Supergirl Season 6 Proves SuperCorp Should Have Been The Core Of The Series

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With Supergirl looking to wrap up with Season 6. I take a look back at how SuperCorp (Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor) were the power relationship the series needed to be more dynamic. Melissa Benoist and Katie McGrath have given us 6 seasons of their A game and deserved to be a well written endgame
#Supercorp #Supergirl #Kara #Lena #SEN

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@othBBfan 3 жыл бұрын
The season 6 supercorp scenes have kind of been infuriating because it's like: we could have been having this the entire time! These two are perfect partners and this season has shown that and i do agree that certain dramas they ran into in seasons 2 to 5 could have had such great extra layers to them if the show explicitly stated at least one of them had romantic feelings for each other. Instead the writers told us we were crazy for seeing subtext and are now using some of the same lines and actions for Lex and Nyxly but somehow when Lex makes Nyxly a suit to save her and tells her "then I met you" it's romantic. While when Lena did the same it was platonic. Smh. Also: while i think the start to dansen wasn't organic for me they've shown that they are good match for each other and I love the adorable little girl that they are adopting. That said it doesn't need to be either or. In real life there can be more than just two queer people in a friend group or family. TV can do it too(see: Batwoman)
@ariah.7899 3 жыл бұрын
Wait did Lena say to Kara “then I met you”?
@othBBfan 3 жыл бұрын
@@ariah.7899 yes. In 5x07 when she confesses to Kara about what she'd been up to all season she says that when she originally came to National City she'd sworn to "never trust anyone again but then i met you and you chipped away at my armor with your warmth and earnestness and convinced to me to believe in people and friendship again against my better judgment." It was the gayest thing she'd said since 6 episodes before when she complained that "Supergirl broke my heart" but the writers say we're crazy for seeing anything romantic in that so you can imagine why i cursed at my tv when I heard Lex tell Nyxly "then I met you" last week. The fact that this Lex/Nyxly story was paralleled with Kara trusting Lena to save her humanity and getting her to do it by telling Lena to focus on the love of her new "family"(i.e. Kara and Kara's found family) just makes it even more frustrating.
@ariah.7899 3 жыл бұрын
@@othBBfan omg I forgot about that!!! Ughhhh this is so frustrating
@PoxyBear 2 жыл бұрын
@@othBBfan It's also the way she said it. The pause and head lean, "...then I met you." The pain and hurt because got in by being warm and kind. Just watched the episode again last night working through S5 again.
@Montesama314 3 жыл бұрын
The relationship has been beautiful this past season to the point I'm almost wondering what season 5 was even for if NOT to end up romantic. I watched the show pretty much for Katie and Melissa's scenes since season 2.
@AnaGBSA 3 жыл бұрын
supercorp has gotten more and more romantic as the episodes pass by, you have to be really oblivious or ignorant to not be able to see it. thank you for your video, it sums up pretty much the feelings of the biggest part of the fandom.
@TriniLiyah 3 жыл бұрын
They’re so great!! #supercorp Since S2 when they first met it felt like star crossed lovers and they had major chemistry. Lena was only supposed to be a 3 episode arch but she carried this show with Kara for nearly its whole existence after she debuted, they had to keep her. The 100 epi being all about changing the world to see how it would effect everything if she and Lena never met or when she told Lena her identity? Romantic. Definitely a more interesting storyline than MonEl and Kara. He was always so dismissive, rude and down right lame. He was indeed her Kryptonite…whereas Lena is her yellow sun. (I say all this with no offense to Chris Wood personally of course). It was really all there all along for supercorp. It was almost like they were writing a story that in the end in flash backs they were there and each other’s person all along. Granted they’re best friends but they’re dating!!! I don’t look at or interact with my best friend like that. I feel like there were many moments all along that their relationship could have chance to sexual/romantic but something happened, or someone interfered like Lena going to Kara to seek her advice or blessing about dating James…was she looking for a blessing or for Kara to finally speak her peace? And in the episode was J’onn disguised as Kara. What would the real Kara have said? Shoot her shot? There are so many times like that. Even Lex pushed them apart. But they’re definitely OTP, meant to be. I hope in the final episode CW steps up. Alex being made to be a lesbian was definitely a diversion that didn’t really work for the people who could clearly see the subtext between Kara and Lena once Lena appeared. There is nothing wrong with having Kara be pan or bi. And people who think a people who can have babies using a birthing matrix didn’t have same sex couples are cray cray lol ok my rant over! Great vid.
@changeizrewl8687 3 жыл бұрын
@albatross6093 3 жыл бұрын
YES to everything
@adelinepulenyane8590 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you. And that "welcome back Kara" episode! If my friend looked at me the way Lena looked at Kara just before they hugged, there's no way that I wouldn't interpret that as romantic feelings. Even the way looked at her post the hug. My friends don't look at me that way
@charlesdurham1972 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched Supergirl since season one, and your analysis of Supercorp is spot on what I’ve felt.
@xialyra 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything like yeah supercorp is THE ship and I really hope the writers did something good with them in the series finale. Also reign yeah she deserved better
@Tash84 3 жыл бұрын
SUPERCORP should be endgame! their chemistry, the story build up between them. and also how the show writes, directs and edits them, makes them look like love interests! they fight for each other, trust each other with their lives and protect each other! now in S6 they shared so many intimate & amazing scenes! Showed their love for each other without saying the 3 words! We all are waiting for the kiss and the love confession! If they are not allowed to be a couple, although they make each other so happy, then it's homophobia & queerbait!
@JehutySeven 3 жыл бұрын
Watch them pull a Legend of Korra and have them be a couple in the last 10 seconds
@rovaughncampbell3062 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I wish
@clarkkent1680 3 жыл бұрын
Lmao,Kara and Lena both straight characters and Kara will go to the future at the end with Mon-El or Argo,and you will see this yourself on November 9
@daniella7107 3 жыл бұрын
@@clarkkent1680 melissa confirmed shes staying on earth with the superfriends
@LilianaC8927 3 жыл бұрын
it's so fucked that at this point that's viewed as the best possible outcome, considering LoK was about a decade ago, and aimed at a younger audience. That said I would take a Korrasami ending.
@olivia4490 3 жыл бұрын
@@daniella7107 don't bother. This person is on every supercorp video saying the same shit over and again for years. Literally obsessed.
@joshuarobertson8866 3 жыл бұрын
Lena wasn't introduced in season 1 she only came into the picture in season 2. The emotional core of the show to me has always been first and foremost Kara and Alex's sisterhood. Kara and Lena are however the strongest thing next to Kara and Alex except with the edge of them not being sisters and having great romantic chemistry. I feel Kara and Lena being a couple would have made the show way bigger to be honest.
@TwistedTeaRex 2 жыл бұрын
Don't get me wrong, I like Kelly as a character and actress and all... but on the subject of Reign being the best DC CW villain, (I agree) she also (as Sam) would have made a WONDERFUL romantic partner for Alex. There was a lot of chemistry in their few scenes together, and Alex was wanting a kid... I think Ruby would have loved to have a little sister. Bruh imagine how much harder that season would have gone if not only was it Ruby's mom but also Alex's fiancée that was trapped inside an evil villain strong enough to beat Supergirl... just sayin'.
@miliperez2137 3 жыл бұрын
I've been shipping them since season two and I think that one of the saddest things about them not being canon from the beggining is that the chemistry between Melissa and Katie was wasted. They have one of the strongest chemistry that I saw in the Arrowverse, and everyone can see it in their scenes together. They are amazing actresses and Is so sad that the producers didn't try to give a chance to the relationship of Kara and Lena before this last season 'cause they would have delivered perfect scenes. Even if DC do in the future another adaptation of Lena and Kara as a couple, I don't think they will match the chemistry that Melissa and Katie had Now I'm just hoping that they do at least a finale like Korrasami. It's sad 'cause we are in 2021 and we shouldnt have to be asking to have the best couple on the show together in the last seconds but since this is the CW, we should also expect for them to be the biggest queerbait since Clexa (and maybe even more than them!)
@lilenimollinedo4380 2 жыл бұрын
What I would love right now is that CW create a Supercorp show and give us what fans want. I mean it was so obvious. They belong together. They were the most romantic, amazing and beautiful couples. Even if CW says the opposite
@LilianaC8927 3 жыл бұрын
Holy Shit, thank you so much for speaking up on this, so many have said things in suport of supercorp and the potential only to be called names and it's so validating to see more people recognize how romantically coded Kara and Lena have been and what a game changer they could have been if the network and showrunners weren't cowards! I went into the show having heard of "supercorp" and expected it to be another one of those fanships people read too much into, but boy was I wrong. Their first meeting, and I instantly saw what everyone meant, the chemistry was crackling. The more I thought about how empowering a Luthor and a "Super" together would be the more I hoped that they were ballsy enough to actually go there, but sadly it seems they intend to let a huge gold mine and huge potential go to waste in the sake of not stirring the boat and having their lead character have a lackluster ending to her story. Personally I'm just going to run with an idea I saw on twitter by another fan: Lena and Kara started dating somewhere around s6 and they just forgot to tell us. The only thing keeping me sane about this fucked up situation is seeing all the reviewers and fans call them out on their queerbaiting bs in hopes this doesn't happen again in the future, or if it does people are able to recognize the pattern and maybe get a different outcome then what is happening atm with Supergirl.
@sundawg911 3 жыл бұрын
It sad that CW won't allow the show go full on especially with LGBTQ content. I think the writing and stories this show could have told by having Supercorp be canon would have greatly helped with the development of the show and the storytelling. I am not an avid watcher but as soon as they introduced Lena Luthor, she was a great addition because the dynamic of the show changed for the better. Kara finally had someone that was on her playing field. The betrayal would have been a perfect change for them to go into a romantic relationship because it really did not make sense that for 4 seasons Lena did not know the truth. It would have added so much meaning as to why Kara did not tell Lena for so long. Unfortunately they have not fully utilized the relationship because if Lena was male, you know that the producer's and studio would have been pushing them to change their friendship into a romance especially with the fanbase rooting for them. I just think of Gossip Girl and how fans pushed for Chuck and Blair and they got them (even though they were a terribly toxic relationship which I cannot believe it happened). In the end I cannot wait for Katie to get a lead role in something. She is such a good actor and happy to continue to support her since Merlin.
@joshuarobertson8866 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's the CW since there is Batwoman. It's either the writers or DC who don't want it.
@PoxyBear 2 жыл бұрын
You and Abnormally Adam should do a Supercorp rant together. It would be epic, funny, but also really good analysis. Another Supergirl series without Melissa and Katie wouldn't work. Their chemistry together is what makes Supercorp come alive IMHO.
@TwistedTeaRex 2 жыл бұрын
Seeing Kara and Lena's undeniable chemistry for five seasons has been an absolute rollercoaster. They have been romantically coded for most of their screentime together, even when they were fighting. If only the writers of the show and some of the people who say "tHeY aRe jUsT fRiEnDs" (who absolutely know romantic chemistry and subtext in other couples on TV) didn't go full on Birdbox during the pLeThOrA of SuperCorp scenes... you know the ones with flowers, dinner dates, longing staring, balconies, heartfelt confessions, knick of time bridal carry rescues, multi-billion dollar purchases, lip bites, eye séx, and of course willingness to sacrifice themselves or the entire world for eachother... you know, jUsT bEsT fRiEnD sTuFf. It would almost be funny if it weren't so God damned heartbreaking.
@keylianrivera2334 3 жыл бұрын
There is something in this ship that makes you get too involved and it is that they are seen with implicit adoration throughout season 6 to demonstrate that Lena is Kara's humanity, in season two while the karamel arose, Lena was Kara's lois lane, the person for whom the hero is selfish and does not want to lose her, in season three we saw how Lena clung to Kara and how Supergirl doubted (One person two different people) in the fourth season it was the other way around there it was Supergirl and Kara leaving Lena long and for the S5 all that season is focused on them they were fought but still they kept coming back to them like a magnet it is incredible the amount of parallels that these two have with all the arrogant add that that chapter 100 which marks the trajectory of the series is centered on them. Shipping them is frustrating because you see it, they say it, they mention it with subtexts they act like a couple but they don't call you disappointing because they don't like each other and the definition is "they haven't even kissed." Nobody knows if it will be canon but what if it is known that this may turn out to be the greatest queebarting of the cw very good video and ship analysis
@WhyAreWeAwake 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, honestly, the hard thing will be wondering how long before we see that level of on-screen chemistry between two actors somehow also coupled with a surrounding narrative that rich. The complexity of trying to fall in love with the history built into the story was so loaded going in. I love what we got, but it made the waste so glaring. Next version of this, make their dynamic central and let the conflicts get deeper in terms of worldviews. You do not get chances like this to tell a story everyday. If you find a playlist from the Spanish language show with the ship named Juliantina, that is the wlw ship that was as strong as this one. And they did amazing stuff and recognized it. Cosima/Delphine on Orphan Black also strong af, but not as much tenderness and real friendship except at a few major breakthrough points.
@MarianaSilva-ze3fq 3 жыл бұрын
Supercorp endgame is everything we want..
@pelu68 3 жыл бұрын
Reign had a lot of potential but the only thing that the CW Supergirl has is consistency in their mediocre writing. I'm 100% confused in what's the angle with Kara and Lena, I'll wait till the end for confirmation if the writers are plain stupid or had creative restrictions from executives of DC.
@riaali9429 3 жыл бұрын
I dont believe anyone is obligated to ship it. Ppl can ship what they want. It doesnt bother me. But if you watch their scenes and pretend like this dynamic is written with no romantic undertones at all. You're extremely tone deaf💀 they've directly copied clark/louis scenes and other canon couples in the arrowverse. i dont watch the show consistently at all and stumbled upon these two online. Needless to say I was very confused on what their relationship was supposed to be🤣 I still love them though I only peek at this show to watch them tbh
@MunroMcLaren 3 жыл бұрын
A crack ship is pairing characters together who have never interacted with each other. Supercorp is not a crack ship. Antis are pretty dense when it comes to that.
@o.8.p149 2 жыл бұрын
Like I don’t think super girl needed to be made sexuality swapped but this should have been the couple
@jm14409 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with you man, Kara and Lena should be together, great video 👍
@tgflux 2 жыл бұрын
Probably a hundred other comments saying "Lena was intro'd in S2".
@NoneofURBiz297 3 жыл бұрын
Agree. My favorite season was season 3, however, season 4 was good with Jon Cryer as Lex Luthor. After that it was too much Lex. Reign is still my favorite SG villain 🦹🏻‍♀️. By far, that fight with her and SG was epic! The best fight ever, even better than the one she had with Kal-El
@oscarcastillo5907 3 жыл бұрын
Good video Bro Supercorp is Endgame
@amana5802 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, great video! It's really hard to find straight men who thinks they would be a good match together! Thanks for talking about it respectfully! I hope the show makes them canon 🥰
@pagano60 3 жыл бұрын
IMO, the big reason to pair Kara/Supergirl and Lena romantically is because Lena is acted by Katie McGrath, who has been playing Lena as though she were in love with Kara for most of the series. I don't know anything about Katie McGrath's personal life, but Katie-as-Lena gives off a strong gay vibe on the show. If Katie-as-Lena didn't set off a lot of viewers' gaydars, I doubt that Supercorp would have the large, fervent following it does. So, if - as Sen speculates - a later iteration of "Supergirl" ever decided to canonically pair Kara and Lena romantically, and they hired two hetero-vibing actresses who came across as gay-for-pay, I don't think such a coupling would garner as intense a fanbase as Supercorp has acquired these past five years.
@svendie-gramm1378 3 жыл бұрын
What's incredibly interesting about Katie's portrayal of Lena Luthor is that she DIDN'T even see the gay undertones in the script. Her mindset, when it came to Lena Luthor, was that she wasn't gay-coded, and I'd trust her judgement considering she's played several wlw roles. However, when she looked at those scenes once more, she realized how they've essentially (and possibly, accidentally) made the characters gay-coded due to the actresses' natural chemistry. Being a 3-episode character, Lena Luthor became a series regular purely out of Katie's and Melissa's doing. I'm sure the writers and producers didn't think Lena would be a quintessential character in the long run but they saw the scenes and ran with it. My favorite part about this is that Mon-El could've been in Lena Luthor's place. If they treated his character with more care and detail, he could've been the perfect hetero romantic partner for Kara (since James kinda blew it when he went whiny as Guardian). So the fact that they chucked off one of the biggest romantic prospects in the show... the only person that is literally available (in the superfriends) is Lena fucking Luthor. THEY gave her the biggest character arcs in the show-- enough to rival the character shifts of the main lead, Kara. From Seasons 3 up to 6, they made her more hands-on in both plot and character development. That has to mean something or they're literally destroying the biggest potential the show has had to offer.
@pagano60 3 жыл бұрын
@@svendie-gramm1378 - I get the idea that the show wanted to do more with Mon-El as Kara's love interest - using the mismatched-duo-to-lovers trope - but the writers went so overboard in making the characters' relationship toxic that it alienated a lot of viewers, who though that Kara would be better off without him. (After exploring a romance between Kara and James in Season 1, the producers decided that such a relationship wouldn't be dramatic enough to heat up the show and made the characters just friends.) I also understand that after Lena was made a regular on the series, showrunner Andrew Kreisberg was going to make her the irredeemable Big Bad for at least one future season. But after he was forced out of the show on sexual-harassment charges, the new showrunners rewrote his storylines, giving us the character arcs we now see.
@alejandraortiz1636 3 жыл бұрын
Except that Kara several times has been caught watching Lena's boobs lmol
@ci.9016 3 жыл бұрын
@@alejandraortiz1636 I can't blame her
@angelagibson8248 3 жыл бұрын
Nah it’s also the writing, why parallel them so closely to other canon couples? Like you can play someone romantic and if the chemistry and writing isn’t there then the viewer won’t grasp it. Kara is constantly treating Lena like Clark treats Lois. People related that to romance… meanwhile they wrote Mon-el in as an assh-le and how can you compare him to Lois, Iris or felicity who are all nothing but supportive. Kara needed a supportive partner which is why season 1 Jimmy worked but they dropped him and proceeded to make him stand-offish too. Lena was written to play the part of die-hard believer in Kara. Supergirl hide her secret from her like Superman did with Lois… people saw and heard the lines and no matter how hard Chris played Mon-el romantically people liked the idea of Lena better.
@inflocentproductions8335 2 жыл бұрын
PREACH. I miss them :(
@vanlis9 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU FOR THIS HOLY SHIT literally took the words right out of my mouth
@betalupa8197 2 жыл бұрын
Its funny because my sister never wach supergirl but when she see some's of lena and kara klip on youtube she thought they are a couple Kara and lena chemistry is just freaking funtastic even a dumbest person like my sister can see it
@OzTheMexican 3 жыл бұрын
Supergirl and Horse. True relationship goals.
@adityaparihar5916 3 жыл бұрын
Personally, S4 was the best thing supergirl ever did and it was redemption for a character like lex luthor who was previously badly portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg ....
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
John Cryer absolutely crushed it as Lex and was the best thing about season 4.
@OMAOILRIAN 3 жыл бұрын
Lena didn't show up until Season 2. I like what you're thinking about though.
@AdeleMoravcov 2 жыл бұрын
The TEA! and Im sad :(
@p0rnany0ne 3 жыл бұрын
Speaking of another universe They really dropped the ball with the 100th episode They couldn’t have one scenario where Lena and Kara were a couple? That’s some bs
@RedisNotaFlavor 3 жыл бұрын
bro, respect still watching Supergirl. I think I dipped 2 seasons ago. 😂 I need to pick it back up on Netflix.
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
LMAO same, I dipped after season 3 then took some time after Superman and Lois to catch up
@WhyAreWeAwake 3 жыл бұрын
Good choice tbh. Way better as a casual binge than a weekly show
@joshuarobertson8866 3 жыл бұрын
@@Blerdcalibur Ironically I think season 4 is Supergirl's best written season plot wise , it plays like a novel with a three act structure with building twists and Lex's introduction was done well. Season 5 however was trash 😂 and undid all of that and season 6 has been meh but watchable.
@themevrouwdewi 3 жыл бұрын
You woke up, decided to record facts on video and upload them to KZbin.
@steffisal 3 жыл бұрын
Reign is the best villain... or could have been for the Arrowverse. 💯 on that one Alex being lesbian was out of left field and personally was uncalled for, also shoehorned the show and the character for seasons. Don't get me wrong, I'm like Captain Jack Sparrow and love proposals and weddings, but it's the truth. You telling me you couldn't have made her an independent superhero mom since we are just inventing random stuff now? 🤷 Some dude had to say 'no means no' like Ricky J somewhere along the ladder for SuperCorp not to happen and the pisser is not knowing who despite the actors having hyperkyphosis for carrying the show like Atlas for 4 seasons while being forced to bait an audience for much longer. I'm straight, but you don't do those things with friends, you just don't 🔴 means nonplatonic. *It's once in a lifetime you get chemistry like that on screen*, to not take it around the track is a film travesty. Supergirl in the comics is such an indecisive schmuck when it comes to love and has every excuse to be bi or pan -sexual and still have enough mojo for the heteros, but on top of that the show is an adaptation, one that literally tore up the majority of Supergirl and then pulled an Eminem spat on the onion rings and served it to the masses (it's not meant to be verbatim) so who cares? The Lithuanian in me would call it kvailas cause that's what the inaction is in it's entirety, stupid.
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
Someone said she broke up with her first girlfriend because she wanted to be a mom "5 years ago"
@steffisal 3 жыл бұрын
@@Blerdcalibur That's true, but Alex's foundation of wanting a child came from S1 and it wasn't until S2 with no rationale explanation as to why that they made Alex gay came in. I believe--and I think the majority of original watchers that dipped believe--baby was stuck in the corner because Alex was magically gay, portraying a image that one needs a relationship to be a successful mother and then filled the gay quota making the true story--SuperCorp--that everyone (except the homophobes) wanted to watch unlikely to happen due to proportionality. It sucks, but it's true.
@adityaparihar5916 3 жыл бұрын
Lena was introduced in S2 tho ......
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
Your absolutely right she was the replacement for Max after the CBS move
@adityaparihar5916 3 жыл бұрын
@@Blerdcalibur wait what!? I didn't know that , Maxwell lord was one of my favourite parts about s1 😞
@expeditopaz 3 жыл бұрын
@@Blerdcalibur in fact Max's replacement as a main villain wasn't Lena, but Lillian, her evil mother, and that whole Cadmus plot. Lena back there was a kind of grey character, but her chemistry with Kara turn her for good and a fan favourite.
@albatross6093 3 жыл бұрын
Y’all I WISH we could get the bare minimum with something like a Korrasami ending but I have a feeling they might make her end up with Mon el 😭😭 Like remember everytime we have a little hope for something small we always get the opposite lmao 💀💀
@MUSIBE 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more 💔
@void_kitsune9381 3 жыл бұрын
Supergirl is the second best arrowverse tv show in the moment the best being Superman and Lois
@HealingInsideMyMind 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve always thought that the Supergirl writers were homophobic
@stephaniehart5846 2 жыл бұрын
I am not a SuperCorp fan but everything you say is LEGIT! #Sanvers was endgame, and was a waste the way they handled that. Supergirl was good for season 1-3, then it sucked but I watched hoping for a better LGBTQ situation. I would have been a fan of SuperCorp if they had it. I feel for the Fandom.
@christheyanaho7915 3 жыл бұрын
Not gonna brag about Sanvers but Kelly is a total match to Alex the SGCW just didn't make this Relationship show off it's potential i love Dansen so much🥺 like they have here S5 and tackle about their relationship but they decided to tackle about it for the Final season like😃 tf? You okay sgcw?
@tochibo0015 3 жыл бұрын
Im not that attached to dansen but it is okay for me maybe becasue the show didnt properly deliver their story
@christheyanaho7915 3 жыл бұрын
@@tochibo0015 right? They deserve so much better
@iwillroam 2 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with you. It was a solid bad move not to make something of it. CW is not good at writing interpersonal relationships.
@mariaelenagarciamolero1437 2 жыл бұрын
I have to agree with you, to me the best seasons where the first 3 and the 5th had a lot of potencial with the reveal of her identity but I think that a lot of the trouble at least for me was the fact that the moved the rest of the seasons about Lex being the villian, it was all about Lex and it was annoyin, don't get me wrong John Cryer killed it as Lex Luthor but it felt like he was the whole focus. Since the moment Lena was introduced you could see the chemistry between both characters and it was awful how they just teased it and never did anything. About Alex I do love her but after Maggie I feel the character lacking, to me her best relationship was Maggie and I honestly think they had more chemistry, no hate to Kelly but I felt more love towards Alex and Maggie. Look why couldn't Kara been queer too? who says there's only one queer kid per family? She's an alien from a world where they didn't depended on sex for reproduction and marriage was mostly for connections between houses, so who's to say she can't be bi or pan? While I do love Mon-El's growth by the end, I never got into them as couple cause he was an ass to her from day one, an entitled asshole who treated her like crap. On the other hand you had Kara and Lena that while there was that secret they were there for each other and had so much more chemistry and their scenes were beautiful. I mean come on! the 100th episode was about their relationship! Oh and yeah Reign was the best villian of the show, Red Daughter was interesting but was lacking in the end her whole story
@vaneguerra 3 жыл бұрын
Spot on dude, hope they deliver SC at the end.
@kristeandreatujague7016 3 жыл бұрын
THIS. Well said sir. Been watching since season 1. 💕
@olivia4490 3 жыл бұрын
I agree this might end korrasami style and it's gonna piss me tf off
@8831camila 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like it's gonna be a new series of Supergirl on HBO, what If Supercorp happens there ? It's will be very interest 😏 (I know Melissa and Kate will not going replace the roles anymore in this new show)
@MunroMcLaren 3 жыл бұрын
Season 4 was dope.
@elsafowl 3 жыл бұрын
Yep the best seasons for me !!
@nizolierocks 3 жыл бұрын
Supercorp the only reason i watch. Melissa and Katie are electric together. The network are cowards.
@Montesama314 3 жыл бұрын
Zoom is in my top three Arrowverse villains as well, Reign was about as good.
@MunroMcLaren 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video!
@MunroMcLaren 3 жыл бұрын
To be fair, Alex and Kelly has been built up since mid Season 4. They finally got together in Season 5 and now they’re getting married!
@void_kitsune9381 3 жыл бұрын
Lena and winn are the best characters from supergirl but Eve and kara are a in third and fourth place for me
@tgflux 2 жыл бұрын
Winn? Really? Not Brainy and Nia? Not Alex, as the other half of the Danvers Sisters? Okay...
@iswaryav3130 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for pinpointing all the points that we've been telling for past years ❤️
@terrancehall9762 3 жыл бұрын
at least they give us dansen. thank god for wildmoore on batwoman
@karlaquintana9143 3 жыл бұрын
Sir, i don't know you but i love you already
@maxchavez6870 3 жыл бұрын
Personally,I think Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin had more chemistry than Barry and Iris and I think that they would have been a good couple.I haven't watched any of the CW stuff that came out the last 2 or 3 year's tho so IDK also I never really got pulled into Supergirl or Legend's of Tomorrow.
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
Barry x Kara Barry x Patty Barry x Felicity Barry x Kaitlyn All of these are better than Barry and Iris
@jordansmith3198 3 жыл бұрын
@@Blerdcalibur literally.all of them should have happened fr except Barry and Kara. They should have tried something and decided to stay best buddies 😂. Barry should not have let patty leave like that. And Caitlin should have shot her shot.
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
@@jordansmith3198 man when Barry let Patty go I was like "you fool" that was a woman worth leaving the city for. She was cool with him being Flash and supported him. They also vibed so well together
@tgflux 2 жыл бұрын
I disagree w/ your narrow definition of "ship". It's any relationship, canon or not. What you're talking about, non-canon ships, are either defined as non-canon, or I've also heard as "fanon" or sometimes "crack ships".
@franciscrocombe 3 жыл бұрын
I think if the writer(s) changed their mind on Alex and made Kara Bi then the whole supercorp thing would flourish after Mon-el. Instead I'm hanging on for the last episode hoping for something to happen.
@BidFam 3 жыл бұрын
You speak TRUTH!
@HaHa-cj9yd 2 жыл бұрын
@void_kitsune9381 3 жыл бұрын
I love kara and Lena as friends but I don't ship they are a romantic couple to me I don't remember a scene who they fell romantic attraction for one or other
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
You spat straight facts on all your comments and I do see why most people don't want to ship them but it's always been the chemistry the actors bring to the table when they have to bring the emotions that makes me want them to end up together since they're characters are essentially what the other needs
@METerrell 2 жыл бұрын
No it shouldn't. The core of the series was set in season 1 with Kara and Alex.
@ravenscrew4315 2 жыл бұрын
We can't have both?
@twilight604 3 жыл бұрын
LMAO seriously? SC is majorly toxic and wake me when they write Kara as actually being bisexual or a lesbian, cause that lives only in SC stans imagination's
@clarkkent1680 3 жыл бұрын
Lol,Kara and Lena both straight characters,Melissa(Kara) in new interview called Kara’s relationship with Lena-sisterhood…and in the final episode Kara will go to the future or Argo,I’m pretty sure
@fernandaferreira-yp1jl 3 жыл бұрын
you are like a parrot going around finding people outside the fandom to use ur little copy paste. you are stalking instagram accs, verified twitter accs, people who wrote articles and now youtubers that are acknowledging the fact that supercorp should have been canon ages ago just because you are homophobic and dont wanna see it. you totally search for supercorp stuff ur entire day to do things like this. kind of a sad pathetic life if u ask me. chill out, bro.
@jm14409 3 жыл бұрын
Oh you pretty sure bro? i guess you haven't read Melissa recent interview with EW then :)
@clarkkent1680 3 жыл бұрын
@@jm14409 lol,I read Melissa interview and you will see that yourself on November 9:)
@clarkkent1680 3 жыл бұрын
@@fernandaferreira-yp1jl It's just funny to me with such stup*d people, that's why I'm writing these messages, to any adequate person, it's obvious that both characters are straight, but if you're clowns, it's worse for you, since on November 9 you'll all cry, and we'll enjoy it, you'll get for all those death threats to actors that you sent, racism, etc
@fernandaferreira-yp1jl 3 жыл бұрын
@@clarkkent1680 and you are still lying. Under the comments off a pro supercorp video you found out sooner than supercorp fans. Because you are obsessed and homophobic.
@zerofudou5689 3 жыл бұрын
Wow trying to force two canonically straight characters to be gay. This show can't end sooner. Two things, one Lena wasn't a character in season 1, second the actresses who play Kara and Lena openly opposed the KaraxLena ship they have been against it since it blown up amongst the LGBTQ fandom.
@Blerdcalibur 3 жыл бұрын
That's why it's called shipping bud and I stated over and over again it's a personal opinion. No one is trying to force anything
@alejandraortiz1636 3 жыл бұрын
force? Like did you see the 100 ep? The only thing force in the show is their friendship they should be a romantic couple long ago and tha f*cking network must stop the queerbating, friendship stories are not written the way they have written Kara and Lena. Kara: So my office is overflowing with flowers Lena: Really? *both giggles at each other And making parallels with other couples dialogues of the arrowverse? Lena: Well, Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero Iris: The Flash may be the city’s hero, but you, Barry Allen, you’re my hero In the last season Kara is so sad and crying in front of Alex saying she doesn´t want to be alone anymore and one episode later Kara feels happy and hopeful while eating pie with Lena, and I'm not saying it whimsically, it is literal the dialogue of the villain who does not understand why she feels like this when she should feel miserable because she lost the totem
@tea6306 3 жыл бұрын
Both actresses are in support of them as a couple, but have said they just don't believe it will happen. Katie actually states Mellissa was the 1st person to show her a supercorp meme. I was able to binge this show when I 1st started watching & there are key moments throughout that allude to potential relationship or are direct parallels of other couples on the show/the OG Lois/Clark themselves. There's nothing wrong with calling out the weirdness of it b/c why do it at all lol. It's weird lol
@clarkkent1680 3 жыл бұрын
@@tea6306 lmao,Melissa never supported this s*it,she called Kara’s relationship with Lena is sisterhood
@alejandraortiz1636 3 жыл бұрын
@@clarkkent1680 the truth is that Melissa never specified names, she only said that relationships btw women in the show were sisterhood, friendship AND romantic and from that no clear conclusion can be drawn
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