Sultan Murad Gives An Ultimatom To Kösem | Magnificent Century: Kosem

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Magnificent Century: Kosem

Magnificent Century: Kosem

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Sultan Murad Gives An Ultimatom To Kösem | Magnificent Century: Kosem
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Sultan Murad (Metin Akdülger) learns that Kösem Sultan wanted to kill him. Sultan Murad learns that his governor has agreed with the physician and sends Emir Çelebi's head to Kösem Sultan (Nurgül Yeşilçay). Valide Kösem Sultan, who learned that Sinan Pasha was a traitor, realizes that he has been exposed. Helpless corners. Knowing that Sultan Murad will not stop anymore, Kösem Sultan takes measures to protect Şehzade İbrahim.
Sultan Murad IV conquers Baghdad, despite all the measures of the novices. Kemankeş appointed Mustafa Pasha as the Grand Vizier and sent him to Shah Safi.
Returning from Baghdad, Sultan Murad falls out of touch with his war wounds. Sultan Murad, whose disease progresses well, falls to bed. Learning that the situation of Sultan Murad is bad Kösem Sultan waits at the beginning of his son. Mother settles son in sick bed.
Sultan Murad decides not to leave the state to the governor. It will destroy the dynasty if necessary. He then determines a bounty that will pass to the throne. Will Kösem Sultan allow Sultan Murad to destroy the dynasty?
Sultan Murad (Metin Akdülger), Kösem Sultan’ın kendisini öldürmek istediğini öğrenir. Validesinin hekimbaşıyla anlaştığını öğrenen Sultan Murad, Emir Çelebi’nin kellesini Kösem Sultan’a (Nurgül Yeşilçay) gönderir. Sinan Paşa’nın hain olduğunu öğrenen Valide Kösem Sultan, ifşa edildiğini anlar. Çaresiz bir biçimde köşeye sıkışır. Sultan Murad’ın artık durmayacağını bilen Kösem Sultan, Şehzade İbrahim’i korumak için tedbir alır.
Sultan 4.Murad Acemlerin tüm tedbirlerine rağmen, Bağdat’ı fetheder. Kemankeş Mustafa Paşa’yı veziri azam tayin eder ve Şah Safi’nin üzerine gönderir…
Bağdat’tan dönen Sultan Murad, aldığı savaş yaralarıyla iyice takatten düşer. Hastalığı iyice ilerleyen Sultan Murad yatağa düşer. Sultan Murad’ın vaziyetinin kötü olduğunu öğrenen Kösem Sultan oğlunun başında bekler. Ana oğul hasta yatağında hesaplaşır.
El sultán Murad (Metin Akdülger) descubre que Kösem Sultan quería matarlo. El sultán Murad se entera de que su gobernador estuvo de acuerdo con el médico y envía la cabeza de Emir Çelebi a Kösem Sultan (Nurgül Yeşilçay). Valide Kösem Sultan, quien se enteró de que Sinan Pasha era un traidor, se da cuenta de que ha sido expuesto. Esquinas indefensas. Sabiendo que el sultán Murad ya no se detendrá, Kösem Sultan toma medidas para proteger a Şehzade İbrahim.
El sultán Murad IV conquista Bagdad, a pesar de todas las medidas de los novicios. Kemankeş designó a Mustafa Pasha como Gran Visir y lo envió a Shah Safi.
Al regresar de Bagdad, el sultán Murad no está en contacto con sus heridas de guerra. El sultán Murad, cuya enfermedad progresa bien, se acuesta. Al enterarse de que la situación del sultán Murad es mala, Kösem Sultan espera al comienzo de su hijo. La madre acuesta al hijo en la cama enferma.
El sultán Murad decide no dejar el estado al gobernador. Destruirá la dinastía si es necesario. Luego determina una recompensa que pasará al trono. ¿Permitirá Kösem Sultan permitir al sultán Murad destruir la dinastía?
Султан Мурад (Метин Акдюлгер) узнает, что Кёсем Султан хотел убить его. Султан Мурад, который узнал, что его губернатор согласился с доктором, отправил голову Эмира Челеби в Кёсем Султан (Нургюль Йешилчай). Валиде Кёсем Султан, который узнал, что Синан Паша был предателем, понимает, что его разоблачили. Беспомощные углы. Зная, что султан Мурад больше не остановится, Кёсем Султан принимает меры для защиты Шехзаде Ибрагима.
Султан Мурад IV покоряет Багдад, несмотря на все меры новичков. Кеманкеш Мустафа-паша назначает своего визиря максимум и отправляет его Шах-Сафи…
Вернувшись из Багдада, султан Мурад теряет связь со своими военными ранами. Султан Мурад, чья болезнь хорошо прогрессирует, ложится спать. Узнав, что положение султана Мурада плохое, Кёсем Султан ждет в начале своего сына. Мать устраивает сына в больничной койке.
Султан Мурад решает не оставлять государство губернатору. Это уничтожит династию в случае необходимости. Затем он определяет награду, которая перейдет на трон. Позволит ли Kösem Sultan султану Мураду уничтожить династию?
السلطان مراد الرابع يغزو بغداد رغم كل مقاييس المبتدئين. Kemankeş عين مصطفى باشا كوزير كبير وأرسله إلى شاه صافي.
بعد عودته من بغداد ، لم يعد السلطان مراد متأثراً بجراح الحرب. السلطان مراد ، الذي يتطور مرضه بشكل جيد ، يقع في الفراش. علمًا أن وضع السلطان مراد سيء ، ينتظر سلطان سلطان في بداية ابنه. الأم يستقر الابن في سرير مريض.
السلطان مراد يقرر عدم ترك الولاية للحاكم. وسوف تدمر سلالة إذا لزم الأمر. ثم يحدد مكافأة ستنتقل إلى العرش. هل سيسمح سلطان سلطان للسلطان مراد بتدمير السلالة؟
#MagnificentCenturyKosem #Magnificent Century #MuhteşemYüzyılKösem

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@hlr1513 3 жыл бұрын
Nurgul is the perfect one to Rule as Kosem. So convincing. She's showing Anastasia nature
@jhonnerazo2055 4 жыл бұрын
Uff 👌🔥 I love the scene, the power of Murad and Kösem 👸
@dianasiminaanghel5231 2 жыл бұрын
As much as I love Kosem, she should have stepped down when she clearly saw that Murad took over and started impressively, so I think Murad is right when he says that he's the state. Sorry, my opinion. I love Kosem, tho, over Murad, because he's kinda selfish.
@roadlesstaken6006 2 жыл бұрын
Sultan suleiman didn't do that either.... She is still alive. They both could have gone hand in hand....
@catscats143 Жыл бұрын
Every sultan was selfish in this way . But he deserved to live long reign . But her mother wanted to over shadowed
@Jaydub07 6 ай бұрын
I think you guys watch to much drama in my opinion
@Swissswoosher Жыл бұрын
Nice to see Kösem put in her place for once. Such an arrogant woman.
@cavidsadql2794 6 ай бұрын
4:46 “Hello? Osman was not your son?” 😂😂😂
@hakimnazir6998 3 жыл бұрын
Murad is Sultan, Kosem is EMPIRE! the most powerful and profound verse. Kosem know her position and will not give up.
@ty814 3 жыл бұрын
Lol. Sultanate is also referred as empire.
@shairdilimran9924 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think Kosem would have lived if sultan Murad didn't get killed by sickness.
@wasifiqbal9984 2 жыл бұрын
Tell me the difference between a Sultanate and an Empire.
@HurremHasekii Жыл бұрын
@Bred it’s either crazy ibrahum or kosem
@nicolep.anduray7734 2 жыл бұрын
7:50 I liked how her words made him tremble, he was uneasy because she was right, he humiliated her as regent, he should just force her to quit than announce it himself
@KingSahi 2 жыл бұрын
She would have never quit. She agreed to Ibrahims her sons death when he ended her regency. Then when her 12 YEAR OLD grandson ended her regency, she tried to poison him which lead to her death.
@texocox Жыл бұрын
of course he ended her regency, he was a 20 year old grown man, it was a disrespect to have a regency, he deserved full power. Kosem would never end her regency, it is so bad what power can do if you are a regular man or woman. Every Grand Vizier or Sultana feel this power and want more and more. On the other hand, princes were born with this concept, that one day maybe they will be the Sultan and they live with this power in themselves so they cant be overshadowed by the desire of power
@glorioushistoryofislam6536 3 жыл бұрын
4:47 the subtitle there was Osman was not your son
@Ali-ry9tv 3 жыл бұрын
The empire has it's TRUE owner. Sultan murad love you❤❤
@Noname990__ 2 жыл бұрын
Sen sus, Haseki Sultan Sonra Regent sonra Valide Sultan olmak için yaşadığı mücadeleleri bile bilmiyorsun. Sultan Murad kraliyet ailesinde doğdu Kösem Sultan, kraliyet ailesine doğru savaşmak ve hayatta kalmak zorunda kaldı
@rafaelguerreros263 3 жыл бұрын
The sultan was need for a regency....everything she did ....she did for herself too....she was blind with power and didn't want to lose it.... MURAD was the best of them all..
@_Royaledits Жыл бұрын
@phrangborsohkhlet4973 3 жыл бұрын
Ottoman Empire if all the king is like murad no one dare to put their eyes straight to the king
@harisazam3339 3 жыл бұрын
Kösem is no one. She's his mother. One and only Valide Muazama Kösem Sultan who always put herself in fire for her children (if you know true history)
@KingSahi 2 жыл бұрын
@@harisazam3339 “Always put herself in fire for her children” buddy i think its you who doesn’t know history. She agreed to Ibrahim’s death(her son) and then when her grandson stop listening to her, she tried to poison him. Thats not protecting children thats being blind by power
@Xandy6 2 жыл бұрын
@@KingSahi that's not true, don't let the series blind you. There are many things that are not true. Validé Kösem Sultan DID NOT GIVE AN ORDER TO KILL HER SON. There's Google,and many sites that states that Kösem Sultan protected her children despite everything
@KingSahi 2 жыл бұрын
@@Xandy6 True she didn’t GIVE THE ORDER BUT SHE AGREED TO IT. My source isn’t this show, this show isn’t historically correct and its just for entertainment. If you do some research which is not wikipedia, then you will know that Kosem agreed to Ibrahim’s death.
@harisazam3339 3 жыл бұрын
There wouldn't be any Sultan nor any Empire if Kösem didn't threw herself in fire multiple times for this Empire. How can one get jealous of his own mother
@binbakhtiyarkhilji3009 3 жыл бұрын
Women leadership is haram
@AlmaSdance 2 жыл бұрын
@@binbakhtiyarkhilji3009 why? On what principles? Islamic religion?
@natalijaaksoj3867 2 жыл бұрын
@haris azam how can a mother be jelouse of her son? She went so far she even tried to kill him later on
@datachancellor3644 2 жыл бұрын
Sultan Murad was right women should not given power
@zarahakim4509 2 жыл бұрын
@@datachancellor3644 ikr i am a woman myself and if woman are to be given power they make their emotions rule them
@zulallinkinparkforever 4 жыл бұрын
Misir means Egypt not Africa???? I am Turkish sometimes the transition is very wrong 😅😂
@mdaburayhan9101 3 жыл бұрын
In bangali we use Misor
@_Amin_99 3 жыл бұрын
Well egypt is in north africa 😂
@deepakdeval1723 3 жыл бұрын
Drunk with the power? Did Murad see himself in the mirror ever? What an ass to treat his mother like that. No wonder, he destroyed his whole family with his own arrogance.
@eesha9844 2 жыл бұрын
Wasn't it kosem who did this? For the temporary power, she played one son against other. For her regency she announced Kasim as Sultan whereas Sultan Murad was still alive. Kosem and not Murad destroyed this great ottoman empire When Murad ascended the throne, Kosem could be seen saying that "When you will be able to bear the burden of the state, then you will rule the people". Where are those words now? Murad was the real deserver of the throne and not Kosem Sultan.
@ibrahimrahi5388 2 жыл бұрын
An easy question : Who is the sultan? Murad or Kosem? You blamed Murad for destroying his family but It is Murad who restored the authority of the state, not Kosem.
@texocox Жыл бұрын
By the law, his mother can only rule the Harem, no further more. Every implication or questioning of Sultan's desires or laws is a crime agains the state itself. Osman and Murad were right to push Kosem out of the state affairs, but her dig the graves for her own sons with a smile on the face. And remember one thing: at the age of just 11 years old, Murad was the first to see a Sultan killed by his own people, he saw it with his own eyes. The history sais that he was deeply affected by that and he didnt want any of his subjects to question his power anymore, so no one can die fron the dynasty, not only him. He wanted to protect his brothers too, even with the price of killing Kosem, because she wanted to use them against Murad. Just imagine you at 11 years old and see your brother who was the ultimate power being brutally killed by no one, they were all slaves of him.
@aamirayub8465 3 жыл бұрын
I reacon sultan murad 4 top 5 sultan of ottomon empire
@monikajain7803 2 жыл бұрын
It was cz of Kosem that these Sultans are alive and they neva respected their mother who actually gave them d power on which they were riding was good Kosem taught them who is mighty here. It was she who made them.
@gianna4732 2 жыл бұрын
Kosem had power thanks to the dynasty she should have known her place
@skixfeliz1547 Жыл бұрын
@@gianna4732 and the dynasty was alive thanks to kosem
@Jaydub07 6 ай бұрын
@@skixfeliz1547 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you smoking mad crack
@NomNom2819 19 күн бұрын
Exactly, however broke ties with kosem saw his end, like Osman
@helgacapo2772 4 жыл бұрын
The descropsion was like hello wasn't Osman your son
@elif7557 4 жыл бұрын
Haha 😆 yeah but she loved him like her son she gave himher breast milk
@elif7557 4 жыл бұрын
@InsaaniatDost Ай бұрын
💥💥💥💥💥 megnificent century 2 has very aggressive style.. lot of disrespect and disobedience of royal etiquette...
@hehe-ov6wz 2 жыл бұрын
Lalezar kalfa in this scene reminded me of sumbul agha from sultan Suleiman.... I really miss him😔
@NomNom2819 19 күн бұрын
Me too! Kosem Season 2 kinda reminds me of Sultan Suleman Series maybe because the music being repeated as well and other reasons like these
@ingetamm7951 Жыл бұрын
If you listen to her words, they're completely unacceptable even for her position. If she would've said that to Suleyman, for example, I think she'd already be dead. No matter how much she did and how successful she was, she was merely a regent, a representative for her son, the throne was never hers to begin with and nor was the empire, it was Murad's and he had every right to rule on his own as an adult. Kosem is only power hungry and very manipulative. No matter what she does, it will never be her empire by right and every time she goes against Murad's order, she is committing treason.
@sibrinaevans5869 4 жыл бұрын
She should of chose her words with more thought, like use Murads name or the Empires name or the Dynastys name, putting the term MIO or my or even her name was wrong. She never learned proper political terminology like the head scholars did, another think before u speak in front of Sultan.
@mccm2000 3 жыл бұрын
Why should she be careful what she said, it was her son she had been fighting for for years and If it weren't for her, Murad would be dead. Also She worked for the empire and the people and worked hard for years
@ismaelbouissef4436 3 жыл бұрын
@@mccm2000 but her time is over..murad is a grown man...and...i don't know if you watched season 1...she put him on the It is his right..
@mccm2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@ismaelbouissef4436 Read the last sentence, maybe then you will understand
@ismaelbouissef4436 3 жыл бұрын
@@mccm2000 we already know that , WATCH THE DAMN SHOW BEFORE YOU TALK , she put him on the throne so he's the sultan , if she wanted the power so bad then she should have put herself ...but that's imposible so , She's not gonna be always the head of the empire....murad was a grown man , he was the heir..
@mccm2000 3 жыл бұрын
@@ismaelbouissef4436 you are Really mad because of my opinion?? , i just can't😂😂😂
@Emildovaldes 2 жыл бұрын
kosem sultán es elegancia, amé esta serie!!
@Editedby-Tanha_OsBalDinHanFat Жыл бұрын
Sultan Murad is one of the best OTTOMAN Sultan
@muneebtanoli4981 2 ай бұрын
1:55 yavuz sultan selim Han❤
@Ayesha_Muqaddas 4 ай бұрын
4:47 who ever in the world is editing these captions my god BRUH WOW THE LEVEL YOU RULE BRO
@marilynbouziane5530 2 жыл бұрын
Verily, she got drunk as she held on power to the very last moment;her grave..
@Editedby-Tanha_OsBalDinHanFat Жыл бұрын
9:25 great Sultan Murad ❤❤❤
@saadfayyazsaadi Жыл бұрын
that women destroyed everything in end......I can't imagine just one women can contribute in downfall of a state
@thetrollslayer3716 3 жыл бұрын
Ultimatum...sorry, I'm a professional proofreader.
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Жыл бұрын
Look at my Sudan Suleiman looks attitude and dress
@phrangborsohkhlet4973 3 жыл бұрын
Murad he respects kosem otherwise one tight slap she will get
@evasadiya8636 2 жыл бұрын
Very Stupid. How can a son slap his mother. How silly of you to open your mouth
@tashfiarahman9600 3 ай бұрын
Exactly ❤
@NomNom2819 19 күн бұрын
8:52 Goosebumpsss!
@birsey886 2 жыл бұрын
Kaçıncı ayna😂. Zavallı aynanı parçalar gergın olduğunda
@hiramahboob3893 3 жыл бұрын
love you Sultan Murad ❤❤❤ and a biG Hate for kosem the traitor
@lasteep 4 ай бұрын
4:46 this guy who made subs... ahaha
@bosbanon3452 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe Sultan want to establish the sharia, no women rule a country like in a hadith about Persian Empire
@kjeldschouten-lebbing6260 3 жыл бұрын
sharia was already established many MANY years before, it was already the foundation of the Ottoman legal system before they reign of suleyman the lawgiver, who codified laws ontop of the sharia. The relationship between ottoman successionlaw and sharia is rather complicated.
@syedabdulwasayqamar6099 3 жыл бұрын
@@kjeldschouten-lebbing6260 j
@casuallyarguments3577 3 жыл бұрын
@hasanzaman9676 3 жыл бұрын
sultan wanted to de-facto ruler he know about kosem conspiracy
@jaisrinivas1195 2 жыл бұрын
Murad is always correct....
@barbiquearea 3 жыл бұрын
Why are Murad's brothers still alive? Didn't Ottoman sultans kill their brothers after taking the throne?
@panachek7722 3 жыл бұрын
I think because his father didn't kill his brother henceforth he continued his father's path
@healthymindwisethinking8783 3 жыл бұрын
@@panachek7722 wait and watch 😂
@AzelVonAzrael 3 жыл бұрын
Kosem ended that law (in the name of her husband, their father)
@casuallyarguments3577 3 жыл бұрын
@@AzelVonAzrael for a time being there was no bloodshed
@shairdilimran9924 3 жыл бұрын
@@AzelVonAzrael She tried to end it but then Osman tore the law apart. Murat didn't kill them out of his own will. Until most of them rebelled. lol.
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Жыл бұрын
Very very nice interior
@joycecabanilla7790 3 жыл бұрын
Evil Kosem
@IstigfarTahajjudDarudrMiracle Жыл бұрын
More evil hurrem
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Жыл бұрын
I live a strict Muslim lifestyle
@karieamelsims4331 2 жыл бұрын
I hate Kosem
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