I've done around 1000 laps on the Nordschleife across AC, PC2, and AMS2, I would guess. And then of course there's other tracks, but I'd have to check for details. And many other games. I used to do 100% distance F1 races in Geoff Crammond's F1 GP as a kid. With a digital joystick. If nothing else, it managed to teach me basic driving physics, as in "Driving into a corner too fast is a bad idea." or "When you brake, you don't stop instantly. Unless your brake is a wall."
@noceilingsmotorsports Жыл бұрын
Thinking about that makes my brain hurt💀 I've been turning laps on sims for a decade. 10k+ at least. Im just thinking about my highschool and adolescent years alone; there was a point where I was doing it every day for hours on end. Crazy to even try to comprehend that kind of thing💯
@gregobrigavitch1036 Жыл бұрын
I think I'm at about 20K. My iRacing says around 5000 and I get just under 14000K in VRS. However I didn't have VRS for the first few years I was in iRacing, but I didn't practice as much back then either. So maybe 20-25K by my guess
@KerbYourEnthusiasm Жыл бұрын
My lap count: clearly not enough 🤣
@scottynota5578 Жыл бұрын
Working through the motor checklist at the moment and really enjoying it. Great content! Would you recommend tuition after the checklist? Irating is about 2.2k and wanted to progress technique to climb.
@SuellioAlmeida Жыл бұрын
Hey Scott! For sure, coaching after going through the Motor Racing Checklist is a good idea. Indeed, I strongly recommend drivers who are interested in coaching to do the Motor Racing Checklist before the sessions, as it really increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the 1-on-1 time!
@scottynota5578 Жыл бұрын
@@SuellioAlmeida thanks for the reply Suellio. How would I get in touch regarding this? I'm in the UK so would have to factor that in and hopefully it could work.
@SuellioAlmeida Жыл бұрын
Send me a message on Discord, the link is on the description of this video!
@chadgtr34 Жыл бұрын
how many laps have you done by driving alone in the track ?
@andydewar8672 Жыл бұрын
I have just over 11000 laps registered on iRacing in only 2 years not including practice laps 😮 adding ACC gt sport and another 25 years of console racing on various platforms my brain can’t compute numbers that big 😂
@pwh__66 Жыл бұрын
No where near that amount. I would say one year of sim racing. Three races per week plus practice. 20-30 laps x3 x52 = 4,680. But I think that’s high as I’ve not been consistent. I would guess 1-2 thousand.