Super Comdey... Santhanam...🎉🎉👍👍👍👍 stand-up comedian....👍👍👍👍
@allaahthedivinetruthallaah193 жыл бұрын
my beloved friend 🙁 how are you ? my beloved 🙁 i want to reveal a universal truth to you 🙁 my beloved friend i love you and respect you 🙁 please be kind enough to think sincerely to your minds and accept the universal truth i am going to reveal the truth with solid proofs from your own scriptures and other scriptures as well some people worship senseless LIFELESS helpless and most importantly powerless idols in the forms of buddha,krishna,raam,shiva,vishnu jesus and etc that are totally go against even the teachings of their scriptures and considered them as their saviors and Gods, without even following the commandments and the teachings of them which is very illogical i must say 😞 after deep researches and investigations done on comparative religions i personally accepted islam in order to worship almighty God(ALLAAH in arabic quran , pronounced as ELLOH in hebrew bible and addressed as God universally ) of the worlds that has been prophesied even in hindu scriptures, buddhist scriptures in the bible and the most amazing thing fact is, all these scriptures never contradict with the teachings of the quran or with the quality of the one true God that has been prophesied in the holy quran too!! !! please see this videos my beloved friend, is this the quality of the Gods you worship ???????? open your eyes !! come on !! we are not in the path of truth rather you are indulging in beliefs that are based on myths thus you are unable to find your final destination !! my beloved friend lets get together and study your thripitake, veda , bagawathgeetha , upanishad, rigved,bible and all the other religious scriptures including al quran !! let us see the messages and instructions that has been prophesied in them !!! for a instance if we look into the hindu scrptures (bagawathgeetha.veda,upanishad and rigved) the scriptures that are considered to be over 4000 YEARS old !!and also they are considered as the most sacred scriptures among hindus!! following are the few lines where these scriptures confirm about the unique qualities of God(ALLAAH in arabic,ELLOH inhebrew and addressed as God universally) 1. "Ekam evadvitiyam" meaning " He is one only without a second [Chandoya upanishad 6:2:1] 2."Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah" meaning "of him there are neither parents nor lord." [Svetasvatara upanishad 6:9] 3."Na tasya pratima asti"meaning "there is no likeness of him." [Svetasvatara upanishad 4:19] 4."Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam" meaning "his form is not to be seen;no one sees him with the eye." [svetasvatara upanishad 4:20] brahma sutra of hinduisum"Ekam brahm,dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan" which means "there is only one God,not the second;not at all ,not at all ,not in the least bit." we all humans are supposed to be worshiping only one true almighty God !! the God that has been prophesied by all the messengers of God time to time at different periods of time !!rather than worshiping senseless LIFELESS helpless and most importantly powerless idols and weak humans in the name of God!!! 😞 i love you my beloved friend and if you want to gain a peaceful, joyful life i mean in this world as well as in the eternal life that each and everyone is compulsorily bound to be facing,, or else surely we had neglected the main purpose of our life in this world and most surely we all would be too late when we realize our mistake 😞 i love you my beloved friend😞 think wisely and act upon sincerely to your mind !! rather than indulging in false beliefs that even contradict the teaching of all the religious scriptures as well 🙁
@allaahthedivinetruthallaah193 жыл бұрын
yes my beloved brother !! each and every conveyor of the God's message has prophesied about the unique quality of the unique god !! i mean in almost all the scriptures contains the remnants of the the unique qualities of one true almighty God even though they have been changed time to time and similarly the final and the last revelation of God that was revealed to messenger muhammad nearly 1500 years ago and by God's will still remain in its pure form !! as God has promised in the quran in surah 15:9 "Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian." for its the last and the final revelation that was mend to the whole of humanity and this quran too crystal clearly emphasize the unique qualities of almighty God in just four sentences (ALLAAH in arabic ,Eloh in hebrew and addressed as God in other languages ) surah 112:1 in the name of God the most gracious and the most merciful Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
@Ezhilbanu3 жыл бұрын
@@allaahthedivinetruthallaah19 what is this lengthy dialogue.. boring very boring ...