Three useful tips for the six shooter: 1) If you have explosive mines you can throw them on walls and shoot them to function like 1/2 a C4. Typically you'll want to have a red cannister as well if you want to enough structure dmg to immediately break it. 2) Unless they patched it... if you spam fire before the shooting animation completes it makes it more inaccurate. Which is why you see so many spam fire misses in videos. The shot is going off because they're shooting too fast. The animation is fast... but not spam click fast. The gun is designed to be meant for headshots, you don't need to spam fire. You can look at the jerking shooting animation and see how at times he only hits every other shot. It's because he's clicking 3 times when he should be clicking twice. You can see the shots he hits are when the gun is back in it's default position. 3) Aiming down sights = aim for headshot. Hip firing = aim for center of body. Your first shot should always ideally be a headshot unless close range. The gun was designed for headshots to really shine. Without any headshots it takes 5 shots to kill a Heavy, 4 for a Medium, and 3 for a Light. Each headshot is x2 damage. Having your first shot be a headshot is going to make killing drastically easier. You're better off taking your time to aim and dying, to improve, then to get pressured into spam firing.
@kalebdavis8652 Жыл бұрын
LoL, i know exactly what happened to Poke when He raged at Steam at 17:04, Sometimes, if steam crashes or if you force close it it will Re Open and tab you out. FeelsBadMan
@Alzoryne Жыл бұрын
how are you closing steam off when you’re playing a game on steam?? you can’t close steam without exiting the game first you donkey
@jimmytheslime Жыл бұрын
This is a really fun game
@gwenby_ Жыл бұрын
this shit is like destiny 2 trials but with actual years of improvement and balancing
@SarutoHyuga Жыл бұрын
um actually, it's called a revolver, not a pistol... when you shoot does it revolve or pistel?
@RealCreepaTime Жыл бұрын
"low IQ blender" hahaha
@ARCKRkings Жыл бұрын
I wish there was a 4 player mode
@KatodeDevilus Жыл бұрын
melee in Finals is really hard.
@Alzoryne Жыл бұрын
isn’t just poke. put some respect on JarJars name
@sparklxrd Жыл бұрын
hate to be that guy but "revolver"*
@valcone8071 Жыл бұрын
that game is too much
@BonkersClipsBlips Жыл бұрын
game is good forthe first games , then it turns into a sweat fest , i am a decent player who rarely tryhards , i drop kills easy and on average , game does not like that it puts me with pro fucking no lifers in CASUAL OMFG , CASUAL where I want to have fun No reason to play casual now
@Snulge Жыл бұрын
I really want to like the game because it's super fun to watch but once you play there is so much horrible design decisions varying from the fact that your health bar shows health loss in same colored chunks so sometimes it's super hard to see how hurt you are, to things like landmines and melee being really strong with some of these modes which kill momentum and lead to that boring room camping strat. It's like they want too much for the game in that respect and it doesn't always feel like it fits. If they can get a ton of feed back and implement it the game could be golden.
@UnsoughtLyric Жыл бұрын
Dog I dunno if you need glasses or are colorblind but the health bar absolutely changes color as your health gets lower lol
@Snulge Жыл бұрын
@@UnsoughtLyric I am color blind yes but only tritanope, the health bar changes color when it settles and you stop taking damage, i mean while getting hit, those health chunks that turn to only a slightly different color before going out are terrible, why not have a green health bar and when you get hit the chunk is red and then it goes grey. It's horrid. The game is fairly fast paced, you need to glance at your health and get a quick understanding at what is going on, i have to look at it for a good second.
@Snulge Жыл бұрын
@@DakoIa Could be computer color changes. Either way why is it red changing to a redish purple. Like hello common sense?
@Snulge Жыл бұрын
@@DakoIa Wait wtf why is summits health white. Tritinope color blind mode makes them a different color. Wow i have to turn that off
@Mayorofsexytown1303 Жыл бұрын
Camping is a valid part of the game. The whole game mode is based around attack and defend. If your team is lacking destruction abilities then you are going to have a hard time with a team that has a good defense set up. That is why destruction is such an integral part of the game. They cant camp if you blow the room up.
@jacobwhicker8423 Жыл бұрын
Why keep lying to your teammates? Like i get the joking around stuff, but literally every time you did something to yourself like goo yourself into a corner it was like second nature for you.. do you tell bs stories on the reg? Also maybe drop the revolver i swear it don't shoot where you aim or something
@yngdo3867 Жыл бұрын
try the throwing knives bro lmao
@pap1140 Жыл бұрын
You act like summits reading this, your so delusional.
@HoddieNinja2231 Жыл бұрын
*Runs off the side of a building* they pushed me off the edge