Lory 謝謝你! 有空請你也評一下Michael Hudson 的Super Imperialism; Michael Parenti 的Against Empire US 和Chalmers Johnson的 Nemesis: Last days of American Republic.全是談美偉大民主的作為!🙏🙏 0:05
@loreychan9483 Жыл бұрын
希望有中文書啦 因為英文我看得好慢
@Goodbless30 Жыл бұрын
華人亞洲人對民主一知半解,一竅不通。民主不單是指選舉,民主包括新聞自由,政府決策過程公開,言論自由宗教自由結社自由,最重要是有 Rule of law 的法治社會,權力不受控制的專制獨裁,沒有三權分立的制度才是一國社會的災難
We will join your subscription in 2 months. Totally agreed that Democracy has it biggest flaw: The masses or the average cannot lead due to our inability. i.e. I cannot even qualify to be a receptionist because I am not trained for it. I wonder how Trudeau who is trained as a primary school teacher can qualify to be a country leader when he absolutely cannot be a CEO of any major corporations. Where is the common sense if this?