something spotted you 9km away while underwater 💀💀💀
@StanleyPain Жыл бұрын
Yeah basically no one launched any ASW at him lol.
@anamestillaname7540 Жыл бұрын
the problem with subs is they don't have heal.. come on WG give them a super heal, you know they deserve it //end sarc.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын you remember the Russian Subs? They are going to have Heal consumables.
@grahamstrouse1165 Жыл бұрын
And cruise missiles. Gotta have those for balance, don’tcherknow…
@grahamstrouse1165 Жыл бұрын
@@jaywerner8415Of course they are…
@boscochou9710 Жыл бұрын
Put some 3D printers on subs kekw.
@seal8688 Жыл бұрын
U-2501 be like : EXCUSE ME ?
@jjcastleberry3662 Жыл бұрын
Wait until WG introduces the IJN's I-400 class. Those had hanger bays with 3 M6A1 Seiran seaplanes.
@hashteraksgage3281 Жыл бұрын
That sounds too balanced, give them RATO Kikkas armed with 3 long lances each.
@unowno123 Жыл бұрын
yes please aviation submarines
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Funny enough whenever they DO get around to hte Japanese subs i SUSPECT that is what they are going to do, Hybrid subs.
@ousou78 Жыл бұрын
Just picture getting tropedo shotgunned out ouf nowhere just to get bombed by a 800 kg bomb just after... Sounds very fun to me, I-400 now please!
@WildArmACF 2 ай бұрын
wait till missile subs show up
@iiiuwuiii4736 Жыл бұрын
that was undoubtedly a replay of all time
@thegreenfather1978 Жыл бұрын
I have hated every single one of my 20 games in this ship. When you're sucessful, it doesn't feel rewarding. You're carried by the insane stats of the ship. You're not having fun, the reds are not having fun, neither are your teamates as they have to deal with a submarine because of you. When you're failing, it's super frustrating. With a giant surface detactibility and "only" 2 minutes of dive capacity, it can sometimes be tough to play around ships. Plus you don't have submarine surveillance, so not only can't you counter enemy subs, they can counter you easily. So you're around enemy ships trying to sink them, when suddenly an enemy sub detects you with his consumable. You either stay underwater, detected by the sub, being pinged and dodging torpedoes from a submarine that is totally undetectable (you don't even know where the pings are coming from, as it's super hard to track while underwater) and getting raped by ASW, or you surface to counter the submarine surveillance only to get surface detected and suffer the same thing plus enemy guns. So not only success isn't rewarding, as it comes from your ship being broken, but you suffer even more from enemy submarines. Horrible design through and through. It's high-risk high-reward, but built entirely on utter BS.
@Joshua-fi4ji Жыл бұрын
I found taking superintendent helps. Can use 2 battery consumables in 1 dive, extending dive time by a minute. It's quick recharging too. Use islands to get closer and ambush and try to avoid the enemy sub at all costs. You might have more fun/success that way. The only issue I have with it is the lack of sub surveillance. It needs the other nerds due to the insane damage potential.
@heatmiser9925 Жыл бұрын
i cant wait to see fun and engaging gameplay
@jabaited Жыл бұрын
Pop up 2.5 km and doing 40k damage seem fun, fair and engaging, trust me bro - WG
@Danspy501st Жыл бұрын
There is one other thing those sub gameplays can be a problem with. They could just get close and not get spotted while keeping the enemy spotted. If the team is able to use their brains half of the time, then it can be some good damage from that kind of spotting. And the spotted ships cant really counter it like against a plane or a DD
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Like sit at periscope depth and spot? Cus the Hydrophone only updates their minimap position.
@AlaricKerensky Жыл бұрын
Yep. I was forced to play subs in order to get Somme, and it was my first time getting Combat Scout. You just can't be stopped from scouting effectively, and if a DD tries to stop you, you can torp it to death, or your team shoots it to death. Utterly batshit effectiveness.
@outsidein3206 Жыл бұрын
As someone who worked in an computer shop in a sales capacity, which also did pc repairs and troubleshooting. I can confirm PEBKAU Problem Exists Between Keyboard And User was an actual diagnosis, the standard hourly rate or part thereof was charged, under the general inspection / fault diagnosis rate. This would also involve general basic PC "housekeeping " making the performance more efficient. To the end user tho, all they would say on next visit was, "it was so much faster after i got it back, you guys did a great job!" "that's why I came back to you" for this issue / purchase". Sub mains are in the same category on the defense of the class. #SubsOut
@StompGuts161 8 ай бұрын
I didn't see a single ship call in air debth charges on his location when he was spotted. Not one. CV didn't focus him at all either. When I play subs i get debth charged to oblivion and CVs make it their lifes mission to find me and spam me the entire game. You guys see one video of a dude that knows how to use a sub in a lobby full of bot players.. Of course he looks OP. No one even tried to kill him!
@RiffRaff07 Жыл бұрын
I remember years back jumping on your stream one night after the CV rework saying, "this game is now officially fucked." Little did I know WG were just getting started. 🤣 Such a shame as was and could have been such a great game....
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Me, quietly waiting for missile Cruisers and DDs to appear.
@furioussherman7265 6 ай бұрын
I'm surprised no one sent out depth charge planes at this thing the instant it showed up.
@hkg207 8 ай бұрын
To be fair this is the perfect situation for I-56... only two ships bothered trying to depth charge, enemy flank was left completely open so you got through, ships sailing in a straight line, no enemy subs... I-56 is a hit or miss, either the enemy lets you do this or you get hunted down and dropped by a million depth charge planes.
@Duaner84 Жыл бұрын
I am very jalous of all the fun the RED ships had during this game
@Shododaan Жыл бұрын
Shotgun kills by subs are just as rewarding as homing torpedos.... but only for the sub captain =P Oh and since weegee cuddles CVs they have auto air-launched ASW and secondaries that rarely miss a sub near or on the surface.
@Joshua-fi4ji Жыл бұрын
Me in Saipan in Bronze ranked and subs pinging away at me and my CV misses every depth charge. Even when he was 5km away. Only time I've seen that happen though, normally sub dies in seconds.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
@@Joshua-fi4ji How the hell does that even happen? speaking from XP hte Auto ASW drops the charges PERFECTLY every time without fail. At the very least it never fully misses.
@Joshua-fi4ji Жыл бұрын
@@jaywerner8415 I guess I was just unlucky. As I said, it's the only time I've seen it happen. It's usually so good that I'd normally charge down subs in a CV if they're the only threat.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
@@Joshua-fi4ji Funny enough, ONE TIME while playing my Hornet i was like "where did the Sub go?" Suprisingly or Not Suprisingly he poped up RIGHT in front of me and i went like "well its the end of battle anyway, RAMMING SPEED!" He torpedoed me i think (at least a couple) then RAMMED ME, and yet I was still Floating after all that nonsense.
@AlaricKerensky Жыл бұрын
I played subs for a bit, and found it easy to kill CVs with them. Never died to the CV's strikes, even the one time I accidentally ended up 3km from one. They key is just not getting spotted.
@microwave3611 Жыл бұрын
Been playing since 2015 and the fact that most players in the server I'm playing in supports this abomination and 9 out of 10 matches are filled with subs are just sickening, I realized I gotta stop playing.
@kaspervestergaard2383 Жыл бұрын
Don't stop. You cannot stop.
@Gundolf300 Жыл бұрын
Imagine the days when we only had to cry about players hiding a US:n cruiser behind an island and the occasional radar every 6th match.
@Crosshair84 Жыл бұрын
Remember how people used to complain about DD stealth firing from 10-14k away?
@Gundolf300 Жыл бұрын
@@Crosshair84 Yep. The days the devs actually cared more about making a decent product than absurdly aggressive monetization schemes.
@AlaricKerensky Жыл бұрын
@@Crosshair84 Stealth firing was pretty cancer. Sure you have to be attentive in order to abuse it, but goddamn was it way too strong.
@Gundolf300 Жыл бұрын
@@AlaricKerensky Didn't mogami have like 19km range and around 10km concealment back then?
@wombat4191 Жыл бұрын
I remember arguing with one guy who said you play against subs the same way you play against a torp DD like Shima. His main argument was that they are okay because if you can't see a sub, it can't see you (which isn't even true because of hydrophone), and he just couldn't understand that in that exchange the sub has full initiative to choose when he is seen and when not and therefore a major advantage. He also for example argued that hydro is a good counter to subs when you play a cruiser because if a periscope depth sub spots you, you can always spot them back with hydro as hydros have bigger range than periscope spotting for most cruisers. There is exactly one such cruiser, which is Hipper, and it doesn't even have plane ASW. He also claimed that most of the time he manages to find and sink the sub with ASW when playing a DD, and that it's a skill issue that most people can't. All while the 40% WR was shining through all of his comments.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Well your friend it HALF correct on those accounts. When it comes to DD vs Sub play, it really is "Skill issue" cus DD players will Charge straight at a submarine like a Dumbass then unsupriseingly the sub just points its torp tubes at the DD and says "dodge this". US Subs in particular thanks to having several tubes in Front and Back can deal with DDs chasing them if they really need to. (you still have to hit them of course, which isn't always easy) The Hydrophone only works when fully submerged (IE Max depth), it shows you a "Shadow" of where the enemy was when the last plus hit it, and the plus has a interval of about 5 seconds. Its not like Surface ship Hydro or Radar, it can help you keep track of enemies but it won't Hard spot them for you. Hydro is TECHNICLY a counter to subs, the problem is WG didn't think vs hard. They Removed "operating depth" before release, so now over half a Subs Dive bar is "max depth" (you have Surface, Periscope, max depth now) And Hydro only spots subs from 2kms at "max depth". If they are Surfaced or at Periscope depth Hydro will give a BIT extra spotting range, but like you said we are talking GERMAN HYDRO SERACH, it wont help very much. (at least it will spot the torpedos for you, thats something at least) Radar useless since it can't spot a subs periscope anymore, only works when they are fully surfaced.
@wombat4191 Жыл бұрын
@@jaywerner8415 I think you didn't quite understand the DD hunting a sub argument, in his opinion it's no issue for DD to find a sub in the first place. As for charging at the sub, yeah that is stupid, but you do need to get close to them somehow, and when you have no idea of their exact location, you don't really know if you are charging right at them or approaching diagonally. At some point they surface oriented the right way thanks to the knowledge provided by their hydrophone, and load their torps at you. Hydro DD's do have a big advantage, but even they can't do much about this because they can only find the sub at 2 km and have to guess just like everyone else until the range is optimal for the sub to try to shotgun you. And the point is that the DD, which is supposed to be a sub counter, is at inherent disadvantage here. First, the DD needs to guess which way the sub possibly went. Then, it's on the DD to play it perfectly if they want to survive it while the sub really just needs to throw shit at them if they even manage to go the right way, and sometimes the sub ends up getting the DD anyway because maneuverability still has its limits on DD's as well. As for the hydro argument, the point was not if it's a counter or not, the point was that he was just straight up inventing his own facts because they fit his agenda.
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
@@wombat4191 Well. Given most sub captains still Ping seemingly every chance they get, its not hard to track down their location. The ping is so obvious the sub may as well give away his location in ALL chat. That is something i figured out REAL quick with Submarines. The Ping is TRAP. Yeah sure, you can use homing torpedos, but why bother when you can just aim them manually and thus MAINTAIN your stealth. But yeah, that is the most annoying thing with subs, they are literally Invisible till they PING. Personally i wish even at depth they still got picked up by Hydro just like ships. If only WG implemented some "simulation" of Cavitation. IE you have to go DEAD SLOW at depth to maintain your stealth, otherwise you do not gain the benefits of steath cus of all the bubbles your kicking out off the prop. (you can SEE the bubbles coming off hte prop and everything LOL) WG should NEVER have removed "operating depth", that was their FIRST mistake.....well SECOND mistake, the first was giving subs homing torpedoes in the first place.
@TMar1961 11 ай бұрын
@@jaywerner8415 If the sub is at surface or periscope depth, both hydro and radar have full range (6km hydro will detect for 6km, same for radar distances) of detection. Additionally, this was a T8 match, let the I-56 get uptiered and it is generally toast.
@jaywerner8415 11 ай бұрын
@@TMar1961 I know, the problem is 80% of their dive bar now is "MAX DEPTH" so they can very easily hide from both. Radar stops working when they get to periscope depth, and hydro stops working till 2kms once they fully dive.
@deweybrightside2276 Жыл бұрын
I grind in my Shima on a knife's edge every game, facing Roosevelts and Super Ships...and this guy just scoots around with more HP, two tiers down. Good for him, I guess.
@rustysimonds5011 5 ай бұрын
Ship 2 and ship 2 are both Asw ships approx 6 or 7km range, not 1 asw plane sent when spotted arleast twice if not 3 times together with approx 2 km distance between each other, not to mention that they continued in the same line and path without diverting or changing, jinking or anything. This is also before 13.2 and 13.3 which saw massive nerfs to subs, now any torp under requires 3km of travel or only 10% damage output, also spotting torps has been increased by 1 or 2kms plus asw planes are now 2 times as quick getting to sub plus depth charge damage and splash radius increased plus now many ships have sub surveillance which specifically detects subs underwater to a range of 7 or 9km lasting 30 seconds
@David-ux5wn Жыл бұрын
Subs could easily be balanced by giving DDs an additional consumable. For example something like sonar. You target an area around your ship and you make a submarine visible in that area. The range of the detection depends on the speed of the submarine. Also submarine torpedoes should do way less damage and/or the reload needs to be much higher.
@TMar1961 11 ай бұрын
You should take a look at the other subs. The I-56 is the odd ball and this kind of game doesn't happen often. To be truthful, the other players in this match were kind of potatoes and this is not indicative of normal games in subs.
@gerokron3412 Жыл бұрын
With the beart Flamu looks a little bit like Jürgen Prochnow, "Der Alte" from "Das Boot".
@ooalgownainz5132 Жыл бұрын
but how many domage can you do with a destroyer canon in 30 sec? if you pick a tier 8 of course
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
Flamu the I56 is supposed to be a "Cruiser" sub, or at least what WG is going to use a a format for Cruiser subs. What makes a cruiser sub different from the Subs we have now? Well they have very little Air Supply, But they have Player controlled deck guns. In this case its got 2 deck guns, one on each side of the conning tower. As for I56s torpedo's, the ALT torps (like every Premium sub) are the LONG RANGE torps, but the Acoustic torps are short ranged (like 6kms or maybe less). Now take a moment to remember the French SURCOCH Sub with a duel 203mm Gun turret exists.
@mthorne074 Жыл бұрын
Isn't there a delay on getting the detection notice? Like, you get detected, thena few seconds later, you get notified that you are detected.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Nah. No delay.
@jross985 Жыл бұрын
Just love when I overpen a sub (= 2 bloody great holes) and it can dive without flooding under high deep sea prossure
@fanatik2134 Жыл бұрын
Imagine thinking the enemys maybe try to manuever 😊
@jefff4848 Жыл бұрын
Wait until weegee introduces snorkels so subs can recharge batteries at periscope depth. They would never have to surface.
@markusmue8464 Жыл бұрын
Hey Flamu, could you suggest best dd streamers or do more dd tip stuff again?
@fletch4813 Жыл бұрын
Flamu in a sub is terrifying
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@kaspervestergaard2383 Жыл бұрын
I think he should play a few games with them.
@JTBacchanalist Жыл бұрын
I miss this game, have not played it in over a year now. Being a battleship only player, it's just no longer fun dealing with subs now.
@kennethdarlington Жыл бұрын
With that kind of reload this sub pupped out 2-3 "supporting" torpedo carrier submarines
@antonygray7092 Жыл бұрын
the depth charges didnt damage him much because he popped a repair, and it was active while most of the charges exploded.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Repair doesn't mitigate damage.
@Derguz Жыл бұрын
I feel this is 15 mins of my life where my hearth was berefth, my ass was devastated and my soul was violated. There's not enough water in the oceans to wash away what I have just seen..
@faynk.6247 Жыл бұрын
This convinced me to buy an I-56 seems like a good ship to make people rage quit and have carry potential
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
It is extremely situational. What you saw me do is not common, but you can still do good damage with it. Remember that it cannot fight another sub at all really.
@Brosefskius Жыл бұрын
sovjet super sub will be a typhoon class with icbm's that can wipe out the enemy team with one strike
@clefsan Жыл бұрын
Nyet, tovarich. Will be Akula class, but going at 100 knots, because speed to outrun everything in game is fun. Also fires not only torps but has vls cells for anti ship missiles with auto-homing and guaranteed fires on hits🤣
@samsmith2635 Жыл бұрын
Honestly they should give them the seaplane refit they had historically. I met a Vet who worked as a tugboat deckhand in pearl Harbor he had the honor of towing this type of ship to be scuttled so we didnt have to give it to the Soviets. However it had a hanger not a gun. Make the I-56 a regular torp reload, give it more underwater time. take off the gun and give it a seaplane it can launch and then submerge.
@old_guard2431 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this exploration of the Dark Side of the Farce. Classic WG potato balance. The few, the proud, the competent are balanced by the potatoes. The counter when the competent ones show up? As stated, sail away. A 40-knot ship is a plus.
@no1caers Жыл бұрын
I have another question -- why cyclone mechanic is even exist? Its not fun at all.
@derek96720 Жыл бұрын
Let's be real here. A ship isn't broken if a really good player can abuse it. That means nothing. It's broken if the average player can abuse it.
@AlaricKerensky Жыл бұрын
I was forced to play Subs in order to unlock Somme during the Battle of the Somme event, because I got so many duplicates I was down to the last free crate available. In doing so, I focused on learning everything about them I could, in order to be able to counter them more effectively. In summary, they are COMPLETELY busted. I hit purple stats on them basically without effort. So this replay is just a bad sub player who got very, very lucky. They made constant mistakes throughout the match. And yet see how much damage it did despite the player being garbage tier. Mistakes include: Near zero situational awareness, they constantly got detected purely out of their own failures to react properly (In the case of a sub, literally just clicking the 'C' key once or twice). In subs, you never want to get actually detected. It alerts the people with low situational awareness that you are there, and also allows the enemy to hit you with accurate ASW strikes. Normally if you're just pinging, ASW will usually miss due to the white ping effect on the surface not being an accurate representation of where the sub is, and due to the sub maneuvering. I almost never get hit by random ASW in the German subs despite constantly pinging. Despite I-56 not relying on pings, allowing it to be STUPIDLY stealthy, this idiot just kept driving into 7.1km without going periscope. Also, extremely poor battery management. Subs are all about knowing when to be at what depth. Most of the time, you should be at the surface. You go periscope to avoid detection and radar (And take a skill that lets you know when enemy radar is active above you so you know when it's safe to surface), and you crash dive to avoid prox detection and hydro. This joker just would sit needlessly at periscope wasting battery. Bad torpedo play. Biggest example is the Flint. They swapped to lower damage torps, guided torpedoes, then pinged too late for the torps to use homing. So all they did was fail the shotgun and then sailed UNDER a depth-charging ship. If the Flint had done better with the charges, they might have died. Either way, they too needless damage AND failed to kill the target, just because they made two really easy to correct mistakes under panic. TLDR: Bad player was handheld to a 270k damage PR.
@andymage7179 Жыл бұрын
You know a 40% win rate ape from a mile away if it says DDs are broken than CVs and Subs
@jijoux9161 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. I spotted one that also said bbs were more op and easier to play than carrier. Truly some people missed a step in evolution
@kolorado7260 Жыл бұрын
25%, lets be real here
@Foysekas_The_Dudge. Жыл бұрын
I am a 62% wr player and i say subs are broken...Other classes easy to deal.....
@jijoux9161 Жыл бұрын
@@Foysekas_The_Dudge. even cvs?
@Foysekas_The_Dudge. Жыл бұрын
@@jijoux9161 personally I don’t have terrible problems with the cvs I take some measures against them but many subs destroy a lot of my games.And especially this sub in a game destroy my tirpitz with full hp with one salvo of torps and I never saw him very balanced…
@dagoodboi4501 Жыл бұрын
Notice how that guy got pink name, it's always fun to report sub players 😂
@pedrohicken3884 Жыл бұрын
He didn’t get the pink name from reports.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Tell me again how little you know about the game :)
@realtimtamtom 9 ай бұрын
tbh this sub is a problem, not subs in general. Normal tech tree subs are played completly different. I dont understand why all subs are hated like this
@avimin Жыл бұрын
I had a terrible experience playing against this monstrosity divisioned up with a Pobeda CV yesterday in ranked. I was in a Zieten and had destroyed a Massa, a Bismarck and a Harbin but couldn’t kill these two cos both were hiding, one behind an island and one underwater. I had only used one fast repair party and still had all my heals but just couldn’t dodge the combination. Dodged the sub’s torps only to run into the CVs. Used Depth Charge airstrike and Hydro but that little shit still survived and managed to kill me, full health Edinburgh and my teams U-190 at shotgun range. What a fun experience
@TMar1961 11 ай бұрын
Then your CV player sucked. CV can and should find subs quite easily.
@o3chaos784 9 ай бұрын
I bet a 30 second reload isn't that far off reality. The torp's were stored in the rooms with the torpedo tubes in a space optimized for reloading the primary armament. They didn't have to be hoisted from below deck storage and loaded into elevated lauchers like they did on surface ships.
@ayayaybamba3445 Жыл бұрын
Tbh I-56 is the one sub I don't have an issue with. To pull off shotguns like he does at 4:50 you actually have to have a fair bit of map awareness due to the horrendous concealment and low dive time. You need to be aware of enemy DD, radar, and sub positions because of you get caught you can get fucked up really quick. The ship relies heavily on braindead people not knowing how to dodge non-homing torps. You'll also note that both times he was spotted nobody on the enemy team even attempts any sort of ASW despite all of them having the airstrike. They just ignore him.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@IceQueenNL Жыл бұрын
same, I'm a DD main and played some subs for testing. Got this I-56 sub from a crate and think it's not really good. Had a few great rounds but most very poor ones, where you're utterly useless. USA subs are far better imo. 7 km concealment sucks, ok then go submerged you'd think? nah.... slow as a limp turtle 12 to 15 knots or so, only 2,5 min max divetime with the consumable active (which is nothing if it takes 1 hour to get somewhere), after that the next consumable is only ready 2 min later or so, huge turning circle, only has front torp tubes, torps are seen soon because japanese ones... I have much better results in the Salmon with using manual torps only as well. Because I-56 is so slow underwater the low dive time is extra horrible because once you get close to the enemy you can almost never reach a safe spot anymore and then run out of air and die because of forced surfacing. Going backwards against pushing enemy, they are faster, going away under water from them? they are faster and you can't even launch torps, since no AFT tubes. So I play almost on surface only with nose towards enemy and spam torps from range like japanese DDs, but they have 6 km concealment or even less, are agile and can launch torps from 2 sides. So you can either spam torps from long range from the surface or yolo submerged and shotgun 1 enemy. First method is quite silly imo because why play a sub when only playing from surface? And also if you yolo and miss the torps or there's another enemy you're dead. With other subs you could launch 2nd wave of torps while retreating with AFT tubes and has almost 2x more speed under water, and better concealment too.
@Jorakful Жыл бұрын
I recently had a discussion with someone on Reddit that was saying that CVs and Subs are balanced and that torpedo boats were the problem because there is no way to counter them. After a while i just gave up because he was either trolling or so stupid that you can't convince him otherwise.
@TMar1961 11 ай бұрын
Go play subs and then come back and tell me how easy they are. This match the other team was horrible, it was a T8 match, the CV never dropped a plane over him. This SINGLE LUCKY GAME is not the norm for subs.
@lint8391 Жыл бұрын
I vowed that I would stop playing this game if subs were introduced with no ability to opt-out from facing them. So far it's been an easy vow to keep. Wargaming are so pig headed for keeping subs in this game. They don't deserve to have any sort of player base at all.
@verde5738 Жыл бұрын
This video gave me stage IV cancer. Please send prayers.
@Pentagram666mar Жыл бұрын
It s funny because subs typically wouldn't carry that much torps on board, they were unable to do it
@clefsan Жыл бұрын
that argument also applies to torps on DDs, though, hmm? 🤔😇
@Pentagram666mar Жыл бұрын
@@clefsan if giving subs certain amount of torps in magazine with a cost that it includes DDs too it would be a sacrifice i am willing to make
@Pow3llMorgan Жыл бұрын
Twenty eight knots submerged? That's faster than the fastest nuclear attack subs of today. This game....
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Careful. This isn't the War Thunder forum.
@mosseon3456 10 ай бұрын
this dude would remove rogues and wizards from RPGs.
@Flamuu 10 ай бұрын
If the Rogues had permanent stealth and immunity against all stealth piercing skills, yep. Or if the wizards were immune to damage. Don't compare WGs shitty balance to any real MMOs, WGs subs and CVs are tank-wizard-rogues. When even they have admitted the classes have issues, why would you try to defend em?
@mosseon3456 10 ай бұрын
@@Flamuu magic classes like wizards often have situationally powerful taking abilities, stealth classes often have something similar, people nowadays just aren't used to this kind of stuff because in order to monetize the whales dev's remove it from the gameplay. In the case of this game they just make whatever the new things are overpowered until the next new thing comes out. People bitched about destroyers before carriers and subs came out. I remember having a 3-hour debate with somebody who was apoplectic about the fact that battleships would have instantly destroyed destroyers before they could even get within range of them. Competitive players have always always been allergic to variety. This game is no exception to that even before wargaming was an existence. People made a lot of the same arguments for vehicles and shooters and you could probably find one to one forum post from Old Navy Field forums of the same exact arguments as world of warships
@skinless333x2 Жыл бұрын
They are good additions to the game because it is proof that WG doesn't give a piss about player experience. When you see this, all you have to do is uninstall and never look back.
@leonidas231 Жыл бұрын
damn, should've traded a ship for that
@tyrodin_ Жыл бұрын
truly a really exciting replay from a fully skilled player...
@Pepega_Ch Жыл бұрын
the dented developers who designed SS this way should have their entire family be sent to gulag. holy shit.
@ILoveforGames Жыл бұрын
Remember when they said they looked into subs and said they don't belong in the game then PROCEED to ADD SUBS?
@warant7295 Жыл бұрын
esports ready XD
@davefedoruk6598 Жыл бұрын
How do these sub replay guys keep finding ships that don't drop ASW and sail in straight lines? I tried them out and it seemed if I got spotted every red ship in range (and some not) was trying to drop me...
@grahamstrouse1165 Жыл бұрын
I’m waiting for WeeGee to add USS Nautilus! Hey, it was commissioned before HMS Tiger (1959 version)! Unlimited endurance, baby!
@maineiacman Жыл бұрын
I play console, and you can tell the sub 50% win rate trash by the clowns asking for subs to be added. I just hope the devs are so lazy and incompetent it will never happen.
@pendragooon Жыл бұрын
I feel unclean after watching this obscenity.
@dzello Жыл бұрын
But Flamu! Shimakaze can make big white clouds so it's better!
@sarinhighwind Жыл бұрын
28 knots at periscope depth. That would rip them off
@sargisshirinyan207 Жыл бұрын
Flamu, bro pls where is the Lauria video, I want it, I need it.
@tonyennis1787 7 ай бұрын
I have never seen 4 dev strikes done.
@Alexyrion Жыл бұрын
I was so done with this game BEFORE subs were added, now I just don`t even bother playing the game. This is super sad because I used to love the game.
@Zombiesbum 9 ай бұрын
My experiences with subs has been they underperform at lower tiers. The hitbox on them is much larger than the model. They turn like a brick; it takes a full 30+ seconds to turn 180, and for such a small vessel that is a little silly. That may be why you might see a sub player say "subs are bad"; they are either a "grass is greener" type of person, or they've only experienced the shit versions of subs and not these monstrosities. Personally, I think they are designed so badly that they are paradoxically overpowered and underpowered. Their design is anti-fun and un-interactable. But the sub is either useless or game breaking based on the sub that is used (of course player skill always makes the difference). Subs shouldn't be aimbotting alpha predators that can 1 hit BBs and eat a bunch of depth charges. At the same time, ASW and barrages shouldn't immediately delete a sub from existence because it blipped on the map. If players want interactable gameplay with subs, then the subs need to be designed (from the ground up) to be seen and survive while being seen. The "stealthy hunter" sounds good on paper, but in reality it's not very engaging.
@charleslynch340 Жыл бұрын
Just another beautiful day in the neighborhood, this is fine
@hannisateur Жыл бұрын
Just dodge, ... with your wallet.
@Wonka_Tonka Жыл бұрын
most sub are hard , you cant 1 salvo most ship , and you get non stop spoted when you have CV.
@aluisious 8 ай бұрын
I like playing subs now because it makes everyone really mad, and I hate all the random players.
@freelancerinc1162 Жыл бұрын
"shotgunning will be very rare"
@clefsan Жыл бұрын
clearly a skill issue on the receiving end 🤣
@JC-XL Жыл бұрын
I-56 is a premium submarine that you have to buy with cash. Regular subs get nowhere near as strong. You get noticed earlier, can use only homing torpedoes for the lower classes, have half the hit-points of this I-56, much shorter underwater duration, etc.
@le_potate3861 9 ай бұрын
I didn't buy it with cash. I traded in GK for it, and the bought GK again with coal. Since I ground GK while it was still tech tree, and I have enough coal, I didn't mind.
@MaticTheProto 9 ай бұрын
Every other sub completely counters this thing my lobotomized guy
@le_potate3861 9 ай бұрын
@@MaticTheProto that's why you see me run away from the enemy sub as soon as he pings.
@MaticTheProto 9 ай бұрын
enemy subs, destroyers... the r**ard who made this video evidently has never had a normal match in the sub@@le_potate3861
@VictoriaLouise1 Жыл бұрын
I have never realised it has that much HP
@CaledNoir Жыл бұрын
If I only did know back in the day of Silent Hunter, that it was this easy!
@annex3762 Жыл бұрын
Subs are cancer. "if theres a sub in the game you cant play the game" is 100% spot on.
@MrAwsomeshot 9 ай бұрын
hey Flamu. So I have seen this trend of new players without clans who have played 500-1000 battles and have almost exclusively played subs including the "OLD" versions with 50% + win rates. then like 1 other ship line. Which they havent finished because I am sure once they hit tier 7/8 and just get slaughtered by subs and CVs themselves they just go back to subs. But something interesting I just saw this guy weitermachen. Has played 17000 battles but like 8000 of them are in tier 1 starter ships, in randoms.
@_Jay_Maker_ 9 ай бұрын
That guy is specialized and he knows what he likes. lmao
@shadowfox8748 Жыл бұрын
270k dmg … against tier 8 and 7s no less …
@TMar1961 11 ай бұрын
Let the I-56 get uptiered, it's toast. I play 20-30 games a day at T10 and have never seen an I-56 in a match be successful.
@Jinkuzu Жыл бұрын
Well aint that a depressing watch.
@TheGoekko Жыл бұрын
was thinking about writing something similar but you just nailed it. :/
@grahamstrouse1165 Жыл бұрын
When they gonna add the I-401? It’s gotta happen. A real submarine that existed with real aircraft. And it was the size of the light cruiser and had pretty good artillery & some AA.
@waleedmukhtar2925 Жыл бұрын
there is a strong correlation between people who play subs and people who sniff glue. if you play subs you are highly likely to be a glue sniffer.
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
I took a big rip right before playing this match
@unowno123 Жыл бұрын
the funniest part is that normal submarines from the tech tree are aweful, while the premiums are insane, all because of the torpedo spread nerf that only the tech tree submarines got
@jaywerner8415 Жыл бұрын
You say that. The spread is not a issue at all. Yeah your torps will go SLIGHTLY to the left or right of where your aiming but they will hit regardless most of the time.
@MaticTheProto 9 ай бұрын
Sorry bit what cherry picked bs game is that? Normally as soon as you are spotted you die from depth charges. As soon as you ping you die from depth charges. As soon as enemy submarines exist near you you get detected and… you get the idea. With your spineless tactics any ship type could be made to look op by choosing the one in 50 matches that goes perfectly
@moonshifter0 Жыл бұрын
Subs are a WoWs regulatory mechanism to nerf player numbers.
@KaguyasBeat Жыл бұрын
I jumped on to play wows after not playing for 6 months cuz I felt up to it and was checking out things. Teams were awful... and I dealt with this very sub in Shikishima. Guy shotgunned a friendly cruiser 3 minutes into the game, and then harassed me for the next two. Yes I died and was lucky enough to be able to trade since he ran out of battery and surfaced 3km away from me :) I killed him with Main Battery after hitting multiple depth charges on him. Had to guess where he was, several direct hits to since of course the constant stream of torpedoes gave me a general idea and he already shotgunned my teammate in a cruiser that was 4km away from me. But still no spotting on him till his battery ran out. Fun game dude. Guy had the audacity to brag in chat about what he did. And of course this dogshit game rewarded this dogshit braindead loser for his dogshit braindead gameplay. He was first in his team after only playing for 5 minutes and doing all that shit to me and my teammate. I have not played the game since and I still have 0 interest in touching it. I loved this game and it's just gone straight to hell.
@johnvga6239 Жыл бұрын
Remember, it's always okay to BM submarines. They are actively participating in the death of this game
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Ballistic Missile?
@le_potate3861 Жыл бұрын
Bowel movement?
@TheChonaman Жыл бұрын
I stopped paying for Premium time 2 years ago. I stopped playing the game for the most part about 6 months ago. I see zero future for this franchise so I haven't even updated it for the last 2 patches. I would guess I'm in the majority of players who've played for 3 years or more.
@Razgries86 Жыл бұрын
I-56 is busted as hell, there is 0 reason for it to be a Tier 8, it's the ultimate seal clubbing tool. In terms of offense it's more powerful than any sub in the game. All you have to do is manage your dive capacity well. And as a premium that makes it blatent P2W, the only sub that even comes close is Alliance and Gato, both premiums. It's DPM is TWICE that of all tech tree tier 10s with alternatives at 147,086 DPM, and it's homing torps are FOUR to FIVE times as strong. Which might not look good to the naked eye because of range, but double pinging a DD that just repaired in an early cap duel, ouch. With 1 degree spread, and very fast torps. Every premium sub besides S-189 out DPM every tech tree sub by at least 50,000-100,000 DPM... As a tier 8 that is just nuts now that I am looking at ShipTools, the difference between I-56 and everything else is just stupid. It might only be able to stay under water for 2 minutes, but with the highest recharge rate in the game it gets it all back in under a minute AND it has German batteries (so 2:45, over 10% of a 20 minute match). It might not have submarine survelliance but it does have the fastest reload, alternative speed, damage, and longest range of all subs. Also it has more health than any sub in the game. The lack of submarine surveillance is moot, because A. If it surfaces it's not spotted by it, and B. If it is on the surface it's faster than anything under water, and C. It can tank enough to probably survive... Like it or not subs are a part of the game now, so we have to cope, but the I-56 at tier 8 makes them look extremly unfair. I do enjoy playing them more than CVs as I'm actually in the caps and pushing/spotting flanks aggressively. I've been working on the US/German Tier 6/8, US seems to be my favorite. Sure they can really put a hurting on BBs, but they can also feel average at best when trying to fight good cruiser/destroyer players. One thing I can say for sure, ship based ASW should be a dev strike/high detonation chance to any sub not at max depth!
@tragedyofwind Жыл бұрын
then when SS died, they said, " i got two depth charge and i died. balanced"
@serve_xt4298 Жыл бұрын
"Shotgun is not popular", "People don't know how to shotgun". Everyone knows how to shotgun, THEY SELL SHOTGUN SUBS. If at least they told us the truth.
@EvolutionWar Жыл бұрын
Imagine if the axis powers had these kinds of uboats during ww2, easy win xD.
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